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当前位置:文档库 › 中考英语核心突破(感叹句)(带答案)









1. How+形容词+冠词+名词+陈述语序

How beautiful the flowers are!

2. How+形容词/副词+陈述语序

How fast the cat runs!

3. What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+陈述语序

What a tall man (he is)!

4. What +名词+ 陈述语序

What noise t hey are making!



考点二:what;what a和what an引导感叹句的区别

在感叹句的主语前若还有名词存在时,分成三种情况,如果名词是不可数名词或者可数名词复数,则用what;如果是可数单数,而what后面的单词是元音音素开头的则用what an;如果是what后面的单词是辅音音素开头的则用what a。


The little boy saved his classmates in the earthquake. ______ brave he was!

A) What

B) How

C) What a

D) What an




______ exciting sport it is to climb the mountains!

A) How

B) What

C) What a

D) What an


【解析】此处考察的是感叹词how和what的用法区别,由于句子主语it前面是sport是个名词,而且是可数名词单数形式,另外,由于exciting是元音开头的,所以感叹词用what an,所以答案为D。


The beach is a nice place for tourists. (改为感叹句)

_______ ________ nice place the beach is for tourists!

【答案】What a

【解析】此处考察改写句子,将陈述句改为感叹句,根据感叹句给出的部分可以看出主语是the beach,前面是place是个名词,而且是可数名词单数形式,所以应该填What a,要注意首字母大写。


______ wonderful concert they are putting on in the city square!

A) How

B) What

C) What a

D) What an


【解析】此处考察的是感叹词how和what的用法区别,由于句子主语they前面是concert 是个名词,而且是可数名词单数形式,另外,由于wonderful是辅音开头的,所以感叹词用what a,所以答案为C。


Our journey to Britain last summer was amazing.(改为感叹句)

__________ __________our journey to Britain last summer was!

【答案】How amazing

【解析】此处考察改写句子,将陈述句改为感叹句,根据感叹句给出的部分可以看出主语是our journey to Britain last summer,前面没有给出词,而且给出的句子和原句对比缺少了一个形容词amazing,所以应该填How amazing,要注意首字母大写。



形容词、副词跟着how,what 后面名词连。






The weather is so terrible. We still can’t go out for our trip today. (改为感叹句)

the weather is! We still can’t go out for our trip today.


The English-Chinese dictionary is very useful. (改为感叹句)

useful English-Chinese dictionary it is!


Jack Chen is a humorous and powerful man. (改为感叹句)

humorous and powerful Jack Chen is!


The air pollution was quite serious in our city last month. (改为感叹句)

the air pollution is in our city today!


We watched an excitin g football match on TV last night. (改为感叹句)

exciting football match we watched on TV last night!


The flats in that housing estate are rather expensive. (改为感叹句)

the flats in that housing estate are!


The little girl learns so quickly at school. (改为感叹句)

the little girl learns at school!


The model on the stage had a very excellent figure.(改为感叹句)

excellent figure the model on the stage had!

________ eager these volunteers are to help the police look for the missing boy!

A) What

B) What an

C) How

D) How an


________ exciting news it is! Our government is doing something to stop the haze(雾).

A) What

B) What an

C) How

D) How an


________ useful message he got from his mobile phone this morning!

A) What

B) How

C) What a

D) What an


________ helpful advice Qu Yuan gave to the king at that time!

A) What a

B) What an

C) What

D) How


We've just had a warm December. ________ unusual weather it was!

A) What

B) What a

C) What an

D) How


________ excited the mother was when she heard her son’s voice from the space station!

A) How

B) What

C) What a

D) What an

________ good idea it is that we will visit London this summer holiday!

A) What

B) What a

C) How

D) How a


1-5 How terrible; What a; What a; How serious; has been;

6-10 How expensive; How quickly; What an; C; A

11-15 C C A A C



________ important news is to our daily life!

A) What

B) How

C) What an

D) How a


________ useful advice on my diet our teacher has given us!

A) What

B) What a

C) What an

D) How


________ funny the animals are! They are jumping up and down the trees excitedly.

A) How

B) What

C) What a

D) What an


________ useful suggestion you have given me!

A) How

B) What

C) What a

D) What an


________ weather! Shall we go out for a picnic this afternoon?

A) What fine

B) What a fine

C) How fine

D) How a fine


—________ long queue it was outside the department store! Do you know why?—The shop was offering a big sale around midnight.

A) What a

B) What an

C) How

D) How a


________ cold day it is! We’d better turn on the air-conditi oner.

A) What

B) What a

C) How

D) How a


________ supe r calculators computers are!

A) What

B) What a

C) What an

D) How


The river pollution is serious in our country today. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ the river pollution is in our country today!


The students watched a very exciting match yesterday. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ exciting match yesterday.


I saw a beautiful vase on show in Shanghai Museum last week. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ beautiful vase on show I saw in Shanghai Museum last week!


