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2. 《科技英语阅读教程》里的句子翻译请老师让学生关注以下的内容:Unlocking the climate puzzle:

Para 3, Para 5, Para 10, Para 12, Para 14, Para. 16, Para. 18, Para 20 The Greenhouse Effect

Para 1, Para 5, Para 9

Toyota’s story in Europe

Para 1, Para 2, Para 5, Para 6

why diesel-powered cars are in and electric cars are out

Para 1, Para 2, Para 4, Para 6, Para 7

executive forecast

Para 1, Para 2, Para 4, Para 5, Para 7, Para 8, Para 9, Para 14

post-modernism and urban planning

Para 2, Para 3, Para 4, Para 5, Para 6, Para 7, Para 8, Para 11

first view of nanotechnique

Para 3, Para 7, Para 15

the earth's oceans

Para 4, Para 7, Para 8, Para 10, Para 13


first view of nanotechnique

Para 3,

Today’s manufacturing methods are very crude at the molecular level. Casting, grinding, milling and even lithography move atoms in great thundering statistical herds. It`s like trying to make things out of LEGO blocks with boxing gloves in ur hands. Yes, u can push the LEGO blocks into ur great heaps and pile them up, but u can`t really snap them together the way u`d like.


Para 7,

If we r to continue these trends we will have develop a new ‘post-lithographic manufacturing technology which will let us inexpensively build computer systems that r molecular in both size and r interconnected in complex and highly idiosyncratic patterns. Nanotechnology will let us do it.



Para 15

The need for positional assembly implies an interest in molecular robotics, e.g., robotic devices r likely 2 resemble very small versions of their everyday macroscopic counterparts. Positional assembly is frequently used in normal macroscopic manufacturing today, and provides tremendous advantages. Imagine trying to build a bicycle with both hands tied behind ur back! The idea of manipulating and positioning individual atoms and molecules is still new and take some getting used to. However, as Feynman said in a classic talk in 1959:”the principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering things atom by atom.” we need 2 apply at the molecular scale the concept that has demonstrated its effectiveness at the macroscopic sacle: making parts go where we want by putting them where we want!



the earth's oceans

Para 4,

Seawater is pure water plus dissolved solids and gases. The dissolved solids come from “weathering”processes of the continental rocks being dissolved by rain and flowing out to sea with the rivers. The gases come from the atmosphere. As water is a universal solvent, many different compounds are dissolved in it. A 1-kg sample of saltwater contains 35g of dissolved compounds, including inorganic salts, organic compounds from living organisms. The solid substance r known as “salts” and their total amount in the water is referred to by a term known as salinity (express as parts per thousand). Oceanic salinity generally has a range from 34 to 3 parts per thousand. Variations from place to place are due to factors such as rainfall, evaporation, biological activity and radioactive decay. salinities are higher in the tropics due to high evaporation rates. Fresh supplies of salts are now being added to oceans from the rivers at roughly the same rate of that they r being removed by various physical, chemical and biological processes.


Para 7,

Para 8,

Para 10,

Para 13

科技英语翻译Unit 1—Unit 7

Unit 1 Electronics:Analog and Digital 1.As with series resonance, the greater the resistance in the circuit the lower the Q and, accordingly, the flatter and broader the resonance curve of either line current or circuit impedance. 对于串联谐振,电路中的电阻愈大Q值就愈低,相应地线路电流或电路阻抗的谐振曲线也就愈平、愈宽。 2.A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same and weighs exactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current. 一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。 3.Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change the pulse repetition rate, or directly enter a new value of the period in the provided dialogue box, while keeping the pulse width unchanged. 在波形上点击鼠标并拖动来改变脉冲重复频率,或者在提供的对话框中直接输入新的周期值,而保持脉冲宽度不变。 4.Electronics is the science and the technology of the passage of charged particles in a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor. Please note that particle motion confined within a metal only is not considered electronics. 电子学是一门有关带电粒子在气体、真空或半导体中运动的科学技术。注意,在本书中粒子运动仅限于金属的情况不属于电子学。 5.Hardware technologies have played vital roles in our ability to use electronic properties to process information, but software and data processing aspects have not developed at the same speed. 硬件技术在我们使用电子特性来处理信息的能力中一直起着重要作用,而软件及数字处理方面却没能与硬件同步发展。 6.However, in a properly designed DC amplifier the effect of transistor parameter variation, other than Ico, may be practically eliminated if the operation point of each stage is adjusted so that it remains in the linear operation range of the transistor as temperature varies. 然而在设计得当的直流放大器中,若调节每一级的工作点使之在温度变化时保持在晶体管线性区,就能在实际上消除Ico以外的晶体管参数变化所造成的影响。

