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Comparing Chinese and Western Culture By Analyzing Animal Idioms and Translation Methods

Comparing Chinese and Western Culture By Analyzing Animal Idioms and Translation Methods
Comparing Chinese and Western Culture By Analyzing Animal Idioms and Translation Methods

Comparing Chinese and Western Culture By Analyzing Animal Idioms and Translation Methods

Ⅰ. Introduction

With ancient civilization developing in different regions, different cultures have come into being. Among the various cultures, Chinese and English cultures are growing on a high speed and both h ave their own special features. As we all know language is closely related to culture and can be regarded as a part of culture.As a saying goes, animals have contributed a lot to human beings, in which is enriching the language is one side of it , a fact that for the most part is neglected.( Eagleton T 5)In the magnificent and vast culture, idioms as special forms of language exist in both Chinese and English culture and convey a large amount of culture information including history, religion, custom, geography, nationality, psychology, thought pattern and so on.

Idioms are a particular part of a language, which include metaphorical phrases, colloquialism, slang, proverb and so on. They express advice, exhort, desire, emotion, attitude, anger or curse, whose structures are tight, meanings are accurate, images are bright, and expressions are vivid. They are highly specialized in meaning and closely tied with distinctive culture features and attitudes. According to Longman Dictionary of English Idioms, “an idiom is a fixed group of words with a special different meaning from the meaning of special words”. Another explanation from Webster’ Dictionary is “an expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual m eaning of its element”. Through these definitions, one can easily find out that the key point of an idiom can not be apparently discovered in the understanding of the single word in the idiom. Idioms not only enrich the basic vocabulary, also add the power of expression, some of which contain animal terms. Animals are a necessary part of people’s daily life. They are all tightly related with humans. These idioms composed of animal terms mostly are concise with deep meaning (Zhang Miao 79). They profoundly reveal the history, culture, custom, or life experience of a country. So analyzing the animal terms in Chinese and English idioms is a good approach to

compare the differences between Chinese culture and English culture.

Ⅱ. Animal terms Composed of Chinese and English Idioms

A. Horse

Chinese are in favor of horse, and so are the Englishmen. The horse is the symbol of diligence, bravery, trustworthiness and so on, which are words of commendatory.

1. in Chinese Idioms





2. in English Idioms

work like horses 拼命干活

eat like a horse 吃的很多

horse sense 一般见识

back the wrong horse 下错赌注;支持竞赛中的输家

from the horse’s mouth (指情报、劝告)直接来自参与者的,从可靠的人那里获得的


In both Chinese and English culture, bird is gifted with the meaning of being disgusting, odd, coward

1. in Chinese Idioms




2. in English Idioms

birds of a feather 一丘之貉

bird of ill omen 倒霉的人

an old bird 老混蛋

a queer bird 奇人

C. Fox

In both Chinese and English culture, fox stands for cunning or trick multiterminal.

1. in Chinese Idioms



2. in English Idioms

as sly as a fox 狡猾得像个狐狸

fox’s sleep 假装漠不关心

crazy like a fox 聪明不容易上当

D. Bear

In both Chinese and English culture, bear means being rude, clummy

1. in Chinese Idioms



2. in English Idioms

as cross as bear 脾气极坏

be a bear for punishment 倔强,顽强

sell the bear’s skin before one has kill the bear 过早乐观

like a bear with a sore head 脾气暴躁(徐青91)

Here are some other examples. “W hy buy the cow when the milk is free” means “何必为了棵树放弃整个森林” , “curiosity killed the cat” means “勿多管闲事”. If one feels as if he was put in unfamiliar surroundings and felt sacred and unsure, even don’t know what to do, we say he feels like a fish out of water. Besides, “there are other fish in the sea” means “天涯何处无芳草”(Angela 4).

Ⅲ.The Semantic Contrast of Chinese and English Animal Idioms

Idioms in both English and Chinese, which are derived from the society, bear similarities as well as differences with each other. Therefore, at the semantic level of both languages, there are idioms that are corresponding to same semantics, and also

there exist idioms which are non-corresponding to each other, with the forms being similar and the meaning different(潘丽红16)

A. Same Animal Idioms with Same Semantics

The natural environments where we live are the same. In terms of the basic characters about animals, people manage to recognize them. Thus same features or similar images are about to bring into light. Then the same semantics is poured into animal idioms. Therefore, the animal idioms show a lot of astonishing similarities or identities on cultural characters. Take follows as examples:

As greedy and dirty as a pig

To parrot what other people say

B. The Same Animal Idioms with Distinct Semantics

1. Magpie

In China, a magpie is regarded as a propitious bird, a bird which is always related to happy events, auspicious occasions or luck. For example, “喜鹊到,喜事到”, which means the singing of magpie anticipates the coming happy events. On the contrary, in English, the magpie often is considered as a hen. If a person always talks

a lot, we say he is a magpie. Its meaning is negative,

2. Owl

an owl is taken as an ominous animal in China because of its tragic voice at night. People will think up of the coming unfortunate or ominous events as soon as they hear a owl crying. In Chinese culture, there goes a saying “猫头鹰进宅,好事不来”,which means the coming of an owl will pull away fortune. In contrast, an owl is an intelligent and quick-witted bird in English-speaking countries. An owl means wisdom and satiation. For example, as wise as an owl.

3. Peacock

In Chinese culture, peacock implies pretty, as well auspitiousity. I n people’s minds “孔雀开屏(a peacock spreading its tail)” is quite propitious. In western culture, peacock means a man with a preference to flaunt himself or a man with vanity. Always it conveys a negative meaning. People often don’t emphasize the beauty he has but the pride he shows. In English, “the young peacock” means an arrogant but

young guy; “as proud as a peacock” means someone is haughty.

4. Bat

In China and English-speaking countries the feature of bat is totally different. In Chinese, “蝠(bat)” is homophonic with “福(happiness)”(蔡薇80). Therefore a bat stands for well-being and luck. Idioms referring to bat have positive meaning, such as “红蝠(enor mous luck)”. However in English, a bat means unfortunate, a kind of animal which is vicious. As soon as they thought of it, the evil or underworld will always come to their mind. So the idioms about bat are somehow derogatory, for example , blind as a bat, have bats in the belfry (unrealistic).

5. Fish

In China, “鱼”(fish)is homophonic with “余”, which means you get more than what you need. As for a fish, it symbolizes surplus and remainder. So Chinese people prefer to eat fish in the Spring Festival, saying“年年有鱼”. However, in English-speaking countries, it is completely different. In English, fish hold a sense of derogatory concerning a bad man or event. For instance, a poor fish means a man who is miserable, a loose fish refers to a frivolous woman, a fish in the air means unrealistic. If an Englishman who is indifferent, they will call him a cold fish (冷漠的人). If someone always drinks a lot, drink like a fish(酒喝得很多;酗酒)can be used to describe him.

C. Different Animal Idioms with Similar Semantics

In Chinese, as well as in English, different animal idioms are allowed to express similar semantics. That is to say, different idioms containing animal terms could even have the same meaning. When people mean a bad guy who always makes troubles to others, people are going to use “害群之马(a horse brought troubles to others)”to describe him in Chinese, but use “th e black-sheep of the family” in English. At the moment people are inclined to say a man drunk a lot, “牛饮(drink like a cow)” in Chinese conveys a same meaning with “drink like a fish” in English. Meanwhile, in Chinese people will say he looks “像热锅上的蚂蚁(like an ant on the hot pot)”, while in English people will say he looks” like a cat on the hot bricks ” when people mean someone is worried. For another example, if one wants to get all the things he wants,

but in fact he cannot, we say “鱼和熊掌不可兼得” in China but “You cannot sell the caw and drink the milk” in Western country.

