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[Man]: What -- hey. Hold up,there,you. It's a shilling (先令) to tie up your boat at the dock(码头). And I shall need to know your name.
[Jack]: What do you say to three shillings,and we forget the name?

[Man]: Welcome to Port Royal(皇家港),Mr.Smith.

[MAN#2]: Two paces march(前进)! Right about-face(右一百八十度的转变)! Present arms!

[Murtogg]: This dock(码头) is off limits to civilians(市民).

[Jack]: I'm terribly(非常) sorry. I didn't know. If I see one,I shall inform you immediately(立刻). There's some sort of high-toned(独具慧眼的) and

fancy to-do up (即将建成的)at the fort(城堡). How could it be two upstanding(优秀的) gentlemen such as yourselves did not merit an invitation(如你们没有享受过的邀请)?

[Murtogg]: Someone has to make sure this dock stays off(远离) limits.

[Jack]: It's a fine goal(目标),to be sure(可以肯定的是). But it seems to me that a ship like that makes this one here a bit superfluous(多余的),really.

[Murtogg]: The Dauntless(无畏号) is the power (强有力的)in there waters,true. But there's no ship as can match the Interceptor(拦截) for speed.

[Jack]: I've heard of one. It's supposed to(应该) be very fast. Nigh uncatchable(相近的). The Black Pearl(黑珍珠号).

[Mullroy]: Well,there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor(无畏号).

[Murtogg]: Black Pearl is a real ship.

[Mullroy]: No. No,it's not.

[Murtogg]: Yes,it is. I've seen it.

[Mullroy]: You've seen it?

[Murtogg]: Yes.

[Mullroy]: You haven't seen it.

[Murtogg]: Yes,I have.

[Mullroy]: You've seen a ship with black sails(帆) that's crewed by the damned(魔鬼) and captained(船长) by a man so evil(邪恶) that Hell(地狱) itself

spat him back out(他啐了一口)?

[Murtogg]: No.

[Mullroy]: No.

[Murtogg]: But I have seen a ship with black sails.

[Mullroy]: Oh. No ship that's not crewed by the damned(该死的) and captained(领导) by a man so evil(邪恶) that Hell spat him out could possibly

have black sails,therefore couldn't be any other ship than the Black Pearl(珍珠). Is that what you're saying?

[Murtogg]: No.

[Mullroy]: Like I said,there's no real ship as can match the Interceptor(拦截).

[TOGETHER]:Hey! You! Get away from there!

[Mullroy]: You don't have permission(许可) to be there.

[Jack]: I'm sorry. It's such a pretty boat. Ship.

[Murtogg]: What's your name?

[Jack]: Smith. Or Smithy(铁匠铺),if you like.

[Mullroy]: What's your purpose in Port Royal,Mr.Smith?

[Murtogg]: Yeah. And no lies.

[Jack]: Well,then,I confess(承认). It is my intention to commandeer(征用) one of these ships,pick up a crew(船员) in

Tortuga,raid(袭击),pillage(掠夺),plunder(掠夺) and otherwise pilfer(偷盗) my weaselly black guts(勇气) out.

[Murtogg]: I said no lies.

[Mullroy]: I think he's telling the truth.

[Murtogg]: If he were te

lling the truth,he wouldn't have told us.

[Jack]: Unless you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told you.

[Norrington]: May I have a moment? You look lovely,Elizabeth. I apologize(道歉) if I seem forward,but I must speak my mind. This

promotion(承诺) throws(扔) into sharp relief that which I have not yet achieved. A marriage to a fine woman. You have become a fine


[Elizabeth]: I can't breathe.

[Norrington]: Yes,I'm a bit nervous(紧张) myself.

[Jack]: And then they made me their chief(首席).

[Norrington]: Elizabeth?Elizabeth!

[MAN]: The rocks(岩石)! Sir,it's a miracle(奇迹) she missed them.

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