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Men are different from women in many ways

Men are different from women in many ways
Men are different from women in many ways

Men are different from women in many ways Traditionally, men and women were seen as opposite poles of a magnet.There is no doubt that men are different from women, not only in figure, character but also in jobs. First of all, men and women can be distinguished by their figures. Generally, men are more muscular and powerful than women, but women are more flexible.

In addition, in my view, the most obvious difference is the character. People always say that men are rational, brave and energetic while women are emotional, careful and serious.

In accordance with these characteristics, we can see that nowadays, the men filled the leadership positions in society, because of the majority of positions that required courage, clear-thinking and intellect. Women took on the nurturing, caring or supportive jobs such as nurse, teacher, assistant. As so many differences mentioned above , we can draw a conclusion that men are different from women in many ways.

Importance of culture in business

Cooperation and exchange between the countries are closer

under the influence of globalization. Understanding one's culture is a very important key factor for your global business to be successful.

Now in our country, the economy is developing faster and faster. Culture plays an important role in business. More and more foreign companies have entered our market while more and more Chinese companies begin to invest abroad. For example, when we received the foreign-funded staff, we need to understand their way to greet so as to avoid embarrassment. So we must learn about the western culture. If we don’t know about the foreign culture, we will not be able to understand what the foreign business, our knowledge about the foreign culture is helpful in getting along with the businessmen from abroad. Furthermore, every organization has his own culture, to know more about their company culture is favour for each companies cooperation.

So , as far as I'm concerned, knowing the different culture is important in business.


螺纹通止规 定是:螺纹止规进入螺纹不能超过2.5圈,一般的要实际不得超过2圈,并且用得力度不能大,我们的经验是用拇指和食指轻轻夹持螺纹规以刚好能转动螺纹规的力度为准.力大了就相当于在使用丝锥或牙板了,那样规就用不了几次了. 螺纹通止规 螺纹通止规是适用于标准规定型号的灯头作为灯用附件电光源产品时候的设计和生产、检验的工具设备。 用途 一般用于检验螺纹灯头或灯座的尺寸是否符合标准要求,分别检验螺纹灯头的通规和止规尺寸或灯座的通规或止规尺寸。 工作原理 具体检验要求及介绍详见中国人民国国家标准:GB/T1483.1-2008或 IEC60061-3:2004标准规定容。 操作方法 具体检验要求及介绍详见中国人民国国家标准:GB/T1483.1-2008或 IEC60061-3:2004标准规定容。 通止规

通止规,是量规的一种。作为度量标准,用于大批量的检验产品。 通止规是量具的一种,在实际生产批量的产品若采取用计量量具(如游标卡尺,千分表等有刻度的量具)逐个测量很费事.我们知道合格的产品是有一个度量围的.在这个围的都合格,所以人们便采取通规和止规来测量. 通止规种类 (一)对统一英制螺纹,外螺纹有三种螺纹等级:1A、2A和3A级,螺纹有三种等级:1B、2B和3B级,全部都是间隙配合。等级数字越高,配合越紧。在英制螺纹中,偏差仅规定1A和2A级,3A级的偏差为零,而且1A和2A级的等级偏差是相等的等级数目越大公差越小,如图所示:1B 2B 3B 螺纹基本中径3A 外螺纹2A 1A 1、1A和1B级,非常松的公差等级,其适用于外螺纹的允差配合。 2、2A和2B级,是英制系列机械紧固件规定最通用的螺纹公差等级。 3、3A和3B级,旋合形成最紧的配合,适用于公差紧的紧固件,用于安全性的关键设计。 4、对外螺纹来说,1A和2A级有一个配合公差,3A级没有。1A级公差比2A级公差大50,比3A级大75,对螺纹来说,2B级公差比2A公差大30。1B级比2B级大50,比3B级大75。 (二)公制螺纹,外螺纹有三种螺纹等级:4h、6h和6g,螺纹有三种螺纹等级:5H、6 H、7H。(日标螺纹精度等级分为I、II、III三级,通常状况下为II级)在公制螺纹中,H 和h的基本偏差为零。G的基本偏差为正值,e、f和g的基本偏差为负值。如图所示:公差G H 螺纹偏差基本中径外螺纹f g h e 1、H是螺纹常用的公差带位置,一般不用作表面镀层,或用极薄的磷化层。G位置基本偏差用于特殊场合,如较厚的镀层,一般很少用。 2、g常用来镀6-9um的薄镀层,如产品图纸要6h的螺栓,其镀前螺纹采用6g的公差带。 3、螺纹配合最好组合成H/g、H/h或G/h,对于螺栓、螺母等精制紧固件螺纹,标准推荐采用6H/6g的配合。 (三)螺纹标记M10×1–5g 6g M10×1–6H 顶径公差代号中径和顶径公差代号(相同)中径公差代号。 通止规是两个量具分为通规和止规.举个例子:M6-7h的螺纹通止规一头为通规(T)如果能顺利旋进被测螺纹孔则为合格,反之不合格需返工(也就是孔小了).然后用止规(Z)如果能顺利旋进被测螺纹孔2.5圈或以上则为不合格反之合格.且此时不合格的螺纹孔应报废,不能进行返工了.其中2.5圈为国家标准,若是出口件最多只能进1.5圈(国际标准).总之通规过止规不过为合格,通规止规都不过或通规止规都过则为不合格。


