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Word LIST 2

Word List 04

How many hours a day on average do you watch TV?
Building big commercial buildings underground can be a way to avoid disfiguring or threatening a beautiful landscape.
Our experience would suggest that the long-term effects of incentive awards on absenteeism are questionable.
Most ecologists were aware that the areas of Amazonia they were working in had been shaped by human settlement.
The food at the hostel was awful.
Tom is working towards a Bachelor of Social Siences degree in the university of Cambridge.

今天就背LIST 1:

abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 She and her tribe had to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada.

abate v.减轻;降价 After the closedown of the airport,noise pollution abated.

ability n.能力;本领;才能 Classes are organised according to ability level.

abolish vt.废止,废除 The ancient Olympics were abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 A.D.,after Greece lost its independence.

abound vi.富于;充满 The mountain streams abound with fish.

absent a.不在场的;心不在焉的 Why were you absent from my birthday party yesterday?

absenteeism n.旷课;矿工 In an attempt to reduce the level of absenteeism amongst employees,the company introduced three different strategies.

absorb v.吸收;吸引……的注意 The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.

abstraction n.抽象 Logic,rationality and abstraction have their origins in the left hemisphere.

absurd a.荒唐的 Wearing a swimming suit during a snowstorm is absurd.

abuse vt./n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 Biometricks may raise thorny questions about privacy and the potential for abuse.

academic a.学院的;学术的;不切实际的;n.大学教师 Once in higher education,you can apply for a loan at any time in the academic year.

accelerate vt.&vi.加速;促进 The leader loses ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.

access n.接近;进入;通道 vt.进入;使用 The students could access the internet in the library.

accessible a.能接近的;可以到达的 He pointed his telescope to every accessible part of the sky and recorded what he saw.

accessory n.附件;(pl.)装饰品 The uniforms for women in the company were white frocks decorated with purple,white and green accessorise.

accommodation n.住处,膳宿 If you are booking accommodation through the school,your course and accommodation deposit will be $200.

accompany vt.&vi.陪伴;伴奏 Your enrolment form must be accompanied by the course deposit of $100.

accomplish vt.达到(目的),完成 We must accomplish the task before noon.

account n.帐,账户;v.说明……的原因;占 Coal is expected to account for almost 27 per cent of the world's energy needs.

accountant n.会计师

accreditation n.信任;委派;鉴定合格 Our school has already reached th

e standards for the accreditation of colleges.

accumulate v.积累;堆积 The debris that accumulateed at the foot of the volcano reached a depth,in places,of 200 feet.

accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性) The technician placed the machine in the correct spot with complete accuracy.

accurate a.正确无误的;精确的 The forecast was soon proved accurate.

achievement n.成绩,成就 His achievements spread from the sun and moon to remote galaxies.

acid n.酸;a.酸的;尖刻的 DNA is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid.

acknowledge vt.承认;确认;感谢 Plagiarism is taking other people's work without acknowledging it,that is, without saying where it comes from.

acoustic a.声音(学)的;听觉的 In the houses near the highway special acoustic seals should be fitted to the doors to reduce noise.

acquaint vt.(使)认识;(使)熟悉 Film provides an ideal opportunity to acquaint viewers with something unknown.

acquaintance n.认识;了解 It was in the United Stateds that I made the acquaintance of the Professor Jones.

acquire vt.取得,获得 In the process of evolution,monkeys have not acquired the art of speech.

acquisition n.取得;获得物 Tom's newest acquisition is a luxurious sports car.

acrobat n.特技演员;杂技演员 They are acrobats with the Albanian States Circus.

activate vt.&vi.激活;加速反应 Nicotine in cigarette smoke activates small blood cells that increase the likelihood of blood clots,thereby affecting blood circulation throughout the body.

actual a.实际的;真实的 Is this vase an actual antique or a copy?

acumen n.敏锐;精明 Sometimes,organizations with sound financial backing,good product ideas and market acumen underperform and fail to meet shareholders' expectations.

acute a.灵敏的;剧烈的,猛烈的 Dogs have very acute hearing.

adapt vt.&vi.使适合;改编 All those older buildings in the city have been adapted for present-day use.

adaptation n.适应;改编 The simplicity of Indian ways of life has been judged an evolutionary adaptation to forest ecology.

