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外研版, 必修一, module 3, 基础练习题,

外研版,  必修一, module 3, 基础练习题,
外研版,  必修一, module 3, 基础练习题,

module 3


Ⅰ. 根据首字母及汉语意思写出单词

1. I know that you have arrived in London. How about your j (旅途) there?

2. They are all e(专家) in teaching English.

3. What is the name of the largest d(沙漠) in the world?

4. We all enjoyed beautiful mountain s(风景, 景色)in the countryside.

5. I as well as my son went to Beijing by t(电车)on Labour Day this year.

6. The poor boy was a(遗弃)and lying on the cold ground crying.

7. The p(产品) from our factory are of high quality.

8. These t(被训练的) dogs can help take care of elderly people. Ⅱ. 完成句子

not. . . any more, get into, look like, be short for, get out of, refer to, take off, more than

1. five persons were injured in the accident.

2. To my surprise, in this book GK Greek.

3. They the car and walked towards their home in the rain.

4. He wanted to leave this city and a taxi at night without telling anyone.

5. It doesn’t him to do that kind of things.

6. Most crashes occur as planes and climb or as they approach and land at airports.

7. If you want to know the meaning of the words, you can

your dictionary.

8. If I told you about some of our secret precautions, they would

be secret .


Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. Island is a small piece of land (surround) by water.

2. This famous novel (write) by Mr Smith is worth reading.

3. The teacher saw the (break) window and asked who broke it.

4. Last night I (notice) a man standing in the street, shouting at the top of his voice.

5. His grandpa (live) in a big house in the past.

6. She went to bed after she (finish) her homework.

7. Every one should finish the work in the time (give).

8. There are many (fall) leaves on the ground after the strong wind.

9. Sorry, I (forget) to tell you, but I have locked the door.

10. She (pick) up some English when she was in London.

Ⅱ. 语法填空

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。

Jane: Mickey, why did you want to work for a car magazine? Was it because

1. the high pay?

Mickey: Well, after leaving high school in 2007, I 2. (ask) myself


I really wanted to do in my life. I have always loved cars and enjoyed writing, so I wanted to combine the two things. I 4. (study) journalism at college and after graduation I found a job in this company. Jane: Which university did you go to?

Mickey: Coventry University. Actually I applied to both Cardiff and Coventry University.

Jane: Then why did you choose Coventry in the end?

Mickey: That’s 5. I was told its journalism major was better. Jane: How do you like your job now?

Mickey: I love it.

Jane: You’re very lucky to have found your 6.(love) job. Mickey: Thanks. So how is your job?

Jane: It’s too boring. I really want to change my job now. But I’m afraid I won’t find a good job. You know so many people 7. (look) for a job now.

Mickey: So what do you 8. (real) enjoy doing?

Jane: I love 9. (take) pictures. 10. is my dream to be a photographer.

Integrating Skills

Ⅰ. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词

1. Don’t worry too much about the i(面试).

2. The publication of the new dictionary is one of the cultural e (事件)of the year.

3. The baby was f(使惊吓)by the frightening sound.

4. They say the basketball match will be held at the s(体育场).

5. Hundreds of guests are invited to attend the opening c(仪式).

6. Last summer holiday, I lived in a s(海滨)hotel.

7. T(经过训练的) dolphins are good at throwing balls. What


8. The villagers live on selling s(纪念品) to tourists from all over the world.

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. I (下车) the bus and went into the crowd.

2. Your shoes are (过时). I suggest you should throw them away.

3. The Maglev is travelling (以……速度) 400 kilometres per hour.

4. Look! The students are busy (记笔记) in class.

5. (在半夜), the old woman suddenly woke up and found

a thief standing in front of her.


