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The big bang

L:pictionary, what are the teams?|来玩你画我猜吧 怎么组队?
P:How about boys versus girls?|男生对女生如何?
That hardly seems fair.|这不太公平吧
But I guess any team that I'm not on|不过话说回来 只要我在哪边 has a decided disadvantage.|哪边就能赢了
P:Once again, unbelievable.|不得不再说 你真是极品
S:Once again, I know.|我也不得不说 我知道
P:All right, round one.|好吧 第一回合
S:- Got it. - Okay.|- 知道了 - 好吧
P:Ready, set,|各就各位 预备
A:Uh, box?|盒子?
Batman and Robin.|蝙蝠侠和罗宾
Uh, wonder twins plus the monkey.|神奇兄妹再加个猴子
Wonder twins plusthe monkey and batman.|神奇兄妹和猴子 再加上蝙俯下。 A;A gift? Present!|礼物? 是礼物!
P:Present! Yeah!|礼物! 没错!
S:Oh... Leonard.|老天啊... Leonard
Now, how can you not get that?|你为啥就不懂呢?
L:In what universeis that a present?|神马样的境界才能看出那是礼物? S:It's not a present,|这不是一个礼物
it's the present. Look.|而是现在的意思 瞧(礼物或者现在)
There's you and me.|这是你 我
It's Penny and Amy.|这是Penny 这是Amy
We're playing pictionary.|我们在玩你画我猜
In the present.|在"现在"的时刻
P:Oh, my god, we're gonna kill them.|天呐 我们赢翻他们
S:It's a quark-gluon plasma.|这是夸克胶子等离子态物质
It's asymptotically free partons|夸克胶子等离子态物质里面的 inside a quark-gluon plasma.|半自由态的部分子
L:Nothing with quarks.|和夸克没半毛钱关系
S:It's an observational rebuttal|这是对Lambada暗物质
of the Lambda- CDM model of the universe!|宇宙模型的反证图形! L:No!|不是!
P:It's a chocolate chip cookie!|巧克力曲奇饼干!
L:How could you miss that?|你肿么就不懂呢?
S:Hey, if you want someone to|你想让别人知道