感官动词和使役动词 默认分类2010-05-28 23:14:26 阅读46 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 使役动词,比如let make have就是3个比较重要的 have sb to do 没有这个用法的 只有have sb doing.听凭某人做某事 have sb do 让某人做某事 have sth done 让某事被完成(就是让别人做) 另外: 使役动词 1.使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有make(使,令), let(让), help(帮助), have(叫)等。 2.使役动词后接受词,再接原形不定词作受词补语。 He made me laugh. 他使我发笑。 I let him go. 我让他走开。 I helped him repair the car. 我帮他修理汽车。 Please have him come here. 请叫他到这里来。 3.使役动词还可以接过去分词作受词补语。 I have my hair cut every month. 我每个月理发。 4.使役动词的被动语态的受词补语用不定词,不用原形不定词。 (主)He made me laugh. 他使我笑了。 (被)I was made to laugh by him. 我被他逗笑了。 使役动词有以下用法: a. have somebody do sth让某人去做某事 ??i had him arrange for a car. b. have somebody doing sth.让某人持续做某事。 ??he had us laughing all through lunch. 注意:用于否定名时,表示“允许” i won't have you running around in the house. 我不允许你在家里到处乱跑。 ******** 小议“使役动词”的用法 1. have sb do 让某人干某事 e.g:What would you have me do? have sb/sth doing 让某人或某事处于某种状态,听任 e.g: I won't have women working in our company. The two cheats had the light burning all night long. have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到 e.g:you 'd better have your teeth pulled out. He had his pocket picked. notes: "done"这个动作不是主语发出来的。 2.make sb do sth 让某人干某事 e.g:They made me repeat the story. What makes the grass grow?


螺纹通止规要求螺纹通规通,止规止。 但是如果螺纹通规止,说明什么? 螺纹止规通,又说明什么? 我也来说两句查看全部回复 最新回复 ?wpc (2008-11-07 20:11:20) 在牙型正确的前提下螺纹通止规检测螺纹中径 ?lobont (2008-11-08 11:16:32) 对外螺纹而言,螺纹通规是做到中径上偏差,所以能通过就表示产品合格,通不过就表示螺纹做大了,要再修一刀; 螺纹止规做到中径下偏差,所以只能通过2~3牙,如果也通过,就表示外螺纹做小了,产品成为废品 ?qubin8512 (2008-11-18 15:36:05) 螺纹赛规与螺纹环规主要测量螺纹的中径。 ?datafield (2008-11-29 19:12:51) 检具不是万能的,只是方便而已。具体没什么的我有在哪本书上看过,是一本螺纹手册上的。 ?ZYC007 (2009-2-09 20:31:13) 在牙型正确的前提下螺纹通止规检测螺纹中径。 对外螺纹而言,但是如果螺纹通规止,说明螺纹中径大;螺纹止规通,又说明螺纹中径小。 ?WWCCJJ (2009-3-19 09:27:19) 检测的是螺纹的中径,螺纹检测规在检定时,也是检测其中径. ?tanjiren (2009-3-20 22:23:06) 螺纹通止规只能检测螺纹的作用中径,大径和底径等均无法准确测量出来. ?月夜(2009-4-01 21:47:13) 用来测量中径 ?丽萍(2009-4-02 10:11:41)