Computers have played an important part in our daily life. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ important part computers have played in our daily life!


Charles did very well at the school sports meeting this year. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ Charles did at the school sports meeting this year!


The old man told us an interesting story. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ interesting story the old man told us!


The film I wa tched has a very exciting ending. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ exciting ending the film I watched has!


1-5 B A A C A

6-10 A B A How serious; What an

11-15 What a; What, an; How well; What an; What an



请你就此事给校报投稿,以“The Importance of Promise”为题,内容要点如下:








The Importance of Promise

Dear editor,

People always emphasize(强调) the importance of the promise, and they hate people who break their promise.

Promise is very important. Everyone should keep it.


Tony 【答案】The Importance of Promise

Dear editor,

People always emphasize(强调)the importance of the promise, and they hate people who break their promise.

Recently, a thing happened to my friend, and I think it was really his fault. Last weekend, my friend Daming had a date with his friend Lingling to watch a movie. But he totally forgot it that day because of his review for his exam. So Lingling got too angry to forgive him. In my opinion, it was really his fault. Forgetting the date not only led to Lingling’s anger, but also made her lose trust in him. Keeping promises is always the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. What Daming should do now is to ask for forgiveness and promise that he will never do that again. Promise is very important. Everyone should keep it.


Tony 【解析】






文章结构清晰,符合逻辑,先表明自己观点,然后阐述事情,提出自己的观点和建议。整篇文章在谋篇布局上,比较严密。除此之外,中间也使用了一些连接词,例如but,so,because of等,使文章更加通顺。



1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;`

2. 必须包含表格所给的提示信息,并作适当发挥;

3. 词数:80-100词左右(征文的开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

Mobile phones have been used widely in our daily life


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________

【答案】Mobile phones have been used widely in our daily life today. With the development of economy, mobile phones are more and more widely used in our daily life. However, some parents and teachers have different ideas about whether the students should use mobile phones at school.

Some students are for it. They think that it is convenient to contact with parents. Mobile phones will make them more interested in learning so that they can learn more quickly and easily. Some teachers are against it.They think that some students can't control themselves and often play games. What's worse, some students cheat in exams by using mobile phones. Besides, using mobile phones too much does great harm to students' eyes.

In my opinion, I think it is helpful for students to use mobile phones in a right way. Firstly,students can learn more knowledge using mobile phones. At the same time, parents and teachers should do something to help students. Only in this way can mobile phones be of help to their studies.



本篇写作需注意要求中所提供的要点,不可遗漏。需在平时积累相关的词汇,写作中注意语义通顺,符合逻辑关系,上下文之间可以适当使用连接词。如but, so, then等。可以适当使用高分句型。


高分句型:I think it is helpful for students to use mobile phones in a right way.我认为正确的方式使用手机对学生是有帮助的。

I think+宾语从句。

It is+形容词 for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说是…的。


初中毕业在即, 回顾三年的学习生活, 你一定有成功的体验, 如一次考试, 一次比赛, 一次表演......

请你以Believe Myself, and I Will Win为题写一篇演讲稿。

提示:(1)What was the event?

(2)How did you make it?

(3)What’s your feeling?

要求:(1)发言稿中须包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥。


(3)词数80个左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)。

Believe Myself, and I Will Win


everyone!_______________________________________________________________________ ____

Thank you for your listening.

【答案】Believe Myself, and I will win

Hello, everyone! As an old saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. There always are difficulties in our life and we have to face them.

When I was in the seventh grade, I always had difficulty in learning English. I just couldn’t understand it. I even wanted to give it up. Then my parents told me that where there is a will, there is a way. They also told me that I should be confident. My English teacher encouraged me to continue to study and told me some good ways to study it. I had the confidence again. I found when I put my heart into it, English di dn’t’ seem that difficult. I made great progress. My parents and teachers were happy for me. I felt pleased and proud for myself, too.

To be confident means I should believe myself. Believe myself, there are hopes in my life. In the future, I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win! Believe myself, a beautiful future is waiting for me.

Thank you for your listening.



这篇作文要求我们以Believe Myself and I will win为题,写一篇演讲稿。题目中用问题的形式给出了提示,审题可知,文章应包括以下内容:首先叙述你生活中遇到的一件困难的事;然后介绍你是如何克服了这个困难,最后取得成功的;最后说一下你自己的感受。写作时学生们应根据这几个内容提要,发挥自己的想象力,将这些内容补充完整,用正确的英语表达出来。短文应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主,注意谓语动词的正确形式。写作时应注意:首先要保证发言稿中包括了所有提示的内容,不能遗漏要点,可以根据表达需要适当发挥,但要与上下文意衔接起来。其次要注意英语的表达习惯和汉语是不同的,不能按照汉语思维,逐词翻译。应从句子的整体结构出发,选择适当句型、短语、词汇进行表达。句式结构可以简单句为主,穿插并列句或复合句。为提升文章档次,应注意衔接词以及高级句式或复杂结构的使用。



型,如When I was in the seventh grade, I always had difficulty in learning English.、My English teacher encouraged me to continue to study and told me some good ways to study it.、I found when I put my heart into it, English didn’t’ seem that difficult、In the future, I won't be afraid of the difficulties in my life and I'm sure that nothing can beat me and I will win!等等。







短文开头:“What time should junior high school students leave school?” This week we have held a class meeting to talk about it. Here is the result of the discussion.

