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十月底 late October










军阀 militarist

保密 keep a secret

以某人名义 in one’s honour

端正地站着 stand squarely

浓雾 a dense fog

摸索着向前 grope one’s way toward

摸索着前进 grope one’s way

又紧张又着急 tense and anxious

开花(长叶) come forth/come out

来来往往 to and fro

无法知道 have no way of knowing

折磨某人,使某人痛苦 prey upon sb.

身心疲惫 a deep languor

无言的呼喊 wordless cry

一个重要的日子 an eventful day

微微仰着的脸 an upturned face

模糊的预感到 guess vaguely

出海 at sea

感情上的激烈斗争 passionate struggle

迥然不同 the immeasurable contrast

攻击 strike out

伸冤 to redress the injustices it had suffered

丑八怪 ugly monster

百家争鸣 let a hundred schools of thought contend

文学界 Literary circles

浓妆艳抹 heavy make up

花言巧语 flowery language

福利厂 welfare factory

各种流派 different schools

最高境界 the highest state/idea

手语 sigh language

作家 a man of letters

聋哑人 deaf mutes

主人公 principal characters

流传久远 stand the test of time

见此情景 at this point

传统观念 traditional thinking

作品 a work of literature

人性发展 human development

英国的中等学校 grammar school

遵从,信奉 comform to

皇家学会 the Royal Society

英国国教 the Church of England

家庭手工业 cottage industry

正在酝酿中 in the air

从早到晚 from dawn to dark

工业革命 Industrial Revolution

新兴城市 the rising town

交通动脉 arteries of communication

基础产业 basic occupation

实干家 a practical man

农业部门 Department of Agriculture

具有英国特征的 especially English

大运河 the Grand canal

自我奋斗的生涯 self-made career

四处奔走 go about

过度放牧 heavily pastured

五大湖 the Great Lakes

为……打下基础 lay the foundation of

教育机构 educational institutions

科学研究中心 centers for scientific research

合法手续 legal title

山区 mountain area

高原 high plains

宅地法 Homestead Act

畜牧业 stock-raising

西部荒原 wild west

机械农业 machine farming

有创意的人 enterpri

sing men

不复存在 cease to be

开发 open up

向西部扩张 expansion into west

为……拨款 appropriate funds for

永久居住 permanent settlement

五四运动 the May 4th Movement

左翼 left wing

共产主义思想 communist ideology

巴黎和会 the Paris Peace Conference

罢工 to strike

示威游行 hold a demonstration

第一次世界大战 the World War 1


defend our sovereignty, punish the traitors

妥协 compromise

民族危机 national crisis

废除二十一条 Abolish the Twenty-one Demands

统一战线 a united front

革命知识分子 revolutionary intellectuals

北洋军阀政府 the Northern Warlord government

北阀 the Northern Expedition

辛亥革命 the Revolution of 1911

<新民主主义论> On New Democracy

戊戌变法 the Reform Movement of 1898

中国新民主主义革命 China’s neo-democratic revolution

变本加厉 to intensify

广大的无产阶级 the mass of the proletariat

文化革命 the cultural revolution

市民阶级 the urban intelligents

反封建运动 anti-feudal movement

尼罗河谷 Nile Valley

尼罗河三角洲 tthe Nile Delta

尼罗河河道 the course of the Nile

阿斯旺水坝 Aswan High Dam

河流的入海口 at the mouth of the river

抛锚 drop anchor

一半在地上,一半在海里 half in, half out of the sea

地中海 the Mediterranean

被遗弃而无人烟的村镇 ghost town

赋予生命的 life-giving

赤道 the Equator

旱涝灾害 floods and droughts

雨季 seasonal rains

金字塔 Pyramid

避暑胜地 the Summer resort

不良的后果 negative effects

法老 pharaoh

刚刚收割的 fresh harvested

汽车零部件 automobile components

艺术节 Festival of Arts