只能检测工件螺纹的中径 yg196733456 (2009-4-03 09:15:56)原来是测中径的知道了


感官动词 1.see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接省略to的动词不定式或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 注释:省略to的动词不定式--to do是动词不定式,省略了to,剩下do,其形式和动词原形是一样的,但说法不同。 see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事 see sb doing sth 看到某人在做某事 hear sb do sth 听到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人在做某事 以此类推... I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门,强调当时正在敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听到有人敲门的全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. (此处有频率词often) (了解)若以上词用于被动语态,须将省略的to还原: see sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth hear sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth 以此类推... We saw him go into the restaurant. → He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. → The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词。 He looks angry. His explanation sounds reasonable. The cakes smell nice.


1、 Blindness is a very serious disability. 失明是非常严重的残疾。 2、 Though he is disabled, he is a gifted artist. 尽管身残疾 (的 ),他是一个有天赋的艺术家。 3、 person with a hearing and eyesight disability misses many things. 一位听力和视力残疾的人会错过很多东西。 4、 Beware of the love syndrome.当心恋爱综合症。 5、 Rosalyn had been there frequently in past years for treatment for infantile paralysis. 罗莎琳在过去的几年中频频来这里治疗小儿麻痹。 6、 Harris went on top in the last lap. 哈里斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。 7、 He had a high ambition to be a headmaster. 他的抱负是想成为一名校长。 8、 I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me!我爱雄心壮志的人,因为他们能激励我! 9、 We will have dictation today.我们今天要听写了。 10、 I wrote the letter at Sally's dictation . 我照萨利的口述写信。 11、 The campus is noisy today.今天校园里很吵。 12、 Do believe there is no best man, only much suitable one. 要相信没有最好男人,只有更适合的。 13、 Trees hid the entry of the cave. 洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。 14、 Fresh air is beneficial to people's health. 新鲜空气对人的健康有好处。 15、 In other words, a classic fudge. 总之一句话,一派胡言。 16、 Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。 17、 He used to be quiet, but now he is very outgoing. 他以前性格沉默少言,但现在很外向。 18、 How do you adapt to this new environment? 你要怎样适应这种新环境呢?。 19、 The bench often does duty for a table. 这条长凳经常当桌子用。 20、 The doctor told me to cut out meat for my fat. 由于肥胖,大夫叫我停止吃肉 21、 He applied his eye to the microscope. 他把眼睛贴近显微镜。 22、 She was out of breath from climbing the stairs. 爬楼梯使她上气不接下气的。 23、 A servant is known by his master's absence.主人不在就可以看出仆人的品行来。 24、 You are a milk-livered fellow!你真是一个胆小的家伙! 25、 Thank you, my fellow colleagues. 谢谢,同事们。 26、 No joy without annoy. 没有无烦恼之快乐。 27、 I am really very annoyed about it. 我对此事真是很生气。 28、 I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨“别人”取笑我。 29、 I let go of all annoyance. 我放下所有烦恼。 30、 He has his faults, but all in all , he is a good guy. 他有缺点,但总的来说,他是不错的人。 单词拼读举例:Di sa bi li ty di sa bled syn drome in fan tile pa ra ly sis am bi tion am bi tious


