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Due to/owing to/by virtue of/ be blamed for/spawn/trigger/result in/give the reason/explained/bear the blame



During his lifetime, Xu Xiake traveled around and explored in 16 provinces, leaving his footsteps in virtually every part of the country. He never embraced the conclusions recorded in previous documents without consideration. Instead, in his exploration he found in many aspects those geographical documentations proposed by his predecessors fairly inaccurate. Cart or boat was deliberately not used in his travel; rather, for a real and delicate reconnaissance of the places he visited , he would often make himself difficult and walk over long distances in remote hills and dales, so as to find out the true features of the great works of nature. He made it a point of undertaking his expeditions in treacherous mountain areas and in the woods sparsely populated. It was in this way that he discovered many marvelous mountains and majestic scenes. Furthermore, at different times of the seasons he often paid repeated visits to the noted mountains across the country, which, however, enabled him to observe more than once the marvelous sceneries that kept changing all the year round.



The White Snake, a blockbuster, known as a traditional Peking opera, deals with the legend that happened in Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). White Snake Spirit and Green Snake Spirit, who were metamorphosed into two beauties, ventured down to the earth. Then, White Snake fell in love with a young scholar and bore a son. However, Fahai, a Buddhist monk, who regarded their marriage against both conventions and morality, went into such wrath that he commanded officers and soldiers from the heaven to capture White Snake, resulting in the

final languishment of White Snake in a pagoda. Since then, to break the spell and topple the pagoda one day , Green Snake consummated her spiritual and martial arts in desolate mountains, and she succeeded in rescuing her mistress. The opera, in which snakes were highly humanized and respected, ends up with the reunion of White Snake, her husband and son.


Contrary to the former comes the NEET group(Not currently engaged in Education, Employment or Training), members of which, born in the late 1980s, signify refusal to participate in employment. T aking for granted their relying on their parents for expenses when at school, they even excuse themselves from going job-hunting as college graduates. Meanwhile, they rejected the opportunity gained with the help of their parents. When it comes to their lifestyles, all are characterized by a fairly late getting-up at noon, followed by a whole day spent on web over a simple brunch, or shopping bunches of luxuries with close friends having no stable jobs, which they glorified as one way of living-standards raising. Without doubt, once again here comes the turn of their parents to pay those bills. The wider NEET group comprises adolescents from ordinary working-class families, which have no other choice but continue their massive efforts in supporting their children after their college graduation. Nevertheless, to continue or not, the answer hinges on those unsophisticated children’s wake–up time.

4.1840年以前,中国总以为自己是天朝上国,那么文明,好得不得了,所有的"蛮夷"都是野蛮得不得了,所以他们都是落后的.这种心态经过鸦片战争(the Opium War),中国打了败仗,就完全改变了.中国有一批人开始觉悟了,他们在思考中国为什么打败仗呢,是中国的船,炮不行,洋人则船坚炮利.所以最早一批思想比较开明,比较清醒的人,就提出来要学西方的这个长处.他们提出一个有名的口号,叫做"师夷长技以制夷".他们知道中国不能闭关自守,总是保守自己的一套传统旧东西,要学一点外来的新东西.

Years before 1840 witnessed its deep-rooted notion that China——a dynasty in paradise——was highly civilized and its preoccupied prejudice that all the people outside China lived in extremely primitive state as barbarians; however, the mentality was later completely shattered by China’s defeat of shame in the Opium War. Hence, a group of Chinese dropped their previous wishful thinking, trying to figure out what on earth spawned the whole defeat. Finally, China’s vulnerable battleships and toy-like cannons——no match for that of foreigners’——bore the blame; therefore, the earliest group of liberal-minded Chinese soberly brought forth one well-known slogan “To contain foreigners’aggression, learn from them first”, signifying their initiatives to learn westerners’ strengths. Indeed, they came to realize that it was no longer wise for China to detach itself from the outside world or stick to inappropriate conventions. After all, China was supposed to keep its door open to t he new knowledge from the outside.

Figuratively, a ―land of milk and honey‖ is any place of great abundance.

