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Charles:Alice Catharine: Mad Hat Cifer:The Duchess ]

Fran:White Rabbit Vicky:Smiling Cat Ferry: Red Heart Queen

One day, Alice was reading a politics book under the tree.


Charles: The book about politics is really look like a sh*t to me!Ahh,today’s weather is so good. I want to go for a walk.


Charles:I think my mother won't mind it. I may score higher as an apologize to this.



Suddenly, he saw White Rabbit was jumping from one side to another side.

Fran:There isn't enough time ! The queen is going to kill me!/疾跑/

Charles:Hey ! Y ou ! Y ou look so funny. Why are you wearing rabbit ears like those?


Fran: Stop it.The ears are real. Who are you?/转身看麻/Oh!Y our majesty. Y ou must be Alice .The queen asked me to find you. So please go with me.

Charles: What? I'm not Alice./被拖走/Why i must go...


In this way ,Alice came into 'The Incredible Kingdom'

Catharine:Good morning.White Rabbit/吸烟/Who's that boy with pockmarked face? I've never seen him before.

Fran:Show you respect.Mad Hat!He's Alice.

Catharine:What?Y ou say that pockmarked face is Alice? Our Alice is majestic and solemn in my expression.


Catharine: See? He's not Alice.

Charles:Y es.I'm not Alice .Y ou look like a good man .Can you take me out of here? I'm not guilty.I'm innocent.

Catharine:/收回枪/Oh,you must be Alice.I believe you now,White Rabbit./麻不解/ Fran:Yeah,I'm always right,Could you please take him to the queen? I want to go to the toilet because of drinking so much Seven Up.

Catharine:Okay,that's it.Y ou owe me.Alice,let's go./拖走麻/


Charles: I've told you I'm not Alice! Let me go!I just wanted to go for a walk but you two kidnapped me!


Catharine:/把麻揪回/Please say again 'I'm-not-Alice.'/有枪顶麻的头/

Charles:Err...Mm...I'm...mm...I'm Alice.

Catharine:/笑/Y ou are a good kid.



Mad Hat took Alice to Red Heart Queen

Ferry:Good morning. Mr.Hat I'm glad to see you coming with Alice.

Catharine:My pleasure~No,our pleasure./大力拍麻/Say something,Alice! Charles:Err...Nice to meet you.

Ferry:Today's Alice is very different from Alices /注:不是错字/of the past.This Alice is the first male Alice I have ever seen ,isn't he ,the Duchess?

Cifer:Y es,he is.And T also think he's cool.

Charles: Thank you!

Cifer:No, I didn't mean that .I just wanna admire your pockmarked face.It's unique. Charles:/站起/I couldn't bear you anymore. I don't think i look so worth to laugh at. Cifer: My God!He's so rude. I'm frightened.

Ferry/拍软/: Don't be afraid, my sweetheart./站起/Cut his head .Mad Hat!


Charles:.I'm not going to hurt you, beautiful lady./望软/Please forgive me.

Cifer:That's all right . Big sister /望狒/He's a kind of interesting to me./望麻/Can you stay and play games with us ? Playing without Alice is so boring.


Ferry:Well,what's your answer,Alice?

Charles:/惊/Y eah,of course I'm.

Cifer:Can we ask the Smiling Cat to join us?/拉起麻,看向狒/

Ferry: My sweetheart.She would help to escape.I don't want to run on a risk.

Alice:Smiling Cat ?Sound great! I want to see her.

Cifer:O you promise you won't get away?Or I will cut your head .

Charles: Y es ,I swear.

Cifer:Come on. Alice I can take you to her.


Cifer :Hey,my old friend.Long time no see.

Vicky:Oh hello.Who's that?Is he Alice?I haven't seen a pockmarked Alice so far. Charles:/怒/~~# I don't think my face is so unique.I'm not Alice all in all!

Cifer and Vicky: Y ou must be Alice. I believe it now.

Charles:Why?I say I'm not!

Vicky:Because every Alice says he is not Alice .It's the principle of out 'Incredible Kingdom'

Cifer: We all know that.

Charles:...Well,that it.I don't want to argue with you So what would you like to play? Vicky: Dancing Gangnam-Style of course!

Charles: No, I refuse!Everyone I know has begun dancing and singing Gangnam-Style.I've get bored.

Cifer :Let's do something classical, shall we?Like running or jumping competition . Vicky: I don't want to jump.It's too childish /转向麻/Let's run out of here. Charles:Thank you! YOU know I want to get out.

Vicky:It's the principle that every Alice want to go out.

