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2013 SKF RMI Training Handbook

Bearing T echnology 资产管理


Training Needs Analysis


4 | SKF Training Handbook

维修策略(MS)持续改进(LP )

高级课程 由SKF 相关领域专家授课

教室/现场培训 由SKF 相关领域专家授课

线上授课 通过网络授课





SKF 可靠性维护学院的培训课程

SKF 可靠性系统的培训课程是按照技能等级划分的。虽然不是硬性要求,但我们还是建议学员按照该等级循序渐进地学习,这样才能获得最好的学习效果。


7天24小时RMI-在线(RMI-Online,自学工具),链接地址SKF@ptitude Exchange 。入门级课程,旨在帮助学员熟悉基本术语,提供关于轴承,润滑,热成像分析等主题的基础培训。


由SKF 专家在客户所在地点或RMI 培训点面授。 理论和实践指导相结合的课程。


由SKF 专家或外部专家在客户所在地点或SKF RMI 培训中心面授,理论和实践指导相结合的高级课程。

可靠性维护学院是SKF 集团面向全球的技术培训机构。您可在50多个国家70多个培训中心,参加SKF 标准化的技术培训。2004年,其中国培训中心正式成立。发展至今,在SKF 上海和天津的工业解决方案工厂,已拥有完善的培训设施、系统化的培训课程以及经验丰富的培训专家团队,并联合SKF 的优质经销商,在地方设立标准化的授权授课点,以期让更多客户高效灵活地参加培训。


SKF RMI 培训的主题多样,其课程主要以SKF 资产管理最优化(AEO )工作流程的下列五个方面展开:

维护策略 (MS)


工作识别 (WI)


工作管理 (WC)


工作执行 (WE)


持续改进 (LP)

主要是关于维护工作和策略的评估方法和技术,旨在持续改进、完善维护工艺。 课程主题包括根本原因分析、可靠性分析、维护工作的完成、机器重新设计、技术升级。

SKF 可靠性维护学院在中国SKF 可靠性维护学院 - 年度课程表MS 331 维修策略维护和优化 (SRCM)

MS 331 SRCM process WI 202 BINDT 认证 ISO 18436.2 振动分析师一级 WI 202 ISO 18436.2 VA Level 1 BINDT Accredited vibration analysis training WI 203 BINDT 认证 ISO 18436.2 振动分析师二级WI 203 ISO 18436.2 VA Level 2 BINDT Accredited vibration analysis training WI 210 状态监测基础 WI 210 CoMo Basic WI 211 状态监测分析师 (I) WI 211 CoMo Analyst (I) WC 230 备件管理和优化WC 230 Spare parts management and inventory control WE 201 滚动轴承的维护和保养WE 201 Bearing T echnology and Maintenance WE 202 转动机械设备的可靠性维护 WE 202 Bearing in Rotating Machinery Applications WE 203 设备润滑和润滑管理WE 203 Machinery Lubrication Management WE 204 轴承失效分析WE 204 Bearing Failure Analysis WE 221 风力发电设备的可靠性维护 WE 221 Wind T urbine Uptower Bearing Maintenance WE 225 钢铁行业设备可靠性维护WE 225 Reliability in Metal WE 226 矿山/水泥行业设备可靠性维护WE 226 Reliability in Mine and Cement WE 240 精密轴对中WE 240 Precision Shaft Alignment 定制课程培训Customized T raining 客户培训课程申请表Enrollment Form .................................................................................................................................6....................................................................................................................7.. (8)

...........................................................................................................................................9.......................................................................................10..........................................11.......................................................................................12..........................................13........................................................................................................................................14.............................................................................................................................................15..............................................................................................................................16.....................................................................................................................................17..................................................................................................................................18.............................................................................19.....................................................................................................................20................................................................................................21.............................................................................................................22.....................................................................................23.........................................................................................................................24.................................................................................................25.......................................................................................................................................26......................................................................................................................27..........................................................................................................28..................................................................................29..................................................................................................................30..................................................................................................................................31........................................................................................................32..........................................................................................................33...........................................................................................................................................34...................................................................................................................35......................................................................................................................................................36.............................................................................................................................................37.........................................................................................................................................38 (38)



SKF Training Handbook | 5





福 州:福建省福州市六一中路66号

重 庆:重庆市江北区港城东环路5号(两江产业园)5幢

鄂尔多斯:鄂尔多斯市塔拉壕新区捷通五金机电城B 区3号楼1029室龙 岩:国福研究院 福建省龙岩新罗区东肖北路1号(龙岩学院内)