满分:120分 考试时间:90分钟 一、选择题(每题5分,共50分) 1、已知集合{}{}0,1,2,2,M N x x a a M ===∈,则集合 M N =( ) A 、{}0 B 、{}0,1 C 、{}1,2 D 、{}0,2 2、若()lg f x x =,则()3f = ( ) A 、lg 3 B 、3 C 、3 10 D 、103 3、函数2 1 )(--= x x x f 的定义域为( ) A 、[1,2)∪(2,+∞) B 、(1,+∞) C 、[1,2) D 、[1,+∞) 4.设 12 log 3a =,0.2 13b =?? ???,1 32c =,则( ). A a b c << B c b a << C c a b << D b a c << 5、若210 25x =,则10x -等于 ( ) A 、15- B 、15 C 、150 D 、 1 625 6.要使1 ()3 x g x t +=+的图象不经过第二象限,则t 的取值范围为 ( ) A. 1t ≤- B. 1t <- C.3t ≤- D. 3t ≥- 6、已知函数()2 13f x x x +=-+,那么()1f x -的表达式是 ( ) A 、259x x -+ B 、23x x -- C 、259x x +- D 、 21x x -+ 7、函数2,0 2,0 x x x y x -?????≥=< 的图像为( )

8.函数y =f (x )在R 上为增函数,且f (2m )>f (-m +9),则实数m 的取值范围是( ). A .(-∞,-3) B .(0,+∞) C .(3,+∞) D .(-∞,-3)∪(3,+∞) 9、若() 2 log 1log 20a a a a +<<,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) A 、01a << B 、1 12 a << C 、 102a << D 、1a > 10.定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 满足(1)()f x f x +=-,且当x ∈[1,0]-时()12x f x ?? = ??? , 则2(log 8)f 等于 ( ) A . 3 B . 18 C . 2- D . 2 二、填空题(每题4分,共20分) 11.当a >0且a ≠1时,函数f (x )=a x -2-3必过定点 . 12.函数y =-(x -3)|x |的递减区间为________. 13 、在2 2 1,2,,y y x y x x y x ===+=四个函数中,幂函数有 个. 14、已知 ()()2 212f x x a x =+-+在(],4-∞上单调递减,则a 的取值的集合是 . 15.已知函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,且当0x ≥时, 2 ()2f x x x =-,则()y f x =在x<0时的解析式为 .


必修1 高一数学基础知识试题选 一、选择题:(每小题5分,共60分,请将所选答案填在括号内) 1.已知集合P ?≠{4,7,8},且P 中至多有一个偶数,则这样的集合共有 ( ) (A)3个 (B) 4个 (C) 5个 (D) 6个 2.已知S={x|x=2n,n ∈Z}, T={x|x=4k ±1,k ∈Z},则 ( ) (A)S ?≠T (B) T ?≠S (C)S ≠T (D)S=T 3.已知集合P={}2|2,y y x x R =-+∈, Q={}|2,y y x x R =-+∈,那么P Q 等( ) (A)(0,2),(1,1) (B){(0,2 ),(1,1) (C){1,2} (D){}|2y y ≤ 4.不等式042<-+ax ax 的解集为R ,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) (A)016<≤-a (B)16->a (C)016≤<-a (D)0 12 (B)k< 12 (C)k>12 - (D).k<12 - 8.若函数f(x)=2x +2(a-1)x+2在区间(,4]-∞内递减,那么实数a 的取值范围为( ) (A)a ≤-3 (B)a ≥-3 (C)a ≤5 (D)a ≥3 9.函数2 (232)x y a a a =-+是指数函数,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) (A) 0,1a a >≠ (B) 1a = (C) 1 2 a = ( D) 12 1a a == 或 10.已知函数f(x)1 4x a -=+的图象恒过定点p ,则点p 的坐标是 ( ) (A )( 1,5 ) (B )( 1, 4) (C )( 0,4) (D )( 4,0) 11.函数y = ( ) (A )[1,+∞] (B) (2 3 ,)+∞ (C) [23,1] (D) (23,1] 12.设a,b,c 都是正数,且346a b c ==,则下列正确的是 ( ) (A) 1 11c a b =+ (B) 22 1C a b =+ (C) 12 2C a b =+ (D) 212c a b =+


1.知识目标 1) Review the words and phrases learned in the last two periods. 2) Master some important language points. 2.能力目标 1) Improve the Ss’ ability in reading. 2) Train the Ss to grasp the meaning of the words from the context. 3.情感目标 1) Learning to love the new high school life. 2) Form positive attitude towards language learning in new surroundings. 1. How to understand the passage better. 2. Master some important language points. 1. Greet the whole class as usual. 2. Review the new words in this module. Give the students Chinese meanings and let them pronounce and spell the words.

