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MISEP-- Linear and Nonlinear ICA Based on Mutual Information

MISEP-- Linear and Nonlinear ICA Based on Mutual Information
MISEP-- Linear and Nonlinear ICA Based on Mutual Information

Journal of Machine Learning Research4(2003)1297-1318Submitted10/02;Published12/03

MISEP–Linear and Nonlinear ICA Based on Mutual Information Lu′?s B.Almeida LUIS.ALMEIDA@INESC-ID.PT

INESC-ID,R.Alves Redol,9,




Editors:Te-Won Lee,Jean-Franc?ois Cardoso,Erkki Oja and Shun-Ichi Amari


Linear Independent Components Analysis(ICA)has become an important signal processing and data analysis technique,the typical application being blind source separation in a wide range of signals,such as biomedical,acoustical and astrophysical ones.Nonlinear ICA is less developed, but has the potential to become at least as powerful.

This paper presents MISEP,an ICA technique for linear and nonlinear mixtures,which is based on the minimization of the mutual information of the estimated components.MISEP is a generalization of the popular INFOMAX technique,which is extended in two ways:(1)to deal with nonlinear mixtures,and(2)to be able to adapt to the actual statistical distributions of the sources,by dynamically estimating the nonlinearities to be used at the outputs.The resulting MISEP method optimizes a network with a specialized architecture,with a single objective function:the output entropy.

The paper also brie?y discusses the issue of nonlinear source separation.Examples of linear and nonlinear source separation performed by MISEP are presented.

Keywords:ICA,Blind Source Separation,Nonlinear ICA,Mutual Information


Linear Independent Components Analysis(ICA)and linear Blind Source Separation(BSS)have become,in the last years,relatively well established signal processing and data analysis techniques (good overviews can be found in work by Lee et al.,1998;Hyvarinen et al.,2001).Nonlinear ICA and nonlinear BSS,on the other hand,are techniques that are still largely under development,and have the potential to become rather powerful tools.Some work on nonlinear ICA has already been published(Burel,1992;Deco and Brauer,1995;Marques and Almeida,1996;Yang et al.,1998; Marques and Almeida,1999;Palmieri et al.,1999;Valpola,2000;Almeida,2000a;Harmeling et al., 2001;Martinez and Bray,2003).

In this paper we consider ICA as the problem of transforming a set of patterns o(vectors of size n,often called observations),whose components are not statistically independent from one another,into patterns y=F(o)whose components are as independent from one another as possible. In linear ICA the transformation F is restricted to be linear,while in nonlinear ICA there is no such restriction.In blind source separation one further assumes that the observations are the result of a mixture of statistically independent sources,s i,i.e.o=M(s),s i being the components of s. The purpose of BSS is the recovery of the sources from the observations,and ICA is one of the most commonly used techniques for performing this recovery.Once again,one distinguishes linear


BSS,in which the mixture M is assumed to be linear,and nonlinear BSS,where there is no such assumption.In this paper we deal with linear and nonlinear ICA in the so called square case,in which the numbers of components of s,o and y are assumed to be the same.

An important ingredient of most ICA methods,both linear and nonlinear,is a measure of the mu-tual dependence of the extracted components y i.This measure is sometimes called contrast function (Comon,1994).Many ICA methods are based on the minimization of such a measure.Linear ICA is a relatively constrained problem,and therefore linear ICA methods do not need to be based on strict dependence measures.For example,some of these methods,which give rather good results in appropriate situations,are based only on cumulants up to the fourth order(Cardoso and Souloumiac, 1996;Hyv¨a rinen and Oja,1997).Nonlinear ICA,on the other hand,is rather unconstrained,and normally demands a good dependence measure.Some of the dependence measures that have been proposed are based on a quadratic“error”between probability densities(Burel,1992),on moments of all orders(Marques and Almeida,1996),on Renyi’s entropy(Marques and Almeida,1999)or on the mutual information of the estimated components(e.g.Deco and Brauer,1995;Taleb and Jutten, 1997;Almeida,2000a,b).The latter,the mutual information(MI)of the estimated components,is rather appealing as a dependence measure for several reasons.First of all,it is a strict dependence measure:it is always non-negative,and is zero only if the estimated components are statistically independent.We shall outline two other reasons for its appeal ahead.

The mutual information of the components of the vector y is de?ned as

H(y i)?H(y)



where H denotes Shannon’s entropy,for discrete variables,or Shannon’s differential entropy,H(y)=? p(y)log p(y)d y,for continuous variables,and p(y)denotes the joint probability density of the components of y.1This measure has the appealing property of being based on Shannon’s entropy, which is the most meaningful entropy measure in a large variety of situations.It also has the prop-erty of being insensitive to invertible transformations of the components.More speci?cally,if we de?ne z i=ψi(y i),where theψi are invertible,then I(z)=I(y).This property is intuitively sound, and is of great use in the derivation of algorithms,such as MISEP,based on the minimization of the mutual information,as we shall see ahead.Mutual information has been used as a criterion for ICA in several different ways(for examples of its use in linear ICA see work by Amari et al.1996; Haykin and Gupta1999;Almeida2000b;Taleb and Jutten1997;for nonlinear ICA examples see work by Yang et al.1998;Deco and Brauer1995;Almeida2000a).This paper’s central topic is the method of Almeida(2000a,b).

The use of mutual information as an ICA criterion raises dif?culties,that have been circum-vented by different authors in different ways.From(1)we see that the computation of the mutual information requires the knowledge of both the joint and the marginal distributions of the estimated sources.In practical situations,however,we usually have access only to a?nite set of mixture patterns o(the training set),from which we can obtain a?nite set of vectors of extracted compo-nents,y=F(o),given some candidate transformation F.The joint and marginal distributions of the components of y have to be estimated from this?nite set.

The need to estimate the joint density p(y)can be circumvented without resorting to approxi-mations,as described ahead.On the other hand,there is no known way of circumventing the need 1.We shall use the same notation,p(),to denote the statistical densities of all the random variables dealt with in this

paper.The argument used in the function will clarify which random variable is being considered.While this is a slight abuse of notation,it will help to keep expressions simpler and will not originate confusions.


to estimate the marginal densities p(y i),or some equivalent description of the marginal distribu-tions.One of the main differences among the various MI-based ICA methods is the way in which this estimation is dealt with.For example,Amari et al.(1996);Haykin and Gupta(1999);Deco and Brauer(1995)use truncated series expansions of the densities,estimated from the y patterns. The well known INFOMAX method(Bell and Sejnowski,1995),although originally based on a different reasoning,can be interpreted as assuming some given,a-priori marginal distributions for the y i,as we shall see ahead.A?rst extension to INFOMAX(Lee et al.,1999)makes a binary decision on the form of each of these distributions.A more general extension(Taleb and Jutten, 1997)estimates the score functions(which can be seen as alternate descriptions of the marginal dis-tributions)by means of multilayer perceptrons,using as optimization criterion the quadratic error between the true and estimated score functions.MISEP(Almeida,2000a,b),described in this paper, is also based on INFOMAX,but estimates the marginal distributions in a different way,based on a maximum entropy criterion.It has the advantages that(1)both the independent component analysis itself and the estimation of the marginal distributions are performed by the same network,optimized according to a single criterion,and(2)that it is not limited to linear ICA,but can deal with nonlinear mixtures as well.

There is an important difference between linear and nonlinear ICA that we should emphasize before proceeding.Under rather unrestrictive assumptions,linear ICA has essentially a single solu-tion,except for possible permutations and scalings of the components(Comon,1994)).This makes ICA one of the most important tools for performing linear blind source separation,since it essen-tially gives a guaranty of recovering the original sources.In the nonlinear case,however,it can be easily shown that ICA has an in?nite number of solutions that are not related in any simple way to one another(Darmois,1953;Hyvarinen and Pajunen,1999;Marques and Almeida,1999).In a nonlinear BSS problem,an ICA technique,if used alone,can’t give any guaranty of recovering the original sources.This has led some people to think that nonlinear source separation was unsolvable, or at least that it couldn’t be solved by means of ICA techniques.This is a wrong view.What we have said means that nonlinear BSS is an ill-posed problem.But many other ill-posed prob-lems exist,with which we deal with relative ease.For example,probability density estimation,the training of classi?ers or the estimation of nonlinear regressors are ill-posed problems that we nor-mally don’t consider unsolvable.The solution to the ill-posedness is of the same kind in all cases: further knowledge has to be used.Fortunately,this knowledge often exists in practical situations. Frequently,this knowledge takes the form of some regularity assumption about the solution,and is applied to the problem through a suitable form of regularization.The same applies here,and we shall see in this paper several examples of nonlinear source separation performed through ICA.

A complementary note concerns the kinds of indeterminacies that we should expect in nonlinear blind source separation,even if proper regularization is used.In linear BSS these indeterminacies are just permutation and scaling.Here the permutation ambiguity remains,but we should expect the scaling ambiguity,which has the form y i=a i s i with arbitrary scale factors a i,to be extended to an ambiguity of the form y i=f i(s i),with arbitrary invertible nonlinear functions f i.In fact,if the sources s i are independent,so are f i(s i),and an ICA-based criterion can’t distinguish among them. Prior information may,or may not,help us to avoid these nonlinear transformations of the sources, depending on the speci?c situation.

The organization of this paper is as follows:Section2derives the MISEP method,by extending INFOMAX in the two directions indicated above.Results of linear and nonlinear ICA and BSS are


presented in Section 3.Section 4brie?y discusses the issue of separability of nonlinear mixtures,and Section 5presents the paper’s conclusions.

2.The MISEP Method

In this section we start by brie?y reviewing INFOMAX,and then proceed to examine the MISEP method,both in its theoretical basis and in its implementation.