Cifer :What are you talking about? DO you want to leave me alone,Alice? Charles:...Er...No...

Vicky:You are indecisive,Alice. If you want to go run with me.

/Vicky 和麻跑一圈出场/

Cifer: Oh,no. Alice is escaping with the stupid cat!I'm gonna to tell the queen.


Cifer: Big sister,Alice is gone.

Ferry:Don't worry,dear.Mad Hat, go to find Alice.

Catharine:Yes,my lord./甩头望软/Where did he go?

Ferry: He must be with the fat cat.

Catharine:It's easy for me to shoot him.

Cifer:Don't hurt Alice. I want to play games.

Catharine:Shut up.


In the way out ,Alice and Smiling Cat met White Rabbit.

Fran: Where are you going ?I just came out at the toilet and I see you again Alice. Charles:OK then go into the toilet the second time please and I have to do something important and I don't have time talking with you.

Vicky:Alice ,don't want to go out?

Charles:This os in certain that I hope to go home! Y our words sound like nosences. Fran: What ?Today's Alice is escaping again! Mad Hat must be looking for you.


Fran:Oh!He has two muscled arms ./揉手腕/


Catharine:Have you seen that impolite Alice ,White Rabbit?

Fran:Yep.And he attacked me and now it hurts!

Catharine:He dared to hurt you? It's impossible!I'll blow his head up as soon as I find him.

Fran:You are my friend indeed. I like you,Goodbye.


Mad Hat soon caught Alice after he met the White Rabbit.

Catharine:Oh Alice! I-am-nice-to-see-you-again.~~?

Charles:I'm not glad to see you.

Vicky:I'm afraid of him.Run! Alice,Run.


Vicky:AHHHH~~~~~~~ALICE~~~~~~I~~~~~HA TE~~~~~~~YOU~~~~OOOOO! /Vicky到底麻掉进了兔子洞/

Smiling Cat died and Alice went down the rabbit hole.Finally Alice went back to his world

Alice :AHHH~~~~

Catharine: Oh my cute 'little Alice' has gone. I'm going to tell the queen.


Catharine:I'm so sorry that I miss Alice,your highness.Please forgive your faithful flunky.

Ferry:What?Duchess,cut his head !



When escaping ,Mad Hat fell into the rabbit hole and came to Alice's world.

Alice:I think we've met before ,haven't we? Catharine: I do think so.


《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》观后感400字_观后感 梦幻、奇妙、神奇……这就是我看完《一爱一丽丝2》这部电一影后,内心的感受,不管是什么场景、哪个片段,电一影中都有一种神秘感,那些一精一美、漂亮的角色与场景都使人感觉非常唯美,一张张可一爱一扑克牌让人不禁开始悄悄辨认扑克牌是什么图案,影片像是一部童话,又带有一些哲学一性一,迷一离的故事情节使人分不清,这讲述的是梦境还是现实。 《一爱一丽丝镜中奇遇记》是《一爱一丽丝漫游仙境》的后续片,讲述了现实中的一爱一丽丝已经长大成一人,是一名女船长,偶然间参加了当年被她拒绝求婚的海密什举办的一场舞会并被解除了女船长的职责,蝴蝶引导一爱一丽丝从镜子中重新穿越到了仙境,朋友们告诉她,疯帽子因为失踪家族的去向,陷入半死不活的状态,一爱一丽丝为了拯救他而从时间那里偷来了时空魔力球,穿越到过去,想要拯救历史。 一爱一丽丝是影片的主人公,她善良、正直、助人为乐、机智、勇敢,使很多人都乐意与她成为好朋友,也正是因为朋友们的帮助,使她最后能战胜红皇后,打败时间,改写历史,拯救世界。 影片中的一爱一丽丝已经长大成一人,成为了一位英勇的女船长,变得稳重、不会轻易相信那些听起来天马行空的事,但她还是勇敢地从时间那里偷来了时空魔力球,为了朋友而不惜冒着世界崩塌的危险穿越到过去,找出真相,这说明一爱一丽丝长大了、成长了,她变得稳重、脚踏实地,但又保留着儿时的活泼、好动、机智和勇敢,在关键时刻会帮助别人,看似柔一弱的外表下隐藏了勇敢坚定的一颗心,是连贯了整个故事的主要人物。 动物会说话、猫会笑、掌管时间的人名字就叫时间……仙境里有许多怪异陆离的奇事,而到底是仙境还是现实,一切由你自己的心来决定。 《爱丽莎的眼睛》读后感500字_500字读后感 【第1篇】 读《爱丽莎的眼睛》有感 今年寒假,我读了一本书,名叫《爱丽莎的眼睛》。这本书是《橡树上的逃亡》的大结局。跟《橡树上的逃亡》一样是法国作家蒂莫泰·德·丰拜勒所著。 托比在光人生活的草原上获得了新生,但他心里难以抹去失去亲人的伤痛。直到大树上的作家波尔·科楠流落到了草原。他告诉托比,托比的父母并没有死,而爱丽莎即将被迫成为新一代暴君莱奥·布吕的妻子。他要拯救父母,要拯救爱丽莎。托比和两个光人伙伴冒险回到了大树。幼年逃亡曾经救过托比的尼尔再一次给了他最有力的帮助。托比只身冒险,深入乔·密西的树洞工厂,救出了所有


