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Zero cycles on homogeneous varieties

Zero cycles on homogeneous varieties
Zero cycles on homogeneous varieties



Abstract.In this paper we study the group A0(X)of zero dimen-

sional cycles of degree0modulo rational equivalence on a projective

homogeneous algebraic variety X.To do this we translate rational

equivalence of0-cycles on a projective variety into R-equivalence

on symmetric powers of the variety.For certain homogeneous va-

rieties,we then relate these symmetric powers to moduli spaces

of′e tale subalgebras of central simple algebras which we construct.

This allows us to show A0(X)=0for certain classes of homoge-

neous varieties for groups of each of the classical types,extending

previous results of Swan/Karpenko,of Merkurjev,and of Panin.


The study of algebraic cycles on quadric hypersurfaces has turned out to be unreasonably successful in its applications to quadratic forms. Karpenko,Izhboldhin,Rost,Merkurjev,Vishik and Voevodsky,to name a few,have used and developed the theory of algebraic cycles in order to solve a number of outstanding conjectures,most notably Voevodsky’s recent proof of the Milnor conjecture.

In part inspired by these great successes,there is much interest in studying algebraic cycles on and motives of general projective homo-geneous varieties,beyond the quadric hypersurfaces which arise in ap-plications to quadratic forms.Signi?cant progress has been made by various authors in this direction([Kar00,Bro,CGM05,SZ]). Despite the progress in understanding general projective homoge-neous varieties,the Chow groups of0-dimensional cycles for such va-rieties have remained somewhat mysterious.Whereas computations have been performed in various cases(see for example Swan[Swa89] and Merkurjev[Mer95]),the topic has so far resisted general statements or conjectures.


In this paper,we compute the Chow group of zero cycles on various projective homogeneous varieties by showing that the group A0(X)of0 dimensional cycles of degree0modulo rational equivalence is trivial in many cases.We give examples of this for certain homogeneous varieties for groups of each of the classical types A n,B n,C n,D n.

More precisely,in the A n case(theorem7.3),we show that A0(X)= 0for X a Severi-Brauer variety(recovering a result of Panin),and for certain cases when X is a Severi-Brauer?ag variety.In all of these examples,we assume that either F is perfect or char(F)doesn’t divide the index of the underlying central simple algebra.

In the B n and D n cases(theorem8.8),we show that A0(X)=0 for any(orthogonal)involution variety X,assuming that char(F)=2. Involution varieties are twisted forms of quadric hypersurfaces intro-duced in[Tao94],and are de?ned in section8.This generalizes previous results of Swan([Swa89])and Karpenko who proved this when X is a quadric hypersurface,and Merkurjev([Mer95])who proved this when X has index2(see section2for the de?nition of index).

In the C n case(theorem8.13),we show that A0(X)=0for X= V2(A,σ)a2’nd generalized involution variety for a central simple alge-bra A with symplectic involutionσ(see section8)when ind(X)=1or2 and char(F)=2.This gives the?rst nontrivial computations of this group for such varieties.The case of higher index is still open.

To obtain our results we relate the Chow group of0-dimensional cycles to the more geometrically naive notion of R-equivalence(i.e. connecting points with rational curves)on symmetric powers of the original variety,along with the slightly weaker notion of H-equivalence which we introduce.This is explained in section3.Although in some sense,this idea is not new-various aspects of this idea over the complex ?eld appear in[Sam56],and similar ideas were used in Swan’s paper ([Swa89]),our formulation of this principle allows us to more fully exploit its uses.

From here,we show that the symmetric powers of certain homoge-neous varieties may be related to spaces which parametrize commuta-tive′e tale subalgebras in a central simple algebra.To make this con-nection precise,we de?ne moduli spaces of′e tale subalgebras in section 5.These spaces are very interesting in their own right,as many open questions in the area of central simple algebras concern the existence and structure of certain types of sub?elds in a division algebra.In sections6.1,6.2and6.3we determine show that in certain cases these moduli spaces are R-trivial,and in sections7and8we apply this to determining the Chow group of zero cycles for certain homogeneous varieties.

ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES3 There are various known results concerning the group A0(X)for geo-metrically rationally connected varieties over certain?elds,particularly the?nite,local,and global cases(see[KS03],[Kol99],and[CT05]).For example,Colliot-Th′e l`e ne has conjectured that the torsion in CH0(X) is?nitely generated when F is p-adic,and has obtained positive results in certain cases([CT05]).

Over an arbitrary ground?eld,it is clear that the geometrically rationally connected varieties may have very complicated groups of zero cycles,and so it appears di?cult to know which classes of varieties have A0(X)=0.Even restricting to projective homogeneous varieties is not su?cient for this.For example,A.Vishik has pointed out the following example using a result of Karpenko and Merkurjev([KM90]): Proposition1.1.One may?nd a?eld F and a quadratic form q over a vector space V/F such that if we let X be the variety of2-dimensional totally isotropic subspaces of V,the group of CH0(X)is in?nitely generated(and therefore so is A0(X)).

Proof.For a given quadratic form q on V/F we may construct the variety X as above.Let Q be the quadric hypersurface in P(V)de?ned by the vanishing of q.Thinking of points in Q as isotropic lines in V,we may construct a Chow correspondence from X to Q by setting Z∈X×Q to be the subvariety described as


This de?nes a homomorphism CH0(X)→CH1(Q).

In[KM90],the authors exhibit a quadratic form q on a7dimensional vector space such that the associated5-dimensional quadric Q has an in?nite family of independent nontrivial torsion cycles z i∈A4(Q)= CH1(Q).One may check by inspection that these cycles are in the image of the Chow correspondence above,and therefore give in?nitely many independent nontrivial elements in CH0(X).

I am grateful to A.Merkurjev who suggested this problem to me while I was a VIGRE assistant professor at UCLA,and whose helpful comments on various drafts of this paper were extremely useful.I would also like to thank D.Saltman who suggested to me the idea of using Pfa?ans to prove theorem6.7,and I.Panin who explained to me how to concretely think of the varieties associated to symplectic involutions.I am also grateful for the comments of an anonymous referee who reccomended the use of Hilbert schemes after reading a previous version of this paper.The use of Hilbert schemes of points has considerably cleaned up and shortened the exposition of the paper,as


well as done away with almost all assumptions about the characteristic of the ground?eld.

After the appearance of this paper in preprint form,Viktor Petrov, Nikita Semenov and Kirill Zainoulline have subsequently applied these methods to compute groups of0cycles on homogeneous varieties for various exceptional groups([PSZ]).

2.Preliminaries and notation

Let F be a?eld.All schemes will be assumed to be separated and of?nite type over a?eld(generally F unless speci?ed otherwise).By a variety,we mean an integral scheme.If Z is a closed subscheme of a scheme X,we let[Z]denote the corresponding cycle.Suppose X and Y are schemes over F.For an extension?eld L/F we denote by X L the?ber product X×Spec(F)Spec(L).For a morphism f:X→Y, we write f(L):X(L)→Y(L)for the induced map on the L-points. We denote by F(X)the function?eld of X.We de?ne the index of a scheme X,as

ind(X)=GCD{[L:F]|L/F?nite?eld extension and X(L)=?}. If A is a central simple F algebra,we recall that its dimension is a square,and we de?ne the degree of A,deg(A)=

ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES5 For a scheme X,we de?ne Z(X)to be the set of0dimensional cycles on X and Z n eff(X)to the the subset of degree n e?ective cycles in Z(X).We have a set map X[n](F)→Z n eff(X)de?ned by taking a subscheme z?X of degree n to its fundamental class[z].This gives a bijection between the cycles which are a disjoint union of spectrums of separable?eld extensions of F,and points in X(n)(F)?X[n](F).We will occasionally have to make use of cycles of other dimensions,and we will use the notation C i(X)to represent the group of i-dimensional cycles on X.

We say that a?eld L is prime to p closed if every?nite algebraic extension E/L has degree a power of p.An algebraic extension L/F is called a prime to p closure if for every?nite subextension F?L0?L, [L:F]is prime to p,and L is prime to p-closed.

Lemma2.1.Suppose X is a scheme over F with ind(X)=n,where either char(F)doesn’t divide n or F is perfect.Then X(n)(F)= X[n](F).

Proof.Given a point x∈X[n](F),x corresponds to a?nite subscheme Spec(R)?X,where R is a commutative F-algebra of dimension n. By taking a quotient by a maximal ideal of R,we obtain subscheme Spec(L)?X,L a?eld of degree at most n.Since ind(X)=n,we immediately conclude Spec(R)=Spec(L)and so R is a?eld.By our hypothesis,R is a separable?eld extension,and so we see that x corresponds to a point in X(n)(F)as claimed. Lemma2.2.Let X be a proper variety such that for any extension?eld

L/F,X(L)=?implies A0(X L)=0.If A0(X F

p )=0for each prime p

dividing ind(X)and every prime to p closure F p/F then A0(X)=0. Proof.Suppose?rst that p does not divide ind(X).It then follows that

X(F p)=?,and hence by the hypotheses,A0(X F

p )=0.Therefore,the

conditions of the lemma imply A0(X F

p )=0for all p.

We will show that A0(X)=0by showing that the degree map

deg:CH0(X)→Z is injective.Let deg p be the degree map af-ter?bering with F p.Consider the natural mapπp:X F

p→X, which is a?at morphism.Letα∈ker(deg),and assume that deg p

is injective.In this case,π?p(α)∈ker(deg p)=0.This means that we may?nd irreducible curves Z i?X F p,and a rational function r i∈R(Z i),such that div r i=α.But since these subvarieties Z i, and functions r i involve only a?nite number of coe?cients,they are de?ned over an?nite degree intermediate?eld E,where F?E?F p. But now we have that ifπE:X E→X is the natural map,then π?Eα=0.ButπE?π?Eα=[E:F]αtells us that[E:F]α=0,


and so[E:F]∈ann Z(α).Therefore,since[E:F]is prime to p, ann Z(α)∈[E:F].But because this holds for every prime p,we must have that ann Z(α)is not contained in any maximal ideal of Z and hence ann Z(α)=Z.But this implies thatα=0.

3.Cycles and equivalence relations

Let X be a scheme.We say that two points p1,p2∈X(F)are el-ementarily linked if there exists a rational morphismφ:P1 X such that p1,p2∈im(φ(F)).We de?ne R-equivalence to be the equiv-alence relation generated by this relation.Let X(F)/R denote the set of equivalence classes of points in X(F)under R-equivalence.We say that X is R-trivial in case X(F)/R is a set of cardinality1.

If f:X→Y is a morphism,we obtain a map of sets X(F)/R→Y(F)/R which we denote by f R.Note that this is well de?ned,since if p,q∈X(F)are elementarily linked via a rational map P1 X, then the composition P1 X→Y shows that f(p)and f(q)are elementarily linked as well.

Given points x,y∈X[n](F),we say that x and y are elementar-ily H-linked if there is a morphismφ:P1→X[n]such that[φ(0)]= [x],[φ(1)]=[y].We de?ne H-equivalence,denoted~H,to be the equiv-alence relation generated by elementary H-linkage.We say that an open subscheme U?X[n]is H-trivial if the H-equivalence classes U(F)/H form a set with one element.Note that for x,y∈X(n),[x]=[y]if and only if x=y.

