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当前位置:文档库 › 2019年浙江省温州市中考英语模拟试题及答案








1.What kind of music is Amy listening to?

A.Folk music.

B.Pop music.

C.Country music.

2.When will Frank finish his homework?

A.At 9:35.

B.At 9:45.

C.At 10:05.

3.Where are the speakers eating now?

A.In a noodle house.

B.In a Western restaurant.

C.In a Chinese restaurant.

4.How will the woman get to London?

A.By car.

B.By plane.

C.By train.

5.What’s Sarah’s problem with her new company?

A.The food in the dining room is terrible.

B.She has few friends in the new company.

C.The lunch break is too short.



6.Who’s the man?

A.An old friend of the woman.

B.A tour guide.

C.A hotel clerk.

7.How long will the woman stay in Hangzhou?

A.For three days.

B.For a week.

C.For five days.

8.Which hotel will the woman stay in?

A.A big hotel.

B.An expensive hotel.

C.A smaller hotel.


9.Where did the dialogue take place?

A.On the train.

B.On the subway.

C.On the bus.

10.What was the guy doing?

A.Talking on the phone.

B.Talking to himself.

C.Eating dinner.

11.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?



C.Passenger and worker.


12.What is the speaker’s opinion about the Nobel Prize for physics?

A.It should make a change.

B.It should award only one person.

C.It should not include important members.

13.How many people can win the Nobel Prize at one time?

A.Only 3.

B.Not more than 3.

C.Less than 3.

14.According to the speaker,who is not in the team of people working with sports players?

A.The coach or manager.

B.The doctor.

C.The players’parents.

15.What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A.A team can make everything possible.

B.Behind the winners,there is always a team.

C.Scientists and sports players should work in a team.





Many animals around us are smart. Let’s get to know some of them.

the dolphins .

A.felt afraid and ran away from the mirror

B.tried to fight with the ones in the mirror

C.didn’t find any red marks on their bodies

D.tried to clean the red marks off their bodies

17.When the bees saw the vertical lines,they .

A.flew away

B.found the higher line

C.stayed there

D.found the numbers

18.performed better in remembering where the numbers were.

A.The adult chimpanzees

B.The old chimpanzees

C.The young chimpanzees

D.The college students


As a new teacher in Denver,Kyle felt that there was something she didn’t know about her students. She thought up a lesson plan called “I Wish My Teacher Knew”.

For the activity,Kyle’s students wrote down a thought for their teacher and shared something they’d like her to know about.

The students loved this idea. Many of them were not only willing to include their names,but also enjoyed sharing it with the class.

“I wish my teacher knew I don’t have pencils at home to do my homework,”one wrote.

“I wish my teacher knew I don’t have friends to play with me,”another shared.

“I wish my teacher knew sometimes my homework is not signed(签名)because my mom is not around a lot,”read another.

After she learned most of her students led heartbreaking lives,Kyle shared some of the notes on social media. She hoped other teachers would use the same lesson with their own students. Soon posts and photos of notes from other schools poured in(涌入)from around the world.

“After one student shared that she had no one to play with at break,the next day during break I noticed she was playing with a group of girls. Not only can I support my students,but my students can support each other,”said Kyle.

Kyle’s story won the hearts of many people.

“I take my hat off to this teacher. It must have been heartbreaking after reading these stories.”

“If every person did one nice thing for someone,no matter how small,the world would be a better place.”

19.What did the students need to do in the activity?

A.Write down their wishes.

B.Play at break with friends.

C.Get their homework signed.

D.Have more pencils at home.

20.What do we know from the story?

A.The students put notes on social media.

B.All the students led heartbreaking lives.

C.Many people supported Kyle’s students.

D.The students improved in some ways.

21.How do you understand the underlined sentence?

A.I look up to the teacher.

B.I encourage the teacher.

C.I agree with the teacher.

D.I don’t believe the teacher.

22.Which of the following words best describes Kyle?






Do you know what makes lightning(闪电)? Why does lightning strike(击打)?

