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xxxxxxxxxx Hospital

Chest X-Ray Report


No :2013081618 Date 2013/08/16 Name: Gender: Female Age:23 DOB:1990/10/22

Projection Position:Chest Film in upright PA view Imaging findings:

1、Thorax is symmetrical in bilateral.

2、Trachea is in the middle.

3、Both lung field are clear.

Hilus of the lung are not enlargement.

4、The size and shape of heart are normal.

Cardiothoracic ratio is 0.5.

5、Mediastinum is normal.

6、Both diaphragmas are normal.

Diagnosis conclusion :

Examination of chest X-ray is normal.

Examiner: Reviewer: Date:


問侯語或開場白的寒喧(Greetings) 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說Mr.Chairman,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報(opening a presentation)—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the National Health cave Insurance influence the future of pharmacist career? 例2.你亦可將要簡報的摘要條列式的依序說明。 My presentation will cover the following aspects: professional pharmacy practice as part of the health -care system Safe distribution of medicine co-operation for better drug therapy promotion of good health Remuneration for pharmaceutical servicss 進入主題(Main points)—演講部份的主要內容,論證與比較事實。對所要簡報主題內容逐一詳細說明。例如將上例每一項摘要逐項詳細闡釋說明,依序讓文章或演說有系統的講解。在presentation 時如果能井然有序的,依段落分明,串聯成一篇完整文章,聽眾必定能印象深刻。

Day2 BBC一百天英文记录片学习(整理笔记)

Day2【BBC】丛林之森2:现实版“刀子嘴”蜂鸟和强悍猎手美洲豹swordbills withlong beak & "jungle predator" jaguar 课前想一想 1.世界上唯一一种喙比身体更长的鸟类是什么? 2.丛林如何自己创造气候? 3.“……的命脉”用英语如何表达呢? 词汇装备库 1.absorb /?b's?:rb/(v.)(尤指逐渐)吸收 2.hummingbird /'h?m??b?:rd/(n.)蜂鸟 3.nectar /'nekt?r/(n.)花蜜 4.otter /'ɑ:t?r/(n.)水獭 5.supreme /su:'pri:m/(adj.)(等级、水平或重要性)最高(的),至高无上(的) 6.wary /'weri/(adj.)谨慎的,小心翼翼的(后一般跟介词of) ★Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.小心让你搭车的陌生人。 7.stealth /stelθ/(n.)偷偷摸摸;秘密行动;不声张的活动 8.vapour /'ve?p?r/(n.)蒸气;雾气 9.scratch /skr?t?/(v.)抓;摇;擦;划 10.downpour /'da?np?:r/(n.)暴雨;骤雨 词句兵工厂 But having a beak longer than your body does have its drawbacks.不过喙比身体长也是有缺点的。Note: 1.beak /bi:k/(n.)(鸟类的)嘴,喙 ★Birds use their beaks to pick up food. 鸟用喙叼食。 2.does,在这句话中表示强调,与单数名词和第三人称单数放在一起使用。 ★She thinks I don't love her, but I do love her.她觉得我不爱她,可是我真的很爱很爱她。 3.drawback/'dr?:b?k/(n.)缺点,弱点;不利因素(后面一般跟介词of) ★One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom. 跟别人合住的缺点之一就是不得不共用一个洗手间。 词句兵工厂 It's a little unrefined, but a small price to pay for an exclusive food supply, especially when feeding times are only too frequently interrupted by storms. 虽然不太优雅,但这是独享食物要付出的一点小代价,尤其是进食时间经常被暴雨天气打断的时候。Note:


学术报告的英文开场白 篇一:英文学术报告开场白、结束语 問侯語或開場白的寒喧 開場白很重要,最常用的問候是“Ladies and gentlemen”,但要視場合而定。例如在會議討論會場合時,經由主席介紹上台時可先說,Honorable guest,Ladies and gentlemen,good morning ,It's very great pleasure indeed for me to be able to attend this meeting 主席先生,各位貴賓,各位女士,先生早安. 非常榮幸能參加這次的會議。或者你也可以說I'm hornored and proud to have the opportunity to speak at this meeting . 禮貌性的問侯語這是對主持人和來賓的一種尊重。 開始簡報—提出簡報摘要 在正式進入主題之前可先扼要說明簡報的內容與順序,幫助聽眾了解您的報告的大概內容。 例1.Today I would like to present my paper“The challenges of pharmacy practice in Taiwan”,In the first part of the report ,I'm going to begin with a few general comments concerning the Taiwan Medical care enviroment recently, and then discuss in more detail specific issue which concerned community pharmacy, and how the


