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Anisotropic hydrogen decrepitation and corrosion behaviour in NdFeB magnets ,1994,I.R.Harris


用ABAQUS 进行压电(Piezoelectric )悬臂梁模拟入门详解 作者:X.C. Li 2014.8 (第二版) 本文着重讲述在用ABAQUS 模拟压电材料时,材料常数的设置。希望对入门者有所帮助。如果发现错误请发邮件到:Lxc1975@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846044885.html, 。 1. 问题描述 柱状体10×4×2如下图 左端固定,右端自由;上表面受均匀压力500;上、下表面电压分别为50V 、0V 。 压电材料PZT-4,选z-方向(该方向上尺寸为2)为极化方向,文献Haojiang Ding, Jian Liang : The fundamental solutions for transversely isotropic piezoelectricity and boundary element method 给出的材料常数 111213334466111212.6, 7.78, 7.43, 11.5, 2.56, 0.5()c c c c c c c c ======-(10210N m -??); 15313312.7, 5.2, 15.1 e e e ==-=(-2C m ?); -121103300=730, =635, =8.8541910 λελεε???(1-1C V m -?) 这些常数在ABAQUS 中的输入将在本文2.3中详细说明。必须说明的是以上材料常数所对应的的本构关系: 111213121113131333444466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 xx xx yy yy zz zz yz yz zx xy c c c c c c c c c c c c σεσεσεσγσγσ??????????????????=??????????????????? ???31313315150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0x y z zx xy e e E e E e E e γ??????????????????????-???????????????????????????? 15111511333131330 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0xx yy x x zz y y yz z z zx xy E D e D E e e e e D E εελελγλγγ??????????????????????????=+??????????????????????????????????

An anisotropic Phong BRDF model

An Anisotropic Phong BRDF Model Michael Ashikhmin Peter Shirley August13,2000 Abstract We present a BRDF model that combines several advantages of the various empirical models cur-rently in use.In particular,it has intuitive parameters,is anisotropic,conserves energy,is reciprocal,has an appropriate non-Lambertian diffuse term,and is well-suited for use in Monte Carlo renderers. 1Introduction Physically-based rendering systems describe re?ection behavior using the bidirectional re?ectance distri-bution function(BRDF).For a detailed discussion of the BRDF and its use in computer graphics see the volumes by Glassner[2].At a given point on a surface the BRDF is a function of two directions,one toward the light and one toward the viewer.The characteristics of the BRDF will determine what“type”of material the viewer thinks the displayed object is composed of,so the choice of BRDF model and its parameters is important.We present a new BRDF model that is motivated by practical issues.A full rationalization for the model and comparison with previous models is provided in a seperate technical report[1]. The BRDF model described in the paper is inspired by the models of Ward[8],Schlick[6],and Neimann and Neumann[5].However,it has several desirable properties not previously captured by a single model. In particular,it 1.obeys energy conservation and reciprocity laws, 2.allows anisotropic re?ection,giving the streaky appearance seen on brushed metals, 3.is controlled by intuitive parameters, 4.accounts for Fresnel behavior,where specularity increases as the incident angle goes down, 5.has a non-constant diffuse term,so the diffuse component decreases as the incident angle goes down, 6.is well-suited to Monte Carlo methods. The model is a classical sum of a“diffuse”term and a“specular”term. ρ(k1,k2)=ρs(k1,k2)+ρd(k1,k2).(1) For metals,the diffuse componentρd is set to zero.For“polished”surfaces,such as smooth plastics,there is both a diffuse and specular appearance and neither term is zero.For purely diffuse surfaces,either the traditional Lambertian(constant)BRDF can be used,or the new model with low specular exponents can be used for slightly more visual realism near grazing angles.The model is controlled by four paramters: ?R s:a color(spectrum or RGB)that speci?es the specular re?ectance at normal incidence.