When people mean someone is in danger, Chinese people often say that“虎口拔牙(drown the teeth from the tiger)” , while in English, men use “beard the lion”. In Chinese, there is “猫哭耗子(the cat cries for the mouse)”, when people mean pretend to be sympathy, while in English, they say “to shed crocodile tears”. When people say someone is good at adapting to the situation, they will use “如鱼得水(like the fish to the water)” in Chinese, while, in English “like the duck to the water”. Here is anther typical example, “the four tigers of Asia” in English are the same with “亚洲四小龙(the four dragons of Asia)”.

Ⅴ. Cultural Difference Reflected from Animal Idioms

A. Different Cultural Environment

Originally, China is an agricultural country. Millennia’s of farming cultures have found the linguistic foundation for the idioms. Cow, the major tool for farming, was second to none for Chinese. Consequently, idioms based on cow sprang out, for example, “老黄牛(a man works hard for others’ benefits)”, “老牛舐犊(parents love their children)”, “九牛二虎(enormous power)”, “老牛破车(conduct something slowly)”, “对牛弹琴(talking to some who could not have perceived you)”,and so on. All the idioms make the cow animated.

Britain, an oceanic island country, had the advantage over others countries of navigation industry, historically. To a large degree, that is the reason why the lives of English-speaking countries have a close relationship with ocean and commerce, and why their idiom culture was born with typical characters about oceanic and commercial culture. Examples are as follows: cold-fish(a man who is not kind), dull fish(a dull man), a queer fish(a strange man), neither fish or fowl(untraditional), a loose fish(a frivolous woman), and so on.

B. Different Living Tradition

According to a dictionary edited by the faculty of foreign languages in Xiamen University, there are 99 pieces of idioms about dog. Now we take idioms about dog as

the example:

Chinese 狗嘴吐不出象牙(a dog ’ s mouth emits no iv ory.)

狗改不了吃屎(you can ’ t make a crab walk straight.)

狗拿耗子多管闲事(it is none your business.)

English Love me, love my dog.

Every dog has its day.

A top dog/ a lucky dog

Actually, the idiom reflects the different living tradition. To a large extent, Chinese keep dogs for looking after their houses. Owing to the gap between animal and human beings, they could not have known what their masters’ biases were or what their masters’ antipathies were. They bark whatever strangers they come cross; they bit whoever might infringe upon the benefits of their masters. However, in English-speaking countries, most of them keep a dog as their friend, an intimate company. They play with their dog, yet even take a bath for it. To the Westerners, a dog is a beloved for them. Dog idioms, the product of the phenomenon, are almost positive, related to luck of a blue-eye boy.

On the other hand, the idioms are also colored by social situation. In China, historically, there were rigid hierarchy systems. Master and people in the underworld were not equal, even dogs and masters. While in western country, the hierarchy was not that strict. That made dogs possible to be their masters’ friends.

C. Different Faith Tradition

In Chinese culture, people have two different imaginations about tiger, a good one and a bad one. As for the good imagination, tiger always stands for bravery, strength, and resolution. Therefore, there exists lots of idioms referred to tiger, such as “英雄虎胆”,“虎踞龙盘”; in ancient time, people named brave guests as “虎”, the brave general ,”虎将”, and called then general’s battalion “虎帐”. As for the bad aspect, tiger is furious, crucial, and cold-hearted.

In China, they have no such kind of imagination for lion. Lion is just a furious beast, with no majesty. However, for most Britain and Westerners, lion is the king among animals. We can get that lion has a higher prestige than any others from such

words as “regal as a lion”, ”majestic as a lion”. In late 12th century, Cherry, the king of UK, was said to be lion-hearted for his bravery. Shelley once compared the Britain with sleeping lion, using the sentence “Rise, like lions after slumber. Therefore, Britain treat lion as its symbol.

Cattle,in Chinese culture, plays a n important role. The idioms about cattle are available easily, such as 执牛耳,牛刀小试,老黄牛,钻牛角尖,牛鬼蛇神,牛衣对泣,and so on. Most images are good. However, in English, horse plays a role as important as cattle in Chinese, such as “put t he cart before the horse (本末倒置)”, “ work for a dead horse (徒劳无益)”, “horse marines(水上奇兵,空中楼阁)”, “pay for a dead horse(花冤枉钱) ”(陈文博897).

In China, there are some idioms about cat, for example, “馋猫儿”. It is a nickname to show imitation and love. In the West, it was a paradox. There are some idioms goes for it. fraud-cat(coward); don’t be a cat(don’t be so critical); she is a cat(a dangerous woman); ”but the hope could not be killed, it had more lives than a cat.

Seeing from the idioms, we know Chinese are fond of cat, but the English are not. In fact the difference comes from faith tradition. Chinese believe that working hard has its perks. Working hard can even make impossibility into possibility, that is to say, everything is possible if you work hard. Just as a saying goes: hard working produces prosperity. In the view of Chinese, the cat happens to be hard-working. What’s more, it protects farmers’ crops from mouse. Hence, there is no wonder that Chinese are in favor of it. In the West, some of the people regard it as evil, as Satan often turns into a black cat and fool around, besides, a witch always with a black cat. Nonetheless, sometimes a cat is regarded as the metallization of freedom. As in the mythology of Roman, cat always stays at the feet of liberal Angle. Living with different faiths produce different idioms.

D. Different Aesthetic Notion and Values.

The idioms are the very example showing the different of aesthetic notion and values between Chinese and themselves. There are many graceful myths and legends in Chinese long history. Dragon is the most proper symbol for those myths. It is the symbol of the Chinese nation. In China, dragon is the heart of Chinese culture, as well

as the spirit of peoples. Dragon was so popular that it was worshiped from citizens to emperors. Influenced by such a phenomenon, the idioms show the significant status of dragon in China. T here are many idioms about dragon, such as “望子成龙(hope the child has a bright future)”, 龙马精神(perseverance), 生龙活虎(energetic),and so on. They are just a tip of the iceberg. However, in the West, i t goes on the other side. “she is an absolute dragon” means the person is a savage. In English, while people want to show someone is strict, they often say, “he is a real dragon”. In the West, however, dragon stands for pagan in the Middle Ages, a symbol for evil. Moreover, in the Christian literatures, the image of dragon is lizard and snake, connecting with Satan or sinister man.

In Chinese legendary, phoenix is a heroic animal. Phoenix which is called the king among birds, with dragon, turtle,unicorn,is one of the four mythological animals. In C hina, there’re no myths and legends known to every household as in ancient Greece, phoenix, however, means heaven-sent. In the Western country, phoenix is a bird in legendary. It is said that it is a bird living in Arabian Desert for almost five or six hundred years. It struggled to build a nest filled with spice before its death. After singing a sorrow elegy, it puffed the fire with its wings so as to burn itself into ashes from which a new alive phoenix came into being. So, in the eyes of westerners, phoenix is a symbol of rebirth. For example, Religion, like a phoenix, has been resurrected from the ashes of the war. Out of the ashes of the suffragette movement, phoenix-like, feminist militancy was born.

L anguage and culture can’t be absolutely separated.W hat’s more, idioms are the essence of a language. Every language has a large number of wonderful and colorful idioms. they are the product refrained from the process that human beings obtain experience and congress the nature world, which can be regarded as a mirror that can reflect the characteristics of the national culture. The meaning of an animal term in Chinese and English idioms has a lot in common, as well as the differences. Ⅴ. Methods of Translating Chinese and English Idioms

A.Using Statements in Chinese

Language has characteristics in common. Natural environment and social

custom on which human beings rely for living, have some in common more or less too. Therefore, different nations may have some similar viewpoints on some cases. On the other hand, different cultures interact with each other through communication in hundreds of years.