Script Host: Welcome to the series, that takes you to the heart of America and reveals the inner workings of our country, as you have never seen them before. We’re going to go on quitr a journey, we’ll travel coast across this sprawling land to discover the habits, the rhythms, and the secrets. You only notice when you step back and see the big picture. I’m Yul Kwon. I’ve worked in law and government, business and journalism. I’ve even won the reality show “survivor”. And in every part of my life, i’ve been fascinated by the same things--systems and networks. None have shaped us more profoundly than the ones we use to manufacture to build the things that fill our lives and fuel our economy. Whoa, this place is hot! In this episode, we’ll uncover a revolution--a transformation that’s well under way, reshaping who we are and what we make. We’ll enter a surprising world of constant change, ruthless competition and relentless innovation. Woman: I love the robots. Step back just a little bit. Host: From the simplest steel screw to the sleekest new car, from a tiny chip to a behemoth aircraft carrier We’ll explore the interlocking chains of supply and demand, part and assembly, material and manpower that make our country work. Man: 15 seconds Host:aah! Here,just finish it for me! This is the story of how America creates. This is “America Revealed”.


英文学术报告怎么写? 学术报告尤其是英文学术报告的写作对于中国学生来说是一个薄弱环节,反之,国外的教育对此则相当重视。去国外学习,各种课程都可能要求你写报告,特别是商业、科学或技术类学科。依据内容及导师要求的不同,报告的形式可能有所差别,但是写作的过程却是相似的。美联英语学习网向您介绍英文学术报告怎么写? 学术报告(academic report or paper)的写作包括阅读,思考,针对一个学术课题进行案例分析及写作,总体来说就是为了让你的读者以新的眼光来看待该课题。大学的学术报告与你之前所做过的其他类型的报告(如高中时期为完成老师布置的作业而写的报告)的不同之处在于,它既陈述了研究事实,又提出了你自己的推论。 写作过程指导: 1. 研究及总结(Research and Summarize) 研究所选的课题,找出针对课题的“who(谁),what(什么),when(何时),why(为什么)及how(如何)”的答案。总结收集到的信息,清楚自己所掌握的,评估自己所不知道的,以便专注于进一步的研究方向。列出一个参考书目来引用并避免抄袭。 阅读原始文献及补充信息并考虑关于课题的历史或流行观点。思考每篇文章的要点同时注意它们的共性。缩小你的课题范围这样你就可以准备写一篇充满智慧的报告了。 2.定义结构(Define the Structure) 定义报告的结构并将你的论点串联成一个连贯的推理。依据报告的主题制定一个大纲。以这种方式组织你的观点可以帮助你看到各个观点之间的关系。

大纲中的所标题结构要统一。例如如果你的第一个标题以一个行为动词(action verb)开头,那么所有其他标题都应该以行为动词开头。副标题(Sub-heading)应该包含支撑大标题的细节。重组你的大纲直到它能清晰的反映一个思想逻辑流程。 3. 写正文(Write your paper) 学术报告通常包含五个部分:标题页,引言(包含论文主题),背景信息,关于论点及结论的细节,陈述支持或反对某个特点观点的争论。 用辅助段落来讲述一个故事,提供一个观察的视角,描述一个过程,定义意义,对思想进行分类,比较和对比观点,类推或解释为什么这种现象会发生。提供证据,陈述假设并适当添加个人观点使论文连贯、清晰易懂。确保每段都有足够的结束语及过渡句。在学术报告中尽量减少使用个人代词如“我”。 4. 校对(Proofread) 打印并大声朗读报告来检查错误。保证报告没有语法及格式错误。 至此一篇英文学术报告就完成了,当然在做报告之前还要加强学术英语的学习,背诵一些相关专业的词汇和术语,并尽量多阅读一些英文的专业文献,做好基本功。


