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剧本 后羿射日(英文)
剧本 后羿射日(英文)

Legend(传说) of Chang-Er, the Moon Goddess(女神)

旁白:Long long ago, in Heaven the Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝)wished to help the farmers on the earth raise(养,种植)animals and cultivate(生物,植物)their fields. So one day he said to his 10 sons.

玉皇大帝(Jade Emperor):My dear sons, you become ten suns and travel across the sky one at a time, each taking one day.

太阳(Sons): Good, then we can play together.

玉皇大帝(): Not playing, you should work separately.(单独的)

太阳(Sons): Yes. My Father!

旁白: But the ten young men disobeyed(未遵守); all ten of them came out every day, and the heat(热度,温度)from ten suns shining(照耀)all at once made the earth intolerably(无法忍受的)hot. People and animals died of heat(死于高温), rivers dried up(河水枯竭), land became barren(荒芜)and forests scorched(枯萎)and burned(烧焦,烧毁). The Jade Emperor saw the

destruction(破坏)caused by his sons. He said to Hou Yi.(后羿)


玉皇大帝(Jade Emperor):Hou Yi, my bravest god, I command(命令)you down to

the earth to solve the problem of my ten sons.

后弈(): Yes, my Emperor.


后弈(): My darling, the Emperor let me go to the earth to do something important, would you like coming with me?

Chang Er: Sure, I have always been longing for(渴望)playing on the earth!

后弈(): Not playing, it is a serious(严肃的)thing.

Chang Er: What’s ever! It will be an amazing tour(旅行).

后弈(): Let’s go!

旁白: Hou Yi and his beautiful wife, Chang Er descended to(下降)earth together and became mortals(凡人)among the Eastern clans(部落). One day, Hou Yi climbed to the top of Tianshan Mountain and began negotiating (洽谈)with the suns.

后弈(): You should take turns(按顺序)and make your journeys across the sky singly, one for each day.

Suns: Shut up !It’s none of your business! We are the sons of the emperor, no one can order us!

后弈(): The Heaven loves all living things, but you ten suns are too much for the land, people and animals died of your heat.

Suns: But we don’t want to be lonely, we want to be together!

后弈(): If you don’t listen to me, I will kill you for the living things.

Suns: Dare you?



The tenth sun: I’m the last one, please don’t kill me,I will obey(遵守)your order (命令)!

后弈(): OK, but you should separate(分离开)the night from the day.

The tenth sun: OK.

后弈(): Remember your duty! Or I will come back some day.

The tenth sun: OK.

旁白:The tenth sun obeyed his promise, as a result, the earth was at peace and people enjoyed their work and lives. But, When Hou Yi made his report to the Jade

Emperor, Jade Emperor was furious(狂怒)at Hou Yi for killing his nine


玉皇大帝(Jade Emperor): You kill my sons?

后弈(): Yes, but…

玉皇大帝(生气地): You should never be a god(神仙)! I won’t let you and Chang Er return to the Heaven.

后弈(): But they don’t obey your order!

玉皇大帝(): But they are my sons! You can kill me too, ok? Don’t say anything! You can go! Go out!


Chang Er: I am not involved(涉及). I should be the most beautiful goddess in the heaven. But now I’m a mortal(凡人).It’s your fault!

后弈(): I promise to you we can come back to heaven some day!

Chang Er: Just remember your words.

后弈(): OK.

旁白:So Hou Yi and Chang Er returned to the earth, as he saved the people on earth, he became the leader of the clans, and there was much for Hou Yi to do on

earth. He was so busy with his duties; he became neglectful (疏忽)of his

lovely and lonely wife.

Chang Er: You are so busy with you work and you have no time to be together with me.

后弈(): I’m really busy, the people need me.

Chang Er: You don’t care my feeling. Which one is more important, me or the work?后弈():Certainly work!(咳嗽声)No,no,no My Darling,you are the most important. (动作:边搂着嫦娥边谄媚的说,在后羿说work时立马装出生气无比的样子想想女生生气常用的小动作,什么撅嘴,跺脚,一扭身什么的)I know there is a pill that can make us live together.

Chang Er: Then, go to fetch(拿)it right now!(装出迫切的样子,什么扯着后羿衣角来回摇晃之类的)

后弈(): All right!

旁白:In order to(为了) please(使愉快)his wife, Hou Yi decided to climb Kunlun Mountain and beg(请求)the Royal Goddess(皇室女神)for the pill of immortality.(长生不老)

后羿(): Oh~My beautiful Goddess,You are so nice person,every people who have seen you will fall in love with you .You are so perfect! Would you please give me the pill of immortality?

Goddess: (被说得心花怒放,双手合十放于脸庞,简单的说就是呈花痴状)No problem, but I have only one pill remaining(剩余), if one person took the

pill he would ascend(升上)to Heaven.

后羿(): But I want to share it with my wife.

Goddess: Then you both could live forever.

后羿(): Thank you! My Goddess!I am your fan ,I will always be loyal to (忠诚于)one and only you. I will support (支持)you forever!

Goddess: Thank you so much .You should remember that the pill had to be taken on 15th August, when the moon was fullest.

后羿():Yes, I remember, Chang Er and I will remember you forever!

旁白:Hou Yi was very happy and thanked the Royal Goddess and went home to Chang Er to give her a surprise


后羿(): My daring, look!

Chang Er: What’s this?

后羿(): I have got the pill of immortality.

Chang Er: Really? It’s great! Then I can be a goddess again.

后羿(): Let’s share it on the 15th night, and then we could live forever.

Chang Er: I will be waiting for that time.

旁白:On the 15th of the eighth month, Chang Er was waiting for Hou Yi at home, suddenly, Feng Meng came in.

Feng Meng: It’s my chance! Pill or Life?

Chang Er(茫然状):Pardon?

Feng Meng: Give me the pill! Or I will kill you!

Chang Er: Never think about it! I have no choice, only to eat it myself.

(Feng Meng抢仙丹,嫦娥在争抢中吞食了仙丹,开始升天)

旁白:At this moment Hou Yi arrived back,and saw Chang Er ascending faster and faster.

(Feng Meng 看到后弈回来,落荒而逃,后弈哭喊着追嫦娥)

Chang Er: It is Feng Meng who threatens(威胁)me, you should punish(惩罚)him.

I will miss you.

后羿(): Feng Meng,I’ll kill you! Chang……Er……

旁白:Chang Er became the moon goddess. Each year on the 15th day of the eighth month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest(最满最亮), Hou Yi look at the moon and try to see in it the image of a Chang Er.


Chang Er: Only a rabbit with me. It’s cold and I am lonely on the moon.