2.1INFOMAX –Brief Review

INFOMAX was originally presented as a maximum information preservation method,but can also be seen as a maximum likelihood one (Cardoso,1997)or as an MI-based one.It is this MI-based interpretation that interests us in this paper.

In Figure 1we show the form of the network that is used by INFOMAX.The separation function F ,being linear,performs just a product by a matrix.The ψi blocks are auxiliary,being used only during training.Each of them outputs a nonlinear,increasing function of its input,with values in

[0,1],i.e.z i =ψi (y i )with z i ∈[0,1].The system is trained by maximizing the output entropy H (z ).


o 1 ψ 2 o 2

ψ 1 y 1 y 2 z 1 z 2 Figure 1:Structure of the ICA systems studied in this paper.In the INFOMAX method the nonlin-

earities ψi are ?xed a-priori.In the MISEP method they are adaptive,being implemented by multilayer perceptrons.The ?gure illustrates the two-component case,but extension to a larger number of components is straightforward.

Since each z i is related to the corresponding y i by an invertible transformation,we have I (y )=I (z ).Assume now that we choose for each nonlinearity ψi the cumulative probability function (CPF)of the corresponding component y i .Then z i will have a uniform distribution in [0,1]and H (z i )=0.Consequently,

I (y )=I (z )

=∑i H (z i )?H (z )


=?H (z ),

Maximization of the output entropy H (z )will therefore be equivalent to the minimization of I (y ),the mutual information of the estimated https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7617776647.html,MAX can therefore be viewed as min-imizing this mutual information,wtih an a-priori choice of the estimated distributions of the com-ponents,performed through the choice of the ψnonlinearities.These should approximate the CPFs of the actual components as closely as possible.However,as said above,linear ICA is a rather con-strained problem,and therefore INFOMAX usually performs well even if the output nonlinearities


are only crude approximations to these cumulative functions.For example,it is known that logistic sigmoids can be used as nonlinearities for most unskewed,supergaussian distributions(Bell and Sejnowski,1995).

2.2MISEP–Theoretical Basis

MISEP uses the same basic network structure as INFOMAX(Figure1).But since it is also to be applicable to nonlinear mixtures,the separating block F shall now be nonlinear,with the capability to implement a relatively wide class of functions.We have often used a multilayer perceptron(MLP) to implement this block,but in some cases we’ve used a radial basis function network instead.

MISEP should be able to deal with a wide class of statistical distributions of the y i components. On the other hand,it needs to have good estimates of their CPFs,to be able to perform nonlinear ICA,which is much less constrained than its linear counterpart.We have therefore implemented theψnonlinearities by means of MLPs,which adaptively learn the CPFs during the training(again, other kinds of nonlinear blocks could have been used).

The F andψblocks,taken together,form a nonlinear network with a specialized architecture. The purposes of the training of the two kinds of blocks are very different:We want the F block to yield components that are as independent as possible,i.e.to minimize I(y),while eachψblock should approximate the CPF of its input as closely as possible.

We have already seen,in our analysis of INFOMAX,that the minimization of I(y)can be trans-lated into the maximization of the network’s output entropy.A key idea in MISEP is understanding that this same criterion will lead the output nonlinearities to approximate the desired CPFs.This is due to the fact that maximizing the output entropy will tend to lead the distribution of each z i to be uniform in[0,1],since the uniform distribution is the one which has maximum entropy in a?nite interval.More speci?cally,from(1)we can write

H(z i)=H(z)+I(y).


If we assume,for the moment,that the distributions of the y i are kept?xed,we see that maximizing H(z)will lead to the maximization of each of the marginal entropies H(z i),since each of them depends on a separate set of parameters(because theψi networks are separate from one another). Maximizing H(z i)will lead the distribution of z i to approach the uniform distribution in[0,1],as said above,and will leadψi to approach the CPF of y i,as desired,ifψi is constrained to be an increasing function with values in[0,1](we shall discuss later how to implement this constraint).

During a training procedure,the distributions of the y i will not remain?xed.One might wonder whether this would invalidate the reasoning given above.Note,however,that(1)the whole network will be trained by maximization of a single objective function(the output entropy),and therefore there is no danger of instability in the training,assuming that a well designed optimization procedure is used,and(2)when the training procedure approaches a maximum of the entropy and slows down, the statistics of the y i will change very slowly,and the reasoning above will be valid.Therefore,at convergence,theψi functions will be estimates of the CPFs of the components y i.


We’ll start by discussing how to implement the constraints on theψfunctions,and shall then de-scribe how to train the whole network using the output entropy as objective function.



The MLPs that implement theψfunctions have to be constrained to yield increasing functions with

values in[0,1].There are several possibilities for doing this.Here we shall only describe the one that

we have found to be most effective(for other possibilities,and for a discussion of their drawbacks,

see work by Almeida,2000a,b,2001,2002).To implement these constraints we use,in theψMLPs,

hidden units with sigmoids which are increasing,with values in[0,1],and we use linear units at the

outputs.We normalize the Euclidean norm of the vector of weights leading into each output unit to √h,h being the number of hidden units connected to that output unit.With non-negative weights, 1/

this guarantees that the outputs will be in[0,1].If we use non-negative weights throughout these

networks,they will also be guaranteed to yield non-decreasing functions.In practice we have found

that instead of strictly enforcing non-negativity of the weights,it is preferable to enforce it in a soft

way:we initialize all weights with positive values,and the training procedure by itself tends to

keep them all positive,because a negative weight,among positive ones,would decrease the output

entropy.We have occasionally encountered negative weights during the training,but these normally

revert to positive values by themselves in a few iterations.

In actual implementations we have used,in the hidden layer,sigmoids with values in[?1,1].

This yieldsψfunctions with values in[?1,1],which are estimates of the CPFs re-scaled to this

interval.This still performs minimization of I(y),as can easily be checked.The use of these

sigmoids has the advantage of resulting in a faster training.


The whole network of Figure1is to be trained through maximization of the output entropy.This

is the same criterion that is used in INFOMAX,and the?rst steps in the derivation of our training

procedure closely follow those of INFOMAX.We use gradient-based optimization.The output

entropy can be written as

H(z)=H(o)+ log|det J|

where J=?z/?o is the Jacobian of the transformation performed by the network,and the angle

brackets denote expectation.The term H(o)doesn’t depend on the network’s parameters,and can

be omitted from the optimization.The remaining term,which is a statistical mean,will be approxi-

mated by the empirical mean,i.e.by the mean computed on the training set,

log|det J| ≈1K K∑

log det J k =E,


where J k denotes the value of J for the k-th training pattern,and K is the number of training patterns.

E will be our objective function.

Here we have to depart from the INFOMAX derivation,because our network is more general

than the one used there.We want to use a gradient method to maximize E,which is a function of

the Jacobians J k.Direct computation of the components of the gradient is very cumbersome and

inef?cient.However,from the theory of neural networks we know that,for any network,back-

propagation is a simple and ef?cient method to compute the gradient of a function of its outputs

relative to its weights(see,for example,work by Almeida,1997,especially Section C.

network of Figure1doesn’t output the Jacobians,which are what our objective function depends


on.Therefore,to be able to ef?ciently compute the gradient of E,we need to?rst?nd a network that computes J k,and then backpropagate through that network.

The network that computes the Jacobians is essentially a linearized version of the network of Figure1.To illustrate how to obtain such a network,we shall assume speci?c structures for the F andψblocks.We’ll assume that the F block has a single hidden layer of sigmoidal units,linear output units,and no direct connections between input and output units.We’ll assume a similar structure for each of theψblocks:a single hidden layer of sigmoidal units,a single linear output unit,and no direct connections between input and output units.

A network for computing J k,assuming this structure,is shown in Figure2.The upper part of the?gure shows the network of Figure1,drawn in a different way.The A block represents the weight matrix of the hidden layer of F,and its output is the vector Ao(we’ll denote both the block and the corresponding matrix by the same letter,since this does not cause any confusion; we’ll also assume that o is augmented with a component o0=1,and that the matrix A includes a corresponding column with the bias terms of the hidden layer units;the same is assumed for vector y and matrix C,which appear later).The leftmostΦblock applies the hidden layer’s sigmoids to each of the components of Ao.Its outputs are the activations of the units of the hidden layer of F. Block

B corresponds to the weight matrix of the output units of F,and its output is y.Theψi blocks, taken together,form an MLP with a single hidden layer and with linear output units.This MLP is special,in that the weights corresponding to connections between units of differentψi blocks are always zero,but otherwise it is similar to F in structure.It is represented,in Figure2by the upper C,rightmostΦ,and D blocks.


rightmostΦblock.To compute the sigmoid derivatives,the twoΦ′blocks need to receive the input activations of the corresponding hidden units from the upper part.This information is transferred through the gray arrows.

The output of the lower part of the network is the Jacobian of the transformation performed by the upper part(for the speci?c observation pattern being input at o),and is given by

J=DΦ′r CBΦ′l A,

whereΦ′r andΦ′l denote,respectively,the rightmost and leftmostΦ′diagonal matrices of Figure2.

Once we have a network that outputs the Jacobian,the computation of the derivatives of the ob-jective function relative to the network’s weights essentially amounts to a backpropagation through this network.There are still a few details that are worth emphasizing,however.

The input to the backpropagation is made into the lower part of the network,and consists of


= J?1 T.


Nothing is input into the upper part,because E doesn’t depend on z,i.e.?E/?z=0.