1.Require Ss to listen to the tape carefully and then tick the words that appear in the text. 2.Show the following language points on the screen and explain in detail. 1)Enthusiastic adj.热情的,热烈的 be enthusiastic for/over/about sth.对某事热心 an enthusiastic discussion热烈的讨论 enthusiasm n.热情, 积极性 2)Fun不可数名词,“娱乐,快乐” a lot of fun 3)By oneself=alone, on one’s own独自一人,独自地 4)time倍数表达法 ...times + as...as...相当于……的……倍 ...times + the size (width, length) of...相当于……倍 ...times + upon (over)...超过……倍 5)“word”相关短语 keep one’s word 守约,守信 in a/one word 简而言之,一句话,总之 break one’s word 失信 have a word with sb. 同某人谈话 6)look forward to“盼望”,to是介词,后接名词、代词或 动词的-ing形式 7)介词“to”短语 stick to 坚持come to 谈到,涉及 lead to 通向,导致refer to 提及,谈到,涉及 object to 反对belong to 属于


2012届锐翰教育适应性考试数学试卷 满分150分,考试时间:120分钟 一. 选择题(每题4分,共64分): 1. 若集合}8,7,6{=A ,则满足A B A =?的集合B 的个数是( d ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 7 D. 8 2.方程062=+-px x 的解集为M,方程062=-+q x x 的解集为N,且M ∩N={2},那么p+q 等于( ) A.21 B.8 C.6 D.7 3. 下列四个函数中,与y=x 表示同一函数的是( ) A.()2x y = B.y=33x C.y=2x D.y=x x 2 4.已知A={x|y=x,x ∈R},B={y|2x y =,x ∈R},则A ∩B 等于( ) A.{x|x ∈R} B.{y|y ≥0} C.{(0,0),(1,1)} D.? 5. 32)1(2++-=mx x m y 是偶函数,则)1(-f ,)2(-f ,)3(f 的大小关系为( ) A. )1()2()3(->->f f f B. )1()2()3(-<-=0,30,log )(2x x x x f x ,则)] 41 ([f f 的值是( ) A. 91 B. 9 C. 9- D. 91 - 7. 已知A b a ==53,且2 1 1=+b a ,则A 的值是( ) A. 15 B. 15 C. 15± D. 225 8、f(x)=(m-1)x 2+2mx+3为偶函数,则f(x)在(2,5)上是( ) A.增函数 B.减函数 C.有增有减 D.增减性不确定 9.函数 f(x)=x 2-4x+5在区间 [0,m]上的最大值为5,最小值为1,则m 的取值范围是( ) A . ),2[+∞ B .[2,4] C .(]2,∞- D. [0,2]


一. 选择题(4×10=40分) 1. 若集合}8,7,6{=A ,则满足A B A =?的集合B 的个数是( ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 7 D. 8 2. 如果全集}6,5,4,3,2,1{=U 且}2,1{)(=?B C A U ,}5,4{)()(=?B C A C U U , }6{=?B A ,则A 等于( ) A. }2,1{ B. }6,2,1{ C. }3,2,1{ D. }4,2,1{ 3. 设},2|{R x y y M x ∈==,},|{2 R x x y y N ∈==,则( ) A. )}4,2{(=?N M B. )}16,4(),4,2{(=?N M C. N M = D. N M ≠? 4. 已知函数)3(log )(2 2a ax x x f +-=在),2[+∞上是增函数,则实数a 的取值围是( ) A. )4,(-∞ B. ]4,4(- C. ),2()4,(+∞?--∞ D. )2,4[- 5. 32)1(2 ++-=mx x m y 是偶函数,则)1(-f ,)2(-f ,)3(f 的大小关系为( ) A. )1()2()3(->->f f f B. )1()2()3(-<-b f a f D. )()(b f a f 的符号不定 7. 设)(x f 为奇函数且在)0,(-∞是减函数,0)2(=-f ,且0)(>?x f x 的解集为( ) A. ),2()0,2(+∞?- B. )2,0()2,(?--∞ C. ),2()2,(+∞?--∞ D. )2,0()0,2(?-