SKF 可靠性维护学院在中国

SKF Reliability Maintenance Institute in China

6 | SKF Training Handbook

SKF 工业解决方案工厂 (上海)


SKF 工业解决方案工厂 (天津)










维修技术行 业


MS 33149504状态监测基础WI 21059505状态监测分析师一级WI 211

39503备件管理和优化WC 23049505滚动轴承的维护和保养WE 20139503转动机械设备的可靠性维护WE 20249504设备润滑和润滑管理WE 20339503钢铁行业设备可靠性维护WE 22539503水泥/矿山行业设备可靠性维护WE 2263950



WE 221

49504轴承失效分析WE 204


WE 2402013年培训中心公开课程表(见第7页) 在线报名:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b4652326.html,

BINDT 英国无损检测学会认证 ISO18436.2状态监测分析师一级WI 20213000


5BINDT 英国无损检测学会认证 ISO18436.2状态监测分析师二级WI 20316000



2013 Courses for Training Center

重 庆:

福 州:


WI 21012月17日-20日WI 210


WI 210


WE 2044月23日-26日WE 204


WE 204

9月24日-27日WE 2042月26日-3月1日WE 204

9月10日-13日WI 2102月26日-3月1日WE 2016月3日-7日

WE 2015月6日-10日WE 20111月25日-29日WE 201



2013 Calendar for Authorized DD Training Unit


咨询请联系:021-********-357 邮箱:rmi.china@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b4652326.html,




通过本课程的学习,您将能够:? 了解并描述SRCM 工作流程

? 认识到数据结构及数据质量对于策略制 定的重要性

? 理解对资产进行识别与分类的重要性? 理解SRCM 分析流程中的障模式、影响与 关键性分析

? 了解如何进行SRCM 分析与策略制定的 含义

? 理解为什么要进行任务比较? 了解实施SRCM 所需的方法? 认识到什么是持续改进




该培训课程旨在向学员提供SKF 维护策略回顾与优化的基本知识以深入理解SKF 维修策略维护和优化(SRCM )这一方法与流程。

模块1: SRCM 的准备工作

? SRCM 分析软件-资产管理支持工具 (AMST )


? 了解SRCM 的由来

? 讨论SRCM 与RCM 的区别所在? 理解RCM 标准

? 讨论SRCM 是否遵循了RCM 标准

模块3:SRCM 方法与流程

? 讨论SRCM 流程模型? 决定SRCM 分析所需数据


? 如何选择系统作为SRCM 的分析对象? 确定系统边界

? 理解功能失效分析的重要性


? 决定主要失效原因

? 如何为关键设备制定维护任务

? 如何决定对某些设备实施“运行至失 效”策略

? 了解在什么情况下应考虑对设备进行重 新设计


? 理解任务比较的重要性? 如何较好地实施分析结果? 什么是反馈

模块7:SRCM 项目步骤

? 理解SRCM 项目的基本步骤

? 了解SRCM 项目实施中回顾环节的内容


应完成 RMI 网上课程*的学习

? MS100 资产效率优化(AEO )基础课程? MS130 维护策略回顾与优化(MSR ) 入门课程

? SRCM 方法与RCM 标准(SAE JA 1011)

(获取网上课程材料,请登录https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b4652326.html, )

8 | SKF Training Handbook

MS 331

维修策略维护和优化 (SRCM)



O p t i m i z e

S t

r a t e g i z e I d e n

t i f y

C o n t r o l


SKF Training Handbook | 9

MS 331

SRCM process

Recommended for

Maintenance, plant/facility engineering staff, rotating equipment engineers, maintenance supervisors, managers at industrial plants, reliability engineers and those interested in rotating equipment performance.

Course Objective

Upon completion of this course students will have the knowledge to:

? Know how to describe the SRCM process flow.

? Recognize the importance of data structure and content before you do any kind of strategy work.

? Understand the importance of identifying and categorizing assets.

? Understand criticality and the Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach in SRCM.

? Understand how to develop a SRCM analysis, as well as the implications of making the strategy work.? Understand why to conduct a task comparison.? Understand methods needed for SRCM implementation.? Recognize what a living program is

Course Duration

3 days

Course Descriptio

The aim of this training is to provide participants the necessary knowledge of the SKF maintenance strategy review to understand the basics of streamlined reliability centered maintenance (SRCM).