The backpropagation must be performed along all of the network’s paths.This means that there will be backpropagation along the gray arrows into the upper part,and this propagation will proceed backward through the upper part.Backpropagation through most blocks is rather straightforward, but theΦ′ones are somewhat unusual.Figure3-a)shows a unit of one of these blocks,propagating in the forward direction.It is governed by

h i j=φ′(s i)g i j,

where g i j denotes a generic input into the block from the left arrow,s i is the corresponding input from the gray arrow,and h i j is the corresponding output towards the right arrow.The backward propagation is governed by the partial derivatives

?h i j

=φ′(s i)

?g i j

?h i j

=φ′′(s i)g i j.

?s i

The backpropagation unit is therefore as depicted in Figure3-b),where each box denotes a product by the indicated value.Note that since the forward unit has two inputs,the backward unit has two outputs,one leading left in the lower part of Figure2and the other leading upward along the gray arrow.

All the network’s weights,except the hidden units’biases,are shared by the upper and lower parts of the network.Since the lower part is linear and propagates matrices,it can be seen as n identical networks,each one propagating one of the columns of the identity matrix.Therefore the lower part’s weights can also be seen as being shared among these n networks.The normal procedure for handling shared weights should be used:the partial derivatives relative to all the weight’s instances are added,and the sum constitutes the partial derivative relative to the shared weight.

We should note that the method for computing the gradient of E that we have presented,despite having been described in detail for a speci?c network structure,is in fact rather general,being




Figure5:speech mixture.The was used,although it training.

Figure6network’s output by theψblocks.we used had a somewhat probability function.

Figures8-11noise.Note the rather blocks.

With two able to per-form a good subgaus-sian,bimodal to the absolute a local min-



(note the

set. Figure7:Top:noise.

a re-scaling

of the

imum of the13),and sometimes to14).Local optima are a when there is more methods can converge to

3.2Nonlinear ICA

This section gives examples of nonlinear ICA tests.We?rst present several examples using two-component mixtures,and then a test with a four-component mixture.To illustrate the versatility of the MISEP method,the same network was used in all of the two-component cases.The F block had20arctangent hidden units,10of which were connected to each of the block’s output units.It also had direct connections between input and output units,to be able to perfectly implement linear


Figure8:Separation of a supergaussian and a subgaussian signal.Top:source signals.Middle: mixtures.Bottom:separated signals.Samples are shown as unconnected dots for better

visibility of the bimodal character of the noise.

Figure9:Scatter plots of the separation of a supergaussian and a subgaussian signal.Left:source signals.Right:mixtures.

separation,if necessary.Eachψblock had a single hidden layer with two arctangent units,and a linear output unit.Each training set had1000mixture vectors.

Figure15shows the separation of a nonlinear mixture of two speech signals,which are super-gaussian.The mixture was of the form


o2=s2+a(s1)2(3) With the value of a that was used,the signal to noise ratio(SNR)of o1relative to s1was7.8dB, and the SNR of o2relative to s2was10.4dB.After nonlinear separation,the SNR of y1relative to s1 became16.4dB and the SNR of y2relative to s2was17.4dB.The average improvement was of7.8 dB.Linear ICA,on the other hand,did not yield any improvement in the components of y,relative to those of o.This was expected:the speci?c mixture that was used had no“linear part”,as can be seen both from the mixture equations and from the scatter plot,Figure15-a).This kind of mixture was chosen speci?cally to evaluate the nonlinear capabilities of the method,since the linear part of the separation was known to be relatively easy to handle.



distribution). Figure11:by the

ψof the CPFs, Figures16a subgaus-sian,and of two one source is multimodal,may get trapped.

In a larger

(sources3and the form

[s i s j+(s j)2].

o i=s i+a i∑


Figure19gives examples of scatter plots of the mixture components.Note that in a4-dimensional distribution,pairwise scatter plots don’t always give a full idea of the distribution.For example, in the center and right-hand plots of Figure19the supergaussian components appear somewhat “fuzzy”because these are projections from a4-dimensional space into a2-dimensional one.In the 4-dimensional space the supergaussian components remain as sharp as the corresponding sources.


Figure12:Separation of the mutual

plot of outputs of theψnets.

Figure13:Separation of the mutual in-formation.plot of outputs of

theψnets estimated by theψ


The a i coef?cients that was clearly visible(and that is best for the method to still be able to of the degree of nonlinearity that not simply ICA.

The network that the one used in the previous tests.Of40hidden units, divided into four sets It also had direct connections between input and output units.Each of the fourψblocks had two hidden units.Figure 20shows scatter plots of the extracted components.We see that the system was able to recover the sources quite well,although not perfectly.

Regarding convergence speed,the two-source nonlinear ICA tests,with batch-mode training and with training sets of1000patterns,normally converged in less than400epochs.On a400MHz Pentium processor running a Matlab implementation of the method,these400epochs took less than 4minutes.The four-source results were obtained in1000epochs,also with a training set of1000 patterns.These1000epochs took less than20minutes on the same processor.















within a


kinds of

to be

linear If source








Figure18:Separation of a nonlinear mixture of four signals,two subgaussian and two supergaus-sian.Left:scatter plot of the two subgaussian sources(#1and2).Center:scatter plot

of a subgaussian and a supergaussian source(#1and3).Right:scatter plot of the two

supergaussian sources(#3and4).

Figure19:Separation of a nonlinear mixture of four signals,two subgaussian and two supergaus-sian.Left:scatter plot of mixture components1and2.Center:scatter plot of mixture

components1and3.Right:scatter plot of mixture components3and4.

with the present form of MISEP(although it may become separable with future improvements). In this unseparable example the two sources are supergaussian,and the mixture is quadratic,as in(2)and(3),but the a coef?cient is given a large value.The scatter plot of the mixture,as well as the scatter plots of the extracted components at various stages along the optimization,are shown in Figure21.In somewhat loose terms,we can say that the system wrongly aligned the two outer“half-branches”of the sources with each other,these having become the horizontal extracted component.The two inner half-branches ended up being almost merged together,and essentially formed the vertical extracted component.Although the original sources are strongly mixed in the extracted components,these components are almost independent from each other after the2000 epochs shown(and the objective function was still slowly improving at that point).

This an example of a case in which ICA was approximately achieved,but source separation was not.It is a case where the mixture was,in our terms,too unsmooth,deviating too much from a linear one.With this mixture,MISEP consistently failed to separate the sources.On the other


Figure20:Separation of a nonlinear mixture of four signals,two subgaussian and two supergaus-sian.Left:scatter plot of extracted components1and2.Center:scatter plot of extracted

components1and3.Right:scatter plot of extracted components3and4.

Figure21:A case in which ICA was achieved,but source separation was not.The leftmost scatter plot shows the mixture components.Then,from left to right,the scatter plots show the

extracted components after45,150,330and2000training epochs,respectively. hand,in the cases reported in Section3,the method consistently was able to perform separation,5 when tried with different initializations of the MLP’s weights and,in the cases where sources were randomly generated,also when tried with different realizations of the sources,obeying the same source distributions.

A question that may asked regarding the structure of Figure1(and one that was actually asked by one of our anonymous reviewers),is why theψblocks are needed.It is true that,in principle,one could simply use the F block,with its outputs bounded within a hypercube,and maximize its output entropy.A uniform distribution of y in that hypercube would result,if the F block were?exible enough,and therefore the y i would be independent from one another.

This issue is related to the smoothness one,and that is why it is discussed here.The key phrase in the above reasoning is“if the F block were?exible enough.”Excluding situations in which all the sources have close-to-uniform distributions,the F block will have to perform a rather unsmooth transformation to?t the extracted components uniformly into a hypercube.Given the above discussion on the need of the smoothness constraint for achieving source separation,we see that we can’t expect this unsmooth F to be able to recover the original sources in such a situation, 5.In the situations involving two bimodal sources,separation was always achieved when the system converged to

the absolute minimum of the mutual information.However,the system sometimes converged to local minima,as previously mentioned.


even though it will yield independent components.By separating the unmixing F block from the ψones(which have the purpose of turning each component into a uniformly distributed one),we can keep a smooth F(even applying explicit regularization to it if appropriate),while allowing the ψblocks to perform the transformation of the y i into uniformly distributed variables,these blocks being allowed to be rather unsmooth if necessary.The structuring of the network into separate F andψblocks thus gives it a much greater ability to perform nonlinear source separation.


We have presented MISEP,a method for performing ICA by minimizing the mutual information of the estimated components.Some of the features of the method are:

?It is able to perform both linear and nonlinear ICA.

?It adapts to the statistical distributions of the estimated components.It can therefore deal with

a wide range of source distributions.

?It uses a single network to perform both the ICA operation and the estimation of the distribu-tions of the sources.This network is optimized according to a single objective function,the output entropy.

We have presented experimental results that show the capability of MISEP to perform both linear and nonlinear ICA.We have also shown examples in which blind source separation was performed on relatively smooth nonlinear mixtures,using this smoothness as an assumption to handle the ill-posedness of nonlinear source separation.The smoothness regularization that we used in the experiments presented in this paper was only the one implicitly performed by MLPs with small initial weights and with relatively few hidden units.

MISEP is not the only currently available alternative for nonlinear ICA/BSS.Some other meth-ods that deserve mention are those described by Yang et al.(1998);Marques and Almeida(1999); Valpola(2000);Harmeling et al.(2001);Martinez and Bray(2003).We shall not make detailed comparisons with these methods here.But we wish to emphasize that we believe that,among the currently available nonlinear ICA/BSS methods,MISEP is the one of the very few that simultane-ously have the following qualities:

?having a relatively simple implementation,

?being quite?exible in terms of the kinds of nonlinear separating networks that it can use,?being able to handle a large variety of source distributions,

?not needing to rely on temporal structure of the sources,

?being able to easily incorporate various forms of regularization,

?being relatively ef?cient in computational terms.