2016年下半年上映最值得看的20部电影 1.《美国队长3:内战》 上映时间:2016-05-06 在奥创对这个世界造成了巨大的影响之后,复仇者联盟还是团结一致保护人类的。但是在一些政治角力的背后,政府中有人认为是有必要控制一下这些超级英雄的超自然能力和他们的行动了。于是,一项管控措施出台。这个措施就是要求复联按照政府的要求来行动。任务的开展、进程和结束,都要由政府主导。这个管控措施在复联中引起了极大的争议。意见最极端、最两极分化不可调和的,就是钢铁侠和美国队长之间的问题,于是,这两个同盟者之间的矛盾就此爆发了出来。而复联的“内战”也不可避免的爆发。微信搜索公众号九爱微视免费观看以上电影全网唯一可免费看电影的公众号 2.《X战警:天启》 上映时间:2016-05-27 继漫威英雄系列巅峰之作《X战警:逆转未来》席卷全球之后,一手打造《X战警》系列的布莱恩辛格再度亲手执导,推出更大制作的《X战警:天启》。“天启”是漫威X战警

世界里,能力最强大并且是史上首位变种人,自人类文明开始以来,便为世人当作天神来膜拜,他汲取多位变种人的超能力,演变成一位永生不死且无人能敌的超级变种人,历经数千年后,他再度觉醒,集结了多位强大的变种人意欲毁灭一切,重建世界秩序,当中包含失志的万磁王(迈克尔法斯宾德饰)。当地球面临未知的巨大危机之际,瑞雯(詹妮弗 劳伦斯饰)在X教授(詹姆斯麦卡沃伊饰)的协助之下,必须领导年轻的X战警们力抗这史上最强大的敌人,并扭转人类命运。 3.《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》 上映时间:2016-05-27 奇幻童话真人版电影《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》改编自同名小说,故事描写了小姑娘爱丽丝在梦中种种神奇虚幻的经历。她走进了镜中世界,遭遇了装腔作势、奇笨无比的红白棋王后;好和花儿说话、与动物昆虫共处……当爱丽丝走入镜中,时光发生了倒流,出现了许多奇怪的情景:原本沉默的花草动物也开口说话了;绵羊戴着眼镜在织毛衣;在那些怪物的眼中,人才是真正可笑、不可思议的怪物。《爱丽丝镜中奇 遇记》是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的姐妹篇,同样讲述了一个千奇百怪,斑驳陆离的奇妙世界。 4.《惊天魔盗团2》

Everyday Use-Alice Walker(《祖母的日常用品》爱丽丝.沃克)原版辅导教学问题

Everyday Use Alice Walker I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves, anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house. Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: She will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister had held life always in the palm of one hand, that “no” is a word the world never learned to say to her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 You?ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has “made it” is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage. (A pleasant surprise, of course: What would they do if parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other?) On TV mother and child embrace and smile into each other?s faces. Sometimes the mother and father weep; the child wraps them in her arms and leans across the table to tell how she would not have made it without their help. I have seen these programs. Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a dark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny Carson who shakes my hand and tells me what a fine girl I have. Then we are on the stage, and Dee is embracing me with tears in her eyes. She pins on my dress a large orchid, even though she had told me once that she thinks orchids are tacky flowers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a