第四章 翻译的技巧参考译文

第四章翻译的技巧 Skills in Translation .课堂互动2:翻译句子(参考译文) 1.The sky turned to a tender pallet of pink and blue. 【译文】天空变成了一块由粉红色和蓝色构成的色彩柔和的调色板。 2. She had never let him know—never breathed a word. 【译文】她根本就没让他知道,从未透露过真情。 3.The president now is on a poverty tour. 【译文】总统目前正在访问贫困地区。 4. She doctored in the countryside. 【译文】她在农村当医生。 5. The old man carefully doctored the split in the cane chair. 【译文】老人仔细修补藤椅上的裂口。 6. The mayor of New York City is the Time magazine’s 2001 Person of the Year. 【译文】纽约市市长是2001年《时代》杂志的风云人物。 7. The girls all like Bob because he is a football captain. Nothing succeeds like success. 【译文】所有的女孩子都喜欢鲍伯,因为他是个足球队长。有本事又有人缘。 8. An expensive failure can be made into an asset if you’ve learnt from it, but Monsanto still has some learning to do. 【译文】失败的代价虽然昂贵,然而只要你能从中汲取教训,那也是一笔财富。不过,曼山托公司仍然需要总结教训。 9.In the social production which men carry on they enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will; these relations of production correspond to a definite stage of development of their material powers of production. 【译文】人们在自己生活的社会生产中发生一定的、必然的、不以其意志为转移的关系,即同他们的物质生产力的一定发展阶段相适合的生产关系。 The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society —the real foundation on which rise legal and political superstructures and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. 【续】这些生产关系的总和构成社会的经济结构,即有法律的和政治的上层建筑建立其上,并有一定的社会意识形式与之相适应的现实基础。 The mode of production in material life determines the general character of the social, political and spiritual processes of life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness. (Karl Marx: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy) 续】物质生活的生产方式制约着整个社会生活、政治生活和精神生活的过程。不是人们的意识决定人们的存在,相反,是人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。 (卡尔·马克思《政治经济学批判》) 10. There is no month in the whole year, in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August. Spring has many beauties, and May is a fresh and blooming month;but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season. August has no such advantage. It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies, green fields and sweet-smelling flowers —when the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak winds, has faded



第一章 汉英语言对比 相关参考: 翻译教学和研究的经验表明:翻译理论和技巧必须建立在不同语言和文化的对比分析基础上。英汉互译的几项基本原则和技巧,如选词(Diction)、转换(Conversion)、增补(Amplification)、省略(Omission)、重复(Repetition)、替代(Substitution)、变换(Variation)、倒臵(Inversion)、拆离(Division)、缀合(Combination)、阐释(Annotation)、浓缩(Condensation)、重组(Reconstruction),以及时态、语态、语气、习语、术语等的译法,都集中地体现了英汉的不同特点。机器翻译是让计算机按照人们所制定的程序和指令进行不同语言的对比转换,也离不开对比分析。翻译之所以困难,归根结底是因为语言差异和文化差异。因此,对比、分析和归纳这些差异,便是翻译学的重要任务。 不同语言的对比分析不仅有利于教学和翻译,也有助于语言交际。通过对比分析,人们可以进一步认识外语和母语的特性,在进行交际时,能够有意识地注意不同语言各自的表现方法,以顺应这些差异,防止表达错误,避免运用失当,从而达到交际的目的。 ——连淑能,《英汉对比研究》 纪德是最理解莎士比亚的法国作家之一。在他看来,“没有任何作家比莎士比亚更值得翻译”,但同时,“也没有任何作家比他更难翻译,译文更容易走样”。纪德对莎士比亚的理解是双重的,既是精神的,也是语言的。他在与莎士比亚的相遇与相识中,经历了一系列的考验。对他在翻译中经历的这番历史奇遇,他曾在为七星文库出版的《莎士比亚戏剧集》撰写的前言中作了详尽的描述:描述了两种文化与两种语言之间的遭遇,也揭示了翻译中译者所面临的种种障碍。 纪德首先看到的,是语言与文化层面的逻辑性,这涉及到不同语言的思维方法。他说:“莎士比亚很少考虑逻辑性,而我们拉丁文化缺了逻辑性就踉踉跄跄。莎士比亚笔下的形象相互重现,相互推倒。面对如此丰富的形象,我们可怜的译者目瞪口呆。他不愿意对这种绚丽多彩有丝毫遗漏,因此不得不将英文原本中用仅仅一个词表示的暗喻译成一个句子。原来像蛇一样紧紧盘成一团的诗意,如今成了松开的弹簧。翻译成了解释。逻辑倒是很满意,但魅力不再起作用。莎士比亚的诗句飞跃而过的空间,迟缓的熊虫一瘸一拐才能走完。”在紧密的逻辑与丰富的形象之间,英语与法语的天平有所侧重,在两者的遭遇中,译者的无奈与局限源于文化与语言的巨大差异。 头脑清醒的纪德没有丝毫责备英语或莎士比亚的语言的意思,相反,在翻译莎士比亚的戏剧中,他充分意识到了母语的缺陷。他说:“只有在接触外语时,我们才意识到本国语言的缺陷,因此,只会法语的法国人是看不到缺陷的。”他的这一观点与德国作家歌德的观点几乎是一致的。异之于我,可作一明镜,从异中更清楚地照清自身。在这个意义上,与异语文化的接触,有助于认识母语与母语文化的不足。看清了自身的不足,便有可能从异语异文化中去摄取营养,弥补自身,丰富自身。 在艰难的翻译中,纪德亲历了种种障碍,他结合翻译中的具体例证,作了某