Module I: Setting the scene for SRCM (Introduction)? Asset Management Support T ool (AMST) module structure

Module II: Conceptual models and business context ? Understand where SRCM came from

? Discuss the difference between SRCM and RCM ? Understand the RCM standard

? Discuss SRCM compliance with the RCM standard Module III: SRCM methodology

? Effectively discuss the SRCM process model ? Determine what data is required prior to SRCM

Module IV: Identify what is important ? How to select which system to analyze ? Determine system boundaries

? Understand the importance of the functional failure analysis ? (FFA)

Module V: Define what should be done ? Know what dominant failure causes are ? How to prescribe maintenance to critical assets ? How to decide run-to-failure (RTF) maintenance ? Know when design changes are required Module VI: Change the existing program ? Understand the importance of task comparison ? How to implement well ? What feedback is Module VII: Project steps

? Understand typical SRCM project steps

? Understand what takes place during a SRCM review meeting


RMI On-line course*? MS100 AEO Basics ? MS130 What is MSR

? SRCM methodology complient with ? SAE JA 1011

* On-line learning material at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8b4652326.html,


适合生产企业中直接从事设备预防性维修和预测性维修工作的人员,包括状态监测工程师、设备工程师和设备经理、维修工程师和维修经理等相关人员;适合从事状态监测技术及产品的服务和推广,希望深入了解和掌握状态监测技术以及希望获得振动分析一级PCN 认证(无损检测人员认证)的人员。


通过一级认证的人员具备振动测量和执行振动分析的专业技能或任职资格,并且能够使用恰当的传感器和设备,具体如下:? 在预分配或预编程路径上操作便携式仪 表

? 从永久性安装仪器获得读数

? 将数据输入数据库或从计算机上下载样 本路径

? 根据预定流程在稳定工作条件下执行测 试

? 根据预先制定的警报设置对比总体或单 一值振动测量结果

? 验证采集数据的完整性;预防或控制不 良数据

? 根据指令评估和报告测试结果;强调需 进一步调查的区域


5 天


? 振动原理? 数据采集? 信号处理? 状态监测 ? 故障分析? 设备知识? 验收测试? 参考标准? 培训评估测试

SKF 资格认证考试

1. 一旦培训结束,学员可向英国无损检测学会递交参加认证PCN 测试的申请。是否具备测试资格由英国无损检测学会决定:? 学员应受过教育、培训,并具备相关经 验,确保理解机械振动测量和分析的原 理和流程。

? 学员应提交书面文件,证明已在认证培训 组织完成了由认证培训师提供的英国无损 检测学会认证或认可的培训课程和测试。? 学员应提供证明,证实自身具备在机械 振动分析状态监测领域的工作经验。2. 由英国无损检测学会安排测试日程,认证培训中心负责执行测试,英国无损检测学会认证监考者管理相关事宜。

3. 资质测试结束后,试卷原件将被送至监考者处,监考者负责密封试卷袋,并递交至英国无损检测学会待评定。

4. 成绩达到75%或以上的学员将获得资质。


10 | SKF Training Handbook

WI 202 BINDT 英国无损检测学会认证ISO 18436.2 振动分析师一级

T arget Audience

This training is designed for people who are directly involved in preventive maintenance and / or condition monitoring, including condition monitoring engineers, equipment engineers, maintenance engineers, managers in charge for plant equipment and maintenance and for people engaged in promoting condition monitoring products, technologies and services in the market, and personnel wishing to achieve PCN certification in vibration analysis level 1.

Course Objective

Certification to Level 1 will provide evidence of qualification and competence for individuals to perform vibration analysis measurements and analysis using appropriate sensors and equipment as follows.

? Operate portable instrumentation on pre-assigned or

pre-programmed routes

? Acquire readings from permanently installed


? Input results into a database and download sampling routes from a computer

? Conduct testing under steady-state operating conditions

following predefined procedures

? Compare overall or single value vibration measurements

against pre-established alert settings

? Verify integrity of collected data; prevent or control poor data ? Evaluate and report test results in accordance with

instructions; highlight areas for further investigation Course Duration

5 days

Course content

? Principles of vibration

? Data acquisition

? Signal processing

? Condition monitoring

? Fault analysis

? Equipment knowledge

? Acceptance testing

? Reference standards

? T raining evaluation examination Certification

1. Once training has been completed, candidates submit an application to BINDT to take the Certifying PCN Exam. Eligibility for examination is defined by BINDT:

? Candidates shall have a combination of education, training

and experience to ensure that they understand the principles

and procedures applicable to machinery vibration

measurement and analysis.

