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Unit 1

2(2).There is an increasing amount of evidence that successful organizations put people first. Why?


3.Astute(adj.敏锐的,精明的) managers have come to learn that their organization’s employees are its only true competitive advantage.


5.But what’s far more difficult to emulate(v.仿真,竞争,努力赶上,赶超=imitate)is a workforce made up of highly knowledgeable and motivated people.


6.The characteristic that differentiates successful companies from their less successful counterparts in almost every industry is the quality of the people they’re able to get and keep.


12.(4) People-first organizations empower(v.使能够)their employees. They push authority and responsibility down to the lowest levels.


13(4).Organizations that put people first have a more dedicated(adj.奉献的,忠诚的=devoted) and committed(adj.=devoted尽忠的,坚定地)workforce.


15.These employees are willing to put forth(拿出,发挥)the extra effort — to do whatever is necessary to see that their jobs are done properly and completely.


25.It is a total coffee experience which encompass e(v.=constitute=have=include包含,包括)everything from the decor of the retail locations and the music played within to the attitude of the Starbucks employees (known as “partners”), and even to the company’s desire to give back to the communities it serve s.


26(8).Since its inception(n.=beginning开始,建立之初), it has been the Starbucks employees who have helped drive the success of the company.


27.But it was probably Howard Schultz who started the ignition(n.点发,开启v.点火,激发,触发).


29.As director of retail operations and marketing he was influential in the move to provide Starbucks coffee to fine restaurants and espresso(n.浓咖啡)bars throughout Seattle.


30(9)A year after he joined the company a visit to Milan, Italy inspire d(v.给…启发)

Schultz to bring the Italian coffee-bar concept back to Seattle and put it into action (=put sth into practice 实施施行)in a new Starbucks



31.It was a new foray(n.开创性的尝试,冒险)for the company which previously had only provided freshly roasted beans for sale.


32.However, the overwhelming success of the espresso bar concept led Schultz to found Il Giornale, an espresso bar which offered brewed(v.泡,煮)coffee and espresso beverages made using Starbucks coffee beans.


38(12).At the store level, Starbucks has been successful in bucking(v.=resist oppose 抵制,反抗)the norm at most retail service environments where employee turnover(n.营业额,人员流动) is high and competence(=ability n.工作能力)or enthusiasm (n.热情)is waning. (wane v. 减少)


41.“We’re fortunate that the turnover of managers and hourly employees is probably one of the best in the industry,” explained Richards.


45(16).New store-level partners are welcomed into the Starbucks community with a week-long indoctrination(n.教导,教化)into the cultural aspects of the company. 新店面的店员会被送到星巴克社区接受为期一周的有关公司企业文化方面的教育。

46.The technical aspects of the job — those that relate to beverage preparation, for instance — are covered. From there, it is the manager’s responsibility to follow up with in-store modules(n.模块)for ongoing training in specific areas.


47(17).All full-and part-time partners who work at least 20 hours a week are offered a full slate(n.候选人名单)of generous benefits.

所有的全职或兼职合作伙伴,只要一周工作满20 小时,就可以享受一整套优厚的福利待遇.

49.Loyalty and a sense of belonging are further emphasized in open forums where employees,regardless of(=in spite of 不顾,不管)position, are encouraged to bring their suggestions or concerns to the attention of corporate management.


50.Often it is the barista who is the impetus(n.动力,促进)for a change simply because he or she is the one on the front line dealing with customers on a daily basis. 通常咖啡师都是创新的主力军,因为他/她每天在第一线与顾客们打交道。

54.Starbucks also distributes annual Bean Stock reports to all partners and the company publishes Pinnacle, a newsletter that spotlights company performance as well as the activities of individual partners company wide.


55.Starbucks is also taking advantage of videos and teleconferencing to reach out to (=give help to帮助)its partners.


56(19).Being on the front line requires communication, be it communication in training employees to perform their job properly, or communication with customers. 沟通对于销售第一线来说非常必要,正是沟通才使员工通过培训后能够准确无误地完成他们的工作,或者是与顾客的沟通。

57.“Starbucks partners are always on the go(非常繁忙或活跃). Customer flow is quite steady, and they have to perform tasks requiring a bit of knowledge,” Richards explained


58.“Because of the way the service line is set up,partners must interact with (=communicate with )each other to complete a task, creating a sense of teamwork.


59.Customers shift from station to station, coming into contact with(与…接触,联系) several employees during one transaction(n.交易,业务).


65.Although plant managers and supervisors are responsible for the initial organization of the teams, partners are encouraged to take over(接管)the day-to-day workings of the teams including decision-making.


68.The result is a superior(adj.较高的,较好的)product,coupled with(外加,加上)customer service that is truly caring and responsive.


69.The icing on the cake is sales growth of 65 percent a year over the last years while net income skyrockets(v.飞涨猛升)by 70 to 100 percent a year.


70(22).All in all(总之), Starbucks offers an amazingly diverse range of opportunities and benefits to its partners.