2-16岁必看的42部纪录片、32部英文动画 2岁- 3岁(5部) 人偶: In the night garden花园宝宝 Teletubbies天线宝宝 动画: Penelope蓝色小考拉 Maisy小鼠波波和他的朋友们 Bing bunny小兔兵兵 3-7岁(17部) 学习类(4部): Alphablocks字母积木 Word World单词世界 Super why 超级为什么 Dora the Explorer爱探险的朵拉 2D动画故事类(7部): Peppa pig粉红猪小妹 Meg and Mog女巫麦格和小猫莫格 64 zoo lane动物街64号 Charlie and Lola查理和劳拉 Ben and Hollys Little Kingdom本和霍利的小王国 Wibbly pig威比猪 Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness功夫熊猫:盖世传奇3D职业动画类(4部): Fireman Sam消防员山姆 Bob the builder巴布工程师 Doc Mcstuffins 玩具小医生 Postman Pat Special Delivery Service邮递员派特叔叔特别快递服务 恐龙(1部): Dinopaws恐龙乐园 6-12岁(9部) 经典2部: Magic school bus神奇校车

Tumble leaf飘零叶 女孩爱看(梦幻3部): Sofia the First小公主苏菲亚Little Charmers梦幻魔法师Littlest pet shop小小宠物店 男孩爱看(热血4部):Octonauts海底小纵队 Paw patrol汪汪队 AVATAR 降世神通 Dragons Riders of Berk驯龙高手恐龙(1部): Dinosaur Train恐龙列车


英文学术报告怎么写?Write an Academic Report 学术报告(academic report or paper)的写作包括阅读,思考,针对一个学术课题进行案例分析及写作,总体来说就是为了让你的读者以新的眼光来看待该课题。大学的学术报告与你之前所做过的其他类型的报告(如高中时期为完成老师布置的作业而写的报告)的不同之处在于,它既陈述了研究事实,又提出了你自己的推论。 写作过程指导: 1. 研究及总结(Research and Summarize) 研究所选的课题,找出针对课题的“who(谁),what(什么),when(何时),why(为什么)及how(如何)”的答案。总结收集到的信息,清楚自己所掌握的,评估自己所不知道的,以便专注于进一步的研究方向。列出一个参考书目来引用并避免抄袭。 阅读原始文献及补充信息并考虑关于课题的历史或流行观点。思考每篇文章的要点同时注意它们的共性。缩小你的课题范围这样你就可以准备写一篇充满智慧的报告了。 2.定义结构(Define the Structure) 定义报告的结构并将你的论点串联成一个连贯的推理。依据报告的主题制定一个大纲。以这种方式组织你的观点可以帮助你看到各个观点之间的关系。 大纲中的所标题结构要统一。例如如果你的第一个标题以一个行为动词(action verb)开头,那么所有其他标题都应该以行为动词开头。副标题(Sub-heading)应该包含支撑大标题的细节。重组你的大纲直到它能清晰的反映一个思想逻辑流程。 3. 写正文(Write your paper)

学术报告通常包含五个部分:标题页,引言(包含论文主题),背景信息,关于论点及结论的细节,陈述支持或反对某个特点观点的争论。 用辅助段落来讲述一个故事,提供一个观察的视角,描述一个过程,定义意义,对思想进行分类,比较和对比观点,类推或解释为什么这种现象会发生。提供证据,陈述假设并适当添加个人观点使论文连贯、清晰易懂。确保每段都有足够的结束语及过渡句。在学术报告中尽量减少使用个人代词如“我”。 4. 校对(Proofread) 打印并大声朗读报告来检查错误。保证报告没有语法及格式错误。 至此一篇英文学术报告就完成了,当然在做报告之前还要加强学术英语的学习,背诵一些相关专业的词汇和术语,并尽量多阅读一些英文的专业文献,做好基本功。 更多学习资料请见美联英语学习网。


