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The reasons why I study go abroad:

It is related to my professional pursuit. I am a university lecturer, working at Jiangxi engineering vocational college in Jiangxi Radio and Television University. (here to show the introductions to Jiangxi radio and television university and Jiangxi engineering vocational college and the relationship certificate). Many colleagues around me have master's degrees. However, I only have an undergraduate study graduation certificate. I got in trouble for my the title reviewing and promotion. Especially, in the scientific teaching and research, I feel there is something missing, and if I want to get promotion in academic and evaluation, I have to get an advanced degree.


Why do I choose the United States:

The United States has the best MBA program in the world and my university also provide a corresponding training plan (show the training plan) to help me to get the chance to study in America.


我是通过我的同事知道的,他就是这个学校毕业的。他告诉我,这所学校的工商管理专业非常不错。我通过网上查找这个学校的信息,National University is the second-largest, private, non-profit institution of higher learning in California.

How do you know National University :

I knew this university from my colleague. He graduated from the university. He told me that the MBA program in this university was very good. I found the information of the university from the Internet: National University is the second-largest, private, as profit institution of higher learning in California.

为什么你没有考TOFEL和GMA T


Why didn't you take examinations of TOFEL and GMAT?

Because I was very busy when I was working in the University, I examined students and the teacher's attendance of 120 classes all over the college and recorded statistical data. I was in charge of setting schedules, arranging the exams, etc. I do use my leisure time to learn English in reading and writing, however, my weakness lies in spoken English. Therefore, I would like to study in pure language learning environment and it helps me to correct my pronunciation. Fortunately, National University provides the opportunity to me both at language study and academic study. That is a very good thing for me. I believe, with the help of national university, through my efforts, I will pass TOFEL and GMAT tests in half a year.


Why will you come back to China and not stay in the United States:

First, there is a contract between me and my employer Jiangxi Radio and TV University. When I finish my degree, I must go back to my university and work at there for at least five years. If not, I cannot get the allowances for these two years of tuition and fees and my salary for these two years when I study abroad. And after the advanced study in the United States, I will work more effective to engage in teaching management. It will be more complete, facilitating and popular. And I can go back to my college to teach business or even English. With the degree from the United States, I can get a better title easily. I have been working in this college for 8 years and I get used to in teaching and administrative management in the mode of Chinese university. At the same time, teacher is a respected profession with summer and winter vacations. I have a family, housing, car and a stable income in China. I have a lovely girlfriend. we have a plan to get married after my graduation. My purpose to study in the United States is to improve my education and English language skills, so that I can make great progress in future development.



how much do you know about MBA?

The MBA program is originated from the European and American countries, it aims to train people with the high quality of the professional industry and commerce management skills and make them to master production, accounting, finance, marketing, economic laws and

regulations, international business and management skills. The training does not only pay attention to organization, leadership, it also rely on eloquence skills which are used on communication, strategy, judgment , deal with problems and so on. MBA has more popular today with practical skills, and disciplines are more focus on academic research.



Why you did not sign on the contract between you and your university?

In summer time I went to administrative training out of city, at that time school required me to sign as soon as possible, so I entrusted my mother to sign. After then, I ask a proof from the director of human resources to prove my mother’s signature, here it is, and you want to see it?



How much you earned?

I make a year about 80000 RMB (including bonuses, welfare, and allowance that worked overtime) my monthly income is about 4 thousand (Here is my income proof, you need to have a look?)


半年的时间通过TOFEL和GMA T考试


Study plan

I would like to pass TOFEL and GMAT tests in a half an year. After then a year's time will be needed to complete the required credits and complete MBA thesis





You held an undergraduate degree and how can you teaching the undergraduate courses?

Our collage is for junior college education, I can teach the college courses. There are my lecture proof and teaching book (you need to see these?)

You work for Jiangxi engineering vocational college. The contract is between you and Jiangxi Radio and TV University. Can you tell me why?

Jiangxi engineering vocational college is an affiliate college of Jiangxi Radio and TV university. Therefore, I must sign the contract with Jiangxi TV and Radio University, Here are the introductions of our institutions (you need to see it?)

2) What is your academic background?