5. 太湖明珠无锡,位于江苏省南部,地处美丽富饶的长江三角洲中心地带。这里气候宜人,物产丰富,风景优美,是享有盛誉的鱼米之乡。与万里长城齐名的古京杭大运河纵贯市区,泛舟河上,能领略水乡的民俗风情。Like a bright pearl of the T aihu Lake, Wuxi is situated in the center of the beautiful and fertile Changjiang Delta in southern Jiangsu Province. It boasts its pleasant climate, rich natural resources and exquisite scenery, thus earning fame as the land of milk and honey. Cutting through the city is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, an ancient project equal in fame to the Great Wall. A trip along the river will offer visitors a chance to take in the charm of the local township customs.

太湖是中国五大淡水湖之一,流经江浙两省,湖中有数不胜数的大小岛屿,其景色一年四季各具特色,气势雄伟壮观,独领风骚。The T aihu Lake, known as one of the five fresh water lakes in China, where you’ll find numerous islands of sizes, flows through Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, projecting scenes changing with the season; its beauty is unique in magnificence and majesty.

距市区七公里的太湖梅梁景区是太湖风景之精华,碧波万顷,渔帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉。其中的鼋头渚巨石状如鼋头,远眺烟波浩渺的太湖,被诗人郭沫若誉为―太湖佳绝处‖。The highlight of the tour, however, comes when you pay a visit to Meiliang scenic spot——seven kilometers away from downtown Wuxi——where you’ll find a scenery like no other: the boundless expanse of blue waters is dotted by fishing boats against an enchanting background of mist-shrouded hills. Especially, the huge rock there, dubbed Yuantouzhu, shaped like a turtle’s head, commands a distant view of the vast lake; it’s no wonder why Guo Moruo(a celebrated Chinese poet), regarded the rock as the spectacular vantage point of the T aihu Lake.

在―碧波万顷,鱼帆点点,湖光山色令人陶醉‖这句的翻译上,两篇译文处理方式不同,各有千秋。从逻辑结构上,译文一更胜一筹。从―one cannot help being intoxicated……‖开头,其后用介词将―white sails‖, ―dark and green hills‖如原文中的―碧波万顷‖,旨在说明江河面积之广阔,而译文一―a boundless /vast expanse of blue water‖贴切原文。

旅游景点名称的翻译是一个难点,因为景点名称所包含文化的元素以及中英文之间的不对等性,使得在中文景点名称的英译过程中信息传递的不完全。专名是单音节,通名也是单音节,这时通名应视作专名的组成部分,先音译并与专名连写,后重复意译。如―太湖‖译文二译成―T aihu Lake‖比译文一的―T ai Lake‖更好。至于―鼋头渚‖的翻译,两个译文各有其道理。译文一采用意译法―Tortoise Rocks‖,可能是考虑到让外国人知道该石头名字的含意,以便容易了解景点所包含的文化意义;而译文二是―yuantouzhu Giant stone‖采用音译与意译兼顾,单从名字上看,外国人只知道它是一块石头,而不知到它是怎样的一块石头。但是,如果外国人到中国旅游问路,中国人就更容易听懂了。由此可见,翻译的目的不同,翻译出来的东西也不同。



Beyond controversy comes the fact that the division of labor——as the history indicates——which is based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship——a relationship manifesting itself in following aspects: from China, manufactures with low price and fine quality keep flowing into America’s supermarkets in a steady stream; from America, farm produce, high technology products, together with the capital and technology of the multinationals are pouring into China’s mainland. The industrious Chinese people have contributed to the enhancement of the well-being of the American people and the updating and upgrading of American industry, while the fine products from the vast and fertile land of North America have promoted China’s modernization——economic and trade cooperation is the best area for both countries to find common ground; it was and will remain to be the only road that leads both to peaceful coexistence , where striving for common interests makes minimizing or mitigating differences in ideology and conflicts of interests possible.

1.英译中President Bill Clinton's My Life shows us the progress of a remarkable American, who, through his own enormous energies and efforts, made the unlikely journey from Hope, Arkansas, to the White House--a journey fueled by an impassioned interest in the political process which manifested itself at every stage of his life: in college, working as an intern for Senator William Fulbright; at Oxford, becoming part of the Vietnam War protest movement; at Yale Law School, campaigning on the grassroots level for Democratic candidates; back in Arkansas, running for Congress, attorney general, and governor.