外研版 高一英语 必修一 Module1 语法总结

基础学习 1.词汇记忆 1.1反复阅读,强化记忆(学会使用单词); 1.2单词-读音-音标,三者记忆时相辅相成; 1.3做好计划,利用零散时间,反复阅读。 Module 1 词汇词组 academic [,?k?'d?m?k]adj. 学院的,学术的province ['pr?vins] n.省 enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik] a.热情的 amazed [?'meizd] adj.惊讶的 amazing [?'meizi?] a.令人吃惊的information [,inf?'mei??n] n.信息,通知 website [ web‘sait]n.网站 brilliant ['brilj?nt] a.(口语)极好的comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] n.理解 instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常复)指示,说明method ['meθ?d] n.方法 bored ['b?: d] adj.厌倦的embarrassed [im'b?r?st] a.尴尬的embarrassing [im'b?r?si?]adj.使人尴尬的 attitude ['?titju:d] n.态度 behavior [bi'heivj?] n.行为,举止 previous ['pri:vi?s] a.以前的adv.以前description [di'skrip??n] n.描述 technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n.技术 impress [im'pres] vt.给…深刻印象correction [k?'rek??n] n.改正encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt] n.鼓励 enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享受,乐趣 fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利misunderstanding[,mis?nd?'st?ndi?]n.误解 disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj.失望的disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?]adj.令人失望的 system ['sist?m] n.系统;制度 teenager ['ti:nid??] n.青少年 disappear [,dis?'pi?] vi.消失 move [mu:v] vt.搬家,移动


贵阳37中学2014-2015学年度高一数学第一学段 考试试题(必修一) 一、选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题5分,共75分,在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.若集合{1,0,1,2},{|(1)0}M N x x x =-=-=,则=N M ( ) A 、{1,0,1,2}- B 、{0,1,2} C 、{1,0,1}- D 、{0,1} 2.集合{}1,0的所有非空真子集的个数( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 3.下列函数与y = x 表示同一函数的是( )。 A .y =2 )(x B .y =2 x C .y =x x 2 D .y = 33 x 4、下列函数是偶函数的是( ) A. x y = B. 322 -=x y C. 2 1- =x y D. ]1,0[,2 ∈=x x y 5.已知函数()f x 的图象是连续持续的,且有如下对应值表: 在下列区间中,函数()f x 必有零点的区间为( ). A .(1,2) B.(3,4) C . (2,3) D. (4,5) 6.若()f x =(3)f = ( ) A 、2 B 、4 C 、 D 、10 7. 3 log 9 log 28的值是( )。 A . 3 2 B .1 C .23 D .2 8、如果0log 2 1>x 成立,则x 应满足的条件是( ) A.x >21 B. 2 1 <x <1 C. x <1 D. 0<x <1 9、已知有三个数23.0=a ,3.0log 2=b ,3.02=c ,则它们之间的大小关系是( ) A b c a <<. B. c b a << C. c a b << D.a c b << 10.函数6)(2--=x x x f 的零点是( ) A .)0,3()0,2(或- B .-2 C .-2或3 D. 3 11.计算机成本持续降低,若每隔三年计算机价格降低3 1 ,则现在价格为8100元的 计算机9年后价格可降为( ) A.2400元 B.900元 C.300元 D.3600元 12.设1a >,函数x a log f(x )=在区间[,2]a a 上的最大值与最小值之差为1 2 ,则a =( ) A B .2 C . D .4 13.设()833-+=x x f x ,用二分法求方程()2,10833∈=-+x x x 在内近似解的过程中得 ()()(),025.1,05.1,01<>??? ??-2523f f B.??? ??=??? ??-2523f f C.?? ? ??