In 1998-2002, I studied in Xuzhou construction engineering vocational college majoring in construction management building automation.

In 2009-2011,I studied in China Open University majoring in civil engineering.


美国F签证常见问题及 答案参考 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

下面是一些F1签证经常问到的一些问题及答案参考,希望对于正在准备签证的学生 有所帮助。 Q:What will you study in USA What’s your major, what aspect of your major will you study? What will you do in USA Are you going to study in USA A: It combines translation, technology and management together, which means that not only I can develop my translation techniques, but also I will gain field-specific knowledge like how to adapt what I translate to a specific culture. Q: Why do you want to study in US? A: Because the architectural design and research in US is at the leading position in the world. Many famous architects work there. Meanwhile, the prospect of architecture design in China i s very promising. I’d like to do my advanced research in architecture and get a Master’s degree in US. This will help me to achieve higher entry status when I come back to China, and is helpful for me to achieve my personal plan of development. In 1998, we had a international design competition for the China National Grand Theater, I was assigned by XXX University as an assistant of the proprietor’s committee of the theater. Right in this competition, I found our designs, including the design by XXX, cannot compete with the foreign ones at all. We still have a long way to go, and there must be some breakthrough in our architectural design and education. The best way I think, is to learn advanced theory and method from abroad. Thus I decided to study in US. Q: Why did you choose XXX university? How did you know this university? Have you any scholarship? Why did you receive scholarship from this university? ?A: Why are you interested in our college ? ? Well, I have several reasons. First of all, faculty here are excellent. After graduation, I have kept doing translation practice, but I seemed to encounter bottleneck. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t see my own progress until one day, I read Pr ofessor Ye Zinan’s book. His book taught me how to analyze the source text and made me realize translation is not pure manual work or word-for-word processing. After browsing the website, I knew that Professor Ye has been teaching translation at Monterey. I searched the school’s website and consulted with the alumni. The more I know about the university, the stronger my yearning to study here is. You’ve got a lot of Professor Yes here. I mean, the faculty here are all expertise in the industry. Professor Ye acts as a link to introduce me to Monterey where many outstanding


108个美国留学签证面试问题集锦 美国留学签证面试的注意事项 1、签证照片一定要照好。 在签证官见到你本人之前,从照片得到对你的第一印象,这在一 定水准上将影响签证官对你的初步看法。 2、面试时一定要注意自己的仪表、气质和态度。 穿着要得体,学生应在着装上充分显示自己的身份。男士要显得 精干,不要打扮得油光水滑;女士尽量淑女一些,不要太前卫,化妆不 可过于美丽耀眼。美国人欣赏成熟理性的人。 在等候的时候,应不卑不亢,安静等候,显出你的气质。 3、要面带微笑,表现信心。 当然,信心是建立在你对各种签证问题的精心准备基础上的,但 现场表情也非常重要,笑一笑能拉近人与人的距离,会让人感到放松,会感染签证官的情绪。 4、说话时声音要清晰,语速要慢。 声音清晰意味着说话有底气,分量足,显示出你的自信。语速要慢,对英语口语不太好的人来说,能够让签证官听清楚你要表达的意思,还能让自己有时间来思考签证官的问题。 5、心态一定要坦然。 不要受当前形势的影响,无论前边有几个人签过都与你没相关系,你要做到的就是保持正常的心态去迎接面试。 6、不要有侥幸心理。

有时候签证官因为主观因素,由他面谈的申请者通过得多,称之为“放水”。但一心想着靠签证官放水是不行的,因为放水的窗口和时间是你永远无法预料的。 只有精心地实行签证准备,按照最严格的模式来实行模拟面试训练。 108个美国面签问题集锦: 一 你是谁? 1.简单个人历史 24)What'syourname? 43)Howlonghaveyoupreparedyourvisainterview?Haveupreparedthein terviewinNewOriental? 46)Whereareyoufrom?Whereisyourhometown? 62)HaveyoueverbeentonationsasideofChina?Haveyouevergoneabroad? 63)What'syourfavoritefood? 67)Howoldareyou? 73)HowlonghaveyoubeeninShanghai? 75)What'syourhobby?Whatdoyoudoinyoursparetime? 82)WhereisyourHUKOU(户口)? 87)Whichisyourfavoriterestaurant(cafe)? 89)Wheredoyoulive?Wherewillyoulive?


