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Chapter 3 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction



1. ____ represent basic convictions that “a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is

personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct.”





Easy; p. 70)

3. When we rank an individual’s values in terms of his/her _____, we obtain the person’s value


a. intensity

b. content

c. context

d. social acceptance

Moderate; p. 70)

4. Values are best described as:

a. flexible.

b. synonymous with attitudes.

c. consistent among occupational groups.

d. fairly stable over tim


Challenging; p. 70)

5. Rokeach proposed instrumental values and:

a. terminal values.

b. achievement values.

c. collectivism values.

d. attitudinal values.

Moderate; p. 71)

6. Values are important to organizational behavior because:

a. they allow the study of alignment of organizational policies.

b. they lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation.

c. they form the supporting foundation for the study of ethics

d. they are an integral part of cultur


Challenging; p. 71)

8. Which of the following was ranked as the highest terminal value by executives?

a. family security

b. self-respect

c. equality

d. freedom

Challenging; Exh. 3-2; p. 72)

19. Which of the following is not one of Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture?

a. power distance

b. terminal vs. instrumental values

c. quantity of life vs. quality of life

d. long-term orientation

Challenging; p. 75)

20. The measure of the extent to which people in a country accept the fact that power in institutions

and organizations is distributed unequally is called:

a. institutional distribution theory.

b. collectivism.

c. power distance.

d. quantity of lif


Moderate; p. 75)

21. Cultures that emphasize _____ value relationships and show sensitivity and concern for the

welfare of others.

a. quality of life

b. nurturing

c. humane orientations

d. collectivism

Challenging; p. 75)

24. _____ is the equivalent of low individualism.


b.Power distance

c.Long-term orientation

d.Uncertainty avoidance

Easy; p. 75)

25. _____ is the degree to which people in a country prefer structured over unstructured situations.


b.Power distance

c.Long-term orientation

d.Uncertainty avoidance

Easy; p. 75)


29. In contrasting values and attitudes, which one of the following is true?

a. They come from different sources.

b. There is no significant correlation between the two.

c. Attitudes are more stable than values.

d. Values are more stable than attitudes.

(Challenging; p. 78)

31. The _____ component is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.





Moderate; p. 78)

32. The component of an attitude that refers to an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone







Moderate; p. 78)

33. Which one of the following is not a type of attitude?

a. job productivity

b. job satisfaction

c. job involvement

d. organizational commitment

(a; Challenging; p. 78)

35. _____ refers to an individual’s general attitude toward his or her job.

a. Job satisfaction

b. Job involvement

c. Job stability

d. Organizational commitment

Moderate; p. 78)

36. Job involvement is best defined as a worker’s:

a. general attitude toward his or her jo


b. loyalty to the organization.

c. identification with the job.

d. need to participate in organizational social activities.

Moderate; p. 78)

38. Organizational commitment is:

a. an attitude.

b. positively related to job satisfaction.

c. is the degree that a person identifies with a job.

d. all of the above

Moderate; p. 79)

40. The text suggested that in today’s workplace, organizational commitment may be replaced with:

a.family commitment.

b.occupational commitment.

c.boss commitment.

d.department commitment.

Moderate; p. 80)

41. If attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, individuals will most likely:

a. change their behavior.

b. change their attitudes.

c. change either their attitudes and/or behavior.

d. change their values.

Easy; p. 80)

42. Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes is termed:

a. organizational dissonance.

b. cognitive dissonance.

c. attitudinal clarification.

d. values clarification.

( Easy; p. 80)

44. Festinger proposed the desire to reduce dissonance is determined by three factors. One of them is:

a.the values of the elements creating the dissonance.

b.the degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements.

c.the factors that may be involved in dissonance.

d.all of the above

Challenging; p. 81)

46. The A-B relationship is likely to be much stronger if:

a.an attitude refers to something with which the individual has direct personal experience.

b.the attitude is consistent.

c.the attitude is perceive


d.the attitude is OCB.

Moderate; p. 82)



70. When we rank an individual’s values in terms of his/her intensity, we obtain that person’s value


(True; Moderate; p. 70)

72. Values tend to be stable and enduring.

Easy; p. 70)

73. Values generally influence attitudes and behavior.

Moderate; p. 71)

74. Instrumental values are preferable modes of behavior, or means of achieving one’s terminal values. Moderate; p. 71)

75. Milton Rokeach developed a survey that assesses terminal and instrumental values. Challenging; p. 71)

80. Terminal values such as a sense of accomplishment and social recognition rank high with Nexters. Moderate; p. 73)

85. Collectivism refers to a national culture attribute describing a loosely knit social framework in

which people tend to the interests of their immediate family.

