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Chapter 03 Financial Statements Analysis and Long-Term Planning Answer Key Multiple Choice Questions 1. One key reason a long-term financial plan is developed is because: A. the plan determines your financial policy. B. the plan determines your investment policy. C. there are direct connections between achievable corporate growth and the financial policy. D. there is unlimited growth possible in a well-developed financial plan. E. None of the above. Difficulty level: Easy Topic: LONG-TERM PLANNING Type: DEFINITIONS c 2. Projected future financial statements are called: A. plug statements. B. pro forma statements. C. reconciled statements. D. aggregated statements. E. none of the above.


第二节RNA转录后得加工与修饰 不论原核或真核生物得rRNAs都就是以更为复杂得初级转录本形式被合成得,然后再加工成为成熟得RNA分子、然而绝大多数原核生物转录与翻译就是同时进行得,随着mRNA开始得DNA上合成,核蛋白体即附着在mRNA上并以其为模板进行蛋白质得合成,因此原核细胞得mRNA并无特殊得转录后加工过程,相反,真核生物转录与翻译在时间与空间上就是分天得,刚转录出来得mRNA就是分子很大得前体,即核内不均一RNA。hnRNA分子中大约只有10%得部分转变成成熟得mRNA,其余部分将在转录后得加工过程中被降解掉。 (一)mRNA得加工修饰 原核生物中转录生成得mRNA为多顺反子,即几个结构基因,利用共同得启动子与共同终止信号经转录 生成一条mRNA,所以此mRNA分子编码几种不同得蛋白质。例如乳糖操纵子上得Z、Y及A基因,转录生成得mRNA可翻译生成三种酶,即半乳糖苷酶,透过酶与乙酰基转移酶、原核生物中没有核模,所以转录与翻译就是连续进行得,往往转录还未完成,翻译已经开始了,因此原核生物中转录生成得mRNA没有特殊得转录后加工修饰过程。 真核生物转录生成得mRNA为单顺反子,即一个mRNA分子只为一种蛋白质分子编码。 真核生物mRNA得加工修饰,主要包括对5’端与3’端得修饰以及对中间部分进行剪接。 1.在5’端加帽 成熟得真核生物mRNA,其结构得5’端都有一个m7G-PPNmN结构,该结构被称为甲基鸟苷得帽子、如图17—9所示。鸟苷通过5'—5'焦磷酸键与初级转录物得5'端相连。当鸟苷上第7位碳原子被甲基化形成m7G—PPNmN时,此时形成得帽子被称为“帽0”,如果附m7G-PPNmN外,这个核糖得第“2”号碳上也甲基化,形成m7G—PPNm,称为“帽1",如果5'末端N1与N2中得两个核糖均甲基化,成为m7G-PPNmPNm2,称为“帽2”、从真核生物帽子结构形成得复杂可以瞧出,生物进化程度越高,其帽子结构越复杂。 图17-9 Post-transcriptional modification of mRNa showingthe 7— methylguanosinecap andpoly—A tail。