The common in language also can be discovered in idioms referring to animal terms. First of all, there are many highly similarities at the aspect of metaphor. It is very likely for a translator to find out many Chinese idioms or idiomatic expressions completely or almost completely are equivalent in both image and meaning to the English ones. For such idioms, their culture origin apparently is similar with Chinese. Thus, using the image in Chinese is a good choice, such as 披着羊皮的狼for a wolf in sheep’ clothing, 像狐狸一样狡猾for as sly as a fox.

B. Using Literal Translation

Some English idiom referring to animal terms have corresponding Chinese statements, so literal translation can be used. It can not only retain the meaning it has in English culture, but arouse the readers’ rich imagination. In this way, readers can get the culture origin of that idiom, and get close to different culture in other regions. For example, “the dove of peace(和平鸽)”, “dark horse(黑马)”, “a bull/bear

market(牛、熊市)”. Literal translation makes people more fami liar with western literature, culture, tradition and thinking methods. Here are some other examples, “kangaroo court (袋鼠法庭,喻指私设公堂或裁决不公)”, “A bird in hang is worth two in the bush(双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。)”, “one swallow does not make a summer(一燕不成夏).” , “as cunning as a fox” may find an exact Chinese equivalent as “狐狸般聪明”., “as busy as a bee(像蜜蜂一样忙碌)”, “as proud as peacock(像孔雀一样骄傲)”, “as ugly as toad(像癞蛤蟆一样丑)” . Above examples seem to be easier to understand, and they are very vivid.

C. Using Free Translation

It is not easy to understand some idioms if they are translated literally because of the different cultural background of English and Chinese. We have to use free translation so as to make the translation closely follow the original meaning. At this time, free translation is inevitable. It applies to the idioms whose meaning is often

specific to English - speaking countries and which, if translated directly, would not make any sense to the Chinese readers.(Wang Xue 177). Take “to rain cats and dogs” for example. It originates from Norse mythology. If it is translated literally, some readers may feel puzzled. Therefore free translation is a proper way at this time. Some other idioms, like “a dog in the manger(占着茅坑不拉屎)”, “to rise like a phoenix from the ashes(起死回生,东山再起)”, are properly translated in free ways (张培基124).

D. Some Idioms c annot be mutually Translated

Some idioms have the same literal meaning, but the implicated meaning is totally different. They cannot be mutually translated. For example, “laugh off one’s head” and “笑掉大牙”, the former means laugh in an extreme way or beyond reasonable limit. But “笑掉大牙”means laugh at somebody. “To make one’s hair stand on end” More examples, the Chinese idiom “ 打草惊蛇” means to alert the enemy by rash or accidental events before carrying out the prepared attack; the English idiom “to beat about the bush” refers to get close to a subject without coming to the key point, and try to say something indirectly. “to lock the stable door after a sheep has been stolen” is not the same with “亡羊补牢”. The former means to take precautions when it is too late, while the later refers to repair the stable after a sheep is gone, still in time to avoid further loss. As we know: “dragon” has different meanings in Chinese and English culture. So whe n translate“望子成龙” , translators can’ t keep the image of dragon. It can be translated into “to expect one’s son to become an outstanding personage.” The image of the English idiom “a cat on hot bricks” is that “一只在炽热的砖头上行走的猫,痛苦而狼狈”. In terms of this cases ,Chinese version“热锅上的蚂蚁” is a right way to express it. The same example like“fight like cat and dog”, if we translate it word by word, although it keeps the image in the origin sentence, it doesn’t conform to the Chinese version. For example: We still lov e each other very much, but we fight like cat and dog. (我们常吵吵闹闹,但仍很相爱.)( Guo Jianzhong 154)

Ⅵ. Conclusion

In the long stream of history, human beings and animals are just sunshine and

shadow. Animals have a deep influence on human beings’ existence and dev elopment. On the other hand, the intimate relationship also result in intricate emotions, love, fear or antipathy. People take animals as carriers to convey their feelings and emotions. Through the comparison about Chinese and English idioms referring to animal terms, we explore and discuss the differences of animal idioms between two kind of cultures, which not only shows the differences of specific expression methods in English and Chinese, but also demonstrates the unique aesthetic notion of the two kind of cultures. In order to have a further comprehension of animal idioms, we should shape consciousness of social culture, including the history of the culture, folk customs and tradition, as well as environment. In a word, we should be aware of intercultural communication and discover things from cross-cultural view. Besides, when coming into translation of such animal idioms, the differences between two cultures should be taken into account, or some misunderstanding would be brought up.

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高级财务会计习题答案 Prepared on 22 November 2020

《高级财务会计》习题答案 第一章非货币资产交换 1、2007年5月,A公司以其一直用于出租的一幢房屋换入B公司生产的办公家具准备作为办公设备使用,B公司则换入的房屋继续出租。交换前A公司对该房屋采用成本模式进行后续计量,该房屋的原始成本为500 000元,累计已提折旧180 000元,公允价值为400 000元,没有计提减值准备;B公司换入房屋后继续采用成本模式进行计量。B公司办公家具账面价值为280 000元,公允价值与计税价格均为300 000元,适用的增值税税率为17%,B公司另外支付A公司49 000元的补价。假设交换不涉及其他的相关税费。 要求:分别编制A公司和B公司与该资产交换相关的会计分录。 A公司的会计处理: 49 000/400 000=%,所以交换属于非货币资产交换。 换入设备的入账价值=400 000-(300 000×17%)-49 000=300 000元 换出资产应确认的损益=400 000-320 000=80 000元 借:固定资产清理 320 000 累计折旧 180 000 贷:投资性房地产 500 000 借:固定资产——办公设备 300 000 银行存款 49 000 应交税金—增值税(进项) 51 000 贷:固定资产清理 320 000

其他业务收入(投资性房地产收益) 80 000 B公司的会计处理 换入设备的入账价值=300 000+300 000×17%+49 000=400 000元 换出资产应确认的损益=300 000-280 000=20 000元 借:投资性房地产 400 000 贷:主营业务收入 300 000 应交税金——增值税(销项) 51 000 银行存款 49 000 借:主营业务成本 280 000 贷:库存商品 280 000 2、2007年9月,X公司生产经营出现现金短缺,为扭转财务困境,遂决定将其正在建造的一幢办公楼及购买的办公设备与Y公司的一项专利技术及其对Z公司的一项长期股权投资进行交换。截止交换日,X公司办公楼的建设成本为900 000元。办公设备的账面价值为600 000元,公允价值为620 000元;Y公司的专利技术的账面价值为400 000元,长期股前投资的账面价值为600 000元。由于正在建造的办公楼的完工程度难以合理确定,Y公司的专利技术为新开发的前沿技术,Z公司是非上市公司,因而X公司在建的办公楼、Y公司的专利技术和对Z公司的长期股权投资这三项资产的公允价值均不能可靠计量。Y公司另支付X公司300 000元补价。假设该资产交换不涉及相关税费。 要求:分别编制X公司和Y公司与该资产交换相关的会计分录。 X公司的会计处理: 因为公允价值均不能可靠计量,所以采用账面价值计量换入资产。


化工热力学答案_课后总习题答案详解 第二章习题解答 一、问答题: 2-1为什么要研究流体的pVT 关系? 【参考答案】:流体p-V-T 关系是化工热力学的基石,是化工过程开发和设计、安全操作和科学研究必不可少的基础数据。(1)流体的PVT 关系可以直接用于设计。(2)利用可测的热力学性质(T ,P ,V 等)计算不可测的热力学性质(H ,S ,G ,等)。只要有了p-V-T 关系加上理想气体的id p C ,可以解决化工热力学的大多数问题。 2-2在p -V 图上指出超临界萃取技术所处的区域,以及该区域的特征;同时指出其它重要的点、线、面以及它们的特征。 【参考答案】:1)超临界流体区的特征是:T >T c 、p >p c 。 2)临界点C 的数学特征: 3)饱和液相线是不同压力下产生第一个气泡的那个点的连线; 4)饱和汽相线是不同压力下产生第一个液滴点(或露点)那个点的连线。 5)过冷液体区的特征:给定压力下液体的温度低于该压力下的泡点温度。 6)过热蒸气区的特征:给定压力下蒸气的温度高于该压力下的露点温度。 7)汽液共存区:在此区域温度压力保持不变,只有体积在变化。 2-3 要满足什么条件,气体才能液化? 【参考答案】:气体只有在低于T c 条件下才能被液化。 2-4 不同气体在相同温度压力下,偏离理想气体的程度是否相同?你认为哪些是决定偏离理想气体程度的最本质因素? 【参考答案】:不同。真实气体偏离理想气体程度不仅与T 、p 有关,而且与每个气体的临界特性有 ()() () () 点在点在C V P C V P T T 00 2 2 ==?? ?

