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( ) 1、A.tell B.bell C.well

( ) 2、A.tea B.team C.hear

( ) 3、A.catch B.chick C.control

( ) 4、A.really B.badly C.before

( ) 5、A.sausage B.sit C.ship

二、听录音,与录音内容相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。(15分)() 1、This man is blind.

() 2、This old man can’t sit down.

() 3、I get up at half past seven.

() 4、These chicks can’t eat.

() 5、I like Lingling skipping with me.


() 1、A.This man is blind.

B. This man is deaf.

() 2、A.This dog helps him.

B.This dog helps her.

() 3、A.He can’t hear.

B.She can’t hear.

() 4、A.This little girl can’t walk.

B.This little girl can’t swim.

() 5、A.I like Lingling skipping with me.

B.I like Amy skipping with me.


()1、A. 盲的,失明的 B. 聋的 C. 有用的()2、A. 听到 B. 聋的 C. 盲的()3、A. 小鸟 B. 香肠 C. 咖啡()4、A. 节目 B. 操场 C. 体操()5、A. 茶 B. 铃 C. 咖啡



()1、This man is . He can’t see.

A. deaf

B. blind

C. useful

()2、The girl is deaf. She hear.

A. can

B. couldn’t

C. can’t ()3、What time school start ?

A. do


C. is

()4、My school starts nine o’clock.

A. in

B. at

C. on

()5、Do you do morning at school ?

A. exercises

B. exercise

C. exerciser


1. sit down

2. before

3. programme _

4. skip

5. hear


1. He is blind.

2. What time dose school start ?


上海市英语五年级下册第一次月考测试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分) A . sweater B . sweaters 2. (2分)(2019·永寿) sc ____ ss____ ____ s (剪刀) A . i,or B . a. er C . a,or 3. (2分)(2019·永寿) ____ nderst ____ nd(明白) A . u,i B . i,a C . u,a 4. (2分)b_rr_ w A . o,a B . a,o C . o,o 5. (2分)容易的 A . the same B . easy 二、选出下列单词的汉语意思。 (共5题;共10分) 6. (2分) How many caps do you have? A . 你看见多少个帽子? B . 你有多少个帽子? 7. (2分) School is over at 3:30 in the afternoon. A . 下课 B . 学校放假 C . 放学

8. (2分) Would you like a hot dog? A . 我想要一个热狗。 B . 你想要一个热狗吗? 9. (2分) It's spring. It's warm. A . 热的 B . 凉爽的 C . 暖和的 10. (2分) colour it red A . 让我看看 B . 做 C . 把它涂成红色 三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 (共5题;共10分) 11. (2分)选出不同项() A . boy B . girl C . and 12. (2分)选出不同类的一项() A . hospital B . manger C . driver 13. (2分)选出不同类的一项() A . hospital B . policeman C . factory 14. (2分)选出不同项() A . bowl B . try C . plate 15. (2分)选出不同类的一项 A . hand B . head C . kite


五年级英语第三大周周测试卷 一、连词成句。(每小题2分,共12分) 1. do When you dinner eat (?) 2. often I TV watch on Saturdays ( .) 3. Which do you best like season (?) 4. best spring I like (?) 5. I often swimming go (.) 6. get up do you When (?) 二、选出下列单词的汉语意思。(每小题2分,共10分) ()1.do morning exercises A.完成 B.吃早饭 C.做早操()2.eat dinner A. 吃晚饭 B. 散步 C. 吃早饭()3.go shopping A.散步 B. 晚 C. 购物 ()4.take a dancing class A.起床B.学习 C.上舞蹈课()5.play sports A.进行体育运动 B.上课 C.做早操 三、选词填空,并读一读。(每小题2分,共8分) 1. _____ season do you like best? A. What B. Which C.Where 2. I like ______(秋天) best. A. summer B. Winter C. autumn 3. I can go _____ every day. A. swim B. swimming 4.因为I can make a snowman in winter。 A.go swimming B. because 四、写出下列单词的翻译。(每小题2分,共20分) take a dancing class go shopping spring eat breakfast summer season autumn winter make a snowman