71. It’s little wonder that new stores continue to open at the rate of(以…的速度/比例)three to five every week, and employees are making careers at Starbucks instead

of dropping out(离开,退出,掉出).

难怪新的店面继续以每周3 至5 个的速度不断涌现,同时它的员工也选择在星巴克成就他们的事业而不是离开。


1(1).A recent simulation(n.演习,仿真,模仿=imitation)of a devastating (致命的)cyberattack on America was crying for(迫切需要=in great need) a Bruce Willis l ead: A series of mysterious attacks cripple d(s使..变残疾=damage=d estroy) much of the national infrastructure, including air traffic, financial markets and even basic email. 最近一场模拟美国遭受毁灭性网络攻击的演习急需布鲁斯·威利斯(曾在小电脑客马特福斯特的专业帮助下,打破了一个异国客天衣无缝的电脑系统入侵计划)这样的一个具有高精尖电脑技术的人的帮助:由于一系列神秘的攻击,国家基础设施陷入瘫痪,包括航空运输,金融市场,甚至是基本的电子通信。

2.If this was not bad enough, an unrelated electricity outage(停电)took down (拆掉,拆除)whatever remained of the already unplugged(v.电力中断,断电)East Coast.


4.The American government appeared incompetent(不胜任的), indecisive(犹豫不决的)and confused (past government officials, including former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and former Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, were recruited to play this glamorous(有魅力的,吸引人的)rol e on TV). “The U.S. is unprepared for cyberwar,” the simulation’s organizers grimly conclud ed.


5(3).The past few months have been packed with(=be filled with挤满着,充满着)cyber-jingoism from former and current national security officials.


8.Speaking in late April, Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta said that “the next Pearl Harbor is likely to be a cyberattacking going after our grid(n.电网).”


9(4).The murky(模糊的,不清楚的=gloomy)nature of recent attacks on Googl e—in which someone trick ed(teicksb into sth/d oing sth用计诱使用某人做某事) a Googl e employee into opening a malicious(adj恶意的=hostile敌对的)link that eventually allowed intrud ers to access parts of Googl e’s password-managing software, has only ad d ed to public fears.



10.If the worl d’s most innovative(adj创新的)technol ogy company cannot protect its computers from(使免受…,保护)such digital aggression, what can we expect from the bureaucratic chimera that is the Department of Homeland Security?


11(5).Googl e should be applauded for(=be praised for为…鼓掌庆祝)going on the record about the cyber-attacks; most companies prefer to keep quiet about such incid ents.


12.But d o hundreds—or even thousands—of such incid ents that target both the private and the public sector ad d up to the imminent(adj即将到来的=impending)threat of a “cyberwar” that is worthy of such hype?


13.The evid ence so far l ooks too shaky.(adj不可靠,不令人信服的=unreliable=doubtful)


16.A March report from consulting firm Market Research Media estimates that the government’s total spending on cybersecurity between now and 2015 is set to(可能=be likely to)hit $55 billion, with strong growth predicted in areas such as Internet-traffic surveillance and monitoring.

另一份于3 月出自顾问公司Market Research Media 的报告估计从今年起到2015 年政府用于网络安全的总费用将直逼550 亿美元,其中预计诸如网络传输监控和追踪等领域增长尤为迅速。

17(7).Given the previous history of excessively tight connections between our government and many of its contractors, it’s quite possibl e that the over-dramatize d (夸张)rhetoric of those cheerl eading the cyberwar has helped to ad d at l east a few billion d ollars to this price tag.


18.Mr. McConnell's current empl oyer, Booz All en Hamilton, has just land ed(=获得=get =obtain) $34 million in cyber security contracts with the Air Force.


21.Their stature, however, d oes not relieve(减轻)them of the responsibility to provid e some hard evidence to support their claims.


22.We d o not want to sl eepwalk into a cyber-Katrina, but neither d o we want to hol d our policy-making hostage(人质)to the rhetorical ploy s(策略)of better-informed government contractors.


23(9).Steven Walt, a professor of international politics at Harvard, believes that the nascent(最近兴起的=beginning=emerging)d ebate about cyberwar presents “a classical opportunity for threat inflation.(宣传鼓吹=exaggeration)”


24.Mr Walt points to the resemblance(n,相似点=similarity)between our current

d eliberations about onlin

e security and the d ebate about nucl ear arms during the Col d War.


25.Back then, those working in weapons labs and the military tend ed to hol d more alarmist views than many acad emic experts, arguably because the livelihoods of university professors did not d epend on having to hype up(大肆宣扬) the need for arms racing.


26(10)Markus Ranum, a veteran(n,资深人士=experienced,愿意:老兵)of the network security industry and a noted critic of the cyber war hype, points to another similarity with the Col d War.

马科斯·冉讷姆是一位从事网络安全行业的内行人,也是著名的批判鼓吹网络战的人士, 他指出网络战的热议与冷战的相似之处。

27.Today’s hype, he says, l eads us to believe that “we need to d evelop an offensive capability in ord er to d efend against an attack that isn’t coming—it’s the ol d ‘bomber gap’ all over again: a flimsy excuseto mili tarize.” (=unconvincing/weak/feebl e/shaky/unreliabl e 不可信的,不可靠的=fragil e )


28(11).How dire(adj,极其恐怖的,严峻的)is the threat? Ask two experts and you will get different opinions.


