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Orex Iligan Project

Orex Iligan Project
Orex Iligan Project

Orex Iligan Project


The Orex Iligan Project (“Orex”) is a 6,163-hectare porphyry copper-gold prospect located in Iligan City, north north-west of the Island of Mindanao, Philippines under one Exploration Permit Application. The Mines and Geosciences Bureau has issued an area clearance for the exploration permit application. As of this writing the application is with the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) office where they have completed an area investigation to confirm the presence of indigenous people (IP). The NCIP office has approved the initiation of consultation with the IP’s.

Previous exploration companies conducted minor activities on the property. Among the companies who worked area are Frontino Incorporated from 1962 to 1963, and Mitsui Corporation of Japan who sunk 4 diamond drill holes in 1969. Unfortunately only a few data sets exist as testament to their works. The location is in an area with proven occurrence of copper-lead-zinc with associated gold mineralization. The mineralization suggests high potential for porphyry style copper at depth possibly related to the 75-sq. km. quartz diorite stock on the north-east and to the structures that mimic the regional north-east structural pattern.

Silt sediment samples from initial regional stream sediments sampling returned elevated copper value of 100 to 150 ppm. Rock samples, on the other hand, returned as high as 15.98 % Cu from veinlets and 1.37% Cu from random rock chips. Meanwhile, groups working on the north-east side of the property delineated a series of discontinuous quartz-diorite and quartz-veined andesite intrusives which, when projected to the south-west, may extend in the property. This was confirmed by ground indications. Likewise, gold and copper mining activities along this zone and near the tenement could only bolster the

highly likelihood of mineralization in the area of interest.

Location & Accessibility

The property is located in the northern part of Mindanao Island in southern Philippines. Minimal exploration activities have been done in the area and documentation of these works has been very scanty. No known systematic and extensive exploration has been undertaken yet to determine the copper-gold potential of the area. Currently, there are numerous small scale mining activities in and near the area extracting high grade copper ore and gold. Based on the initial works conducted these pockets of mining activities are confined along a 15-kilometer series of exposed structurally controlled andesite/diorite

intrusives. The area is at the south-west tail of this lineament which extends north-eastward outside the property. Recent geological data indicate that metal mineralization is related to the intrusives and these materials may have also induced more extensive copper mineralization at depth. This project is a follow-up of what has been done and aims to delineate, in more precise terms, the lateral and vertical extension of copper mineralization.

The Tenement is located approximately 20 kilometres northeast of Iligan City and 80 kilometres

southwest of Cagayan de Oro City. The main access to the area is via the Cagayan-Iligan Highway. It is readily accessible by any type of motor vehicle from either Cagayan de Oro or Iligan, passing through the Barangay roads from the highway at Sitio Bangkero. Sardab, where one of the outcrops is located, can be reached using a 12-kilometer all-weather dirt road from the highway.

Topography is characterized by moderate to rugged terrain with elevations varying from 100 to 400 meters above sea level (“masl”). The highest peak is about 495 masl, located at the central part of the study area. The headwaters of Sardab, Lacob, Ladi, Tablon and Saburan Creeks and their tributaries drain the area. The creeks of Sardab and Saburan flow intermittently in a northerly direction to empty towards Mandulog River. Lacob, Ladi and Tablon creeks, on the other hand, flow southerly to join Digkilaan River. Mandulog and Digkilaan merge at the south-west where they roll down farther west to unload ultimately to Iligan Bay.

Geology & Mineralization

The Tenement lies within a window of pre-Tertiary to Tertiary rocks that remained uncovered by abundant Pliocene-Recent volcanic and pyroclastic products of huge volcanic centers (e.g., Mt. Kalatungan, Mt. Kitanglad) in Central Mindanao.

Mindanao, the second largest Philippine island and located south, is surrounded by three subduction zones: the Philippine Trench along where the Philippine basin is being subducted in the east, the Cotobato trench to the south, and the Sulu-Negros Trench to the west where the Celebes and Sulu seas are respectively being consumed. The copious volcanism in central Mindanao is thought to be the magmatic response to a collision between two arcs (e.g., Pubellier et al., 1991; Sajona et al., 1997) where it is still active to the south.