We remark that the notions of R and H equivalence carry over in relative versions for any base scheme S by replacing P1F with P1S.In particular,if S~=Spec(⊕E i)where each E i is a?eld,it is easy to check that two points are R or H equivalent if and only if the corresponding points are equivalent with respect to each E i.

The?rst lemma we prove gives some justi?cation for considering H-equivalence:

Lemma3.1.Suppose X is a projective variety,andα,β∈X[n].Ifαandβare H-equivalent,then[α]and[β]are rationally equivalent. Proof.Without loss of generality,we may assume thatαandβare elementarily linked,and choose a morphismφ:P1→X[n]connecting these points(we may assumeφis a morphism and not just a rational map since the Hilbert scheme is proper).Pulling back the universal family on X[n]alongφ,we obtain a?at family F?X×P1of0 dimensional subvarieties of X of degree n on P1.By[Ful98],section1.6, any two specializations of this to points in P1are rationally equivalent. In particular,αandβare rationally equivalent.

ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES7 Lemma3.2.Suppose X is a projective variety over F with dim(X)≥1.Then the map X[n](F)→Z n eff(X)is surjective.

Proof.Let z?X be an irreducible e?ective0cycle,say z~=Spec(L) for L/F a?nite?eld extension.It su?ces to show that for any r>1, there is a subscheme z?X with[ z]=r[z].Without loss of general-ity,we may assume that X=Spec(R)is a?ne.Let m?R be the maximal ideal corresponding to z.Since dim(R)≥1,we know that length(R/m k)is unbounded as k increases.In particular,there exists k>0such that R/m k has length≥r and R/m k?1has length

Corollary3.3.There is a natural bijection X[n](F)/H=Z n eff(X)/H. Proof.This follows immediately from lemma3.2. It is useful to have a relative version of lemma3.2for?at cycles over a curve:

Lemma3.4.Suppose X/F is a projective variety,C/F a curve and α∈C1(X×C)is an e?ective cycle such that every component of the support ofαis?nite and?at over C.Thenα=[Z]for some subscheme Z?X×C with Z→C?at.

Note that by the universal property of the Hilbert scheme,this Z must come from a morphism C→X[n]by pulling back the universal family.

Proof.Consider the restrictionα of the cycleαto X F(C)(the generic ?ber of the family X×C).We haveα ∈Z n eff(X F(C))for some n,and so we may use lemma3.2to?nd a subscheme Z ∈X F(C)representing it.We may interpret Z as a point in X[n]F(C)(F(C))=X[n](F(C)),and therefore obtain a rational morphism Spec(F(C))→X[n].Since C is a curve and X[n]is proper,we may complete this to a morphism C→X[n],and hence obtain a family Z?X×C.


By construction it is clear that[Z]andαboth have the same re-striction to X F(C).We may therefore?nd an open subset U?C such that the cyclesαand[Z]are equal.From the fundamental sequence


we see that the di?erence cycle[Z]?αis supported entirely on C1(X×(C\U)).But since the support of each cycle is?at over P1,there cannot be any components supported in over P1\U,and therefore[Z]?α=0 as claimed.

If X/F is a projective variety and L/F a?nite?eld extension of degree n.We de?ne a map of sets

H:X(L)→Z n eff(X)


Lemma3.5.Let X/F be a projective variety,L/F a?nite?eld ex-tension,and suppose we have x,y∈X[n](L)with x~H y.Then H(x)~H H(y).In the case x,y∈X(n)(L)are elementarily linked, so are H(x)and H(y).

Proof.It su?ces to consider the case where x and y are elementarily H-linked.Therefore,we may reduce either to the case that x~R y or [x]=[y].If[x]=[y],we may write[x]=[y]=n[z]for z~=Spec(E)an irreducible subscheme,and E?L a sub?eld,n=[L:E].Therefore x and y may only di?er by an element of Gal(L/F)and so H(x)=H(y). We may therefore assume that x and y are elementarily linked. Chooseφ:P1E→X withφ(0)=x,φ(∞)=y,and letρ:P1E→P1 be the natural covering.Since the cycle(φ×ρ)?[P1E]∈C1(X×P1) satis?es the conditions of lemma3.4,it follows from lemma3.4and the remark just following it that we can?nd a morphismψ:P1→X[n], where n=[E:F]such that if C?P1×X is the corresponding family, [C]=(φ×ρ)?[P1E].

If we denote by i p:Spec(F)→P1,p=0,∞the inclusion of points on P1,and consider the pullback diagram:




ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES9 We have H(x)=x?(Spec(E))=x?i!0[P1E]which may be rewritten using[Ful98],theorem6.2as i!0(φ×ρ)?[P1E]=i!0[C]which by[Ful98], section10.1is the same as[i?10(C)]=[ψ(0)],and similarly H(y)= [ψ(∞)],showing that these points are elementarily H-linked. Suppose X/F is a projective variety.Given a zero-dimensional sub-scheme i:z →X[n],we obtain a family F?z×X.We de?ne the cycle[n]?(z)∈Z(X)by the formula[n]?(z)=π2?[F].

Lemma3.6.Let X/F be a projective variety.Then the map X[n][m](F)→

Z nm eff (X)de?ned by mapping a degree m scheme z?X[n]to[n]?[z]

passes to H-equivalence.

Proof.To show this,it su?ces to show that if we haveφ:P1→X[n][m],φ(0)=z,φ(1)=z then[n]?[z]~H[n]?[z ].To see this,we will construct a morphismψ:P1→X[mn]such that[ψ(0)]=[n]?[z]and [ψ(∞)]=[n]?[z ].By the universal property of the Hilbert scheme,this means that we really need to construct a family W?X×P1whose specializations over0and∞are[n]?[z]and[n]?[z ]respectively. Consider the family corresponding to the mapφ.This is a subscheme Z?X[n]×P1with?bers z and z over the points0and∞respectively. Pulling back the universal family on X[n]via the morphism Z→X[n], we obtain a family W →X×P1×Z,which is degree mn over P1,and such that each component of W is?at over P1.By lemma3.4,we may ?nd W?X×P1such that[ W]=π?[W],whereπ:X×P1×Z→X×P1 is the projection.It is now routine to check that the?bers over0and ∞of W give subschemes whose cycles are equal to[n]?[z]and[n]?[z ] respectively. De?nition3.7.For a scheme X and positive integers n,m,we de?ne X(n,m)to be the?ber product:

X(n,m)S m(S n X)

S nm X

Lemma3.8.Suppose F is prime to p closed,and X/F a quasipro-jective variety.Then the natural morphismπ:X(n,m)→X(nm)is surjective on F-points whenever n,m are powers of p.

Proof.Since we may identify S m S n X with the quotient

(X nm)/ (S n)m S m ,


it follows that the degree of the map πis nm !

p ?1where v p is the p -adic valuation).Since πfactors through the ′e tale map X m +n ?→X (nm )it is also ′e tale.In

particular,if x ∈X (nm )(F ),the ?ber π?1(x )is ′e tale over Spec (F )and hence the spectrum of a direct sum of separable ?eld extensions ⊕L i .Since the total degree of this extension is prime to p ,there must be at least one of the ?eld extensions L i whose degree is not a multiple of p .But since F is prime to p closed,this implies that L i =F ,and so the ?ber has an F -point as desired. Corollary 3.9.Let X/F be a projective variety.There is a natural map X [n ][m ](F )/H →X [nm ]/H .In the case ind (X )=mn ,we have a natural map X (n )(m )(F )/H →X (mn )/H .If we also have that F is prime to p closed and m,n are p -powers then the map X (n )(m )(F )/H →X (mn )/H is surjective.

Proof.This is immediate from lemmas 2.1,3.6,3.8and corollary 3.3. Lemma 3.10.Let F be prime to p closed,and suppose X/F is a

projective variety.Fix a p -power n .Suppose X (n )L is H-trivial for every

?nite ?eld extension L/F of p -power degree m .Then X (nm )is H-trivial.In particular,we show that if α∈X (n )(F ),then for all β∈X (mn )(F ),we have β~H m [α].

Proof.By corollary 3.9,it is su?cient to show that X (n )(m )is H-trivial.Choose α∈X (n )(F ),which is nonempty by the hypothesis.We will show that given β∈X (n )(m )(F ),we can write [β]~H m [α].We may write β=H ( β

)for some β∈X (n )(E )where E/F is a degree m ′e tale extension.Choose α∈X (n )(F ),and de?ne α∈X (n )(E )via composing αwith the structure morphism Spec (E )→Spec (F ).We

then have H ( α)=n [α].Since X (n )E is H-trivial, α~H β

and by lemma 3.5,m [α]~H [β]as desired. Corollary 3.11.Suppose X/F is a projective variety with F is prime

to p -closed and such that for every ?nite ?eld extension L/F ,X (indX L

)L is H-trivial.Then for every p -power n ≥ind (X ),X (n )is H-trivial.

Proof.By lemma 3.10,it su?ces to show that X ind (X )L is H-trivial,

where [L :F ]=n/ind (X ).We prove this by induction on ind (X ).If ind (X )=1,the hypothesis implies that X E is R-trivial for every extension E/F and the conclusion follows from lemma 3.10(setting n =1in the statement of the lemma).

ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES11 For the general induction case,we either have ind(X L)=ind(X) or ind(X L)

implies X ind(X)

L =X ind(X L)


is H-trivial.In the latter case,we have

m(ind(X L))=ind(X)for some p-power m,and by lemma3.10,to

show that X ind(X)

L is H-trivial,it su?ces to show that X ind(X L)


is H-

trivial for E/L a degree m extension.Therefore,the result follows from the induction step. Theorem3.12.Suppose X/F is a projective variety with F is prime to p closed,p=char(F)or F perfect and such that(X L)(ind(X L))H-trivial for every?nite?eld extension L/F.Then A0(X)=0. Proof.Letα∈X(i),where i=ind(X).Since by assumption on the characteristic every prime cycleβis represented by a point in X(n)(F) for some p-power n,it follows from corollary3.11and lemma3.10that [β]~H n


similarly that f (x )~=x ,since otherwise the image would have smaller degree,contradicting ind (X )=ind (Y ).Therefore,f induces a map X (m )→Y (m ).We note that this may also be seen as the rational map induced by the morphism S m X →S m Y .Since every x ∈X (m )is of the form Spec (L )for L/F a degree m ?eld extension,we have a commutative diagram such that the vertical arrows are surjective: [L :F ]X (L )H

[L :F ]

Y (L )

H Y (m )(F )

It is clear by tracing the diagram that the map on the bottom must be surjective,and it is also clear that it must preserve R-equivalence classes.

We need only show therefore that the map is injective on R-equivalence classes in the case X and Y are projective.Without loss of generality,we may assume that we have x,x ∈X (m )(F )such that y =f (x )and y =f (x )are elementarily linked.Choose P 1→Y (m )linking y and y .In the case that y =y ~=Spec (L ),we have that x,x may be lifted to elements of X (L )which both lie in the same ?ber over a point in Y (L ).Since by hypothesis,the ?bers of f are R-trivial,we therefore have x ~R x due to the fact that H preserves R-equivalence in this case.