(所用材料为 45号钢,其参数为密度7890 kg∕m^-3,杨氏模量为 2.09*10^11,波动比为0.269。.) 在engineering data或任意分析模块内,都行。我仅以静力学分析模块简单的说一下。 1.双击下图engineering data或右击点edit A 1寿Sta?c Structural (ANSYS) 2夕Engineering Data “ J 3 ? GeOmetry 亨J 斗* MCclel ^T Z 5淘5e?>T J ?C? Soluton^T Z 70 ReSIJIu 層J Static StructUral (ANSYS) 3場StrUCtUral Stee-I□t??FatigUe Data atzero mean Str亡com&s from 19θ? A5MESPV Code f Section 8p Diy 2r Tab∣e 5-110.1 *CIidC hereto add a new material 4. 新建,输入45 2.通过VieW打开OUtline和PrOPertieS选项,点击下图 3.会出现下面的图,点A* EngInee∏r∣? DAta

OUtiine Of SehematiC A2: Engineering Deta UnlaXIat TeSt Ddta Biaxial TeSt Data Hr Test Date √αlur∏etπc Test Datd I 田 HyPereIaSbC 田 Plasticity [±J Llfe (±J Strenath 6. 出现下图 3 t ?> Strycturel SUel □ ? Fatigue Data atzero mean stress ClanIeifrom 1993 ASMEBFV COd¢, SertiQn¢, DiV 2H TabIe S-Ilo.1 4 ■?關> 书 □ ? CIiCk hereto add a πe?-∣, material 5. 左键双击击 toolbox 内的 denSity 禾口 isotropicelasticity PhY^jcal Properties ----------- 1 f?^l DenSll? J OrthOtrOPiC SeCant COeffiCiertt ISOtrOPiC TnStantanCOUS COeff r OrthOtrOPIC InStartaneQUS Co ( Constant DarnPIng COef z fiaent Damping FaCtOr{βj COntelltS OfEngi(IeeringDdta 上 空 S.. DMCriPbon Material I5QtrOPiC SECant COefflClent Of $5 Anisotropic El astidty 曰 Experimentai StressStrain Datd


( 所用材料为 45号钢,其参数为密度 7890 kg/mA-3,杨氏模量为 2.09*10X1,波动比为 0.269。.) 在engineering data 或任意分析模块内,都行。我仅以静力学分析模块简单的说一下。 1.双击下图 engineering data 或右击点 edit A 1 寿 Static Structural (ANSYS) 2 夕 Engineering Data “」 3 ? Geometry 亨丿 斗 * Medel 誉 £ 5 淘 Setip T j 6 碣 Soluton 盲 * 7 0 Results 層 j Static Structural (ANSYS) 2.通过view 打开outline 和properties 选项,点击下图 3 場 Structural Steel □ tgSi Fatigue Data atzero mean str 亡com&s from 1996 ASME6PV Code,Section 8P Div 2r Table 5-110.1 * C lick hereto add a new material 4. 新建,输入45 3.会出现下面的图,点 A* Mi Engmeenrig Data

Outline of Schematic A2: Engineering Data Uniaxiat Test D&ta Biaxial Test Data Test Data Volumetnc Test Data I 田 Hyperelasbc 田 Plasticity R1 Life (±J Strength 6. 出现下图 3 Structural Sled □ ? Fatigue Data atzero mean stress comej from 1993 ASMEBfV Code, Section?, Div 2H Table S-110.1 4 言關> 45 □ * Click hereto add a new material 5. 左键双击击 toolbox 内的 density 禾口 isotropicelasticity Phy^jcal Properties ---------------------- i Densib/ ---- Orthotropic Secant Coefficient Isotropic Instantaneous Coeff Orthotropic Instantaneous Cot Constant Damping Coeffiaent Damping Factor Contents of Engineering Data 上 空 S.. DtEcripbon Material Inotropic Secant Co efficient of $5 Anisotropic El astidty 曰 Experimental Stressstrain Datd


" What is the difference between the time accurate solution of Navier-Stokes equations and the DNS solution? " I'm not sure I understand this question correctly, but as far as I am aware DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) is defined as a time accurate solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Perhaps you mean "What is the difference between laminar & turbulent DNS?" ? Believing this to be so from reading the rest of your message I wrote the following: When the DNS is of turbulence rather than a laminar flow the turbulence requires initialization in some way. The same is true of LES (LES is always turbulent, because laminar LES = DNS by definition). I have found little reported work on the proceedures used to accomplish this turbulence initialization. I can only speak for the LES code I use (and the generations of code that preceded it). The turbulence is initialized by setting an initial flow field that has a random fluctation velocity component added to the inital mean velocity. ----------------- For example: U_initial_cell = U_initial_mean + (Random_number * U_initial_mean * 0.20) ( Random_number has a value in the range -1 to +1 ) This function sets the initial cell velocity to that of the initial_mean with a tolerance of 20% (i.e. + or - 20%). So if the U_initial_mean was 1.0 then the initial velocity of the cell could be anywhere between 0.8 and 1.2 depending on the Random_number (an intrinsic computer function). ----------------- The value for initial fluctuation (20% etc) is a fairly arbitrary value just required to `kick-start' the turbulence. Once the simulation has been kick-started and run sufficiently long enough for the correct energy cascade to be observed (by monitoring k.e. of the flow) the statistics data from that point onward is o.k to be used for results. This accumulation of statistical data is one of the reasons why LES/DNS turbulent simulations require so much more time to run. Providing the same random_number is used on the same cells during initialization the computations of two DNS cases will be exactly* the same when all other conditions (boundary, geometry, etc) are equivalent. *exactly is defined as Phi(x,t)_simulation_A = Phi(x,t)_simulation_B


