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当前位置:文档库 › 词汇学前三周汇总测试



1. a minimal meaningful unit of a language

2. one of the variants that realize a morpheme

3. a morpheme that occurs with at least one other morpheme

4. a morpheme that can stand alone

5. a morpheme attached to a base,stem or root

6.an affix that indicates grammatical relationships

7. an affix that forms new words with a base,stem or root

8. what remains of a word after the removal of all affixes

9. that part of a word that can take inflectional affixes.

10. a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

11. organize the following terms in a tree diagram to show their logical relationships: Affix morpheme Derivational affix free root Bound root inflectional affix

Prefix free morpheme Bound morpheme suffix

12. what is the difference between grammatical and lexical morphemes, and inflectional and derivational morphemes? Give examples to illustrate their relationships.

13. Analyse the words in terms of root, stem and base.

Individualistic undesirables

14.Illustrate the relationship between sound and meaning with examples.

15.Enumerate the causes for the differences between sound and form of English words. 16.What is the fundamental difference between content and functional words?

17.What are the fundamental differences between the vocabularies of the three periods of development? Do you think we can divide the historical development in other ways? Defend your argument.


(B卷) Vocabulary(15 points) Direction:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four choices marked A) B) C) D) .Choose the one best completes the sentence. 1. The opening speeches sounded more like ________ of war than offering of peace. A) announce B) demand C) declaration D) demonstration 2. Their marriage was already ________ even before his wife went abroad. A) fade away B) fall apart C) get away D) go down 3. I’m pleased to hear of your job offer-----all that hard work at school has obviously ____. A) paid off B)taken its off C) made a difference D) shown up 4. A rich old lady _______ dead at home for two weeks---and nobody knew anything about it. A. lived B. stayed C. lay D. kept 5. Smart cars ________which can monitor one’s driving and the driving conditions nearby. A) have built B) have been built C) are building D) are going to build 6. Now that we’ve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially _____.


Module 6 Unit 1 1 comedy / ?k?m?d?/ n.喜剧 2 weekly n.周刊;周报adj.每周的 3 crosstalk n.相声 4 stand up for 支持,维护 5 stand-up n.单口喜剧adj.(喜剧)单人表演的 6 stage / ste?d?/ n.舞台;阶段,时期 7 comedian / k??mi?d??n / n.喜剧演员 8 tease / ti?z/vt.取笑;揶揄;戏弄 9 previous / ?pri?v??s / adj.先前的,以往的 10 variety/ v??ra??t?/ n.不同种类;多种样式 11 style/ sta?l/ n.风格;方式;样式 12 behave / b??he?v/ vi.&vt.表现 13 visual / ?v??u?l/ adj.视觉的 14 hammer / ?h?m?(r)/ n.锤子,榔头vt.敲,捶打 15 trip vi.&vt.绊,(使)绊倒 16 trip over 绊倒 17 performance n.表演,演出;表现,业绩 18 make fun of 拿……开玩笑;取笑,嘲弄 19 affection/ ??fek?n;/ n.喜爱,钟爱 20 have affection for 喜爱,钟爱 21 performer n.演员;表演者 22 academy/ ??k?d?m?/ n.研究院,学会;专科院校 23 perform vi.&vt.表演;做,履行;运转 24 little-known adj.鲜为人知的 25 come up with 想出;拿出 26 technical / ?tekn?kl/ adj.技术的,技能的 27 lip/ l?p/ n.嘴唇 28 silent film n.无声电影 29 howl / haul/ vi.大叫,嚎叫n.嚎叫, 嚎叫声 30 amuse / ??mju?z/vt.逗笑,逗乐;(使)娱乐 31 saying n.格言,谚语,警句 32 cigar / s??gɑ?(r)/n.雪茄烟 33 bathtub n.浴缸,浴盆 34 pass away 去世,亡故 35 mourn / m??n/vi.&vt.衷悼,忧伤 36 fitness / 'f?tn?s/ n.健壮,健康;适合37 strengthen / ?stre?θn/ vi.&vt.增强;巩固 38 yoga / ?j?ug?/ 瑜伽术 39 muscle/ ?m?sl/ n.肌肉 40 participate / pɑ??t?s?pe?t/vi.参加,参与 41 deep-breathing adj.深呼吸的 42 positive /?p?z?t?v/ adj.积极的,正面的;肯定的 43 drive away 赶走;驱赶 44 negative/?neg?t?v/ adj.消极的/否定的;有害的 45 guarantee / ?g?r?n?ti?/vt.&n.保证;担保 46 foolishness / ?fu?l?n?s ?/ n.愚蠢 47 foreigner n.外国人 48 instruct / ?n?str?kt/ vt.教授;指示,命令 49 take on 接纳;呈现;承担;雇佣 50 initial/ ??n??l/ adj.最初的,初始的n.首字母 51 attain / ??te?n/ vt.(通常经过努力)获得;达到 52 polish / ?p?l??/ vt.提高;修改;润色 53 invisible / ?n?v?z?bl/ adj.看不见的;无形的 54 bench / bent?/ n.长凳,长椅 55 setting n.(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景 56 make room for 为……腾出地方 57 textbook n. 教科书;课本 58 cosy / ˋk?uz?/ adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的 59 invitation /?nv?'te??n/ n.邀请 60 alongside prep.&adv.在……旁边;与……一起 61 crowded adj.拥挤的 62 castle /?kɑ?sl/ n.城堡;堡垒 63 armchair n.扶手椅 64 yell / jel/ vi.&n.叫喊,大喊,吼叫 65 pile / pa?l/ n.摞;垛;堆 66 official-looking adj.貌似官方的 67 anger / ???g?(r)/ n.怒,怒火,怒气 68 bow / bau/ vi.&vt./ n.鞠躬;低头; 69 dash / d??/ vi.急驰,猛冲n.猛冲;匆忙 70 tear / te?(r)/ vt.撕,扯 71 burst vi.猛冲,突然出现;爆裂 72 burst in 闯进;突然闯入 73 empty-handed adj.空手;一无所获