跨越一本教材的语文教学 ——六十本童书的教学设计 书名:天使雕像 作者:E.L.柯尼斯伯格 译者:郑清荣 出版社:新蕾出版社 适读年级:五、六年级 教学设计:唐山市丰润区医院路小学孙玉慧 一、内容简介 多少人有离开平淡生活的愿望,却缺少一个计划、一种动力。 多少人在走访罗浮宫的时候,会设想夜深时分,那些古希腊雕像会不会站起来,埃及石棺里的亡灵会不会活过来……孤独漫步在午夜的博物馆是什么感觉? 《天使雕像》正是写这种内在的欲望。一个厌倦于平凡生活的小女孩,决定带着弟弟离家出走。她选择的去处是纽约的大都会博物馆,物色的同伴是她既“富有”又小气的弟弟杰米。在戒备森严的大都会博物馆里,他们俩竟神奇地度过了一个星期!在这期间,一座被疑为是米开朗琪罗雕像的小天使雕像正在博物馆里展出。克劳迪娅立刻被这座雕像吸引住了,她决意要弄清这座雕像到底出自谁人之手。可眼下,他们没有丝毫线索,而且钱也快用光了…… 他们躲在纽约大都会博物馆里,以最少的花费吃饭坐车,却参观每一个展馆,以最近的距离,享受最丰盛的精神食宴。有一天,他们看见许多人排队在看一个

雕像“天使”,传说它是米开朗琪罗的作品。但它到底是不是,却还有待认定。 小女孩就近观察,发现雕像的底座上,刻有M的字样,她认为这是米开朗琪罗的名字缩写,便写了一封信给博物馆。她的生命因此有了骤然的转变,由一个跷家的小女孩,变成艺术奥秘的追寻者。她认为唯有得到答案,了解“天使”雕像的秘密,才是她此行的目的,这是唯一让她和别人不一样的所在。 二、阅读要点 1.在阅读本书前,要注意激发孩子们的阅读兴趣。我们可以这样导入:这两天老师读了一本非常有意思的故事书——《天使雕像》。小主人公克劳迪娅是个有勇气也有计谋的小女孩,她和弟弟杰米克服了重重困难,终于作了一件令人意想不到的事,并保守了一个秘密。你想知道故事的真相吗?那就请你仔细的来阅读吧。 2.悬疑和谋略是《天使雕像》这本书包含着的最能够吸引读者的因素。作家柯尼斯伯格安排两个孩子藏身于博物馆中。博物馆虽置身于城市,却远离花花绿绿的物质,它里面的每一件细小的东西都有可能包含着神奇和奥秘,是一个人造的大自然。为了不让孩子们匆匆地从博物馆的大厅间穿过,她就设计这样的情节:让两个好奇的孩子藏身在博物馆里,好好地探寻一下这里面的奥秘,把这种探寻奥秘的事情变得非常有趣。 3.人在少年时期总是对很多事物都有好奇心,都想刨根问底,本书中的姐弟俩就是这样的人。他们终于依靠自己的智慧,掌握了自己想知道的秘密。同时,他们也因为这次经历,懂得了很多道理,获得了课本和家庭里无法获得的知识。确实是一次最有创意的知识冒险! 4.“离家出走”这个念头,在某些孩子的心中或许曾经出现过,但不是每个人都会像克劳迪娅这样,有计划地付诸实现。老师在指导孩子看这本书时,可着重于引导孩子们学习克劳迪娅姐弟俩做事的缜密规划,锲而不舍的求知精神,以及随机应变、机智勇敢的灵活头脑。切勿让孩子以为逃家的行为是被鼓励的,进而去效仿。 5.书中写到克劳迪娅姐弟俩从最先他们总为了钱而吵架,到他们能理解对方的心情,他们成了一个美好的团队。他们知道团队永远是在一起的,永远一起同甘共苦,一起面对困难……通过这些要引导学生领会到本书的主旨:“爱”的力量成为姐弟俩找出天使雕像雕塑者的原动力。 6.为了揭开天使雕像的秘密,两个孩子居然也像侦探一样对一切细枝末


只找到这些 90-99翡翠台 爱有明天 摇摆豆牙梦- 后藤久美子 天生一对- 中山美穗、工藤静香、室井滋 阿SIR正传 一杯绿茶 同一屋檐下- 江口洋介、福山雅治、酒井法子、石田壹城、大路惠美、山本耕史同班同学 圣夜之奇迹 金田一之少年事件簿-堂本刚、友坂理惠 师奶强人-浅野温子、中井贵一、风间杜夫、室井滋、奥山佳惠、小木茂光、铃木清顺、草笛光子、草刈正雄、柴田理惠、西村雅彦、高桥克典 三夥恨嫁的心 将太的寿司 同一屋檐下II- 江口洋介、福山雅治、酒井法子、石田壹城、大路惠美、山本耕史、松隆子 新鬼马小夫妻 透明人间 新扎俏警花 00-06翡翠台 二千年之恋-金城武、中山美穗、仲间由纪惠 甜心宝贝女-深田恭子、黑木瞳、中村俊介、阿部宽、铃木一真、高峰阳 没有天使的街角 搅野办公室 新闻女郎-铃木保奈美、藤原纪香、泷泽秀明、深田恭子 向井荒太的动物日记- 堂本刚、水野真纪、安倍夏美、秋山纯、山田麻衣子、上原步、北村总一朗、树木希林、根津甚八 恋爱世纪- 木村拓哉、松隆子 悠长假期- 木村拓哉、山口智子、稻森泉、竹野内丰、松隆子、Ryo、广末凉子冰之世界 律政英雄 HERO-木村拓哉、松隆子、阿部宽 相睇一刻 凶铃后传 巨星夫婿-长濑智也、竹内结子 灵感 Super Girl 急症群英-江口洋介、松岛菜菜子 飞跃红妆 一夜夫妻要结婚 -竹野内丰、广末凉子、千叶真一 跳跃大搜查线 我要Cake一Cake-泷泽秀明 奇幻世纪 金融小子-长濑智也、长谷川京子 美味关系-中山美穗、唐泽寿明、饭岛直子