各向异性相干长度(anisotropiccoherencelength)百科小物理当今社会是一个高速发展的信息社会。生活在信息社会,就要不断地接触或获取信息。如何获取信息呢?阅读便是其 中一个重要的途径。据有人不完全统计,当今社会需要的各种信息约有80%以上直接或间接地来自于图书文献。这就说 明阅读在当今社会的重要性。还在等什么,快来看看这篇各向异性相干长度(anisotropiccoherencelength)百科小物 理吧~ 各向异性相干长度(anisotropiccoherencelength) 各向异性相干长度(anisotropiccoherencelength) 在主轴坐标系中,按各向异性GL理论,此时相干长度定义 为 `xi^2(T)=hbar^2//2m^**|alpha|` 这里$m^**=(m_1^**m_2^**m_3^**)^{1/3}$,1,2,3对应于x,y,z方向的三个分量。若磁场沿z-轴方向,例如对层状结构氧化物超导体即沿晶轴c的方向,则在m1*m2*=mab*时,对应于ab晶面的 $xi_{ab}(T)=hbar//(2m_{ab}^**|alpha(T)|)^{1/2}$,也 可写成ab2=0Hc2∥,这里0是磁通量子,Hc2∥为平行于c 轴时的第二临界磁场,0为真空磁导率,而 $xi_c=xi_{ab}(m_{ab}^**//m_c^**)^{1/2}$。在Tc附近,

它们与温度T的关系为 $xi_{ab}(T)=xi_{ab}(0)(1-T//T_c)^{-1/2}$ $xi_c(T)=xi_c(0)(1-T//T_c)^{-1/2}$ 这篇各向异性相干长度(anisotropiccoherencelength)百科小物理,你推荐给朋友了么?

A plasticity and anisotropic damage model for plain concrete

A plasticity and anisotropic damage model for plain concrete Umit Cicekli,George Z.Voyiadjis *,Rashid K.Abu Al-Rub Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Louisiana State University, CEBA 3508-B,Baton Rouge,LA 70803,USA Received 23April 2006;received in ?nal revised form 29October 2006 Available online 15March 2007 Abstract A plastic-damage constitutive model for plain concrete is developed in this work.Anisotropic damage with a plasticity yield criterion and a damage criterion are introduced to be able to ade-quately describe the plastic and damage behavior of concrete.Moreover,in order to account for dif-ferent e?ects under tensile and compressive loadings,two damage criteria are used:one for compression and a second for tension such that the total stress is decomposed into tensile and com-pressive components.Sti?ness recovery caused by crack opening/closing is also incorporated.The strain equivalence hypothesis is used in deriving the constitutive equations such that the strains in the e?ective (undamaged)and damaged con?gurations are set equal.This leads to a decoupled algo-rithm for the e?ective stress computation and the damage evolution.It is also shown that the pro-posed constitutive relations comply with the laws of thermodynamics.A detailed numerical algorithm is coded using the user subroutine UMAT and then implemented in the advanced ?nite element program ABAQUS.The numerical simulations are shown for uniaxial and biaxial tension and compression.The results show very good correlation with the experimental data. ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. Keywords:Damage mechanics;Isotropic hardening;Anisotropic damage 0749-6419/$-see front matter ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2007.03.006 *Corresponding author.Tel.:+12255788668;fax:+12255789176. E-mail addresses:voyiadjis@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846044885.html, (G.Z.Voyiadjis),rabual1@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846044885.html, (R.K.Abu Al-Rub). International Journal of Plasticity 23(2007) 1874–1900