We are therefore done if we may show that there is a morphism P 1→X [m ]connecting some point in the ?ber over y with a point over the ?ber of y .We begin by choosing a morphism φ:P 1→Y [m ]connecting y and y ,and consider the pullback of the universal family.This gives a curve C ?Y ×P 1such that the projection C →P 1is degree m and such that the ?bers over 0and ∞are equal to y and y respectively.If we consider the projection morphism C →Y restricted to the generic point Spec (F (C )),we obtain a point in Y (F (C )).Since f has R-trivial ?bers,the ?ber over this point in X is nonempty and hence there is a morphism Spec (F (C ))→X such that its composition with f gives the original map Spec (F (C ))→Y .Let C →C be the normalization of C .Since X is projective,we get a morphism C →X such that the digram


ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES13 is commutative.In particular,if we let D?X×P1be the image of C,then D is birational to C and by the universal property of X[m], de?nes a morphism P1→X[m].If we let U?P1be the open set on which C→P1is′e tale,one may check that we have a commutative diagram



type (n 1,...,n k ),denoted V n 1,...,n k (A ),is the variety whose points cor-respond to ?ags of ideals I n 1?I n 2?···?I n k ,where I n i has reduced dimension n k .More precisely V n 1,...,n k (A )represents the following func-tor:V n 1,...,n k (A )(R )= (I 1,...,I k ) I i ∈Gr (n i n,A )(R )is a right ideal of A R and I i ?I i +1

In particular,in the case k =1,the variety V i (A )is the i ’th gen-eralized Severi-Brauer variety of A ([Bla91]),which parametrizes right ideals of A which are locally direct summands of reduced rank i .The same de?nition generalizes easily to sheaves of Azumaya algebras of constant degree over a base scheme S .

Theorem 4.2.Suppose A is a central simple F -algebra.Then the Severi-Brauer ?ag variety V n 1,...,n k (A )is stably R-isomorphic to V d (D ),where D is any central simple algebra Brauer equivalent to A and

d =GCD {n 1,...,n k ,ind (A )}.

This result relies on a number of intermediate results:

Proposition 4.3.Suppose A is a central simple F -algebra,and we have positive integers n 1<···

Corollary 4.4.Suppose A is a central simple F -algebra,and we have positive integers n such that ind (A )|n .Then any two F -points in the generalized Severi-Brauer variety V n (A )are elementarily linked.In particular,V n (A )is R-trivial.

Lemma 4.5.Suppose A =End r.D (V )for some F -central division algebra D ,where V is a right D -space.Let i =deg (D ),and let I ?A be a right ideal of reduced dimension ri (note that every ideal has reduced dimension a multiple of i ).Then there exists a D -subspace W ?V of dimension r such that I =Hom r.D (V,W )?End r.D (V ).

Equivalently,writing A =M m (D ),we may consider I to be the set of matricies such that each column is a vector in W .

Proof.Choose a right ideal I ?A ,and let W =im (I ).It is enough to show that I =Hom r.D (V,W ).The claim concerning reduced di-mension will follow immediately from a dimension count.Since it is clear by de?nition that I ?Hom r.D (V,W ),it remains to show that the reverse inclusion holds.We do this by showing that I contains a basis for Hom r.D (V,W ).Let e 1,...,e m be a basis for V ,and f 1,...,f r be a basis for W .We must show that the transformation T i,j ∈I where


T i,j (e k )=f j δi,k .Since f i ∈im (i )for some i ∈I ,we know that there exists v ∈V such that i (v )=f j .Now de?ne a ∈End r.D (V )to be given by a (e k )=vδi,k .Now,ia (e k )=f j δi,k and ia ∈I as desired. proof of 4.3.Let A =M m (D )for some division algebra D with deg (D )=i =ind (A ),mi =n =deg (A ).We may therefore write A =End r.D (V )for some right D -space V of dimension m .Choose ?ags of ideals

(I 1,...,I k ),(I 1,...,I k )∈V n 1,...,n k (A )(F ).

We will show that there is a rational morphism f :A 1 V n 1,...,n k (A ),such that f (0)=(I 1,...,I k )and f (1)=(I 1,...,I k ).By lemma 4.5,we may write I j =Hom (V,W j ),I j =Hom (V,W j ).

Choose bases w j,1,...,w j,l j for W j and w j,1,...,w j,l j for W j ,where

l j =n j /i .De?ne morphisms f j,l :A 1→V by f j,l (t )=w j,l t +w j,l (1?t ).

We may combine these to get rational morphisms A 1 Gr (n j n,A )by taking t to the n j n -dimensional space of matricies in M m (D )whose columns are right D -linear combinations of the vectors w j,1t +w j,1(1?

t ),...,w j,l j t +w j,l j (1?t ).By 4.5,this corresponds to a rational mor-phism f j :A 1→V n j (A ).One may check that f j (0)=I j and f j (1)=I j .

Further,for any t ,f j (t )?f j +1(t ).Therefore,we may put these together to yield a rational morphism f :A 1 V n 1,...,n k (A )with f (0)=(I 1,...,I k )and f (1)=(I 1,...,I k ). Remark 4.6.In fact the proof above shows that if we are given n

proof of theorem 4.2.Let X =V n 1,...,n k (A )and Y =V d (D ).Consider the product variety X ×Y together with its natural projections π1,π2onto X and Y respectively.I claim that both projections have R-trivial ?bers,which would prove the theorem.

Suppose we have x :Spec (L )→X or x :Spec (L )→Y .This would imply that X (L )=?or Y (L )=?,and in either case this in turn says that ind (A )|d .Since the scheme theoretic ?ber over x is isomorphic to either X L or Y L respectively,we know that since ind (A L )=ind (D L )|d that the ?bers are R-trivial by proposition 4.3. De?nition 4.7.Suppose A is a central simple algebra and I ?A is a right ideal of reduced dimension l .Given integers n 1,...,n k


For these varieties,we have a theorem which generalizes a result from [Art82]on Severi-Brauer varieties:

Theorem4.8.Suppose A is a central simple algebra.Let I?A be a right ideal of reduced dimension l.Then there exists a degree l algebra D which is Brauer equivalent to A such that for any n1,...,n k

V n

1,...,n k (I)=V n

1,...,n k


In order to prove this theorem,we will use the following lemma: Lemma4.9.Let A be an Azumaya algebra with center R,a Noetherian commutative ring,and suppose that I is a right ideal of A such that A/I is a projective R-module.Then there exists an idempotent element e∈I such that I=eA.

Proof.Since A/I is projective as an R-module,by[DI71]it is also a projective(right)A-module.This implies that the short exact sequence


splits as a sequence of right A-modules,and therefore,there exists a right ideal J?A such that A=I⊕J.We may therefore uniquely write1=e+f,with e∈I and f∈J.Now,


Since e2∈I,fe∈J this gives fe∈I∩J=0and so e2=e.Finally, I=(e+f)I=eI+fI,and this gives fI∈J∩I=0.Consequently, we have eA?I=eI?eA so I=eA as desired. proof of theorem4.8.By4.9,we know that I=eA for some idempo-tent e∈A.Set D=eAe.

Let X I=V n

1,...,n k (I),and X D=V n

1,...,n k

(D).To prove the theo-

rem,we will construct mutually inverse maps(natural transformations of functors)φ:X I→X D andψ:X D→X I.For a commutative Noetherian F-algebra R,and for J=(J1,...,J k)∈X I(R),we de?ne φ(J)=(J1e,...,J k e)=(eJ1e,...,eJ k e).For K=(K1,...,K k)∈X D(R),de?neφ(K)=(K1A R,...,K k A R).To see that these are mu-tually inverse,we need to show that for each i=1,...,k,we have J i eA=J i and that K i A R e=K i.For the second we have

K i A R e=K i e=K i

since K i?eA R e.For the?rst,we note that by the lemma,we have J i=hA i for some idempotent h.But then

J i?J i eA R=J i I?J2i=hA R hA R=hA R=J i

and so J i=J i eA R and we are done.


5.Moduli spaces of′e tale subalgebras

Let S be a Noetherian scheme,and let A be a sheaf of Azumaya alge-bras over S.Our goal in this section is to study the functor′e t(A),which

associates to every S-scheme X,the set of sheaves of commutative′e tale

subalgebras of A X.We will show that this functor is representable by

a scheme which may be described in terms of the generalized Severi-Brauer variety of A.

Unless said otherwise,all products are?ber products over S.If X is

an S-scheme with structure morphism f:X→S,then we write A X

for the sheaf of O X-algebras f?(A).For a S-scheme Y,we occasionally write Y X for Y×X,thought of as an X-scheme.

Every sheaf of′e tale subalgebras may be assigned a discrete invariant,

which we call its type,and therefore our moduli scheme is actually a

disjoint union of other moduli spaces.

To begin,let us de?ne the notion of type.

De?nition5.1.Let R be a local ring,and B/R an Azumaya algebra.

If e∈B is an idempotent,we de?ne the rank of e,denoted r(e)to be the reduced rank of the right ideal eB.

Let E be a sheaf of′e tale subalgebras of A/S,and let p∈S.Let

R be the local ring of p in the′e tale topology(so that R is a strictly Henselian local ring).Then taking′e tale stalks,we see that E p is an ′e tale subalgebra of A p/R,and it follows that

E p=⊕k i=1Re i,

for a uniquely de?ned collection of idempotents e i,which are each minimal idempotents in S p.

De?nition5.2.The type of E at the point p is the unordered collec-

tion of positive integers[r(e1),...,r(e m)].

De?nition5.3.We say that E has type[n1,...,n m]if if has this type

for each point p∈S.

Remark5.4.Since1= e i,the ideals I i=e i A span A.Further it is easy to see that the ideals I i are linearly independent since e i a=e j b implies e i a=e i e i a=e i e j b=0.We therefore know that the numbers making up the type of E give a partition of deg(A p).

Some additional notation for partitions will be useful.Letρ=

[n1,...,n m].For a positive integer i,letρ(i)be the number of oc-currences of i inρ.Let S(ρ)be the set of distinct integers n i occurring


inρ,and let N(ρ)=|S(ρ)|.Let

(ρ)= i∈S(ρ)ρ(i)=m

be the length of the partition.

Suppose A/S is an sheaf of Azumaya algebras,and suppose S is a connected,Noetherian scheme.Letρ=[n1,...,n m]be a partition of n=deg(A).Let′e tρ(A)be the functor which associates to every S scheme X the set of′e tale subalgebras of A X of typeρ.That is,if X has structure map f:X→S,

′e tρ(A)(X)= sub-O X-modules

subalgebras of f?A of typeρ

E?f?A E is a sheaf of commutative′e tale Our?rst goal will be to describe the scheme which represents this functor.We use the following notation:

V(A)ρ= i∈S(ρ)V i(A)ρ(i).

We de?ne V(A)ρ?to be the open subscheme parametrizing ideals which are linearly independent.That is to say,for a S-scheme X,if I1,...,I ρis a collection of sheaves of ideals in A X,representing a point in V(A)ρ(X),then by de?nition,this point lies in V(A)ρ?if and only if ⊕I i=A.

Let Sρbe the subgroup i∈S(ρ)Sρ(i)of the symmetric group S n.For each i,we have an action of Sρ(i)on V i(A)ρ(i)by permuting the factors. This induces an action of Sρon V(A)ρ,and on V(A)ρ?.Denote the quotients of these actions by SρV(A)and V(A)(ρ)?respectively.We note that since the action on V(A)ρ?is free,the quotient morphism V(A)ρ?→is a Galois covering with group Sρ.

Theorem5.5.Letρ=[n1,...,n m]be a partition of n.Then the functor′e t(A)ρis represented by the scheme V(A)(ρ)?.