第十四章转录后加工和调节 ********真核生物mRNA前体加工 转录起始于第1个外显子(exon)的第一个核苷酸,转录开始不久转录产物的5′端就被加上7-甲基鸟苷酸帽子(Cap)。转录终止于最后1个外显子3′端下游大约0.5~2.OKb范围内多个可能位点中的1个。核酸内切酶在polyA位点切除多余序列,并在polyA聚合酶的作用下加上长100~250个A。接着,通过RNA剪接(splicing)将内含子(intron)切除,并将外显子连接起来。最后,将成熟的mRNA分子输送到细胞质中。以上过程称为mRNA前体加工(pre-mRNA processing)。 当RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的转录产物刚合成大约30个核苷酸时,其5′端就加上了1个甲基化鸟苷酸(m7G),甲基供体是S—腺苷蛋氨酸。 mRNA 5′端帽子结构的主要功能有;①在蛋白质合成起始中的重要作用类似于原核生物 mRNA的SD 序列,供核糖体小亚基(40S)识别与结合。②保护合成中的转录产物免受核酸外切酶的降解。③在成熟的 mRNA以外,动物所有的mRNA 3′端都有polyA尾。这些A是初始转录产物经过核酸内切 mRNA的polyA尾上游10—35个核苷酸处都含有序列AAUAAA,在切割位点下游大约50个核苷酸以内还存在第二个加尾信号,其序列特征是富含G/U或U。 PolyA位点切割后,多聚腺苷酸化分为两个阶段进行。前12个左右的A的多聚腺苷酸化的速度比较慢,而后面则很快,迅速加到200~250个A。后者需要结合若干含有RNP motif的polyA结合蛋白Ⅱ(PABⅡ)。 ------外显子—内含子交界处存在短共有序列 ,其中,出现机率为100%的只有pre-mRNA内含子5′端的GU和3′端的AG,这就是所谓剪接的GU—AG规则。 ------ 六种富含U的snRNA大量存在于哺乳动物细胞核中,命名为U1~U6,它们参与RNA剪接。这些snRNA和6~10种蛋白因子相结合,形成核内RNP小颗粒 (snRNP)。 --------反式剪接(trans—splicing) 产生于两个不同的RNA分子之间发生的剪接作用,这个过程叫作反式剪接。 高等真核生物的转录单位分为简单和复合两种类型。简单转录单位只有1个polyA位点,其RNA剪 接方式也只有1种,只能产生mRNA 分子,这意味着1 复合转录单位的转录后加工,是高等真核生物基因转录后调节的1种重要途径。 (二)选择性剪接 高等真核生物复合转录单位的。剪接过程中发生了外显子跳跃(exon skip),使得某些外显子在成熟的mRNA分子中不复存在, 除了外显子跳跃以外,有的选择性剪接通过包含或排除终止密码子来控制功能蛋白的表达。 ---------有的复合转录单位含有多个polyA位点,通过选择性调节初始转录产物3′端的切割位点,以改变表达产物C端的氨基酸顺序,产生长短不同的多肽链,这一过程叫作polyA位点选择(polyAsitechoice),或选择性多聚腺苷酸化(alternative polyadenylation)。 ,核仁小RNA(snoRNA,即small nucleolar RNA)可能催化pre—rRNA的切割加工,snoRNA和蛋白因子结合形成snoRNP,再与pre—rRNA结合。 snoRNA的还可能在线粒体DNA复制时参与合成RNA引物,它的功能有助于协调细胞生长(或分裂)与线粒体复制的关系。 真核基因内含子主要分为四种类型:①核内含子②I类内含子(Group I)。⑧Ⅱ类内含子(Group Ⅱ)。④tRNA基因内含子。 I类内含子具有两个共同特点;①自我剪接能力(self-splicing)。②特殊的二级结构,包括9个茎环。 rRNA前体分子中,但这种内含子不如I类内含子普遍。

国际财务管理(英文版) 第11版 马杜拉 答案 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 International Financial Markets Lecture Outline Motives for Using International Financial Markets Motives for Investing in Foreign Markets Motives for Providing Credit in Foreign Markets Motives for Borrowing in Foreign Markets Foreign Exchange Market History of Foreign Exchange Foreign Exchange Transactions Exchange Quotations Foreign Interpreting Currency Futures and Options Markets International Money Market Origins and Development Standardizing Global Bank Regulations International Credit Market Syndicated Loans International Bond Market Eurobond Market Development of Other Bond Markets Comparing Interest Rates Among Currencies International Stock Markets Issuance of Foreign Stock in the U.S. Issuance of Stock in Foreign Markets Comparison of International Financial Markets How Financial Markets Affect an MNC’s Value