人教版高一数学必修一综合测试题 第一部分 选择题(共50分) 一、 单项选择题(每小题5分,共10题,共50分) 1、设集合A={1,2}, B={1,2,3}, C={2,3,4},则=??C B A )( ( ) A.{1,2,3} B.{1,2,4} C.{2,3,4} D.{1,2,3,4} 2、设函数???<≥+=0 ,0,1)(2x x x x x f ,则[])2(-f f 的值为 ( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 3、下列各组函数中,表示同一函数的是 ()A.x x y y ==,1 B.x y x y lg 2,lg 2== C.33,x y x y == D.2)(,x y x y == 4、下列四个函数中,在(0,+∞)上为增函数的是 ( )A.f(x)=3-x B.x x x f 3)(2-= C.x x f 1)(-= D.x x f -=)( 5 、下列式子中,成立的是 ( ) A.6log 4log 4.04.0< B.5.34.301.101.1> C.< D.7log 6log 67< 6、设函数833)(-+=x x f x ,用二分法求方程0833=-+x x 在)2,1(=∈x 内 近似解的过程中,计算得到f(1)<0, f(1.5)>0, f(1.25)<0,则方程 的根落在区间 ( )A.(1,1.25) B.(1.25,1.5) C.(1.5,2) D.不能确定 7、若f(x)是偶函数,其定义域为(—∞,+∞),且在[0,+∞)上是减 函数,则 ??? ??-23f 与??? ??25f 的大小关系是 ( )A.??? ??>??? ??-2523f f B.??? ??=??? ??-2523f f C.?? ? ??


Module 1 My first day at Senior High Reading and vocabulary ,cultural corner教案 Teaching aims and demands 1. To learn new words in the reading text and cultural corner 2. To get the main idea of each paragraph 3. To get detail information supporting the main idea of each paragraph. Teaching difficult and important points: How to improve Ss reading skills. How to get the main idea of each paragraph. How to describe your school. Teaching methods: fast reading 2) careful reading 3) group work and individual work Teaching aids: multimedia 2) blackboard Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision I Revise last class by ask them which subject they like best and why. II Revise everyday English by asking which class do you have before our English class and talk about it with the help of Everyday English and Function on P8 Step 2 Lead-in (Discuss and compare) T: Everybody, we have studied in a new school named Hejin No.2 Middle School. Before you come here, all of you studied in different schools, now I will give you some time to think what the main differences and similarities between Junior High school and Senior High school. And ask them to discuss these two problems: 1 Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than that at Junior High school? 2 Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers? T: After we have compared Senior High school and Junior High school, now we will learn something about Likang’s First day at Senior High. Before we read the text let’s learn some words first.


第一章综合练习 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.集合{1,2,3}的所有真子集的个数为() A.3 B.6 C.7 D.8 解析:含一个元素的有{1},{2},{3},共3个;含两个元素的有{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},共3个;空集是任何非空集合的真子集,故有7个. 答案:C 2.下列五个写法,其中错误 ..写法的个数为() ①{0}∈{0,2,3};②?{0};③{0,1,2}?{1,2,0};④0∈?;⑤0∩?=? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 解析:②③正确. 答案:C 3.使根式x-1与x-2分别有意义的x的允许值集合依次为M、F,则使根式x-1+x-2有意义的x的允许值集合可表示为() A.M∪F B.M∩F C.?M F D.?F M 解析:根式x-1+x-2有意义,必须x-1与x-2同时有意义才可. 答案:B 4.已知M={x|y=x2-2},N={y|y=x2-2},则M∩N等于() A.N B.M C.R D.? 解析:M={x|y=x2-2}=R,N={y|y=x2-2}={y|y≥-2},故M∩N=N. 答案:A 5.函数y=x2+2x+3(x≥0)的值域为()

A.R B.[0,+∞) C.[2,+∞) D.[3,+∞) 解析:y=x2+2x+3=(x+1)2+2,∴函数在区间[0,+∞)上为增函数,故y≥(0+1)2+2=3. 答案:D 6.等腰三角形的周长是20,底边长y是一腰的长x的函数,则y等于() A.20-2x(0y=20-2x,x>5. 答案:D 7.用固定的速度向图1甲形状的瓶子注水,则水面的高度h和时间t之间的关系是图1乙中的() 甲 乙 图1 解析:水面升高的速度由慢逐渐加快. 答案:B 8.已知y=f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,则下列函数中为奇函数的是() ①y=f(|x|) ②y=f(-x) ③y=xf(x) ④y=f(x)+x A.①③B.②③C.①④D.②④ 解析:因为y=f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,所以f(-x)=-f(x).①y=f(|x|)为偶函数;②y =f(-x)为奇函数;③令F(x)=xf(x),所以F(-x)=(-x)f(-x)=(-x)·[-f(x)]=xf(x).所以F(-