热烈的中华饭店-铃木京香、二宫和也、椎名桔平、胜村政信、东干久、高桥克实、石黑贤、濑户朝香、伊东四朗 梦想飞行Good Luck-木村拓哉、堤真一、柴崎幸、黑木瞳、内山理名、竹中直人 溥杰与王妃-竹野内丰、常盘贵子、反町隆史、天海佑希 5C班新人王-堂本刚、竹内结子 小Q正传 超能娇妻-篠原凉子、伊藤英明 冰之骄子Pride-木村拓哉、竹内结子、坂口宪二 大奥-菅野美穗、池脇千鹤、安达佑实、浅野优子、松下由树、高岛礼子、濑户朝香 女王的教室(演员:天海佑希、志田未来) 电车男(演员:伊东美咲、伊藤淳史、堀北真希、速水直道) 一公升眼泪(演员:泽尻绘里香、锦户亮) 剧集台∶ 在世界中心呼唤爱(演员:山田孝之、绫濑遥) 与光同行(演员:篠原凉子、小林聪美、山口达也、武田真治、铃木杏树 新排球女将(演员:上户彩)TVB网页 爱相随(演员:松隆子、阪口宪二、长谷川京子、平山绫) 西游记(演员:香取慎吾、伊藤淳史、内村光良、深津绘里) 人间的证明(演员:竹野内丰、夏川结衣) 遥远的家(演员:中山美穗、西田尚美、酒井若菜) 轮舞曲(演员:竹野内丰、崔智友) 义务爹哋(演员:江口洋介、上户彩、二宫和也、内田有纪) 海猿(演员:伊藤英明、加藤爱、仲村亨) 哈罗黑杰克(演员:妻夫木聪、铃木京香、三浦友和、杉本哲太) 利家与松(演员:唐泽寿明、松岛菜菜子) 夜王(演员:松冈昌宏、北村一辉) 法网新丁(演员:Mimura、堤真一) 大奥~华之乱(演员:藤原纪香、内山理名) 垃圾律师(演员:丰川悦司、伊藤英明 明珠台∶ 鬼嫁日记(演员:观月亚里莎) 女系家族(演员:米仓凉子、高岛礼子) 飙风引擎(演员:木村拓哉) 参考资料: wikipedia 90-99本港台 花嫁衣裳 东京爱的故事 隔世情未了 101次求婚 难得有情人


第一级:300生词量,适合小学、初一学生,共8本 1、《爱情与金钱》 2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德尔的巫师》 5、《歌剧院的幽灵》 6、《猴爪》 7、《象人》 8、《世界上最冷的地方》 第二级:600生词量,适合初一学生,8本 1、《威廉·莎士比亚》 2、《一个国王的爱情故事》 L3、《亡灵岛》 4、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 5、《鲁宾孙漂流记》 6、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》 7、《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》 8、《五个孩子和沙精》 第三级:1000生词量,适合初二学生,分上册7本,下册8本上册 1、《弗兰肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼唤》 3、《秘密花园》 4、《曾达的囚徒》 5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》 6、《风语河岸柳》 7、《神秘幻想故事集》 下册: 1、《圣诞欢歌》 2、《多里安·格雷的画像》 3、《勃朗特一家的故事》 4、《牙齿和爪子》 5、《星际动物园》 6、《诱拐》 7、《公正》 8、《化学秘密》 第四级:1500生词量,适合初三学生,分上册5本,下册6本上册: 1、《巴斯克维尔猎犬》 2、《不平静的坟墓》 3、《三怪客泛舟记》 4、《三十九级台阶》