addict n.有瘾的人 vt.使上瘾 The most tragical sight of all is the very young addicts.

addition n.加,增加(物)This fruit is a welcome addition to the English diet.

additional a.附加的;追加的 In recent years a number of additional countries have subscribed to the Ottwa Charter.

address n.地址;演说vt.说话;对付 In the marketing course we addressed all these commercial issues.

adequate a.充足的;合适的,胜任的 Good lifestyle habits and the provision of adequate health care are critical factors of governing health.

adhere vi.粘附;遵守;坚持 Our firm has a set of standards which adhere to international requirements.

adjacent a.邻近的,毗连的 People living in houses adjacent to the airport are agonized by noise for years.


st v.校准;调节;使……适应 Research shows that older readers are having difficulty in adjusting to texts without pictures.

administer vt.&vi.掌管;给予 The personnel director administers the attendance policy.Doctors can administer curative drugs to treat lung cancer.

administration n.管理(部门);行政(机关) The administration office is opposite the car park on the left.

admission n.允许进入;许可入学 If you have any question,please contact the Admissions & Information Office.

admit v.承认;准许……进入;准许……加入 Bill was forced to admit that he had cheated on the test.

adolescent n.青少年;a.青春期的;青少年的 The adolescent always respects parents who admit their mistakes.

adopt vt.采用,采取;收养 After becoming independent of the local authority and adopting its new title,our College continued to build on its first class reputation.

advance v./n.前进;预付;a.预先的;先行的 It is essential to reserve a computer three days in advance if you want to use one.

advanced a.先进的 Prehistoric Amazonians developed technology and art that were advanced for their time.

advantage n.优点,优势 I suppose your survey has the advantage of more detailed information.

advent n.到来,出现 Sea ports have been transformed by the advent of powered vessels,whoes size and draught have increase.

adventure n.冒险,冒险活动 Hypotheses are adventures of the mind.

adverse a.不利的,有害的 Smoking can produce substantial adverse effects on the heart and lungs.

advertise vt.为……做广告;宣传 The total number of jobs advertised in the journal was 120.

advocate vt.提倡;n.拥护者;提倡者 Some architects advocated the use of masonry in the construction of skyscrapers.

aeration n.通风 The tunnels abandoned by the beetles provide excellent aeration and water channels for root systems of plants.

aerobics n.有氧运动法;健美操 This room is used mainly for badminton and aerobics.

aeronautics n.航空学 The Aeronautics Building is on the left side of the university campus.

aeroplane n.飞机 The manager will travel in a private aeroplane from Sydney to Queensland.

aerospace n.宇宙空间;航空宇宙 Working as an engineer at British Aerospace will not necessarily be a similar experience to working in the same capacity at GE.

aesthetic a.美学的;审美的 What are utilitarian objects to a Westerner may be prized aesthetic objects in other cultures.

affect v.影响;感染 No activity affects more of the earth's surface than farming.

afflict vt.使苦恼;折磨 Financial difficulties afflicted the Smiths.

word list 2

afford vt.负担得起 They would not be able to afford cars or homes.

agency n.机构;代理,代办 We establish links and access to the organization's agencies.

agenda n.议程;议程表 Blueprint

ing a meeting involves creating an agenda and clarifying rules for the meeting.

aggravation n.加重;恶化 Carrying heavy boxes can cause aggravation of prior back injuries.

aggressive a.侵略的,攻击性的;有闯劲的 The incentive for the more aggressive use of rockets came not from within the European continent but from far-away India.

aggressiveness n.侵略;争斗;攻击 The message behind a crushing handshake is aggressiveness and a desire to compete.

agriculture n.农学;农业

ailment n.疾病 New medical technology will cure more ailments that afflict humanity.

airtight a.密闭的;无懈可击的 Bill put the bear in an airtight glass container.

aisle n.过道;通道 In the supermarket,the end of an aisle is usually used for promoting special offers.

alarm n.报警器;闹钟;警报;vt.(使)惊恐;(使)担心 Everytime when you leave your house,make sure the windows and doors are shut,and set the burglar alarm.

alchemist n.炼金术士

alcohol n.酒精 Passive smoking is the third most preventable cause of death after active smoking and alcohol related diseases.