外研版高一英语必修一 Moduel 1Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High说课稿 一、教材分析 本课题是外研版高一英语必修1 Moduel 1的第一部分。本模块主要讨论的话题是开学第一天,其宗旨是让学生通过学习来了解我们的新学校,了解初、高中的不同。因此,作为模块1的第一部分,非常重要,不仅要能激发起学生的学习兴趣,更重要的是位后面的学习做好铺垫。所以,如何巧妙的引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣同时掌握所学知识。 二、学情分析 刚刚入学的新生,对周围的事物充满了好奇,想要了解新学校的各方各面,正是培养学习兴趣和习惯的好时机,所以课堂要充分调动学生的积极性,感受学习英语的乐趣。 三、教学目标 依据课程标准要求、本节教材特点以及学生现有的认知水平,确定本课的教学目标为: 知识与技能目标1)学习掌握与学科相关的词汇并学会表达自己 的喜好。 2)培养学生的阅读能力,学习、应用如何在阅 读中寻找关键词。 过程与方法目标1)通过听、读、小游戏等活动学习词汇。

2)小组活动完成对课文的分析。 情感态度与价值观目标 通过这一课的学习,激发学习的积极性,克服部分同学学英语的畏难心理,为今后的学习打下好的基础。 教学重点、难点 依据课程标准要求和本节教材实际,并结合学生的实际,本节课一是要兴趣为主,二是开始学习阅读方法。由于初中对阅读方法的涉及不是很多,这一方面可能是刚开始接触,所以一定要把握好难易程度,这是本课的难点。 四、教学方法 由身边的事物开始,通过游戏的方式让每个学生参与进来,有话可说,培养学习兴趣和主动性。由分组讨论,激发动机,培养学生的学习积极性。 五、教学过程 导入:In your new school, you must see many new things. Please find out some new things in our classroom…… Introduction: 1)Say the names of your textbooks. 2)Game: work in pairs. Do 1) again as quickly as you can. 3)Group your textbooks. 4)Ask some students write their answers on the blackboard.


必修一 1.设5log 3 1=a ,5 1 3=b ,3 .051??? ??=c ,则有( ) A .a b c << B .c b a << C .c a b << D .b c a << 2.已知定义域为R 的函数)(x f 在),4(∞+上为减函数,且函数()y f x =的对称轴为4x =,则( ) A .)3()2(f f > B .)5()2(f f > C .)5()3(f f > D .)6()3(f f > 3.函数lg y x = 的图象是( ) 4.下列等式能够成立的是( ) A .ππ-=-3)3(66 B .=C = 34 ()x y =+ 5.若偶函数)(x f 在(]1,-∞-上是增函数,则下列关系式中成立的是( ) A .)2()1()23(f f f <-<- B .)1()2 3 ()2(-<-??? 是(,)-∞+∞上的减函数,那么a 的取值范围是 ( ) A (0,1) B 1 (0,)3 C 11 [,)73 D 1 [,1)7 9.定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 满足(1)()f x f x +=-,且当x ∈[1,0]-时()12x f x ?? = ??? , 则2(log 8)f 等于 ( )