1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have completely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is. 3. Why do you choose *** University? 1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***. 2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs). 3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency. 4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability. 4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US? It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama. 5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for? In what aspect of your major will you study? Can you briefly explain what you will learn? Can you talk something about the course? Why do you like your major? My major in USA will be MBA with International economic development. The courses include accounting, finance and market and practical skills.


美国留学签证常见问题总结 美国留学签证是开启美国留学之旅的收官环节,即便拿到美国大学OFFER,签证没过也无济于事,因此签证面试环节至关重要。知己知彼百战不殆,先了解美国留学面签会问到哪些问题对大家很有帮助。下面作者就为大家整理出了美国留学签证面试问题的几种分类和常见问题。 美国留学签证官在初审学生材料并面试学生时,首先考虑的问题就是学生的学习动机。这个问题包括申请者对专业的认识问题,为什么要去美国而不继续在中国完成学业以及在美国想学习什么。很多学生都喜欢说到美国留学是因为美国的教育环境好,专业强,在美国学习能提升自己的能力。可是这样的回答无法突出申请者的个性特点,空洞无力,只会让签证官认为该申请者对未来没有明确的规划。 为了让签证官相信你有明确的学习目的和计划,你的回答必须要结合自身的实际情况以及所学专业的特点和发展现状,同时还要结合未来的应用前景来向签证官阐明出国理由,消除签证官对你的疑虑。针对签证官对这个方面的考察,签证面试中有三个部分可以对签证官的移民倾向判断给予有利的回击。这些方面是:通过专业学习获得的认识,在中国学习遇到的问题以及在美国学习可以获得的优势。 美国留学签证面试中关于学习动机的常见问题有: 1. 笼统问法

1) What will you do in USA 2) What is your purpose for the visa 2. 关于国家 1) Are you going to study in USA 2) How long will you study inUSA 3) Why do you want to study inUSA 4) Why do you want go to theUnited Statesfor further study 5) Many universities in theChinaoffer first--rate graduate programs in do you want to go to theUSAfor graduatestudy 6) When are you going to enter US 3. 关于学校 1) How do you know this Univ. 2) Why do you choose this Univ. 3) To how many institutions have youapplied, and who are they Any other school admitsyou 4) Why did you choose xxxxxx UniversityHow much do you know about the university 5) Do you know which school is the bestin your major What else 6) Is xxxxxxx the first universityto give you the


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7a17578087.html, 美国留学签证问题答案 美国签证面签回答问题技巧,美国留学签证面试是非常重要的,在美国签证面签中问题五花八门,各位申请者需要了解一些美国签证面签回答问题的技巧,下面太傻留学专家详细的为大家介绍一下。 美国留学签证面试解答: 首先,同时也是最重要的就是证明自己是一位合理、合法的学生,也就是说,同学们要在展示过程中及时出示自己的相关证据,比如自己的I-20表格等信息。签证官并不会要求学生提交这些材料,同学们需要在对方提及相关问题的时候将自己的材料递交给对方。此外,同学们在参加美国签证面试之前,要整理好相关材料,保证不要少带一些相关材料。 其次,同学们要尽量避开劣势。当签证官不去询问相关问题的时候,自己最好不要主动提及,尽量将自己比较有优势的一面展现给对方,而不去展示自己的弱势。尤其是一些表示不清楚目的的材料,不要主动展现给签证官。 第三,美国签证面签中不要逃避问题,要直接回答问题。对于一些比较容易出现误解的问题,同学们也不要逃避,而要直接回答问题,之后再去仔细解释相关问题。如果有可以解除误解的材料,同学们也应及时提交。 第四,主动对容易产生误解的情况进行解释。同学们在准备签证面试之前,最好能够到网上了解一下一些常见的拒签原因,了解一些可能产生误解的情况。如签证官提问到相关情况,同学们直接解释就可以。如签证官并未提到这些情况,同学们也可以在方便的时候顺带提及,为自己进行辩解。 以上就是美国签证面签回答问题技巧的介绍,希望本篇文章能够为大家了解美国留学签证带来帮助,如果您还有关于美国签证的疑问,可以和太傻留学专家进行咨询。 太傻美国留学:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7a17578087.html,/abroad/usa/