How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down 如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗 Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours. 特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。 It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, 它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。这都是不确定的地球就开始了。可能起源于一个由气体和尘埃组成的庞大球体。地球变得更小且致密。今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬, It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, not horror, nor any of the other emotions that she had been prepared for. 那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。 Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earlier records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day. 当代地质解释为其目标的整体演化的地球早期的时间记录,可以识别岩石到当代。 1. Promotions are wonderful but they must be deserved. And we deserve it, only if we serve the people. 【译文】提升是件好事。但必须是那些值得提升的人。而我们只有为人民服务才算得上值得。 2. It looks like it will be a mild, but rainy weekend. 【译文】看来天气温和,但周末有雨。 3. It emerged casually and as a byproduct of our conversation. 【译文】它偶然地冒了出来,就像我们谈话的副产品。 4. His air of self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. 【译文】他那自信的神气和略为高傲的派头就要使我害怕了,不过他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚。 1 / 6

《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试 A卷参考答案

《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试A卷参考答案 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.所谓翻译就是把一种语言文字所表达的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来的语言转换过程,是通过译 者在不同语言之间进行的一种语言交流活动。 A. 形式/内容 B. 增译/省译 C. 转换/交流 D. 直译/意译 2.著名的“信达雅”三字翻译标准是清末启蒙思想家严复所提出的。 A. 玄奘 B. 严复 C. 傅雷 D. 钱钟书 3.翻译中所谓的“忠实”,首先是指忠实于原文的内容。 A. 原文 B. 译文 C. 原语 D. 译语 4.信息科技英语的翻译标准应该是:准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰。 A. 忠实、通顺 B. 意美、形美、音美 C. 传神、化境 D. 准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰 5.信息科技英语翻译中所谓的准确,就是忠实地、不折不扣地传达原文的全部信息内容。 A. 信息 B. 意义 C. 风格 D. 思想 6.要做好科技英语的翻译工作,通常要求译者具有较高的英语水平、汉语水平、科技知识水平和翻译 理论水平。 A. 口头表达能力 B. 书面表达水平 C. 英语水平 D. 思维能力 7.信息科技英语文体的特点是第三人称多,被动语态多,专业名词、术语多,非谓语动词多,长句子 多。 A. 第一人称 B. 第二人称 C. 第三人称 D. 三种人称 8.信息科技英语翻译中直译法是最常见的译法之一。 A. 直译法 B. 意译法 C. 合译法 D. 分译法 9.英语中的同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常要求译者根据上下文的联系, 以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词义。 A. 词语 B. 词汇 C. 词序 D. 词义 10.所谓增译就是在译文中添加英语原文省略、或原文中无其词而有其意的词语。 A. 省译 B. 增译 C. 顺译 D. 倒译 二、是非题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1.由于英汉两种语言结构与表达方式的不同,有些句子在汉译时不能逐词对译。(是) 2.英语中有大量动词派生的名词和具有动词意义的名词,均不可以转译为汉语的动词。(非) 3.英语定冠词the表示某一类特定的人或事物中的“某一个”,不可译为“该”、“这个/种”、“那个/种” 等。(非) 4.在代词的翻译中,所谓互换,就是将英语原文句子中的名词(即先行词)与代替该名词的代词,在 翻译时进行相互换为。(是) 5.信息科技英语中理解和翻译数词本身并不难,但当数字在句子中表示各种概念时,要理解和翻译一 些数量概念的句型结构时可能就会遇到困难,甚至有时出现误解、误译等现象。(是) 6.大多数作前置定语和少数作后置定语的形容词以及表语形容词,在翻译时一般可以直接译出,即译 为汉语的定语“的”字结构,也可省略“的”字。(是) 7.当英语的动词转译成汉语的名词时,修饰该英语动词的形容词往往转译成汉语的副词。(非) 8.英语介词在古英语中属于动词,因此在翻译时可将英语介词译为汉语动词。(是) 9.英语的连词从形式上可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。(非) 10.英语动词有限定性动词与非限定性动词之分,而不定式、动名词和分词三种限定性动词在科技英语 翻译中应引起我们高度重视。(非) 三、句子英汉翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) 1.Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user. 软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务。 2.After the spring has been closed to its solid height, the compressive force is removed. 弹簧被压缩到并紧高度之后,就没有压力了。 3.The longest light waves we can see are red, the shortest violet, and in between are other colors. 可见光波中最长的是红色,最短的光波是紫色,其他颜色的光波介于这二者之间。 4.Both pumps offer excellent metering performance, high vacuum lift, dry priming capability and no possibility of back-flow. 两类泵还具有良好的计量、高真空提升、干启动以及防回吸等功能。 5.Once it is combined, nitrogen is not chemically inert any longer. 氮气一经化合,在化学上它就变得活泼了。