Anisotropic shrinkage induced by particle rearrangement in sintering

Anisotropic shrinkage induced by particle rearrangement in sintering Fumihiro Wakai *,Kentarou Chihara,Michiyuki Yoshida Secure Materials Center,Materials and Structures Laboratory,Tokyo Institute of Technology,R3-234259Nagatsuta,Midori,Yokohama 226-8503,Japan Received 19January 2007;received in revised form 4April 2007;accepted 8April 2007 Available online 4June 2007 Abstract A microscopic model is presented which describes the anisotropic shrinkage induced by particle rearrangement during sintering.Two types of topological transitions in the rearrangement,that is the formation of a new contact,are illustrated in three-dimensional simu-lation of sintering of four spheres arranged in a rhombus.The shrinkage rate is shown to become anisotropic as the particle coordination number changes with rearrangement.A micromechanical principle is discussed with the use of sintering force and e?ective viscosity.The anisotropic shrinkage is caused by the additional sintering force acting on the new grain boundary formed at the rearrangement.ó2007Acta Materialia Inc.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. Keywords:Sintering;Simulation;Micromechanical modeling 1.Introduction Sintering is a thermal process that transforms a powder compact into a bulk material;it is used for mass produc-tion of complex-shaped components.Dimensional control of components is fundamental to the avoidance of geomet-rical distortion and to meet required tolerance speci?ca-tions.Non-uniform shrinkage occurs during sintering generally,because the process involves a number of com-plex phenomena.The origin of non-uniform shrinkage is classi?ed into three types:heterogeneous structure in pow-der compacts,external ?elds and anisotropic microstruc-ture.Heterogeneous structures,such as inhomogeneous initial density distribution [1,2]and multilayered systems [3,4],cause distortion during sintering.The external stress [5,6],gravity [7]and temperature gradient also deform components.These macroscopic dimensional changes can be predicted by using a constitutive equation that involves the strain rate tensor,macroscopic viscosity tensor,stress tensor and isotropic sintering stress [1,8–13].On the other hand,anisotropic shrinkage can occur due to anisotropic microstructure,when elongated particles arrange them-selves in a preferred orientation in powder processing such as die-pressing [14],tape casting [15],injection molding [16]and extrusion.This anisotropic shrinkage can be described by using an anisotropic sintering stress tensor [10,17],which is a?ected by anisotropies in particle shape [18–20],pore shape [21,22],surface energy and arrangement of par-ticles.The viscosity tensor will be also a?ected by the aniso-tropic di?usion coe?cient [23]. While the sintering is simply described as densi?cation macroscopically,it is really a microscopic process of com-plex evolution of many particles by atomic di?usion at ele-vated temperatures.The elementary processes in sintering can be described by analyzing microscopic evolution of arranged particles.The bond formation and neck growth in the initial stage of sintering are described by using the Frenkel [24]–Kuczynski [25]model of two spheres.Pore channel closure can be illustrated with the sintering of three spheres arranged in a triangle.The formation of a closed pore and its shrinkage are modeled as the sintering of four spheres arranged in a tetrahedron [26].The shrinkage in particle scale can be expressed as motion of the center of mass driven by the sintering force [27,28].Analysis of the forces which lie behind the microscopic evolution will pro-vide a unique insight into the anisotropic shrinkage,based on the knowledge of microstructure. 1359-6454/$30.00ó2007Acta Materialia Inc.Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2007.04.027 * Corresponding author.Tel.:+81459245361;fax:+81459245390.E-mail address:wakai.f.aa@m.titech.ac.jp (F.Wakai). https://www.wendangku.net/doc/846044885.html,/locate/actamat Acta Materialia 55(2007) 4553–4566

ANSYS 二十多种材料特性

二十多种材料特性 Isotropic Elastic: High Carbon Steel MPMOD,1,1 MP,ex,1,210e9 ! Pa MP,nuxy,1,.29 ! No units MP,dens,1,7850 ! kg/m3 Orthotropic Elastic: Al203 MPMOD,1,2 MP,ex,1,307e9 ! Pa MP,ey,1,358.1e9 ! Pa MP,ez,1,358.1e9 ! Pa MP,gxy,126.9e9 ! Pa MP,gxz,126.9e9 ! Pa MP,gyz,126.9e9 ! Pa MP,nuxy,1,.20 ! No units MP,nuxz,1,.20 ! No units MP,nuyz,1,.20 ! No units MP,dens,1,3750 ! kg/m3 Anisotropic Elastic: Cadmium MPMOD,1,3 MP,dens,3400 ! kg/m3 TB,ANEL,1 TBDATA,1,121.0e9 ! C11 (Pa) TBDATA,2,48.1e9 ! C12 (Pa) TBDATA,3,121.0e9 ! C22 (Pa) TBDATA,4,44.2e9 ! C13 (Pa) TBDATA,5,44.2e9 ! C23 (Pa) TBDATA,6,51.3e9 ! C33 (Pa) TBDATA,10,18.5 ! C44 (Pa) TBDATA,15,18.5 ! C55 (Pa) TBDATA,21,24.2 ! C66 (Pa) Blatz-K Rubber MPMOD,1,5 MP,gxy,1,104e7 ! Pa Mooney-Rivlin: Rubber MPMOD,1,8 MP,dens,1,.0018 ! lb/in3 MP,nuxy,1,.499 ! No units TB,MOONEY,1