克林顿总统所撰写的《我的生活》一书,记述了一个美国人非凡的成长历程. 凭着充沛的精力及不懈的努力,他走过一段令旁人觉得不可思议的人生之路:先是生活在阿肯色州的霍普镇,接着是入住白宫——这一路都亏他对政治仕途满怀热情,而这一点只要参照他人生的每一阶段便可得知:在大学期间,他已经是参议员威廉·富尔布莱特的实习生;在牛津大学,他投身于反越战运动;在耶鲁大学法学院,他在基层为民主党总统候选人助选;回到阿肯色州,他先后竞选过国会议员,司法部长, 州长.

We see his career shaped by his resolute determination to improve the life of his fellow citizens, an unfaltering commitment to civil rights, and an exceptional understanding of the practicalities of political life. 我们发现, 他之所以有如今的职业生涯,靠得是他致力于要改善同胞生活的坚定决心,靠得是他投身于民权运动的矢志不渝,靠得是他对于如何运用政治权力的独到见解.

We come to understand the emotional pressures of his youth--born after his father's death; caught in the dysfunctional relationship between his feisty, nurturing mother and his abusive stepfather, whom he never ceased to love and whose name he took; drawn to the brilliant, compelling Hillary Rodham, whom he was determined to marry; passionately devoted, from her infancy, to their daughter, Chelsea, and to the entire experience of fatherhood; slowly and painfully beginning to comprehend how his early denial of pain led him at times into damaging patterns of behavior.


他作为一位父亲就从未吝啬对女儿的深爱; 他逐渐痛苦地意识到,正是早期他对于伤心往事的回避令他偶尔做出些有损人格的错事.

industrious (同):assiduous , sedulous, laborious, persistent, persevering, conscientious fertile (同):fecund, productive, fruitful, prolific, teeming, abundant, profuse, plentiful, luxuriant ,copious

考点:seek (同):pursue, be in pursuit/ quest of, strive for

2. 英译中To recline on a stump of thorn in the central valley of Egdon, between afternoon and night as now, where the eye could reach nothing of the world outside the summits and shoulders of heath-land which filled the whole circumstance of its glance,傍晚时分, 也正是眼下这会儿,来到爱格敦荒原的中部山谷,斜倚一棵棘树的残株,你放眼望去能看到的,除了四面环列的荒丘芜阜wúfù,其它什么也没有。and to know that everything around and underneath had been from prehistoric times as unaltered as the stars overhead,而眼前一切的一切,却宛如天上星辰一般,亘古未变。gave ballast to the mind adrift on change, and harassed by the irrepressible New. 人生无常,白云苍狗,也每每只有这时,漂泊的心能于不定中获得安抚,于烦虑中寻得静谧。The great inviolate place had an ancient permanence which the sea cannot claim. Who can say of a particular sea that it is old? Distilled by the sun, kneaded by the moon, it is renewed in a year, in a day, or in an hour. 这片未曾开垦的土地, 它的原生态历经时代淘洗仍得以恒久存在,这一点连海洋也难以与其媲美。有谁能说有海洋还是远古时期的样?海水在太阳下蒸发,在月亮下涨落,海洋是一年一个样,一天一个样,一小时一个样。The sea changed, the field changed, the rivers, the villages, and the people changed, yet Egdon remained. 沧海桑田,江河改道,世事兴衰,爱格敦呢,却依然如故。Those surfaces were neither so steep as to be destructible by weather, nor so flat as to be the victims of floods and deposits. 它的地表不过于陡峭,这减少了风吹雨打对它的侵蚀。同时它也不过于平展,这令它免于洪水淤泥的淹没吞噬。With the exception of an aged highway, and a still more aged barrow presently to be referred to----themselves almost crystallized to natural products by long continuance----even the trifling irregularities were not caused by pickaxe, plough, or spade, but remained as the very finger-touches of the last geological change. 唯一例外的是一条古道和一座年代更为久远的古冢(接下来即将提到)——二者本身由于存在的时间关系几乎化为自然的产物——爱格敦的地形哪怕有一点点不规则,都不是斧凿záo、犁耕、锹挖的结果,而是因了最近一次地质变迁的造化之功,一直保持到现在的。

——《The Return of the Native》Thomas Hardy (1840 – 1928) was an English novelist and short story writer.