Proof.To begin,we?rst note that both′e t(A)ρand the functor repre-sented by V(A)(ρ)?are sheaves in the′e tale topology.Therefore,to show that these functors are naturally isomorphic,it su?ces to construct a natural transformationψ:V(A)(ρ)?→′e t(A)ρ,and then show that this morphism induces isomorphisms on the level of stalks.

Let X be an S-scheme,and let p:X→V(A)(ρ)?.To de?neψ(X)(p), since both functors are′e tale sheaves,it su?ces to de?ne it on an′e tale

ZERO CYCLES ON HOMOGENEOUS V ARIETIES19 cover of X.Let X be the pullback in the diagram

(2) X V(A)ρ?



Since the quotient morphismπis′e tale,so is the morphism X→X. Therefore we see that after passing to an′e tale cover,and replacing X by X,we may assume that p=π(q)for some q∈V(A)ρ?(X).Passing to another cover,we may also assume that X=Spec(R).

Since p=π(q),we may?nd right ideals I1,...,I (ρ)of A R such that ⊕I i=A R,which represent q.Writing

1= e i,e i∈I i,

we de?ne E p=⊕e i R.This is a split′e tale extension of R,which is a subalgebra of A,and we setψ(p)=E p.One may check that this de?nes a morphism of sheaves.Note that this de?nition with respect to an′e tale cover gives a general de?nition since the association (I1,...,I )→E p is Sρinvariant.

To see thatψis an isomorphism,it su?ces to check that it is an isomorphism on′e tale stalks.In other words,we may restrict to the case that X=Spec(R),where R is a strictly Henselian local ring. We?rst show thatψis injective.Suppose E is an′e tale subalgebra of A R of typeρ.Since R is strictly Henselian,we have



⊕j=1e i,j R.

By de?nition,since the type of E isρ,if we let I i,j=e i,j A,then we the tuple of ideals(I i,j)de?nes a point q∈V(A)ρ?(R).Further,since e i,j=1,we actually have q∈V(A)ρ?(R).If we let p=π(q),then tracing through the above map yieldsψ(R)(p)=E.Thereforeψis surjective.

To see that it is injective,we suppose that we have a pair of points p,p ∈V(A)(ρ)?(R).By forming the pullbacks as in equation2,since R is strictly Henselian,we immediately?nd that in each case,because X is an′e tale cover of X,it is a split′e tale extension,and hence we have sections.This means we may write

p=π(I1,...,I (ρ)),p =π(I 1,...,I (ρ)).

Note that in order to show that p=p is su?ces to prove that the ideals are equal after reordering.Now,if E p=E p ,then both rings have the


same minimal idempotents.However,by remark5.4,the ideals are generated by these idempotents.Therefore,the ideals coincide after reordering,and we are done. Since we now know that the functor′e tρ(A)is representable,we will abuse notation slightly and refer to it and the representing variety by the same name.

De?nition5.6.′e t(A)is the disjoint union of the schemes′e tρ(A)asρranges over all the partitions of n=deg(A).

Corollary5.7.The functor which associates to any S-scheme X the set of′e tale subalgebras of A X is representable by′e t(A).

Remark5.8.By associating to an′e tale subalgebra E?A X its under-lying module,we obtain a natural transformation to the Grassmannian functor,′e tρ(A)→Gr( (ρ),A).

6.Subfields of central simple algebras

In this section and for the remainder of the paper,we specialize back to the case where S=Spec(F),and A is a central simple F-algebra. If E is an′e tale subalgebra of A,then taking the′e tale stalk at Spec(F) amounts to extending scalars to the separable closure F sep of F.Let G be the absolute Galois group of F sep over F.Writing

E?F sep~=⊕i∈S(ρ)ρ(i)⊕j=1e i,j F sep,

we have an action of G on the idempotents e i,j.One may check that the idempotents e i,j are permuted by G,and there is a correspondence be-tween the orbits of this action and the idempotents of E.In particular we have

Lemma 6.1.In the notation above,if E is a sub?eld of A,then |S(ρ)|=1.

Proof.E is a?eld if and only if G acts transitively on the set of idem-potents.On the other hand,this action must also preserve the rank of an idempotent,which implies that all the idempotents have the same rank. Therefore,if we are interested in studying the sub?elds of a central simple algebra,we may restrict attention to partitions of the above type.If m|n=deg(A),we write

′e t m(A)=′e t[n




刘备传完美攻略流程 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

三国志刘备传》游戏攻略完整版建议先打红线再打蓝线,因为红线打完就集齐了所有的宝物,这样打蓝线时,很多宝物就有2个了,砍人很爽的!^_^ 1、颖川之战 对话:刘备-张梁-张宝杀掉给太平清领道 HP+100 张角有援军,刘备对话张角,张角战败有剧情 2、汜水关 关羽V华雄-春秋每回合得武器经验10点孙坚不死-白银凯策略无效 3、决战虎劳关 关羽V吕布-果子张飞V吕布-果子刘备V吕布-果子杀死吕布-连环凯杀死董卓-金盔防御致命和连击 4、磐河之战 对话:刘备-赵云单挑:赵云V文丑-果子(自动) 杀死文丑-风神盾所有防御+40% 杀死颜良-左传每回合得防具经验10点杀死袁绍-黄金凯致命攻击 5、北海救援战 关羽V官亥-太平要术每回合回复MP 6、徐州救援战 张飞V典韦-果子杀死典韦-双铁戟攻击必定双击第八回合有选择,选继续杀曹操杀死曹操-绝影反击后必反击过后得飞龙道袍 选劝退直接得飞龙道袍爆发+100 7、袁术讨伐战

关羽VS张辽(智力果) 第七回合、十一回合选继续攻打,选不打是刘备逃走对话:刘备-袁术张飞-纪灵刘备-吕布杀死吕布-束发金冠每回合得经验 8、沛城之战 刘备对话吕布关羽-张辽(退)-果子杀死吕布-方天画戟 9、吕布讨伐战 对话:刘备-吕布杀死吕布-吕布之弓关羽VS高顺(死)-果子张飞VS曹性(死)-果子刘备VS臧霸(死)统御果战后不杀吕布下2关再选不杀吕布加入 10、拦截袁术战 张飞V纪灵-三尖刀挡格远程攻击杀死袁术-玉玺致命一击 11、夺回徐州战 刘备-程昱杀死程昱-漆黑道袍提高精神100 战后选杀吕布-武力果不杀吕布加入 12、偷袭曹营战 张飞-曹操张飞V许褚-果子张飞-荀彧杀死许褚-凤凰羽衣辅助防御+100 13、白马之战 关羽V颜良-豆袋自动使用豆关羽V文丑-果子 本关只有关羽出战,给他最好的装备:方天画戟/连环铠/风神盾。主要是想方法将会混乱的道士干掉。让关羽退到曹操旁边。 14、五关之战 本关可带豆袋,多买豆,但不好。个人建议用三尖刀防远程/连环铠/风神盾。第二关时,同样主要是想方法将会混乱的道士干掉,被混乱了就S/L吧。边打边绕过关就行了。第三关为伏兵。


打败曹操的真正人物-周瑜 周瑜可能是《三国演义》人物里被歪曲得最冤的一个,明明是气度恢弘、雄姿英发的翩翩公子,却为了衬托最具人气的诸葛亮,不幸沦为气度狭隘的小人,不但火烧赤壁的大功全被生生安到实际上刚出道的诸葛亮头上,还被写成是给诸葛亮活活气死的。 周瑜字公瑾,东吴杰出的军事家、政治家。他出身世家,相貌英俊,足智多谋,很早就名满江东,大家都喜欢昵称他为"周郎"。袁术很欣赏年轻的周瑜,想聘用他当将军,但周瑜极有识人之明,认为袁术不会有大成就而加以拒绝。后来他带领一批人马协助好友孙策打下江南数座重要城池,孙策任命他为中郎将。年轻有为的孙策和周瑜同时迎娶了超级大美女二乔姐妹,做了连襟。孙策死后,周瑜与张昭一同辅佐孙权,担任大都督,执掌军政大权。东汉献帝建安十三年(公元216年),在曹操大军压境的威胁下,以周瑜为首的少数派坚持主战,并联合刘备,火烧赤壁,杀得曹操大败,成为千古名役。赤壁大战后,周瑜准备夺取南郡,被曹仁的伏兵射伤,因病死于巴丘,年仅三十五岁。周瑜临终还推荐鲁肃接

替自己的位置,孙权亲自为他素服主持了丧礼。 优质偶像 周瑜祖上世代为官,从祖父、从叔都做过太尉,父亲是洛阳令,叔叔是丹阳太守,是地道的世家子弟。周瑜字公瑾,瑜和瑾都是美玉,史书上说他"长壮有姿貌",意思就是身材高大、相貌英俊。《三国志》里很少赞许古人的相貌,即便是后世戏台上粉面朱唇的白袍小将赵云,都只字未提其容貌,显然周瑜是一等一的大帅哥无疑。 周瑜和孙权之兄孙策同龄,两人很早就交好。当年孙策的父亲孙坚起兵讨伐董卓,把家眷安置在舒县,周瑜把自家的一座大宅院让给孙策居住,两人经常来往。周瑜曾经升堂拜见孙母,等于认了孙策之母做干妈,交情非同寻常。孙坚死后,周瑜带领一批人马协助孙策攻下了长江中下游许多重要地区,可以说是辅佐孙策奠定东吴基业的第一功臣。孙策控制吴郡以后,周瑜被任命为中郎将,待遇之高,赏赐之厚,无人能与其相比。在孙策的肯定和赏识下,周瑜的个人事业顺利地得到开展。 在攻打皖城时,东郊乔公有两个号称江东第一、第二绝色的女儿---大、小


战神的挑战2——图?流程攻略 【游戏封?】 游戏名称:P u z z l e Q u e s t2 中?名称:战神的挑战2 游戏发?:N a m c o N e t w o r k s A m e r i c a,I n c. 游戏制作:I n?n i t e I n t e r a c t i v e 游戏语种:英? 游戏类型:R P G??扮演 发??期:2010年8?13?