Basement rocks in Misamis Oriental, north to northeast of the property, consist of schists and slivers of thrusted Pre-Tertiary ultramafic rocks. The schist is faulted and intensely folded. It is unconformably overlain by the Eocene to Oligocene Himaylan Formation, composed of metasdeimentary and metavolcanic units. The Himaylan Formation is, in turm, unconformably overlain by basalt flows and intercalated sedimentary sequences of the Lower to Middle Miocene To-od Formation. Diorite stocks, presumably of Late Miocene age, intrude the latter, recrystallizing some of the Miocene limestone bodies it affected.

In the west side of Iponan River, a portion of the Himaylan Formation is intruded by porphyritic andesite and overlain by Upper Miocene sedimentary rocks. Extensive deposits of Pliocene to Pleistocene limestone cover a wide area on the western coastline and parts of the hinterlands. Areas east of Iponan River are mostly covered by the Iponan Clastics, abundant Pliocene-Recent volcanics and the Pleistocene-Recent Cagayan Terrace Gravel.

The oldest rock suite in the area is the Pre-tertiary essentially composed of serpentinized utramafics and schistose rocks which appears to have been dragged along with the emplacement of the former. They are in thrust contact with andesite/diorite porphyry body in the west. Farther

west, the andesite is capped by the Opol formation essentially consist of well bedded and slightly folded conglomerate, sandstone, agglomerate, tuffaceous sandstone and tuff. This formation also covers the northern and southern portion of the area. The northern portion of the tenement is fringed by a sequence of sedimentary rocks,

basalt breccias and basal flows collectively called the Tood Formation of Lower Miocene age. The eastern portion is underlain by the Pliocene Iponan Calstics essentially composed of poorly sorted conglomerate, sandstone and shale.

The ultramafics are highly fractured and occur as elongate bodies trending north-east. They are composed of predominantly of peridotite, commonly harzaburgite, and subordinate dunite and pryroxenite. Schists are generally are sheared, brecciated and, in many places, mineralized with pyrite-galena-sphalerite-covellite-chalcopyrite with associated gold and silver.

Peridotite is dark green coarse-grained with abundant pyroxene crystals. It is the most abundant rock unit in the formation widely exposed within the mapped ultramafic complex. Some specimens show olivine and pyroxene crystals altered to serpentine. Dunite is mostly confined at the highly fractured southern portion of the explored area. It is very fine-grained, dark green to black in specimen color and usually contains abundant chromite disseminations. In most outcrops, it is highly serpentinized and exhibits advanced weathering. Most exposures show the unit in contact with the peridotite along local fractures.

The andesite/diorite porphyry hosts the Fe and Cu sulfide mineralization. It is dominantly exposed in the headwaters of Saburan, Ladi and Sardab Creeks and the mid-portions of Lacob and Tablon Creeks. Rock specimen is fined-grained and silicified. Most outcrops contain pyrite disseminations and quartz veinlets.

Copper mineralization is believed to have been introduced and influenced by the north-east trending faults which are highly likely the pipeline for silicification and argilization and conduits for copper-lead-zinc mineralization. The structures are consistent with the regional structural pattern which was recognized north-east of the area where there are extant small-scale copper-gold mining operations. Likewise, series of dioritic and andesitic intrusives are disposed along the same trend and are believed to have provided the mineralizing solutions.