人教版小学五年级上册英语第一次月考试题 姓名_________分数___________ 一.根据汉语意思选择合适的一项,补全单词。(10分)() _ boo(竹) () _dge(冰箱) () _sting(有趣的) () _(厨房) C .an () _e () _ _se () _ence(科学) A .ci () _cha _ _(扶手椅) ,ir ,or ,rm () _r_ _m(浴室) ,oa ,oo ,ot () _(公寓) Bot 二.选词填空。(20分) to, very, in , at, are, on, round, do, for, lovely 1.Look __ this flat. 2.There are windows all ___ it. 3.There are so many ___ new and some are old. 4.We have Art ___ Tuesdays. 5.Let’s put them ____ the small bedroom . 6.Carly goes to the shopping mall ___ see the big sale. 7.It is ___ nice.

8.___ you like a green bedroom 9.Read the a d “Flat ___ sale”. 10.The mobile phone is ___. 三.选择题(20分) ( ) ___ a dining room and a big kitchen. ( ) ___ the dining table and chairs ( )3.—— ___ subjects do you study —— We study Chinese ,English and Maths. many ( )4.——Do you have Music ——_______. ,we do. ,we have. have Art. ( ) learn Chinese ___ at school. ( ) what colors your friend ___. like ( ) is a ___sitting room. ( )8.——Do you play football___ ——I usually play football ___ weekends. A.often,on ,on ,at


五年级英语下期4月月考试题 听力部分(30分) ()()()()() 三、根据所听内容判断下列句子,相符写T,不相符写F。(10分) ( ) 1. I usually go for a walk in the morning. ( ) 2. We will have an English party in February. ( ) 3. Mother’s Day is in May. ( ) 4. My uncle’s birthday isn’t in July. ( ) 5. Spring is Sarah’s favourite season. 四、根据你听到的问题,选择合适的答句,将其编号写在题前括号里。(10分) ()1、A、Yes, I do. B、Yes, he is. ()2、A、She can sing. B、No, she isn’t. ()3、A、I often go swimming. B、My birthday is in June.

()4、A、At 10:00. B、Because I can make a snowman. ()5、A、It’s in June.B、At 8:00. 笔试部分(30分) 一找出不同类的单词(5分) ( )1. A. mother B. family C. father ( )2. A. cook B. pick C. weekend ( )3. A. holiday B. Teachers’ Day C. May Day ( ) 4. A Monday B. June C. March ( ) 5. A. China B. Chinese C. American 二选择(10分) ()1.----- Why do you like summer best? ----- _____ the colours are pretty. A. With B. Because C. Which ( ) 2. --- When is Children’s Day? --- I t’s ___ June. A.on B. in C. at ( ) 3.---_________is Tree Planting Day? ---It’s in March. A Where B What C When


2020 学年第二学期第一次月考五年级英语测试卷(Module 1 --- Module 2) Class____________ Name ____________ No. ________ Assessment___________ 一、听句子三次,选出句子所含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。10% ( ) 1. A. fifth B. first C. third ( ) 2. A. spring B. autumn C. winter ( ) 3. A. China B. Australia C. England ( ) 4. A. food B. month C. season ( ) 5. A. and B. too C. either ( ) 6. A. go skiing B. make a snowman C. play on the beach ( ) 7. A. talk with his mouth B. work with his hands C. walk with his feet ( ) 8. A. go camping B. go swimming C. mountain climbing ( ) 9. A. windy and cool B. rainy and wet C. snowy and cold ( ) 10.A. fly back home B. fly to Hainan C. visit a farm 二、听句子三次,判断听到的内容是否符合图意,如符合,在括号内写“T”,否则 写“F”。8%

Lily and mum ()()()() ()()()() 三、听句子三次,写出句子所缺的词。6% 1. What’s your favourite _____________, Mike? 2. What do you usually do in _______________? 3. We are going to visit a _______________ tomorrow. 4. In winter I can _______________ and make a snowman. 5. The students will have a _______________ ___________ on April 12th. 四、听句子三次,选出正确的答语,并把答语的字母编号写在括号内。10% ( ) 1. A. Football. B. Music. C. Fish. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. B. I like spring best. C. Because I can skate.