2010 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析 Section I Use of English 一、文章题材结构分析 本文是取材于新闻报道,叙述了猪流感的爆发,产生的严重影响以及政府采取的针对性措施。首段和第二段简 述了猪流感的爆发引起世界各国的重视。第三段引用专家的观点,认为瘟疫并不严重。第四段和第五段以墨西哥及 美国的情况为例,说明了猪流感的严重性和致命性。第六段叙述了联邦政府针对猪流感的具体措施。 二、试题解析 1.【答案】D 【解析】上文提到“…was declared a global epidemic…”,根据declare 的逻辑(“宣布为”),可知应该选D 项 designated“命名,制定”,而不是C 项commented“评论”,这是典型的近义词复现题目。2.【答案】C 【解析】本题目可依据“句意”找到意思线索,选出答案,难度在于出处句是个长难句。本句的理解应该抓住alert、 meeting 和a sharp rise 三者的关系,根据after a sharp rise 可知是rise(“病例数的增加”)是meeting(“日内瓦专家 会议”)的原因,由此可推导出alert 并非是meeting 的原因,而是结果,即meeting 使得alert 升级。根据上述分析 可以排除B、D 选项,B 项activated“激活,激起”,D 项“促使,引起”,此两项的选择都在讲alert 导致了meeting 的召开。而C 项followed 意思是“紧随,跟在……之后”,体现出after 的逻辑,完全满足本句rise 之后是meeting, meeting 之后是alert 的逻辑,所以是正确项。而A 项proceeded“继续”,属不及物动词,不可接宾语,用法和逻辑 用在此处都不合适。 3.【答案】B 【解析】本题目应该关注并列连词and,从并列呼应来看:空格后的表达in Britain…对应前面的in Australia, 所以空格处rising _____ 应该对应a sharp rise in cases(“病例数的剧增”),因此空格处是“数量”的逻辑才对。A 项 digits“(阿拉伯)数字”,不表示数量,不能与rising 形成搭配;C 项amounts“数量”,常修饰不可数名词(此处指 的是cases,可数名词);D 项sums“金额,款项”,不能用于表达“病例数”。B 项numbers “数量”,修饰可数名词(如: large numbers of cases 大量的病例),符合题意。 4.【答案】A 【解析】此处句子开头的“But”是重要的逻辑线索,与上文意思(第二段)形成对比反差。上文的关键性表达 如“heightened alert”、“emergency meeting”和“a sharp rise in cases”都在讲述猪流感的严重性,所以根据But 和in