alert a.警惕的;n.警戒;警报;vt.警告 We must keet fully alert.

alienation n.疏远;离间 The creation of healthy social environment must address issues such as poverty,pollution,natural resource depletion,social alienation and poor working conditions.

alight vi.落下 a.点着的 The earliest people probably stored fire by keeping slow burning logs alight or by carrying charcoal in pots.

alignment n.排成直线;联盟 If your bed doesn't give enough support,back muscles and ligaments work all night trying to correct spinal alignment,so you wake up with a tired aching back.

alley n.小巷,胡同 There are many blind alleys in this town.

allocate vt.分配;分派 The world-wide coal industry allocates extensive resources to researching and developing new technologies.

allowance n.津贴;允许,容忍 I have a good retirement allowance that will make it easy for me to buy a nice house.

alluvial a.冲积的;淤积的 The seabed here consisted of alluvial silt and mud deposits.

almond n.杏树;杏仁 Mary prefers almonds to peanuts.

alter vt.变动;改变 We may be able to alter our genetic inheritance if we so choose.

alternate a.轮流的;间隔的 v.(使)轮流 Snow and rain alternated,and it was very cold outside.

alternative n.二选一,选择;a.两者选一的 The coal industry should be abandoned in favour of alternative energy sources.

altitude n.海拔;高地 One common type of coffee bean,called Robusta,is grown at altitudes below 600 metres.

aluminium n.铝 The US produces 300 million aluminium drink cans each day.

amass vt.积聚 The monopoly captialists amassed fabulous wealth during World War 2.

amateur n.外行;业余爱好者;a.业余的 Only amateur athletes are allowed to

compete in this sports games.

amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕 We are amazed at the perfect symmetry of the building.

ambassador n.大使,使节

ambiguous a.含糊其辞的;不明确的 Thinking in categories enables us to categories phenomena that are essentially ambiguous.

ambitious a.有抱负的;有野心的 The Human Genome Project is the most ambitious scientific project since the Apollo programme,which landed a man on the moon.

ambulance n.救护车;野战医院 There is a car accident,please send an ambulance as soon as possible.

amorphous a.无定形的;无组织的;非结晶质的 The Swedish chemist called Pasch discovered amorphous phosphorus.

amount n.总额;vi.总计 The chart shows the amount spent on six consumer goods in Eurpean countries.

amplify vt.放大(声音)vi.详述 Let me amplify so that you will understand the overall problem.

analogous a.类似的 The task was strictly analogous to the one that we had finished before.

analyse vt.分析;分解 The objective of the Human Genome Project is to map and analyse every single gene within the double helix of hummanity's DNA.

anatomy n.解剖学;解剖结构 Leon devoted his life to studying the human anatomy.

ancient a.古老的;年老的 The Ancient Greeks used lenses to concentrate the sun's rays on dry leaves to light fire.

and so forth 等等 In many parts of Ausrtalia,standing water--that is dams,puddles and so forth--dry up rapidly.

anecdotal a.轶话的,轶闻趣事的 There is only anecdotal evidence of life on Mars.

announce vt.宣布;声称 In 1989,a team of American and Canadian archaeologists announced that they had found the site of an ancient city.

annoy vt.使烦恼;打搅 The bathroom light which flikered quite badly annoyed me very much.

annual a.每年的,一年一次的 All students at the college are entitled to become members of the Sports Centre for an annual fee of $200.

anthropologist n.人类学家 The lecturer is an anthropologist.

anticipate v.先于……行动;预见 We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry.

antidote n.解毒药 Researchers could not say for sure which medicine might be a successful antidote to bacterial infection.

antiquity n.古代;古迹 No one knows how much antiquity has been stolen or destroyed.

anxious a.渴望的;忧虑的 He is anxious to enter the competition.

apace ad.快速的,急速的 The research went on apace.

apart ad.相见隔;分离;除去;a.分离的 Apart from the Second World War period,the Winter Olympics were held every four years.

ape n.猿;vt.模仿 It is pretty well agreed that apes and men come from a common ancestor.

apparatus n.器械;组织 This apparatus has been thoroughly tested.

apparent a.显然的;表面上的 This tendency was apparent in the late 1980s.

apparently ad.显然地;看来

Apparently,a caretaker government seemed not to be potent.