On the other hand,it is clear from the discussion and the examples presented in this paper that MISEP,in its present form,can only perform source separation when the nonlinearities involved


in the mixture are not too strong.In this respect,especially the method of Harmeling et al.(2001) seems to be more powerful(although it may have drawbacks in some other aspects).

Many issues remain open,regarding the MISEP method,and will be addressed in future work. Some of them are:

?To further study the method in blind and semi-blind source separation settings,clarifying the kinds of mixtures that can be separated,the kinds of prior information that can be used,and the role of regularization.

?Finding ways to measure the quality of the separation that is obtained.The measures currently used for linear ICA will probably not be appropriate,due to the possibility that the separated components are nonlinearly transformed relative to the original sources,as discussed in the end of Section1.

?To make the method able to deal with stronger nonlinearities.

?To study the behavior of the method with larger numbers of sources and with noisy observa-tions.It can be mentioned that preliminary results with up to10sources have already been obtained.These will be reported in a forthcoming paper(Almeida,2003b).

?To study the extension of the method to under-and over-determined situations,to non-stationary and non-instantaneous mixtures,etc.

?The application of the method to real-life problems.An application to a real-life nonlinear image separation problem has already started to show promising results,although these are still in too early a stage to be reported here.


The author wishes to acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their comments,which helped to signi?cantly improve the quality of this paper.This work was partially supported by Praxis project P/EEI/14091/1998and by the European IST project BLISS.


L.B.Almeida.Multilayer perceptrons.In E.Fiesler and R.Beale,editors,Handbook of Neural Computation.Institute of Physics,Oxford University Press,1997.Available electronically at http://neural.inesc-id.pt/?lba/papers/AlmeidaHNNC.ps.zip.

L.B.Almeida.Linear and nonlinear ICA based on mutual information.In Proc.Symp.2000on Adapt.Sys.for Sig.Proc.,Commun.and Control,Lake Louise,Alberta,Canada,2000a.

L.B.Almeida.Simultaneous MI-based estimation of independent components and of their distri-butions.In Proc.Second Int.Worksh.Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Sepa-ration,pages169–174,Helsinki,Finland,2000b.


国际汉语教师资格证面试真题回忆 一、 英语问题: 1 小学汉语课上,一个学生突然对你说“老师!我讨厌你!你给了那么多作 业balabala”,你怎么办? 汉语问题 1:司马光砸缸的故事,俄罗斯孔院的学生们觉得司马光只是勇敢,并不聪明~因 为石头砸缸,可能伤害了缸里的孩子~作为教师,你应该怎么办? 汉语问题 2:学生问问题,汉语老师说汉语里就这样说,就这样记。请评价。 英语问题:一个阿富汗的女孩在中国,因为戴了头巾,处处引起围观~她受不了中国人的 注目礼,迫于压力放弃汉语学习回国了,汉语老师应该怎么办? 二、 中文问题1:一个学生老是迟到捣乱,你批评了他,并要他道歉第二天他的妈妈来了, 说迟到是因为她有事造成的,需要你道歉。 中文问题2: .作为一个对外汉语老师你很忙很忙,你如何提升生自己? 英文问题1:一个学生课堂上突然哭了怎么办? 英语问题2:中国四大发明之一的火药害死了很多人怎么解释。 三、 中文问题1:在宗教国家,做包子,没放猪肉,但还是有老师不满意,因为她是素食主 义者,中国教师知道后觉得自己费力不讨好,很伤心。怎么解决? 中文问题2:小李出国后做助教只能批改作业做一些教辅工作自认为大材小用如何看待 这个问题怎么解决 英语问题1:你的班级里一个七岁的孩子取笑其他的孩子,大家都开始起哄,你认为是 为什么?应该怎么解决? 英语问题2:中国老师出国后下班时间呆在学校上网备课引起其他老师不满为什么怎么 解决? 试讲的语法点是:试讲是:动词重叠了的用法有的......有的 四、 中文问 :1:一个是一个老师去外国教学,教学对象年龄,水平参差不齐,有的学生对汉 语有热情,有的对汉语不感冒,校长也不信任他,校长还认为开展汉语活动没有必要,但是你认为很重要,问要是你是这位老师你会怎么办。 中文问题2:某老师很擅长活跃课堂气氛,其他老师向他请教,但是该老师总是在公开 场合批评其他老师,引起其他老师的反感,久而久之不愿意和他接触,期末考试之后,他发现其他老师带的班级和他带的班级成绩差不多,他该怎么办? 英语问题1:是你班的同学总是爱迟到,全班必须等迟到的同学来了之后才能上课,你 该什么办。 英语问题2:龙在中西方的意思不同,你如何在跨文化交际中给同学们讲解。 语法点:除了......以外,动词的重叠,条件复句只要就,假设复句要是就。 问题集锦 1、请问,你如何教学生钱数的表达? 2、请问,“这件衣服是紫的。”和“这件衣服是紫色的。”一样吗? 3、请问,“这件衣服是蓝色。”正确吗? 4、如果你们班学生水平参差不齐,你如何开展你的教学? 5、你如何教声调? 6、如果你的学生只会简单的汉字,你怎么教他们组词? 7、美国人到华人家里做客,家里又爷爷奶奶,作为汉语教师,你会告诉他什么?


语法点总结 1. “是”字句:A是B a)表示事物等于什么或属于什么,在等于的句子中,A/B 可互换,此外不可互换。李白是这首诗的作者。b)表示事物的特征、质料、情况。孩子是双眼皮。 c)表示事物的存在。遍地是牛羊。 d)副词,放在谓语动词、形容词前,表肯定。 重读时表“的确、确实” ,不能省略(他的性格是变了。);不重读时表一般肯定,能省略。 2. 趋向动词:上下进出回过起vs 来去(13 个) 上来,上去,下来,下去,进来,进去,出来,出去,回来,回去,过来,过去,起来 3. 指示代词 a)这、那:这是近指,那是远指,二者并举指代众多的人或事物,是虚指(不图这不图那) b)每、各:是分指,每侧重个体相同的一面,各侧重不同的一面。某、另:指不确定的人或事物,某是不定指,另是旁指。 4. 语气词 a)的:表陈述。 b)了:表陈述(树叶黄了。);表祈使(别说话了。) c)呢:表陈述(我不辛苦,你才辛苦呢。);表疑问(去呢还是不去?) d)吧:表疑问(天晴了吧?);表祈使(我们走吧。) e)吗:表疑问(你去过北京吗?) f)啊:表陈述(他不去呀。);表祈使(来呀。);表疑问(谁呀?);表感叹(是他啊!) 5. 定语标记“的” a)音节上:单音节adj 做定一般不加(红花,绿叶)。 单音节n 做定一定加(人的性格,花的颜色)。 双音节的adj 但中心语是单音节的常加(黄河的水)。用不用都可以时,讲究音节的调整,看 读起来顺不顺口。 b)意义上:表领属,谁的,可加可不加(小明的书包,他姐姐) 定语是代词而中心语是和它有关的人或集体时,可不加)表性质,什么, 不加(世界地图,汉语词典) 描写说明,怎么样的,加(明亮的双眼)



中国文化与跨文化交际习题 壹中外文化及跨文化交际基础 一、填空题 1.佛教传入中国后建立的第一座寺庙是位于洛阳的。 2.唐代着名书法家柳公权最擅长的字体是。 3.明代戏曲家汤显祖的影响最大的作品是。 4.明末清初来华欧洲传教士最早把孔子介绍到西方,今天“孔子”的英译是,即是保留了当时的译法。 5.在西汉武帝时期,儒生提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,为儒家学说在后世的正统地位奠定了基础。 6.举行赏菊、登高、佩茱萸等礼俗活动的传统节日是。 7.唐僧玄奘所着记录他周游百余国经历的书名为。 8.中国少数民族创造了优秀的文化,与汉族早期长篇史诗不发达的情况不同,少数民族中往往流传着反映其早期历史的长诗,《嘎达梅林》就是族的着名史诗。 9.是明代修撰的最大的类书。 10.提出“知行合一”、“致良知”等主张的明代着名思想家是。 11.中国古代着名水利工程南北大运河是在时期开始修建的。 12.京剧的人物角色一般分为生、旦、、丑等四类。 13.被誉为“诗圣“的唐代着名诗人是。 14.洋务运动时期清政府创办的官方外语学校叫做。 15.唐代时期,日本派遣了大批留学生和学问僧来华学习,这些人在中文和日文中都被称为。 16.二十四节气歌谣里,“夏满芒夏暑相连”中的“满”指的是。 17.人们用“吴带当风”来形容唐代着名画家在人物画方面所取得的成就。 18.王勃《滕王阁序》中“秋水共长天一色”的前一句是。 19.中国的最高司法机关是。 20.1861年,清政府在北京设立了正式的处理外交事务的机构,叫做。 21.甲午战争失败后,清政府被迫与日本签订条约,割让台湾、澎湖列岛和辽东半岛等。