Vocabulary 1.She did her best to stay awake, but the performance was so boring that she just ____ to sleep. a. dropped in b. dropped out c. dropped off d. dropped down 2. Paul was a very lively child, always in _____. a. excellent spirits b good spirits c. high spirits d. bright spirits 3. Lily made no attempt to ___ the problem. a. tackle b. try c. undertake 4. The boy began to cry and tears slowly_____ down his face. a. oozed b. trickled c. dribbled d. leaked 5. On January 1st, many people make a New Year_____. a. intention b. determination c. dedication d. resolution 6. In this country it is against the ______ not to wear seat belts in the car. a. rule b. regulation c. law d.

order 7. Johnny’s parents always let him have his own _______. a. will b. way c. wish d. demand 8. Our telephone has been ____ for a month. a. out of order b. out of line c. out of touch d. out of place 9. She was extremely_____, always ready to agree with other people’s wishes. a. mellow b. moderate c. adaptable d. supple 10. The woman triple over the uneven pavement and _____her elbow. a. distorted b. dislodged c. disabled d. dislocated 11. He knew that he couldn’t change anything so he just______ himself to the situation. a. assigned b. resigned c. retired d. kept 12. Game pie was a(n) ______ of this famous restaurant. a. singularity b. particularity c.


全国大学生英语竞赛D 类考试指导 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b1145587.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