appeal vi.呼吁;吸引;n.感染力,吸引力 You should read things that appeal to you.

appearance n.出现;外观 His sudden appearance surprised me greatly.

appetite n.食欲,胃口 My supper by this time was cold,and my appetite was gone.

applaud v.(向……)鼓掌喝彩;称赞 They applaud their favorite comedienne as she comes on the stage.

appliance n.用具,器具 On Wednesdays,I repair electrical appliances free of charge.

applicant n.申请人 We have interviewed twenty-six applicants and none of them are qualified.

application n.申请;应用,运用 I think this invention has many useful applications

apply v.应用,使用;申请 If you would like more informationg on how to apply for a student loan,then you should contace The Student Loans Company.

appoint vt.任命,委任;指定(时间、地点等)He is appointed to administer funds.

appointment n.约会 If for some reason you cannot keep your appointment,please telephone.

appraisal n.评价;估计 Susan's appraisal of the writer's work was favorable.

approach vt.向……靠近,来临;n.方法,途径 As autumn approaches,the beekeepers pack up their hives and go south.

appropriate a.适当的;v.挪用;拨出(款项等)Personality questionnaires are used by companies to put people in appropriate areas of work.

word list 3

approval n.赞成,同意;正式批准 Mining is subject to stringent controls and approvals processes.

approve vt.批准,同意 You can begin making purchases immediatdely after your application is approved.

approximate a.近似的;vt.近似 I would like to know the approximate price of this car.

apt a.易于……的;适宜的;敏捷的 Artists are apt at revealing the inner world of human beings.

aptitude n.适宜;才能 Each branch of this company had employees of comparable apititudes.

aquarium n.养鱼池;玻璃缸;水族馆 We are going to take the kids to the new aquarium this weekend.

arable a.可耕作的;n.耕地 On the top of the hill,the arable ground has been seeded.

arboreal a.树木的;栖于树木的 Koala is an arboreal animal.

architect n.建筑师 Among mathematicians and architects,left-handers tend to be more common.

architecture n.建筑(学);建筑式样(风格) The trend in architecture now favours smaller--scale building design.

archive n.档案文件;档案室;vt.存档 The museum drew on its archive collection for its exhibition.

argue v.争论,说服 The study argues that the type of action needed against passive smoking should be similar to that being taken against AIDS.

argument n.争论;观点 Support your argument with examples and relevant evidence,please.

aridity n.干旱;乏味 The most challenging natural problem of Australia i

s aridity.

arithmetic n.算术

arrange v.安排;排列 The Language Institute activities co-ordinator can assist students to arrange any sport and leisure activities.

arrangement n.安排;准备工作(pl.) Larger firms appear to be more willing to experiment with flexible working arrangement.

array v.部署;n.陈列;大批 Corso's drink corner is a shelf with an array of bottles and glasses on it.

arrogance n.傲慢,自大 His arrogance impressed us most unfavourably.

artefact n.人工制品 The museum collections included approximately 300,000 artefacts.

artery n.动脉;要道 The patient undetwent an operation to unblock his coronary artery.

arthritis n.关节炎 Rheumatoid arthritis belongs to the family of autoimmune diseases.

artificial a.人工的,人造的 We use no artificial additives of any kind in our products.

as for/to 关于,至于 As for the glass changing colours instantly,that may come true.

as if/though 好像,仿佛 The little girl's lips quiver,as if she is about to cry.

ash n.灰;灰烬;(pl.)骨灰,遗骸 The volcanic ash caused a lot of damage in the village.

aspect n.方面;外观,样子 A great deal of empirical evidence shows that pictures in a book interfere in a damaging way with all aspects of learning to read.

aspiration n.强烈的愿望;志向;渴望达到的目的 A building reflects the ideas and aspiration of the designer and clent.

assemble vt.集合;装配 All components were assembled in the front workshop.

assess v.评定;估价 Core samples are always extracted to assess the quality and quantity of coal at a site before mining.

asset n.财产;有点 Organizations should recognize that their employees are a significant part of ther financial assets.

assign vt.指派,分配 In the United States,more land is assigned to car use than to housing.

assignment n.任务 Have you been given any writing assignments yet?

assimilate vt.吸收;使同化 We assimilate some kinds of food more easily than others.