%{p a g e-b r e a k|游戏介绍|p a g e-b r e a k}% 野蛮?的技能表(括号中学得该技能所需的等级): 连捶(1):战场上有多少红宝?,则造成1/2数量的伤害值,需要4的红魔法。 部落的标记(2):消掉战场上所有的红宝?,每4颗红宝?增加1点头?伤害奖励,该效果?直持续。 狂怒(3):在战场上随机位置?成14颗红宝?。 部落的守护(4):消掉战场上所有的绿宝?,没颗绿宝?增加2点防御,效果?直持续。 猛击(5):减少敌?每种颜?的魔法值各10。 头?粉碎者(6):消掉所有头?,敌?损失的回合数为1+1/5消掉的头?数。 野蛮咆哮(7):敌?防御减少75%,持续3回合,本回合未结束。 破坏狂(8):消掉所有的绿宝?,增加相等数量的红魔法。 反冲(10):使?后该回合内通过武器攻击造成的伤害增加50%。 战争狂嚎(12):随机位置增加3颗红?头?,如果当前红魔法值不少于25则本回合未结束。 最后的反击(15):使?后每损失25点?命值增加1点头?伤害,该技能

践踏(20):选择?颗宝?,消掉周边3*3区域的宝?并获得所有这些宝?的效果,对敌?造成8的伤害。 残暴(25):在后6回合内使头?伤害加倍。 猎头者(30):消掉最上2?的宝?,获得它们的效果。对敌?造成10的伤害。 嗜?(35):接下来的6个回合,对敌?造成伤害值的25%转化为??的?命值。 毁灭者(40):增加50点武器攻击点数,本回合未结束。 迷幻之怒(50):选择?种宝?,战场上所有该颜?的宝?转变为头?,红魔法不少于25则本回合未结束。 战?的?些分析:消宝?增加该颜?魔法,六个?格为装备的武器,拳头形状表?武器攻击点数,消掉战场中的拳头增加该点数,满?武器使?需求后点击武器?格可以释放,图中我?3、3的数值分别标?了?前的头?伤害加成值和防御值,前者增加消掉头?后对敌?的伤害值,后者标?有该数值%的机会使任何敌?对我?造成的伤害减半。左下?为现在装备的五个技能,注意战?中只能装备五个所以需要在战?前在技能选项中先选择好最有利于战?的技能。 野蛮?战?的?些?得: 消4个或以上的宝?能奖励?个回合,单回合连续消掉?批宝?会有更多奖励(?如稀有武器)。 消宝?时注意看看消去后是否会给对?造成机会,如果没有什么好的


刘备传完美攻略操作规 范 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998

三国志刘备传》游戏攻略完整版建议先打红线再打蓝线,因为红线打完就集齐了所有的宝物,这样打蓝线时,很多宝物就有2个了,砍人很爽的!^_^ 1、颖川之战 对话:刘备-张梁-张宝杀掉给太平清领道 HP+100 张角有援军,刘备对话张角,张角战败有剧情2、汜水关 关羽V华雄-春秋每回合得武器经验10点孙坚不死-白银凯策略无效 3、决战虎劳关 关羽V吕布-果子张飞V吕布-果子刘备V吕布-果子杀死吕布-连环凯杀死董卓-金盔防御致命和连击 4、磐河之战 对话:刘备-赵云单挑:赵云V文丑-果子(自动) 杀死文丑-风神盾所有防御+40% 杀死颜良-左传每回合得防具经验10点杀死袁绍-黄金凯致命攻击 5、北海救援战 关羽V官亥-太平要术每回合回复MP 6、徐州救援战 张飞V典韦-果子杀死典韦-双铁戟攻击必定双击第八回合有选择,选继续杀曹操杀死曹操-绝影反击后必反击过后得飞龙道袍 选劝退直接得飞龙道袍爆发+100 7、袁术讨伐战 关羽VS张辽(智力果) 第七回合、十一回合选继续攻打,选不打是刘备逃走对话:刘备-袁术张飞-纪灵刘备-吕布杀死吕布-束发金冠每回合得经验

8、沛城之战 刘备对话吕布关羽-张辽(退)-果子杀死吕布-方天画戟 9、吕布讨伐战 对话:刘备-吕布杀死吕布-吕布之弓关羽VS高顺(死)-果子张飞VS曹性(死)-果子刘备VS臧霸(死)统御果战后不杀吕布下2关再选不杀吕布加入 10、拦截袁术战 张飞V纪灵-三尖刀挡格远程攻击杀死袁术-玉玺致命一击 11、夺回徐州战 刘备-程昱杀死程昱-漆黑道袍提高精神100 战后选杀吕布-武力果不杀吕布加入 12、偷袭曹营战 张飞-曹操张飞V许褚-果子张飞-荀彧杀死许褚-凤凰羽衣辅助防御+100 13、白马之战 关羽V颜良-豆袋自动使用豆关羽V文丑-果子 本关只有关羽出战,给他最好的装备:方天画戟/连环铠/风神盾。主要是想方法将会混乱的道士 干掉。让关羽退到曹操旁边。 14、五关之战 本关可带豆袋,多买豆,但不好。个人建议用三尖刀防远程/连环铠/风神盾。第二关时,同样主要是想方法将会混乱的道士干掉,被混乱了就S/L吧。边打边绕过关就行了。第三关为伏兵。 关羽V孔秀-果子关羽V孟坦-果子关羽V韩福-果子-敌降低防御关羽V卞喜-流星锤(远距离攻击) 关羽V王植-果子关羽V秦琪-果子 15、镶山之战 赵云V张合-果子赵云VS许褚-果子杀死郭嘉-遁甲天书-仿策MP+100 16、江夏之战


全面解析热血三国称号系统 全面解析热血三国称号系统 在《热血三国》新版本"南蛮入侵"中,"州牧"是一方霸主的象征,只有占领州城的人,才能获得的认可,成为一方州牧。华夏分为九州,九州之长为"牧",后黄巾军起义,为镇压农民起义,设"州牧"这一官职,并提高他们的地位,凌驾于郡守之上,掌管一州的军政大权。 《热血三国》"南蛮入侵"专题页面 州牧---权力的象征 在三国时期,能够成为"州牧"的人,都是一方风云人物。在《热血三国》新版本"南蛮入侵"中,占领州城后除了能够招募特殊兵种之外,还将获得"州牧"称号!无论是在任何频道中说话都将带上特别的紫色州牧标志!

《热血三国》称号选择 占领州城---成为州牧的条件 想要成为《热血三国》新版本"南蛮入侵"的"州牧",首先需要占领该州三分之一的郡城,才会开放州城,完全攻打下州城后,系统就会承认你的"州牧"身份。想要成为"州牧"的玩家,不光要有雄厚的实力,还要有强大的联盟作为后盾。 全力保州牧,万事皆小心 成为"州牧"后并不代表可以一直带着"州牧"称号,一旦州城失守,系统将自动收回"州牧"称号,所以面对《热血三国》中来自各方的敌对势力,免战牌将成为你最好的选择,或者联合你的 盟友,进驻你的州城,一起保家卫国守州城吧! 挑战五大蛮王,谁与争锋 除了"州牧"之外,在《热血三国》新版本"南蛮入侵"中,玩家也可以挑战五大蛮夷之主,在成功占领他们的蛮夷主城后,就能替代他们获得蛮王称号,"南蛮王"、"乌丸王"、"山越王"、" 羌王"和"匈奴王",让你雄霸一方,万人敬仰!

《热血三国》匈奴王---阿提拉 占领州城,获得无上"州牧"称号!《热血三国》新版本"南蛮入侵"全面开启,进入专题:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7d15433249.html,/ztdir/myrq/挑战州牧权势,开启帝王之路! 州牧称号,非我莫属!

《战神3》图文流程攻略Chapter 11 -奥林

《战神3》图文流程攻略Chapter 11 -奥林匹亚要塞 跟随赫尔墨斯的脚步,抵达木桥上,桥会被迎空飞来的火球砸断,并且背后会不断燃烧,被火追上便会坠崖而亡,中途桥会更改一起方向,不用搭理摇杆向上推一路按×注意面前的平民会阻挡你的道路,用攻击键杀死他们而不是圆圈,跨上平台,平台上有许多平民,抓住处决可以回血,他们的生杀大权就掌握在你的手中。 一路上连跑带揍也没能追上神使,不过最终这个罗嗦的家伙还是被逼在一个锁头上,去左边触发剧情,不用被赫尔墨斯所干扰,掌握自己的节奏一路上利用跳跃点抵达安全区域,上面拼命、小恶魔、狗仔龙蛇混杂,推荐使用太阳神的头颅△蓄力镇住他们,然后L ?清理。

接着向前走,赫尔墨斯把正门关了没办法,我们只能绕远路了,从门左边的楼梯左右开工跃上房顶,发现点赫尔墨斯已经跑到很远的地方等奎托斯了,无奈ing到圆台下方右侧拉动摇杆,腾出缺口跳上平台,拉动巨型投石车,利用QTE跟随巨石抵达赫尔墨斯所在的雅典娜巨像上,酷毙了~ 跟随赫尔墨斯的血迹到达与赫尔墨斯决战的平台,这家伙的速度非常快,天天跑路可不是 盖的,也许一开始会适应不来,用L ?来攻击命中率会比较大,或者直接重攻击的收尾重击的伤害非常大看准时机可以给予赫尔墨斯很大的伤害,途中会有QTE对抗,无外乎是正转或者是反转半圈摇杆,几下重击周后赫尔墨斯被击倒在地,显然他累了,这家伙临死之前还唧唧歪歪拿斯巴达人的荣耀来说事。




01 Aegean Sea 冒险开始于停放在爱琴海的一个港口的一艘船上,首先,你会遇到一群怪物,干掉它们,然后打开地板上的舱盖进入船内。附近有回复剂,前面的路被一堆桑物挡着,用手中的刀砍掉后继续往前走,一直遇到一个九头蛇怪。它在攻击你前,会抖动它的耳朵,注意防御。在它死前,它上方会出现“圆环”标志,接近按“抓”键发动“死忘之舞”,干掉它后,继续前行来到船的甲板上。甲板上,有一群会飞的怪物在攻击人群,干掉它们,(你可以杀死这些人而得到回复剂)。 之后,遇到一个九头蛇怪,站在它的“右前方”快速连击,小心防御。如果不小心被它抓住了,赶紧按“投”键挣脱。 干掉它后,打开你右边的一扇门得到一些“红球”,然后跳进甲板上的洞口,往前游一段距离后,顺着一张网往上爬来到甲板的另一部分。在横梁中央有一个分贫口(往右边走能得到些“红球”)。


三国志刘备传》游戏攻略完整版 建议先打红线再打蓝线,因为红线打完就集齐了所有的宝物,这样打蓝线时,很多宝物就有2个了,砍人很爽的!^_^ 1、颖川之战 对话:刘备-张梁-张宝杀掉给太平清领道HP+100 张角有援军,刘备对话张角,张角战败有剧情 2、汜水关 关羽V华雄-春秋每回合得武器经验10点孙坚不死-白银凯策略无效 3、决战虎劳关 关羽V吕布-果子张飞V吕布-果子刘备V吕布-果子杀死吕布-连环凯杀死董卓-金盔防御致命和连击 4、磐河之战 对话:刘备-赵云单挑:赵云V文丑-果子(自动) 杀死文丑-风神盾所有防御+40% 杀死颜良-左传每回合得防具经验10点杀死袁绍-黄金凯致命攻击 5、北海救援战 关羽V官亥-太平要术每回合回复MP 6、徐州救援战 张飞V典韦-果子杀死典韦-双铁戟攻击必定双击第八回合有选择,选继续杀曹操杀死曹操-绝影反击后必反击过后得飞龙道袍 选劝退直接得飞龙道袍爆发+100 7、袁术讨伐战 关羽VS张辽(智力果) 第七回合、十一回合选继续攻打,选不打是刘备逃走对话:刘备-袁术张飞-纪灵刘备-吕布杀死吕布-束发金冠每回合得经验 8、沛城之战 刘备对话吕布关羽-张辽(退)-果子杀死吕布-方天画戟 9、吕布讨伐战