全国大学生英语竞赛B类考试指导 【考试简介】 全国大学生英语竞赛(:National English Contest:for College Students,简称NEccs)是经教育部有关部门批准,由高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和高等学校大学外语教学研究会联合主办,英语辅导报社承办的全国惟一的大学生英语综合能力竞赛。本竞赛是全国性大学英语学科竞赛。旨在贯彻落实教育部关于大学英语教学改革精神,促进大学生英语水平的全面提高,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励英语学习成绩优秀的大学生。这项竞赛活动,既可以展示各高校大学英语教学改革的成果,又可以有助于学生打好英语基础,提高综合运用英语的能力,推动全国大学英语教学上一个新台阶。 本竞赛内容主要包括大学英语学习阶段应掌握的英语基础知识和读、听、说、写、译五方面的技能,特别是英语综合运用能力。从2007年开始竞赛分A、B、c、D四个类别,全国各高校的研究生及本、专科所有年级学生均可自愿报名参赛。A类考试适用于研究生参加;B类考试适用于英语专业本、专科的学生参加;c类考试适用于非英语专业的本科生参加;D类考试适用于体育类和艺术类的本科生和高职高专类的学生参加。本竞赛面向大多数学生,提倡“重在参与”的奥林匹克精神,坚持自愿报名参加的原则,避免仅仅选拔“尖子”参加竞赛,而把大多数学生排除在竞赛之外的做法。 全国大学生英语竞赛B类考试的初赛和决赛赛题的命题将依据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》等文件,并借鉴国内外最新的测试理论和命题技术、方法,既要参考现行各种大学英语教材,又不依据任何一种教材;既要贴近当代大学生的学习和生活,又要有利于检测出参赛大学生的实际英语水平。本竞赛的初、决赛赛题注意信度和效度,内容上体现真实性、实用性、交流性和时代性。 本竞赛分初赛和决赛两个阶段进行。初赛和决赛均为全国统一命题。初赛包括笔答和听力两种方式。决赛分两种方式,各地可任选一种:第一种是只参加笔试,第二种是参加笔试和口试。只参加笔试的学生的决赛成绩满分(含听力)为150分。既参加笔试又参加口试的学生赛卷的笔试卷分数为150分(含听力),口试卷分数为50分,满分是200分。 每年竞赛时间基本上都是初赛安排在四月中旬,决赛在五月中旬。由全国大学生英语竞赛组织委员会办公室统一制作赛卷(包括答题纸)和听力磁带(包括听力赛卷)。 【大纲要求】 全国大学生英语竞赛D类考试没有正式公布的考试大纲来说明其考核要求,但其试题的命题依据为《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,因此,这个大纲对于参加全国大学生英语竞赛D类考试的考生来说,具有一定的指导作用。其大纲具体要求如下: 鉴于目前高职、高专和成人高专学生人学时的英语水平差异较大,本课程的教学要求分为A、B两级,实行分级指导。A级是标准要求,B级是过渡要求。入学水平较高的学生应达到A


背单词的好方法 我是一名英语培训学校的专职老师,来学校培训的学生中有许多基础比较差、拥有的单词量非常少,直接造成学习英语困难。我教学的一个重要的方面就是提高学习者词汇量,所以在日常的工作中特别关注各种背单词的方法和辅助工具。 这学期我开始了新概念英语的教学,为了采取更好的辅助工具帮助学生记忆单词我对市场中的各种背单词的软件和在线背单词的网站进行了新概念第一册第一单元背诵效果的横向测试,以下是我测试的结果,供各位学习者和老师、家长借鉴。 软件类: ①新东方背单词 《新东方背单词》的特点 就是内容全面权威,囊括中小学、 许国璋、新概念、职称、大学、研 究生、新东方出国考试(GRE、 TOEFL、GMAT、LSAT、雅思)词汇, 适合从零起点到高级英语学习人 员的全面需要。遵循多种记忆法则:例如词缀、词根记忆法、比较记忆法、单词举例记忆法等。 我组织三名成绩接近的学生进行了新概念第一单元的学习和测验。 一个小时测试结果:总学习:175词,已知: 47词,生词: 128词 测验结果:记住40词/小时正确率:31% 学生反馈:新东方背单词的例句有些简单,不太具有典型性。比如excuse,的例句是“Excuse me !" 和“Excuse me.What's the time ?两个例句的知识点