Moderate; p. 75)

86. Organizations in a society high in uncertainty avoidance are likely to have more rules. (Challenging; p. 75)


94. Attitudes and values are synonymous terms.

Easy; p. 78)

95. There are three components of an attitude: cognition, affect, and behavior.

Challenging; p. 78)

96. Attitudes are more stable than values.

Easy; p. 78)

97. In organizations, attitudes are important because they affect job behavior.

Moderate; p. 78)

98. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive attitudes toward the job.

Easy; p. 78)

99. Job involvement refers to an individual’s general attitude tow ard his or her job.

Moderate; p. 78)

100. High levels of job involvement have been found to be related to higher absences.

Moderate; p. 79)

102. Organizational commitment is a more global response to the organization than is job satisfaction. Challenging; p. 79)

104. Research has concluded that people seek consistency among their attitudes but not between their attitudes and behavior.

Moderate; p. 80)

105. If there is an inconsistency between an individual’s attitude on a specific issue and his or her behavior, there are only two courses of action available–alter the attitude or alter the behavior. Challenging; p. 80)

107. The theory of cognitive dissonance seeks to explain the linkage between values and attitudes. Moderate; p. 80)

109. The desire to reduce dissonance is determined by importance, choice, and reward factors. Challenging; p. 81)

111. If individuals perceive the dissonance to be an uncontrollable result, they are less likely to be receptive to attitude change.

Challenging; p. 81)

112. Rewards can offset dissonance.

Moderate; p. 81)

115. Self-perception theory uses behavior after the fact to make sense out of an action that has already


Moderate; p. 83)


Applications of Hofstede’s Framework

Suppose that you are a Human Resource Manager for Prentice Corporation who is in charge of developing a training program for managers coming to the United States from your subsidiaries around the world. You have decided to use the Hofstede Framework for discussing cultural differences that they might expect to find. Use your knowledge of the work of Hofstede to answer the following questions.

137. Your Indonesian managers will need to be especially aware of the difference that exists between their country and the United States in the degree of _____ of the two cultures.

a. quantity of life vs. quality of life

b. individualism

c. power distance

d. uncertainty avoidance

Challenging; p. 75)

138. In the GLOBE study compared to Hofstede’s work, Americans ranked more like people from _____ on individualism/collectivism.

a. Hong Kong

b. Germany

c. Japan

d. China

Challenging; Exh. 3-4; p. 77)

139. Each of the following are elements of Hofstede’s framework except:

a. power distance.

b. uncertainty avoidance.

c. future orientation.

d. individualism vs. collectivism.

Moderate; p. 75)

140. Which of the following countries ranks high in long-term orientation?

a. United States

b. France

c. Russia

d. China

Moderate; p. 75)

Application of Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Mrs. Jonas believes strongly that everyone has an obligation to protect the environment. Mrs. Jonas works for a hog farm in North Carolina and she has just discovered that hog waste is being released into the river. 141. Mrs. Jonas is experiencing:

a. cognitive dissonance.

b. values conflict.

c. ethical dilemma.

d. uncertainty avoidanc


Moderate; p. 80-81)

142. Mrs. Jonas comes to you for an explanation of why she is so uncomfortable. You might refer her to the theories of:

a. Hofstede.

b. Maslow.

c. Skinner.

d. Festinger.

Moderate; p. 80-81)

143. Mrs. Jonas can be expected to relieve the discomfort she is experiencing by:

a. deciding this issue is unimportant.

b. rationalizing that the good to society is more than offset by the small amount of pollution.

c. attempting to stop the pollution.

d. all of the above

Moderate; p. 81)

Application of How Employees Can Express Dissatisfaction

Employees at Acme Express are dissatisfied with working conditions, salary, and the general attitude of management. Mark, Susan, and Toni are good friends who work at Acme, yet each seems to be reacting differently to the problems at work.

144. Toni has decided that she’ll just get a new job and get away from the problem. Toni is dealing with her dissatisfaction through:

a. exit.

b. voice.

c. loyalty.

d. neglect.

Easy; p. 89)

145. Susan has composed a list of concerns along with her suggestions for improving conditions. Susan is dealing with her dissatisfaction through:

a. exit.

b. voice.

c. loyalty.

d. neglect.

Moderate; p. 89)

146. Mark believes that his manager is a good person and will work things out if Mark just gives him time to do so. Mark is dealing with his dissatisfaction through:

a. exit.

b. voice.

c. loyalty.

d. neglect.

Moderate; p. 89)
