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The interview is an important event in the job-hunting process, because the 20 or 30 minutes you spend with the interviewer may determine whether or not you get the particular job you want. Therefore, it is important to remember that your objective during the interview may differ form the objective of the potential employer. You want to make yourself stand out as a whole person who has personal strengths, is well qualified, and should be considered the right person for the job. It is encouraging to know that the interviewer’s task is not to embarrass you or to trip you up, but to hire the right person for the job.

Remember, job hunting is very competitive. Anything you can do to enhance your interview techniques will be to your advantage. The following suggestions may help you land the most important job.

Your goal in this interview is to make sure your good points get across. The interviewer won’t know the unless you point them out, so try to do this in a factual and sincere manner.

Do not make slighting references to former employers or professors. If you have been fired from a job and the interviewer asks about it, be frank in your answer.

Show the interviewer that you are interested in the company by asking relevant questions. Ask about responsibilities, working conditions, promotion opportunities and fringe benefits of the job you are interviewing for.

If at some point you decide the interview is not going well, do not let your discouragement show. You have nothing to lose by continuing a show of confidence, and you may have much to gain. It may be real, or it may be a test to see how you react to adverse conditions.

Some interviewers may bring up salary early in the interview. At this time, you may indicate that you are more interested in a job where you can prove yourself than a specific salary. This politely passes the question back to the interviewer. If the interviewer continue to press, give him a range or suggest the going rate for a particular job. If possible, you should negotiate for salary after you have been offered a fob and when you are ready to complete the paperwork.










四、阅读 教学目标 1.能联系上下文和生活实际理解文章中词语的意思。(重点) 2.能借助文章内容读懂句子的意思。(重点) 3.能正确数出段落中一共有几句话。(重点) 4.能在阅读中正确使用逗号、句号、问号和感叹号。 5.能借助文章中的插图进行阅读。(难点) 6.能简单表达自己的阅读感受。(难点) 课前准备 1.准备阅读材料,制作多媒体课件。(教师) 2.在课外读物中选择自己喜欢的文章,和家人交流自己的阅读感受。(学生) 课时安排 2课时。 教学过程 知识点对应讲解 第一课时 一、兴趣导入 阅读是一件快乐的事情。我们在阅读的过程中可以了解更多的知识,感受更多的乐趣,不用出门也可以知道外面广阔的世界。那么,怎样阅读才是有效阅读呢?让我们一起踏上今天的复习之旅吧。 二、阅读专项讲解 (一)能联系上下文了解文章中词语的意思。 1.引言:我们在阅读的过程中常常会遇到一些不理解的词语,我们该怎样弄懂它们的意思呢?联系上下文和生活实际理解词语是一种最直接最有效的方法。 2.课件出示句子,指名朗读句子。 元元非常后悔。(《一分钟》) 3.讲解:我们要想理解“后悔”的意思,就可以联系上文。课文中,元元因为贪睡,晚起了一分钟,结果上学迟到了二十分钟。元元觉得自己做得不对,不应该贪睡那一分钟,这种感受就叫“后悔”。 4.课件出示“专题训练一”,学生自己完成。 小松鼠找花生 大树旁边的地里种了许多花生。花生已经开花了,一朵朵金黄色的小花,在阳光下格外鲜艳。 小松鼠问鼹鼠:“这么多花啊!它们是什么花呀?”鼹鼠说:“这是花生的花。到了秋天,会结花生,花生可好吃啦!”小松鼠很高兴,他想:等花结了果,我就把花生摘下来,留着冬天吃。 小松鼠每天都到地里去,看看结花生了没有。 他等啊,等啊,等到花都落光了,也没看见一个花生。 小松鼠感到很奇怪,他自言自语地说:“是谁把花生摘走了呢?” (1)选一选,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 “一朵朵”的意思是( )。 A.一朵B.两朵C.很多朵 “等啊,等啊”的意思是( )。