对话:刘备-吕布杀死吕布-吕布之弓关羽VS高顺(死)-果子张飞VS曹性(死)-果子刘备VS 臧霸(死)统御果战后不杀吕布下2关再选不杀吕布加入 10、拦截袁术战 张飞V纪灵-三尖刀挡格远程攻击杀死袁术-玉玺致命一击 11、夺回徐州战 刘备-程昱杀死程昱-漆黑道袍提高精神100 战后选杀吕布-武力果不杀吕布加入 12、偷袭曹营战 张飞-曹操张飞V许褚-果子张飞-荀彧杀死许褚-凤凰羽衣辅助防御+100 13、白马之战 关羽V颜良-豆袋自动使用豆关羽V文丑-果子 本关只有关羽出战,给他最好的装备:方天画戟/连环铠/风神盾。主要是想方法将会混乱的道士干掉。让关羽退到曹操旁边。 14、五关之战 本关可带豆袋,多买豆,但不好。个人建议用三尖刀防远程/连环铠/风神盾。第二关时,同样主要是想方法将会混乱的道士干掉,被混乱了就S/L吧。边打边绕过关就行了。第三关为伏兵。 关羽V孔秀-果子关羽V孟坦-果子关羽V韩福-果子-敌降低防御关羽V卞喜-流星锤(远距离攻击) 关羽V王植-果子关羽V秦琪-果子 15、镶山之战 赵云V张合-果子赵云VS许褚-果子杀死郭嘉-遁甲天书-仿策MP+100 16、江夏之战 张飞V陈孙赵云V张武-的卢恶路突击战后得古绽刀-混乱攻击 17、檀溪之战 赵云V蔡瑁-白银盾减轻远程策略赵云不要恋战,和刘备一起走,先引出水军伏兵消灭就可稳扎稳打过关。刘备V文聘智力果


历代人士评司马懿 整理:北欧海盗Eric (这些评语有褒有贬,整集起来放在一块,为方便大家更全面客观地看待这个曾站在历史舞台上的不凡人物。资料参考了《司马懿评传》、《三国人物评传》、以及各本三国史的人物历史评价) 房玄龄:①少有奇节,聪明多大略,博学洽闻,伏膺儒教。汉末大乱,常慨然有忧天下心。 ②帝内忌而外宽,猜忌多权变。③有符于狼顾也。 曹操:司马懿非人臣也,必预汝家事。 孙权:司马公善用兵,变化若神。 崔琰:君弟聪亮明允,刚断英特,非子所及也。 杨俊:此非常之人也。 文钦:故相国懿,匡辅魏室,历事忠贞,故烈祖明皇帝授以寄讬之任。懿戮力尽节,以宁华夏。 王朗:深明韬略,善晓兵机,素有大志。 虞预:上虽服膺文艺,以儒素立德,而雅有雄霸之量,值魏氏短祚,内外多难,谋而显过,举必独克,知人拔善,显外反陋。王基、邓艾、周秦、贾越之徒,皆起自寒门,而卓绩于朝,经略之才可谓远矣。 张俨:汉朝倾覆,天下崩坏,豪杰之士,竞希神器。魏氏跨中土,刘氏据益州,并称兵海内,为世霸主。诸葛、司马二相,遭值际会,讬身明主,或收功於蜀汉,或册名於伊、洛。丕、备既没,后嗣继统,各受保阿之任,辅翼幼主,不负然诺之诚,亦一国之宗臣,霸王之贤佐也。历前世以观近事,二相优劣,可得而详也。孔明起巴、蜀之地,蹈一州之土,方之大国,其战士人民,盖有九分之一也,而以贡贽大吴,抗对北敌,至使耕战有伍,刑法整齐,提步卒数万,长驱祁山,慨然有饮马河、洛之志。仲达据天下十倍之地,仗兼并之众,据牢城,拥精锐,无禽敌之意,务自保全而已,使彼孔明自来自去。若此人不亡,终其志意,连年运思,刻日兴谋,则凉、雍不解甲,中国不释鞍,胜负之势,亦已决矣。昔子产治郑,诸侯不敢加兵,蜀相其近之矣。方之司马,不亦优乎!或曰,兵者凶器,战者危事也,有国者不务保安境内,绥静百姓,而好开辟土地,征伐天下,未为得计也。诸葛丞相诚有匡佐之才,然处孤绝之地,战士不满五万,自可闭关守险,君臣无事。空劳师旅,无岁不征,未能进咫尺之地,开帝王之基,而使国内受其荒残,西土苦其役调。魏司马懿才用兵众,未易可轻,量敌而进,兵家所慎;若丞相必有以策之,则未见坦然之勋,若无策以裁之,则非明哲之谓,海内归向之意也,余窃疑焉,请闻其说。答曰:盖闻汤以七十里、文王以百里之地而有天下,皆用征伐而定之。揖让而登王位者,惟舜、禹而已。今蜀、魏为敌战之国,势不俱王,自操、


【首发】PSP战神Ω奥林匹斯之链图文流程攻略! https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7d15433249.html,-自由自在游戏社区奉献 《战神Ω奥林匹斯之链》(God of War:Chains of Olympus)是以PS2上大畅销的《战神》(God of War)系列为题材的PSP原创新作,本作由 Ready at Dawn研发,充分发挥PSP所具备的 3D处理性能,呈现出不亚于PS2版壮阔的游 戏场景以及细腻角色。此外,在日前SCEA旗下 工作室Ready at Dawn高级制作人Eric Koch也 通过官方博客PlayStation Blog对外确认,自 2007年起就备受注目的PSP游戏《战神Ω奥 林匹斯之链》已经顺利宣告完工,游戏已经交厂 压碟准备上市,现在这款PSP超级大作将于2008 年3月4日在北美地区发售。 游戏承袭相同的故事背景与游戏类型,玩家将再 度扮演斯巴达战士奎托斯,继续施展“浑沌双刃” 等致命武器,面对全新的难关、敌人与奥林匹斯 诸神的试炼,体验与不同于本传的原创故事剧 情。游戏承袭PS2系列作的特色,在PSP上 重现了广受欢迎的电影运镜式精采游戏画面与 刺激的动作战斗系统,并加入全新的招式、关卡、 机关与怪物,以及以希腊神话为基础的全新剧 情。玩家将扮演斯巴达战士奎托斯,从人间的雅 典一直到冥王哈帝斯的冥府之门,一路朝向地狱 的深渊迈进,体验希腊神话中黑暗且残暴的世 界,并对抗各种传说中的怪物以及强大的头目角 色。 游戏名称:战神Ω奥林匹斯之链/战神Ω奥林帕斯之链 英文名称:God of War:Chains of Olympus 代理发行:SCEA/Ready At Dawn Studios LLC.游戏类型:ACT-Action Game(动作游戏) 制作厂商:SCEA/Ready At Dawn Studios LLC.对应主机:Play Station Portable(PSP) 语言版本:英文(美版)发行日期:2008年03月04日 载体容量:UMD×1参考价格:$:39.99美元 介绍网站点击进入


关数:红色46蓝色48隐藏2关。 蜀汉英雄志全攻略 玩的高难度 四神需要80级才能放。(关平周仓孙乾伊籍)死 ~风水就练马良~妖术士就练马谡吧(必练~晕眩配上谢夫罗德大法是无敌的) 开场对话 1红线 2蓝线红线后面没敏捷果 桃园对话 1武力果3个 2智力果3个 3统帅果3个 1仙桃3个 2脑白金3个 3经验果3个 1好运果3个 2敏捷果3个 3伤寒杂病论 988金 直接在剧本S00中添加了许子将讲学的事件,一开始就可以得到全部宝物。 第一关幽州阻击战 战前得敏捷果1个` (蓝线)红多没敏捷果 第3回合,左路黄巾援兵6个。就如老张所说:又来送死的。占中间兵营轻松灭之得3个小包军粮。 第二关颖州讨伐战 战前刘焉送敏捷果1个。前门两个黄巾不会主动攻击,灭掉后右下树林黄巾伏兵4个,攻入前门曹操会在左路出现。先诱杀寨中2个敌军及 伏兵后再进寨门,注意张宝张梁的毒术。刘备与曹操有对话,击退两张得黄酒2。 过关后剧情:救董卓,第一次选不要钱加蓝,第二次要钱得2000加红、不要加蓝。 第三关阳称歼灭战 刘备-张角 进入栅栏,右面会出现伏兵,注意三个道士放毒即可。孙坚不死得武力果一个,杀张角有南华老仙剧情, (杀死张角且张梁(左面军营)没挂,选择不要太平要术,张梁自杀后得到,玄武宝玉[进隐

藏关])己决定要那个吧,杀张宝黄酒 杀张梁黄酒 过关后剧情:张飞打督邮;与公孙瓒会面,蓝线选1。 第四关汜水关之战 关羽vs华雄 一开始孙坚军降攻麻痹,上、下树林出现李傕、郭汜伏兵,各有步兵3骑兵3,尽快让关羽单挑掉华雄。并救出孙坚。孙坚不死过关得到 {孙子兵法}。击退郭汜、李傕得大包军粮,击退李儒得黄酒。 第五关虎牢关之战 三英[加攻击]vs吕布 杀董卓得黄金甲,杀李儒得漆黑 慢慢往上打,友军多啊。三英战吕布,三英加攻击,吕布降能力,击退吕布敌全体混乱(还是先清光敌军吧,吕布太强)。吕布撤退 得武力果,击退郭汜、李傕得大包军粮,马腾不死战后送吕布撤退得武力果,击退郭汜、李傕得大包军粮,马腾不死战后送马凯(救不救 无所谓,有得买)。 过关后剧情:选择1加红得到白银盾,选2加蓝得到2000两。(选1吧,后面加蓝的机会大把。) 第六关磐河之战 刘备-袁绍,刘备-赵云-鞠义,刘备--公孙瓒[得敏捷果一个] 上来由于地形移动力限制,可以从左面小路上去偷袭袁绍大营,另外(似乎上关选择赞美主帅这关袁绍不主动进攻)潘宫出现一定要说 认识你不然降爆发,击退张郃城内袁军出击,敌军剩6人时袁绍撤退。 杀死鞠义得铁甲同时高览进攻子龙公孙瓒主动攻击张颌亡袁绍军进攻敌方人数小于6个时袁绍撤退。杀审配得黄酒,袁绍撤退得2400


了解三国的人都会发现三国文化处处渗透着中国传统的儒家文化,这首先就表现在所谓蜀、魏“正统”之争,形成了“拥刘反曹”的局面。其次是三国文化所表现出来的强烈鲜明的儒家伦理道德倾向,即“仁治天下”“崇尚忠义”“推崇诚信”。 正统之争 三国历史上,曹氏代汉而立,一统北方;刘备也雄霸西南一隅,实为地方割据势力。但世人认为曹操协天子以令诸侯,把持朝政,实为奸贼;曹丕代汉而立,建立魏国,使四百年汉室刘姓江山不复存在。而刘备则因涿郡刘姓而自称西汉中山靖王之后,以汉室后人自居,世人便视其为汉室正统,更尊称其为刘皇叔,认为必须由刘备来击败曹魏,一统天下,恢复被曹氏篡夺的汉室江山。这也为后世的大多人所接受。罗贯中的《三国演义》就是以刘备蜀汉为正统,对其加以美化,而视曹魏为叛逆,人人得而诛之,对其加以贬低丑化。这正是深受儒家正统思想的影响。 儒家正统思想对知识分子的影响更大。像司马徽,诸葛亮、庞统、徐庶、法正等三国赫赫有名的谋士,都倾向刘备,视曹操为汉贼,认为助刘备是替天行道,顺应民心,助曹操则是助纣为虐。诸葛亮和徐庶两人最为典型。曹操屡次派人请诸葛亮出山辅佐,诸葛亮断然拒绝,而选择了刘备,对其鞠躬尽瘁的辅佐。徐庶投效于刘备,被拜为军师。不久曹操欲拉拢徐庶,于是骗来徐庶老母,并伪造其母书信骗徐庶来降。徐