是相同的。 我的评价:感觉《新东方背单词》对学习英语的方式方法很有心得,它利用不同的学习方式来加强单词的记忆效果,比起其他软件公司开发的单词记忆软件,具有更强的教学性,毕竟是多年积累的教学经验,更易于学习者的学习。而且有几个不错的背单词的游戏,能引起学生的学习兴趣,寓教于乐。 ②轻轻松松背单词 蒲公英也算是背单词软件行 业里的佼佼者了,估计许多学习 英语的人都用过这款《轻轻松松 背单词》。这款软件最大的特点就 是单词和例句的发音是标准的美 音而且是美国专家朗读,。 我组织三名成绩接近的学生 进行了新概念第一单元的学习和测验。 一个小时测试结果:总学习:175词,已知: 47词,生词: 128词 测验结果:记住39词/小时正确率:30% 学生反馈:《轻松背单词》的发音比较好,例句也是标准的发音不是那种电脑合成的让人觉得难受的声音,而且有不错的记忆游戏可以在游戏中加深记忆。 我的评价:《轻松背单词》和《新东方背单词》作为软件类背诵单词中最优秀的几个,功能实际上已经有较强的趋同性。《轻松背单词》的确可以作为学习英语一个有效的辅助工具。 ③疯狂单词 这款软件界面的设计很有web2.0


1-50 Paper One Part I Vocabulary and Structure Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. There are many ways of _D_______ this problem. A) tackling B) fulfilling C) cutting off D) suppressing(抑制) 2. This part of the town is quite poor. The wealthy A________ is near the river. A) property B) neighborhood C) greenhouse D) surroundings 3. Grants are expected to total nearly $10 million over the next three years to 12 organizations to ___A_____ research into strategies that will increase the number of U.S. organ and tissue donors. A) expand B) extend C) stretch D) enlarge 4. The employer has the responsibility to provide workers a safe place to work, and to assure the ___D_____ worker has prompt medical treatment when injured without discrimination. A) slaughtered B) killed C) sliced D) injured 5. There are some things that we understand, but ___C_____ animals know nothing. A) that B) which C) about which D) for which 6. Seeing Bob coming in, she _D_______ in the middle of her story. A) gave up B) broke off C) relieved D) retreated 7. No one knows who killed her, but the police B________ her husband. A) doubt B) suspect C) expect D) predict 8. Pick the chair up instead of __C______ it along the ground. A) choking B) grasping C) dragging D) handling 9. When the fire engine arrived the house was already ___D_____ flames. A) within B) under C) in D) on 10. God __B______ that you should ever regret your marriage. A) prohibit B) disallow C) forbid D) proscribe 11. He is __D______ a farmer but he also writes novels. A) completely B) necessarily C) essentially D) remarkably 12. They have equipped the office with the _C_______ business machines. A) last B) latter C) latest D) later 13. The cat, sleeping in the sunlight, lay motionless as if it __C______ dead. A) should be B) has been C) were D) had been 14. We have enough time to __A______ the food and drinks before the guests arrive. A) lay out B) take over C) smooth out D) take advantage of


2018年12月英语四级词汇练习题及答案(11) 1.Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not _______ himself to the Chinese customs. A.adopt B.adjust C.adapt D.accept 2.He tried to _______ with the manager for has salary. A.evaluate B.object C.bargain D.pause

3.To some _______, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so. A.extend B.part C.extent D.content 4.Great Britain and France will hold a _______ regarding some European economic problems. A.conference B.reference C.conversion D.cooperation

5.Since he often travels on business, he can _______ himself to sleeping in any place he can find. A.make B.accustom C.force D.let 6.He has _______ much time and energy for his invention. A.contained B.proceeded C.consumed D.paid 7.A good teacher always tries to _______ students to ask