My greatest avocation is musing. I can stay by myself for a long time without feeling d isconsolate in the least. Happiness enjoyed alone is a pleasure, so is sorrow tasted priv ately. In solitude, the mind is not a complete blank; it remains a rich and colorful worl d. Solitude often induces ecstasy or anguish, and allows thinking to wander in a rando m way. She inspires the mood for poems, passionate of pathetic. She also enables peo ple to think further and deeper and to have a more thorough understanding and exami nation of themselves and their environment.



But the depth of a novel and its excellence in artistic quality and ideological content ca n never be judged by the significance or ―insignificance‖ of the theme. Austen’s works have been compared to olives, which become the more delicious the more you chew th em. This is not only because of her witty language and her creative contributions to th e development of the art of novel writing, but also because of her vivid and lively narr ation, which is by no means shallow or transparent. Mrs. Smith said that women writer

s often tried to rectify the prevalent values and the existing social order and to change people’s views as to what was important and what was unimportant.


Novels by Jane Austin are all concerned with such unattractive things as everyday life, love affairs and marriages of several families. Therefore, quite a number of Chinese rea ders don’t understand why she enjoys such high prestige in the West. Bu t whether a n ovel explores its theme profoundly or not and whether it is artistically and thematically superior or not actually do not consist in the size of its subject matter. Some people c ompare her novels to Chinese olive, which tastes increasingly delicious if you chew it sl owly. This can be attributed not only to her brilliant language, which has made a creati ve contribution to the development of art in fiction, but also to her lively and vivid nar ration, which is in fact not superficial or transparent at all. Mrs. Smith once remarked t hat women writers often attempt to correct the existing order of the value system so a s to change people’s opinions of ―what is important‖ and ―what is unimportant‖. Perhap s Austin’s novels can teach us how to judge peop le and things by shifting angles or pe rspectives, thus enabling us to be sharp-eyed enough to perceive those major issues to uched upon by her accounts of ―trivial things‖.


Novels by Jane Austin are all concerned with several families, describing and narrating their home life, love affairs and marriages. Accordingly, quite a number of Chinese read ers wonder why she enjoys so great a reputation in the West. It is quite true that the depth of a novel’s theme and the superior value of its art and content do not exist in t he magnitude of its subject. Some readers liken her novels to Chinese olive, which tast es increasingly delicious when it is chewed slowly. That can be ascribed not merely to her employment of excellent language, which has made a creative contribution to the d evelopment of art in fiction, but also to her light and lively narration, which is actually neither shallow nor transparent. Mrs. Smith once observed that women writers often at tempt to alter people’s attitudes towards ―what is important‖ and ―what is unimportant‖by making effort to put right the current value order. Austin’s novels may enable us t o learn to make proper judgments by shifting angles or perspectives so that we may b e sharp-eyed enough to perceive those major issues touched upon by her accounts of ―trifles‖.





Hong Kong, an inalienable part of China, is where our ancestors lived and labored sinc e ancient times. Historically from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. Britain, however, after launching two Opi um Wars in mid-19th century, forced the corrupt and incompetent Qing government to sign the unequal treaties——in 1898, Britain colonized the entire Hong Kong region. July 1, 1997 witnessed the return of Hong Kong——the residents there totaled 6.3 milli on ——to the motherland.


Hong Kong compatriots have a glorious patriotic tradition.


The basic policies of one country, two systems, Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy will remain unchanged.


Hong Kong will continue to retain its status of functioning as an international financial center


In future Hong Kong, everyone will be given an equal right for competition


自古以来,澳门就是中国的领土。我们的祖先很早就开始在澳门生活。16世纪中期,葡萄牙人行贿中国朝廷官员,获准借澳门暂住。19世纪鸦片战争前,葡萄牙人已完全控制了澳门。1887年清政府被迫签订了不平等的《中葡条约》。1987年,中葡签订了"中葡联合声明",宣布澳门为中国领土,中国政府将于1 999年12月20日对其恢复行使主权。

Macao, historically Chinese territory, is where our ancestors started to live as early as t he New Stone Age. In the mid-16th century, the Portuguese bribed Chinese officials an d obtained permission to live on the Macao Peninsula temporarily. In the 19th century, the Portuguese took full control over Macao in the wake of the Opium War. In 1887, th e Qing Government was forced to sign an unequal treaty. Five score years later, China and Portugal signed the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration which declared Macao belong s to China and that the Chinese Government would resume the exercise of sovereignty over it from December20, 1999.