关,即最本质的因素是对比温度、对比压力以及偏心因子r T ,r P 和ω。 2-5 偏心因子的概念是什么?为什么要提出这个概念?它可以直接测量吗? 【参考答案】:偏心因子ω为两个分子间的相互作用力偏离分子中心之间的作用力的程度。其物理意义为:一般流体与球形非极性简单流体(氩,氪、氙)在形状和极性方面的偏心度。为了提高计算复杂分子压缩因子的准确度。 偏心因子不可以直接测量。偏心因子ω的定义为:000.1)p lg(7.0T s r r --==ω , ω由测定的对比温度为0.7时的对比饱和压力的数据计算而得,并不能直接测量。 2-6 什么是状态方程的普遍化方法?普遍化方法有哪些类型? 【参考答案】:所谓状态方程的普遍化方法是指方程中不含有物性常数a ,b ,而是以对比参数作为独立变量;普遍化状态方程可用于任何流体、任意条件下的PVT 性质的计算。普遍化方法有两种类型:(1)以压缩因子的多项式表示的普遍化关系式 (普遍化压缩因子图法);(2)以两项virial 方程表示的普遍化第二virial 系数关系式(普遍化virial 系数法) 2-7简述三参数对应状态原理与两参数对应状态原理的区别。 【参考答案】:三参数对应状态原理与两参数对应状态原理的区别在于为了提高对比态原理的精度,引入了第三参数如偏心因子ω。三参数对应态原理为:在相同的 r T 和r p 下,具有相同ω值的所有 流体具有相同的压缩因子Z ,因此它们偏离理想气体的程度相同,即),P ,T (f Z r r ω=。而两参数对应状态原理为:在相同对比温度r T 、对比压力 r p 下,不同气体的对比摩尔体积r V (或压缩因子z ) 是近似相等的,即(,) r r Z T P =。三参数对应状态原理比两参数对应状态原理精度高得多。 2-8总结纯气体和纯液体pVT 计算的异同。 【参考答案】: 由于范德华方程(vdW 方程)最 大突破在于能同时计算汽、液两相性质,因此,理论上讲,采用基于vdW 方程的立方型状态方程能同时将纯气体和纯液体的性质计算出来(最小值是饱和液体摩尔体积、最大值是饱和气体摩尔体积),但事实上计算的纯气体性质误差较小,而纯液体的误差较大。因此,液体的p-V-T 关系往往采用专门计算液体体积的公式计算,如修正Rackett 方程,它与立方型状态方程相比,既简单精度又高。 2-9如何理解混合规则?为什么要提出这个概念?有哪些类型的混合规则? 【参考答案】:对于混合气体,只要把混合物看成一个虚拟的纯物质,算出虚拟的特征参数,如Tr ,

细胞总蛋白的制备, SDS-PAGE,Western Blot

医学生物学研究技术与实验 实验报告 实验名称:细胞总蛋白的制备,SDS-PAGE,Western Blot 一、实验目的 1.掌握SDS直接裂解细胞法提取蛋白质 2. 掌握Lowry法测定蛋白质浓度的原理 3. 掌握SDS-PAGE分离蛋白质的原理和技术 4. 掌握半干转移的操作和Western Blot 的原理和技术 二、实验原理 1.蛋白质提取常见裂解方法极其原理。 蛋白质的抽提是指破碎过程中,将生物材料在水,缓冲液或稀盐溶液等适当溶剂中浸泡,使胞内的蛋白质等内容物释放到溶剂中。血浆,消化液和分泌液等体液中可溶性蛋白质,可不经抽提,直接进行分离。细胞内一般蛋白质的抽提,应先将细胞膜或细胞壁破碎,然后用适当溶剂将蛋白质溶出,再用离心法除去不溶物,得到出抽提液。膜蛋白的抽提比较复杂。膜蛋白按其所在位置分为外周蛋白和固有蛋白。外周蛋白通过次级键和膜外侧脂质的性头部鳌和在一起,应选则适当离子强度及PH的缓冲液,其中要好友EDTA,将其抽出。固有蛋白嵌和在膜脂质双层中,通过疏水键于膜内侧脂质层的疏

水性尾部结合。在抽提固有蛋白时,要减弱器与膜脂的疏水性结合,又要使其保持部分疏水基暴露在外的天然状态,这一过程叫增溶作用。较为理想的增溶剂是去垢剂。目前用的去垢剂分为阴离子型,阳离子型,两性离子型,非离子型。增溶后的膜蛋白抽提剂有较好的均一性,便于进一步纯化。纯化后的膜蛋白,可通过透析法去除去垢剂,进行膜蛋白重组。抽提蛋白质的理想条件是尽可能促进蛋白质在溶剂中溶解,而减弱蛋白水解酶活力,以减少细胞的自溶过程。主要是通过选择适当PH,温度,或溶剂,以及加适当蛋白水解酶抑制剂。常见裂解方法有:1 低渗裂解,2 冻融法,3 Triton100或者NP-40等非离子去污剂(比较温柔),4 脱氧胆酸钠、SDS、Triton100 (强烈),5 上样缓冲液(含SDS)+细胞沸水浴5 min,6 匀浆器。 2.Lowry法测定蛋白质浓度 1. 蛋白质与碱性铜试剂产生双缩脲反应,形成紫红色蛋白质-铜复合物; 2. 紫红色复合物中的酪氨酸和色氨酸残基还原磷钼酸和磷钨酸,产生深蓝色,呈色强度与蛋白质浓度呈正相关,分光光度计测A750吸光度,做标准曲线 3.SDS-PAGE分离蛋白质 SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳是蛋白分析中最经常使用的一种方法.它是将蛋白样品同离子型去垢剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)及巯基乙醇一起加热,使蛋白变性,多肽链内部及肽键之间的二硫键被还原,肽键被打开,打开的肽键靠疏水作用与SDS结合而带负电荷,电泳时在电场作用下,肽链在凝胶中向正极迁移。不同大小的肽链由于在迁移时受到的阻力不同,在迁移过程中逐渐分开,其相对迁移率与分子量的对数间成线形关系。 4. 非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(Native-PAGE) 非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(Native-PAGE)是在不加入SDS 疏基乙醇等变性剂的条件下,对保持活性的蛋白质进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,常用于同工酶的鉴定和提纯。未