庶明知是陷阱,无奈是个孝子,不得不去,临走前向刘备“走马荐诸葛”,并立誓在曹营“终身不设一谋”。 仁治天下 儒家倡导“仁治天下”,谁有“仁”心,谁就能得人心。相反,则失尽民心。刘备和曹操就是两个截然相反的典型。 刘备,给人突出的印象就是个是“仁”字。刘表临终嘱托他领荆州牧,刘备不忍乘人之危而婉拒;荆州撤退途中危急时不忍抛下十万追随逃难百姓的场面也着实感人。正因为刘备宽仁待人,所以能将诸葛亮、庞统、法正、关、张、赵、马、黄等一大批天下第一流文臣武将招至自己麾下效忠效力,以弱小之势力打下蜀汉西南江山。陈寿对三国人物的评价一般都是有褒有贬,但对刘备的评价却是“弘毅宽厚,知人待士”,不臵一句贬词。相反,曹操在三国文化中之所以成为受否定的白面奸臣形象,则相当程度上与他生性残忍嗜杀有关。如为了替父报仇,竟将徐州屠城,“坑杀男女数十万口于泗水,水为不流”,让当时年少的诸葛亮也对他形成了残忍的印象,这也是后日他屡次拒绝曹操邀请的原因之一。而残杀吕伯奢一家之后的一句“宁可我负天下人,莫叫天下人负我。”让他的救命恩人陈宫寒了心,离开了他。后来陈宫辅佐吕布攻打曹操兵败被俘,不听曹操劝降,而决意赴死。


《战神的挑战2》图文流程攻略 事情还没有结束,在更深的地下有人知道Laurella母亲的情况,打开通往下面的门离开地下墓穴的世界我们进入了地精实验室。 这扇巨大的金门在其他3个地方上锁了,分别拉下这3个地方的闸门。


来自希腊神话故事的人身牛头怪守卫第一道闸门的开关,战斗时你的武器会被替换成一件“斗牛士的披风”(需要8行动点数),它的作用是防止被神牛冲倒。神牛的冲刺技能:造成10的伤害并击倒对方5个回合。另一个技能Gore:造成5的伤害,如果对方处于击倒状态则附加25点的伤害。 [pagesplitxx][pagetitle][/pagetitle] 这只枭守卫着南方闸门的开关,没有什么特殊的能力。


看起来暴乱已经激怒了堕落的精灵,精灵boss和它的两个手下以及一个巨大的钢铁侠一起出现在这里。一番嘘寒问暖之后站在最前面的精灵族战士手持双刀前来切磋,解决掉开胃菜之后,对上身后那位女性战法师。她有一个Mirror Shield技能:将对方的防御值全部吸到自己身上,持续10+1/8自身蓝魔法的回合,而她初始防御就有47,所以使用该技能后基本上防御值超过100,注意使用减防技能。另一个Dark Blast技能如果紫色魔法多的话伤害也会很高,而且只消耗3的红色魔法。


Arboreth 死亡腾蔓 第1列的骷髅头向右移7次 第7列的紫星向左移6次 第3列的红宝石向下移 第6列的绿宝石向下移 Arkliche 大巫妖 第3列的绿宝石向右移 第6列的绿宝石向左移 第2列的紫星向右移 第7列的紫星向左移 第2列的骷髅头向上移 第7列的骷髅头向上移 Catapult 攻城机 第2列的黄宝石向左移 第7列的绿宝石向右移 第4列的蓝宝石向右移 第4列的紫星向右移 第3、6列的闪光骷髅头向上移 Centaur 半人马 第3列的蓝宝石向右移 第6列的蓝宝石向左移 第2列的红宝石向右移 第7列的红宝石向左移 第4列的骷髅头向左移 第5列的骷髅头向右移 Dark Dwarf 黑暗矮子 第8列的绿宝石向上移 第6列最上方的骷髅头向右移 第3列最上方的绿宝石向右移 第1列的绿宝石向上移 第3列的红宝石向上移 第6列的绿宝石向左移 第4列的红宝石向上移 第6列的金币向下移 Doom Knight 末日骑士 第2、4、6、8行最上方的骷髅头向下移 第1(最上方)、3(最下方)、5(最下方)、7(最下方)行的骷髅头向下移第3、7行的骷髅头向上移

Dragon Spider 龙蜘蛛 第2列的骷髅头向右移 第7列的骷髅头向左移 第4列最上方的黄宝石向上移 第5列最上方的黄宝石向上移 第4列最下方的红宝石向左移 第5列的红宝石向右移 Elven Guard 精灵守卫 第2列最下方的黄宝石向右移 第7列最下方的黄宝石向左移 第2列最下方的绿宝石向右移 第2列的绿宝石向右移 第2列的骷髅头向左移 第7列最上方的绿宝石向下移 第7列的骷髅头向右移 Fire Elemental 火元素 第5列最上方的骷髅头向下移 第3列最上方的骷髅头向下移 第6列最上方的骷髅头向下移 Fire Giant 火巨人 第8列的金币向左移 第2列的闪光骷髅头向右移 第5列的骷髅头向下移 第1列的金币向右移 第5列的红宝石向右移 Flame Dragon 火焰龙 第2、4列最下方的骷髅头向左移 第2列的骷髅头向下移2次 第4列的黄宝石向左移 第4列最下方的红宝石向上移 第6、8列最下方的骷髅头向左移 第6列的骷髅头向下移 第8列的骷髅头向左移 第6列的骷髅头向下移 第8列的黄宝石向左移 Frost Dragon 霜龙 第3列上方第2个骷髅头向右移 第6列最上方的骷髅头向左移


战神2 隐藏要素 一.难度 初次运行游戏,可选择凡人(Mortal),斯巴达(Spartan)以及神灵(God)三个难度,分别对应简单,中等和困难,当通关一次后可以开启泰坦(Titan)难度。各个难度主角能力值如下不支持Flash 难度等级攻击力防御力生命魔法魂怒气槽积蓄速度怒气槽降低速度魔力消耗 凡人200% 50% 150% 150% 200% 150% 75% 75% 斯巴达100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 神灵100% 250% 75% 75% 100% 75% 100% 100% 泰坦75% 500% 25% 25% 75% 25% 100% 100% 二.挑战模式 任何难度通关后,挑战模式就会开启,一共七关,根据成绩可以得到Mortal至Titan等不同的评价。每关都有一个额外奖励的条件, 达到要求既可,想要拿到高评价不能没有的。 挑战名称目的额外奖励 1.Blind Fury 时间结束前掏出独眼巨人的眼珠石化杀死2名以上敌人 2.Death from Above 空中杀死10名以上敌人空中杀死15名以上敌人 3.Gorgon Graveyard 时间结束前石化25个以上的敌人将35名以上敌人石化后砸碎 4.Protect the Weak 保护市民不被干死被保护者的生命值高于一半 5.Reap the Rewards 达成超高连击——至少500Orb奖励600Orb奖励 6.Survival of the Fittest 生命值会持续降低,保持生存不可以爆怒槽 7.Perfection is Devine 无伤过版不可以用魔法 三.命运之斗技场 在挑战模式得到了泰坦级评价后开启,你自己设定的战场,你的能力,敌人的能力,种类,难度都由你来调整,自由战斗之地。 四.隐藏魔法 玩过一代的同志应该对那强悍的破坏游戏平衡的魔法波塞冬之怒记忆犹深,2代里该魔法虽然还在但是弱化成了克罗诺斯之怒,想要得到真正的波塞冬之怒么?请看第五节 五.六大神力之壶 在任何难度下进行游戏流程时可以找到这些隐藏的宝具,藏的一个比一个隐秘,一个比一个难找,但是他们的能力无不惊天地泣鬼神。


《战神3》图文流程攻略 听完奎爷讲述一下自己在战神1以及战神2之后,玩家跟随奎托斯坠入冥河,顺着河流游,途中会被怨灵吸去生命/魔法以及武器能力,不用挣扎,这是剧情需要,上岸之后失去神力的奎爷疲倦不堪,拖着疲惫的步伐向前走吧,向前不用走多远便可以触发剧情,宙斯的姐姐-智慧女神雅 典娜,并且给失去光芒的混沌双刃注入了新的能力,变成了“流亡双刃”,拿起它,踏上冥界的征途。 向右走,通过跳跃点到达对面远处的平台,不要忘了下方有重要物品-两个红魂箱子以及一个装有“美杜莎之眼”的宝箱,拿完之后就可以上去继续征途了,一路向前解决一波杂兵,适应一下实力大不如前的奎托斯,抵达第三个存档点,此时有两条路,左边一条是通往蕴有四个红魂箱子的平台,右边则是继续流程。

喜欢搞基的-冥王哈迪斯在和你对话了,你明白不明白他话中的话呢……几句话之后获得新魔法“斯巴达军团”(怎么来的?有点莫名其妙~)接下来出现的一些敌人是给你练魔法的;面前有“地狱藤蔓”暂时还开不了,通过右方的锁链一路到对面,途中会有一些杂兵干扰,从锁链上下来之后补充一下生命以及魔法,继续赶路,跳下低处,别忘了背后有两个红魂箱子,然后向前推开大门,首先是一大堆被折磨的灵魂再被美杜莎虐待,上前解决掉两只美杜莎后大门便会打开,往左继续流程。 [pagesplitxx][pagetitle][/pagetitle]

一路向前到达“受折磨的皮尔埃托斯”处,开始一个小解谜,以皮尔埃托斯头上的平台为跳板,进入到里面的房间将“易燃的荆棘”推到对面地狱犬牢笼处,再回头跳上皮尔埃托斯头前方的平台,然后到达“易燃的荆棘”上方飞上上方的平台,触发机关放出地狱犬,几下攻击之后,触发QTE,骑上地狱犬自由的奔驰吧,清理掉路上的杂兵,驾驭地狱犬靠近皮尔埃托斯喷火,让他脱离苦海,随后处决胯下的地狱犬,去获取“阿波罗之弓”。 (使用方法是:按住L2锁定敌人,右摇杆切换目标,?射箭,按住?可以蓄力,带有穿透效果,杀伤力很可观。) 用阿波罗之弓燃烧掉场景中部上方的藤蔓,然后将“易燃的荆棘”推到如上图所示的位置,站在上面即可飞进地图中上方场景内奖励一个红魂箱子以及一个“凤凰羽毛”(增加魔法最大值物品)