? Candidates shall provide documentary evidence of successful

completion of a BINDT approved or recognized course of

formal training and a training course examination provided

by an approved trainer at an ATO.

? Candidate shall provide evidence of experience in the field of

machinery vibration analysis condition monitoring.

2. An examination appointment will be scheduled by BINDT to

be conducted at an AEC and will be administered by a BINDT authorized invigilator.

3. At the end of the qualification examination, completed examination scripts will be handed to the invigilator, who will seal the packages and return them to BINDT for grading.

4. T o achieve qualification, the candidate shall obtain a minimum grade of 75%.

5. Examination result notification and/or certificate will be sent

to the candidate.

SKF Training Handbook | 11

WI 202 ISO 18436.2 VA Level 1

BINDT Accredited vibration analysis training

12 | SKF Training Handbook

WI 203 BINDT 英国无损检测学会认证ISO 18436.2 振动分析师二级


希望获得振动分析二级PCN 认证的人员,无论是否存在相位触发信号,都能够根据设定的程序用单通道仪器对工业机械进行振动测量和基础的振动分析。


? 选择恰当的机械振动测量技术? 设置仪器的基础分辨率,例如振幅、频 率和时间

? 通过频谱分析执行机械和组件的基础振 动分析,例如轴、轴承、齿轮、风机、 泵和电机。

? 维护结果和趋势的数据库

? 执行基础(单通道)冲击测试,以确定 自然频率

? 根据适用规范和标准进行分类并解释和 评估测试结果(包括验收测试)? 推荐纠正措施

? 推荐使用替代状态监测(CM )技术,至 少懂得振动分析一级中英国无损检测学 会状态监测/GEN 规定的四项状态监测技 术原理

? 监管和指导振动分析一级和二级


5 天




振动分析一级和附加内容如下所示:? 纠正措施? 设备测试和诊断? 振动控制? 报告和文件记录? 确定故障严重程度

SKF 资格认证考试

1. 一旦培训结束,学员可向英国无损检测学会递交参加认证PCN 测试的申请。是否具备测试资格由英国无损检测学会决定:? 学员应受过教育、培训,并具备相关经 验,确保理解机械振动测量和分析的原 理和流程。

? 学员应提交书面文件,证明已在认证培训 组织完成了由认证培训师提供的英国无损 检测学会认证或认可的培训课程和测试。? 学员应提供证明,证实自身具备在机械 振动分析状态监测领域的工作经验。2. 由英国无损检测学会安排测试日程,认证培训中心负责执行测试,英国无损检测学会认证监考者管理相关事宜。

3. 资质测试结束后,试卷原件将被送至监考者处,监考者负责密封试卷袋,并递交至英国无损检测学会待评定。

4. 成绩达到75%或以上的学员将获得资质。


SKF Training Handbook | 13

WI 203 ISO 18436.2 VA Level 2

BINDT Accredited vibration analysis training

T arget Audience

Personnel wishing to achieve PCN certification in vibration analysis level 2. Enabling qualification to perform industrial machinery vibration measurements and basic vibration analysis using single-channel measurements, with or without phase trigger signals, according to established and recognized procedures.

Course Objective

? Select the appropriate machinery vibration measurement technique

? Set up instruments for basic resolution of amplitude, frequency and time

? Perform basic vibration analysis of machinery and components such as shafts, bearings, gears, fans, pumps, and motors using spectrum analysis

? Maintain a database of results and trends

? Perform basic (single channel) impact tests to determine natural frequencies

? Classify, interpret and evaluate the test results (including acceptance tests) in accordance with applicable specifications and standards

? Recommend corrective actions

? Recommend the use of alternative condition monitoring (CM) technologies with an understanding of the principles of all four CM technologies specified in BINDT CM/GEN at least to level 1 ? Supervise and provide guidance to vibration analysis levels 1 and 2

Course Duration

5 days


Prior to seeking level 2 classification the candidate must have already obtained level 1 or a recognized equivalent.