翻译理论与实践课作业 天津科技大学外语学院 作业一:字词的翻译 一、词的理解 1.一词多义: wet She had a wet nurse for the infant Elliot. If you think I am for him, you are all wet. She wet her pants at the news. State state and revolution, state of the union the united states. 3.词义引申:抽象化、具体化 Every life has its roses and thorns. She stood there chewing over the strange thing. The engine sounds good. At 23, he had first learned what it is to be a Negro. 4.词的褒贬:comment Alice was excited as a child, delighted to be once more the center of the comment. But what a comment, she could not help reflecting, on her own charms. He walked around the room. He then stopped and looked around, “comment” ? 5.词的轻重:看词类、看场合、看句型、看习惯等等。Through;free He slept the night through. There is a through train to Beijing. Through this way, they finished the task. She is free with her money. I made her free of my library. 二、词义的表达 1.直译法 dark horse Hot dog Forbidden fruit 暴发户半边天红卫兵 2意译法 blue jacket the yellow leaf Wet blanket 炒鱿鱼下海白拿 3.直译意译结合法 the apple of one’s eye as dull as a goose Once in a blue moon as cool as a cucumber Black sheep as timid as a rabbit 4.音译法


2011 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案与解析 Section I Use of English 一、文章题材结构分析 本文是一篇说明性的文章,主要讨论了互联网上的身份验证问题。作者首先提出,由于网络用户的匿名现象带 来的隐私泄露和网络犯罪问题,然后针对这些问题介绍了一种称为“自愿信任身份识别”系统的解决方法,并对这种 方法做了评述。 二、试题解析 1.【答案】A 【解析】本题目考生需要关注两点:(1)空格前的主语(2)空格后的介词短语。鉴于此,考生需要从四个选项 中选出一个不及物动词,能与空格前的主语that(指代the explosion of cyber crime 网络犯罪的激增)构成主谓逻辑, 并与空格后的介词短语across the Web 构成动宾逻辑。A 项swept(打扫,席卷)可以做不及物动词,并能与空前 的主语和空后的介词短语构成顺畅的逻辑关系,即在文中表示“匿名制是造成网络犯罪席卷互联网的原因”,故A 为正确答案。 B 项skip 意为“跳过,掠过”; C 项walk 意为“走,步行”; D 项ride 意为“骑,乘,驾”虽可做不及物动词,但 与空前主语和空后介词短语不构成完整的主谓搭配和动宾搭配,都是干扰项。 2.【答案】C 【解析】本题目考生需要重点关注空格后的状语从句,状语从句引导词的选择主要考虑从句与主句之间的语意关 系。空格所在句子的主句是privacy be preserved(隐私得以保护),从句是省略了主语和助动词的bringing safety and security to the world(带来网络世界的安全),由此可以推断本句是要表达“在给世界带来安全保障的同时,隐私是 否能够得以保护呢?”,C 项while 意为“在……的同时,当……的时候”,可以表示伴随关系,故为正确答案。 A 项for 表示因果关系; B 项within 表示“在……里面,不超出”;D 项though 表示让步关系;在搭配上与doing 并无典型用法,此外带入空格,整个句子逻辑也很不通顺,故为干扰选项。 3.【答案】B 【解析】空格中需要填形容词和seems 构成系表结构,并能说明主语that(指代 a world)的特点。鉴于此,考生 可在上文寻找有关a world 的文字表述,并可找到bringing safety and security to a world“给这个世界带来安全和保障” 的信息,表明当前世界需要“安全保障”,即当前世界的特点是“不安全,缺乏保障”,由此可以推断空格中需要“不 安全,缺乏保障,混乱”等类似语意。选项 B 意为“无法无天的,失去法律控制的”,故为正确答案。


is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile? 我认为,如果一个人思路不清,他写文章也困惑,如果他喜怒无常的文章就会荒诞不经;如果他思想敏捷,和能,由眼前的事情,他将一百件事情,除非他有很大的自我控制、负荷在文章中隐喻和明喻。 I sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavour to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years? 我真诚地希望你的祝贺将相媲美的集体努力追求公正和实际解决问题的困扰,联合国己经多年了。 Culture to him, as to the Orientals3 with whom he lived so much and sympathized so deeply, was an affair of the spirit and of mind not to be measured by material progress, or, even by the arts. 文化,在东方人,和他一起住这么多,深深同情的事情,是灵,可以不可以通过衡量物质进步、或,即使是艺术。 With Asia s economic meltdown rattling the Beijing leadership, Zhu and his colleagues now have a powerful argument that China must get its own house in order to prevent meddling by the International Monetary Fund or other outsiders?(China: Zhu is Taking a Broom to the Bureaucrats 与亚洲经济危机年代震动了北京的领导下,朱和他的同事们现在有一个强有力的论点,中国必须得到它的自己的房子为了防止干涉国际货币基金组织或其他外人。(中国:朱正在一个扫帚官僚扌宜权 that woman walks the streets? 那个妇女常在那些街上走 Bill is taking his bird to the pictures tonight. 比尔今晚带着他的女朋友去看电影。 He is not so ill but that he can come to school ?