N P T螺纹以及检测方法详 解 Prepared on 22 November 2020

一、目的:规范公司技术员,检验员,操作员对NPT螺纹的了解。 二、适用范围:适用于公司任何NPT螺纹类产品,参考资料为通用管螺 纹和国家标准GB/T12716-2011。 三、目录 1、NPT和NPTF介绍 2、螺纹技术参数参数讲解 3、NPT与NPTF加工工艺 4、NPT和NPTF的检测方法 四、内容: NPT和NPTF螺纹介绍 NPT 是 National (American) Pipe Thread 的缩写,属於美国标准的 60 度锥管 密封螺纹,用於北美地区,美国标准为13)通用管螺纹.国家标准可查阅 GB/T12716-2011。NPTF:美制干密封圆锥管螺。NPTF = National Pipe Thread Fine 称之为一般用途的锥管螺纹,这也是我们以前称之为的布氏锥螺纹。NPTF 螺纹称之为干密封式锥管螺纹,它连接密封的原理是在没有润滑剂或密封填 料情况下完全依靠螺纹自身形成密封,设计意图是使内、外螺纹牙的侧面、 牙顶和牙底同时接触,来达到密封的目的。它们两者的牙型角、斜度等指标 都是相同的,关键是牙顶和牙底的削平高度不一样,所以,量规的设计也是 不一样的。NPTF干密封管螺纹的牙形精度比NPT螺纹高,旋合时不用任何 填料,完全依靠螺纹自身形成密封,螺纹间无任何密封介质。干密封管螺纹 规定有较为严格的公差,属精密型螺纹,仅用在特殊场合。这种螺纹有较高 的强度和良好的密封性,在具有薄截面的脆硬材料上采用此螺纹可以减少断 裂现象。NPTF内、外螺纹牙顶与牙底间没有间隙,是过盈配合,而NPT螺 纹是过渡配合。NPTF螺纹主要用于高温高压对密封要求严格的场所。NPT


英语中感官动词的用法 一、感官动词 1、感官动词(及物动词)有:see/notice/look at/watch/observe/listen to/hear/feel(Vt)/taste(Vt)/smell(Vt) 2、连缀动词(含感官不及物动词) be/get/become/feel/look/sound/smell/taste/keep/stay/seem/ appear/grow/turn/prove/remain/go/run 二、具体用法: 1、see, hear, smell, taste, feel,这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为"看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……"。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。 例如:These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。 2、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。 例如:Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 3、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当"看起来……"讲时)只能作不及物动词外,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,此时作为实义动词讲时其主语一般为人。 例如:She smelt the meat.她闻了闻那块肉。 I felt in my pocket for cigarettes.我用手在口袋里摸香烟。 4、taste, smell作不及物动词时,可用于"t aste / smell + of +名词"结构,意为"有……味道/气味"。 例如:The air in the room smells of earth.房间里的空气有股泥土味。 5、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,与have或take构成短语。 例如:May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以尝一口这月饼吗?taste有品位、味道的意思。 例如:I don’t like the taste of the garlic.我不喜欢大蒜的味道。 She dresses in poor taste.她穿着没有品位。 look有外观,特色的意思,例:The place has a European look.此地具有欧洲特色。 feel有感觉,感受的意思,watch有手表,观察的意思。例:My watch is expensive.我的手表很贵。 6、其中look, sound, feel还能构成"look / sound / feel + as if +从句"结构,意为"看起来/听起来/感觉好像……"。 例如:It looks as if our class is going to win.看来我们班好像要获胜了。 7、感官动词+do与+doing的区别: see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。 I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"


通止规的用法及管理 1、止规 使用前:应经相关检验计量机构检验计量合格后,方可投入生产现场使用。 使用时:应注意被测螺纹公差等级及偏差代号与环规标识公差等级、偏差代号相同(如M24*1.5-6h与M24*1.5-5g两种环规外形相同,其螺纹公差带不相同,错用后将产生批量不合格品)。 检验测量过程:首先要清理干净被测螺纹油污及杂质,然后在环规与被测螺纹对正后,用大母指与食指转动环规,旋入螺纹长度在2个螺距之内为合格,否则判为不合格品。 2、通规 使用前:应经相关检验计量机构检验计量合格后,方可投入生产现场使用。 使用时:应注意被测螺纹公差等级及偏差代号与环规标识的公差等级、偏差代号相同(如M24*1.5-6h与M24*1.5-5g两种环规外形相同,其螺纹公差带不相同,错用后将产生批量不合格品)。 检验测量过程:首先要清理干净被测螺纹塞规油污及杂质,然后在环规与被测螺纹对正后,用大母指与食指转动环规,使其在自由状态下旋合通过螺纹全部长度判定合格,否则以不通判定。 3、注意事项 在用量具应在每个工作日用校对塞规计量一次。经校对塞规计量超差或者达到计量器具周检期限的环规,由计量管理人员收回、标识隔离并作相应的处理措施。 可调节螺纹环规经调整后,测量部位会产生失圆,此现象由计量修复人员经螺纹磨削加工后再次计量鉴定,各尺寸合格后方可投入使用。 报废环规应标识隔离并及时处理,不得流入生产现场。 4、维护与保养 量具(环规)使用完毕后,应及时清理干净测量部位附着物,存放在规定的量具盒内。生产现场在用量具应摆放在工艺定置位置,轻拿轻放,以防止磕碰而损坏测量表面。 严禁将量具作为切削工具强制旋入螺纹,避免造成早期磨损。可调节螺纹环规严禁非计量工作人员随意调整,确保量具的准确性。环规长时间不用,应交计量管理部门妥善保管。