Course content

level 1 and additional topics as follows: ? Corrective action

? Equipment testing and diagnostics ? Vibration control

? Reporting and documentation ? Fault severity determination


1. Once training has been completed, candidates submit an application to BINDT to take the Certifying PCN Exam. Eligibility for examination is defined by BINDT:

? Candidates shall have a combination of education, training and experience to ensure that they understand the principles and procedures applicable to machinery vibration measurement and analysis.

? Candidates shall provide documentary evidence of successful completion of a BINDT approved or recognized course of formal training and a training course examination provided by an approved trainer at an ATO.

? Candidate shall provide evidence of experience in the field of machinery vibration analysis condition monitoring. 2. An examination appointment will be scheduled by BINDT to be conducted at an AEC and will be administered by a BINDT authorized invigilator.

3. At the end of the qualification examination, completed examination scripts will be handed to the invigilator, who will seal the packages and return them to BINDT for grading.

4. T o achieve qualification, the candidate shall obtain a minimum grade of 75%.

5. Examination result notification and/or certificate will be sent to the candidate.




本培训课程的总体目标是使受训者了解各类工厂维修体制,特别是预测性维修体制及相关技术。初步掌握振动测试及分析技术和设备故障诊断的基础知识。通过培训可以掌握:? 工厂维修体制

- 维修体制的发展进程

- 各类维修体制的实施方法和效果 - 各类维修体制的相关技术? 振动测试及分析 - 各类设备的监测方式 - 数据采集的软硬件技术 - 数据分析的基本技术手段? 故障诊断

- 设备状态评价标准的确定 - 常见故障诊断方法介绍






课程采用理论讲解、实际操作和问题讨论等多种培训方式,主要内容包括:? 工厂设备维修理念的演变发展及其应用技术

? 振动测试与分析 - 振动基本原理

- 振动数据采集仪和传感器原理及选用 - 振动测点位置与传感器安装频率响应 - 振动测试数据库设置? 故障诊断

- 如何通过加速度包络分析发现轴承受损 - 振动分析概述? 实际操作

- 动手设置振动测试数据库 - 数据采集器实际操作 - 采集数据、分析数据

SKF 资格认证考试

所有培训人员将参加书面的结业考试,通过考试的学员将获得由SKF 培训中心颁发的证书。



14 | SKF Training Handbook

WI 210


T arget Audience

The staff involve in preventive maintenance and/or condition monitoring, including condition monitoring engineers, equipment engineers, maintenance engineers, production engineers and Supervisors or managers in relative department, staff of equipment management and/or maintenance department in plant who are going to implement predictive maintenance, business people involve in promoting condition monitoring products and services, or anyone interested in condition monitoring.

Course Objective

The overall course objective is to introduce maintenance systems and employed techniques, especially predictive maintenance.The course provides basic knowledge about vibration test, vibration analysis and fault diagnosis.

By participating the course,participants will understand:? Maintenance system

- Evolution of maintenance systems

- Methods and benefits of the systems

—Relevant techniques for different systems

? Vibration measurement and analysis

- Methods for different machines

- Software and hardware for data collection

- Basic analysis methods

? Fault diagnosis

- Condition evaluation criteria

- Diagnosis methods for familiar fault

Course Duration

4days Prerequisites

Participants should have a basic understanding of structure

and maintenance of rotating machinery.A fundamental knowledge of computer operation is required.

Course Description

CoMo Basic uses a combination of hands-on training,lecture

and discussion opportunities.

T opics include:

? Maintenance evolution and various condition monitoring techniques

? Vibration T est&Analysis

- Basics of vibration

- Vibration instruments (data collector/Analyzer) and

sensors, how to pick the correct ones

- Measurement positions and frequency responses

- Vibration database setup

? Failure Diagnosis

- How SKF Enveloped Acceleration works to find rolling

bearing damages

- General vibration analysis

? Operation

- Set-up vibration analysis database

- Data usage guide

- Collection and analysis data


Participant who commit the test will be awarded a SKF certificate.

Training Material

One set of printed textbook per person.