32. There is no d oubt that the Internet brims(v,充满=fill)with(=be packed with) spamming, scamming and id entity fraud.


33.Having someone wipe out(=get rid of彻底摧毁)your hard drive or bank account has never been easier, and the tools for committing electronic mischief on your enemies are cheap and wid ely accessibl e.


36.But just as it is wrong to conclud e that the amateurization of media will bring on a renaissance(n,复兴)of high-quality journalism, so it is wrong to conclud e that the amateurization of cyberattacks will usher in(宣告=introduce)

a brave new worl d of d estructive cyberwarfare.


37(14).From a strictly military perspective, “cyberwar”—with a small “c”—may 39.Such options were already on the table(=considerationb被考虑,被搁置)—even though they appear to have been used sparingly(adv,有节制地)— during a number of recent wars.

这些方式已在最近的一些战争中开始运用,虽然他们看起来似乎用的有点保守。40(15).Why have such tactics—known in military parlance(n,说法,用语)as “computer network attacks”—not been used more wid ely?


41.As revolutionary as it is, the Internet d oes not make centuries-ol d laws of war obsolete(过时的)or irrelevant.


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8e8283316.html,itary conventions, for exampl e, require that attacks distinguish between civilian(n,平民,百姓)and military targets.


43.In d ecentralized and interconnected cyberspace, this requirement is not so easy to satisfy: A cyberattack on a cellphone tower used by the adversary(n,对手opponent)may affect civilian targets along with(in addition to sth除某物之外)military ones.


44.When in 2008 the U.S. military d ecid ed to dismantle(v,解散拆除=cancel)a Saudi Internet forum—initially set up by the CIA to gl ean intelligence but increasingly used by the jihadists to plan on attacks in Iraq —it inadvertently(不经意的,无心的)caused disruption to more than 300 servers in Saudi Arabia, Germany and Texas.

在2008 年美国军队决定拆除一个沙特阿拉伯的网络论坛。这个由CIA 创立的论坛本来是用来收集人才的但是却越来越被异教徒用在伊拉克的攻击上。这次拆除不经意间造成在沙特阿拉伯、德国、德克萨斯州的300 多台服务器的中断。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8e8283316.html,itary command ers d o not want to be tried for(被审判)war crimes, even if those crimes are committed online.


49(17).Perfect security—in cyberspace or in the real worl d—has huge political and social costs, and most d emocratic societies woul d find it undesirable (unwanted不想的,意想不到的).


51(18).Recast ing(v,改造recast 过去式recast过去分词)basic government problems in terms of a gl obal cyber struggl e won’t make us any more secure.


52.The real question is, “Why are government computers so vulnerable(易受攻

击的=weak)to very basic and unsophisticated threats?”


59(20).What is worse,(更糟糕的是)any major re-engineering of the Internet coul d derail(v,脱轨)other ambitious initiative s(n,为解决困难而采取的行动,初衷)of the U.S. government, especially its efforts, to promote Internet freed om. 更糟糕的是,任何对互联网进行大的改造可能会使美国政府充满雄心的主动精神出轨,尤其是它促进互联网自由的努力行为。

60.Urging China and Iran to keep their hands off the Internet woul d work only if Washington sticks to its own advice; otherwise, we are trading in hype(v/n大肆渲染).


62.In most cases the threats are the same as they were 20 years ago; we still need to patch security flaws, update anti-virus databases and ban suspicious(adj,可疑的=distrustfull)users from our sites.


64. But it’s through rational d eliberation, not fear- monger ing, (v,贩子,鼓吹,传播坏事的人,专门制造…的人)that we can d evise policies that will accomplish this.



1.On successive(adj,连续不断的,一连串的)occasions we adapt to(适应)the event and the experience yields(v带来,产生)lesspl easure;psychol ogists“call this habituation(n,适应=adaptation),economists call it d eclining marginal(adj边缘的)utility ,and the rest of us call it marriage .”

在接下来的日子里,我们适应了这一事件,但婚姻的体验带来较少的乐趣。心理学家称之为“适应,经济学家称之为边际效用下降,而我们其他人把它叫做婚姻。”2(1).In the last few centuries, marriage has been connected to romantic l ove.


3.This kind of package deal(一揽子交易)is not easy to maintain and ind eed many peopl e failwhil e trying to d o so. Nevertheless, most peopl e still pursue this d eal.


5(2).Some of the main difficulties of this package d eal are the foll owing: (a) in mod ern society, marriage is no longer unique in fulfilling tasks such as raising children and enhanc ing(增强,提升)one’s status and financial situation,

要实现这一揽子交易,有如下几点主要的困难:1. 在现代社会,婚姻已不是实现像抚养孩子,加强个人地位,及改善经济状况等任务的惟一形式。

6. (b) l ong-term romantic relationships are problematic(=questionable难处理

的,有疑问的)in that they lack significant changes, which are so meaningful to emotions in general(普遍)and l ove in particular(特别的),


7.and (c) the greater flexibility(n,柔韧性,灵活性)of romantic boundaries in mod ern society make it hard erto maintain strict emotional connections and constraints(n,强制,约束=restraint), such as those recommend edinmarriage.