Lightning strikes happen when ice and water in clouds rub(摩擦)together,and cause atmospheric(大气层的)changes. When this happens,it creates a static charge(静电). Lightning can strike inside the cloud,between two clouds or between a cloud and Earth. It’s the last kind of strike that is the most dangerous for humans.

Lightning can be very dangerous. Every year,lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches a temperature of 28,000℃. About 1,000 people are hit by lightning every year in the United States,and about 100 of them die as a result.

Lightning makes people shocked,and it happens all over the world! Scientists think that there are more than three million lightning strikes every day in the world—that’s thirty strikes

every second(秒). An American man,Roy Sullivan,who worked in a park,survived from the most lightning strikes. Between 1942 and 1983,he was hit seven times! And he keeps the highest world record.

Lightning is sure not something to play with. When lightning strikes,it’s best to stay inside a large building. To stay safe,do not stand under trees,on hills or near water. Also,do not lie down on the ground,or the electricity may go through you and cause a heart problem.

23.Lightning strikes .

A.happen thirty times each day

B.happen when there are big fires

C.can reach a very high temperature

D.can kill all those who work in a park

24.The underlined word “survived”means “”.

A.continued to live



D.lost memory

25.How many people hit by lightning die every year in America?

A.About 1,000 people.

B.About 28,000 people.

C.About one tenth of people.

D.About one fourth of people.

26.Where’s the safest place to stay when lightning strikes?

A.Under a tree.

B.Near a river.

C.On the top of a hill.

D.Inside a building.


In 2013 alone at least 20,000 African elephants were killed for their teeth. In South Africa over the last two years more than 2,200 rhinos were killed for their horns. These numbers are alarming,because current rates of illegal hunting are faster than birth rates,which could lead to extinction for these ecologically important creatures in their environment. Indeed,some elephant and rhino populations are on track to be locally extinct within the next decade.

If you are reading this,you may already be aware of these facts. But you might not know that wildlife trafficking(走私)not only threatens the existence of elephants and rhinos but is also leading to extinction of other species,such as tigers,tortoises,sea turtles—and the world’s most trafficked mammal(哺乳动物)—pangolins(穿山甲).

Pangolins are the only mammals that are entirely covered in tough scales(鳞),which make them look very strong. But actually they are endangered mammals. There are eight different kinds of pangolins,four in Asia and four in Africa,and all are threatened with extinction. Although pangolins are protected throughout most of the countries where they live,high demand in East Asia,where the delicious pangolin meat is considered a delicacy(佳肴)and where their scales are used in traditional medicines,is driving an illegal trade in both live animals and pangolin parts. The number of pangolin trafficking is shocking. Experts believe that over the last 10 years more than 1 million pangolins were taken from the wild. It is estimated that between 40,000 and 81,250 pangolins were killed for the illegal trade in 2013 alone.

In February,the United States released(公布)a plan to deal with wildlife trafficking,which lays out the steps we will take to fight the illegal trade in wildlife,including pangolins. We are strengthening the carrying out of the plan,building international cooperation and contribution to protect wildlife,raising awareness to drive down the demand that is fuelling the illegal trade.

Get involved and remember World Wildlife Day (March 3)by spreading the plan. Use social media and tell everyone that now is the time to get serious about wildlife crime and end the demand that threatens species,big and small,from the huge elephant to the shy pangolin.

27.How many rhinos were killed in South Africa during the last two years?

A.More than 81,250.

B.More than 20,000.

C.More than 2,200.

D.More than 40,000.

28.How many kinds of pangolins are there in Asia?





29.The underlined phrase “carrying out”means “”in the fourth paragraph.

A.putting the plan into effect

B.moving the plan to a place

C.making a new plan

D.making the plan with you

30.What does the writer want us to know after reading the passage?

A.Protecting wild animals is our duty.

B.Something about World Wildlife Day.

C.Something about illegal trade in East Asia.

D.Wild animals are in danger and we must get involved.




If you like visiting places where important events like royal wedding take place,you should visit this 300-year-old cathedral. It is a world-famous building and is one of London sights that most tourists look forward to seeing. Once inside,they don’t mind climbing the 259 steps to the top for a panoramic view of the city.