新视野大学英语1 sectionB文章英译汉翻译

新视野大学英语1sectionB文章翻译 一、While regular schools still exist, the virtual classroom plays an important role in today's learning community.(虽然常规的学校依然存在,但虚拟课堂在今天的教学领域中起着重要的作用。)Job opportunities for students are expanding rapidly and more people of all ages are becoming aware of online learning that allows them to study at home. (随着学生就业机会的迅速增多,越来越多不同年龄层的人开始意识到这种在家就学的网上学习方式。)Online students, however, require unique qualities to be successful.(然而,网络学生需要具备一些特别的素质才能取得成功。)The following list discusses some ideal qualities of successful online students. (以下是网上学生要取得成功必备的一些理想素质。) 1. Be open-minded about sharing life, work, and learning experiences as part of online learning.(与人分享生活、工作及学习经验,这些是网上学习的一部分。) Many people find that the online method requires them to use their experiences and that online learning offers them a place to communicate with each other.(许多人发现网上学习需要他们运用各自的经验,同时又为他们提供了相互交流的场所。)This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that hinder some students from expressing themselves. (这一交流场所消除了一些学生自我表达的视觉障碍。)In addition, students are given time to reflect on the information before replying. (此外,学生在答题之前有时间进行思考,)In this way, students can help to keep the online environment open and friendly.(这就使得网上环境开放而友好。) 2. Be able to communicate through writing. (能通过书写进行交流。) In the virtual classroom nearly all communication is written, so it is critical that students feel comfortable expressing themselves in writing.(虚拟课堂的交流几乎都是书面形式。因而很重要的一点是学生要具有书面表达能力。)Some students have limited writing abilities, which need to be improved before or as part of the online experience. (有些学生书面表达能力差,有待提高,可以在网上学习之前提高或将其作为网上学习的一部分。)This usually requires extra commitment by these students.( 这常常需要他们加倍努力。) Whether working alone or in a group, students share ideas, perspectives and discussions on the subject being studied, and read about those of their classmates. (不管是单独学习还是小组学习,学生们就学习内容交流观点和见解,并展开讨论,同时了解其他同学的意见。)In this way, students gain great insights from their peers, learning from each other as well as the instructor.( 这样,学生可以从同龄人那里得到启发,既跟老师学,又互相学习。) 3. Be willing to "speak up" if problems arise.(说出你的困难。) Remember that instructors cannot see their students in an online course.(记住,虚拟课堂里老师看不见学生。)This means students must be absolutely explicit with their comments and requests.(这就意味学生必须直接明了地表达自己的看法和要求。) If they experience technical difficulties, or problems in understanding something about the course, they MUST speak up; otherwise there is no way anyone can know something is wrong.( 如果碰到技术方面的问题,或在理解课程中遇到困难,必须大胆说出来,否则任何人都无从知晓问题所在。) If one person does not understand something, possibly several others have the same problem.( 如果某人不理解某个问题,或许别人也有同样的问题。) If another student is able to help, he or she probably will.( 如果有哪个学生能解决,他(她)也许就会帮助你。) While explaining something to others, students reinforce their own knowledge about the subject. (学生在给他人解释问题时,自己对该问题的认识也加深了。) 4. Take the program seriously.(认真对待课程。) Online learning is not easier than study in regular classrooms. (网上学习并不比课堂学习容易。)In fact, many students say it requires much more time and effort. (事实上,许多学生说它需要花更多的时间和努力。)Requirements for online courses are no less than those of any other quality program. (网络课程的要求不低于其他任何一种优质课程。)Successful online students, however, see online learning as a convenient way to receive their education—not an easier way. (然而,取得成功的学生认为网上学习是一种便捷的受教育方式,但并不容易。)Many online students sit at computers for hours at a time during evenings and on weekends in order to complete their assignments. (晚上或周末,为了完成作业,许多网络学生在电脑前一坐就是几个小时。)When other people are finished with their work and studies and having fun, you'll most likely find online students doing their course work.(别人已完成作业和学习,开始玩耍,而此时网络学生却很可能还在上课。)Online students need to