8(3).In mod ern society, most of the penalti es (penalty n,惩罚)for dissolving(n,终止,结束,解散=break up) a marriage have been removed and many of the incentive s(=stimulus n,动机,刺激,诱因)that marriage offers can be obtained in other social frameworks(基础设施).


10.If a person feels that her present marital(adj,婚姻的)relationship prevents her from experiencing genuine(adj,真诚的,真心的)l ove (and from personal d evel opment and satisfaction), there is little incentive for her to stay in the marriage.


11.The fact that most divorce cases now cite(引用)a lack of l ove as the reason for seeking to(attempt to do sth/try 设法试图)end the marriage indicates the greater importance that love has in contemporary marriages.


12(4).Romantic relationships consist of both change, which increases excitement, and familiarity(n,熟悉知晓亲密感), which enhances commitment (=pledge n,承诺)and liking.


13.The positive rol e of familiarity may lead l ove to grow and become d eeper over time.


14.However, the lack of novelty(=reshness/originality新颖的,新鲜感)may make the element of passion l ess intense.


16.A good marriage, a happy marriage, a comfortable and compatible(adj,适合的,相容的)marriage, yes, but only rarely a passionate one.”


17.They further argue that a passionate marriage woul d be exhausting, as to(至于)“live in a state of perpetual (=permanent=endless=everlasting永久的)passion” woul d be to forgo(v,没有也行,放弃=give up=relinquish)rest of

life, and, in truth, there are other things.


20.In any case, stability in marriage and well-being are not one and the same(同时)a stabl e marriage d oes not necessarily mean that marriage is particularly gratifying(adj,悦人的,满足的)or vital(有活力的).


24.The more ind epend ent that we become and the more fl exible our romantic boundaries are, the more it becomes difficult to take on(承担接受)the whol e package.


25.One such difficulty is that l ove, and often id eal l ove, becomes a necessary condition of the d eal.

其中的一个难题就是爱情,往往是理想的爱情,成为这一揽子交易的必要条件。26(6).In light of(considering/in view of/given鉴于考虑到)these changes, there has been a significant increase, over the last few d ecad es, in the percentage of singl e households in mod ern society.


27.Such an increase by no means(not at all绝不)suggests that marriage is

d ead, but that a growing number of adults ar

e spending more o

f their lives singl e or livin

g unmarried wit

h partners.


29.The new circumstances have significantly increased the autonomy(n,自治,自治权=independent)of individuals and in particular that of women.


30.The greater ind epend ence of individuals weakens the expectation for romantic exclusivity(排他性)of the kind that involves significant d epend ence upon the partner.

个体更大的独立性削弱了对那种极其依赖伴侣的浪漫关系排他性的期待。] 31.Lovers who d o not live together see each other for limited times, d o not d epend upon each other for their major needs, and thus they need not abide by(遵守=conform to)any external formal dictate s(n,命令,指示)or constraint s(限制).


33.In light of such changes, the framework of marriage has been transformed from a formal contractual(adj,合同的)bond with hardly any possibility of future regret into an agreement that can be dissolved without the need to find cause, fault, or justification(正当理由).


35.Hence, thereis no need to be ashamed of foll owing one’s heart and

terminat ing(v,结束,解雇=end)the marriage, or even in having an affair(婚外恋)of the heart.


38.Thus, an overwhelming majority of peopl e (over 85% of Americans) said that they would not marry someone they were not in l ove with and about 50% of Americans believe that they have the right to divorce when romantic l ove fade s (=disappear凋落,衰弱).


43(9).Romanticloveinvolves commitment, and commitment is enforce d(执行实施)by marriage, which imposes constraints against any reduction to that commitment.


45.But in id eal l ove, commitment is internal; it d oes not stem from(来源,由…造成)external and imposed chains,but from intrinsically(adv,从本质上讲)valuabl e attitud es toward the beloved.


47.AsStephen Mitchell indicates, “ Love and marriage may go together like a horse and carriage, but it is crucial that the horse of passion quickly be tethered by the weight of the carriage of respectability(n,体面,名望,名誉)to prevent runaway s.”


50.Alas, the duration(维持时间)of each instance of this love is often limited. 哎,每一例爱情的持续时间通常是有限的。

53.This quality may enhance thestrength of a specific romanticrelationship, but it may also make another potential relationship be perceived as(把…看做)more attractive.