The British government has been meeting here since 1512. The clock with four faces is the biggest in Britain,and Big Ben is the name of the enormous bell inside it. People around the world see this place as a symbol of Britain.


This is an exact replica(复制品)of the original theater that Shakespeare used for performances of his plays. You can enjoy watching Romeo and Juliet,Macbeth,Hamlet or any other of his great works.


In the past,this 900-year-old building was a prison. Today,tourists come to see the Crown Jewels and the ravens(渡鸦)that live in the tower. Many people believe that these big black birds are unlucky,but they also say that disaster will never hit Britain as long as ravens keep living there.


It is the most famous bridge in the world and a symbol of London. The two towels have The Houses of

Tower Bridge The New Globe Theater Parliament(议会)

St Paul’s Cathedral The Tower of London Cleopatra’s Needle



通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

I have five children,so our house is always noisy.36,I love gardening and my garden helps me relax.

For a long time,I 37the garden of peace and quiet. When the children followed me into the garden,I would expect 38to be out of sight. And I would hand out tasks.

“Here:you 39the onions,you dig the holes,and…”Soon they would be 40 or their arms would be sore(酸痛的),and they would leave me to myself.

But during a recent spring,41I was working in the garden,my 13-year-old son,Josiah noticed me. He 42 a tool and began helping. Working as a team,we finished the job in no time at all. I 43 Josiah,realizing that I’d enjoyed working with him.

The same thing happened—one or two of the 44would appear and join in the gardening from time to time. Each time,I would feel 45that the work was lighter because of their help.

One day,when I was picking the peas(豌豆)and having a taste 46,Abby saw me and ran over. I put several peas into her mouth. She just loved how 47they were.

“Mama,I want the others to try them too.”

Suddenly,I realized I had been wrong for long. I’d tried to keep the 48of gardening to myself,and here was a child who couldn’t wait to 49with others. “Sure,honey,

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考16 定语从句(讲解)

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—定语从句 【知识方法】 先行词:名词或代词 定语从句 关系代词 关系词 关系副词 【知识清单】 定语从句 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。 定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句放在先行词后面。定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。本章只介绍限定性定语从句。引导定语从句的词有关系代词that、which、who、which、whose和关系副词where 、when,关系代词和关系副词是引导词,在定语从句中担当某一成份。 关系代词、副词作用先行词例句 that,who,whom(只做宾语) 主语 宾语 表语 人Do you know the girl who/that is standing under a tree? 你知道站在树下的女孩是谁吗?

that,which 主语 宾语 表语物、时间、 地 点、原因 She got a computer which/that her parents bought for her. 她有一台她的父母买给她的电脑。 whose 定语人物The boy whose father is a doctor studies very hard. 他的爸爸是医生的男孩学习非常刻苦。 The classroom whose window is open is mine. 窗户开着的那个教室是我的教室。 when 状语时间I still remember the day when you leave for Beijing. 我仍然记得你去北京的那一天。 where 状语地点This is the school where my mother works. 这就是我妈妈工作的学校。 why 状语原因 Could you explain the reason why you were late?你 能解释一下你迟到的原因吗? 二、关系代词在定语从句中的用法(关系代词作宾语时可省略): 1.that指人或物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 This is the pen that you are looking for. The girl that has long hair is my sister. 2.which指物,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 The bike which is made in Tianjin sells well. The fish which we bought were not fresh. 3.who, whom指人,在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。 The boy who broke the window is called Tom. The person to whom he is talking is my father.正在和他谈话的那个人是我父亲。(宾语) 4.whose指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。 The girl whose bag is new is called Ann.新书包的那个女孩叫Ann。(指人)


2014年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 学校____________________姓名____________________准考证号_______________________ 听力理解(共26分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A 、B 、C 幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片.每 段对话你将听两遍.(共4分,每小题1分) 1. 2. 3. 4.