1.感官动词用法之一:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接动词原形或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听的是全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school.(此处有频率词often) 若以上词用于被动语态,后面原有动词原形改为带to不定式: We saw him go into the restaurant. →He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. →The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词用法之二:look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词: He looks angry. It sounds good. The flowers smell beautiful. The sweets taste sweet. The silk feels soft. I felt tired. They all looked tired. 这些动词都不用于被动语态。如:The sweets are tasted sweet.是个病句。注意:如果加介词like,则后不可接形容词,而接名词或代词:


通止规的用法及管理 令狐采学 1、止规 使用前:应经相关检验计量机构检验计量合格后,方可投入生产现场使用。 使用时:应注意被测螺纹公差等级及偏差代号与环规标识公差等级、偏差代号相同(如M24*1.56h与M24*1.55g两种环规外形相同,其螺纹公差带不相同,错用后将产生批量不合格品)。 检验测量过程:首先要清理干净被测螺纹油污及杂质,然后在环规与被测螺纹对正后,用大母指与食指转动环规,旋入螺纹长度在2个螺距之内为合格,否则判为不合格品。 2、通规 使用前:应经相关检验计量机构检验计量合格后,方可投入生

产现场使用。 使用时:应注意被测螺纹公差等级及偏差代号与环规标识的公差等级、偏差代号相同(如M24*1.56h与M24*1.55g两种环规外形相同,其螺纹公差带不相同,错用后将产生批量不合格品)。 检验测量过程:首先要清理干净被测螺纹塞规油污及杂质,然后在环规与被测螺纹对正后,用大母指与食指转动环规,使其在自由状态下旋合通过螺纹全部长度判定合格,否则以不通判定。 3、注意事项 在用量具应在每个工作日用校对塞规计量一次。经校对塞规计量超差或者达到计量器具周检期限的环规,由计量管理人员收回、标识隔离并作相应的处理措施。 可调节螺纹环规经调整后,测量部位会产生失圆,此现象由计量修复人员经螺纹磨削加工后再次计量鉴定,各尺寸合格后方

可投入使用。 报废环规应标识隔离并及时处理,不得流入生产现场。 4、维护与保养 量具(环规)使用完毕后,应及时清理干净测量部位附着物,存放在规定的量具盒内。生产现场在用量具应摆放在工艺定置位置,轻拿轻放,以防止磕碰而损坏测量表面。 严禁将量具作为切削工具强制旋入螺纹,避免造成早期磨损。可调节螺纹环规严禁非计量工作人员随意调整,确保量具的准确性。环规长时间不用,应交计量管理部门妥善保管。


感官动词的概念和相关考点 1、什么是感官动词? 听觉:listen to、hear 视觉:look at、seem、watch 嗅觉:smell 触觉:feel、touch 味觉:taste 2、感官动词如何正确使用? Tom drove his car away. →I saw him drive away. (全过程) 用法一:somebody did sth + I saw this I saw somebody do something. Tom was waiting for the bus. →I saw Tom waiting for the bus. (看不到全过程) 用法二:somebody was doing sth + I saw this I saw somebody doing something 练习: 一、句子翻译 1. I didn,t hear you come in. 2. I suddenly felt sth touch me on the shoulder. 3. I could hear it raining. 4. Listen to the birds singing. 5. Can you smell sth burning? 6. I found Sue in my room reading my letters. 二、灵活运用 1. I saw Ann waiting for the bus. 2. I saw Dave and Helen playing tenins. 3. I saw Clair having her meal. 三、选择最佳选项 1. Did anybody see the accident (happen/happening)? 2. We listen to the old man (tell/telling) his story from beginning to the end. 3. Listen! Can you hear a baby (cry/crying)? 4.—Why did you turn around suddenly? — I heard someone (call/calling) my name. 5. We watched the two men (open/opening) a window and (climb/climbing) through it into house. 6. When we got there, we found our cat (sleep/sleeping) on the table. 四、感官动词的被动语态 Oh,the milk is tasted strange.