SKF Training Handbook | 15

WI 210 CoMo Basic





? 工厂实施预测性维修项目的方法? 振动测试动态信号处理的基本知识? 工厂常见设备故障的振动特点与诊断方法? 特征相近故障的技术辨别方法? 部分设备故障的校正技术




从事振动测试和频谱分析工作至少一年时间,建议预先完成SKF “状态检测基础”课程。


? 预测性维修的实施方法 - 预测性维修的实施 - 设备重要性等级评价? 振动基本理论 - 传感器基础知识 - 信号处理基础知识? 故障诊断技术及应用实例 - 滚动轴承故障诊断技术 - 滑动轴承故障诊断技术 - 转子碰磨故障诊断技术 - 机械松动故障诊断技术 - 交流电机故障诊断技术 - 流体机械故障诊断技术 - 皮带机械故障诊断技术 - 齿轮故障诊断技术? 相关应用技术 - 振动相位分析技术 - 转子动平衡技术

SKF 资格认证考试

本课程培训结束后,所有培训人员可以参加书面的结业考试,通过考试的学员将获得由SKF 培训中心颁发的一级分析师证书。



16 | SKF Training Handbook

WI 211

状态监测分析师 (I)

T arget Audience

This training is designed for people who are directly involved in preventive maintenance and/or condition monitoring, including condition monitoring engineers, equipment engineers, maintenance engineers, managers in charge for plant equipment and maintenance and for people engaged in promoting condition monitoring products, technologies and services in the market .

Course Objective

The designed goals of this training course are to help the course participants deeply understand condition-monitoring technologies ,including :

? Implementation of predictive maintenance project ? Basics of vibration dynamic signal ? General machinery faults and diagnosis ? Distinguishing faults with similar symptoms ? Correction techniques for some faults

Course Duration



At least one-year experience of vibration collection and data analysis .Participants are strongly recommended to attend the SKF CoMo Basic prior to this course .

Course Description

The CoMo Analyst(I) is Conducted as a combination of lectures, demo tests, open discussions and practices in lab .Most of the detailed course contents are listed below :

? How to implement predictive maintenance in plant - Implementation of predictive maintenance - Machinery criticality assessment ? Vibration basics

- Vibration transducer basics

- Dynamic signal processing basics

? Machinery fault diagnosis and real cases - Rolling bearing analysis - Plain bearing analysis - Rotor rub analysis

- Mechanical looseness analysis - AC motor analysis

- Hydraulic and aero-dynamical fault analysis - Belt machinery analysis - Gear analysis


All the trainees will participate a close book test ,and those who pass the test will be awarded the Certificate Vibration Analyst(I) issued by SKF T raining Center .

Training Material

One set of printed textbook per person .

SKF Training Handbook | 17

WI 211

CoMo Analyst (I)






备件和库存定额管理的流程和原理? 基本的备件和库存定额管理的术语? 备件和库存定额管理与业务目标间的联 系及其重要性

? 根据备件关键性、订购(再订购)参数 以及其他备件属性来识别、构建和区分 备件

? 根据备件属性用不同的算法预测其需求? 应用基本分析技巧优化备件保障度,并 经济处理报废件



每天课程开始的30分钟为Q&A 环节。




SKF 备件管理和库存优化培训是为了支持SKF 项目实施人员、销售人员和客户(工业终端用户)而展开的。本课程包含以下几个模块:模块0:简介





受训者应当具备:? 机械或工程背景

? 微积分,概率论,统计,运筹学和随机 过程的基本知识

? MS Excel ,SQL ,和至少一种汇编语言的 编程基本技能

18 | SKF Training Handbook

WC 230


Course Objective

The course objectives are to provide participants with a sound knowledge and understanding of:

? spare parts and inventory management processes and principles

? basic spare part and inventory management terminology

? the importance and relations of spare part and inventory management with respect to business goals

? Identifying, structure, and classifying spare parts on their criticality, (re)order parameters, and other spare parts characteristics

? Use different algorithms to forecast the spare demand according to spares’ attributes;

? Applying basic analysis techniques to optimize the availability of spares and cost-effectively handle obsolete spares

Recommended for

Engineers, supervisors and managers from the following functions:? Inventory control, purchasing, reliability and maintenance engineering, logistic support, quality, production and warehouse management.

Training schedule

3-day training for facilitators:

6 hours each day, 3 hours each half day;

A 30 minutes Q&A session at the beginning of everyday.

Course Description

In a maintenance repair and operating (MRO) environment, spares and inventory management refer to those activities in an organization that ensure at any time the optimal and timely availability of spare parts in order to meet maintenance demands. In today’s competitive environment, it is important that the management and optimization of spares inventory is always considered in the context of suppor ting the maintenance function to meet its operational and business

goals. Simply reducing inventory is not enough. Ideally, the aim must be to maintain sufficient inventory and no more such that production is never impacted by stock-outs whilst keeping inventory costs to a minimum.