The review of the blue planet by BBC Our earth actually is a blue planet, which is covered with 71 percent of the world by brine. How vast such superficial content! Therefore, the mysterious field is composed of numerous parts, such as various marine animals and many different plants. This means a truth that we can’t neglect the effects alerted on the ocean by the creature and some terrestrial beings along the coast. Food links, complex food net, describe relationship running through the animal-kinds, from plankton to the hugest sort, blue whale, approximately. To my surprise, blue whales, such a formidable giant, rely on millions of krill. Such gargantuan harvests depend on the continuing fertility of the ocean. There exists much amazing association between two species like this. Generally, grey whales are much bigger than killer whales. But 15 killer whales can trace an adult female grey whale several kilometers just for her baby. They chase the young until he can’t swim any longer because of toil. Whales b reathe with lung, as is known. These killer whales try their best to press the baby grey whale to make his head in the sea. At last, the young whale dies of oxygen-poor. His mother can not do anything about it and continue her journey north for food, leavi ng the child’s body behind. She has no choice to give up the one who she had conceived for thirteen months. Moreover, the living in the water is usually classified according to their ambient living environment. In the abyssal area, large ranks of transparent lives lead a rich and varied life. Among the group, imitation is a necessary skill to confuse the enemy and attain what they want. These guys may imitate the surroundings or just copy the color around them. Some fish have special luminous organs, which function as viewfinders, hiding in the dark. They reflect the weak blue light from water surface and slightly disappear along with it. Some striped mullets and jellyfish have the ability to flash like neon light. Their motion is excellent in disguise. Most of them move slowly relatively. As the depth rises, the quantity of living grow gradually with the sunlight brightening and energy strengthened. In the shallow sea, battles happen every day almost. Various animals join in the cruel conflict. As is commonly seen, bands of sardines used to take action together for safety. It’s not, nevertheless, an ideal method. Bottlenose dolphin and whales unintentionally work in conjunction with each other. Dolphins are in charge of getting the sardines apart, making use of waves foam. Whales can enjoy the dish much more easily. Smart seabirds fly low, pressing close to the water, to find the best location to seize the prey. After that, they rush into the water like spurting arrow. The hunters grab their relish to the habitat. Meantime, besides food link, there coexists symbiosis. Sea-gull and half-moon can help other fish by cleaning the mould on the cover. What is vividly introduced above occurs in the diverse layers, while the layers are not alone, in touch with each other instead. Ocean current becomes the key factor to mix the brine from distinct areas. Nutrition blends to a new balance. Of course, this results in energetic fishing ground. Fish shuttle up and down, making water world filled with vitality and more oxygen dissolved.


学术报告优秀论文格式 1 编写要求 1.1 学术论文须用A4标准白纸。 1.2 学术论文页边距按以下标准设置:上边距: 2.5cm;下边距:2.5cm;左边距:2.5cm;右边距:2.5cm;装订线:0.5cm;页眉:1.5cm;页脚:1.5cm。 1.3学术论文文正文字体为小四号宋体;行间距设置为“多倍行距1.2”。 2学术论文的构成 前置部分:题目——作者——摘要(——关键词) 主体部分:论文主体 参考文献 后置部分:英文题目——作者——英文摘要(——英文关键词) 3字体要求: 题目:小二号宋体 摘要:小四号宋体 一级标题:三号宋体 二级标题:小三宋体 三级标题:四号宋体 正文:小四号宋体 参考文献:五号宋体 英文摘要:Times New Roman 小四 4正文格式 (1).学术论文各章应有序号,序号用阿拉伯数字编码,层次格式为:1××××(三号黑体,居中) ××××××××××(内容用小四号宋体) 1.1××××(小三号黑体,居左) ××××××××××××(内容用小四号宋体) 1.1.1××××(四号黑体,居左) ××××××××××××(内容用小四号宋体) ①××××(用与内容同样大小的宋体) 1)××××(用与内容同样大小的宋体) a .××××(用与内容同样大小的宋体) (2).图: 图应编排序号。每一图应有简短确切的题名,连同图号置于图下。字体为5

