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江苏省常熟市一中2018学年八年级英语第二学期阶段性测试仁爱版 精品

U5 t3 Section A Many things can affect our feelings


1.重点词汇和短语:nervous, bitter, calm down, test ,speech,

Monitor, at the end of , take turns to do sth

2. Learn “make + object + v./adj.”and“let+object+v.”的用法




1.使我感到紧张________________ 2. 遵照医生的建议______________

3.感到无聊和孤独 ______________


5. 在这个月底__________________

6.轮流做某事 _______________

7.自学________________________ 8.做演讲________________

9.平静________________ 10.勇敢点________________


1.Make sb + she makes the child happy

2. make sb the teacher makes us keep the classroom clean.

拓展:可以接不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语的动词包括:一感(feel ),二听(hear, listen to ),三让(make, let, have),四看(see, watch, look at, notice)


2. It is can′t be SARS. can′t be 是否定的猜测“不可能是”,那肯定的猜测有三种①②③

Eg. Maria at home because the ligh is on . A. must be B. may be

C. might be

四:教学流程:Step1. Please read the words and remember them.

Step 2.read 1a and finish 1b in groups

Step 3.Read 1a again and find the difficult sentences you think.



Step 4.Pair work P17,write on the books.

Step 5 .Do you have trouble and how to reassure you ?What about Mchael?So you read 2a and finish 2b in groups .

Step 6. Read the table and retell 2a .


1 .----Is this book Tom′s ?----No, it Tom′s.His is on the desk.

A. must be

B. can be

C. must′t be

D. can′t be

2. We to do the housework ,and it is fair.

A. have turns

B. take turns

C. take care

D. in turn

3. We often see the boy basketball on the playground.

A. to play

B. playing


4. teachers′ advice ,and you′ll do in your lessons.

A.Follow ,better

B. Listen to , well

C. Follow, good

D. Hear ,better

5. 10.Do you get used to________ early?

A. get up

B. geting up

C. getting up

D. gets up

U5 t3 Section B Many things can affect our feelings

一.学习目标:1.重点词汇和短语:affect(影响的动词),effect(影响的名词),boss, headmaster, workmate, schoolmate, passport( 复合名词 ),get along/on (well) with , in a bad/good mood, put on

2. 继续学习和掌握使役动词和make和let用法。


二:前置自学 1.new words :

get along with ①同义词组_______________ ②与某人相处的好______________ ②与某人相处的不好______________

mood ①词性________ ②心情很糟_______________ ③心情良好_______________ put on ①汉意__________ 反义词组___________






5. 休息几天


7.躺在地上 8.生病卧床

3:Difficult Sentences:

1. ①We should do something to cheer him up .

②What should we do to prevent the SARS。 To do的动词不定式作目的状语。Eg: We study very hard (have)a nice future .

We come to school (study) knowledge .

2.Just as we often do at the English corner .就照着我们经常在英语角里做的那样。As是“按照,照着”的意思。如Don′t always do as others tell you .不要总是照着别人告诉你的去做。

三。教学流程:Step 1 Presentation

T :What day was the day before yesterday? S: Women′s Day.

T : How did I feel on that day? Can you guess? S:……

T : You are right .It made me feel happy .so first I will say thanks to you.OK.look at pictures and say them in groups. P20

Step 2 read 1a by yourselves and finish 1b .

Step 3 Let students read 1a again and find out the difficult sentences.

四:Grammar:你能说出see sb. do sth.和see sb. doing sth.的区别吗?



1. Getting good grade always makes me .

A. to be glad

B. happy

C. feeling happy

D. feels glad

2--- Does Tom have a lot of friends here ? ----No, he is hard to

A. work with

B. talk about

C. speak to

D. get along with


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