五年级语文上册周周清(四) 一、看拼音,写词语。(8分) jùpàzhīchēng bèi sònɡyúlè ()()()() línɡhún huáqiáo zào yīnɡào jiè ()()()() 二、我能用“——”画出带点字的正确读音。(6分) 囫囵(húwú)眷恋(juàn quàn)眼睑(liǎn jiǎn) 干涸(héké)玷污(diàn zhān)点缀(zhuìchuò)三、将下面的词语补充完整。(4分) 呕心沥()()断丝连()灵手巧安然无()大显身()()天立地()往今来不动声() 四、我会按要求完成下面各题。(8分) 1.大树爷爷看到了孩子们幸福的笑脸和欢乐的歌声。(修改病句) 2.目前已知最大的鲸约有十六万公斤重,最小的也有两千公斤。(写个句子,用上列数字的说明方法。) 3. 21世纪图书馆的大门不会关闭。(改为反问句) 4. 未来的社会不可能不是“多元”的社会。(改为肯定句) 五、用恰当的关联词语把下面的两句话合并成一句话。(6分) 1、(1)空气中没有灰尘。(2)大自然将多么单调。 2、(1)赵州桥雄伟坚固。(2)赵州桥美观。六、根据提示的内容填空。(4分) 1.有些同学取得一点成绩就高兴的忘乎所以,我要送他的名言警句是: 2.我最喜欢的一句有关读书名言警句是: 七、写出下列句子运用的修辞手法。(8分) 1.小明家的房子小得只有书桌那么大。() 2.小草偷偷地从土里钻了出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。() 3.难道不耕耘也会有收获?() 4.它好肥,整个身子好像一个蓬松的球儿。() 八、选词填空。(6分) 愿望期望盼望 1.我()到上海出差已三个月的爸爸早日回来。 2.老师()后进生早日进步。 3.你想做个科学家,但想过怎样去实现这个()吗? 请求乞求要求 1.小姑娘抱着爸爸的腿,用会说话的眼睛()着。 2.老师对学生的学习提出了新的()。 3.指导员答应了董存瑞的()。


学校 班级 姓名 ………………………装……………………………订…………………线……………………… 五年级英语月考试卷 (考试时间60分钟,总分100分) 听力部分 一、 听录音,选出您所听到的选项,并将序号填在题前括号内。 A B C D ( )1、 science subject social studies ( )2、 chicken kitchen trick earache ( )3、how many how much how old how about ( )4、at home go home at school at eight ( ) 5、toothache fever headache cough ( ) 6、in a week a week this week this term 二 、听录音,选择正确的应答,并将序号填在题前括号内 ( ) 1、 A 、 Nice to see you, too 、 B 、 How are you? C 、 I’m OK ( ) 2、 A 、 there ’re four B 、 it ’s four C 、 Four ( ) 3、 A I feel ill B I feel cold C I’ve got a cold ( ) 4、 A I like science B 、 I like this mask C 、 I’d like some juice ( ) 5、 A 、 I’m Helen 、 B 、 My name is Helen 、 C 、 This is Helen speaking 、 三 、听录音,完成对话 1.A: What ______ is it today? B: It’s _____、 A: what ______ do you ______ in the afternoon? B: We have _______, Chinese, _______ and Maths 、 A: What subject do you like? B: I like ______ very much 、 ______ ______ you? A: I like ______、 2. A: Hello, ______ I ______ to Su Hai? B: ______ is Su Hai _______、


小学英语五年级第一次月考试卷 (满分:100分) 一、看图片,选出意思相符的单词或词组。(10分) ( ) 1、 A. summer B. spring C. winter ( ) 2、 A. climb mountains B. hiking C. skate ( ) 3、 A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner ( ) 4、 A. winter B. spring C. fall ( ) 5、 A. go shopping B. go hiking C. play sports 二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,将序号写在题前括号里。(10分)()1、A. what B. usually C. sometimes ( ) 2、A. go B. visit C. hiking ( ) 3、A. homework B. read C. watch ( ) 4、A. spring B. season C. summer ( ) 5、A. hot B. cool C. fall 三、根据中文选择正确的词。(10分)