对外汉语教师培训考试海外输出基地https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7617776647.html, 国际汉语教师资格证CETTIC人社部认证解读 教师节国际汉语教师受瞩目 九月十号举国共庆教师节,教师中还有一群特殊的群体也备受国人的尊重,那便是国际汉语教师,他们帮助外国友人更好的了解中国文化,更流利地说中文,从容在中国生活工作。24岁的林欢从小就对国际汉语教师的职业充满期待。她希望也能像许多优秀的前辈一样。 带着对中国历史文化的充分自信,在国内外结识不同国家的朋友,教授他们纯正的中文发音,告诉他们中国的风俗习惯,让他们理解中国厚德载物,热情好热的传统品德,从而更加地了解中国,与中国人成为互相信任的朋友。 林欢知道,想成为国际汉语教师,必须拥有相关的资质,才能获得老外的信任,更便于他人发现自己。同时资质越高,教学能力越优秀的人也能接触到更为有学问、出色的学生,在中国的博硕留学生,各个行业的精英人才,跨国公司的经理人、总裁等,与这些出色的人才教学相长,也能给教师们带来许多精彩的正能量和学识。 在一段时间的综合培训和考试后,林欣获得了国内对外汉语教师最高规格认证证书CETTIC 职业培训证书,CETTIC是对外汉语教学行业唯一的、合法的、国家级的资格证书。“老外比较相信专业的教学能力,拥有这个证书的汉语老师们都深受老外学员的喜欢。这个证书,代表的是一种能力的提升和被认可,在实际的工作中,这张证书也为我赢得了很多学生。”林欣分享经验时这样说道。 那么,持CETTIC证书的国际汉语教师们是如何脱颖而出的呢? 首先,国际汉语教师资格证CETTIC属于“全国1+N复合型人才培训项目”,由人力资源和社会保障部中国就业培训技术指导中心推出,是以最先进、最实用、最丰富高效的教学技术教授给汉语教师。对于汉语老师的学识思路和实践能力都能有极大的提高。 再者,CETTIC证书是职业教育法里规定的三个一级证书“学历证书、职业鉴定证(OSTA)、职业培训证书(CETTIC)”之一,具有法律效应,各大高校都悉知和认可,是求职和获得晋升的最佳证明,CETTIC证书已经成为行业的风向标,众多追求卓越教学能力的国际汉语教师们都志在必得。 要培养出这些对外汉语行业的精英,让他们更好地在国际舞台传播中国文化,发挥自身的激情和热量,当然需要行业顶尖的培训导师和培训方案。提到这个,汉语老师们自然地会想起业内一流的上海IPA对外汉语教师培养基地。学校受到国家认可,获得独家授权的CETTIC 培训资质,多年来已经培养了30000多位优秀的国际汉语教师,他们在各个平台,感受着跨国文化的碰撞,感受多元交流的快乐。 文章来源国际汉语教师资格证CETTIC认证学校儒森汉语 最近活动 权威导师对外汉语教学试听体验开始啦,试听截止到2014年9月30日,我校面向想当对外


国际汉语教师资格证考试习题文化类 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

中国文化与跨文化交际习题 壹中外文化及跨文化交际基础 一、填空题 1.佛教传入中国后建立的第一座寺庙是位于洛阳的。 2.唐代着名书法家柳公权最擅长的字体是。 3.明代戏曲家汤显祖的影响最大的作品是。 4.明末清初来华欧洲传教士最早把孔子介绍到西方,今天“孔子”的英译是,即是保留了当时的译法。 5.在西汉武帝时期,儒生提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,为儒家学说在后世的正统地位奠定了基础。 6.举行赏菊、登高、佩茱萸等礼俗活动的传统节日是。 7.唐僧玄奘所着记录他周游百余国经历的书名为。 8.中国少数民族创造了优秀的文化,与汉族早期长篇史诗不发达的情况不同,少数民族中往往流传着反映其早期历史的长诗,《嘎达梅林》就是族的着名史诗。 9.是明代修撰的最大的类书。 10.提出“知行合一”、“致良知”等主张的明代着名思想家是。 11.中国古代着名水利工程南北大运河是在时期开始修建的。 12.京剧的人物角色一般分为生、旦、、丑等四类。 13.被誉为“诗圣“的唐代着名诗人是。 14.洋务运动时期清政府创办的官方外语学校叫做。 15.唐代时期,日本派遣了大批留学生和学问僧来华学习,这些人在中文和日文中都被称为。16.二十四节气歌谣里,“夏满芒夏暑相连”中的“满”指的是。 17.人们用“吴带当风”来形容唐代着名画家在人物画方面所取得的成就。 18.王勃《滕王阁序》中“秋水共长天一色”的前一句是。 19.中国的最高司法机关是。 20.1861年,清政府在北京设立了正式的处理外交事务的机构,叫做。 21.甲午战争失败后,清政府被迫与日本签订条约,割让台湾、澎湖列岛和辽东半岛等。 22.刘禹锡《陋室铭》中有一句话“无丝竹之乱耳”,这里的“丝”相当于西方音乐中的。23.文化敏感是指跨文化交际中参与者激发自己理解、欣赏并且接受________的主观意愿。24.非语言交际是指不通过语言手段的交际,其研究对象主要包括________、时间语和空间语等。 25、我国古代第一部字典是《》,第一部词典是《》。 26、古代所称“不惑之年”是指()岁,“古稀之年”是指()岁。


首先说说我的对外汉语方面的面试试讲经历: 1.07年毕业到北京求职,各种教学机构面试,那时候教学能力很差,各种杯具。 2.09年换工作各种面试,那时基本确立自己的教学风格,就是很多培训机构待遇太低。 3.10年汉办汉语教师志愿者面试和派出面试,因为都做了3年对外汉语教师了,轻松拿下。 4.12年北京某高校入职面试,压力不大。 5.11年到13年培训了大量老师,开了专门的面试课程。 6.14年《中小学对外汉语教师资格证书》面试,轻松拿下。 还有一个就是我11年在一家对外汉语教学机构做教学主管,当时一个多月面试了100多位老师,所以也能做到换位思考。 总体来说,考试面试和入职面试的风格还是很不一样的,入职面试对教学的要求更高一些,考试面试考察的点多一些。如果面试官经验比较丰富的话,基本上3分钟就能知道来面试的老师水平怎么样了。这里就不谈入职面试的方法了,主要谈谈如何准备《国际汉语教师资格证》的面试。 总体分析 那我们先看下这次考试的大纲是怎么说的: 面试 面试是对笔试达到要求的考生进行的考官小组面试。面试着重考查考生综合运用各种方法设计教学方案、组织实施教学过程、完成教学任务的能力,同时考查考生的沟通交际、心理素质、教姿教态等基本职业素养。 面试采用结构化面试和情景模拟相结合的方法,准备时间20分钟,考试时间25分钟,包括说课、试讲和答问三个环节。考官根据考生面试过程中的表现,进行综合评分,满分100分。 (1)说课 重点考查考生语言知识及语言分析、第二语言学习与教学理论的应用、教学设计等能力。 (2)试讲 重点考查考生的汉语口语交际、板书设计与汉字书写、课堂教学组织与实施、教学手段与辅助资源应用、课堂管理与应变等能力。 (3)答问 重点考查语言点分析、中华才艺与教学相结合、多元文化意识与跨文化交际、职业素养与专业发展等能力。 我们先看第一句: 面试是对笔试达到要求的考生进行的考官小组面试。 这句话的意思是到时候面试你的不是一位老师,一般而言是三位,按照汉办志愿者考试的标准,这三位考官分别是,中间的是主考(代号A),可能是某大学的主管老师,学术和教学上都很有造诣,但是主要工作不是一线教学,左右两边分别可能是某大学的老师,还在进行一线教学(代号B)和从海外回来的汉语志愿者(代号C)。我觉得这次考试还很有可能是这种配置。 A老师主要会问你整体的教学设计,对你的教学做整体判断。 B老师会针对教学细节进行提问,如语言点,语法点,作为A老师的判断依据。 C老师会针对跨文化交际和课堂教学应对进行提问。 面试着重考查考生综合运用各种方法设计教学方案、组织实施教学过程、完成教学任务的能力,同时考查考生的沟通交际、心理素质、教姿教态等基本职业素养。 第二句话的主要意思是要考察这些方面,这几条我会一条一条地解析。


《国际汉语教师证书》 考试大纲 (试行) 孔子学院总部/国家汉办 2014年10月

目录 一、《国际汉语教师证书》考试介绍......................................1... (一)考试对象 (1) (二)考试用途 (1) (三)报考条件 (1) (四)考试时间和报名 (1) (五)考试内容和方式 (2) (六)成绩与证书 (2) 二、《国际汉语教师证书》考试范围与结构..........................3.. (一)考试范围 (3) (二)考试结构 (6) 三、考试样题...............................................................................7....... (一)笔 试 (7) (二)面 试 (11)

一、《国际汉语教师证书》考试介绍 《国际汉语教师证书》考试是由孔子学院总部/国家汉办主 办的一项标准化考试。考试依据《国际汉语教师标准(2012)》, 通过对汉语教学基础、汉语教学方法、教学组织与课堂管理、中 华文化与跨文化交际、职业道德与专业发展等五个标准能力的考 查,评价考生是否具备国际汉语教师能力。 (一)考试对象 《国际汉语教师证书》考试主要面向海外孔子学院(课堂) 从事汉语教学的教师、志愿者;同时面向有志于从事国际汉语教 育工作的各类人员,包括海内外各类教育机构的教师及相关专业 学习者。 (二)考试用途 1.作为孔子学院(课堂)选拔和评价汉语教师、志愿者的重 要参考标准; 2.作为海内外学校、教育机构选聘和评价汉语教师的参考依据。 (三)报考条件 1.遵纪守法,热爱国际汉语教育事业。 2.具有大学本科以上学历(含应届本科毕业生)。 3.外国公民汉语水平相当于HSK6级。 4.中国公民普通话水平达到普通话水平测试二级甲等(含)以上,并熟练掌握一门外语。 (四)考试时间和报名 考试每年定期举办。汉语考试服务网https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7617776647.html,公布