Macao’s return will ring down the curtain on its humiliating era of being colonized.


Macao society, a blend of Chinese and Western cultures, bridging the gap lying betwee n the two sides of the T aiwan Straits.


1895年,日本通过侵华战争强迫清政府签订不平等的《马关条约》,霸占了台湾。台湾现有人口约2094万。Japan, through a war of aggression against China, forced the Qing Government to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895, forcibly occupying T aiwan.


The one-China principle is the basis and prerequisite for achieving peaceful reunification


Under one-China principle can any question be discussed.


The people of the whole of China cannot allow the resolution of the T aiwan be dragged on indefinitely


The election of a new leader in T aiwan cannot change the fact that T aiwan is part of C hina.


Our guideline for solving the T aiwan question is "peaceful reunification and the one cou ntry, two systems"


The T aiwanese authorities must abandon "two states" statement

发展是硬道理Development is the main principle


Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control


In the process of China’s modernization, we must always work for material progress an d at the same time for cultural and ethical progress


The deepened reform has reinvigorated our national economic and social development. 市场也有盲目性和局限性。

The market is unplanned and has its limitations.


The reform of state-owned enterprises is the principal task of the on-going economic re structuring


We must continue an omni-directional, multilevel and wide-range opening to the outsid e world.


The national economy is notably more market-oriented and socialized.


Study Deng Xiaoping Theory deeply


To rule the country, first rule the Party with a strong hand


Work harder to build an honest government, punish graft and corruption


We are faced with both a golden opportunity and grave challenges.


Practice is the sole criterion for judging truth.


Encourage domestic demand and promote prosperity.


Protect the earth’s environment-the homeland of all mankind.


Protecting environment is every citizen‘s responsibility and moral duty.


Preserve the green mountains and clear rivers for posterity


Control air pollution and bring back city’s blue sky!

污染者应该承担污染的代价。The polluter should pay.


Our entire society should be involved in the effort to find new jobs for laid-off workers.


Laid-off employees should take full advantage of retraining programs.

消费可以刺激经济发展。Consumer buying can build up the economy.


China’s entry into the WTO is in the best interest of both the Chinese and Americans. 中美两国人民应该加强了解,增进共识。

Chinese and Americans should strengthen mutual understanding and promote the positi ons they share.


Don’t buy pirated goods. Protect intellectual property rights.

珍爱生命,永不沾毒。Value your own life-stay away from drugs.


Say no to drugs. Don’t gamble your life away.


Say goodbye to lawless driving, ensure the smooth flow of traffic.


Efforts should be made to deepen the educational reform and promote the qualification -oriented education in an all-round way.


The government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordan ce with the law and try to be honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient.


We must practice strict economy and combat extravagance.


Since China launched the strategy of developing the western region, various ministries and commission s under the Central Government have gone into action. Many of them h ave adopted new measures for supporting the western region development program.


The Government will give preferential policies to increase financial input to the western region.


The state will issue long-term government loans to the western region.


In developing the west, new ideas and mechanisms should be adopted.


The state will soon stage a series of policy measures in relation to western region deve lopment.


We should continue to deepen financial reform, rectify financial order, tighten financial s upervision and regulation by law and improve performance.


In accordance with the principle of prudent operation, financial institutions should


We should take better advantage of the role of monetary policy.


We should further standardize and develop securities market so that enterprises will be able to increase th e proportion of direct financing.


We should strive to solve the problem of farmers having difficulty taking out loans.


Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection.


China has stipulated and revised the relevant laws on water, air and solid waste polluti on, laying the foundation for achieving sustainable development.


Protect the earth’s environment -- the homeland of all mankind.


Protecting the environment is every citizen’s responsibility and moral duty.



Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment.


All factories must meet discharge standards by the end of 2000.


By 2010, our country expects to curb environmental deterioration in the cities and villa ges.


To avoid ruining the environment in the west, strict supervision of economic developme nt and construction in the western areas is necessary.


Since reform and opening up, China has found a road for the promotion and developm ent of human rights that suits its reality.


We have every reason to believe that China’s human rights situation will continue to im prove.


China attaches great importance to the protection of the citizen’s labor and social secur ity rights.


A re-employment project aiming at solving the problems of the jobless and the laid-off workers was launched in 1994.


The right of Chinese citizens to receive education has been further guaranteed.