1、请解释为什么在非理想环境下,当计算期望现值时,无须进行估计?请解释为什么在非理 想环境下,必须在相关和可靠之间进行权衡?在你的答案中,请定义这两个术语。 P25—8 在非理想环境下,确定一整套的自然事件及其相关的现金流是非常困难的,因为有那么多的事件会发生,他们将影响未来事件的实现并导致相应的现金流。即使能够确定一整套合理的事件组合,仍然会存在困难,因为可观察的事件发生的概率我们也无法获得。这些概率必须要进行客观的估计,但是这些就会产生偏差的可靠性问题和准确度缺失问题。此外,并不一定能给出一个固定的利率。虽然期望现值仍然可以计算,但是它是一个估计值,因为现金流,概率和利率都是估计的。 P25—10 相关信息是给投资者提供关于一家企业未来经济预期的信息。更具体的讲,相关信息是帮助投资者来估计一项资产的未来现金收入或者是一项债务的未来现金支出,可靠信息是精确和无偏的信息。 当条件为不理想环境时,相关信息就要求估计可能的自然事件及其概率,这些估计在以后回顾起来可能就是不正确的,因此就会成为前期准备中的偏差,因此相关信息就好像是不可靠的。 反过来,可靠信息,例如资本资产的历史成本或者是债务的票面价值,就会失去了相关性,因为它没有包含对未来收入或者支出的预测。在资产的获得或者带息债务产生的时候,历史成本可能是具有一些相关性的,但是资产的价格和利率是时刻变化的,因此,通常情况下可靠的信息蕴含了较少的企业未来经济预期的信息,因为没有预测未来的收入和支出。 因此,一个想保留更多相关性的会计就需要处理更多更大量的自然事件组合以及与之相关的概率。然而,这意味着将会较少的可靠性。因此,关于会计信息的这两个属性必须进行权衡,因为他们是此消彼长的关系。 2、解释财务报表的信息观,它依赖于会计的历史成本基础吗? P95—1 信息观认为财务报告是向投资者传达有用信息一种途径,然后,投资就需要决定是否使用这一信息来形成他们自己对未来盈利能力和股票收益的后验概率。 信息观与会计的历史成本基础是一致的,但是不依赖于它。基于理论和经验的证据表明历史成本基础的财务报告向投资者提供了有用的信息。但是,没有特别的理由来解释为什么这些信息必须由历史成本基础来提供。RRA(储备确认会计)信息不是历史成本基础的,也不是说明事项和管理层讨论分析(MD&A)的大多数信息。这个信息的本质,就像上面提到的一样,是指投资者在形成他们自己对未来业绩的估计的时候,是被假设成不仅仅使用会计信息,还会使用其它的相关信息,而会计是不会为他们做这些的。披露的特别形式并不重要,重要的仅仅是信息被公开。因此,在有附加信息来补充财务报告的时候,信息观可以用于证明以历史成本作为财务报告的基础是合适的。进而根据有效市场理论就可以保证,通常,投资者是能够合适地理解这一信息。 3、为什么决策有用性建议,在恰当的财务报表中包含更多的价值相关信息,而有效资本市 场理论暗示,报表附注以及其他披露方式同样有效?当会计人员采用计量观时会对相关性、可靠性以及财务报表信息的决策有用性产生什么影响?


2 习题 第1章 绪言 一、是否题 1. 孤立体系的热力学能和熵都是一定值。( 错。 和 ,如一 体积等于2V 的绝热刚性容器,被一理想的隔板一分为二,左侧状态是T ,P 的理想气体,右侧是T 温度 的真空。当隔板抽去后,由于Q =W =0, , ,,故体系将在T ,2V ,0.5P 状态下 达到平衡, , , ) 2. 封闭体系的体积为一常数。(错) 3. 封闭体系中有两个相 。在尚未达到平衡时,两个相都是均相敞开体系;达到平衡时,则 两个相都等价于均相封闭体系。(对) 4. 理想气体的焓和热容仅是温度的函数。(对) 5. 理想气体的熵和吉氏函数仅是温度的函数。(错。还与压力或摩尔体积有关。) 6. 要确定物质在单相区的状态需要指定两个强度性质,但是状态方程 P=P (T ,V )的自变量中只有一个强度 性质,所以,这与相律有矛盾。(错。V 也是强度性质) 7. 封闭体系的1mol 气体进行了某一过程,其体积总是变化着的,但是初态和终态的体积相等,初态和终 态的温度分别为T 1和T 2,则该过程的 ;同样,对于初、终态压力相等的过程有 。(对。状态函数的变化仅决定于初、终态与途径无关。) 8. 描述封闭体系中理想气体绝热可逆途径的方程是(其中 ),而一位学生认 为这是状态函数间的关系,与途径无关,所以不需要可逆的条件。(错。) 9. 自变量与独立变量是一致的,从属变量与函数是一致的。(错。有时可能不一致) 10. 自变量与独立变量是不可能相同的。(错。有时可以一致) 三、填空题 1. 状态函数的特点是:状态函数的变化与途径无关,仅决定于初、终态 。 2. 单相区的纯物质和定组成混合物的自由度数目分别是 2 和 2 。 3. 封闭体系中,温度是T 的1mol 理想气体从(P ,V )等温可逆地膨胀到(P ,V ),则所做的功为 i i f f (以V 表示)或 (以P 表示)。 4. 封闭体系中的1mol 理想气体(已知 ),按下列途径由T 1、P 1和V 1可逆地变化至P ,则


Western免疫印迹(Western Blot)是将蛋白质转移到膜上,然后利用抗体进行检测的方法。对已知表达蛋白,可用相应抗体作为一抗进行检测,对新基因的表达产物,可通过融合部分的抗体检测。 与Southern或Northern杂交方法类似,但Western Blot采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色”用标记的二抗。 经过PAGE分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体(例如硝酸纤维素薄膜)上,固相载体以非共价键形式吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以

检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表 达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用 于检测蛋白水平的表达。 实验材料蛋白质样品 试剂、试剂盒丙烯酰胺SDS Tris-HCl β-巯基乙醇 ddH2O 甘氨酸Tris 甲醇PBS NaCl KCl Na2HPO4 KH2PO4 ddH2O 考马斯亮兰乙酸脱脂奶粉硫酸镍胺H2O2 DAB试剂盒 仪器、耗材 电泳仪电泳槽离心机离心管硝酸纤维素 膜匀浆器剪刀移液枪刮棒 实验步骤一、试剂准备 1. SDS-PAGE试剂:见聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳实验。 2. 匀浆缓冲液:1.0 M Tris-HCl(pH 6.8) 1.0 ml;10%SDS 6.0 ml;β-巯基乙醇0.2 ml;ddH2O 2.8 ml。 3. 转膜缓冲液:甘氨酸2.9 g;Tris 5.8 g;SDS 0.37 g;甲醇200 ml;加ddH2O定容至1000 ml。