( ) 1. 做运动 A. play games B. play sports C. play the piano ( ) 2. 放风筝 A. fly kites B. fly the kites C. plant trees ( ) 3. 最喜爱的A. best B. very much C. favourite ( ) 4. 天气 A. weather B. season C. sunny ( ) 5. 温暖的 A. hot B. windy C. warm 四、选择题,将正确答案的序号写在题前括号里。(20分) ()1. --What do you do _________ the weekend? --I often go hiking. A. in B.on C.of ()2、It’s always sunny _________cool in fall. A. or B. and C. with ()3、Which season do you like _________? A. favourite B. best C. very much ()4. -- ________do you play sports? --I play sports at 5:00. A. When B.Who C.What ()5、What _________ the weather like in summer ? A. does B. is C. are ()6、I do morning exercises ________ eight o’clock. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 7. Fall is good, _________ winter is my favourite. A. so B. and C. but ()8、Let’s go _________ next Sunday . A. swimming B. swiming C. swim ()9、Sarah can _________ some Chinese books . A.read B. reads C.reading ()10. -- ________ do you like winter? --Because I can sleep a long time.

五年级语文周周清试题 -

五年级语文“周周清”测试卷 周次:第六周 命题学校:霍李小学 一、巧练基础(36%) (一)看拼音,写词语,要求写得正确,美观。(5%) w ǔ r ǔ gu ī ju qi ú f àn g ān j ú d ào z ?i ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (二)给加点的选择正确的读音,对的打“√”。(6%) 应.声(y īng y ìng ) 大.夫晏子(d ài d à) 瞅.(ch óu qi ū) 为.难(w ?i w ai ) 腔调.(di ào ti áo ) 堵塞.(s āi s a) (三)把下面的词语补充完整。(8%) 小心( )( ) 不( )不( ) ( )无( )事 沉( )( )言 ( )居( )业 不( )不( ) ( )可( )何 大( )大( ) (四)填写对联。(8%) 1、地满红花红满地 ( 联) 2、一夜五更,半夜三更有半 ( 联) 3、翠翠红红,处处莺莺燕燕 ( 联) 4、楼外青山,山外白云,云飞天外 ( 联) (五)走在大街上,好朋友把果皮随手乱丢,其实不远处就有果皮箱,这时你是怎样劝说他的,请把话写下来。(3%) (六)平时,你是否注意到汽车后面常贴一些字条,上面写的内容很有意思,诸如,“如果你看清了这行字,就是离我太近了”,“别让我们因相撞而相识”等等。如果你是一名司机,你想在车后贴些什么字呢?(3%) (七)判断题,正确的打“√”,错误的“×”。(3%) 1、剧本主要通过人物对话或唱词来推进情节,刻画人物。 考场 班级 姓名 考号 座位号 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题

() 2、相声是一种雅俗共赏的神态表演艺术。 () 3、汉语中有一些在表达方法上很有特点的熟语,如歇后语、谚语。() 二、快乐阅读(34%) (一)根据课文《杨氏之子》内容填空,再回答问题。(13%)梁国杨氏子(),甚()。孔君平(),父不在,()呼儿出。为设果,果有()孔指以示儿曰:“()。”儿应声答曰:“()。”(7%) 1、用原文中的词语来回答:杨氏之子待客很热情,是从“”看出来的;他反应很敏捷,是从“”看出来的;他说话委婉而有礼貌,是从“”看出来的。(3%) 2、杨氏之子的回答妙在。(3%) (二)阅读课文片段,完成练习。(9%)晏子装着很为难的样子,说:“您这一问,我实在不好回答。撒个谎吧,怕犯了欺骗大王的罪;说实话吧,又怕大王生气。”楚王说:“实话实说,我不生气。” 晏子拱了拱手,说:“敝国有个规矩,访问上等的国家,就派上等人去;访问下等的国家,就派下等人去。我最不中用,所以派到这儿来了。”说着他故意笑了笑,楚王只好陪着笑。 1、写出文中画“”的句子所蕴涵的意思。(2%) 2、你觉得哪两个词语最能显示晏子的智慧?请选择其中的一个词语来说说你的看法。(4%) 3、“楚王只好陪着笑。”“只好”在这里指的是。从中你再次体会到了。(3%) (三)阅读短文,完成练习。(12%) 幽默感 在许多国家里,有幽默感的人会受到人们极高的赞赏。幽


