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摘要: 上海地铁车站综合防水采用以钢筋混凝土结构自防水为基础与设置诱导缝、施工缝、变形缝、预埋件防水和做好附加防水层相结合的方法,但在地铁车站施工中由于施工不当易出




关键词: 监理对策;地铁车站;防水技术;防裂缝措施;混凝土结构

中图分类号:U231+4 文献标识码:A

Supervising Me asure s of Metro Station

Waterproof and Anti 2crack

W U Zhi 2pi ng ,L I D u n 2qi n g

(School of C ivil C onst ruction and S afety Engineering ,Shanghai Instit ute of Tech nology ,Shanghai 200235,China )

Abstract:Integrated waterproofing for Shanghai Metro station uses t he method of reinforced c oncrete structures based on the water pr oof ,setting i nduction joints ,construction joints ,deformation crack ,prebur ied part waterpr oof ,and doing a good job of t he c ombi nation of additional water pr oof layer.But in t he Metro station const ruction crack and leakage eas ily occur due to improper c onstruction.By analyz ing the reas ons for t he leakage of the st ructure of waterproofing concrete in the basement ,supervision of the qualit y problem in the management and cont r ol in t he c oncrete mixture ,construction joint establishment ,construction fabrics and c oncrete vibrator ,preburied part in 2stalled ,conservation and template dem olition should be st rengthened and measures for im pr oving the quality should be taken to guarantee the composite water proofing pr oject quality.

Key words :supervi sing measures;Met ro st at ion ;wat erproofi ng technology ;measures to prevent cracks;

concrete structures

1 工程背景


地下一层施工时间分别为2007年3月28日、4月20日和5月3日,内衬墙混凝土配合比中混凝土坍落度分别为120mm ±30、120mm ±30、160mm ±30,混凝土均采用C30P10外加掺合剂UEA ,2007年6月8日主体结构施工关键工序验收时发现内衬墙在地下二层东侧、西侧存在许

第8卷 第2期

2008年6月 上海应用技术学院学报J OU RNAL OF SHAN GHA I I N STITU T E O F TECHNOLO GY Vol.8No.2 J un.2008:2007-10-1:198-