法国留学面签常见问题及参考答案(法语版) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7a17578087.html,ment vous apelez-vous? Je m’appelle Nathalie. 2.Quel est votre nom? Mon nom est Nathalie. 3.Quel est votre nom patronymique? Mon nom patronymique est Zhang. 4.Quel age avez-vous? J’ai 23 ans. 5.Quelle est votre date de naissance? Je suis née le 5 novembre 1980. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7a17578087.html, 6.Oùest-ce que vous êtes ne? Je suis née a Jinan. 7.Etes-vous chinoise? Oui, je suis chinoise. 8.Quelle est votre nationalité? Je suis de la nationalitéchinoise. 9.D’oùvenez-vous? Je viens de Jinan. 10.Oùhabitez-vous? J’habite Jinan. 11.Est-ce que vous habitez avec vos parents? Non, je vis seule. 12.Pourriez-vous vous présentez un peu? Je m’appelle Nathalie. J’ai 23 ans. J’étudie le francais depuis 3 mois. Mon niveau n’est pas éleve. Mais je vais essayer de le mieux étudier. J’aime beaucoup cette langue élégante. 13.Pouriez-vous me faire une brève présentation de votre famille? Oui, nous somme trois dans notre famille, mon père, ma mère et moi. Je suis enfant unique. Mon père est professeur et ma mère est infirmière.


美国签证面试问题及答案 1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcom#e the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have com#pletely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is. 3. Why do you choose *** University? 1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***. 2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs). 3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency. 4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability. 4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US? It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama. 5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for?


美国留学签证各大常问问题汇总 去美国读书,学生签证办理是很多学生和家长都不是很清楚到底怎么弄的问题,下面和大家一起来看看美国留学签证常见的各大问题! Q:I-20是指什么?如何获取? I-20表是美国政府的官方表格,由获得认证的美国学校签发,准备入学就读的非移民学生必须持有此表方可申请F-1或M-1签证。I-20表可作为入学证明,其中包含支付SEVIS I-901费用、申请签证或变更签证状态所需的必要信息。I-20表上有学生的SEVIS系统编号,位于右上角条码的正上方,以字母N开头,后接九位数字。 Q:我应该提前多长时间申请学生签证?我要去美国读书,已经收到了学校寄来了I-20表格原件,请问我可以提前多久申请学生签证? 您可以根据I-20表格中的报到时间,最早提前120天申请学生签证。只要是在报到日期前120天内,越早申请签证越好,以确保您能按时入学,不要等到最后一刻才来哦! 当你们申请学生签证时,请参考以下几个简单的步骤,这样可避免一些导致延误的常见错误。 1. 确保你的I-20表格上的信息完整无误,且有学校官方签名; 2. 确保面谈前尽早缴纳你的SEVIS(学生和交流访问学者信息系统)费用,以便此信息能及时在系统显示出来; 3. 准备一张符合要求的签证照片。 Q:我收到签证后,什么时候可以前往美国? 无论何时签发签证,如果首次前往美国,您只能在I-20表上注明的入学日期前30天内入境。 Q:现在你有学生签证了,什么时候可以进入美国呢? 你最早可以在开学前的30天(1个月)进入美国!如果你想早于开学前30天进入美国,你需要申请一个B2旅游签证。如果你是持B2旅游签证入境美国,在开始美国的学习之前,申请人必须在国土安全部的美国移民事务处更改签证身份,以保证以学生身份在美国学习。 Q:如果商务旅游签证持有人在美期间获得入学许可和I-20表,能否将状态改为学生签证? 可以。一般而言,如果满足下列全部条件,就可以申请变更非移民签证状态:通过非移民签证合法进入美国;非移民签证依然在有效期内;未违反签证条件和状态;未采取任何可能导致非法滞留的行为。 Q:如果我又收到其他学校签发的I-20表,应采取什么措施? 如果是在预约签证面谈后收到其他学校新签发的I-20表,请在面谈时告诉签证官这一情况。 Q:我以前持有H-1B工作签证,现在被大学录取可以转为F-1签证。我需要回国申请学生签证吗? 不用,只要您在美国,就无需重新申请签证,因为签证的作用只是让持有人入境。请向USCIS咨询是否需要调整签证状态。不过,一旦离开美国,将需要申请学生签证才能再次入境。 Q:持有F-1签证的学生能在美国工作吗?


