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obligation liability responsibility
1.Membership in the UN is open to all peace-loving states which accept the ___ of Charter
答案 obligations

alter emotion feeling sentiment
1.A single genetic ___ could allow the sunflower to convert some of its oleic acid to ricinoleic acid.
答案 aleration

affection emotion
1.Anna of NY stated that there are vocationally successful persons who are well-adjusted socially and yet who show more or less severe ___ disabilities
答案 emotional

celebrate commemorate inaugurate represent
1.On October 14,President's birthdate,the U.S.Post Office Department issued a ___ stamp
答案 commemorate

career profession occupation employment
1.The problem of ___ injury and sickness received a good deal of publicity and attention this year
答案 occupational

prolong extend
1.As he hasn't sorted out his business in the UK,he intends to apply for a/an___of his passport
答案 extension

exert conduct impose implement
On April 1 the long delayed___of the UN'plan finally began
答案 implementation

请解释下各个单词的区别 非常感谢
cunning sly crafty shrewd


这句话之所以选 obligations 是因为原句就是这样的
Article 4 : Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations.
obligation- 出于道德和法律义务的a moral or legal duty to do something

liability ------这个词多用于生意业务上的债务,义务,职责 。The sum of debts or obligations of a business. Normally, the liabilities appear on the credit side of a balance sheet。

responsibility----对某事情负责,当做出决定时会因坏结果的发生而受到惩罚或责备。a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens


2 单个基因的改变可以使向日葵的油酸转换为蓖麻酸。

对于这个feeling sentiment 我可以理解为对下列词汇进行对比?
emotion ----感情 a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger

feeling -----和emotion 相比,词义更广泛,也不那么formal ,感情也没有emotion 强烈, means how you feel.

sentiment-- 感情, 心情; 情绪; 情操; 感伤, 多愁善感,通常作贬义 ,like怜悯﹑ 怀旧等的柔懦情感(可为夸张的或滥施的, 尤与理智相对

3 emotional disability ---是一种精神疾病阿, 固定词语阿~
affectionate ----adj 挚爱的,亲爱的(充满或

表示喜欢的),温柔亲切的, 充满深情的; 任性的; 强烈倾向的
【例】Are you affectionate to me? 你爱我吗?"

4 这句子里指的是 发行的纪念邮票。

celebrate ---v 庆祝,祝贺;歌颂或赞扬

commemorate ---v 纪念(伟人,大事等)
【例】This monument commemorates those who died 这座纪念碑是纪念死难者的。

inaugurate ----v 就职(通过正式的就职典礼而就任职位)=install;(官方的或正式的)开创,开始(一项政策等)=initiate=commence;开幕

represent----v. 描绘, 表现; 表示; 象征; 作为...的代表

5 固定短语,有一些词汇是固定的搭配用法,不能用别的相近词替换。当时我学英语时也横头疼这个阿。只有背阿,记忆阿,扩大知识面阿。
职业伤害(occupation-related injury),或者 occupational injury
职业疾病(occupation-related disease),or occupational sickness.

career ---强调长期的工作。a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life occupation 这个词formal,是正式用语。
employment----这个词使用时强调 被雇用着,被使用着,与unemploy相对

profession -----强调有技术含量的工作。a job that needs a high level of education
prolong 指时间过程延长到超过通常或正常的限度
extend 指直线状的伸展,引申指扩大势力、范围
prolong 强调对活动,感情和事情的延续 , 包括对 life, conversion 等的延续
extent 强调对地域,空间,有效时间,影响力的延续,如extension of contract n.合同有效期延长
impelmentation of plan 计划的执行

exert 动词,表示 运用,施加(力量等)to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen

conduct . n.行为, 指导, 举动
v. 引导, 管理, 指挥; 引导, 带领; 指挥乐队

impose v. 征; 把...强加于; 加于; 利用; 施影响; 欺骗
implementatioin n. 履行; 成就; 完成 是正式用语,官方用语
cunning adj. 狡猾的, 可爱的, 巧妙的,精巧的;熟练的,灵巧的

sly adj. 狡猾的, 淘气的, 诡密的

crafty adj. 狡诈的, 巧妙的, 诡计多端的,精通阴险、肮脏或欺骗手段
记住craft(n 手腕;技巧;诡计)

shrewd adj. 精明的; 机灵的, 聪颖的, 敏锐的; 狡猾的,有准确判断力和常识的;good at judging what people or situations are really like

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