5、《小妇人》 下册: 1、《黑骏马》 2、《织工马南》 3、《双城记》 4、《格列佛游记》 5、《金银岛》 6、《化身博士》 第五级:2000生词量,适合高一学生,共4本。 1、《远大前程》 2、《大卫·科波菲尔》 3、《呼啸山庄》 4、《远离尘嚣》 第六级:2300生词量,适合高二、高三学生,共4本 1、《简·爱》 2、《雾都孤儿》 3、《傲慢与偏见》 4、《苔丝》 入门级:适合小学高年级,初一共十本 1 《生存游戏》 2《侠盗罗宾汉》 3《白色巨石》 4《红长的赎金》 5《吸血鬼猎手》 6 《逆戬鲸》 7《雾都疑案》 8《亚瑟王传奇》 9《亚瑟王朝里的美国人》 10《把钱拿出来!》

The summary of everyday use by Alice walker

Class:英语09-1 Name:包红梅Number:200920801033 The summary of everyday use by Alice walker Everyday use for grandmama is an essay by Alice Walker, Who was born in America, 1944. Alice Walker, an American author and poet, most of whose writing portrays the lives of poor, oppressed African American women in early 1900s.the Color Purple which won the Pulitzer Prize of fiction and The American Book Award. She was also active in the moments for civil war and women’s rights. The short story everyday use, from the collection In Love and Trouble was published in 1973.Alice Walker conceptually expresses her wariness of the Black Power Movement. During the mid-1960’, young black African Americans proclaimed they would shake off their current lifestyle and began to celebrate African culture by exotic names and ethnic appeal. In this story Walker’s attitude is that for the culture heritage, they should not reflect it on purpose, instead it should be treated as a kind of lifestyle. It is a narrative fiction story, about the different attitudes of three black women in a family to Africa-American heritage. The mother, Mrs. Johnson, who is a less educated worker but intelligent and upright, works in a church and raises money to support one of her two daughters, Dee, to school. Dee is a beautiful, smart, brave but selfish, bad temper and arrogant girl. On contrast, her little sister, Maggie, is a homely girl who had scars on her face. Totally different from Dee, Maggie is a timid, shy, inferior but easy-going, kind and generous girl. Mrs. Johnson is proud of Dee and also she loves Maggie. The story begins in a day when Dee visits her mother’s house and Mrs. Johnson and Maggie waiting for her. They find Dee has changed a lot than before, for she changes her name to a long African name which is very different to pronounce so does her dress. to their surprise she also changes her attitude toward ,everything she used to hate very much. She asks for many things from her mother which she regards as the symbolic of the African culture. But later she focuses on two pairs of old quilts made by their grandmamma which Maggie also wants to have. Dee wants to hang them up, but Maggie thinks it can remind her of her grandmamma. After a long time discussion, their mother gives the quilts to Maggie. The story ends happily with Mrs. Johnson and M aggie still enjoying their simple but happy life. But Dee goes away disappointly. From the story, we can see the author’s deep respect of their culture, and her attitude towards their culture is that the cultural relic heritage should be regarded as a kind of lifestyle not a study. The story is well-knit, and make readers imaginable .The plot and the end are favorable just as you wish to have. Though the story is very long, you will not feel bored, for the funny and plain words used. By reading her story, readers can feel excited and have a sense of happiness, since they can realize their dream through their continuous struggle.


编者按:有学生家长问:老师,您好!我们孩子也有二楼同样的问题,就是每次英文都读不下去,而且生词特别多,老得查字典,反而没有兴趣了。请老师推荐适合高一学生阅读的英文书籍。多谢! 论坛热心家长问:老师,您好!我们孩子也有二楼同样的问题,就是每次英文都读不下去,而且生词特别多,老得查字典,反而没有兴趣了。请老师推荐适合高一学生阅读的英文书籍。多谢! 专家回答:家长您好!我在上面也回答过其他同学这个问题,主要和大家聊了一下要把英语阅读材料分为精读和泛读来分类对待。 我经常建议同学们要加大课外阅读,这主要是说泛读,就是不必逐词逐句地去查字典,主要培养语感。这就要求阅读内容不能太难,不能放眼一看一半生词,这样谁也不愿意读的。刚开始尤为要简单一些,找先找低一个年级的材料来读,主要培养阅读兴趣和习惯,然后逐渐和所学年级同步。 您孩子现在高一的话,您可以选择几本书虫的读物给孩子读。这套书分级很细,故事性很强,而且好多是英文名着,读起来有意思。 第一级:300生词量,适合小学、初一学生,共8本 1、《爱情与金钱》 2、《苏格兰玛丽女王》 3、《在月亮下面》 4、《潘德尔的巫师》 5、《歌剧院的幽灵》 6、《猴爪》 7、《象人》 8、《世界上最冷的地方》 第二级:600生词量,适合初一学生,8本 1、《威廉·莎士比亚》 2、《一个国王的爱情故事》 L3、《亡灵岛》 4、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》 5、《鲁宾孙漂流记》 6、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》 7、《格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮》 8、《五个孩子和沙精》 第三级:1000生词量,适合初二学生,分上册7本,下册8本 上册 1、《弗兰肯斯坦》 2、《野性的呼唤》 3、《秘密花园》 4、《曾达的囚徒》 5、《爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记》