外研版必修一module 4 知识点

Module 4 1.exchange vt.交换,调换,兑换n.交换,互换 [归纳拓展] exchange...for... 把……和……交换 in exchange for... 用……作交换,换取…… exchangesth.withsb. 与某人交换某物 At the end of thegame players usually exchange shirts _________each other. ①Iam going to travelabroad, so I should go to________ some RMB ________dollarsin bank. ②Would youlike my old TV ________ ________________this camera? [真题寻踪] (2014·天津B篇阅读)Thevideo exchangebetween signer and receiver canbe recordedonDVD for proof when legal documents are used. 2.affordvt. 买得起,负担得起;(有时间)做;承担得起(后果);提供,给予 [归纳拓展] (1)afford+n./pron.买得起……,负担得起……的费用 (2)afford todosth. 负担得起干……(费用) 注意:afford表示“买得起,负担得起”,时常与情态动词can,could或beableto一起使用,而不与其他情态动词连用,后接名词、代词或不定式。 完成句子 ①我只买得起最便宜的那一个。 I can ________________ the cheapest one. ②我可得罪不起老板,因为我舍不得丢掉这份工作。 I mustn't annoymy boss because I can't______________________my job. ③我想去度假,可是抽不出时间来。 I'd love togo onholiday but I can't__________________________. 3.survive vi.死里逃生;大难不死;幸存vt.在……之后仍然生存;比……活得长 [归纳拓展] (1)survive sth. 经历(事故/火灾/地震……)幸存下来 survive sb.(by...) 比某人活得长(几年) surviveon sth. 靠某物维持生活 (2)survival n.幸存,残存物 survivor n.幸存者,生还者 填空 Mr.Greenwastheonly ①_______ (幸存者)who②__________ (在地震中幸存).H etold ushe ③________________(靠……生存)abottle ofmineralwater.Everyo ne said his ④__________(幸存)was a wonder.


高一数学必修一测试题 及答案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

高中数学必修1检测题 一、选择题: 1.已知全集(}.7,5,3,1{},6,4,2{},7.6,5,4,3,2,1{ A B A U 则===B C U )等于 ( ) A .{2,4,6} B .{1,3,5} C .{2,4,5} D .{2,5} 2.已知集合}01|{2=-=x x A ,则下列式子表示正确的有( ) ①A ∈1 ②A ∈-}1{ ③A ?φ ④A ?-}1,1{ A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 3.若:f A B →能构成映射,下列说法正确的有 ( ) (1)A 中的任一元素在B 中必须有像且唯一; (2)A 中的多个元素可以在B 中有相同的像; (3)B 中的多个元素可以在A 中有相同的原像; (4)像的集合就是集合B . A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个 4、如果函数2()2(1)2f x x a x =+-+在区间(],4-∞上单调递减,那么实数a 的取值范围是( ) A 、3a -≤ B 、3a -≥ C 、a ≤5 D 、a ≥5 5、下列各组函数是同一函数的是 ( ) ①()f x =()g x = ②()f x x =与()g x = ③0()f x x =与01 ()g x x = ; ④2()21f x x x =--与2()21g t t t =--。 A 、①② B 、①③ C 、③④ D 、①④ 6.根据表格中的数据,可以断定方程02=--x e x 的一个根所在的区间是( )

外研版必修一module 1说课稿

Unit 1 My First Day at Senior High说课稿 一、教材分析 本课题是外研版高一英语必修1 Moduel 1的第一部分。本模块主要讨论的话题是开学第一天,其宗旨是让学生通过学习来了解我们的新学校,了解初、高中的不同。因此,作为模块1的第一部分,非常重要,不仅要能激发起学生的学习兴趣,更重要的是位后面的学习做好铺垫。所以,如何巧妙的引入话题,激发学生的学习兴趣同时掌握所学知识。 二、学情分析 刚刚入学的新生,对周围的事物充满了好奇,想要了解新学校的各方各面,正是培养学习兴趣和习惯的好时机,所以课堂要充分调动学生的积极性,感受学习英语的乐趣。 三、教学目标 依据课程标准要求、本节教材特点以及学生现有的认知水平,确定本课的教学目标为: 知识与技能目标1)学习掌握与学科相关的词汇并学会表达自己 的喜好。 2)培养学生的阅读能力,学习、应用如何在阅 读中寻找关键词。 过程与方法目标1)通过听、读、小游戏等活动学习词汇。 2)小组活动完成对课文的分析。

情感态度与价值观目标 通过这一课的学习,激发学习的积极性,克服部分同学学英语的畏难心理,为今后的学习打下好的基础。 教学重点、难点 依据课程标准要求和本节教材实际,并结合学生的实际,本节课一是要兴趣为主,二是开始学习阅读方法。由于初中对阅读方法的涉及不是很多,这一方面可能是刚开始接触,所以一定要把握好难易程度,这是本课的难点。 四、教学方法 由身边的事物开始,通过游戏的方式让每个学生参与进来,有话可说,培养学习兴趣和主动性。由分组讨论,激发动机,培养学生的学习积极性。 五、教学过程 导入:In your new school, you must see many new things. Please find out some new things in our classroom…… Introduction: 1)Say the names of your textbooks. 2)Game: work in pairs. Do 1) again as quickly as you can. 3)Group your textbooks. 4)Ask some students write their answers on the blackboard. 5)Game.