assistance n.协助,援助 Farmers are to receive financial assistance to help see them through the worst drought in over 50 years.

assistant n.助理 The employees felt that their assistant manager was closer to them than the manager.

associate vt.使联合;使有联系;vi.交往 n.伙伴;同事;a.副的 People always associate noise with headaches,and for most of us excessive noise creats the conditions for a headache.

association n.协会

assume vt.假定,设想 Ecologists have assumed that tropical ecosystems were shaped entiredly by natural forces.

assumption n.假定,假设 The assumption has been shown to be incorrect by recent research.

assurance n.信心;保证;(人寿)保险 quality assurance system

asthma n.哮喘症 A world-wide rise in asthma,over the past four decades is said to be linked with increased air polluti


astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊 Arthur made astonishing progress in his studies.

astound v.(使)震惊 The eruption in May 1980 of Mount St.Helens,Wshington State,astounded the world with its violence.

astray ad.迷路地;误入歧途地 Follow the guide or you'll go astray in the jungle.

astrology n.占星术;占星学

astronaut n.宇航员 The rocket transported the astronauts to mysterious realms beyond the Earth.

asymmetry n.不对称 Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.

at least 至少 Fulltime courses last at least one academic year in this college.

at random 任意地 Each programme was assigned at random a division that had been historically high in productivity and a division that had been below average in productivity.

athlete n.运动员;体育家

atmosphere n.大气;气氛;环境 Uranus' atmosphere consists largely of hydrogen and helium.

atomic a.原子(能)的 Atomic energy powers the submarine.

attach vt.贴上;使喜爱;使附属 The parking sticker must be attached to the front windscreen of the car to be valid.

attack v./n.进攻;抨击;(疾病等)突然发作 Passive smoking cause between 30,000 and 60,000 deaths from heart attacks each year in the United States.

attain vt.达到;获得 Sustainable development is to attain a perpetual balance between population,economic growth and the environment.

attempt n./vt.尝试;试图;努力 A series of lectures organized by the Stdents's Union is part of the union's attempt to help students stay healthy.

attend vt.出席;照料;vi.专心于;致力于 Students under the age of 16 cannot attend any of the courses offered by the college.

attraction n.吸引(力) The attraction of single-speed cycles is their simplicity and reliability.

attribute n.属性;品质 vt.把……归于 The global increase in greenhouse gases has been attributed to industrial pollution in developed countries.

audacious a.大胆的;有冒险精神的;鲁莽的 The audacious proposal was quickly denied by the committee.

audio a.听觉的;声音的 Teams of typists transcribed the audio tapes to produce a computerised database of ten million words.

audition n.试演;听力 I became a professional singer after I took many auditions.

authority n.权利,权威;(pl.)权利机关 Dark colours give an aura of authority while lighter pastel shades suggest approachability.

authorize vt.批准,认可;授权 When an authorized user wishes to enter or use the facility,the system scans the person's corresponding characteristics and attempts to match them against those on record.

automatically ad.自动地;无意识地 Cars will be automatically controlled by computer in the future.

avail n.效用;利益;v.利用 Avail yourself of every opportunity to enrich your knowledge.

available a.可获得的;可用的 We hope that ostrich me

at will be available soon and befor long will be as cheap as beef.

avalanche n./v.雪崩 An earthquake triggered an avalanche.

avenue n.林荫道,大街;方法,途径 They explored every avenue to cure his cancer.

word list 15
extra a.额外的的;特别的;ad.特别地
Today,almost all companies have employees work overtime rather than hire extra personne.

extract vt.取出 ;提取 n.摘录;提出物
You will hear an extract from a BBC television program on acid rain.

extracurricular a.课外的
What role do you think extracurricular activities play in educaion?

extraordinary a.不同寻常的;非常的
It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.

extreme a.极度的;最后的; n.极端,过分
One mistake we often make when stricken with extreme back pain is to go to bed and stay there.

extremely ad.极端地;非常地
Long hours of hot sunshine and searing winds give Australia an extremely high rate of evaporation.

eyesight n.视力
You must stop taking the medicine if your eyesight is affected.

facade n.正面;(虚伪的)外表
Preserving historic buildings or keeping only their facades grew common.

facilitate vt.使便利
The new strategies have facilitated and improved cooperation and communication between management and staff.