In this way, inventory management and optimization add real value to any business.

SKF spare part management and inventory optimization training has been developed to support SKF facilitators, salesmen and customers (industrial end-users), improving their bottom line results.

This course will consist of the following modules:Module 0: Introduction

Module 1: Spare demand normalization Module 2: Spare demand forecasting Module 3: MRO inventory management Module 4: Inventory evaluation Module 5: Inventory optimization Module 5: Discussion and possible quiz

Case studies

The purpose of the case studies is to provide participants with an opportunity to apply the gained knowledge and understanding in practice.


T rainees should have:

-Mechanical or engineering background;

-Basic knowledge of calculus, probability theory, statistics, operations research, stochastic process;

-Basic skills on MS Excel, SQL, and at least one programming language.

SKF Training Handbook | 19

WC 230

Spare parts management and inventory control




本培训课程的根本目标是为了改善滚动轴承的使用性能和提高转动设备可靠性,而提供相关的知识和信息。参加培训的人员完成该培训课程后,他/她将懂得:? 轴承的功能

? 影响滚动轴承性能的因素: - 轴承质量 - 运行环境 - 安装过程 - 维护保养

? 滚动轴承的组件,术语和种类? 滚动轴承的命名系统和相关前缀、后缀 的意义

? 准确的轴承安装和拆卸程序? 准确的润滑和润滑的重要性? 滚动轴承的失效原因


5天(含0.5天SKF 资格认证考试时间)






? 学习滚动轴承技术及其维护、命名法则、 轴承组件、负载和润滑的基本原理? 获得滚动轴承为何失效的基本知识


? 学习正确的轴承安装和拆卸程序,观察 轴 承在不正确的安装、维护不当和润 滑不良等情况下对轴承造成的后果? 使用正确工具来安装和拆卸轴承


? 了解轴承的润滑原理和功能

? 了解准确选择轴承润滑油/脂的重要性? 通过改善润滑获得最佳的轴承使用寿命


? 识别和解析轴承失效的根本原因

SKF 资格认证考试



所有参加本培训的学员将获得一份中文版的培训教材和SKF 维修保养手册。

20 | SKF Training Handbook

WE 201


T arget Audience

Service, maintenance, machine repair, or plant/facility engineering staff of an industrial plant, OEM facility, institution, Public utility or commercial building which uses rolling bearing and related equipment. Managers and technicians at industrial plants and OEM facilities responsible for rolling bearing performance and reliability, Rotating equipment engineers, reliability engineers, millwrights, mechanics, maintenance supervisors and anyone interested in rolling element bearing and rotating equipment performance.

Course Objective

The overall course objective is to provide Pertinent information to improve the performance of rolling element bearings ,which improves the reliability of rotating equipment .Upon completion of the course, participants will equip the following knowledge :? Bearing function

? Factors affecting the performance of rolling element bearings - Bearing quality - Operating environment - Installation

- Maintenance practices

? Components, terminology, and types of rolling element bearings

? The bearing designation system and significance of prefix and suffix characters

? Proper bearing mounting and dismounting procedures ? Proper lubrication and importance of proper lubrication ? Causes of bearing failure

Course Duration

5 days


Participants should have an understanding of industrial safety. A fundamental knowledge of and ability to operate basic hand tools is required .

Course Description

Bearing Maintenance and Services uses a combination of hands-on training , audio visuals, lectures , and discussion opportunities .Specific topics include :Bearing Basics

? Learn the fundamentals of rolling bearing technology, care, nomenclature, bearing components .loads and lubrication .

? Gain a basic understanding of why bearings fail Mounting and Dismounting

? Aware of the proper bearing mounting and

dismounting procedures , and observe what happens as a result of careless handling , neglected maintenance and poor lubrication .

? Participate in hands-on demonstrations using

specialized tools to correctly mount and dismount ball and roller bearings .

Fundamentals of Lubrication

? Learn about the lubricating principles and functions .? Learn about the importance of the proper lubricant for an application .

? Learn to maximize bearing life through an improved understanding of proper lubrication .Bearing Failure Causes and Analysis

? Identify and interpret actual bearing failures


A written examination is available for this course .Each participant will be given an examination at the end of the course to identify the knowledge and skills gained .

Training Material

All students attending the training course will receive a comprehensive training manual in Chinese and the Maintenance Handbook .

SKF Training Handbook | 21

WE 201

Bearing Technology and Maintenance

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