China always advocates dialogue and opposes confrontation in the field of human right s.


China family opposes the idea of "human rights above sovereignty".


Clear and consistent is China’s stand on human rights ——it strongly objects to any at tempt to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations using human rights as a prete xt.

to enhance the social construction of ideological infrastructure,那么"加强物质文明建设"也就可以相应地翻译为to enhance the social construction of material infrastructure。


Both China and the United States exert a considerable influence in the world, and the two peoples wish to maintain and develop healthy and stable ties. There ere both com mon interests and difference s between China and the United States.The three Sino-US

Joint Communiques were signed in Shanghai in 1972. President Jiang Zemin visited th e United States in late 1997, President Bill Clinton paid a 9-day visit to China in 1998. The key to develop the healthy and steady Sino-US ties is strictly abiding by the princ iples set in the three Sino-US Joint Communiques. At present, China and the United St ates will continue to work together to set up a constructive strategic partnership.

SECTION A Translate the following text into English:


戎夷离开齐国到鲁国去。天气酷寒, 在鲁国城门关闭后才赶到城边,

只好跟他的一个门徒在城外露天过夜。夜晚, 天气越来越冷。戎夷便


就会活下来。我是治理国家的杰出人才, 为了普天下的利益而爱惜自

己的生命;您是一个普通人, 不必吝惜自己的生命, 您把您的衣给我

吧。”门徒回答说:“我这平庸的人, 又怎能慷慨地把衣给您这个杰

出的人呢?”戎夷听了, 叹息说:“唉, 我的主张看来不能实现了!”

说完, 便把身上的衣脱下来给门徒穿。到了半夜, 自己冻死了, 却救


说是戎夷能够把一个时代治理好, 那还没有证明;但是, 他那想

有利于人类的思想, 算是达到不能再高的程度了。

Reference version:

Rong Yi left State of Qi for State of Lu. It happened to be very

cold. When he got to the city, the gate of the city had already

closed. He had to, with a disciple of his, spend the night in

the open outside the city. During the night, it got (was getting)

colder and colder, so Rong Yi said to his disciple:

“If you give me your coat, I shall not die of cold; and if I

give you my coat, you will not die of cold. I, an outstanding talented person who can govern a nation (state), shall cherish my life for the sake of the people (in the interests of the people). And you, a common (an ordinary) person, can sacrifice yourself. Give me your coat.”

The disciple answered (replied/said in reply): “How can I, a common person, be so generous as to offer my coat to an outstanding person like you?”

Hearing this, Rong Yi sighed/said with a sigh: "Oh, my view could not seem to be adopted." At this (With this/Then), he took off his coat and gave it to his disciple. Toward (By) midnight, Rong Yi died of cold, but his disciple’s life was saved.

There has been no proof that Rong Yi could be a good governor of his time; however, his thought of the interests of mankind was the most noble.



* Rong Yi left Qi Country for Lu Country.

* Rong Yi left the country Qi for the country of Lu.

Rong Yi left State of Qi for State of Lu.)

(战国时期the period of war states)

碰到天气酷寒, 在鲁国城门关闭后才赶到城边, 只好跟他的一个门徒在城外露天过夜。

(?) It was so cold that when he got to the gate of Lu, it had

already closed. Rong Yi had to stay overnight outdoor with a disciple.

It happened to be very cold. When he got to the city, the city gate (the gate of the city) had already closed (or shut). He had to, with a disciple of his, spend the night in the open outside the city.

夜晚, 天气越来越冷。戎夷便对那个门徒说:

(?) It was getting colder and colder during the night. Rong Yi said to his disciple,

During the night, it got (was getting) colder and colder, so Rong Yi said to his disciple:


(?) “If you give me your cloth and I put it on, I’ll be survived and vice versa.

“If you give me your coat, I shall not die of cold; and if I give you my coat, you will not die of cold.

(“If you give me your clothes, I’ll be alive; If I give you mine, you’ll be alive.

“If you give me your clothes, I will live on. On the contrary, if I give you my clothes, you will live on.

* If you give your clothes to me, I’ll alive; if … you’ll alive.

* … I will live, … you will live …)

我是治理国家的杰出人才, 为了普天下的利益而爱惜自己的生命;您是一个普通人, 不必吝惜自己的生命, 您把您的衣给我吧。”

(?) I’m an outstanding man for governing the country, I should cherish my life for the benefits of the whole world; You are an ordinary people, you needn’t cherish your life, so please give me y our cloth.”