《战神2》详细流程攻略 作者:Catangela 文章来源:PS国度更新时间:2007-3-15 22:17:03 浏览:14053 部分操作: L1+技比较好用,可以作为初期主要攻击招式使用。 L1+技为重击。 L1+为攻击乱舞,攻击力较弱。 R1+攻击范围较大,适合在人群中使用。 R2为更换武器 第二武器在暂停时按更换 L1+R1为发动SLOW TIME(须在有绿光的SLOW TIME雕像处才可发动) 三方(大范围攻击)之后按住不放会出现前冲动作,三方后按为上挑动作,可灵活转变打出连续技。 走绳索时为加速 爬墙时R1为快速下降 上楼梯时比1代多了跳跃动作 在飞马上的攻击方式:为轻击,为重攻击,为冲刺,L1为向左冲刺,R2为向右冲刺 游戏初期可使用“波赛东的愤怒”,武器为“雅典娜之刃”,级别均为MAX最高级。拿到宙斯给予的剑后均会归零为初级。 通关之后,开始NEW GAME在难度选择后面会出现剑的标志,读取选择YES,可以继承在上一周目记录点时的所有物品和能力。 但仅限于低于上个已过关周目的难度或与该周目同样的难度才可以继承。如NORMAL通关后再打EASY或NORMAL都可以继承,而HARD或TITAN等则无法继承。 所以建议第二周目直接去打TITAN难度,这样通关后再玩任何难度都可以继承。 关于十分变态的URN,需进入STATUS菜单后手动开启才可使用。 隐藏要素 隐藏要素部分感谢jerryd13大人帮忙测试 一.任意难度通关一次即可获得TITAN难度 二.CHALLENGE OF THE TITANS 1.Blind Fury 时间结束前掏出独眼巨人的眼珠石化杀死2名以上敌人 2.Death from Above 时间结束前空中杀死10名以上敌人空中杀死15名以上敌人 3.Gorgon Graveyard 时间结束前石化25个以上的敌人将35名以上敌人石化后砸碎 4.Protect the Weak 保护市民不被杀


[PSP]《战神》详细完美图文全攻略及心得 游戏介绍 《战神Ω奥林匹斯之链》(God of War : Chains of Olympus)是以 PS2 上大畅销的《战神》(God of War)系列为题材的PSP 原创新作,本作由 Ready at Dawn 研发,充分发挥 PSP 所具备

的 3D 处理性能,呈现出不亚于 PS2 版壮阔的游戏场景以及细腻角色。 游戏承袭相同的故事背景与游戏类型,玩家将再度扮演斯巴达战士奎托斯,继续施展“浑沌双刃”等致命武器,面对全新的难关、敌人与奥林匹斯诸神的试炼,体验与不同于本传的原创故事剧情。游戏承袭 PS2 系列作的特色,在 PSP 上重现了广受欢迎的电影运镜式精采游戏画面与刺激的动作战斗系统,并加入全新的招式、关卡、机关与怪物,以及以希腊神话为基础的全新剧情。玩家将扮演斯巴达战士奎托斯,从人间的雅典一直到冥王哈帝斯的冥府之门,一路朝向地狱的深渊迈进,体验希腊神话中黑暗且残暴的世界,并对抗各种传说中的怪物以及强大的头目角色。 战神故事背景 人类不断制造战火,加上战神阿瑞斯在凡间不断的挑动纷争,使凡间陷入一片混乱。于是战神的香火日渐鼎盛,势力也一天比一天强大,终于招致了众神的不满和嫉妒。众神的矛盾不断加剧,阿瑞斯更开始了向别的神公开宣战。 斯巴达战士奎托斯,是斯巴达的军队统领,他体格过人,英勇善战,但为人残酷,贪婪,嗜战。某一年,他率领大军和北方的日尔曼人决战,尽管他使出浑身解数,斯巴达战士视死如归,

仍然无法挽回己方的败局,残酷的战斗中,斯巴达军渐渐处于下风,越来越多人被杀,领袖奎托斯更被日尔曼首领逼到绝境。 在敌人的刀快要刺下来,奎托斯生死的瞬间,英勇的斯巴达人向天怒吼:“阿瑞斯!!!!我乞求您的帮助,让我打败我的宿敌吧!!当我达成心愿,我的灵魂将属于您!!”话音刚落,一道闪电从天而降,击中奎托斯。一副带锁链的利刃紧紧地缠在了他的手上,日尔曼首领被奇迹惊得呆住了。奎托斯乘他不备,挥动了手上的双刀,那硕大的躯体在一瞬间就被砍得四分五裂,只剩下那头颅圆睁着充满困惑和不解的眼睛。阿瑞斯接受了斯巴达人的交易,战场上日尔曼战士都被无形的力量宰杀,好一场血腥的屠戮!战斗过后,阿瑞斯告诉斯巴达人,这刻起,你就是我的仆人,灵魂永远属于我,必须为我永世效劳,手上那不能取下的双刀就是契约的证明。 从此,奎托斯整天陷入无休止的战争中,不断地屠杀着,征服着。直到一天,他把战火烧到了一个村落,他肆无忌惮地杀戮着,见人就剁,还吩咐部下烧村。神庙旁的老妇极力地劝说他放过庙里的人,那是神圣的地方啊!可是奎托斯已经毫无人性了,他闯进庙中,见人就杀,不久,人们都倒在血泊中。杀红了眼的奎托斯却惊讶地发觉妻儿已经死在他眼前,而凶手正是他本人!这一刻,后悔,懊恼,愤恨同时涌上他的心头,人性和良知渐渐回到他的脑中。他认为这是阿瑞斯的陷阱,是让他彻底地为战神


名著《三国演义》复习资料 一、了解故事情节,熟悉经典篇章,并完成相关练习 (一) 【情节】东汉末年,宦官当权,民不聊生,张角兄弟发动黄巾起义。当时,刘备、关羽、张飞萍水相逢,但都有为国出力之心,所以一见如故,三人对天盟誓,结拜为弟兄,一道从军抵抗黄巾。刘关张从军后就显示出非凡的才能,不久,救出被张角打败的董卓,但董卓见刘备是布衣,并不答谢。张飞大怒,要斩董卓,被刘备劝住。黄巾起义被镇压后,刘、关、张被朝廷冷落。过了很久,刘备才担任了一方县尉。督邮(督察县乡工作的官员)来县巡视,非常傲慢,见刘备无礼物奉送,就捏造“县尉害民”之罪,存心陷害。张飞大怒,绑住督邮,狠力鞭打。刘备急喝张飞住手,督邮方得逃命而去。刘关张三人往代州参加平定渔阳之战,刘备因立功被任为平原令,开始有了一支人马。 汉灵帝死,少帝继位,外戚大将军何进欲杀控制朝政的宦官,反被宦官诱杀。大臣袁绍等诛杀宦官,西凉刺史董卓趁机进兵京师作乱,驱逐袁绍、灭丁原收吕布、废少帝立献帝,专权朝野。满朝文武对董卓敢怒不敢言,曹操挺身而出,谋刺董卓,佩着司徒王允的七星宝刀行刺董卓,见吕布侍立于旁,不敢下手,谎称献刀脱身。当董卓、吕布醒悟过来要捉曹操时,他已远走高飞。 曹操被县令陈宫捉住。陈宫义释曹操,与他一道来到成皋,投宿吕伯奢家中。吕伯奢家人磨刀准备杀猪款待,曹操怀疑他们要杀自己,竟将吕伯奢全家杀害,并声称:“宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我!”陈宫愤怒地离开了曹操。曹操只身前往陈留,拉起一支队伍,推袁绍为盟主,联合诸侯讨伐董卓。刘关张也参与了这次讨伐。诸侯盟军与董卓军大将吕布对峙于汜水关,吕布部将华雄杀得联军损兵折将。担任马弓手的关羽请求上阵,曹操令人斟上一杯热酒为关羽壮行。关羽出帐提刀不一会,已跃马归来,提华雄头颅掷于地上,而酒还是热的。曹操大喜,犒赏刘关张。八路诸侯乘胜出击,刘关张三人合战吕布,吕布大败,逃至虎牢关上。 董卓见吕布战败,烧洛阳,挟持献帝向西逃到长安。盟军入洛阳,各起异心。孙坚在宫井中得到作为皇权象征的传国玉玺,率军返回江东。接着盟军内部又开始火并。袁绍攻公孙瓒,被赵云所救。赵云本是袁绍部将,见袁绍无忠君救民之心,于是弃袁绍而投了公孙瓒,但不受重用。在江东,孙坚攻荆州,被刘表军士用乱箭射死。此时,司徒王允在长安设下连环计,让董卓和吕布为争夺歌妓貂婵而发生冲突,董卓被杀。董卓部将又反扑过来,杀了王允全家,控制了汉献帝。在军阀混战中,青州黄巾又起,曹操前往收降了三十余万人,择精壮者编为青州军,威名大振,朝廷封曹操为镇东将军,驻扎在兖州。这时,曹操老父被徐州黄巾降将所害,操为报父仇,尽起兵马亲讨降将新主徐州陶谦,大肆屠戮。刘备从公孙瓒处借赵云和兵马解救陶谦,与曹操对峙。不久,曹操因兖州被吕布攻占而退兵去打吕布,徐州解围。陶谦把徐州军政事务让给刘备掌管。曹操与吕布混战,收复兖州。 建安元年,控制汉献帝的原董卓部将内部发生矛盾,长安军乱,汉献帝逃往洛阳,发现洛阳已被烧毁无法居住。曹操赶往保驾,护送汉献帝到许昌,大权独揽。在此同时,父亲孙坚死后投奔袁术的孙策,以传国玉玺为抵押,借袁术兵马,杀回江东,人称小霸王。其后不久,曹操联合刘备先后击败袁术、吕布,官封中郎将、关内侯,威权更盛,并带刘备到许昌见汉献帝,担任官职。 【篇章】吕布告B曰:“公为坐上客,布为阶下囚,何不发一言而相宽乎?”B点头。及A上楼来,布叫曰:“明公所患,不过于布;布今已服矣。公为大将,布副之,天下不难定也。”A回顾B曰!“何如?”B答曰:“公不见丁建阳、董卓之事乎?”A令牵下楼缢之。A令将吕布缢死,然后枭首。 1.作品中A处人物是______,B处人物是_______。 2.A听了B的话,为什么要把吕布处死? (二) 【情节】献帝不甘心受控制,与几位大臣设计除掉曹操。刘备也参与了预谋。为防曹操谋害,刘备于后园种菜,以为韬晦之计。一日,曹操青梅煮酒,请刘备在小亭对饮,论天下英雄只有刘备和他两人。刘备听闻一惊,将筷子掉落在地上。幸好当时雷声乍起,刘备急中生智,沉着地俯身拾筷,说道:“一震之威,乃至于此!”巧妙地掩饰了过去。不久,刘备就以截击袁术为名逃离了曹操。 建安五年正月,群臣谋除曹操之事败露。曹操大怒,率领20万大军进攻刘备。张飞败逃芒砀山,刘备只身逃往青州投靠袁绍。关羽被困于下邳,为保护刘备妻子甘、糜二夫人,他以只降汉帝,不降曹操为条件投了曹操。 【篇章】A曰:“一者,吾与皇叔设誓,共扶汉室,吾今只降汉帝,不降B;二者,二嫂处请给皇叔俸禄养赡,一应上下人等,皆不许到门;三者,但知刘皇叔去向,不管千里万里,便当辞去:三者缺一,断不肯降。望文远急急回报。”张辽应诺,遂上马,回见B,先说降汉不降B之事。B笑曰:“吾为汉相,汉即吾也。此可从之。”辽又言:“二夫人欲请皇叔俸给,并上下人等不许到门。”B曰:“吾于皇叔俸内,更加倍与之。至于严禁内外,乃是家法,又何疑焉!”辽又曰:“但知玄德信息,虽远必往。”B摇首曰:“然则吾养云长何用?此事却难从。” 1.作品中A处人物是______,B处人物是_______。 2.结合选段内容谈一谈,A是一个什么样的人。 【情节】曹操班师回许都,让关羽同甘、糜二夫人同住一处,关羽则秉烛于门外,通宵伫立,待二位夫人甚为恭敬。曹