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选择最佳选项.每段对话或独白你将听两遍.(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题. 5.What are the speakers going to do? A.To have dinner.B.To watch a match.C.To see a film. 6.Who will go with the boy? A.His friend.B.His mother.C.His sister. 请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题. 7.What does the girl like doing? A.Playing chess.B.Playing basketball.C.Playing the piano.8.How often does she practice? A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Three times a week. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题. 9.Where’s Classroom F205? A.On the first floor.B.On the second floor .C.On the sixth floor.10.Where did the girl study for one year? A.In Canada.B.In America .C.In China. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题. 11.What does the man do? A.A driver.B.A teacher.C.A fire fighter. 12.What does the woman think of the man’s job? A.Dangerous.B.Great.C.Boring. 13.Where are the speakers? A.In a taxi.B.On a bus.C.On a train. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题. 14.What’s the girl doing now? A.Making a speech. B.Leading a discussion. C.Giving an introduction. 15.How long has the girl studied in the school? A.12 years.B.8 years.C.6 years. 16.What’s the girl’s advice on creating the future? A.Making good plans. B.Making your own decision. C.Making good use of your knowledge.


浙江省温州市中考英语试卷 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案. 1.Jenny has a sweet tooth.Let's make some cookies for() A.me B.him C.her D.them 2.﹣I can't believe it.Tony has invented a tree﹣planting machine. ﹣Really?He is so() A.shy B.rude C.creative D.friendly 3.Hearing the good news,Betty laughed and ran out of the classroom() A.sadly B.quietly C.angrily D.excitedly 4.When an earthquake happens,I think the most important safety _____ is to keep calm()A.rule B.doubt C.condition D.problem 5.﹣Do you know that the Terracotta Army in China is more than 2,000 years old? ﹣Wow!____!() A.How large it is B.How modern it is C.What a long history it has D.What a beautiful place it is 6.﹣Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here? ﹣Sure.I visited this city three years ago so this is my ____ time here.() A.first B.second C.third D.fourth 7.Although he suffered a lot from his foot problem,____ could stop him from finishing the race () A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything 8.I still remember my happy childhood when my mother ____ me to Disneyland at weekends()A.takes B.took C.will take D.has taken 9.Vienna is famous for having many great musicians.____,Johann Strauss the younger wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music there.() A.In fact B.For example C.As a result D.In my opinion 10.﹣Mum,I don't have anybody to play with.Can I have a pet? ﹣____ Our apartment is too small.() A.Why not?B.I hope so. C.Anything else?D.I'm afraid not.


浙江省温州市英语试卷 一、单选题(共10小题) 1.----What do you know about kite surfing? ----It is _________ exciting water sport. A.a B.an C.the D.\ 2.Annie has a ___________,and she is going to see her dentist today.A.cold B.fever C.cough D.toothache 3.A person who is __________ does not tell lies or cheat people.A.careless B.stupid C.honest D.humorous 4.Mr.Smith has a habit of taking a shower _________ he has breakfast.A.though B.before C.because D.since 5.I fell off the bike on my way to school._______,I wasn’t hur t.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Politely D.Recently

6.---Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school. ---Wonderful! I can’t wait to _________ it. A.repeat B.forget C.receive D.join 7.---Mom, what would you like, coffee or tea? ---_ ________.Just water, please. A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.None 8.---Have you watched the new movie Jurassic World, Steven? ----Not yet.I ________ it with my cousin this evening. A.will watch B.was watching C.watched D.have watched 9.---Ms.Petty, can you tell me ____________? ----Africa. A.what the baby giraffe likes eating B.why the baby giraffe looks unhappy C.when the baby giraffe was born D.where the baby giraffe came from 10.---Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday? ---_________.It’s one of the world’s cleanest cities. A.Sounds great B.Not at all