2014年12月大学英语六级长篇阅读匹配1 It's Time to Pay Attention to Sleep A. After being diagnosed with brain and lung cancer in 2011, Lynn Mitchell, 68, was averaging about an hour of solid sleep a night. Stressed about her treatments, she was paying for it in hours of lost sleep. B. The brain cancer was already affecting her mobility--Mitchell was often dizzy and would lose her balance--but the lack of sleep made things worse. Even walking became increasingly difficult. Exhausted in the mornings, she was practically incoherent (精神恍惚). When her doctors recommend she see a sleep therapist, Mitchell was relieved at how benign it sounded in comparison to the chemotherapy (化学疗法)she had undergone and the gene therapy trial she was undergoing, which had side effects like nausea and fatigue. C. For about nine weeks, Mitchell worked with the sleep therapist to adjust her sleep habits. She went to bed only when she was extremely fired. She quit watching TV in bed. She stopped drinking caffeinated (含咖啡因的) coffee in the evening. She also learned breathing exercises to relax and help her fall asleep. It was all quite simple and common sense, and most importantly, noninvasive and didn't require taking any pills. D. "It's common knowledge that sleep is needed for day to day function," says Dr. David Rapoport, director of the Sleep Medicine Program at NYU School of Medicine. "What isn't common knowledge is that it really matters--it's not just cosmetic." Rapoport has long seen people seek sleep therapy because they're chronically fired or suffering from insomnia, but an increasing number of patients are being referred to his center for common diseases, disorders, and mental health. E. Researchers have known for some time that sleep is critical for weight maintenance and hormone balance. And too little sleep is linked to everything from diabetes (糖尿病) to heart disease to depression. Recently, mounting evidence indicates that sleep plays a role in nearly every aspect of health. Beyond chronic illnesses, a child's behavioral problems at school could be rooted in mild sleep apnea (呼吸暂停). And studies have shown children with ADHD (注意力缺陷多动症) are more likely to get insufficient sleep. A recent study published in the journal SLEEP found a link between older men with poor sleep quality and cognitive decline. Another study shows sleep is essential in early childhood for development, learning, and the formation and retention of memories. F. But to many of us, sleep is easily sacrificed, especially since lack of it isn't seen as life threatening.Over time, sleep deprivation can have serious consequences, but we mostly sacrifice a night of sleep here and there, and always say that we'll "catch up." Luckily, it is possible to make up for sleep debt (though it can take a very long time), but most Americans are still chronically sleep deprived.


精选部编版一年级语文阅读练习题 大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩嫩的芽瓣(yábàn)。夏天的树上,挂满肥(féi)肥的叶片。秋天的树上,树叶涂(tú)满鲜红和金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤(rǎnɡ)。落叶是大自然的邮票,把一年四季寄(j ì)给你,寄给我,寄给大家。 (一)这一段话共有()句话。 (二)填空: 1.一年有()、()、()、()四个季节。 2.春天的树上,芽瓣是();夏天的树上,叶片是();秋天的树 叶颜色有()和();冬天的树下,满地是()。 3.大自然的邮票指()。 人有两件宝 人有两件宝,双手和大脑。双手会做工,大脑会思考。 用手不用脑,事情做不好。用脑不用手,啥也做不好。 用手又用脑,才能有创造。一切创造(chuànɡzào)靠(kào)劳动,劳动要用手和脑。 (一)这是一首儿歌,一共有()话。 (二)填空: 1.人有两件宝是指()和()。做工靠(),思考靠()。 2.做事情要用手又用脑。这样才能()。 (三)词语搭配: 辛勤地双手一根手表 勤劳的头脑一只小手 聪明的思考一块手套

夏天 初(chū)夏,石榴(liú)花开了。远看,那红色的花朵像一簇簇(cùcù)火焰(yàn)。近看,一朵朵石榴花像一个个小喇叭(lǎbā)。淡黄色的花蕊(ruǐ)在风中摇(yáo)动,就像一群(qún)仙女在翩翩起舞(piān piān qǐwǔ)。 1.这段话共有()句。 2. 用“_______”划出第2、3两句句子。 3.石榴花在夏天开放。它的花蕊是()的,花朵是()的。 4.我喜欢石榴花是因为___________________________________________。 5.石榴花很多,从()、()等词可以看出。 斧(fǔ)子 老爷爷微笑着说:“孩子,你很诚实。我要把这两把斧子也送给你!”孩子说:“老爷爷,不是我的东西,我不要。”说完,拿着自己的斧子走了。 (1)老爷爷说了()句话,孩子说了()句话。 (2)老爷爷送给孩子两把斧子,他有没有要?为什么? (3)学了本文后,我们也要做个()的孩子。 钟(zhōnɡ)花 小白兔没有钟,不知道时间,它请小山羊帮忙想办法。小山羊送给它三盆(pén)花。 太阳出来了,牵(qiān)牛花开了,张开了小喇叭(lǎbā)。中午,午时花开了,张开了笑脸。天黑了,夜来香开了,张开了小嘴轻轻地唱歌。 1.这篇短文有()段话。 2.小山羊送给小白兔什么花? ______________________________________________________________ 3.()花早晨开,()花中午开,()花晚上开。 金鱼