化工热力学复习题 一、选择题 1. T 温度下的纯物质,当压力低于该温度下的饱和蒸汽压时,则气体的状态为( C ) A. 饱和蒸汽 超临界流体 过热蒸汽 2. 纯物质的第二virial 系数B ( A ) A 仅是T 的函数 B 是T 和P 的函数 C 是T 和V 的函数 D 是任何两强度性质的函数 3. 设Z 为x ,y 的连续函数,,根据欧拉连锁式,有( B ) A. 1x y z Z Z x x y y ?????????=- ? ? ?????????? B. 1y x Z Z x y x y Z ?????????=- ? ? ?????????? C. 1y x Z Z x y x y Z ?????????= ? ? ?????????? D. 1y Z x Z y y x x Z ?????????=- ? ? ?????????? 4. 关于偏离函数M R ,理想性质M *,下列公式正确的是( C ) " A. *R M M M =+ B. *2R M M M =- C. *R M M M =- D. *R M M M =+ 5. 下面的说法中不正确的是 ( B ) (A )纯物质无偏摩尔量 。 (B )任何偏摩尔性质都是T ,P 的函数。 (C )偏摩尔性质是强度性质。 (D )强度性质无偏摩尔量 。 6. 关于逸度的下列说法中不正确的是 ( D ) (A )逸度可称为“校正压力” 。 (B )逸度可称为“有效压力” 。 (C )逸度表达了真实气体对理想气体的偏差 。 (D )逸度可代替压力,使真实气体的状态方程变为fv=nRT 。 (E )逸度就是物质从系统中逃逸趋势的量度。 7. 二元溶液,T, P 一定时,Gibbs —Duhem 方程的正确形式是 ( C ). a. X 1dlnγ1/dX 1+ X 2dlnγ2/dX 2 = 0 b. X 1dlnγ1/dX 2+ X 2 dlnγ2/dX 1 = 0 ` c. X 1dlnγ1/dX 1+ X 2dlnγ2/dX 1 = 0 d. X 1dlnγ1/dX 1– X 2 dlnγ2/dX 1 = 0 8. 关于化学势的下列说法中不正确的是( A ) A. 系统的偏摩尔量就是化学势 B. 化学势是系统的强度性质 C. 系统中的任一物质都有化学势 D. 化学势大小决定物质迁移的方向 9.关于活度和活度系数的下列说法中不正确的是 ( E ) (A )活度是相对逸度,校正浓度,有效浓度;(B) 理想溶液活度等于其浓度。 (C )活度系数表示实际溶液与理想溶液的偏差。(D )任何纯物质的活度均为1。 (E )r i 是G E /RT 的偏摩尔量。 10.等温等压下,在A 和B 组成的均相体系中,若A 的偏摩尔体积随浓度的改变而增加,则B 的偏摩尔体积将(B ) A. 增加 B. 减小 C. 不变 D. 不一定 " 11.下列各式中,化学位的定义式是 ( A ) 12.混合物中组分i 的逸度的完整定义式是( A )。 A. d G ___i =RTdln f ^i , 0lim →p [f ^i /(Y i P)]=1 B. d G ___i =RTdln f ^i , 0lim →p [f ^ i /P]=1 C. dG i =RTdln f ^i , 0lim →p f i =1 ; D. d G ___i =RTdln f ^i , 0lim →p f ^ i =1 j j j j n nS T i i n T P i i n nS nV i i n nS P i i n nU d n nA c n nG b n nH a ,,,,,,,,])([.])([.])([.])([.??≡??≡??≡??≡μμμμ

蛋白Western blot电泳——试验中常见问题及解答

蛋白质电泳与western blot1 Western免疫印迹(Western Blot)是将蛋白质转移到膜上,然后利用抗体进行检测。对已知表达蛋白,可用相应抗体作为一抗进行检测,对新基因的表达产物,可通过融合部分的抗体检测。该文主要通过以下几个方面来详细地介绍一下Western Blot技术。 (1)原理 (2)分类 ①放射自显影②底物化学发光ECL ③底物荧光ECF ④底物DAB呈色 (3)主要试剂 (4)主要程序 (5)实验常见的问题指南 1. 参考书推荐 2. 针对样品的常见问题 3. 抗体 4. 滤纸、胶和膜的问题 5. Marker 的相关疑问 6. 染色的选择7. 参照的疑问8. 缓冲液配方的常见问题 9. 条件的摸索10. 方法的介绍 11. 结果分析(1)原理:与Southern或Northern杂交方法类似,但Western Blot采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色”用标记的二抗。经过PAGE分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体(例如硝酸纤维素薄膜)上,固相载体以非共价键形式吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用于检测蛋白水平的表达。 (2)分类 ①放射自显影②底物化学发光ECL ③底物荧光ECF ④底物DAB呈色 现常用的有底物化学发光ECL和底物DAB呈色,体同水平和实验条件的是用第一种方法,目前发表文章通常是用底物化学发光ECL。只要买现成的试剂盒就行,操作也比较简单,原理如下(二抗用HRP标记):反应底物为过氧化物+鲁米诺,如遇到HRP,即发光,可使胶片曝光,就可洗出条带。 (3)主要试剂 1、(以利于溶解双丙稀酰胺)的去离子水配制含有29%(w/v)丙稀酰胺和 1%(w/v)N,N’-亚甲双丙烯酰胺储存液丙稀酰胺29g,N,N-亚甲叉双丙稀酰胺1g,加H2O至100ml。)储于棕色瓶,4℃避光保存。严格核实PH不得超过7.0,因可以发生脱氨基反应是光催化或碱催化的。使用期不得超过两个月,隔几个月须重新配制。如有沉淀,可以过滤。 2、,1mlH2O去离子水配制,室温保存。 3、分离胶缓冲液:1.5mmol/L Tris-HCL(pH8.8):18.15gTris和48ml1mol/LHCL混合,加水稀释到100ml终体积。过滤后40C 保存。 4、浓缩胶缓冲液:0.5mmol/LTris-HCL(pH6.8):6.05g Tris溶于40mlH2O中,用约48ml 1mol/L HCL调至pH6.8加水稀释到100ml终体积。过滤后40C保存。这两种缓冲液必须使用Tris碱制备,再用HCL调节PH值,而不用Tris.CL。 5,N,N’N’四甲基乙二胺催化过硫酸铵形成自由基而加速两种丙稀酰胺的聚合。PH太低时,聚合反应受到抑制。10%(w/v)过硫酸胺溶液。提供两种丙稀酰胺聚合所必须的自由基。去离子水配制数ml,临用前配制. 6.1g过硫酸铵,加超纯水溶解并定容至10ml,分装到1.5ml微量离心管中,冻存。 7缓冲液8ml,甘油6.4ml,10%SDS 12.8ml,巯基乙醇3.2ml,0.05%溴酚蓝1.6ml,H2O 32ml混匀备用。按1:1或1:2比例与蛋白质样品混合,在沸水终煮3min混匀后再上样,一般为20-25ul,总蛋白量100μg。


《高级财务会计》习题答案 第一章非货币资产交换 1、2007年5月,A公司以其一直用于出租的一幢房屋换入B公司生产的办公家具准备作为办公设备使用,B公司则换入的房屋继续出租。交换前A公司对该房屋采用成本模式进行后续计量,该房屋的原始成本为500 000元,累计已提折旧180 000元,公允价值为400 000元,没有计提减值准备;B公司换入房屋后继续采用成本模式进行计量。B公司办公家具账面价值为280 000元,公允价值与计税价格均为300 000元,适用的增值税税率为17%,B公司另外支付A公司49 000元的补价。假设交换不涉及其他的相关税费。 要求:分别编制A公司和B公司与该资产交换相关的会计分录。 A公司的会计处理: 49 000/400 000=12.25%,所以交换属于非货币资产交换。 换入设备的入账价值=400 000-(300 000×17%)-49 000=300 000元 换出资产应确认的损益=400 000-320 000=80 000元 借:固定资产清理320 000 累计折旧180 000 贷:投资性房地产500 000 借:固定资产——办公设备300 000 银行存款49 000 应交税金—增值税(进项)51 000 贷:固定资产清理320 000 其他业务收入(投资性房地产收益)80 000 B公司的会计处理 换入设备的入账价值=300 000+300 000×17%+49 000=400 000元 换出资产应确认的损益=300 000-280 000=20 000元 借:投资性房地产400 000 贷:主营业务收入300 000 应交税金——增值税(销项)51 000 银行存款49 000 借:主营业务成本280 000 贷:库存商品280 000 2、2007年9月,X公司生产经营出现现金短缺,为扭转财务困境,遂决定将其正在建造的一幢办公楼及购买的办公设备与Y公司的一项专利技术及其对Z公司的一项长期股权投资进行交换。截止交换日,X公司办公楼的建设成本为900 000元。办公设备的账面价值为600 000元,公允价值为620 000元;Y公司的专利技术的账面价值为400 000元,长期股前投资的账面价值为600 000元。由于正在建造的办公楼的完工程度难以合理确定,Y公