2019年中考英语冠词语法专题训练 (名师精选必考题+实战真题,值得下载练习) 语法综合演练 Ⅰ.用适当的冠词填空,不需填的画“/” 1.Every morning he spends hour doing exercise, and then he go e s to work. 2.—Have you seen movie OperationRedSea? —Yes. This is educational film and it has become one of most popular films in the world. 3.Peter, honest boy, visited European country last summer. 4.There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon. 5.higher the mountain is, thinner the air is. 6.—Do the twins look the same? —No. Jane is taller of them. 7.—Loo k at skirt. I bought it for my mother on Mother’s Day. —What nice skirt! 8.—Who is boy in red? —He is friend of Tom’s. He plays piano very well. 9.The novel is so interesting that he wants to read it second time. 10.Which is bigger, sun or earth? 11.Blacks are planning to go on vacation. 12.Beijing, capital of China,has long history. 13.He took the medicine three times day after meals according to the instructions. 14.Mary usually goes to work by bike, but this morning she took taxi to school. 15.best student in my class was ill in hospital. Ⅱ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A Today, the 1.(popular) of basketball has risen around the world, with many young people


1 / 11 D) Maths. D) A sandwich. D) Frightened. 2014年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension.(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) E 7.A) Chemistry. B) History. C) English. 8.A) A hamburger. B) A fruit salad. C) A hot-dog. 9.A) Tired. B) Surprised. C) Excited. 10.A) Watch TV. B) Play football. C) Go to the cinema. D) Read a book. 11.A) Fifteen minutes’walk. B) Fifteen minutes’ bus ride. C)Fifty minutes’ walk.D) Fifty minutes’ bus ride. 12.A) Thursday. B) Friday. C) Saturday. D) Sunday. 13.A) Trips. B) Computers. C) Parents. D) Jobs. 14.A) At the beach. B) At the airport. C) In the theatre. D) In the hotel. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true o r false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. My aunt and uncle sent me a bottle of honey as a birthday present last year. 16. The smell of my hair attracted lots of bees when I went outside. D A G


温州2019中考英语模拟试卷及答案 一、单项填空 1.My pet dog is missing.If you see____dog with four white legs,please call me. A.the B.a C.an D./ 2.Be sure to read the ______carefully first before you take the medicine. A.notice B.introductions C.instructions D.instruments 3.We need to form a habit of _______the whole test paper first as soon as we get it. A.looking for B.looking over C.looking up D.looking through 4.The boy has no interest in study.________,he has fallen behind his classmates. A.At last B.As usual C.As a result D.At least 5.The Blacks don’t live here any longer,they _______to Sanya the other day. A.have moved B.moved C.had moved D.will move 6.I’m afraid I may forget to buy some rice on my way back home,because none left at home. A.notice B.promise C.allow D.remind 7.According to the weather forecast,a heavy snow_______this afternoon in the north of Zhejiang province. A.will expect B.is expected C.expected D.was expected


2017年浙江省温州市中考英语试卷 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案. 1.(1分)﹣This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year.﹣Yeah,we had a great time there.() A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(1分)Robert is_____ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends.() A.busy B.smart C.serious D.pleased 3.(1分)I have the ____of reading before sleeping.It has been part of my life.() A.courage B.chance C.spirit D.habit 4.(1分)﹣Did anyone call me when I was out? ﹣Yes.A man who called Tom() A.myself B.himself C.herself D.yourself 5.(1分)Seeing a bird resting by the window,the boy moved _____to have a look at it.() A.politely B.quietly C.easily D.safely 6.(1分)_____the scientists have done lots of research on Mars,there is still much waiting to be discovered.() A.If B.Since C.Unless D.Though 7.(1分)﹣We've ordered too much food.I eat any more. ﹣Never mind.Let's take it home.() A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.shouldn't 8.(1分)Simon looks worried because he a writing competition and now he's waiting for the result.() A.enters B.entered C.will enter D.is entering 9.(1分)Opposite my house is______.My ten﹣year﹣old son often goes there with

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考12 动词时态(讲解)【带答案】

2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍—动词时态 【知识方法】 一般现在时:谓语动词用动词原形或第三人称单数形式 一般过去时:谓语动词用动词的过去式的形式 一般将来时:谓语动词用will/be going to +动词的原形 动词的时态 现在进行时:谓语动词用am/is/are +动词原形的形式 过去进行时:谓语动词用was/were+动词的现在分词 现在完成时:谓语动词用have/has+动词的过去分词 知识清单 动词的时态 动词的时态有很多。初中阶段主要掌握八种:一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去