人教版高中化学必修2§3-2 来自石油和煤的两种基本化工原料(第一课时) 《乙烯》教学设计 新疆兵团二中王兰兰 一、整体设计思路 乙烯是一种重要的化工原料,其产品已渗透到人类生活的许多领域,在生活和工农业生产中具有广泛用途。乙烯是最简单的烯烃,也是不饱和烃的代表物质。通过乙烯的学习,不仅可以认识乙烯的分子结构、性质和用途,更重要的是让学生认识到学习有机化学的重要性以及有机物质与人类生活的关系。 本课以生活中的乙烯产品为载体,以乙烯结构与性质的探索为主线,以化学知识解释生活中的化学现象为目的,将自主、合作、探究的学习方式融入课堂教学,帮助学生认识乙烯产品的用途,体会有机物从结构到性质的学习方法,感受学习有机化学的有用与有趣,形成用辩证的思想认识化学品的意识。 本教学设计从社会热点问题出发,充分利用模型和实验,以问题引领学生探究乙烯的结构和性质,解决生活中的化学问题,促使学生认识社会发展与化学应用的密切关系,引导学生辩证地看待化学药品的使用。 教学中突出知识之间的联系,运用对比的方法,揭示乙烷和乙烯的异同点,加深对知识的理解。如乙烷分子中只有单健,而乙烯分子中含有碳碳双键,这就决定了它们虽然都可以和卤素单质反生反应,但所用试剂状态不同,反应条件不同,反应现象就不同,产物也不同,从而揭示出取代反应和加成反应的不同。对比是一种良好的思维习惯,对比不仅使学生掌握了知识,掌握了一种学习方法,更重要的是让学生感受到有机化学的学习是有规律可循的,可以增强学生学习化学的信心和乐趣。 在实际教学过程中,主要采用教师启发、设疑、讲解、对比等多种教学方式,通过学生“实验-探究”、“体验-感悟”、“交往-合作”、“活动-参与”、“发现-创造”来完成教学任务。 二、教学背景 教材内容分析:本节内容选自人教版高中化学必修2第三章第二节——来自石油和煤的两种基本化工原料。学生在第一节中以甲烷为例学习了有机物中碳原子的成键特点、取代反应、同分异构体及同系物等基本知识,为学习乙烯打下了一定基础。乙烯是学生认识不饱和烃的第一种有机物,是一种重要的基本化工原料,又是衡量一个国家石油化工发展水平的重要标志。乙烯在教材中有举足轻重的地位。 学生情况分析:本节课之前,学生已经学习了以甲烷为代表的简单烷烃的结构、性质(重点是取代反应)以及用电子式、结构式、结构简式表示有机物结构等基础知识。学生也掌握了碳的四价理论,为本节课的学习铺垫了基础。但需要对“结构与性质”的关系进一步深化认识,乙烯的教学就能起到这种作用。另外学生能从生活实际出发,认识乙烯的广泛应用,再学习它们的性质就能强化理论与实际的联系,帮助学生学以致用。


烷烃中的同分异构体教学设计 烷烃的学习,是学生在有机化学的学习尚处于启蒙阶段,对有机物结构的知识了解较少的情况下展开的,因此。如何使学生进一步了解有机物的结构知识,从结构的角度分析有机物种类繁多的原因,是教师教学的重点,也是学生学习的难点之一。本节内容的教学可采用模型引导、驱动性问题情境的设置、学生主动搭建模型、体验小组合作探究等方法,使学生掌握同分异构现象、烷基等基本概念及同分异构体的书写方法,从而掌握知识与技能,体验探究知识的过程与方法,形成良好的情感态度与价值观。 一、教材分析 1、教材的地位和作用 本章知识起着连接高中化学必修和高中化学选修模块的作用,必修模块的有机化学具有双重功能,一方面提供有机化学最基本的核心知识,使学生从熟悉的有机化合物入手,了解有机化学研究的对象、目的、内容和方法,另一方面为尽一步学习有机化学的学生打好基础,帮助他们了解有机化学的概况和主要研究方法,激发他们深入学习的欲望。而本节知识多从结构分析的观点,进而建立结构,性质,用途的认识关系,从本质上认识掌握研究有机物结构的方法,为今后有机化学的学习打下良好的基础,这就需要有同分异构体的概念,教材以烷烃的结构和性质为背景,介绍了有机物的这些基本概念,因此这节课的内容在这一章是举足轻重的。 2、教学目标 (1)知识与技能 理解烷烃同分异构体及烃基的概念,学会判断简单烷烃及烷基的同分异构体数目及灵活应用所学方法来解决实际问题。 (2)过程与方法 通过学生用实物组装简单烷烃的结构模型,帮助学生建立对有机物空间结构图的想象模型,掌握科学研究有机化合物结构的方法,提高解决有关同分异构体书写判断等实际问题的能力,使学生形象思维和抽象思维相互结合从而来提高学生的学习能力。 (3)情感态度与价值观 通过创设问题情境培养学生积极思维,增加对有机化学学习的兴趣,通过搭建模型,使学生主动探索和发现,培养积极的创新能力和勇于探索的学习品质。引导学生运用辩证唯物主义观点去认识问题,加深对知识的理解。 3、教学重点难点 为了从结构的角度深化对有机化学结构的认识,所以要学习同分异构体的概念,才设计了本节的教学内容,所以教学重点为同分异构体的概念和判断,教学难点是同分异构体的理解和应用,从实物模型转换为学生头脑中的思维模型。 二、教学方法 课堂上学生的思维往往是从任务或问题的提出开始的,本节课以问题教学法为主导,运用模型构建立体结构,通过学生的逆向思维和发散思维激发学生进行思考,利用模型的多变和问题的多变,培养学生良好的思维和积极解决问题的能力,从而提升了学生对有机化学的认识。 三、学法指导 观察法、讨论法、练习法,将形象思维和抽象思维相结合,利用实物模型构建学生头脑中的思维模型。 1