ISSN1000—9825,CODENRUXUEW JournalofSoftware,V01.21,No.4,April2010,PP.612—619 doi:10.3724/SEJ.1001.2010.03523 @byInstituteofSoftware.theChineseAcademyofSciences.Allrightsreserved. 梯度向量流的各向异性扩散分析牛 宁纪锋1,2+,吴成柯1,姜光1,刘侍刚3 1(西安电子科技大学综合业务网国家重点实验室,陕西西安710071) 2(西北农林科技大学信息工程学院,陕西杨凌712100) 3(西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院,陕西西安710049) AnisotropicDiffusionAnalysisofGradientVectorFlow NINGJi.Fen91’2+,WUCheng.Kel,JIANGGuan91,LIUShi.Gan93 1(StateKeyLaboratoryofIntegratedServicesNetworks,XidianUniversity,Xi’an710071,China) 2(CollegeofInformationEngineering,NorthwestA&FUniversity,Yangling712100,China) 3(SchoolofElectronicsandInformationEngineering,Xi’allJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an710049,China)+Correspondingauthor:E-mail:jifeng_ning@hotmail.corn E—mail:jos@iscas.ac.锄http://www.jos.org.cnTel/Fax:+86.10—62562563 Ning JF,WuCK,JiangG,LiuSG.Anisotropicdiffusionanalysisofgradientvectorflow.JournalofSoftware,2010,21(4):612—619.http://wwwdos.org.cn/1000—9825/3523.htm Abstract:Anewexternalforcefieldforactivecontourmodel,calledanisotropicgradientvectorflow,ispresentedtosolvetheproblemthatgradientvectorflow(GVF)isdifficulttoentertheindentation.ThediffusiontermofGVFistheisotropicandhighlysmoothLaplacianoperatorwiththesamediffusionspeedalongtangentandnormaldirections.ThediffusionofLaplacianoperatorisactuallydecomposedintothetangentandnormaldirectionsbythelocalimagestructures.Diffusionalongthetangentdirectionenhancestheedge,whilediffusion alongthenormaldirectionremovesnoiseandpropagatestheforcefield.This paperdevelopsananisotropic gradientvectorflowbasedontheanalysisofdiffusionprocessofGVFalongtangentandnormaldirections。Inthe proposedmethod,thediffusion speedsalongthe normaland tangentdirectionsareadaptivelyobtainedbythelocal structureoftheimage.TheexperimentalresultsshowthatcomparedwithGVF,theproposedmethodconsideringthesetwodiffusionactionscanenterlong,thinindentationandimprovethesegmentation. Keywords:gradientvectorflow;anisotropicdiffusion;Laplacianoperator;activecontourmodel;imagesegmentation 摘要:为了解决梯度向量流力场(gradientvectornow,简称GVF)难以进入目标凹部的问题,提出了一种新的主动轮廓模型外力场一一各向异性梯度向量流.GVF的扩散项是各向同性且光滑性强的拉普拉斯算子,它在各个方向的扩散速度相同.拉普拉斯算子根据图像的局部结构可分为沿边界法线和切线方向的扩散,沿切线方向的扩散具有增 ?SupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaunderGrantNos.60532060,60775020,60805016(国家自然科学基金);the“lllProject”ofChinaunderGrantNo.B08038(高等学校学科创新引智计划);theChinaPostdoctoralScienceFoundationunderGrantNo.20080430201(中国博士后基金);theChineseUniversityScientificFundunderGrantNo.QN2009091(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金) Received2008?04-07;Revised2008-08—07;Accepted2008—1l?lO 万方数据

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