高中数学必修一综合测试 一、选择题 1.设集合A ,B 中分别有3个,7个元素,且A B U 中有8个元素,则A B I 中的元素的个数是 A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D. 3个 2.若(1)y f x =+为偶函数,则 A .()()f x f x -= B .()()f x f x -=- C .(1)(1)f x f x --=+ D .(1)(1)f x f x -+=+ 3.设()f x 是定义在R 上的一个增函数,()()()F x f x f x =--,那么()F x 为 A .增函数且是奇函数 B .增函数且是偶函数 C .减函数且是奇函数 D .减函数且是偶函数 4、已知函数y=f(x)与y=g(x)的图象如图,则y=f(x)·g(x)的大致图象为( ) 5、把函数x 1 y -=的图象向左平移1个单位,再向上平移2个单位后,所得函数的解析式应为 ( ) A 1x 3 x 2y --= B 1x 1 x 2y ---= C 1x 1 x 2y ++= D 1x 3 x 2y ++-= 6、 设f(x) 是R 上的偶函数,)5.7(,13)(,10),()2(f x x f x x f x f 则时当-=≤≤-=+=( ) (A )0.5 (B )-0.5 (C )1.5 (D )-1.5 7、设函数21 ()2f x x x =-+的定义域是[],1n n +,*n N ∈,则()f x 的值域中所含整数的个数是

A 1 B 2 C 3 D 2n 8、已知函数()x f 是R 上的增函数,A(0,-1),B(3,1)是其图象上的两点,那么()11<+x f 的解集的补集是( ) A (-1,2) B (1,4) C (,1)(4,)-∞-?+∞ D (,1)(2,)-∞-?+∞ 9、已知()x f 是偶函数,它在[)+∞,0上是减函数,若()()1lg f x f >,则x 的取值范围是( ) A ??? ??1,101 B()+∞??? ??,1101,0Y C?? ? ??10,101 D()()∞+.101,0Y 10.已知c>0,设P :函数y=c x 在R 上单调递减;Q :函数g(x)=lg(2cx 2+2x+1)的值域为R .如果P 和Q 只有一个是 对的,则c 的取值范围是( ) A.(21,1) B.(21,+∞) C.(0,21)∪[1,+∞) D.(0, 2 1) 11、实数c b a ,,是图象连续不断的函数()x f y =定义域中的三个数,且满足 ()()()()0,0,-=a a a x f x a 且, (1)求 ()x f 的定义域; (2)讨论函数()x f 的单调性。

外研版必修一module6重点知识与练习 1

Ⅰ. 单词荟萃 1.access n.接近;通路→_________ adj. 易接近的;可进入的 2.defence n. 保护;防卫→_______ v.保护;防卫;扞卫 3._______ v. 创造;发明→creator n. 创建者,创造者→creation n. 创造,发明(物)→ ________ adj. 有创造力的,创造性的→creativity n. 创造力 4._________ n.发明→______ v. 发明→inventor n. 发明者 5.permission n. 许可→________ v. 许可,允许 6.__________ v. 集中(注意力、思想等)→concentration n.集中;专注 7.definite adj. 明确的,确切的;肯定的→__________ adv. 明确地;肯定地8.independent adj. 独立的→_____________ n.独立→_________ adj. 依赖的;依靠的→_______ v.依赖,依靠 9.___________ n. 弊端;缺点→advantage n. 优点,长处 10. _______ v. 缩短→______ adj. 短的,短缺的→shortage n. 不足;缺少 Ⅱ.短语检测1.注册,登录12.与……比起来 13.做某事犹豫不决. 2.注销log on ……组成3.由log off .也4consist of as well ……而出名5.作为be/become known as .下降6go down come up with .提出7from that moment on 8.从那时起access/have access to the Internet on the Internet .使用9/登录互联网concentrate on/upon 10.在因特网上compared with/to hesitate to do sth. )集中在.11(把注意力等佳句再现Ⅲ.to use the Internet, not just universities and the

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