高考英语 词汇竞赛试题

高三年级高考英语词汇(3500单词及相关短语) 竞赛试题 2015.4.29 (总分:100分 时间:20分钟) 得分:___________ 一、单词汉译英(每题1分,共20题,计20分) 1.宝贵的,珍贵的(adj ) 2.widespread adj. 3.出卖,背叛(vt ) 4.wander vi. ____ 5.印象 (n ) 6.permission n. __ 7.积极的;正面的(adj ) 8.violent adj. ___ 9.陪伴,陪同;为…伴奏vt 10. tease vt. _______ 11.稳定的,安定的 adj.__________________ 12. simplify vt.________________ 13.组织 vt._____________________ 14. presence n._________________ 15. 限制 vt. 16. commodity n.________________ 17. contrast n.__________________________ 18. evolve v.____________________ 19. innovate vi.________________________ 20. interact vt.________________ 二、词组汉译英(每题2分,共15题,计30分) 1.值得做… _______ 2.in the way _____ 3.向某人道歉 4.in vain ________ 5. 利用 6.think highly of _ 7.不但…而且 8.be superior to _ 9. 为…让路,让路于 10.get rid of ______ 11. be of good quality 12. draw lessons from_____________ 13. allow for________________________ 14. at the mercy of_______________ 15.increase people ’s awareness of_________________________________________ 三、单词拼写(每题2分,共10题,计20分) 1.China began a (全国性的)public service advertising campaign in 1996. 2. Her assistant was (控告)of theft by the police. 3. We try our best to increase (产量) by using better methods and tools. 4. Our (最初的) plan was to go to Spain, but it was too expensive. 5. Doctors and medical supplies were (紧急送往) to the scene of the accident. 6. Now doctors believe they have c him of the disease. 7. It was an h for the girl to have been admitted in to the famous university. 8. Nowadays the old find it more and more difficult to a to the new world. 9. Don't take this pills(药丸). It's h______________ to your health. 10. The newspaper article gave a detailed d of the earthquake. 四、根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每题2分,共5题,计10分) 班级:______________ 姓名:______________ 学号:_____________ ---------------------------------密---------------------------------------------封---------------------------------------------线------------------------------------------------------


—-可编辑修改,可打印— — 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教 学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教 学模式 《牛津高中英语》(模块一.高一上) 1 attend vt.出席,参加 2 assembly n.集会;会议 3 earn vt.获得;赚,挣得 4 respect n.&vt.尊敬,敬重 5 achieve vt.赢得,取得;实现,成就 6 grade n.学分;成绩;等级

7 literature n.文学 8 average adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 9 challenging adj.具有挑战性的 10 lunchtime n.午餐时间 11 e-mail vt.给……发电子邮件 12 for free 免费 13 extra adj.额外的,外加的 14 cooking n.做饭;烹饪,烹调 15 prepare vt.&vi.准备 16 drop vt.放弃 17 Spanish n.西班牙语;西班牙人 18 German n.德语;德国人 19 woodwork n.木工工艺 20 miss vt.思念,想念 21 dessert n.(餐后的)甜点 22 field n.运动场,操场 23 experience vt.经历,体验 24 article n.文章 25 penfriend n.笔友 26 introduce vt.介绍 27 immediately adv.立即,马上 28 former adj.从前的,以前的29 recently adv.最近,近来 30 culture n.文化 31 develop vt.培养,养成 32 photograph n.照片,相片 33 donate vt.捐赠,捐献;赠予 34 gift n.赠品,礼物 35 display vt.陈列,展览 36 kindness n.善举;好意,善意 37 guest n.客人,来宾 38 speech n.演说,演讲,讲话 39 flat n.套房 40 bookcase n.书柜,书橱 41 attention n.注意,关注 42 pay attention to 注意 43 please vt.使满意,取悦 44 title n.(书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 45 dynasty n.朝代,王朝 46 cover n.(书的)封面;盖子 47 back cover (书的)封底 48 recent adj.新近的,最近的 49 professor n.教授


词汇量测试量表 (注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真实词汇量无关系) Level 1 1.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不认识 4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不认识 5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不认识 9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不认识 Level 2 11.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不认识 14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不认识 15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不认识 16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不认识 17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不认识 18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不认识 19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不认识