部编版一年级上阅读(带拼音) (一) 老虎lǎohǔ是shì百兽bǎishòu 之zhī王wáng ,但dàn 它tā害怕hàipà小 鸟xiǎoniǎo 的de 粪便fènbiàn , 只要zhǐyào 沾 zhān 上 shàng 小 xiǎo 山shān 雀què的de 粪fèn 便biàn ,它tā的de 皮pí肤fū就jiù会huì烂làn 掉diào . 狼láng 非 fēi 常 cháng 凶 xiōng 猛měng ,但dàn 它tā害hài 怕pà火huǒ和hé红hóng 色sè,更gèng 怕pà腰yāo 部 bù 挨ái 打dǎ . 熊xióng 的de 力气lìqi 很大hěndà,但dàn 它tā怕pà鼻子bízi 被bèi 击中jīzhòng ,只要zhǐyào 猛击 měngjī 熊xióng 的de 鼻子bízi ,它tā就jiù会huì动dòng 不了bùliǎo . 鳄è鱼yú十分 shífēn 凶 猛xiōngměng ,但dàn 它tā最zuì怕pà黄色huángsè,在zài 水 shuǐ中zhōng 的 de 人们rénmen 只要 zhǐyào 穿 上 chuānshǎng 黄色huángsè的de 衣服yīfu ,它tā就jiù不敢bùgǎn 接近jiējìn 了le . 不管bùguǎn 什么shénme 动物dòngwù,都dōu 有yǒu 它tā的de 弱ruò点diǎn ,即使jíshǐ是 shì凶 猛 xiōngměng 的de 动物dòngwù,也yě不bù例lì外wài . 1.本文共有()段,标上序号. 2.文中写了哪些动物?请把它们圈出来. 3.根据短文填空. 老虎害怕 的粪便;狼害怕 和 ,更怕腰部挨 打;熊怕被击中 ;鳄鱼最怕 .所以不管什么动物,都有. 4、选择正确的打“√”. (1)只有凶猛的动物有弱点(). (2)动物都有弱点(). (二) 春 天chūntiān ,阳 光 yángguāng 灿烂cànlàn ,田野tiányě里lǐ百花bǎihuā盛 开shèngkāi .白bái 的 de 梨花líhuā,粉红fěnhóng 的de 桃花táohuā,还有háiyǒu 金黄jīnhuáng 的de 油菜花yóucàihuā,散发sànfā出 chū 一阵yízhèn 阵 zhèn 浓 浓nóngnóng 的de 香 味xiāngwèi . 1.短文共有 句话,写的是 季的的景象. 2.春天有灿烂的 ;田野里 ,散发出浓浓的 . 3.用“—”画出文中表示颜色的词. 4.春天, 、 、 都开花了.除了这些,还有许多春天开的花,它们是 .