Exercises for Chapter 3 一、Multiple Choice Questions 1.The currency in which the parent company prepares its financial statements is the a. base currency. b. functional currency. c. historical currency. d. reporting currency. 2. The right and the obligation to trade foreign currency in the future at a set rate is a a. currency swap. b. currency option. c. forward contract. d. money market hedg e. 3. Which of the following can give rise to foreign currency transaction exposure? a. Selling goods whose prices are contractually denominated in a foreign currency. b. Borrowing funds in a foreign currency. c. Engaging in contracts to trade in foreign currency at a future date. d. Other economic transactions denominated in foreign currencies. e. All of the above. 4. In the one-transaction approach: a. The gain or loss is recorded separately b. The gain or loss is reflected in the value of the resource acquired c. Either (a) or (b) d. None of the above 5. The two-transaction approach is required in: a. The United States b. Australia c. Canada d. All of the above e. None of the above 6. A forward exchange contract is an agreement to: a. Buy a foreign currency in the future at a variable rate b. Sell a foreign currency in the future at a variable rate c. Buy or sell a foreign currency in the future at a set rate d. None of the above 7. Under the monetary/non-monetary method of foreign currency translation, depreciation expense is translated at the: a. Current rate b. Weighted average rate c. Historical rate d. None of the above

Chapter 3 练习题

第三章练习题 I. Define the following terms (名词解释) : 1. Manifest Destiny 3. Sustainable development 2. Roosevelt Corollary 4. Monroe Doctrine II. Multiple Choice Questions (单项选择): 1.___________ can be defined as a society's accepted basis for responding to external and internal events. A. Geography B. Culture C. Social class D. History E. A national mission 2. A society's accepted basis for responding to external and internal events is associated with which of the following terms? A. Geography B. Culture C. Social class D. History E. A national mission 3.In 1700s the British colonies in North America complained about two important issues: 1) __________ and 2) __________. A. the poor British military defense of the colonies (against native American raids), the high British taxes on consumer goods B. the prohibition of trade with merchants in Japan, the imposition of high British postage rates C. the threat of higher British taxes, the imposition of British military draft on the colonies D. the prohibition to trade directly with merchants in other nations, the restrictions on return travel to Britain E. the imposition of high British taxes, the prohibition to trade directly with merchants in China

Chapter 3 财务管理(英语)作业

Chapter 3 Time Value of Money: An Introduction 3. Suppose your employer offers you a choice between a $5000 bonus and 100 shares of the company’s stock. Whichever one you choose will be awarded today. The stock is currently trading at $63 per share. a. Suppose that if you receive the stock bonus, you are free to trade it. Which form of the bonus should you choose? What is its value? Answer:(1)I will prefer to choose 100 shares of the company’s stock which is currently trading at $63 per share. (2)Its value is : 100*63 = $ 6300. b. Suppose that if you receive the stock bonus, you are required to hold it for at least one year. What can you say about the value of the stock bonus now? What will your decision depend on? Answer:(1)I think that the value of the stock bonus now is 5000 and the cash flow now is 0. (2)my decision depend on the time value of money and the interest rates. 8. Brett has almond orchards, but he is sick of almonds and prefers to eat walnuts instead. The owner of the walnut orchard next d oor has offered to swap this year’s crop with him. Assume he produces 1000 tons of almonds and his neighbor produces 800 tons of walnuts. If the market price of almonds is $100 per ton and the market price of walnuts is $110 per ton: a. Should he make the exchange? Answer:total price of almonds is: 1000*100 = $ 100000 ; total price of walnuts is: 800* 110 = $ 88000 Because $ 100000 more than $ 88000, I think he should not make the exchange. b. Does it matter whether he prefers almonds or walnuts? Why or why not? Answer:no 无关I think it does matter whether he prefers almonds or walnuts, because he is sick of almonds and prefers to eat walnuts instead, which means almonds is nothing or not valuable for him, even though at present the real price of almonds is more walnuts. 11. A friend asks to borrow $55 from you and in return will pay you $58 in one year. If your bank is offering a 6% interest rate on deposits and loans: a. How much would you have in one year if you deposited the $55 instead? Answer: if I deposited $55, in one year, I will have get: 55*(1+6%) = $ 58.3. b. How much money could you borrow today if you pay the bank $58 in one year? Answer: I will borrow: 58 / (1+6%) = $ 54,72 c. Should you loan the money to your friend or deposit it in the bank? Answer: Because $58.3 is more than $ 58, I prefer to deposit my money in bank.