五年级下册第一次月考题 班级姓名 一、找出每组中不同类的词,将序号填在提前括号内 ( ) 1. A. summer B. season C. spring ( ) 2. A. swim B. football C. play ( ) 3. A. winter B. warm C. windy ( ) 4. A. pretty B. beautiful C. vacation ( ) 5. A. picnic B. go swimming C. pick apples 二、单项选择。 ()1. —_______ do you go back to school _____ lunch? —At 3:00. A. When; in B. How; for C. When; after ( )2. —When do you ______? —At 6 o’clock in the morning. I work at night. A. play sports B. go to bed C. do morning exercises. ( )3.We finish class at 11 o’clock. ______ we eat lunch at school. A .Or B. Then C. But ( )4. I do morning exercises _____ 10:00. A. in B. on C. at ( )5. I usually play football _____ my friends. A. and B. but C. with ( ) 6.---Which season do you like_____? ---Summer. A. favourite B. / C. best ( ) 7. ---I like autumn best. Because the are pretty! A. colours. B. snow C. colour. ( )8. --- ____ do you like winter? ---Because I like snow. A. Why B. When C. What ( ) 9. ---I like summer best. ---Because I like________.


五年级英语五月份学生学业水平调研 出卷人:王晓娟 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分。每小题读两遍) ( )1.A.parent B. present C. father ( )2.A. clean B.cook C. cinema ( )3.A. wash B. watch C. water ( )4.A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleepy ( )5.A.cook B. book C. look ( )6.A. bus B. busy C. but ( )7.A. sweet B. sweater C. swing ( )8. A. clean the table B. clean the bed C. clean the door ( )9. A. cook breakfast B. cook dinner C. cook lunch ( )10.A. make the bed B. make a cake C. make a fruit salad 二、听录音,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用T表示,错误的 用F表示。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍) ( )1. She is eating some chicken in the kitchen. ( )2. My brother is doing housework. ( )3. Tim is in his bedroom. ( )4. Helen is cleaning the table. ( )5. They are watching TV in the sitting room. 三、听录音,选出合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分 5分。每小题读两遍) ( )1. A. Yes,I do. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, I am. ( )2. A. He is jumping. B. She is singing. C. They are dancing. ( )3. A. We like singing. B. We are singing. C. We usually sing .. ( )4. A. I need a cup . B. We need some candles. C. No,thank you. ( )5. A.No,he isn’t. B. They are cleaning the library. C. Yes,they are.


2016年五年级英语下册第一次月考试卷(译林版) 南马厂小学五年级英语学科阶段性学情调研试卷(2016.03)(总分:100+20 考试时间:60 分钟命题人:靳小佳审核人:周红玉)听 力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(8分) ( )1. A. nice B. nine C.fine ( )2. A. ride B. riding C.rides ( )3. A. fridge B. first C.fruit ( )4. A. same B. name C. some ( )5. A. shop B. ship C. show ( )6. A. tree B. train C. trip ( )7.A.get there B.over there C. come here ( )8.A.near B. early C. late 二、听录音,选择相应的答句。(10分) ( ) 1、A. He goes to work by bike. B. By bus. C. He’s from Shanghai. ( ) 2、A.No,they aren’t. B. Yes, I am. C. I like January.om ( ) 3、A. I often climb mountains. B. I am a student. C. I can plant trees. ( ) 4、A. Seven. B. At seven. C. On Seven. 2-1-c-n-j-y ( ) 5、A. They’re over there. B. It’s over there. C. It’s on the river.【三、根据录音内容,在句子的空格填上单词,将句子补充完整。(12分) 1、I have big . 2、Is there a ___________ near here? 3、Li Ming to Hong Kong by _______. 4、_______ are you going to do sports? This . 5、The coat you well. 6、 are you so , lovely girl? 7、We are some . 笔试部分(70分)一、辨音,划线部分相同的打√ 不同打× 表示。(5分) 1、()buy by 2、()near early 3、()traffic train 4、()ship city 5、()young about 二、英汉互译。(10分) 1、我们的新家__________________ 2、试穿它 ________________ 3、脱下__________________ 4、谁的鞋子 5、坐在篮子里 6、太年轻__________________ 7、喜欢骑自行车________________ 8、show them your new clothes _____________ 9、离……远 ______________ 10、through the tree ___________ 三、按要求写词。(10分) 1、young(反义词)____________ 2、sad (对应词)___________ 3、city(复数形式)____________ 4、have (三单)________ 5、buy(同音词)______________ 6、don’t(完