自然博物馆 Natural History Museum

市长职位 lord mayoralty

原材料 raw material

平均温度 mean temperature

市政府 municipal government

商业区和居民区 business district and residential section

地中海气候 Mediterranean climate

提名,任命 name for

大部分 the bulk of

贸易中心 marketing center

赢得…荣誉 gain a reputation of

交通枢纽 a focus of transportation

维多利亚广场 Victoria Square

托伦斯河 Torrens River

借助于 aided by

保和殿 the Hall of Preserving Harmony

太和门 the Gate of Supreme Harmony

中和殿 the Hall of Complete Harmony

午门 the Meridian Gate

外朝 the Outer Palace

内廷 the Inner Court

琉璃瓦 glazed til


白塔 the White Dagoba

御花园 the imperial garden

故宫博物馆 the Palace Museum

中山公园 the Sun-yat-Sen Park

历史遗址 the historical sites

鹅卵石路 the cobbled roadway

劳动密集型产业 labor intensive industry

主权国家 sovereign nations

合资企业 joint ventures

命运相连 fortunes are tied together

经济实力 Economic Performance

人均国民生产总值 per capita GNP

双向贸易 two way trade

双边贸易 bilateral trade

共同繁荣 mutual prosperity

总产量 aggregate output

外汇 foreign exchange

世界贸易 international trade

重/轻工业 heavy/light industries

坚实基础 a sound foundation

沿海地区 coastal areas

电话用户 telephone connections

经济道路 economic course

食品加工业 food production

支持或遵守准则 embrace discipline

近海石油勘测 offshore oil exploration

总额 sum total

金秋时节 golden fall

生活方式 way of life

民族精神 national spirit

和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

周边环境 neighboring environment

历史文化传统 historical and cultural traditions

民族意识 national identity

政治基础 political foundation

先秦 the pre-Qin days

半殖民地半封建 semi-colonial and semi-feudal

独立自主 independence

现代化建设 modernization drive

互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs

平等互利原则 the principals of equality and mutual benefit

科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education

社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

完成祖国统一大业 achieve national reunification

学术交流 academic exchanges

诺贝尔奖获得者 Nobel Prize winner

生产力 productivity

振兴中华 rejuvenation of China

人类文明的发祥地 the cradle of human civilization

区域自治 regional autonomy

没法解决 grapple with it

彻底粉碎 completely smash

社会主义法治国家 a socialist country under the rule of law

面向 be oriented to

归根到底 in the final analysis

自我完善 self-improvement

精神力量 moral force

不屈不挠的斗争 dauntless struggle

文明的 culturally advanced

民主政治 democracy

民族团结 ethnic harmony

美国前总统 Former U.S.President

长征 the Long March

科学交流 scientific exchange

正式外交关系 full diplomatic relations


关系 Sino-American relationship

国际事务 international affairs

利用 draw upon

全体随行人员 the entire party

希望与憧憬 the hope and vision

基金会 foundation

中国公民 Chinese citizen

改革开放政策 policies of reform and opening to the outside world

国家安全政策 national security policies

就此而言 in that regards

非政府的,民间的 non-government

具有历史意义的尝试 a historically significant experiment

本着坦率的精神 in the spirit of frankness

首先,开始 at the outset

代表,以……名义 on behalf of

盛宴 the magnificent dinner

政体形式 the form of government

此时此刻 at this very moment

分歧 differences

妥协 compromise

注定要 be destined to do sth.