语言学教程Chapter 3练习题

Chapter 3:Lexicon I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: 1. Morphology studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 2.Words are the smallest meaningful units of language. 3. Just as a phoneme is the basic unit in the study of phonology, so is a morpheme the basic unit in the study of morphology. 4. The smallest meaningful units that can be used freely all by themselves are free morphemes. 5. Bound morphemes include two types: roots and affixes. 6. Inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree, and case. 7. The existing form to which a derivational affix can be added is called a stem, which can be a bound root, a free morpheme, or a derived form itself. 8. Prefixes usually modify the part of speech of the original word, not the meaning of it. 9. There are rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of stem to form a new word. Therefore, words formed according to the morphological rules are acceptable words. 10. Phonetically, the stress of a compound always falls on the first element, while the second element receives secondary stress. II. Fill in each blank below with one word which begins with the letter given: 11. M ____ is the smallest meaningful unit of language. 12. The affix “-ish” in the word boyish conveys a g____ meaning. 13. B___________ morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word. 14. Affixes are of two types: inflectional affixes and d__________ affixes. 15. D________ affixes are added to an existing form to create words. 16. A s______ is added to the end of stems to modify the meaning of the original word and it may case change its part of speech.


R N A转录与转录后加 工

第7章 RNA转录与转录后加工 1 本章主要内容 1)转录的基本概念 2)大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶及其转录 3)真核生物的RNA聚合酶及其转录 4)RNA的转录后加工和反转录 2 教学目的和要求 通过本章学习,掌握转录的基本概念,原核转录的主要参与者(RNA聚合酶和启动子)以及原核转录的过程(起始、延伸和终止)。 1)掌握真核转录的三种主要RNA聚合酶、所转录的基因类型和参与转录过程各种 因子等。 2)了解不同前体RNA的加工机制。 3)了解反转录的特点 3 重点难点 1) 转录 2) 大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶、原核转录的过程 3) 真核生物的RNA聚合酶、真核转录过程、转录因子 4) RNA的转录后加工、反转录 4 教学方法与手段 讲授与交流互动相结合,采用多媒体教学。 5 授课内容 1) RNA转录概述 2)细菌基因的转录 3)真核生物的转录 4) RNA的转录后加工 5) RNA的反转录 第一节 RNA转录概述

一、信使的发现 ?1955年Brachet用洋葱根尖和变形虫进行实验: –若加入RNA酶,则蛋白质合成就停止; –若再加入来自酵母的RNA,又可合成蛋白质。 这表明什么? ?同年Goldstein和Plaut用同位素标记变形虫RNA前体—— ?发现标记的RNA在核内。 ?标记追踪实验:经过一段时间又发现被标记的RNA在细胞质中, ?这表明什么? ?1956年E. Volkin和 L.Astrachan: ?用同位素脉冲一追踪标记 ?表明T2噬菌体新合成的RNA的碱基比和自身的DNA碱基比相似,而和细菌的碱基比不同。T2感染细菌时注入的是DNA,而在细胞里合成的是RNA。 ?这表明什么? ?最令人信服的证据是Hall.B.D和Spiegeman,S的DNA-RNA的杂交实验: ?将T2噬菌体感染E.coli后产生的RNA分离出来,分别与T2和E.coli的DNA进行分子杂交。 ?结果这种RNA只能和T2的DNA形“杂种”链,而不能和E.coli的DNA进行杂交。 Jacob和Monod预言: (1)这种“ 信使”应是一个多核苷酸; (2)其分子平均不小于5 105bp,足以携带一个基因的遗传信息; (3)它们至少是暂时连在核糖体上; (4)其碱基组成反映了DNA的序列; (5)它们能高速更新。 Jacob和Monod将它定名为: 信使RNA (Messenger RNA) 或mRNA。 二、几个基本概念 ?转录(transcription):是指以DNA为模板,在依赖于DNA的RNA聚和酶催化下,以4