Alice Walker

Alice Walker From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alice Malsenior Walker(born February 9, 1944) is an American author and activist. She wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple(1982) for which she won the National Book Awardand the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. 爱丽丝沃克 英文摘录自维基百科,自由的百科全书,罗金佑翻译 爱丽丝.马尔瑟尼奥.沃克(Alice Malsenior Walker出生于1944年2月9日)是一位美国作家和活动家。她写的广受好评的小说《紫色》(1982)为她赢得了国家图书奖和普利策小说奖。 Early life Walker was born in Putnam County, Georgia,the youngest of eight children, to Willie Lee Walker and Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant. Her father, who was, in her words, "wonderful at math but a terrible farmer," earned only $300 ($4,000 in 2013 dollars) a year from sharecroppingand dairy farming. Her mother supplemented the family income by working as a maid. She worked 11 hours a day for $17 per week to help pay for Alice to attend college. 早期的生活 沃克是出生在乔治亚州普特南县,是威利.里.沃克和米妮.楼.塔露拉.格兰特的八个孩子中最小的一位。她的父亲,用她的话说,是“在数学上令人惊叹却还是一个很厉害的农民,”每年从事谷租佃农和奶牛养殖中只能赚到300美元(在2013年为4000美元)。她的母亲给人当女仆来补充家庭收入。她每天工作11小时,每周挣17美元来帮助支付爱丽丝上大学的学费。 Living under Jim Crow laws, Walker's parents resisted landlords who expected the children of black sharecroppers to work the fields at a young age. A white plantation owner said to her that black people had "no need for education". Minnie Lou Walker, according to her daughter, replied "You might have some black children somewhere, but they don't live in this house. Don't you ever come around here again talking about how my children don't need to learn how to read and write." Her mother enrolled Alice in first grade when the girl was four years old. 生活在对黑人种族歧视的法律下,沃克的父母反对地主让佃农的孩子们在尚年轻时就去田间干活。一个白人种植园主对她说,黑人“不需要接受教育”。据她的女儿说,米妮.楼.塔露拉.格兰特当时回答说:“你可能会有一些黑人孩子在某处,但是他们不住在这所房子里。你不要再到这里来谈论什么我的孩子不需要学习如何读和写了。”当爱丽丝四岁的时候她母亲送她进入一年级学习。 Growing up with an oral tradition, listening to stories from her grandfather (who was the model for the character of Mr. In The Color Purple), Walker began writing, very privately, when she was eight years old. "With my family, I had to hide things," she said. "And I had to keep a lot in my mind." 听着口头传说,听着她祖父讲的故事(她祖父是《紫色》里的人物先生的原型)渐渐长大,沃克便开始写作,非常私人的,当时她才八岁的。“涉及到我的家庭,我不得不把许多事情隐藏起来,”她说。“我已经把很多事情记在脑海里了。” In 1952, Walker was accidentally wounded in the right eye by a shot from a BB gunfired by one of her brothers.[9]In 2013, on BBC Radio's Desert Island Discs, she said the act was actually deliberate but she agreed to protect her brother against their parents' anger if they knew the truth. Because the family had no car, the Walkers could not take their daughter to a hospital for immediate treatment. By the time they reached a doctor a week later, she had become permanently blind in that eye. When a layer of scar tissue formed over her wounded eye, Alice