进行时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时。 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 1.一般现在时 1)一般现在时态的构成:主语是I, we, you, they和名词复数时作谓语的行为动词用原形。主语是he, she , it和名词单数时,作谓语的行为动词的词尾变化如下: 一般情况+s 以s, x, ch, sh或o结尾+es 以辅音+y结尾去y变i+es 2)一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以be和like为例): 主语肯定式否定式疑问式 第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数I am a student. We/You/ They are students. He/ She is a student. I / We/ You/ They/ like music. Many people like music. I am not a student. We/You/ They are not students. He/ She is not a student. I / We/ You/ They/ don’t like music. Many people don’t like music. Are you a student. Are you/ they students? Is he/ she a student? Do you/ they like music? Do many people like music? 3)一般现在时态的用法: 现阶段经常性,习惯性的动作。例如: I get up at six every morning. He plays tennis once a week. 现在的状态例如: My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a school. 客观真理例如:


山西省2014年普通高中招生考试试卷 英语 第I卷(共75分) I.听力试题(每小题1分,共15分) 第一题情景反应这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你讲听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的的 .............一项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A B C 2 A B C 3 A B C 4 A B C

5 A B C 第二题对话理解这一大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( ) 6. A. Walking. B. Swimming. C. Dancing ( ) 7. A. Expensive. B. Beautiful. C. Cheap. ( ) 8. A. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Classmates. ( ) 9. A. At the museum B. On the bus. C. In the street. ( ) 10. A. She has cleaned them. B. She has thrown them away. C. She has put them under the bed. 第三题语篇理解这一大题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( )11. When did Jim wake up yesterday morning? A. At 7:45 B. At 8:00 C. At 8:15 ( )12. Why did he run to school? A. Because he liked running in the rain. B. Because the school was far from his home. C. Because there was something wrong with the bus. ( )13. What was Mr Smith doing when Jim came in ? A. He was waiting for him. B. He was giving his lesson. C. He was doing experiments. ( )14. How did Mr Smith feel at first when he saw Jim? A. He seemed pleased. B. He felt surprised. C. He was unhappy. ( )15. What can we know from the story ? A. An interesting lesson can warm students. B. You can get good grands if you like your teachers. C. Students can become more interested in study if teachers love them. II. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( )16. Last month, we went to Li Zongsheng's concert. The beautiful songs about his younger day reminded us to love _________ . A. yours B. theirs C. ours


浙江省温州市中考英语试题 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year. —Yeah, we had a great time there. A. a B. an C. the D: / 2. Robert is_____ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends. A. busy B. smart C. serious D. pleased 3. I have the ____of reading before sleeping. It has been part of my life. A. courage B. chance C. spirit D. habit 4. —Did anyone call me when I was out? —Yes. A man who called Tom A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 5. Seeing a bird resting by the window, the boy moved _____to have a look at it. A. politely B. quietly C. easily D. safely 6. _____the scientists have done lots of research on Mars, there is still much waiting to be discovered. A. If B.Since C. Unless D. Though 7. —We’ve ordered too much food. I eat any more. —Never mind. Let’ take it home. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn't 8. Simon looks worried because he a writing competition and now he's waiting for the result. A. enters B. entered C. will enter D. is entering 9. Opposite my house is______. My ten-year-old son often goes there with his classmates on Saturday. A. a museum that is open on weekdays B. a swimming pool that is designed for adults C. a cinema which sells tickets at a lower price D. a library which will be completed in two years 10. —Mum,I’m going to school now. See you. —______, Marry. A. Here we go B.Wait a moment C.My pleasure D.Have a nice day 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)) 阅读下列短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Johnnie Martin was born in a worke’s family. His parents lived a simple life, reaving money for the day when they could send him to a good university. They had dreamed that their son could get a good 11 and live a better life. However, to Johnnie, school lessons seemed like a wall that was impossible to go through. One day when he was in Grade 11, Johnnie went 12 school psychologist’s* office to ask for help. “Johnnie, I’v e been studying your marks of all the tests at school. I've made a 13 study of them,” said the psychologist. “I’ve been trying hard.” Johnnie was about to14 . The psychologist put his hand on the boy's shoulder, “People have different kinds of talents, Johnnie. There are