财务管理c h a p t e r3习题-标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

Chapter 03 Financial Statements Analysis and Long-Term Planning Answer Key Multiple Choice Questions 1. One key reason a long-term financial plan is developed is because: A. the plan determines your financial policy. B. the plan determines your investment policy. C. there are direct connections between achievable corporate growth and the financial policy. D. there is unlimited growth possible in a well-developed financial plan. E. None of the above. Difficulty level: Easy Topic: LONG-TERM PLANNING Type: DEFINITIONS c 2. Projected future financial statements are called: A. plug statements. B. pro forma statements. C. reconciled statements. D. aggregated statements.


Chapter3习题集及答案 Chapter 3 Foreign Currency Futures 3.1 Multiple Choice and True/False Questions 1) Financial derivatives are powerful tools that can be used by management for purposes of A) speculation. B) hedging. C) arbitrage. D) A, B and C above. Answer: D 2) A foreign currency ________ contract calls for the future delivery of a standard amount of foreign exchange at a fixed time, place, and price. A) futures B) forward C) option D) swap Answer: A 3) Currency futures contracts have become standard fare and trade readily in the world money centers. Answer: TRUE 4) The major difference between currency futures and

forward contracts is that futures contracts are standardized for ease of trading on an exchange market whereas forward contracts are specialized and tailored to meet the needs of clients. Answer: TRUE 5) Which of the following is NOT a contract specification for currency futures trading on an organized exchange? A) size of the contract B) maturity date C) last trading day D) fixed gains Answer: D 6) About ________ of all futures contracts are settled by physical delivery of foreign exchange between buyer and seller. A) 0% B) 5% C) 50% D) 95% Answer: B


第二节RNA转录后的加工与修饰 不论原核或真核生物的rRNAs都是以更为复杂的初级转录本形式被合成的,然后再加工成为成熟的RNA 分子。然而绝大多数原核生物转录和翻译是同时进行的,随着mRNA开始的DNA上合成,核蛋白体即附着在mRNA上并以其为模板进行蛋白质的合成,因此原核细胞的mRNA并无特殊的转录后加工过程,相反,真核生物转录和翻译在时间和空间上是分天的,刚转录出来的mRNA是分子很大的前体,即核不均一RNA。hnRNA 分子约只有10%的部分转变成成熟的mRNA,其余部分将在转录后的加工过程中被降解掉。 (一)mRNA的加工修饰 原核生物中转录生成的mRNA为多顺反子,即几个结构基因,利用共同的启动子和共同终止信号经转录生成一条mRNA,所以此mRNA分子编码几种不同的蛋白质。例如乳糖操纵子上的Z、Y及A基因,转录生成的mRNA可翻译生成三种酶,即半乳糖苷酶,透过酶和乙酰基转移酶。原核生物中没有核模,所以转录与翻译是连续进行的,往往转录还未完成,翻译已经开始了,因此原核生物中转录生成的mRNA没有特殊的转录后加工修饰过程。 真核生物转录生成的mRNA为单顺反子,即一个mRNA分子只为一种蛋白质分子编码。 真核生物mRNA的加工修饰,主要包括对5’端和3’端的修饰以及对中间部分进行剪接。 1.在5’端加帽 成熟的真核生物mRNA,其结构的5’端都有一个m7G-PPNmN结构,该结构被称为甲基鸟苷的帽子。如图17-9所示。鸟苷通过5’-5’焦磷酸键与初级转录物的5’端相连。当鸟苷上第7位碳原子被甲基化形成m7G-PPNmN时,此时形成的帽子被称为“帽0”,如果附m7G-PPNmN外,这个核糖的第“2”号碳上也甲基化,形成m7G-PPNm,称为“帽1”,如果5’末端N1和N2中的两个核糖均甲基化,成为m7G-PPNmPNm2,称为“帽2”。从真核生物帽子结构形成的复杂可以看出,生物进化程度越高,其帽子结构越复杂。 图17-9 Post-transcriptional modification of mRNa showing the 7-methylguanosine cap and poly-A tail.