邢骏杰信息工程1班20091309010 We use touch screens everywhere: tourist kiosks, automatic teller machines, point-of-sale terminals, industrial controls. Half a dozen vendors, plus in-house departments at major manufacturers, produced $800 million worth in 2000. The market is growing because the interfaces are easy-to-use, durable and inexpensive. Touch screens employ one of three physics principles for detecting the point of touch. Pressing a “resistive” design with a finger or other stylus raises a voltage. In “capacitive” models, a finger draws a minute current (this method is often used for cursor pads on notebook computers). In other designs, a finger or stylus interrupts a standing pattern of acoustic waves or infrared lights that blanket the surface. Resistive screens are the oldest, most widely used and least expensive, and they work with any stylus (finger, pen). Capacitive screens must be touched by a finger or an electrically grounded stylus to conduct current. Wave screens are the newest and most expensive. Surface acoustic wave screens must be touched by a finger or a soft stylus such as a pencil eraser to absorb energy; infrared screens work with any stylus. The different technologies may be used in the same applications, although pros and cons lead to prevalent combinations: resistive screens for industrial controls and Palm Pilots; capacitive screens for slot machines; wave screens for A TMs and indoor kiosks. Most people are unaware of the type of screen they are using. But tricks can help you tell, according to Frank Shen of Elo TouchSystems in Fremont, Calif., the largest U.S. maker. Push the screen lightly with your fingernail (not your skin). If it responds, it could be resistive or infrared. In this case, place two separated fingers aga inst the screen at the same time. If the cursor moves beneath one finger, the unit is infrared (software registers the first touch); if the cursor moves between the fingers, it is resistive (the points are averaged). If the unit does not respond to your fingernail, again place two separated fingers against it. If the cursor moves beneath one finger, the unit is acoustic wave; if the cursor moves between the fingers, it is capacitive.

实用汉英翻译教程 参考答案

Beidaihe Seaside Resort The Beidaihe Seaside Resort, a famous summer resort in China, lies 15 kilometers southwest of Qinghuangdao. With the Bohai Sea to its south and the Lianfeng Mountains to its north, the resort enjoys a long coastline, fine beaches and a calm sea, ideal for bathing. Moreover, the weather at the seaside is mild all the year round with the temperature in the hottest month averaging only 23°C. The sea wind by day and the land breeze by night make the place a best summer vacationland. The natural charm of Beidaihe is breathtaking. The East and West Lianfeng Mountains with their luxurious pines and cypresses and grotesque rocks extend far into the distance. In front of the mountains lies a vast expense of ocean stretching to the horizon while beautiful villas and buildings dot the green landscape. On the East Lianfeng Mountain, a rock looks just like a lotus flower, and two other rocks on the West Lianfeng Mountain, standing face to face, resemble two persons having a conversation. Meng Jiangnu Temple Meng Jiangnu Temple, 6.5 kilometers to the east of Shanhaiguan Pass, was first built in 1594, the 22nd year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty. Legend has it that the husband of a women named Meng Jiangnu was sent to work on the Great Wall. To bring him winter clothes, Meng Jiangnu came to Shanghaiguan Pass from thousands of miles away. When she was told that her husband had died at work, she cried her heart out. Her tears of anguish bust the Great Wall and she jumped into the sea and died. Later, a temple was built in memory of her. It stands on the top of a hill, with stone steps leading to it. There are two halls in the temple. In the front hall stands the clay statue of Meng Jiangnu in plain white clothes, facing the sea with a sorrow look. In the rear hall is the statue of the Goddess of Mercy. Behind the hall is the “Rock of Waiting for the Husband”, the marks on which are said to be Meng Jiangnu’s footp rints. Nearby stands her Dressing Pavilion. Beijing-Toronto Hotel/Jinglun Hotel Beijing-Toronto is located on Jiangguomenwai Avenue, downtown Beijing, in the vicinity of the embassy quarters, Friendship Store and a number of major commercial buildings, with the world-famous Tian An Men Square only ten minutes away. Beijing-Toronto has 659 spacious rooms and suites, with wide comfortable beds. They are all equipped with modern facilities such as central air-conditioning, color TV with satellite transmitted programs, IDD and DDD calls and mini-bars, meeting international standards. In our room, one cannot help but feel cozy, comfortable and satisfied.

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