电脑可以代替老师吗? A乔布斯不认为美国教育技术就可以解决问题。值得记住的是,上周的报道之后,苹果的新iBooks平台,该公司承诺将彻底改变学生如何使用经验和教科书。根据苹果的计划,公司和个人将能够出版教科书,理想情况下创建一个广泛的内容。学生将能够下载和使用这些书在iPad上就像他们会使用常规textbook-including突出的段落,做笔记和退出段落或章节尤其重要。苹果公司说,它还计划帽教科书的价格可以通过iBooks,报14.99美元,一个重要的离开现在许多教科书的价格。 B批评者很快就批评苹果不够革命。前校长和当前ed-tech(教育技术)汤姆。范德比尔。亚克投资者指责苹果不思考过去的教科书,他认为20世纪的不可救药。其他人担心苹果的真正的目标不是打开教科书产业但控制和利润通过限制性许可协议和一个平台,主导着市场。我相信盈利性公司的股东将对新闻感到恐惧。 C我们慢下来。教科书或工具,看起来很像教科书不会很快在任何地方。由于并不便宜,生成高质量的教育材料,仅仅拆除分布障碍在减少的成本只会到此为止生产好的内容。然而,迷失在激烈的主张是一个更基本的问题:教育技术的努力到目前为止取得了什么样的成就,我们应该期待什么呢? D作为一个领域,教育很容易误导了技术的承诺。教科书?托马斯·爱迪生看见电影来取代它们。在前奏(序幕)今天的辩论,唱机和电影地带被誉为技术可以取代教学生活。这些天,保守派爱上认为技术将不仅缩小在教室的老师的数量,使教师工会过时了。 E约会的经验是更令人印象深刻,更令人担忧的考虑的数十亿美元花在技术在过去的几十年里在学校。交互式白板自1990年代初以来就已经存在,并且没有改变教师如何教,和电脑往往不与课堂教学,虽然全国90%的教室。不过,在美国,根据教育部的数据从2009年开始,只有61%的学生使用电脑准备文本“有时或经常”,只有45%做更复杂的任务,例如,“解决问题,分析数据,或执行计算“定期。 F使用,没有足够的证据表明,技术改进学啦啦队减少认为各种教育技术工具是显而易见的,而非由多的证据支持。你看,说,高中学生使用互联网准备研究论文,这很让人怀疑是否技术尤其加上缺乏训练teachers-isn做更使表面而不是为学生开放更丰富的信息来源。 G缓慢变化的原因是明显的固执。改变课堂和学校实践广泛分散的教育体制一直是一个缓慢的过程。许多教师不熟悉技术或如何使用它在教室里,和高质量的教育培训学校programs-either或作为教师持续专业发展是罕见的。像往常一样,很少有指导教师确定这产品带来任何好处。 H,当然,在教育技术仍然承诺。当脑袋瓜学习,在线数学课程上小学的学生,给了我一个免费试用看看,我做了我通常与新的教育工具把它的最终组织批评:我的孩子们。脑袋瓜结合了实际内容和交互式格式所以孩子们学习,即使他们认为他们只是玩游戏。我看过各种各样的产品,它是其中一个最强大的指令。在很短的时间内,它大大提高了我的孩子的数学成绩。(他们也有一个伟大的老师。)至于订婚吗?也许太多了。我的一个女儿早上5点把我叫醒另一天,因为她想做数学。 I 即使最好的产品只能帮助教学生活。尽管脑袋瓜的整体功能好,有些地方的学生可以成为frustrated-not因为他们不知道如何做基本的数学,但因为在线活动的方向是令人困惑的。同样,技术带回“翻转课堂的概念(翻转课堂)”老师作为“引导的”,而不是指令的主要来源。我说“回来”,因为,具有讽刺意味的是,谈论老师作为内容提供商已经贬值夹具(固定特色)一个世纪的进步教育思想。flipped-classroom想法的另一个变化是使用技术来解释概念在家里和教室



小学一年级语文阅读练习题四十篇 1、大自然的邮票 春天的树上,长出嫩嫩的芽瓣。夏天的树上,挂满肥肥的叶片。秋天的树上,树叶涂满鲜红和金黄。冬天的树下,树叶落地化成土壤。落叶是大自然的邮票,把一年四季寄给你,寄给我,寄给大家。(1)这一段话共有()句; (2)填空: a、一年有()、()、()、()四个季节。 b、春天的树上,芽瓣是();夏天的树上,叶片();秋天的树叶颜色有()和();冬天的树下,满地是()。 c、大自然的邮票指()。 2、人有两件宝 人有两件宝,双手和大脑。双手会做工,大脑会思考。 用手不用脑,事情做不好。用脑不用手,啥也做不好。 用手又用脑,才能有创造。一切创造靠劳动,劳动要用手和脑。(一)这是一首儿歌,一共有()句话。 (二)填空: (1)人有两件宝是指( )和( ) 做工靠( ),思考靠( )。

老爷爷微笑着说:“孩子,你很诚实。我要把这两把斧子也送给你吧!”孩子说:“老爷爷,不是我的东西,我不要。”说完,拿着自己的斧子走了。 (1)老爷爷说了()句话,孩子说了()话。 (2)老爷爷送给孩子两把斧子,他有没有要?为什么? (3)学了本文后,我们也要做个()的孩子。 5、时钟花 小白兔没有钟,不知道时间,它请小山羊帮忙想办法。小山羊送给它三盆花。 太阳出来了,牵牛花开了,张开了小喇叭。中午,午时花开了,张开了笑脸。天黑了,夜来香开了,张开了小嘴请轻地唱歌。 1、这篇短文有()段话。 2、小山羊送给小白兔什么花? -----------、--------------、-------------- 3、()花早晨开,()花中午开,()花晚上开。 6、金鱼