I, an outstanding talented person who can govern a nation (state), shall cherish my life for the sake of the people (in the interests of the people). And you, a common (an ordinary) person, can sacrifice yourself. Give me your coat.”

(I’m t he outstanding people who can govern the country, I cherish my life for the interests of all people. You are a common people; it’s unnecessary for you to stint your life. So give me your clothes.”

I am a talent for managing state affairs, and I should cherish my life for the benefits of the country. You are an ordinary person and you can devote your life without stint. Would you give me your clothes?”

I am an outstanding person of running a country, so I have to cherish my life for the interests all over the world. You are an average person, so you haven’t to cherish your life. …

… for the profit of all the people across the country. )

门徒回答说:“我这平庸的人, 又怎能慷慨地把衣给您这个杰出的人呢?”

(?) The disciple answered, “I’m a mediocre people, how can I give my cloth generously to an outstanding man?”

The disciple answered (replied/said in reply): “How can I, a common person, be so generous as to offer my coat to an outstanding person like you?”

(The disciple said: “How can people who as common as me, give clothes to the outstanding people like you generously?”

The disciple said: “As an ordinary person, how can I generously give my clothes to a distinguish ed person like you?”)

戎夷听了, 叹息说:“唉, 我的主张看来不能实现了!”

(?) Rong Yi said with a sigh, “Well, it seems that my view can not be realized!”

Hearing this, Rong Yi sighed/said with a sigh: "Oh, my view could not seem to be adopted."

(Rong Yi sighed after he heard these words: “Ai, my opinion can not come true!”

Heard this, Rong Yi sighed: “Ah, my ideas cannot be realized!” * … it seems that my proposition cannot be realized.

* … so my suggestion could not be accepted. ….)

说完, 便把身上的衣脱下来给门徒穿。

(?) Then he took off his cloth and let his disciple to put on.

At this (With this/Then), he took off his coat and gave it to his disciple.

(After saying that, he took off his clothes and give it to the disciple to wear.

Then, he took of his clothes and gave them to the disciple.)

到了半夜, 自己冻死了, 却救活了这个门徒。

(?) Rong Yi died from coldness in the midnight, but the disciple was saved.

Toward (By) midnight, Rong Yi died of cold, but his disciple’s life was saved.

(At the midnight, he died of freezing but he saved that disciple. At midnight, he froze to death but saved the disciple.

In the midnight, he froze to death, while the disciple was saved. )

说是戎夷能够把一个时代治理好, 那还没有证明;但是, 他那想有利于人类的思想, 算是达到不能再高的程度了。

(?) There is no proof whether Rong Yi was able to govern an age well; but his idea of doing good to mankind gets to a highest extent.

There has been no proof that Rong Yi could be a good governor of his time; however, his thought of the interests of mankind was the most noble.

(It is not proved yet that Rong Yi could govern a generation, but his thinking to do good for human being can not be higher.

It has not been proved that Rong Yi could administer a country well. But his idea of benefiting human beings seems to have reached the highest degree.

If we say Rong Yi can govern a period well, there has been no demonstration yet. )

SECTION B Translate the following text into Chinese:

Today the ancient, ancestral wisdom of the hand has been largely replaced by the simple movements of the machine operator. Our glass and china, furniture, books, and textiles are almost entirely products of the machine. That machine-made goods can be well designed and good-looking no one now denies; nevertheless, there are many who believe that if the old skills of the hand-worker were to die out altogether it would be a disaster.

Their arguments are, roughly, three. First, that the machine is by its nature a mass producer, and that objects made in ones and twos can be made better, even cheaper, by an individual craftsman than by a machine; secondly that the human hand with relatively simple tools can produce objects of a quality permanently beyond the reach of the machine; thirdly, that it is not good for mankind if people lose the ability to create with their hands.

Reference version

今天, 机器操作工的简单动作已基本上取代了祖先传下来的古老的手工技能。我们(使用)的玻璃器皿、陶器、家具、书本和纺织品几乎全是机器产品。现在谁都不会否认,制品可以做到设计精巧、外型美观,不过许多人认为, 要是手工工人的古老技艺完全失传, 那将是一场灾难。