facility n.[pl.]设施,设备;便利
There are facilities for high-energy particle experiments in our research centre.

factsheet n.(电视节目中插入的)字幕新闻
The factsheets have a summary of all the information contained in the programme.

faculty n.系;全体教员
Here on this campus we have the faculties of Architecture and Law.

fade vi.褪色;凋谢;逐渐消失
His smile faded as he heard the answer.

fair a.公平的;ad.公平地
This part of the island is warmer than the southern half,but it wouldn't be fair to say that the southern half is cold.

fairly ad.相当;尚可;公平地
Although the UK is a fairly small country,the geology and climate vary a good deal from region to region.

faith n.信任,信仰
People have to have faith in their ability to carry out the task their boss has set them.

fake n.假货;骗子;v.伪装;a.假的
He is holding the fake credit card,but dares not use it.

fallow n.休耕地;a.(土地)休耕的
Overuse of fertilisers may cause farmers to stop rotating crops of leave their land fallow.

fancy n.设想;爱好 vt.想象;a.别致的
Maureen tiptoed around the room in her fancy shoes.
She tries to fancy what the flame of a candle looks like after the candle is blown out.

fantasy n.想象
Thoes pleasures were produced through daydreaming and fantasy.

fare n.费,票价;v.进展
According to Susan,air fares are lowest.
How did you fare while you were abroad?

farewell n.告别;欢送会
We bid our old friends farewell.

fascinate vt.强

The very style of the old house fascinates.

fascinating a.迷人的
The museum has a fascinating collection of Cetltic artifacts.

fashion n.方式;流行款式;时装
You'll find all sorts of things in the museum: old suitcases,ship'crockery,and classical cabins decorated in the fashion of the day.

fasten vt.扎牢,扣住
The driver must fasten his seat belt before driving.

fatal a.致命的;重大的
The majority of single-gene defects are fatal.

fate n.命运,天数
Chek Lap Kok was built in a different way,and thus hopes to avoid the same sinking fate.

fatigue n.疲劳,劳累;v.(使)疲劳
Part-time workers are less likely to succumb to fatigue in streeful jobs.

fault n.缺点,瑕疵,毛病
Any fault should be reported to the local fault repair service.

fauna n.(某地区或某时期的)所有动物
They tried their best to protect native flora and fauna.

favour n.好感,赞同;恩惠;vt.赞同;喜爱;有利于
Darkness favored their escape.
I favour a state income tax over a raise in the sales tax.

feasible a.可行的,可能的
Better integration of transport systems is made more feasible by modern computers.

feather n.羽毛,翎毛
Feather fans and decorated hats went out of fashion.

feature n.特征;[pl.]相貌;特写;v.给……以显著地位
Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.

federal a.联邦的,联盟的
I opened a current account at the Federal Bank.

federation n.联邦;同盟
A study by the European Federation for Transport found that car transprot is seven times as costly as rail travel.

feeble a.虚弱的;无效的
I felt feeble when I was ill.

feed v.(喂)养;吃;n.饲料
To feed an increasingly hungry world,farmers need every incentive to use their soil and water effectively and efficiently.

feedback n.反馈;反馈信息]
Employee feedback is reviewed daily and suggestions are implemented within 48 hours.

female n.女子;a.女(性)的;雌的
A cow produces only one calf a year whereas a female ostrich can lay an egg every other day.

feminism n.男女平等主义;争取女权运动
We discuss everything from personal experienc to future society and feminism.

fertile a.肥沃的,多产的
The east of this region is flatter and more low-lying,with fertile soils.

fibre n.纤维
Today fibre optics are used to obtain a clearer image of smaller objects than ever before--even viruses.

fickle a.易变的,无常的
I knew that he was a fickle man,and one you could never rely on.

fiction n.小说
Suddenly, the stuff of science fiction doesn't seem so fanciful anymore.

fieldwork n.实地调查;临时筑成的防御公事
A series of acquisitions might represent a decade's fieldwork.

fierce a.凶猛的;强烈的
There is fierce competition.

figure n.数字;图形,画像;v.认为

The most recent available figures show that about a quarter of a million people are incapacitated with back pain every day.

filter n.过滤器;v.过滤;(消息等)走漏
Workers find that machines work much better if they change the filter regularly.