模拟题一 一.单项选择题(每题1分,共20分) 本大题解答(用A 或B 或C 或D )请填入下表: 1. T 温度下的纯物质,当压力低于该温度下的饱和蒸汽压时,则气体的状态为(C ) A. 饱和蒸汽 B. 超临界流体 C. 过热蒸汽 2. T 温度下的过冷纯液体的压力P ( A ) A. >()T P s B. <()T P s C. =()T P s 3. T 温度下的过热纯蒸汽的压力P ( B ) A. >()T P s B. <()T P s C. =()T P s 4. 纯物质的第二virial 系数B ( A ) A 仅是T 的函数 B 是T 和P 的函数 C 是T 和V 的函数 D 是任何两强度性质的函数 5. 能表达流体在临界点的P-V 等温线的正确趋势的virial 方程,必须至少用到( ) A. 第三virial 系数 B. 第二virial 系数 C. 无穷项 D. 只需要理想气体方程 6. 液化石油气的主要成分是( A ) A. 丙烷、丁烷和少量的戊烷 B. 甲烷、乙烷 C. 正己烷 7. 立方型状态方程计算V 时如果出现三个根,则最大的根表示( B ) A. 饱和液摩尔体积 B. 饱和汽摩尔体积 C. 无物理意义 8. 偏心因子的定义式( A ) A. 0.7lg()1 s r Tr P ω==-- B. 0.8lg()1 s r Tr P ω==-- C. 1.0lg()s r Tr P ω==- 9. 设Z 为x ,y 的连续函数,,根据欧拉连锁式,有( B ) A. 1x y z Z Z x x y y ???? ?????=- ? ? ?????????? B. 1y x Z Z x y x y Z ????????? =- ? ? ?????????? C. 1y x Z Z x y x y Z ????????? = ? ? ?????????? D. 1y Z x Z y y x x Z ????????? =- ? ? ?????????? 10. 关于偏离函数M R ,理想性质M *,下列公式正确的是( C ) A. *R M M M =+ B. *2R M M M =- C. *R M M M =- D. *R M M M =+ 11. 下面的说法中不正确的是 ( B ) (A )纯物质无偏摩尔量 。 (B )任何偏摩尔性质都是T ,P 的函数。 (C )偏摩尔性质是强度性质。(D )强度性质无偏摩尔量 。 12. 关于逸度的下列说法中不正确的是 ( D ) (A )逸度可称为“校正压力” 。 (B )逸度可称为“有效压力” 。 (C )逸度表达了真实气体对理想气体的偏差 。 (D )逸度可代替压力,使真实气体 的状态方程变为fv=nRT 。 (E )逸度就是物质从系统中逃逸趋势的量度。 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案


蛋白质印迹法 蛋白质印迹法(免疫印迹试验)即Western Blot。它是分子生物学、生物化学和免疫遗传学中常用的一种实验方法。 其基本原理是通过特异性抗体对凝胶电泳处理过的细胞或生物组织样品进行着色。通过分析着色的位置和着色深度获得特定蛋白质在所分析的细胞或组织中表达情况的信息。 蛋白免疫印迹(Western Blot )是将电泳分离后的细胞或组织总蛋白质从凝胶转移到固相支持物NC膜或PVDF膜上,然后用特异性抗体检测某特定抗原的一种蛋白质检测技术,现已广泛应用于基因在蛋白水平的表达研究、抗体活性检测和疾病早期诊断等多个方面。 中文名蛋白质印迹法外文名Western Blot 蛋白免疫印迹Western Blot 类似方法1 Southern Blot 杂交方法 类似方法2 Northern Blot 杂交方法 使用材料聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳⑴

原理 与Southern Blot 或Northern Blot 杂交方法类似,但Western Blot法采用的是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色”用标记的二抗。经过PAG(聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳)分离的蛋白质样品,转移到固相载体(例如硝酸纤维素薄膜)上,固相载体以非共价键形式吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用于检测蛋白水平的表达。⑴ 分类 Western Blot 显色的方法主要有以下几种: i. 放射自显影 ii. 底物化学发光ECL iii. 底物荧光ECF iv. 底物DAB呈色


【干货收藏贴】WB常见问题精品全集锦 做了很久的WB(western blot),走了很多弯路,但是WB想要做好并不难,总结WB实验中可能会遇到的问题,分析可能的原因及对应的解决方案,这就是实验成功的基石。 以下,我们先解决很多技术菌的疑惑,然后再着手汇总实验中常见问题和可能原 因分析以及给出建议解决方案。 WB常见问题分析 1.为什么我的细胞提取液中没有检测到目的蛋白? 原因有很多: a) 细胞中不表达这种蛋白质,换一种细胞; b) 细胞中的蛋白质被降解掉了,可加入蛋白酶抑制剂,抑制蛋白酶活性; c) 抗体不能识别目标蛋白,多看看说明,是否有问题; d) 酶降解可能是没有保持低温操作,样品保存不当,样品放置时间过长。 2.我做的蛋白质分子量很小(10KDa),请问怎么做WB? a)可以选择PSQ 膜,同时缩短转移时间。也可以将两张膜叠在一起,再转移。其他按 步骤即可; b)也可选择孔径0.22um的PVDF膜或者NC膜,转膜时间缩短,另外可采用 Tricine-SDS-PAGE体系。 3.我的目的带很弱,如何加强? a)可以加大抗原上样量,这是最主要的; b)也可以将一抗稀释比例降低; c)还可以延长曝光时间。 4.DAB好还是ECL好? DAB 有毒,但是比较灵敏,是HRP 最敏感的底物; ECL结果容易控制,但被催化时灵敏度差一点,但如果达到阀值,就特别灵敏,可以检测pg 级抗原。 5.胶片是一片空白,是怎么回事? 如果能够排除下面的几个问题那么问题多半出现在一抗和抗原制备上。 a) 二抗的HRP 活性太强,将底物消耗光; b) ECM底物中H2O2,不稳定,失活; c) ECL底物没覆盖到相应位置; d) 一抗选择不当二抗失活; e) 二抗失活。


高级财务会计期末考试试题 一、名词解释(每题3分,共9分) 1.少数股东权益 2.现行汇率法 3.应追索资产 二、单项选择题(从下列每小题的四个选项中,选出一个正确的,请将正确答案的序号填在括号内,每小题2分。共20分) 1.购买企业在确定所承担的负债的公允价值时,一般应按( )确定。 A.可变现净值B.账面价值 C.重置成本D.现行市价 2.在连续编制合并会计报表的情况下,上期抵销内部应收账款额计提的坏账准备对本期的影响时,应编制的抵销分录为( )。 A.借:坏账准备B.借:坏账准备 贷:管理费用贷:期初未分配利润 C.借:期初未分配利润D.借:管理费用 贷:坏账准备贷:坏账准备 3. 在连续编制合并会计报表的情况下,上期已抵销的内部购进存货包含的未实现内部销售利润,在本期应当进行的抵销处理为( )。

A. 借:期初未分配利润B.借:期初未分配利润 贷:主营业务成本贷:存货 C.借:主营业务收入D.借:主营业务收入 贷:主营业务成本贷:存货 4.在货币项目与非货币项目法下,按历史汇率折算的会计报表项目是( )。 A. 存货B.应收账款 C. 长期借款D.货币资金 5.在时态法下,按照历史汇率折算的会计报表项目是( )。 A.按市价计价的存货 B.按成本计价的长期投资 C.应收账款 D.按市价计价的长期投资 6.期货投资企业根据期货经纪公司的结算单据,对已实现的平仓盈利应编制的会计分录是( )。 A. 借:期货保证金B.借:长期股权投资 贷:期货损益贷:期货损益 C.借:应收席位费D.借:期货保证金 贷:期货损益贷:财务费用 7.企业在期货交易所取得会员资格,所交纳的会员资格费应作为( )。 A.管理费用B.长期股权投资 C.期货损益D.会员资格费 8.下列体现财务资本保全的会计计量模式是( )。 A.历史成本/名义货币单位 B.历史成本/不变购买力货币单位