55.Another way to solve the parad ox woul d be to accept that marriage should essentiallyinvolvea companionable(陪伴的,友好的)l ove rather than a romantic one;


58(12).Despite the above difficulties Arl ene Skolnick argues that “The d eath

of marriage has been proclaim ed (v,宣布=declare)countl ess times in American history;


60.I join Skolnick in this claim, but woul d ad d that marriage seems to be l osing its unique, exclusive place and some of its main characteristic s.(特有的,独特的)我赞同这一看法,但是想补充的是:婚姻似乎丧失了其独一无二、特有的地位和


61(13).The above consid erations can be encapsulate d(概述,简述)in the foll owing statement that a l over might express: “Darling, if our marriage is going to be short, pl ease try to fix the house and make l ove to me as much as possibl e whil e you are still around.”



2.In April2009, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discovered that two children in California had been infected with(感染)a new strain of influenza virus —originallydubbed“swine flu” but eventually and more accurately known as H1N1—even as(正当…的时候)Mexican health officials grapple d with(设法克服,努力解决)major outbreaks of a new flulike illness.

2009 年4 月,美国疾病控制与预防中心的研究人员发现,两名加利福尼亚儿童感染了一种新型流感病毒,起初人们称它为“猪流感”,正当墨西哥卫生官员称其为一场新型流感病毒的大爆发时,研究人员最终将其确认为甲流病毒。

3.By the end of the month, with new cases pop ping up(=appear suddenly未预料到,突然出现)in New York City, Canada and Europe, officials had come to realize they had a gl obal emergency on their hands. (have sb on one’s hands 由本人处理、负责)


4(2).Within weeks, the H1N1 virus was spreading around the worl d, and by June theWorl d Health Organization (WHO) had raised the alert l evel again, officially d eclaring an influenza pandemic(流行性疾病).


5.Since most peopl e had no immune protection against the H1N1 virus, which had been simmer ing(即将爆发)in swine populations for years before jumping into human beings in Mexico, it spread rapidly.


6(3).U.S. cases piled up(增多、累积)in late spring, and both the sick and the “worried well” fl ood ed hospitals, tax ing (使枯竭,造成重负)health care resources.


7.Schools shut d own, sometimes for weeks, to stem(阻止=stop)the spread of the disease, l eaving millions of school children— andtheir parents—strand ed (陷入困境)at home.


12.Pharmaceutical companieshad crash ed a nH1N1-vaccine-production program (应急计划), and governments around the worl d (including Washington) had drawn up(起草)hasty plans to fend off(抵御,抵抗)a potential “second wave” of H1N1, which they feared coul d turn the upcoming(=coming soon即将到来)fall flu season into a public-health disaster.


13(6).Yet catastrophe(灾难)never came, and the total U.S. d eath toll from H1N1 — about 13,000 peopl e over the past year — was consid erably smaller than the 36,000 peopl e who are estimated to die each year from the regular, seasonal flu.

然而,灾难还没有完全到来,截至去年,全美死于甲流病毒感染人数为13000 左右,这一数字远远低于每年因季节性流感丧生的36000 人。

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8e8283316.html,lions of d oses of H1N1 vaccine expire d(v无效,失效)unused on d octors’ shelves, and health officials are now under fire(受到攻击、批评)for overhyp ing (过分宣扬)what eventually seemed like a harml ess bug.


15.So, was H1N1 much ado about nothing(小题大做)?


16(7).Not quite. Und erstanding why H1N1 was, and remains, a legitimate(合法的)public threat and how health officials coul d have handl ed it better will help when the next new virus inevitably makes its way into our bl oodstreams.


18(9).At the start of the H1N1 pand emic, officials coul d already see the virus was easily transmissible(=infectious可传染的)— cases were accumulating fast, and it took only a few weeks for the virus to reach nearly every corner of the worl d.

在甲流疫情刚开始的时候,卫生官员们就已经发现该病毒很容易传染,感染甲流的病例不断地增加,仅仅几个星期,甲流病毒就已经遍布世界的各个角落。19.But whil e researchers knew from past pand emics that a new flu virus like H1N1, against which humans have no immunity, coul d spread quickly, what they coul d not immediately gauge(=evaluate评估,判断)was whether it coul d also be d eadly.


21.At the outset(开端), there was no way to know which kind of virus H1N1 woul d turn out to be.


22(10).Inhindsight(事后才知道的,后见之明), the 2009-10 pand emic l ooks relatively mil d —certainly much mild er than the initial media panic might have l ed us to expect.

这么说虽然有些“事后诸葛亮”的嫌疑,但是2009 年这场流行病看起来相对没有那么严重,当然,这里是和我们之前听信媒体宣传所预测分析的场景相比较而言。

23.Still, a closer inspection of H1N1 shows that it was no trifle(小事,琐事).


26.Andwhen researchers at the National Institutes of Health measured the impact of H1N1 in estimated American life-years l ost —which gives more weight to(重视)d eaths among the young — they found that it was at l east as serious as a typical flu year; at its worst, it hit l evels seen in the pand emics of 1957 and 1968.

当美国国家健康研究所的研究人员进行甲流病毒对美国国民平均寿命影响评测时发现,受影响最大的是青少年人群。这一人群中因此丧生的人数至少与以往的季节性流感丧生人数相当,更糟糕的是,其严重程度堪比1957 年和1968 年大规模流感疫情。

31.In the years since H5N1 avian flu began simmering(酝酿)in Southeast Asia in 2003, scientists and d octors had monitored the virus cl osely, waiting for it to mutate(突变)to the point that it coul d spread easily from person to person.