签证攻略:留美经典签证问题集锦 (1) What will you study in the United States? What do you want to study in USA? I will study for my Ph。D。degree in Public Policy and Management at the Hein z School at Carnegie Mellon University。 (2) Why do you go to Carnegie Mellon University? Why do you choose this University? Why do you go to this University? Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best universities in the United States。The Heinz school ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management I’ll study for my P。h。D degree there。 (3) What is your purpose to USA? What will you do in USA? What are you going to do in the United States? Are you going to study in USA? Yes…。I will study for my Ph。D。degree at the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University。


美国签证问题回答 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

1.Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have completely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2.To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my


美国面签问题总结 1、赴美目的? 你这次去美国做什么? What are you going to do in USA? What will you do in USA? What kinds of activities you will take part in during your stay in USA? 你这次去美国有什么目的? What’s your purpose of traveling (visiting or going) to USA? What’s your purpos e of this winter camp? Why you want to attend this winter camp? 参考答案: 熟练口语; I would like to practise (exercise) my oral English. 参加冬令营; I’m very interested in all (different) kinds of activities of this winter camp. 学习美式英语; I want to study American English 参观美国名校、感受名校氛围;

I am very happy to visit American famous colleges and exper ience the studying atmosphere. 游览美国名胜风景; I would like to enjoy wonderful sightseeing of America. 体验美国教育环境; To experience American educational environment 与美国同龄人交流;(文化、音乐、娱乐、生活、学习etc) To communicate with American peers in many aspects such a s culture, music, entertainment, life style and studying as well. 让美国朋友进一步认识、了解中国。 To introduce China to American friends, let them understand china better 2、你是从哪里了解这次冬令营的活动? Q:Where are you aware of the activities? (How did you hear about this winter camp?) Where are you aware of this winter camp ? A:In the NewOrientalSchool to learn English/On the site /Advertisements/By myClassmate introduction (When I was learning English in NewOrientalSchool) 3、你在新东方学校学习了多久? Q:How long have you learnt English in new oriental school? A:A month/(根据实际情况回答) 4、你参加的这个活动费用是多少,是谁承担这个费用的? Q:How much does this winter camp cost? And who is paying for you?


基于美国旅游/商务签证常见问题,特别编辑一个常见问题解答,希望对各位有所帮助 一,基本签证问题 ●Q1- 我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证 要前往美国旅行,须持有有效期超出预定停留期至少六个月的有效护照。 ●Q2- 美国签证免签国家都有哪些? 安道尔 澳大利亚奥地利 比利时 文莱 捷克共和国丹麦 爱沙尼亚芬兰 法国 德国 希腊匈牙利 冰岛 爱尔兰 意大利 日本 拉脱维亚 列支敦士登 立陶宛 卢森堡 马耳他 摩纳哥 新西兰 挪威 葡萄牙 韩国 圣马力诺 新加坡 斯洛伐克 斯洛文尼亚 西班牙 瑞典 瑞士 台湾 荷兰 英国 成员国家/地区的公民如满足以下要求,则可以免签证去美国旅游或出差,并最多可停留90天。 ●Q3-是否所有非移民签证申请人都必须到大使馆或总领事馆进行面谈? 大部分申请人均需如此。仅有少数例外情况: 例如:14以下儿童或80岁以上老人 任何有资格使用代传递服务续签的申请人 ●Q4-我的护照已经到期,但是其中的美国签证仍然有效。我是否需要申请新的签证?不需要,如果您的签证仍然有效,则您可以使用新旧两本护照到美国旅行,前提是签证未损坏,且旅行主 要目的与签证类型相符(例如:如果主要旅行目的为旅游,则签证必须为旅游签证)。另外,两本护照 上的姓名与其他个人信息必须一致,且两本护照必须是同一国家签发的同一类型护照。