号宋体。 (3).表: 每一表应有简短确切的题名,连同表号置于表上。表注应编排序号,并将附注文字置于表下。字体为5号宋体。 (4)参考文献: 参考文献以文献在整个论文中出现的次序用[1]、[2]、[3]……形式统一排序、依次列出。 参考文献的表示格式为: 著作格式:[序号]作者·书名·版本·出版地·出版社,出版时间 期刊格式:[序号]作者·译者·文章题目·期刊号·年份·卷号(期数)·页码 学术论文:[序号]作者·题名[学术论文](英文用[dissertation])·保存地点·保存单位·年份 专利:[序号]专利申请者·题名·国别·专利文献种类·专利号·发布日期技术标准:[序号]起草责任者·标准代号·标准顺序号—发布年·标准名称·出版地·出版者·出版年份 5其他: 本学术论文格式规范标准的解释权在东华理工大学研究生会。

英语纪录片国家黄石公园文本材料Yellow stone

NARRATOR: In the winter of 1807, a lone fur-trapper journeyed deep into the heart of the Rocky Mountains. ]Somewhere near the headwaters of the Yellowstone River he found a lost world. A wonderland, ruled by ice, fire and brimstone. A world of extremes that challenges all that strive to live here. A place that has become perhaps the most treasured wilderness on Earth. Winter in Yellowstone. Minus 40 degrees. Fahrenheit or centigrade, it doesn't really matter, at minus 40 the two scales read the same. For half the year, Yellowstone is frozen solid. Yet in the middle of this ice world there is scalding heat. This is no ordinary place and this is no ordinary winter. The fate of everything here lies in the hands of forces of almost unimaginable power. Yellowstone is deep in the heart of the Rocky Mountains of North America. An isolated high plateau defended by rugged peaks. And its location is what makes it so different. Right beneath Yellowstone a unique quirk of geology means that molten rock from deep in the earth comes unusually close to the frozen surface. No one knows why it happens right here, but its impact is what has made Yellowstone world famous. Yellowstone is the most extensive geothermal area on Earth. It has over 10,000 thermal wonders and more geysers than the rest of the world put together. Old Faithful is Yellowstone's most well-known geyser. It shoots 5,000 gallons of water 150 feet into the air almost every hour. But the forces that fuel this spectacular display have an influence far greater than we can see on the surface. Paradoxically, it's all this underground heat that helps make the Yellowstone winter one of the coldest and toughest in America. It's November and winter is beginning to take hold. As it gets colder, one animal here gets stronger. Wolves. The winter is their time. Gradually, it weakens their prey. This is the Druid wolf pack, one of the largest and most powerful in Yellowstone. The pack have this bull elk surrounded. But there's a problem. The pack won't follow the bull into the river. They won't risk freezing to death in the ice cold water. What's more, now the elk's antlers are at just the right height to keep the wolves at bay. It's stalemate. But it's now the elk that has a problem of his own. Although it's only knee deep, he can't stay in this freezing water forever. A young female is not prepared to let him go. But the elk is strong. One-on-one he has the advantage. Her only support is another youngster. They are neither strong or experienced enough to bring this elk down. But it's enough to make him turn and run back to the river where he knows they won't follow. But the longer he stays in the freezing water, the weaker he will get. Others before him have waited here too long, and wolves are patient. Right now his strength is his only advantage. He has to try again. This time even the young wolves stay put. Without the support of the pack they never really stood a chance. And the pack has already decided that this early in the winter, a bull elk in his prime is just too strong. But as the winter gets colder and the snow gets deeper the tables will turn. By the end of November, the arc of the sun barely breaks above the trees. As its angle decreases, so does its power. And as the sun loses its hold over the land, other forces begin to take over. Yellowstone has a dark secret that affects everything that lives here, especially in the winter. It's only from high above ground that we start to get a glimpse of the true nature of this place. Yellowstone is a giant bowl 50 miles wide right in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. There's nowhere else like it. And there's only one thing that