化工热力学课后答案 第1章 绪言 一、是否题 1. 封闭体系的体积为一常数。(错) 2. 封闭体系中有两个相βα, 。在尚未达到平衡时,βα,两个相都是均相敞开体系; 达到平衡时,则βα,两个相都等价于均相封闭体系。(对) 3. 理想气体的焓和热容仅是温度的函数。(对) 4. 理想气体的熵和吉氏函数仅是温度的函数。(错。还与压力或摩尔体积有关。) 5. 封闭体系的1mol 气体进行了某一过程,其体积总是变化着的,但是初态和终态的体积相 等,初态和终态的温度分别为T 1和T 2,则该过程的? =2 1 T T V dT C U ?;同样,对于初、终态 压力相等的过程有? =2 1 T T P dT C H ?。(对。状态函数的变化仅决定于初、终态与途径无关。) 二、填空题 1. 状态函数的特点是:状态函数的变化与途径无关,仅决定于初、终态 。 2. 封闭体系中,温度是T 的1mol 理想气体从(P i ,V i )等温可逆地膨胀到(P f ,V f ),则所做的 功为() f i rev V V RT W ln =(以V 表示)或() i f rev P P RT W ln = (以P 表示)。 3. 封闭体系中的1mol 理想气体(已知ig P C ),按下列途径由T 1、P 1和V 1可逆地变化至P 2,则 A 等容过程的 W = 0 ,Q =() 1121T P P R C ig P ??? ? ??--, U =( )11 2 1T P P R C ig P ??? ? ? ?--,H = 112 1T P P C ig P ??? ? ??-。 B 等温过程的 W =21ln P P RT -,Q =2 1ln P P RT ,U = 0 ,H = 0 。 C 绝热过程的 W =( ) ???? ????? ? -???? ??--112 11ig P C R ig P P P R V P R C ,Q = 0 ,U = ( ) ??????????-???? ??-11211ig P C R ig P P P R V P R C ,H =1121T P P C ig P C R ig P ??????????-???? ??。


双向电泳之样品的制备 2008-04-02 21:58:37| 分类:默认分类|举报|字号订阅 一般性原则: 样品制备是双向电泳中最为关键的一步,这一步处理的好坏将直接影响2-DE 结果。目前并没有一个通用的制备方法,尽管处理方法是多种多样,但都遵循几个基本的原则: 1)尽可能的提高样品蛋白的溶解度,抽提最大量的总蛋白,减少蛋白质的损失;2)减少对蛋白质的人为修饰; 3)破坏蛋白质与其他生物大分子的相互作用,并使蛋白质处于完全变性状态。 根据这一原则,样品制备需要四种主要的试剂:离液剂(chaotropes),主要包括尿素(Urea)和硫脲(thiourea);表面活性剂(sufactants),也称去垢剂,早期常使用NP-40、TritonX -100 等非离子去垢剂,近几年较多的改用如CHAPS 与Zwittergent 系列等双性离子去垢剂;还原剂(reducing agents ),最常用的是二硫苏糖醇(DTT),也有用二硫赤藓糖醇(DTE)以及磷酸三丁酯(TBP)等。当然,也可以选择性的加入Tris-base,蛋白酶抑制剂(如EDTA 、PMSF or Protease inhibitor c℃ktails )以及核酸酶。 样品的来源不同,其裂解的缓冲液也各不相同。通过不同试剂的合理组合,以达到对样品蛋白的最大抽提。在对样品蛋白质提取的过程中,必须考虑到去除影响蛋白质可溶性和2DE 重复性的物质,比如核酸、脂、多糖等大分子以及盐类小分子。大分子的存在会阻塞凝胶孔径,盐浓度过高会降低等电聚焦的电压,甚至会损坏IPG 胶条;这样都会造成2-DE 的失败。样品制备的失败很难通过后续工作的完善或改进获得补偿。 核酸的去除可采用超声或核酸酶处理,超声处理应控制好条件,并防止产生泡沫;而加入的外源核酸酶则会出现在最终的2D 胶上。脂类和多糖都可以通过超速离心除去。透析可以降低盐浓度,但时间太长;也可以采取凝胶过滤或沉淀/重悬法脱盐,但会造成蛋白质的部分损失。因此,处理方法必须根据不同的样品、所处的状态以及实验目的和要求来进行选择。 样品制备程序:


Western免疫印迹(Western Blot) 是将蛋白质转移到膜上,然后利用 抗体进行检测的方法。对已知表达 蛋白,可用相应抗体作为一抗进行 检测,对新基因的表达产物,可通 过融合部分的抗体检测。 与Southern或Northern杂交方法 类似,但Western Blot采用的是聚 丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,被检测物是蛋 白质,“探针”是抗体,“显色”用标记 的二抗。 经过PAGE分离的蛋白质样品,转 移到固相载体(例如硝酸纤维素薄 膜)上,固相载体以非共价键形式 吸附蛋白质,且能保持电泳分离的 多肽类型及其生物学活性不变。以 固相载体上的蛋白质或多肽作为抗 原,与对应的抗体起免疫反应,再 与酶或同位素标记的第二抗体起反 应,经过底物显色或放射自显影以 检测电泳分离的特异性目的基因表 达的蛋白成分。该技术也广泛应用 于检测蛋白水平的表达。 实验材料蛋白质样品 试剂、试剂盒丙烯酰胺SDS Tris-HCl β-巯基乙醇 ddH2O 甘氨酸Tris 甲醇PBS NaCl KCl Na2HPO4 KH2PO4 ddH2O 考马斯亮兰乙酸脱脂奶粉硫酸镍胺H2O2 DAB试剂盒 仪器、耗材电泳仪电泳槽离心机离心管硝酸纤维素膜匀浆器剪刀移液枪刮棒 实验步骤一、试剂准备 1. SDS-PAGE试剂:见聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳实验。 2. 匀浆缓冲液:1.0 M Tris-HCl(pH 6.8) 1.0 ml;10%SDS 6.0 ml;β-巯基乙醇0.2 ml;ddH2O 2.8 ml。 3. 转膜缓冲液:甘氨酸2.9 g;Tris 5.8 g;

SDS 0.37 g;甲醇200 ml;加ddH2O定容至1000 ml。 4. 0.01 M PBS(pH7.4):NaCl 8.0 g;KCl 0.2 g;Na2HPO4 1.44 g;KH2PO4 0.24 g;加ddH2O至1000 ml。 5. 膜染色液:考马斯亮兰0.2 g;甲醇80 ml;乙酸2 ml;ddH2O118 ml。包被液(5%脱脂奶粉,现配):脱脂奶粉1.0 g 溶于20 ml的0.01 M PBS中。 6. 显色液:DAB 6.0 mg;0.01 M PBS 10.0 ml;硫酸镍胺0.1 ml;H2021.0 μl。 二、蛋白样品制备 1. 单层贴壁细胞总蛋白的提取 (1)倒掉培养液,并将瓶倒扣在吸水纸上使吸水纸吸干培养液(或将瓶直立放置一会儿使残余培养液流到瓶底然后再用移液器将其吸走)。 (2)每瓶细胞加3 ml 4℃预冷的PBS (0.01M pH7.2~7.3)。平放轻轻摇动1 min 洗涤细胞,然后弃去洗液。重复以上操作两次,共洗细胞三次以洗去培养液。将PBS弃净后把培养瓶置于冰上。 (3)按1ml裂解液加10 μl PMSF(100 mM),摇匀置于冰上。(PMSF要摇匀至无结晶时才可与裂解液混合。) (4)每瓶细胞加400 μl含PMSF的裂解液,于冰上裂解30 min,为使细胞充分裂解培养瓶要经常来回摇动。 (5)裂解完后,用干净的刮棒将细胞刮于培养瓶的一侧(动作要快),然后用枪将细胞碎片和裂解液移至1.5 ml离心管中。(整个操作尽量在冰上进行。) (6)于4℃下12000 rpm离心5 min。(提

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