2017年浙江省温州市中考英语试题 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year. —Yeah, we had a great time there. A. a B. an C. the D: / 2. Robert is_____ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends. A. busy B. smart C. serious D. pleased 3. I have the ____of reading before sleeping. It has been part of my life. A. courage B. chance C. spirit D. habit 4. —Did anyone call me when I was out? —Yes. A man who calledTom A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 5. Seeing a bird resting by the window, the boy moved _____to have a look at it. A. politely B. quietly C. easily D. safely 6. _____the scientists have done lots of research on Mars, there is still much waiting to be discovered. A. If B.Since C. Unless D. Though 7. —We’ve ordered too much food. Ieat any more. —Never mind. Let’ take it home. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn't 8. Simon looks worried because hea writing competition and now he's waiting for the result. A. enters B. entered C. will enter D. is entering 9. Opposite my house is______. My ten-year-old son often goes there with his classmates on Saturday. A. a museum that is open on weekdays B. a swimming pool that is designed for adults C. a cinema which sells tickets at a lower price D. a library which will be completed in two years 10. —Mum,I’m going to school now. See you. —______, Marry. A. Here we go B.Wait a moment C.My pleasure D.Have a nice day 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分))


中考复习之词汇运用 词汇运用题:考查学生对单词的拼写能力,以及词形变化、测试内容以实词为主,虚词为辅。 做好这类题,一般应遵循下面几个步骤:第一步读懂句意,判断词性;第二步确定词形;第三步核对答案。 名词:单数、复数、所有格、大写; 动词:时态、语态、非谓语动词形式;(一般现在时用三单;已经有动词用非谓语)形容词:原级、比较级、最高级;(“的”) 副词:原级、比较级、最高级;(“地”) 代词:不定代词、主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词; 数词:基数词、序数词(first, second, third, fourth, fifth) 冠词:a / an / the (首次提到用a / an;特指用the) 连词:and,but,or,because,so,when,where,before,after,if… 介词:at,by,to,in,for,of,on,from,with… 中考复习之选词填空 二、选词填空解题注意事项 1.先对备选词汇的词性作简单标记,如名词(n.)、动词(v.)、形容词(adj.)、副词(adv.)等。同时对词义做初步的理解。 2.根据题意或通读全文,猜测空格中所缺的信息,注意固定搭配,根据需要去备选词 汇中寻找匹配的答案。 3.填词过程中注意词形的变化。既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。为 了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜: 空前空后要注意; “名词”单复数要牢记,还有“'s”不能弃; “动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意三种级; 要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基”和“序”; 填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。


(省)英语 准考证号____________________ 姓名________________ (在此卷上答题无效) 机密★2014年6月19日 江西省2014年中等学校招生考试 英语试题卷 说明:1. 本卷分为试题卷和答题卷,答案请涂写在答题卷上,不要在试题卷上作答,否则不给分。 2. 本卷共有5大题、86小题,全卷满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。 一、听力测试(25分) 现在是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。 What is the boy going to buy? A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples. 答案是C。 A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) 1. Who sent thecamera to Lily? A. Her friends. B. Her grandparents. C. Her parents. 2. When will the girl have the final exam? A. Tomorrow. B. On Monday. C. On Friday. 3. Whose notebook is this? A. Jenny’s. B. Linda’s C. Bob’s. 4. Why does Peter look tired? A. He had a football match. B. He stayed up late for his exam. C. He watched a football match. 5. What does the girl mean? A. She doesn’t like swimming. B. She can’t go swimming with Tom. C. She will go swimming with her mother. B)请听下面4段对话和1段独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从踢中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分) 请听第1段对话,回答第6至第7小题。 6. What are they going to do together? A. Have violin lessons. B. Play tennis. C. Watch movies. 7. What time will they meet? A. At 5:30. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:30. 请听第2段对话,回答第8至第9小题。 8. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a post office. 9. How much should the man pay?

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