《国际汉语教师证书》面试真题 A 中文问答: 1、一个老师要排练舞蹈节目,可是该校重视教学,怎么办? 2、学生问你中国在乒乓球、跳水项目中表现得好,是不是中国人喜欢单打独斗? 英文问答: 1、你的学生生病了,你告诉他去医院,他却生气了,你怎么办? 2、你的学生一直在吵,后来你说给他送到校长室,他就承诺说不吵了,你该怎么办? B 中文问答: 1、一个学生看到公园里,经常有父母替孩子相亲,学生对此不理解,你怎么向他解释? 2、外国学生向中国朋友建议将老人送养老院,可是朋友不情愿,他对此很困惑,如何向外国学生解释? 英文问答: 1、你的学生在课上一直发出噪音,不听管教,你怎么办? 2、老师摸了学生的头,学生不开心,如果你是那位老师,你怎么办? 常考语法点之 存现句 存现句是语义上表示何处存在、出现消失了何人或何物的句式 结构上一般有三段,即处所段+存现动词+人或物段 语用上用来描写景物或处所的一种特定句式

吕叔湘先生在《汉语语法分析问题》中提到,“存现句属于非主谓句。”“存现句其实也是一种无主句,不过它有个假主语在头里。” 分类: 它可以分存在句和隐现句两种: 1,存在句是表示何处存在何人或何物的句式。 存在句:处所成分+动词+“着”+名词语(NPL+V+着+NP) 例如: 山上有个庙。 台上坐着主席团。 2,隐现句表示何处出现或消失何人何物, 例如: 他的脸上透出了一丝笑意。(表出现) 昨天村里死了两头牛。(表消失) 注意: 并非所有表示存现的句子都是存现句,要满足含义中讲的三个条件: 1,前段是处所段。 2,中段是不及物动词或"有”、“是”。 3,后段必有存现宾语。 本文转自:大连盼达汉语学校


2018年国际中文教师资格证考试真题 现代汉语模拟题一 一、填空题(共10分) 1.从社会属性角度划分出来的最小的语音单位是。 2.在普通话音节中,既能充当声母又能充当韵尾的辅音是。 3.文字起源于,和结绳没有直接关系。 4.在汉字形体演变史中,是古今文字的分水岭。 5.在一种语言或方言中,最小的音义结合体是。 6.词的本义是。 7.“臭”的本义是“气味”,后来专指“坏的气味”,这种词义演变称为。 8.语音相同而意义之间并无联系的一组词构成关系。 9.在现代汉语中,词类划分主要依据的是词的。 10.在“我没有和他打过羽毛球”这句话中,“和”的词性是。 答案:1.音位;2.[n];3图画;4隶书;5.语素(或词素);6.根据文献能考订出来的词的最早义项;7.词义缩小;8.同音词;9语法功能(或句法分布);10.介词。 二、改错题(共20分) 11.改正下列音节的拼写错误,并按照普通话声韵拼合规律加以说明。(每题1分,共2分)(1)前qán (2)河hó 答案:(1)改为“q ián”。普通话中,舌面声母只能拼齐齿呼和撮口呼,不能拼开口呼和合口呼;“q”是舌面声母,“a n”是开口呼,因而两者不能相拼。(2)改为“hé”。普通话中,韵母“o”只拼唇音声母。 12.根据《汉语拼音方案》,改正下列拼写错误。(每题1分,共4分) (1)土堆tǔduēi (2)窈窕iǎotiǎo (3)西安xīān (4)圆心yǚánxīn 答案:(1)tǔduī;(2)yǎotiǎo;(3)xī’ān;(4)yuánxīn 13.改正下列词语中的错别字。(每题1分,共6分)

(1)好高鹜远(2)出奇致胜(3)一愁莫展 (4)谈笑风声(5)情不自尽(6)细至入微 答案:(1)“鹜”改为“骛”;(2)“致”改为“制”;(3)“愁”改为“筹”; (4)“声”改为“生”;(5)“尽”改为“禁”;(6)“至”改为“致”。 14.改正下列句子中用词不当的地方并说明理由。(每题2分,共4分) (1)这是一件忽然事件,大家都没没有预料到。 (2)我对这个活动很有乐趣。 答案:(1)“忽然”换成“突然”。“忽然”是副词,不能作定语修饰“事件”。 (2)“乐趣”换成“兴趣”。“有乐趣”的主语一般是事情,不能是人。 15.改正下面句子中的语法错误,并说明理由。(每题2分,共4分) (1)通过这个故事,使我们深深地体会到,人首先要自尊,然后别人才会尊重你。 (2)学校提倡普通话。 答案:(1)删除“通过”或删除“使”。原句主语残缺,删除“通过”后,“这个故事”成为主语;删除“使”后,“我们”成为主语。(2)“提倡”后补上动词“讲”。原句动宾搭配不当,“提倡”后面要跟谓词性宾语,不能跟体词性宾语。 国际中文教师资格证考试真题 三、分析题(共10分) (一)用层次分析法分析下列句子的结构层次,并标明每层的结构关系。 15、她很爱看香山的红叶。 |主| 谓 | |状| 中 | |动| 宾 | |动 | 宾 | | 定 | 中 | 16、这本书的再次出版是我们意料中的事情。 | 主 | 谓 | | 定 | 中 ||动| 宾 | | 定| 中| | 状| 中| | 定| 中| |量词|短语| | 定| 中|


Accent口语 Accuracy准确 Acquisition习得 Acceptance 主动语态Adaptation适应阶段 Adverb副词 Alphabet字母表 Anxiety焦虑 Ambiguity歧义 Appearance外貌服饰 Article冠词 Assessment评估 Attention注意力 Attitude态度 Avoidance回避 Babbling牙牙学语 baby talk婴儿语 vehaviorism行为主义bilingualism双语现象 body language体势语 bottom-up process自下而上过程broca ‘s area布洛卡区

chunking词块 classroom interaction课堂交互classroom management课堂管理classroom techniques课堂技巧code-swiching 语码转换cognitive stratage认知策略cognitive style认知风格collocation搭配 complement补语 contarative analys is分析concentration 精力集中时间context语境 cooperation principle合作原则corpus语料 course design课程设计 culture shock文化休克 critical thinking批判思维curriculum课程 critical period hypothesis 关键期假说 declarative sentence陈述句decoding解码


关于上海2018年对外汉语教师资格证考试报名通知 凡符合对外汉语教师资格证考试报名条件的人员,到上海儒森教育进修学校咨询关问题,办理报名手续。 一、对外汉语教师资格考试: (一)考试时间: 2018年3、6、9、12月份,详情咨询上海儒森教育进修学校。 (二)考试等级:同一试题,根据考试分数的高低确认等级。每门课满分为100分。分初级(60-69分)、中级(70-80分)和高级(80分以上)。等级就低不就高。成绩三年内有效,每人最多可报考三次,三次都未通过考试者,不再受理该报考者的认证。 (三)考试科目: (1)上午考试内容: 基础综合【教案设计和制作,对外汉语概论,现代汉语,跨文化交际,中国文化历史】下午面试内容:每个学员30分钟现场模拟教学(视频录制) (2)关于外语【国际对外汉语教师专家委员会为帮助国家建设国际对外汉语教师师资队伍针对报考人员外语考试统一免试】 (3)课堂教学能力测试【含普通话考核】 说明:除“课堂教学能力测试”考试时间为30分钟外,其他课目考试时间均为120分钟。(四)考试大纲:依据《国际对外汉语汉语教师标准》和国际汉语教师教学实际需要,从对外汉语教学基础理论、中外文化和跨文化交际、对外汉语教学应用理论及教学实践四个方面进行考查。 (五)国际对外汉语教师资格考试【参考用书】 1、现代汉语及古代汉语 《现代汉语》,黄伯荣、廖序东主编,高等教育出版社, 《现代汉语》,北京大学中文系,商务印书馆 《实用现代汉语语法》,(刘月华等,增订本)商务印书馆 2、语言学及汉语作为外语教学理论 《对外汉语教学概论》,赵金铭主编,商务印书馆 《对外汉语教育学引论》,刘珣,北京语言文化大学出版社 《对外汉语课堂教学教案设计》,陈宏、吴勇毅主编,华语教学出版社 3、中国文化 《中国文化要略》,程裕祯,外语教学与研究出版社 《中国文化概论》,张岱年等,北京师范大学出版社 《中国文化地理概述》,胡兆量等,北京大学出版社 (六)考试地点: 上海儒森教育进修学校(上海、长春、无锡、深圳、武汉、宁波)、北京大学、北京师范大学、天津理工大学、中国农业科学院、中国科学院广州分院、广东佛山大学、山东师范大学、华中师范大学、东北师范大学