美丽中国(Wild China)第一集龙之心Heart of the Dragon 永波: 我们的中国探索之旅始于南方的亚热带 Our exploration of China begins in the warm subtropical south 漓江的渔人和鱼鸟栖坐在竹筏上 On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts 这个组合已延续千年之久 a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years 这景致已为世人所熟悉This scenery is known throughout the world 那是中国水墨永恒的主题 a recurring motif in Chinese paintings 和旅人永远的胜地and a major tourist attraction 中国南部是片有英国国土The south of China is a vast area 九倍之大的广阔土地eight times larger than the UK 这里是山雨的国度It's a landscape of hills but also of water 这里一年之中有250天在降雨It rains here for up to 250 days a year 到处都是积水and standing water is everywhere 在扬子江的涝原In a floodplain of the Yangtse River 黑尾鹬在泥泞中寻索着虫子 black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms 并非只有野生动物在这样的环境下茁壮成长 现在是交配的季节It's the mating season 雄禾田蛙们为了吸引异性而卖力高鸣 and male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of females 但这并非总能为你吸引来关注的目光 But it dosen't always pay to draw too much attention to youself 中国池鹭是个饕餮掠食者The Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predator 就算在耕作过的稻田中央Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field 也会上演喙与爪的血腥剧目nature is red in beak and claw 或许这看上去像一场屠杀This may look like a slaughter 但每只池鹭一次只能吞噬一只蛙but as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time 此时剩余的多数派得以逃生并获得了明日再度高歌的机会 the vast majority will escape to croak another day 元阳县这样广泛种植水稻的 Terrace paddies like those of Y unYang county are found across much of southern China 梯田横贯中国南部This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation 苗族人在炎热的贵州发展了高度发达的水稻种植


英文学术报告Taking 5G form Vision to Reality 姓名:xx 班级:xx 学号:xx

At the beginning of the lecture introduces the establishment of Keysight Technologies company development Agenda: Review of major innovations in wireless communications 2. UMTS long term evolution 3. The motivation and vision for 5G 4. 5G technical assumptions 5.Six predictions for broadband wireless 2020 6. Summary 5G overview Expectations,opportunities,major players and timing 5G requirements framework What do we need for 5G to be successful? ①we need a bold vision that the vision must obey the laws of physics ②For an industry to be mature requires ③successful industry also has to be sustainable Enabling Technologies and measurement challenges 1.Understanding cellular performance ①speed versus capacity ②the problem of handover ③variation of performance across area ④variation of throughput across a cell in a loaded network ⑤maximizing capacity in a given area


五部值得看的英语纪录片,学习英语的最好途径 学习英语的途径有很多,看纪录片无疑是最好的一个。纪录片语音纯正,语速适中,科学性和趣味性并存。纪录片涉及的话题很多,有人文、历史、地理、社会科学、自然科学、旅行、工程、环保等,看纪录片不仅能增长知识,还能扩大我们的英语词汇量,对听力和口语能力的提升都有很大的帮助。今天朗播网向大家推荐五部制作精良又十分贴近生活的BBC纪录片。 1.Wild China《美丽中国》 《美丽中国》是CCTV和BBC第一次联合摄制的作品,历时4年拍摄,是第一部表现中国野生动植物和自然人文景观的大型电视纪录片。从雪域高原到戈壁沙漠,从繁华都市到乡野山村,带你领略中国这片古老又神奇的土地,感受这个你熟悉又陌生的魅力祖国。本片共分六集,分别为《锦绣华南》、《云翔天边》、《神奇高原》、《风雪塞外》、《沃土中原》、《潮涌海岸》。(BBC英文版的名称对应为Heart of the Dragon,Shangri-La,Tibet,Beyond the Great Wall,Land of the Panda,Tides of Change) 2.How Does Your Memory Work《记忆的奥秘》

记忆就像呼吸一样自然,存在于我们的生命当中。我们运用记忆去背单词,记定理,记住生活中许多美好的事情。我们无时无刻不在使用记忆,但是你真的了解记忆吗?知道它是如何运作的吗?How Does Your Memory Work带你揭开记忆的秘密。 3.The Secret Life of Dogs《萌犬秘闻》 呆萌的萨摩,聪明的哈士奇,憨态可掬的八哥犬都是我们人类的好朋友。但是你了解身边的这位朋友吗?知道它是如何看待人类的吗?知道它们除了会卖萌耍贱之外还有什么超能力吗?The Secret Life of Dogs绝对会刷新你对狗狗的认识,看过后会更加珍惜身边这个好朋