chapter 3 summary

Chapter 3 Using costs in decision making 1 How Management accounting supports internal decision making ●Pricing-market-determined price, cost plus pricing. ●Product Planning-target costing. ●Budget ●Performance ●Contracting-In cost reimbursement contracts organizations are reimbursed their cost plus anincrement for the goods or service they provide under the contract. 2 Variable and fixed costs Variable cost-A variable cost is one that increases proportionally with changes in the activity levelof some variable. Variable cost =Variable cost per unit of the cost driver *Cost driver units. Fixed cost-A fixed cost is a cost that does not vary in the short run with a specified activity. Total cost =Variable cost +Fixed cost 3 Cost- Volume –Profit Analysis Agood understanding of cost and revenue behavior is critical in providing decisionmakers with an understanding of the relationship betwe en a project’s revenues, costs,and profits. Profit =Revenue -Total costs =Revenue -Variable costs -Fixed costs 4 Developing and Using the CVP equation The difference between total revenue and total variable cost is called the contribution margin. The contribution margin per unit is the contribution that eachunit makes to covering fixed costs and providing a profit. Profit =Unit sales *(Price per unit $ Variable cost per unit)-$ Fixed costor Profit =Contribution margin per unit *Units produced and sold-Fixed costs units needed to be sold =(target profit + fixed cost) /contribution margin per unit 5 Other useful cost definitions Mixed cost- A mixed cost is a cost that has a fixed component and a variable component. Step variable costs- A step variable cost increases in steps as quantity increases. Incremental cost -An incremental cost is the cost of the next unit of production and is similar to the economist’s notion of marginal cos t. Sunk cost- A sunk cost is a cost that results from a previous commitment and cannot berecovered. Relevant cost-A relevant cost is a cost that will change as a result of some decision.


香港朗文3A Chapter3 单元测试卷 Name:____________ Class:________________ 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,将下列图片排序。(10分) 1. () 2.() | 3.() 4.() 5.() 6.() 7.()8.()

、 9.()10.() 二、听录音,判断选给图片与所听内容是否相符,正确写A,错误写B(10分)… 1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 【

5. () 6.() 7.() 8.() 9. ()10.() · 三、听录音,选择正确的应答句(10分) ( )1. 's in October. ’s in June ’s in July ( )2. ’s in May. ’s in September. ’s in March. ( ) on the second Sunday of June. ’s on the second Sunday of April. ’s on the second Sunday of May. ( )4. A. I like Eas ter. don’t like Sports Day. C. I like the school fair. )

( )5. A. Yes, I can. , I do. C. No, she can’t. 四、听音,完成句子,每空一词。(10分) 1.______ school _______ is in January. 2.Father’s Day is on the ________ Sunday of ___________. 3._______is Parents’ Day 4.Thanksgiving Day is on the ________ Thursday of ___________. 5.Children can get _________ on Children’s Day. 6.I send a ______ ______ Christmas. 笔试部分(60分) 。 五、选出以下单词中不同类的一项,填序号。(5分) 1.() B. ten C. sixth 2.() 3.() C. card 4.() B. three C. bad 5.() B. in C. put 六、选择正确的选项填空。(10分) ( ) 1. The school fair is ______ April. A. on B. in