Unit1 With the development of the society,more and more cars are running to the families.Not only cars but also others ways make the environment badly.So the faght anainst air pollution plays a more and more important role in our daily life. For example ,the region hai been seriously polluted by harmful smog,which proves to be the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate.As a resault ,people have started to more out of the area. One of the solutions to cut down the pollution is to modernize some factories which were considered to be the major cause of the pollution.Maybe moving some factories out of the region is also a good way to protect the environment .And planting more trees is always a best choice . If the problem of air pollution were built to have been sloved ,people would be happy with the measures taken by the government . Unit2 Many of us are aware of the better performance of the Chinese students in their studies as compared with the American students. However , do you know what are the reasons behind this?


1、读d ú短duǎn 文w?n ,找zhǎo 出chū合h ?适shì的d e 词c í填tián 在zài 括ku?号hào 里l i 。 ( )的d e 枣zǎo 树shù ( )的d e 枣zǎo 花huü ( )的d e 大d à枣zǎo ( )的d e 小xiǎo 灯dyng 笼long 2、文w?n 中zhōng “小灯笼”xiǎodynglong 指zhǐ的d e 是shì 。 3、想 想xiǎngxiǎng 枣树zǎoshù在zài 不同bùt?ng 季节jìji?的d e 变化biànhuà ,再zài 填空tiánk?ng 。 春天chūntiün ,枣树zǎoshù上shàng 。 夏天xiàtiün ,枣树zǎoshù上shàng 。 秋qi ū天tiün ,枣zǎo 树shù上shàng 。

(三) 小鸡xiǎoj?们men 跟着gynzháo 老lǎo 母鸡m ǔj ?跑p ǎo ,就jiù像xiàng 许多xǔduō小球xiǎoqiú在zài 地上dìshàng 滚gǔn 一样y?yàng 。它们tümen 跟着gynzháo 妈妈m üm ü学xu?着 zháo 找zhǎo 食物shíwù ,小小的xiǎoxiǎode 嘴zuǐ到处dàochù啄zhu? ,有时yǒushí ,就jiù在zài 伙伴们huǒbànmen 的d e 头t?u 上shàng 、腿tuǐ上shàng 啄zhu? 。冷ltng 了l e ,老 lǎo 母鸡m ǔj ?张开zhüngküi 翅膀chìbǎng ,那些nàxiy小鸡xiǎoj?就jiù连忙liánmáng 躲duǒ到dào 妈妈m üm ü肚子d ǔz i 底下dǐxia 暖nuǎn 和huo 暖nuǎn 和huo 。这zha些xiy小xiǎo 鸡j ?真zhyn 可 k t 爱ài 。 1、这zha篇piün 短duǎn 文w?n 共g?ng 有yǒu ( )句j ù话huà 。 2、短duǎn 文w?n 里l i 写xit了l e 和h ? 。 3、小xiǎo 鸡j ?们men 冷ltng 了l e 就jiù会huì 。 (四) 放学fàngxu?了l e ,满天mǎntiün 都是dōushì乌云wūyún ,就jiù快kuài 下雨xiàyǔ了l e 。小xiǎo 红h?ng 和h ?明明míngmíng 来到láidào 学校xu?xiào 给gti 学校 xu?xiào 老师lǎosh?送s?ng 雨y ǔ伞sǎn 和h ?雨鞋yǔxi? 。传达室chuándáshì的d e 老lǎo 爷y ?爷y ?看kàn 见jiàn 他t ü们men 这zha么m e 懂dǒng 事shì ,高güo 兴xìng 地d ì笑xiào 了l e 。 1、这zha篇piün 短duǎn 文w?n 有yǒu 句j ù话huà 。 2、天tiün 就jiù快kuài 下xià雨y ǔ了l e , 和h ? 给gti 老lǎo 师sh?送s?ng 伞sǎn 和h ?雨y ǔ鞋xi? 。 (五) 天亮tiünliàng 了l e ,鸟儿niǎo?r 醒xǐng 了l e ,叽叽喳喳j?jizhüzhü地d ì唱 chàng 着zháo :“露珠lùzhū儿?r ,晶晶 j?ngj?ng 亮liàng 。好像hǎoxiàng 小 xiǎo 珍珠zhynzhū,挂guà在zài 小草xiǎocǎo 上shàng 。”太阳tàiyáng 听见t?ngjiàn 了l e ,说shuō :“露珠lùzhū是shì什么样sh?nyüoyàng ?让ràng 我w ǒ看看kànkan 。”太阳 tàiyáng 睁zhyng 大d à眼睛yǎnj?ng 对着duìzhe 小草xiǎocǎo 使劲儿shǐjìn?r 看kàn ,可是ktshì什么sh?nyüo 也y t没m?i 看见kànjiàn 。太tài 阳yáng 呆düi 住zhù了l e ,“咦y í ,露l ù珠zhū 儿?r 呢n e ,哪n ǎ儿?r 去q ù了l e ?” 1、天亮tiünliàng 了l e , 醒xǐng 了l e ,叽叽喳喳j?jizhüzhü唱 chàng 着zháo 歌g y 。 2、露珠lùzhū儿?r ,晶晶j?ngj?ng 亮liàng ,好像hǎoxiàng 挂guà在zài 小草 xiǎocǎo 上shàng 。 3、露珠lùzhū为wai 什sh?n 么m e 不b ù见jiàn 了l e ,是shì因y?n 为w?i ( ) A、太tài 阳yáng 出chū来lái 了l e 。 B、露l ù珠zhū掉diào 在zài 地d ì上shàng 了l e 。 (六)