我们学过了五个与人的感觉有关的动词,它们是look,sound,smel l,taste,feel,我们可称之为“感官”动词。它们的用法有着许多相同点,但也有不同之处,现就此作一小结。 一、这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为“看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……”。除loo k之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。例如:These flowers smell very sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft. 这些西红柿摸起来很软。 The music sounds beautiful. 二、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。例如: Her idea sounds like fun. 她的主意听起来很有趣。 He looks like his father. 三、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当“看起来……”讲时)只能作不及物动词外,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,其主语通常是人。例如: She smelt the meat. 她闻了闻那块肉。

I felt in my pocket for cigarettes. 我用手在口袋里摸香烟。 He tasted the soup and added some salt. Miss Wang asked us to look at the blackboard. 四、taste,smell作不及物动词时,可用于“taste / smell + of + 名词”结构,意为“有……味道 / 气味”。例如: The air in the room smells of earth. 房间里的空气有股泥土味。 The bread taste of sugar. 五、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,与have或take构成短语。例如: May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以尝一口这月饼吗? May I have a look at your photo? 六、其中look,sound,feel还能构成“look / sound / feel + as if +从句”结构,意为“看起来/听起来/ 感觉好像……”。例如:


模块7各单元词汇和短语复习 Unit 1 Living Well Part One 根据首字母或汉语提示写出完整的单词: 1. An unexpected accident made Sang Lan a girl with a physical d____________, but she never gave up. 2. We often observe the tiny cells with m______________ in our biology classes. 3. The production of iron and steel is the most important i______________ of the city. 4. Taiwan is part of China and not an i_______________ state. 5. I have passed all the exams and I am waiting to get the graduation c_______________. 6. A place is a______________ if it is possible to reach it. 7. I was not alone on the journey. Instead, I had so many c________________. 8. You can refer to old people in general as the _______________. 9. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is ______________ to people. 10. When the disabled meet with difficulty, we should do what we can to give them a___________. 11. One of his ________________ (志向) is to become a world-wide famous pop singer. 12. He was _____________(笨拙的) with a tool. 13. The patient’s _______________(呼吸) grew stronger and stronger. 14. Who took his place and controlled the company during his ________________ (不在) ? 15. I’m going to give some suggestions to this famous ________________(建筑师). 16. A man’s _______________(尊严)doesn’t depends on his wealth but on his character. Part Two 一、词形变换(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1. The ______________ is good at ______________ TV plays from the stories he reads about or hears. (adapt) 2. The country used to be _____________ on Britain in many ways, but now it has become absolutely_______________. (depend) 3. We have ___________ a lot from the co-operation and I’m sure it will continue to be ________ to both of us. (benefit) 4. Her _____________ lecture ____________ all of us. We won’t forget her ____________. (encourage) 5. ______________ people should be treated equally in spite of their ______________. (disability) 6. You were _____________ yesterday, Tom. Can you tell me the reason for you _____________? (absent) 7. The ______________ serving the passengers on the train is of good_______________. (conduct) 8. ________________ countries pay much attention to the development of ________________. (industry) 二、翻译句子 1. 应该给残疾人尽可能多的鼓励和援助。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 换句话说,这些措施对我们的工业发展是有益的。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 总之,在学校寄宿(board)能帮助学生学会独立。 ______________________________________________________________________________