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________

【答案】“What time should junior high school students leave school?”This week we have held a class meeting to talk about it. Here is the result of the discussion.

Most students think that students should leave school at about 5 o 'clock. They can exercise to keep healthy and read more interesting books after school.

Some think that students should leave school at 4:45, because they can have more time to do what they want to do, such as listening to music.

A few think 5 o 'clock is the best time to finish school. After school, they can do part-time jobs, such as collecting discarded plastic bottles to sell for money.

I am in favor of leaving school at five o'clock. Besides having time to play tennis, I can also draw some pictures I like.



这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如hold a class meeting,talk about,the result of,keep healthy,after school,have more time to do,want to do,such

as,listen to music,in favor of,clean the room,play tennis等。而复杂并列结构They can exercise to keep healthy and read more interesting books after school.和Most students think that students should leave school at about 5 o 'clock./ Some think that students should leave school at 4:45, because they can have more time to do what they want to do, such as listening to music.等复杂从句结构的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化;同时Most students think…/ Some think…/ A few think…使叙述条理,层次分明,是本文的亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。






1. 所写内容必须包括某一国家的所有信息及选择的理由;

2. 结合游玩国家的情况,自拟希望可以安排的活动,并提出1-2点出游的注意事项;

3. 文章不少于90词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

4. 语义通顺、意思连贯、条理清楚、书写规范;

5. 不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。

The summer holiday is coming. I think it’s a good idea to travel abroad.

I hope I will have a good time there!

【答案】The summer holiday is coming. I think it’s a good idea to travel abroad. I have read information about two countries——Britain and Australia. I like britain. So I think we can go to Britain.The time is july 1 to july 14. Its activities include visiting the buckingham palace,visiting the british museum, and watching football matches.The first, I want us to visit the Buckingham Palace and the british museum, I think it is very helpful for us to understand the history and culture of Britain. Next I hope to watch football matches. I like football very much. It will be exciting. However, the weather in Britain is changeable, which will make our trip inconvenient. And it's expensive to travel to the UK, which costs 20000 yuan, But I still want to travel to England.

I hope I will have a good time there!





提示词语: gift, love, opinion

提示问题:● What’s your plan for Father’s Day? ● Why do you do so? ● What do you want Peter to do?

Dear Peter,

How is it going?

We will share the plan for Father’s Day next

week.__________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

How is it going?

We will share the plan for Father’s Day next week. I am going to do some meaningful things for my father. Firstly, I am going to buy a beautiful card for him. And then, I plan to cook him a big meal. Though I am not good at cooking, I can ask my mother for help.

I will do this because I love my father deeply. He works very hard every day to support my family. Would you please give me some advice? I am eager to receive your early reply.


Li Hua






短语:the plan for Father’s Day;some meaningful things;buy a beautiful card for him;give me some advice。

句型:Though I am not good at cooking, I can ask my mother for help;I am eager to receive your early reply。

8.(B) 《朗读者》第五期节目中,主持人在开场白中说道:“我们的一生,会经历很多的第一次,难忘而又宝贵,它意味着我们的成长。”请谈谈你人生中最难忘的“第一次”,或许是第一次做家务、第一次旅行、第一次成功……并说说你从中学到了什么或有哪些收获。不少于80词。(文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)

【答案】The First Cooking

Last weekend, my parents went out and only I stayed at home. So I had to cook a meal for myself. First I washed the cabbages and then cooked it. But I didn't know how to cook them I put too much salt into the cabbages. So they tasted too salty. I had to throw them away. But I didn't lose my heart. This weekend, I asked my mother to teach me how to cook. She taught me how much salt I should use. Wow, the cabbages tasted good. My mother praised me and I felt very happy. Now I know that if I try hard, I will succeed.










1. 该谚语的含义;

2. 体现该谚语含义的个人经历。

a) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

b) Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

参考词汇:谚语 proverb

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________

【答案】A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

A life without friends is a life without sunshine! Friends try their best to help you without thinking of what they can get from it.

Once I doubted the usefulness of study, losing my interests and direction, even confidence. Finally, I decided to stop studying. After knowing the news, my friend encouraged me patiently. She insisted on persuading me until I promised to give up this thought.

Later, I made up my mind to study hard so as to enter my dream university.

Many people will be in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your hear. True friends always come to you when you need help.





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