2013年12月大学英语四级考试长篇阅读原文 Peer-to-peer rental: The rise of the sharing economy LAST night 40,000 people rented accommodation from a service that offers 250,000 rooms in 30,000 cities in 192 countries. They chose their rooms and paid for everything online. But their beds were provided by private individuals, rather than a hotel chain. Hosts and guests were matched up by Airbnb, a firm based in San Francisco. Since its launch in 2008 more than 4m people have used it—2.5m of them in 2012 alone. It is the most prominent example of a huge new “sharing economy”, in which people rent beds, cars, boats and other assets directly from each other, co-ordinated via the internet. You might think this is no different from running a bed-and-breakfast, owning a timeshare or participating in a car pool. But technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever—and therefore possible on a much larger scale. The big change is the availability of more data about people and things, which allows physical assets to be disaggregated and consumed as services. Before the internet, renting a surfboard, a power tool or a parking space from someone else was feasible, but was usually more trouble than it was worth. Now websites such as Airbnb, RelayRides and SnapGoods match up owners and renters; smartphones with GPS let people see where the nearest rentable car is parked; social networks provide a way to check up on people and build trust; and online payment systems handle the billing. What…s mine is yo urs, for a fee Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel as and when it suits them. Just go online or download an app. The model works for items that are expensive to buy and are widely owned by people who do not make full use of them. Bedrooms and cars are the most obvious examples, but you can also rent camping spaces in Sweden, fields in Australia and washing machines in France. As proponents of the sharing economy like to put it, access trumps ownership. Rachel Botsman, the author of a book on the subject, says the consumer peer-to-peer rental market alone is worth $26 billion. Broader definitions of the sharing economy include peer-to- peer lending (though cash is hardly a spare fixed asset) or putting a solar panel on your roof and selling power back to the grid (though that looks a bit like becoming a utility). And it is not just individuals: the web makes it easier for companies to rent out spare offices and idle machines, too. But the core of the sharing economy is people renting things from each other. Such “collaborative consumption” is a good thing for several reasons. Owners make money from underused assets. Airbnb says hosts in San Francisco who rent out their homes do so for an average of 58 nights a year, making $9,300. Car owners who rent their vehicles to others using RelayRides make an average of $250 a month; some make more than $1,000. Renters, meanwhile, pay less than they would if they bought the item themselves, or turned to a traditional provider such as a hotel or car-hire firm. (It is not surprising that many sharing firms got going during the financial crisis.) And there are environmental benefits, too: renting a car when you need it, rather than owning one, means fewer cars are required and fewer resources must be devoted to making them. For sociable souls, meeting new people by staying in their homes is part of the charm. Curmudgeons who imagine that every renter is Norman Bates can still stay at conventional hotels. For others, the web fosters trust. As well as the background checks carried out by platform owners, online reviews and ratings are usually posted by both parties to each transaction, which makes it easy to spot lousy drivers, bathrobe-pilferers and surfboard-wreckers. By using Facebook and other social networks, participants can check each other out and identify friends (or friends of friends) in common. An Airbnb user had her apartment trashed in 2011. But the remarkable thing is how well the system usually works. Peering into the future

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