五年级下册英语Module 2 周周清

T,不同F。 ( )1.A. draw B. saw ( )2.A.chair B.hair ( )3.A.class B.pass ( )4.A.teacher B.head ( )5.A.why B.where ( )1.She danced in a lot of _____. A.city B.citys C.cities

( )2.Did she learn any ____? A.foreign languages B.foreign language C.foreign English ( )3. She is a ____ . A.dance B.dancer C.teach ( )4. He ____ English last year. A.is learning B.learn C.learnt ( )5. Ten years _____ , I was a child. A.ago B.before https://www.wendangku.net/doc/777976361.html,ter ( )6. Ms Smart learnt __ _ . A.dance B.to dance C.dancing

( )7.-- _______ are they? --They’re my grandparents. A.Who B.What C.Whose ( )8. --What she yesterday? --She made a cake. A.do, did B.did, did C.did, do ( )9.He ______English now. A.learning B.is learning C.learnt ( ) 10. Five years ago, he _____ to school. Now he to school by bus. A.W alked, went B.walks, goes C.walked, goes 三、选答语。 ( ) 1.Who are they? A.Yes, she did.


2013上期小学五年级英语 月考测试 一、把下列单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思(2×8=16分) 1、amb lance ( ) 2、d ctor ( ) 3、jugg er ( ) 4、pil t ( ) 5、f mer ( ) 6、danc ( ) 7、c ll ( ) 8、t cher( ) 二、单项选择(2×8=16分) ()1、—Look! is our new classroom. —Wow! It's so big. A、This's B、That C、There ()2、—Are you a vet ? —Yes, A、I am B、she is C、you are ()3、There many banans on the table. A、is B、do C、are ()4、your English teacher ? A、Who's B、What C、Whose ()5、—Can you help him ? —. A、Yes,I am B、Yes,of course C、Sorry,I'm not ()6、—What does he do? —She's . A、a cat B、a teacher C、monkey ()7、This is a photo my family. A、of B、in C、on ()8、—Is he a doctor? —. A、Yes,he is B、Yes , he isn't C、No, he is 三、连词成句(注意标点符号及大小写)(3×5=15分) 1、is she a teacher 2、you are farmer a 3、can help you him


五年级英语上册第一次月考试题 姓名:_____________ 得分:____________ 一、选出划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. bike A. sit B. pig C. rice ( ) 2. milk A. like B. pig C. ice ( ) 3. time A. city B. ride C. fish ( ) 4. dish A. big B. bike C. life ( ) 5. nice A. kick B. picture C. smile 二、英汉互译。(10分) 1.按时_____________________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/777976361.html,e in____________________ 3.玩电脑游戏_____________________ 4.do the dish_____________________ 5.浇花_____________________ 6.chocolate_____________________ 7.水果_____________________ 8. clean the windows_______________ 9.洗衣服_____________________ 10.wall_____________________ 三、选一选。(20分) ()1. My dad _______________ from Monday to Friday. A. are sweeping the floor B. cleaning the windows C. is doing the dishes D. cooks the meal ()2.---I can make the bed. ---Dear, __________! A. I’m helpful B. you’re helpful C. she’s helpful D. he is helpful ()3. ---Can you sweep the floor? --- __________. A. Yes, I can’t B. No, I can C. Yes, I can D. No, she can’t ()4. ---___________________?

深圳小学五年级下册英语试题 -周周清 Unit 1-Unit 2测评卷- 牛津上海版(含答案)

U1--U2测评卷 班级______ 姓名_______ 分数_______ 一、判断每组画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。(10分) ()1.A.park B.car C.cat ()2.A.blue B.school C.room ()3.A.shirt B.girl C.purse ()4.A.door B.floor C.boat ()5.A.change B.school C.chick 二、根据图意,填上适当的单词完成句子。(20分) 1. This is my father’s _____ . He likes reading and writing here. 2. The park is a good ________ for the children to play in. 3. We have dinner together in the ________every evening.