●Q5-我拥有双重公民身份。去美国旅行应该使用哪个护照? 如果您不具有美国国籍,则可使用任意国籍申请签证,但是需要在申请表上向大使馆或总领事馆写明您的全部国籍。美国公民(即使拥有双重国籍)出入美国必须使用美国护照 ●Q6-签证可否办理延期 美国签证有效期为一年,任何类型的签证都无法延期。您必须重新申请签证,或办理代传递(免面谈)业务 ●Q7- 如果我在美国停留期间签证过期,会有什么问题吗? 根据美国国土安全部官员在您入境时作出的决定,您可以按照I-94表(入境时填写)上注明的时间和条件在美国境内停留,即使签证过期也没有问题 二, 如遇到拒签,客人提出的问题解答 ●Q1- 怎么证明客人被拒签了(签证官会口头告知,但有个别申请者会询问) 在美国签证面试后如遇到拒签情况,客人的护照会被返回手中,并由使馆发给客人一张 “1 214(b)条款”的拒签信,拒签信内容无差别,具体拒签原因不会被告知,但可以通过询问签证官所提问题,进行分析 ●Q2-拒签信上的214(b)条款是指什么? 214(b)是美国《移民与归化法案》(INA)中的条款,其中规定: 所有外国人在申请签证时都将首先被假定具有移民倾向,除非他/她能使签证官确信其具有非移民资格。大多数情况下,签证官只需简单面谈并审查申请人提供的约束力证明材料,即可处理签证申请。拒签最常见的原因是,访客或学生签证申请人无法证明其在美国境外拥有没有理由放弃的居住权。申请人必须证明上述居住权的存在,表明他/她们具有必然的约束力,可迫使其在短期停留后离美回国。依据美国法律,申请人有责任提供此类证明 ●Q3-,.如果本次被拒签,近期还可否申请同种类型签证 可以,但需要重新缴纳签证费,如果申请人能重新提供在美国境外有牢固约束力的证明材料,签证官将予以酌情考虑。不过,对某些申请人而言,除非其个人生活、工作和经济状况发生重大改变,否则无论重新申请多少次,也不具备获得非移民签证的资格。


美国签证问含答案 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

签证108问修订版(含答案) 说明: 1、该答案经本人及几位生活在美国的朋友反复修改,既要考虑答案的合理 性,又要考虑语言的口语体,可谓呕心沥血,易稿无数,希望能对诸位有所帮助。 2、从网上下的108问顺序比较杂乱,本人删减了个别重复的和意思不明的 问题,新添了一些问题,并做了大致归类。分类有不当之处,见谅!可能问题已经超出108个,但考虑到大家已经习惯这个称谓,故未改名称。 3、签证时要尽量简洁明了地回答问题,但又忌讳沉默、无话可说的情景, 所以本人的宗旨是尽量把答案写长,但要明确哪些该说,哪些可说可不说。 文中凡是蓝色字体的句子,均属于“打破沉默句”。:) 4、提问频率最高的还是why this program, why this university, why choose America, 以及financial support,career plan 等问题。所以应该把重点放在对这些问题的准备上。 5、刷黄色的部分为新添加的问题。 6、镇定和微笑是最重要的。 Part 1 Visa for What 1) What will you study in the United States 2) What will you do in USA 3) What do you want to study in USA I willread thelanguageat New York University 4) Are you going to study in USA Yes,learningthe languagein the United States 5) What is your purpose for the visa I thinkaboutat New York Universityto pursueadegree inlanguageclass 6) What will you do if you don’t get this visa(如果没有得到这个签证你会做什么) If it failsI will notgive up,willcontinue to adhere toin the endbutdo not want tolose theopportunity to learn.如果失败我也不会放弃,会继续坚持到底但是不想失去学习的机会。 7) How long will you study in USA你在美国学习多久 Will takesix months 需要六个月 Why does the I-20 say the program is around 36 months That’s the duration of my program. It can be finished in 24 months if I take courses in the summer semester. Actually, my advisor told me that most students can make it within 2 years. 8) What will you study in this major What courses I will take courses like Corporate Accounting, Cost Accounting, Auditing, Income taxation, Accounting Information System, and other related courses. I will also take some business related courses, such as financial management, and marketing, Which course do you think is the most difficult one

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