关于上海2021年对外汉语教师证考试报名通知 凡符合对外汉语教师证考试报名条件的人员,到上海儒森教育进修学校咨询关问题,办理报名手续。 一、对外汉语教师考试: (一)考试时间: 2021年3、6、9、12月份,详情咨询上海儒森教育进修学校。 (二)考试等级:同一试题,根据考试分数的高低确认等级。每门课满分为100分。分初级(60-69分)、中级(70-80分)和高级(80分以上)。等级就低不就高。成绩三年内有效,每人最多可报考三次,三次都未通过考试者,不再受理该报考者的认证。 (三)考试科目: (1)上午考试内容: 基础综合【教案设计和制作,对外汉语概论,现代汉语,跨文化交际,中国文化历史】下午面试内容:每个学员30分钟现场模拟教学(视频录制) (2)关于外语【国际对外汉语教师专家委员会为帮助国家建设国际对外汉语教师师资队伍针对报考人员外语考试统一免试】 (3)课堂教学能力测试【含普通话考核】 说明:除“课堂教学能力测试”考试时间为30分钟外,其他课目考试时间均为120分钟。(四)考试大纲:依据《国际对外汉语汉语教师标准》和国际汉语教师教学实际需要,从对外汉语教学基础理论、中外文化和跨文化交际、对外汉语教学应用理论及教学实践四个方面进行考查。 (五)国际对外汉语教师考试【参考用书】 1、现代汉语及古代汉语 《现代汉语》,黄伯荣、廖序东主编,高等教育出版社, 《现代汉语》,北京大学中文系,商务印书馆 《实用现代汉语语法》,(刘月华等,增订本)商务印书馆 2、语言学及汉语作为外语教学理论 《对外汉语教学概论》,赵金铭主编,商务印书馆 《对外汉语教育学引论》,刘珣,北京语言文化大学出版社 《对外汉语课堂教学教案设计》,陈宏、吴勇毅主编,华语教学出版社 3、中国文化 《中国文化要略》,程裕祯,外语教学与研究出版社 《中国文化概论》,张岱年等,北京师范大学出版社 《中国文化地理概述》,胡兆量等,北京大学出版社 (六)考试地点: 上海儒森教育进修学校(上海、长春、无锡、深圳、武汉、宁波)、北京大学、北京师范大学、天津理工大学、中国农业科学院、中国科学院广州分院、广东佛山大学、山东师范大学、华中师范大学、东北师范大学


v1.0 可编辑可修改 2018 年对外汉语教师资格证考试真 题 第一部分 中国文化 一、填空题 2. “人性本恶”还是“人性本善”儒家中的孟子与荀子的观点存在着根本的对立, 持“人 3. 明代废爵 __著有《乐律全书》,他提出的“十二平均律”是对古代音乐理论的巨大贡献。 【答案】朱载堉 4. 封禅是古代帝王在泰山祭祀天地的仪式,历史上第一个封禅的皇帝是 _______ 。 【答案】 秦始皇 10. 历史上共有十个皇帝亲往曲阜祭祀孔子,最早的是 11. 汉族政权最早主动接受异族文化的重大事件是“ __________ 胡服骑射”。 【答案】赵武 灵王 12. 在殷墟王陵出土的 ______ 鼎,代表了殷商时期青铜器制作的最高水平。 【答案】司母 1. 自秦至今,我国一直沿用的行政区划单位是 答案】县 性本恶”观点的是 答案】荀子 5. 明清科考有三级考试,在北京外的各省城举行的考试称为 6. 被称为“最大的碑刻艺术博物馆”是西安 的 7. 现存最古老的宗祠是位于山西省闻喜县的 8. 被誉为“天下第一行书”的书法作品是《 9. 明代画家 __ 被称为“大写意”画家。 试”。 【答案】乡 ___ 。 【答案】碑林 ____ 祠。 【答案】裴氏 》。 【答案】《兰亭集序》 / 《兰亭序》 答 案】徐渭 答案】汉高祖 / 刘邦

13. 著名的蛋壳黑陶高柄杯是______ 文化时期制作的器物。【答案】龙山 14. 历史上,发生了四次大规模的灭佛事件,佛教称之为四次“法难”,而史学界简略地称 之为——“ ________ ”。【答案】三武一宗 15. 中国传统的祥瑞动物中,“四灵”指的是麟、龙、凤、龟,再加上__,则称为“五灵”。【答案】虎 16. 清代出现的以满族菜为主,沿袭明代宫廷风格的菜肴,被称为“ _____________ ”。【答案】满汉全席 17. 中国书画史上,将书、画、金、石结合在一起的杰出代表是清代书画家_______ 。【答案】吴昌硕 第二部分现代汉语 一、填空题 1.在语音四要素中,由外力大小或振幅大小决定的是。 2.在普通话语音系统中,“ bà(爸)”和“ pà(怕)”这两个音节起首辅音的发音区别在于。 3. “勇敢”中,“勇”的韵母属于呼。 4. 根据“六书”理论,“灯”字属于。 5. 从所记录的语言单位来看,现代汉字属于。 6. 在先秦汉语中,“兵”的基本义是“兵器”;而在现代汉语中,“兵”的基本义则是“ 7. 从句类角度来看,“谁也不可能两次踏进同一条河”这句话是。 8. 在现代汉语中,“香波”是外来词,所采取的翻译方法是。 9. 动态助词“着”的语法意义是。


附件1: 《国际汉语教师证书》 考试大纲 (试行) 孔子学院总部/国家汉办 2014年10月

目录 一、《国际汉语教师证书》考试介绍 (1) (一)考试对象 (1) (二)考试用途 (1) (三)报考条件 (1) (四)考试时间和报名 (1) (五)考试内容和方式 (1) (六)成绩与证书 (2) 二、《国际汉语教师证书》考试范围与结构 (2) (一)考试范围 (2) (二)考试结构 (5) 三、考试样题 (6) (一)笔试 (7) (二)面试 (11)

一、《国际汉语教师证书》考试介绍 《国际汉语教师证书》考试是由孔子学院总部/国家汉办主办的一项标准化考试。考试依据《国际汉语教师标准(2012)》,通过对汉语教学基础、汉语教学方法、教学组织与课堂管理、中华文化与跨文化交际、职业道德与专业发展等五个标准能力的考查,评价考生是否具备国际汉语教师能力。 (一)考试对象 《国际汉语教师证书》考试主要面向海外孔子学院(课堂)从事汉语教学的教师、志愿者;同时面向有志于从事国际汉语教育工作的各类人员,包括海内外各类教育机构的教师及相关专业学习者。 (二)考试用途 1.作为孔子学院(课堂)选拔和评价汉语教师、志愿者的重要参考标准; 2.作为海内外学校、教育机构选聘和评价汉语教师的参考依据。 (三)报考条件 1.遵纪守法,热爱国际汉语教育事业。 2.具有大学本科以上学历(含应届本科毕业生)。 3.外国公民汉语水平相当于HSK6级。 4.中国公民普通话水平达到普通话水平测试二级甲等(含)以上,并熟练掌握一门外语。 (四)考试时间和报名 考试每年定期举办。汉语考试服务网https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7617776647.html,公布考试时间,并提供报名、成绩查询等相关服务。 (五)考试内容和方式 《国际汉语教师证书》考试分为笔试和面试两部分。笔试达到要求后,方可参加面试。 1.笔试 笔试全部为客观题,分为基础知识、应用能力、综合素质三部分,全卷共150题,满分150分。考试时间155分钟(含5分钟考生填涂答题卡时间)。


国际汉语教师资格证报考条件 国际汉语教师资格证全称就是“国际认证协会职业资格证书-------IPA国际注册汉语教师资格证”,历年称为“对外汉语教师资格证书”,此证书由美国IPA国际认证协会组织并颁发,考取此证书的人便有资格从事对外汉语教育事业,成为国际对外汉语教师。 IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格考试是中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部授权举行的,认定具有从事对外国人进行汉语教学资格的考试。今后,只有具备对外汉语教师资格证,才能在国内和国外从事对外汉语教学。 IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证由IPA国际认证协会组织和颁发,学员可以报考中级和高级。建议如果学生的条件具备,可以直接考高级考试。 报考IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证的条件: A、专科以上学历,不限专业; B、外语水平证书:英语最低四级以上、雅思5.0、公共英语三级等(需在有效期内);其它的外语专业如:韩语、日语等小语种都可以; C、普通话二级甲等证书(此证书由上海语委培训和颁发,每个月都有培训和考试) IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证这个证书在国外认可吗? 1、IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证唯一获得中国驻美国大使馆的全面认证,并由中国使领馆代表签字。 2、IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证获得国家人事部的认可。学员可申请获得国家人事部企业经营管理人才库资格证书。 3、IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证获得了美国联邦政府的全面认可,并得到美国国务卿的签字。 4、IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证获得了美国教育部的认可,并得到当地政府教育部和法律部门的认可。

IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证与出国留学工作 IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证是唯一获得中国驻美国大使馆的全面认证。凭借IPA国际注册对外汉语教师资格证,学员可申请获得中国驻美大使馆对学员的证书及学历鉴定,为出国留学及工作创造“护身符”。 国际认证协会International Profession Certification Association(简称IPA)是资质驻京际认证机构。是中国区唯一经美国国务院签印并由中国驻美国大使馆认证认可的国际认证协会。 目前赴外从事对外汉语教师工作的七种途径: 1. 中国与其他国家之间有合作项目,双方有协议,由中国按照对方要求派出人员; 2. 国家汉办与国外机构有协议,国家公派提供汉语教师, 3. 国外大学自己贴招聘启事,直接向国内招聘; 4. 还有部分是校际之间的合作交流项目; 5. 孔子学院招募志愿者。 6. 出国留学兼职做对外汉语老师,表现优秀者可以在当地大学或中学任教。 7.参加儒森汉语海外汉语教师输出项目出国从事兼职/全职对外汉语教师工作。