祝酒词 toast

电信 telecommunications

共同点 common ground


principle of seek common ground while reserving differences

诸位贵宾 all of your distinguished guests

赞美,赞扬 pay tribute of

一起迈步 in lockstep

灾难 plague

就个人来讲 in a personal sense

两国人民 two peoples

向…提出申请 file an application with

有关外汇事宜 foreign exchange transactions

根据平等互利的原则 on the principles of equality and mutual benefit

合营各方 the parties to the venture


the second session of the Fifth National People’s Congress

遵守 comply with

申请 apply for

调解 conciliation

仲裁 arbitration

违约(违反合同) a breach of contract

享受免税待遇 enjoy preferential treatment for exemptions

公司章程 articals of association

生效 come into force

仲裁机构 arbitration agency

迷失方向 to be lost

缔约国/成员国 Contracting States

日内瓦 Geneva

版权所有者 copyright proprietors

世界公约 Universal Convention

人类精神产品 works of the human mind

国际制度 international system

如下 as follows

参与 be party to

以下简称 hereinafter called

就……而言 for the purpose of

相关的 in respect of

批准书 instrument of ratification

版权保护 copyright protection

废料处理/排污 waste disposal

生态环境 ecological environment

上诉法院 court of appeals

听证会 hearings

文化背景 cultural setting

院外活动集团 lobby

修正案 amendment

译语,接受语 receptor language

不亚于 to rank with

国民生计,人民生活 national life

颁发许可证 to grant license

露天采矿 strip mining

立法 enacting legislation

含糊其词 vaguely worded

大量的,众多的 a host of

诉讼 court action

瞄准,针对 aim at

公众关注 public concerns

执法权 enforcement power

联邦电力委员会 Federal Power Commission

联邦法 federal law

滩涂 tide lands

国际海洋年 the International Ocean Year

海洋旅游业 marine tourism

国民经济 national economy

富于,有大量 abound in

行使主权 exercise sovereignty

淡水资源总量 amount of freshwater resources

纬度 latitude

经度 longitude

沉积盆地 sedimentation basins

可持续发展 sustainable development

大陆架 continental shelf

渔场 the fishing grounds

前言 forward

调节器 regulators

观光景点 scenic spots

专属经济区 exclusive economic zones

可再生能源 the regenerable energy resources

居世界第六位 ranking sixth in the word

宝库 treasure house

联合国公约 UN Convention

自然资源人均占有量 natural resources per capita

生命支持系统 bio-support system

水产品 aquatic product

知情权 right to know

化学毒物 poisonous chemical

生物控制学 the science of biotic control

昆虫的天敌 natural enemies of insects

亚热带植物 subtropical plant

应用昆虫学 applied entomology

无昆虫的世界 an insect-free world

无污染 pollution-free

拒绝 turn one’s back on

海洋生物学家 marine biologist

生物体 living organisms

被比作 be like to

大规模实验 a full-scale test

未受精卵 infertile eggs

高速公路 superhigh way

尖端工作 pioneering work

在…推动下 under the impetus of

岔路口 fork of the road

仅仅,只不过 no more than

走上,踏上 set foot on

螺旋锥蝇 the screw-worm fly

寄主 the host

变异 mutations

传染 infestation

同事 colleagues

烟草甲虫 cigarette beetles

新的思维空间 new areas of thought

恒温动物 a warm-blooded animal

拓展新领域 open up new area


be taken in traps

维生素 vitamin

内燃机 internal combustion engine

地质学家 gelogist

煤油 paraffin

香水 perfume

油灯 oil-burning lamps

蒸汽 vapour

润滑 lubrication

海洋微生物 minute sea creature

优于,好于 superior to

古代 antiquity

庞然大物 enormous creature

低沸点 a low boiling point

北冰洋 the Arctic seas

沉积岩 sedimentary rocks

沥青湖 pitch Lake

原油 crude oil

钻探石油的人 oil drillers

矿物油 mineral oil

页岩 shale

加仑 gallon

鲸脂 blubber

在这方面 in this respect

opera troupe 剧社

cigarette stubs 烟头

run a fever 发烧

it rains cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨

be saddled with big families 拉家带口

the kitchen God 灶王爷

queue up 排队

in the open air 露天,户外

odd jobs 零工

the China pingju Theatre 中国评剧院

like a drawn rat 落汤鸡

speak well of me 都说我好

to spin 纺线

to knock off 下班

to rack one’s brains 绞尽脑汁

to knit 织毛线

no show, no pay 不响锣,不给钱

the twelfth lunar month 腊月

get black and blue 青一块紫一块

夕阳余辉 the light of the setting sun

咯咯的笑声 a delighted giggle

逐渐 step by step

响亮的声音 a resonant voice

床头柜 night table

铜哨 brass whistle

新约圣经 the New Testament

十来岁的女孩 a girl in her early teens

与……迥然不同 a far cry from

蜿蜒曲折 wind and twist

狭长的洼地 a long narrow swale

暮春 the late spring

季节性河流 a part-time river

吹牛皮 to boast about

阳光璀璨 full of sun

福礼 sacrificial meat

劈柴 to chop wood

果真 sure enough

草窠 the wolf’s den

嫡系子孙 lineal representative

衣着讲究,衣冠楚楚 be well-dressed

从头到脚 from head to toe

哼小曲,哼小调 hum a tune

不久以前 some little time ago

走近一两步 ride a step or two nearer

所剩不多 running short

教皇 Pope

斗兽场 arena

卢浮宫 the Louvre

绚丽生动 colourful and vivid

中国少儿出版社 the China Children Press

作序 write the preface

大英博物馆 the British Museum

游记 travel notes

散文集 a collection of essays

圣彼得(教堂) St Peter’


花坛 flower bed

井底之蛙 a frog at the bottom of a well

外祖父 maternal grandfather

未尝不好 be not unwelcome

曾祖母 great-grandmother

沉湎于过去 absorption in the past

风华正茂 the flower of one’s youth

反思,细想 think to oneself

酸甜苦辣 joys and sorrows

发育健全的市场 established markets

流动资本 flows of capital

地大物博 vast size and resources

经济大国 major economy

金融服务业 financial services sector

海外投资者 outward investor

平均增长率 an average growth rate

得出结论 draw a conclusion

对外开放政策 the policy of opening to the outside world

国际社会 the international community

外汇交易 the exchange dealing

国内竞争 domestic competition

世界贸易组织 the World Trade Organization

木本食物 arbor food stuffs

兴修水利 intensify water-control projects

科技进步 the development of science and technology

生产能力 productive capacity

人工草场 artificial grasslands

测算 calculation

可耕地 arable land

畜产品 animal by-products

供需 supply and demand

复种指数 the multiple crop index

粮食总产量目标 the total grain output target

自给率 self-sufficiency rate

单位面积产量 the yield per unit area

加快 speed up

首要原则 basic principle

集约化 intensification