自从2003 年东南亚地区爆发大规模禽流感病毒以来,科学家和医生们一直在密切观测这些病毒的演变,等待监测到这些病毒变异为可在人类中快速传播的新病毒。

35(14).But the opening of an unexpected front caught health officials off guard. (使…措手不及)


37(15).Before H1N1 became known as H1N1, it was popularly referred to (=means提到,指出)as “swineflu”becausescientists d etermined that it contained mostly pig flu genes.


41(16)That means the right kind of virol ogical surveillance(=monitoring监视)m ight be abl e to d etect potentially dangerous viruses whil e they’re still in animals and even stamp them out(消除,消灭)before they establish themselves in peopl e.


42.The problem is that animal health gets only a fraction of the funding and talent

d evoted to human health — the

Worl d Organization for Animal Health is a poor cousin to the Worl d Health Organization — even though the two realms are intertwine d(紧密联系的).


49.By the time H1N1 emerged in the spring of 2009, production of the next batch of seasonal flu vaccines was already well under way(=in progress已经开始的),

so drug companies had to hustle to establish a separate production line to get the new H1N1 vaccine manufactured and availabl e for the upcoming flu season.

当2009 年春季甲流病毒大规模爆发时,下一季流感疫苗的生产正在有条不紊的进行当中,疫情一出现,各大药品公司不得不迅速新建一条单独的生产线生产甲流病毒专用疫苗,同时又要保证马上到来的流感季节的疫苗需求。

54(20).But the major hindrance(=obstacl e阻碍)is the wayvaccines arecurrently manufactured— grown in individual d oses in batches of chicken eggs.


56.So unl ess the U.S. and other wealthy nationsupgrad e their vaccine-productionstrategies (experimental cell-based techniques may be abl e to churn out(大批量生产)new vaccines much more quickly) and ad d more capacity, we’re guaranteed to struggl e to d efend against the next pand emic.


59.Other, simpl er strategies —like hand washing,sanitation and distancing measures like keeping sick peopl e at home — can quickly stem the spread of a virus.


63.But whil e we got off relatively unscathed(=unhurt安然无恙,未受伤的)this time, next time we may not be so lucky.


66.There wasn’t enough explanation of what a “pand emic” really meant: that it referred only to the transmissibility of the new virus, not its virulence(毒性,致命性).


68.In an age of twitter and transparency(透明度),there’s no substitute(替代品)for official honesty.


70.This was the first pand emic d one in theage of the Internet.” Chances are(=it is likely that…)it won’t be the last —but if we learn from H1N1, at l east we’ll be prepared.


boil down to 归结为…

outmoded=obsolete=outdated 过时的

panacea=cure-all 治愈的,解决问题


2.[The migration of expansive species d epends on expl oring their immediate or distant surroundings for new food sources or safe habitats(栖息地);] it can also

come as a result of population pressures or environmental changes.


5.Inquisitive ness(=curious好奇的) about nature is also the driving force behind humans exploring the polar caps, climbing mountain peaks and diving into the abyss es(深渊) of the oceans.


6.Now, the ultimate(终极=final)frontier to explore in the twenty-first century is space.


10.Conceivably(可能地,可想象的=possibly=imaginably), these advances will eventually make it possibl e to transport astronauts to other planets, and Mars in particular.


16.However, although we are abl e to produce HZE nucl ei on Earth and study their effects on biological material, we cannot simulate(假装,冒充,模仿) extend ed periods of l ow gravity and their ad ditive effects on cells and tissues.

然而,尽管我们能够在地面制造HZE 核子并研究其对生物材料的影响,但是我们无法长久的模拟低重力时段以及它们二者对细胞和组织的累加效应。

17.Thus, the International Space Station (ISS) will have an enormously important rol e in assessing the health dangers for humans in space and in the d evelopment of potential countermeasures(对策).


19.Neverthel ess, our und erstanding of these effects is not compl ete; nor have countermeasures to mitigate(=lessen=release=defuse减轻)them been id entified.


21.For instance, the return from 0g to 1g l eads to an inability to maintain an appropriate bl ood pressure when in an upright position —orthostatic intolerance(不可容忍的)—and insufficient bl ood fl ow to the brain.

例如,由0g 返回至1g 会导致人无法在直立的体位维持正常的血压,即直立耐受不良,还会导致脑部供血不足。

25.Other effects of extend ed time in l ow gravity are l oss of bone mass and muscl e deterioration(恶化,退化).


26.Without ad equate countermeasures, these coul d impair(=hurt=damage)the ability of astronauts to perform necessary functions on a spacecraft or on the surface of Mars.


27(5).The second main danger for human travelers is the presence of the aforementioned(之前提到的=previously mentioned)HZE nucl ei in cosmic rays, because of the ionizing effect that they exert on(施加影响)atoms or mol ecul es.