国际汉语教师资格证考试的相关流程调研报告 一、前言:随着我国汉语国际推广一事业的不断发展,汉推教师这一职业正在不断兴起。新中国成立后特别是改革开放以来,我国政府十分重视发展汉推事业,汉推教师培养选拔工作也在逐步改革和推进,并取得了很多成绩。本文以国际汉语教师资格证考试这一选拔方式为出发点,重点放在如果准备考试以及考试的各方面信息上,列出一个较为完整的流程,以便更加了解这一考试,同时也更好的帮助需要参加考试的人们有大致的参考标准。 二、调研目的:国际汉语教师资格证书是从事对外汉语教学能力的一个认定,也是对外汉语教学能力的一个证明,是非常重要的一个环节。所以,对于考试的流程了解是必要,必需,也是十分值得关注的。毋庸置疑,教师是汉语国际推广中最关键的部分,是教育的主体,而考试的根本目的就是为了选拔教师。据国家教育部门统计,海外有1亿多人在学习汉语,许多国家学习汉语的人数以50%甚至更高幅度在增长。专家预测,到2017年底海外学汉语的人数将达3.5亿,在这种情况下,需要扩大对外汉语教师的来源渠道,吸纳更多优秀人才投身汉语教学事业,提高各层次汉语教师的专业素质,尽快建立一支数量充足、知识和技能完备的高质量的汉语教师队伍,以有效应对汉语师资队伍建设面临的新挑战。这也从侧面表现了更多更好选拔更优秀的对外汉语教师的迫切性。种种迹象都表明,对国际汉语教育资格证书考试本身的了解研究是非常有必要的。本文获得信息的方式是通过网络等相关媒体,收集到关于国际汉语教师资格证考试的相关信息和资料,包括历史考试、试卷结构比例、参加者情况、录取情况、考试的准备和相关经验等等各方面,另外,通过网络调查问卷,也收集到了一些资料。 三、调研结果及分析 (一)教师资格证考试的来由及历史 1990年6月23日教育部为了顺应全球刚刚兴起的汉语学习热潮,提高汉语师资水平,发布了《对外汉语教师资格审定办法》(中华人民共和国国家教育委员会令第12号),为符合条件的教师颁发《对外汉语教师资格证》,但当时受教学规模等各项条件的限制,这个证书并未产生太大的影响力。 随着我国经济的高速发展,汉语开始引起世界各国的高度重视,汉语学习的国际市场也越来越大,全球对汉语师资的需求猛增,要求也不断提高。于是,教育部于2004年8月23日又颁布了《汉语作为外语教学能力认定办法》。考试合格人员经认定后,教育部“汉语作为外语教学能力认定工作委员会”授予相应等级的资格证书。可惜的是这个《办法》只实施了短短两年,2006年,相应的资


中国文化与跨文化交际习题 壹中外文化及跨文化交际基础 一、填空题 1.佛教传入中国后建立的第一座寺庙是位于洛阳的。 2.唐代著名书法家柳公权最擅长的字体是。 3.明代戏曲家汤显祖的影响最大的作品是。 4.明末清初来华欧洲传教士最早把孔子介绍到西方,今天“孔子”的英译是,即是保留了当时的译法。 5.在西汉武帝时期,儒生提出“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,为儒家学说在后世的正统地位奠定了基础。 6.举行赏菊、登高、佩茱萸等礼俗活动的传统节日是。7.唐僧玄奘所著记录他周游百余国经历的书名为。 8.中国少数民族创造了优秀的文化,与汉族早期长篇史诗不发达的情况不同,少数民族中往往流传着反映其早期历史的长诗,《嘎达梅林》就是族的著名史诗。 9.是明代修撰的最大的类书。 10.提出“知行合一”、“致良知”等主张的明代著名思想家是。11.中国古代著名水利工程南北大运河是在时期开始修建的。12.京剧的人物角色一般分为生、旦、、丑等四类。 13.被誉为“诗圣“的唐代著名诗人是。 14.洋务运动时期清政府创办的官方外语学校叫做。 15.唐代时期,日本派遣了大批留学生和学问僧来华学习,这些人在中文和日文中都被称为。 16.二十四节气歌谣里,“夏满芒夏暑相连”中的“满”指的是。17.人们用“吴带当风”来形容唐代著名画家在人物画方面所取得的成就。 18.王勃《滕王阁序》中“秋水共长天一色”的前一句是。 1

19.中国的最高司法机关是。 20.1861年,清政府在北京设立了正式的处理外交事务的机构,叫做。 21.甲午战争失败后,清政府被迫与日本签订条约,割让台湾、澎湖列岛和辽东半岛等。 22.刘禹锡《陋室铭》中有一句话“无丝竹之乱耳”,这里的“丝”相当于西方音乐中的。 23.文化敏感是指跨文化交际中参与者激发自己理解、欣赏并且接受________的主观意愿。 24.非语言交际是指不通过语言手段的交际,其研究对象主要包括________、时间语和空间语等。 25、我国古代第一部字典是《》,第一部词典是《》。 26、古代所称“不惑之年”是指()岁,“古稀之年”是指()岁。 27、汉代选拔人才的制度主要是(),选拔后的官职名主要有()和()。科举制开始于()代,殿试是由()首先设立的,第一甲前三名俗名分别叫做()、()、()。 28、中国古代第一部国别体史书是《》,第一部编年体史书是《》,第一部纪传体通史是《》,第一部断代史是《》。 29.根据成语写出相关的历史人物 韦编三绝() 破釜沉舟() 才高八斗() 春风得意() 望梅止渴() 洛阳纸贵() 一字千金() 东山再起() 30、有人把儒家十三部经典著作及比较好的注、疏、正义合刻在一起,名为《》。 2


2020国际汉语教师证书考试时间 关于上海2020年对外汉语教师证考试报名通知 凡符合对外汉语教师证考试报名条件的人员,到上海儒森教育进修学校咨询关问题,办理报名手续。 一、对外汉语教师考试: (一)考试时间: 2020年3、6、9、12月份,详情咨询上海儒森教育进修学校。 (二)考试等级:同一试题,根据考试分数的高低确认等级。每门课满分为100分。分初级(60-69分)、中级(70-80分)和高级(80分以上)。等级就低不就高。成绩三年内有效,每人最多可报考三次,三次都未通过考试者,不再受理该报考者的认证。 (三)考试科目: (1)上午考试内容: 基础综合【教案设计和制作,对外汉语概论,现代汉语,跨文化交际,中国文化历史】下午面试内容:每个学员30分钟现场模拟教学(视频录制) (2)关于外语【国际对外汉语教师专家委员会为帮助国家建设国际对外汉语教师师资队伍针对报考人员外语考试统一免试】 (3)课堂教学能力测试【含普通话考核】 说明:除“课堂教学能力测试”考试时间为30分钟外,其他课目考试时间均为120分钟。(四)考试大纲:依据《国际对外汉语汉语教师标准》和国际汉语教师教学实际需要,从对外汉语教学基础理论、中外文化和跨文化交际、对外汉语教学应用理论及教学实践四个方面进行考查。 (五)国际对外汉语教师考试【参考用书】 1、现代汉语及古代汉语 《现代汉语》,黄伯荣、廖序东主编,高等教育出版社, 《现代汉语》,北京大学中文系,商务印书馆 《实用现代汉语语法》,(刘月华等,增订本)商务印书馆 2、语言学及汉语作为外语教学理论 《对外汉语教学概论》,赵金铭主编,商务印书馆 《对外汉语教育学引论》,刘珣,北京语言文化大学出版社 《对外汉语课堂教学教案设计》,陈宏、吴勇毅主编,华语教学出版社 3、中国文化 《中国文化要略》,程裕祯,外语教学与研究出版社 《中国文化概论》,张岱年等,北京师范大学出版社 《中国文化地理概述》,胡兆量等,北京大学出版社 (六)考试地点: 上海儒森教育进修学校(上海、长春、无锡、深圳、武汉、宁波)、北京大学、北京师范大学、天津理工大学、中国农业科学院、中国科学院广州分院、广东佛山大学、山东师范大学、华中师范大学、东北师范大学


国际汉语教师证书考试大 纲 Prepared on 22 November 2020

《国际汉语教师证书》 考试大纲 (试行) 孔子学院总部/国家汉办 2014年10月


一、《国际汉语教师证书》考试介绍 《国际汉语教师证书》考试是由孔子学院总部/国家汉办主办的一项标准化考试。考试依据《国际汉语教师标准(2012)》,通过对汉语教学基础、汉语教学方法、教学组织与课堂管理、中华文化与跨文化交际、职业道德与专业发展等五个标准能力的考查,评价考生是否具备国际汉语教师能力。 (一)考试对象 《国际汉语教师证书》考试主要面向海外孔子学院(课堂)从事汉语教学的教师、志愿者;同时面向有志于从事国际汉语教育工作的各类人员,包括海内外各类教育机构的教师及相关专业学习者。 (二)考试用途 1.作为孔子学院(课堂)选拔和评价汉语教师、志愿者的重要参考标准; 2.作为海内外学校、教育机构选聘和评价汉语教师的参考依据。 (三)报考条件 1.遵纪守法,热爱国际汉语教育事业。 2.具有大学本科以上学历(含应届本科毕业生)。 3.外国公民汉语水平相当于HSK6级。 4.中国公民普通话水平达到普通话水平测试二级甲等(含)以上,并熟练掌握一门外语。

(四)考试时间和报名 考试每年定期举办。汉语考试服务网公布考试时间,并提供报名、成绩查询等相关服务。 (五)考试内容和方式 《国际汉语教师证书》考试分为笔试和面试两部分。笔试达到要求后,方可参加面试。 1.笔试 笔试全部为客观题,分为基础知识、应用能力、综合素质三部分,全卷共150题,满分150分。考试时间155分钟(含5分钟考生填涂答题卡时间)。 笔试试题主要采取案例导入式设计。案例源于教学实际,形式多样,包括:教材中的课文、教学大纲和计划、教案和教学日志、课内外活动方案、学生作业和答卷、网络和多媒体教学资源、调研报告、教师事迹、新闻报道等。 2.面试 面试是对笔试达到要求的考生进行的考官小组面试。面试着重考查考生综合运用各种方法设计教学方案、组织实施教学过程、完成教学任务的能力,同时考查考生的沟通交际、心理素质、教姿教态等基本职业素养。 面试采用结构化面试和情景模拟相结合的方法,准备时间20分钟,考试时间25分钟,包括说课、试讲和答问三个环节。考官根据考生面试过程中的表现,进行综合评分,满分100分。 (六)成绩与证书 笔试结束20个工作日后,考生可查询成绩。35个工作日后,可到考点领取笔试成绩报告。

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