通止规的用法及管理 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

通止规的用法及管理 1、止规 使用前:应经相关检验计量机构检验计量合格后,方可投入生产现场使用。 使用时:应注意被测螺纹公差等级及偏差代号与环规标识公差等级、偏差代号相同(如M24*与M24*两种环规外形相同,其螺纹公差带不相同,错用后将产生批量不合格品)。 检验测量过程:首先要清理干净被测螺纹油污及杂质,然后在环规与被测螺纹对正后,用大母指与食指转动环规,旋入螺纹长度在2个螺距之内为合格,否则判为不合格品。 2、通规 使用前:应经相关检验计量机构检验计量合格后,方可投入生产现场使用。 使用时:应注意被测螺纹公差等级及偏差代号与环规标识的公差等级、偏差代号相同(如M24*与M24*两种环规外形相同,其螺纹公差带不相同,错用后将产生批量不合格品)。 检验测量过程:首先要清理干净被测螺纹塞规油污及杂质,然后在环规与被测螺纹对正后,用大母指与食指转动环规,使其在自由状态下旋合通过螺纹全部长度判定合格,否则以不通判定。 3、注意事项

在用量具应在每个工作日用校对塞规计量一次。经校对塞规计量超差或者达到计量器具周检期限的环规,由计量管理人员收回、标识隔离并作相应的处理措施。 可调节螺纹环规经调整后,测量部位会产生失圆,此现象由计量修复人员经螺纹磨削加工后再次计量鉴定,各尺寸合格后方可投入使用。 报废环规应标识隔离并及时处理,不得流入生产现场。 4、维护与保养 量具(环规)使用完毕后,应及时清理干净测量部位附着物,存放在规定的量具盒内。生产现场在用量具应摆放在工艺定置位置,轻拿轻放,以防止磕碰而损坏测量表面。 严禁将量具作为切削工具强制旋入螺纹,避免造成早期磨损。可调节螺纹环规严禁非计量工作人员随意调整,确保量具的准确性。环规长时间不用,应交计量管理部门妥善保管。


在基础英语写作中往往有学生对谓语的选用有一定困惑,其中就有一类特殊的动词:感官动词。今天就由来为大家把其用法进行一下总结: (A)感官动词(及物动词)有: see/notice/look at/watch/observe/listen to/hear/feel(Vt)/taste(Vt)/smell(Vt) (B)连缀动词(含感官不及物动词) be/get/become/feel/look/sound/smell/taste/keep/stay/seem/ appear/grow/turn/prove/remain/go/run 一、see, hear, feel, watch, look,这五个动词均可作 连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为"看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……" look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。 例如: These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。 二、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。 例如: Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 三、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当"看起来……"讲时)只能作不及物动词外,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,此时作为实义动词讲时其主语一般为人。(和1有区别) 例如: She smelt the meat.她闻了闻那块肉。 I felt in my pocket for cigarettes.我用手在口袋里摸香烟。 四、taste, smell作不及物动词时,可用于"taste / smell + of +名词"结构,意为"有……味道/气味"。 例如: The air in the room smells of earth.房间里的空气有股泥土味。 五、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,与have或take构成短语。 例如: May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以尝一口这月饼吗? taste有品位,味道的意思 例:I don't like the taste of the garlic. 我不喜欢大蒜的味道。 She dresses in poor taste.她穿着没有品位。 look有外观,特色的意思 例:The place has a European look.此地具有欧洲特色。 feel有感觉,感受的意思 watch有手表,观察的意思 例:My watch is expensive.我的手表很贵。 六、其中look, sound, feel还能构成"look / sound / feel + as if +从句"结构,意为"看起来/听起来/感觉好像……"。 例如:


BOOK7 Unit1单词练习题 一.根据所给的首字母写出单词的正确形式。 1.What we choose and decide forms our life, but a_______ decides our choice and decision. 2.We should design more websites that are both technically a________ and also usable for people with disabilities. 3.As is known to all, Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for l_________. 4.The whole class c________ me on getting the first prize in the English competition. 5.Recently I watched a cartoon a________ from the famous drama by Shakespeare. 二.根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.It is known to all that fresh air is _____ to our health and the new park ______ us all, so we should keep it clean.( benefit ) 2.The little boy made up a tale for his ______ ( absent ) from school. 3.Praise acts as an _____ to the players, and therefore they will feel _____ and get the ______ to continue and improve their performance. ( encourage ) 4.The ______ girls swims well in spite of her ______. (disable ) 5.My brother ______ from a well—known American university. My parents attended his ______ ceremony yesterday. ( graduate )