人类太空旅行的第二大风险就是前面提到的存在于宇宙射线中的HZE 核子,因为他们能对原子或分子施加电离作用。

28.Although they d o not reach the Earth’s surface because they are either absorbed by the atmosphere or deflect ed(使倾斜,使弯曲,偏离=rediret)by Earth’s magnetic fiel d,there are already some experimental data on the cancer-inducing properties of electrons, neutrons and protons in cosmic rays and other potential d eleterious effects on biol ogical material fromm numerous Earth-based experiments on laboratory animals.

尽管HZE 核子无法到达地球表面,因为他们要么是被大气层所吸收,要么是被地球磁场影响而发生偏转,但是已经有实验数据表明宇宙射线中的电子,中子和质子有致癌作用以及其它一些对机体有害的潜在影响。这些都已经在地球上的许多实验室动物中得到观察。

34.In 1975 I joined the Space Science Board of the US National Research Council (NRC) that consid ered, among other issues, the problem of whether objects returned from the Moon or elsewhere from space coul d harbor(n,港湾,v,包含,怀着=contain)deleterious(有害的=harmful)organisms that woul d be hazardous(冒险的)to(=dangerous) life on Earth.

我曾在1975 年加入美国国家研究理事会(NRC)的空间科学委员会,在诸多考虑事宜中就包括了从月球或是太空其他地方返回的物体是否会携带可能危及地球生命的有害生物。

35.The appropriate(=suitable合适的) solution at that time was to isolate these objects and extensively sterilize(消毒) them with X-rays or ultraviol et radiation, or high temperatures.

那时合适的解决方案是隔离这些对象并用X 射线或紫外线照射或是高温消毒。36(8).Und erstanding and evaluating the physiol ogical effects of radiation and gravity require not only experiments on Earth but also extensive research on the ISS with an ad equate number of animals and/or human subjects.


37.However, further expansion and work on the ISS has been stall ed(v,暂缓,使熄火=stop=check) because of cuts in funding by NASA and, more recently, by the l oss of the Columbia space shuttle in February 2003.

然而,由于美国宇航局经费的削减以及2003 年 2 月哥伦比亚号航天飞机的失事,国际空间站的工作和建设已经陷入停滞状态。

38.In addition, the ISS faces employment problems.


43.As the crew size has been d ecreased from six to three, most of the astronauts’ time will be spent on operation and maintenance(维持)of the station, which

l eaves little time for conducting scientific experiments.


45.We also need a continuing, rotating crew of at l east six astronauts to obtain epid emiologically significant data on the physiol ogical and psychol ogical effects of 0g on astronauts and the efficacy(功效,效力) of countermeasures.


52.And these funds woul d even eclipse(远远超过) the amount of money need ed for a spacecraft that coul d transport a crew of six or seven astronauts on a three-year trip to Mars and back.


53.In the present gl obal economic circumstances, this is certainly not feasible(可行的=practical=workable)without significant physical and financial collaboration and cooperation among many countries.


54.The third possibl e solution is to construct new lift-off (f发射)capabilities and a much faster spacecraft to drastically(=strongly=rapidly)reduce the time being spent in space and thus the radiation exposure and other stresses on astronauts. 第三个可能的解决方案是开发新的发射能力以及速度更快的太空飞船来大幅减少在太空中所花费的时间,从而降低辐射的照射和宇航员的其它压力。

55.Science reported that Russia is working on plans for a nucl ear-powered spacecraft to accomplish this goal.


56.However, it is hard to envisage(预测)take-off and landing scenarios that woul d satisfy environmental concerns.


57.Given the current situation, I therefore think that we will need to upgrad e the ISS further and will have to stick with robot probes for at l east the next 15 years before we can re-evaluate the rational e for sending humans to Mars.

鉴于目前的局势,我认为我们需要进一步改建国际空间站并至少在未来15 年间使用机器人探测棒,然后才可以重新评估将人类送上火星的可能性。

In terms of=by way of 根据就…而言


中考英语阅读训练(001) This is a talk by a London taxi(出租车)driver. "I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years. Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis." "It's a nice job most of time. you meet a lot of people. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day. I live twenty miles(英里)outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon." "I usually go home between 2 and 3 in the morning." "Some very strange things happened late at night .The other day I was taking a woman home from a party .She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the windows." "I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on .I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief(小偷). Luckily the woman came downstairs(下楼).She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog!" 1.The driver always worked at night because it was easier to _____. A. drive B. make money ? C. climb in through the window D. meet a lot of people 2.The woman climbed in through the window because _____. A. she wanted to have a sleep B. her husband didn't open the door for her C. she didn't want to pay the driver D. she couldn't find her key 3.The story happened _____. A. early in the morning B. late at night C.20 miles outside London D. near the police station 4.Which of the following is wrong? A. The driver worked until between 2 and 3 in the morning. B. The police made a mistake. C. The woman had no money to pay the driver. D. The woman had forgotten about the driver and the dog.