小雪花,小咪咪,爱丽丝,镜中奇遇。 其实,只要有了梦想,任何人都可以变成爱丽丝。可爱的爱丽丝,还是心中可爱的梦。 毕竟,儿童是爱幻想的。 爱丽丝能够受到这么多人的喜爱,其实是因为她是孩子们心中寄托的梦想。 你可以充当白后的前卒。卒第一步走两格。然后,你可以飞快地通第三格格可能乘火车。到了第四格,你会碰见特威丹、特威帝孪生兄弟。第五格大部分是水,第六格则是矮胖子的地盘,第七格全是森林马将做你的向导。红后说道,这是多么的有趣啊,后来爱丽丝真的成为了女王,在白骑士的护送下,成为了女王。 就算,就算国王也背叛了,只有你骑士不可以背叛,则似乎是一条法则。 这是一个颠倒了的世界,所有人都在说这奇怪的话,爱丽丝买了一个鸡蛋,鸡蛋变成了一个矮子,这是第六格发生的趣事,她看见了绵羊做女店主,拿着十四对缝针,在河流上激荡。进入第八格,爱丽丝将变为王后,小小的王冠紧紧箍住了她。国际象棋可是个奇特的游戏。在镜中的世界里,所有的象棋子都像一个鲜活的生命,他们可以像真人一样的朗诵着诗歌给你听,也可以傲慢的走来走去,然后指着你叫嚣谩骂;你要跑得飞快才能留在同一个地方,如果想要走,需要用比这两倍的速度。这里时光倒流,白后忘不了两星期以后要发生的事情,她对爱丽丝说她会受伤,所以提前的尖叫,等到别针真的划破她的手指,她反而平静。这到底是谁的梦境?是爱丽丝的?不,特威丹、特威帝孪生兄弟告诉她,不要以为这里是真实的,不要以为你哭,你就是真实的眼泪。她和所有人只是红棋国王梦境中的一个角色,在不断地奔跑中。红方国王一旦醒来,我们所有的人都会消失,化为虚无。 爱丽丝想要叫醒那鼾声如同雷打的红棋国王,谁都不知道到底会发生什么。是消失,还是她的梦也会醒。 这个故事里面,总是有很想让人追寻的东西,怪不得,老爸会笑着说,今天的书是很好看,但是明天的书会更好。 是啊,这是一个梦想的追寻,我总是认为梦想是遥不可及,那么,先做一个美丽的梦吧。是的,今天的《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》是很好看,但是也希望下一个故事也会很好看。 每天幻想一次,看一个故事,看到那带着薄香的书页在你面前翻开,然后你会感叹,其实,每天的故事都很美好。 以前的我们欠缺了梦想的空间,但是如果会想像的话,一切故事都会变得既美丽又温馨。

紫色简介 人物分析

艾丽斯沃克 The Color Purple is an acclaimed 1982 epistolary novel by American author Alice Walker. It received the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. It was later adapted into a film and musical of the same name. Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on female black life during the 1930s in the Southern United States, addressing the numerous issues including their exceedingly low position in American social culture. The novel has been the frequent target of censors and appears on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2000-2009 at number seventeen because of the sometimes explicit content, particularly in terms of violence.[1] Celie Celie is the main character, who has been oppressed by men her whole life. As an adolescent she is raped by her stepfather and soon thereafter gives birth. Her children are taken away. Her stepfather gives her away to be married to Albert. She becomes friends with Shug, which leads to a sexual relationship between the two. Celie learns many things about herself and her body due to Shug. She models herself after Shug and becomes more independent the more she listens to Shug's views and opinions. Shug influences not only the way that Celie allows Albert to treat her, but also her religious views. In showing Celie that it is all right to commit sin but still believe in and live for God, she broadens Celie's view on religion. It is also Shug who frees Celie from Albert's bondage, first by loving her, then by helping her to start a custom sewing business. From Shug, Celie learns that Albert has been hiding letters written to her from Africa by her sister Nettie, a missionary. These letters, full of educated, firsthand observation of African life, form a moving counterpoint to Celie's life. They reveal that in Africa, just as in America, women are persistently oppressed by men.[6] Shug Avery Shug is a very extroverted and transcendental character. She is Albert's mistress, the one who always got away. When she comes back to visit Albert, she shakes up not only his feelings, but also those of Celie. Celie harbors an admiration for Shug and the life that she has lived. Shug enters and exits Celie's life, normally making it for the better. She influences Albert to the point that he ends up treating Celie better than he ever had. Eventually, Shug herself develops a physical relationship with Celie. By showing Celie the wonders of life and her body, she helps Celie develop herself emotionally and spiritually. Shug also helps Celie discover the long lost letters that her sister Nettie had written to her. In allowing Celie to view these letters, Shug is supplying her with even more hope and inspiration, letting Celie see that in the end, everything works out for the best. Sofia Sofia is the wife of Harpo, the son of Mr. Johnson. She loves Harpo well, but she insists "she killem dead before he hits her." She is a strong, independent, and feisty character who takes pride in what she does, and cannot be controlled by men, no matter who they are. She is humbled -and perhaps even broken- when she is beaten by white people for hitting the mayor, and then forced to work for his wife.

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