2013年高三英语词汇竞赛试题 命题:SHIRLY 总分100 时量:60分钟班级_________姓名_______________考号______ 得分___________一.英汉互译(共40小题,每小题0.5分,共20分) 1. abandon __________________ 2. aggressive _________________ 3.annual ____________________ 4.beneficial __________________ 5.cancel ___________________ 6.conflict ___________________ 7.cooperate _________________ 8.deliver ____________________ 9.donate ____________________ 10. enormous __________________ 11. evidence __________________12. financial __________________ 13. generous __________________14. historic ___________________ 15.ignorant ___________________16. intention __________________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b1145587.html,ndscape_________________18. phenomenon ________________ 19.significance________________20. original ___________________ 21足够的;适当的(a.) a________ 22两者择一(n.) a___________ 23态度;看法(n.) a____________ 24平衡(a.) b______________ 25消耗;消费;吃完(v.) c_______ 26装饰;装潢(v.) d___________ 27应该得到(v.) d______________ 28文件;证明(n.) c____________ 29失败(n.) f__________________ 30熟悉的(a.) f_____________ 31大多数;过半数(n.) m___________32材料(n.) m_____________ 33疏忽;忽略(v.) i____________ 34工作;职业(n.) o____________ 35谚语;格言(n.) p______________ 36推荐;介绍(v.) r___________ 37(使)放松;松弛(v.) r___________ 38取代(v.) r_____________


牛津高中英语模块一到模块五单词表 【牛津高中英语模块一词汇表】 enjoyable 有乐趣的experience 经历,体验assembly 集会,会议headmaster 校长 earn 获得;赚,挣得respect 尊敬,敬重 devote 致力于;献身literature 文学 average 一般的,普通的;平均的struggle 奋斗,努力;挣扎,难事;斗争;努力 challenging 具有挑战性的encouragement 鼓励 cooking 做饭;烹饪,烹调 for free 免费 extra 额外的,外加的 fond 喜爱的,喜欢的 be fond of 喜爱,喜欢Spanish 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的) sculpture 雕像,雕塑 dessert 甜点 look back (on) 回忆,回顾satisfaction 满意 surf 冲浪 academic 学业的,学术的exchange 交换;交流 former 以前的 graducate 毕业生,毕业 fluent 流利的 painting 绘画,绘画作品donate 捐赠 kindness 善意 splendid 极佳的,非常好的independent 独立的 make use of 利用title (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 dynasty 朝代,王朝somehow 不知为什么;不知怎么地 recent 新近的,最近的professor 教授 inform 通知,告知 opening hours 开放时间 run 管理;操作 host 主持人;主人,东道主approve 批准,通过;赞成,同意charge 使承担责任;收费,负责,掌管 in charge of 负责,掌管schoolmate 同学,校友croadcast 广播,播放preparation 准备,筹备event (重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 outing 短途旅行,远足graduation 毕业 poet 诗人 generation 一代,一代人literary 文学的 select 选择,挑选courtyard 庭院,院子composition 作品,成分 act (戏剧的)一幕 curtain 窗帘;(舞台上的)帷幕can't wait to do something 迫不及待地做某事soccer <美>英式足球,足球frightened 受惊的;害怕的 be supposed to 应该……,应当…… bend (使)弯曲,弯腰,屈身


大学英语四级词汇训练题 Test 1 1.With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A.exhibition B.exception C.except D.reception 2.Although the trffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A.spare B.fast C.moderate D.moral 3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.faded B.illustrated https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b1145587.html,fined D.concerned 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable 5.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery 6.When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B.substance C.stretch D.substitute 7.With the help of the government , a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B.suspended C.suffered D.subfected 8.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinding about. A. novel B.spoil C.acceptable D.additional 9.Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B.joking C.counting https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b1145587.html,paring 10.We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B.bay C.assistance D.graduate 11.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state. A. federal B.figure C.scientific D.service 12.He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member. A. traditional B.scholar C.nurse D.pilot 13.When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that wllustrated https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b1145587.html,fined D.concerned 4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A.canal B.tunnel C.channel D.cable 5.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B.beam C.bake D.battery 6.When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for


【本测试摘自新东方雅思国际学习中心相关教材版权归属新东方教育科技集团】 本量表是新东方英语能力测评体系的一部分,主要用来测试学生的词汇量。词汇量测试共100道题,分为 6个级别 词汇量的计算方法: Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=? 雅思考试词汇量测试量表 (注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系) Level 1 1.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不认识 2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不认识 3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不认识 4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不认识 5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不认识 6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不认识 7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不认识 8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不认识 9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不认识 10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不认识 Level 2 11.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不认识 12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不认识 13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不认识

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