《难溶电解质的溶解平衡》(第二课时)教学设计 (一)指导思想和理论依据 高中新课程提倡关注学生学习的过程,提倡学习方式多样化,使学生参与知识的形成过程,自主构建知识体系;在知识形成的过程中学习方法,体验积极的情感,形成正确的价值观。 本课时的教学设计遵循高中新课程理念,在设计上突出“知识问题系列化,问题情境生成化,解决问题自主化”的教学设计理念,处处发挥学生的主体性,引导学生在质疑中学习,在解决问题中提高,在反思中成长。 (二)学习内容分析 本节课所学的内容为选修4《化学反应原理》中《第三章水溶液中的离子平衡》里的《第四节难溶电解质的溶解平衡》的最后一课时。本节内容是本章的一个重点,也是高中化学的重点内容之一。并且此部分内容与与科研、生产等领域有着密切的关系。通过前面对化学平衡、电离平衡、水解平衡三大平衡理论的探讨,再来学习难溶电解质的溶解平衡(即沉淀溶解平衡),学生会较轻松的掌握难溶物在水中的溶解情况,认识沉淀溶解平衡的建立过程,并完成平衡理论体系的完整建构。 (三)学生情况分析 1. 认知基础:本节课的教学对象是高一理科学生,学生已经具有溶解度、离子反应的知识基础和动态平衡的理论基础,在此基础上学习本节内容,学生更容易理解和接受。 2. 心理特征:学生有了一定的理论基础,有强烈的好奇心和探究愿望,对用所学理论解决问题充满期待。 (四)创新之处 1. 创设情景的全程性 以生产实际中铜矿污水如何达标处理为素材主线,从中挖掘沉淀溶解平衡的相关知识。情景贴近学生的生活实际,能够引起学生的强烈兴趣,有助于知识的学习。 2.在思维冲突中充分锻炼学生的思维能力。 在完成本节任务的过程中,学生不断发现新问题,一直在优化铜矿污水处理的实


第三章金属及其化合物第一节金属的化学性质 第2课时《金属与水的反应》教学设计 一、三维目标 1、知识与技能 (1)了解金属钠与水的反应,观察钠与水反应的各种现象并能解释产生这些现象的原因(2)设计铁与水蒸气反应的实验装置,了解铁与水蒸气的反应 (3)了解金属与水反应的一般规律 (4)掌握有关实验的基础知识和基本技能,学习实验研究的方法,能设计并完成一些化学实验。 2、过程与方法 (1)通过观察钠与水反应的实验,使学生学会用规范的语言准确描述实验现象并分析产生现象的原因,通过观察、描述、记录实验现象培养学生获取信息和初步加工信息 的能力,使学生完成对钠的相关性质的自主认识。 (2)通过对铁和水蒸气反应实验装置的设计,让学生在教师的引导下通过动手设计、动脑思考、观察分析、自主探究来获取知识,完成学习目标。 (3)通过动手实验、小组交流、分享合作、科学探讨等多种形式培养学生的观察能力、思维能力和创新能力,体会实验在化学研究中的作用。 (4)运用比较和归纳的方法,发现金属与水反应的一般规律,让学生逐步掌握学习元素化合物知识的一般方法。 3、情感态度与价值观 (1)通过背景材料,体现化学与日常生活和生产实际的密切联系,提高学生学习化学的兴趣,增强学好化学、服务社会的责任感和使命感。 (2)通过分组实验和讨论,体验团队合作精神;通过对铁与水反应方程式的推测,鼓励学生积极提出问题,培养学生敢于质疑、勇于创新的精神。 (3)通过分组实验和实验装置的设计,感受化学实验在化学研究中的重要性,体验科学探究过程的艰辛与喜悦,培养实事求是的科学精神。 二、教学重点和难点 1、教学重点 钠与水的反应,铁与水蒸气的反应 2、教学难点 铁与水蒸气反应装置的设计

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