4. It’s raining. Give me an ________, ple ase. 5. The dog likes playing in the ________ all day. 三、选出不同类的单词。(20分) ()1.A.kitchen B.visit C.study ()2.A.enough https://www.wendangku.net/doc/777976361.html,te C.because ()3.A.read B.garden C.play ()4.A.his B.me C.theirs ()5.A.study B.socks C.cap 四、选择填空。(10分) ( ) 1. It is warm in the ________ in winter. A. north B. south C. east ( ) 2. Mum likes the kitchen because ________.


乡(镇)学校班级姓名考号 密 封 线 考生 答题 不 得 超过 此线 五年级英语第二次月考试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、 听录音,排顺序。(5分 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、 根据录音,选单词。(5分) ( )1、A 、tired B 、polite C 、kind ( ) 2、A 、Sunday B 、Wednesday C 、Saturday ( ) 3、A 、speak English B 、sing songs C 、watch TV ( ) 4、A 、 healthy B 、thirsty C 、delicious ( ) 5、A 、schedule B 、should C 、speak 三、 根据听力材料,用T 和F 判断句子对错。(10分) ( )1、My new teacher is very hard-working 。 ( )2、We have PE on Mondays. ( )3、I like vegetables. They are healthy. ( ) 4、Mike can cook. ( ) 5、I often play football. 四、 听录音,填单词或短语。(10分) 1、 Sometimes I _________ _________ on Sunday morings. 2、 I like _________ ___________ very much. It ’s sweet. 3、 My favourite food is _________. 4、 Can you draw ___________. 5、 What can you do? I can do some __________ __________. 笔试部分(70分) 一、看图片写词组。(15分 ) ____________ __________ _________ ___________ _____________ 二、选择填空。(20分) ( )1、W h a t ’s h e l i k e ? A 、H e l i k e s b a n a n a s . B 、H e i s k i n d . C 、 S h e i s f u n n y . ( ) 2、W h a t d o y o u h a v e o n M o n d a y s ?


舞钢市新时代国际学校五年级英语第一周周清英语试卷(一)(时间:80分钟分值:100分) 一、单词过关。(每小题1分,共10分) 1.遇见(过去式)__________ 2.那些 ___________ 3.冰激凌 ____________ 4.我们(宾格)____________ 5.等待 ____________ 6.电子邮件 ___________ 7.跑(过去式)____________8.爱你的 ______________ 9. 发送 ______________10. 吃完 ______________ 二、选出不同类的一项。(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1、A. Chinese B. teacher C. worker D. nurse ( )2、A. rabbit B. bike C. monkey D. elephant ( )3、A. she B. he C. they D. at ( )4、A. ran B. apple C. pear D. lemon ( )5、A. like B. love C. go D. pencil ( )6、A. email B. send C. postcard D. ruler ( )7、A. finish B. went C. bought D. dropped ( )8、A. buy B. have C. those D. eat ( )9、A. rice B. noodles C.hurry D. fish

( )10、A. above B. run C. near D.in 三、写出单词的相应形式。(每小题2分,共20分) 1. meet(过去式)________ 2. ran (原形) ___________ 3. bus (复数) ________ 4. new (反义词) _________ 5. come(过去式)_______ 6. us(主格) __________ 7. let’s(完全形式)______ 8.buy(过去式)__________ 9. have(过去式) _______ 10.for(同音词) _________ 四、单项选择。(每小题2分,共30分) ( )1、He ______ his pencil-box yesterday. A. droped B. drops C. dropped ( )2、My grandma _________ a small house many years ago. A. lived B. lived in C. lived at ( )3、Look at ________ beautiful flowers! A. This B. those C. that ( )4、--- Is it the twin’s bedroom? --- Yes, it is. It’s ______ bedroom. A. Lily’s and Lucy’s B. Lily and Lucy C. Lily and Lucy’s ( )5、I often go to school ________. A. by a bike B. by bike C. ride bike

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