我给你指路 Mike is traveling around the country in his car.One evening he is driving Along a road and looking for a small hotel.Then he sees an old man at The side of the road.He stops his car and says to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel.Do you know it ?” “Yes,”the old man says. “I’ll show you the way.”He gets into Mike’s car.and they drive off.They drive for about twelve miles.When they come to a small house,the old man says, “Stops here.” Mike stops and looks at the house. “But this isn’t a hotel,”he says to the old man. “No,”the old man answers. “This is my house.And now I’ll show you the way to the Sun Hotel.Tum around and go back nine miles.Then you’ll see The hotel on the left.” ( )1.Mike is looking for a____________. A.bank B.school C.hotel ( )2.Mike stops his car because________. A.he sees a friend B.he wants to ask the way C.he wants to pick up the old man ( )3.The old man takes Mike to ______. A.his own house B.Mike’s house C.the Sun Hotel ( )4.Mike should go back______,and then he can find the Sun Hotel. A.10 miles B.5 miles C.9 miles ( )5.Is the old man clever(聪明的)? A.Yes,he is. B.No.he isn’t. C.We don’t know.


《科技英语阅读》参考答案 Text 1: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? FTTFT FF Ⅱ. For questions 1-4 below, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, D. CBDC Text 2: I. Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.calculation / classification / comparison 2.plotting the course of rockets, preparing bank statements, predicting elections, forecasting weather, and so forth 3.if without the help of computers 4.the message of a familiar advertisement is that machines should work, but men should think https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8e8283316.html,puters perform very complex operations in a very short time 6. a very large adding machine 7.traffic lights / telephones 8.two / input / processing / output II. Fill in the blanks in the following text. Pay attention to the verb forms. be sharply replaced / recognize / access / convert / book / pay / interacting / be used / dealing / solving III. Translate the following phrases into Chinese. 1.处理数据 2.计算器 3.计算机科学 4.计算机技术 5.电子计时脉冲 IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.数据处理就是以计算、分类、比较的方式来处理那些预先存放到机器中的资料。 2.电脑是由数以百万的电子装置组成的,能够通过具有不同功能的闭合电路,以令人难以置信的高速 存储或转换数据。 3.我们都听说电脑用于火箭路线的设计、银行文件的处理、选举预测、天气预报等。 4.这可能是因为电脑可以在极其短暂的——几秒甚至是不到一秒的时间里完成非常复杂的运行。 5.他的工作就是决定计算机需要什么信息,必须要完成哪些运行才能解决一个问题。 Text 3: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? TFTFF TFT Ⅱ. For questions 1-3 below, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, D. CCA Text 4: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7.F 8. T II. Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.it involves a lot of complicated computer processing 2.their positions / the location of the moving camera 3.work at 200 frames a second on a camera tossed from hand to hand 4.generate a 3D map of a player’s room III. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. 1.provided its brain can think fast enough 2.involves collecting and integrating images taken from different angles 3.the less time there is to do this work 4.an affordable, dust-fighting robot that can see where it is going Text 5: I. Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? 1-5 FTFFF 6-10 TTFFT 11-12 FT


《英语阅读》课程标准 一、课程的性质、任务和学分 (一)课程的性质和任务 1.课程性质:是商务英语专业基础阶段的专业基础课程,专门发展学生目标语阅读能力。它与英语专业基础阶段的其它专业基础课程和技能课程共同发挥作用,提高学生的英语语言综合运用能力。 2.课程任务:在于帮助学生掌握利用语境线索猜测词义、理解句子、区分主题和大意、辨识细节发展模式、概括段落大意、略读和寻读,归纳和演绎推理等阅读技巧和方法;了解说明、议论、叙述、新闻、广告等常见文章体裁的篇章结构,熟悉英语国家的社会、政治、经济、宗教、文化等各个领域;发展学生阅读能力,扩大学生的知识面,培养学生的人文精神。 (二)学分和学时分配 本课程8学分,总学时108学时。 二、课程目标 (一)基本知识教学目标 1.培养基本的阅读技能及良好的阅读习惯。 2.提高阅读速度与理解能力,拓宽知识面。 3.扩充词汇量和加大词汇的接触频度,增强英语语感,逐步掌握篇章概括方法。(二)能力目标 1.具有细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力。2.具有阅读技能,包括细读、略读、查阅等能力。 3.具有自主学习能力和语言综合运用能力。 (三)思想教育目标 1.培养学生具有创新精神和实践能力。 2.培养严谨的科学态度和良好的职业道德。同时养成耐心细致的工作作风和严肃认真的工作态度。 三、课程内容和教学要求


(二)教学组织形式与教学方法要求 1.教学组织形式:采用以教学班为单位进行授课的教学形式。 2.教学方法要求:以课堂讲授为主,辅以课外作业。 3.教学场地要求:普通教室。 五、教材选用 1. 《世纪商务英语阅读教程》(高职高专规划教材) , 新世纪高职高专教材编委会组 织编写,大连理工大学出版社,2009.08 六、课程考核 (一)学生考核 1.该门学科的考试评价依据是按照课程目标、教学内容和要求,把握合适的难易程度出试卷,用笔试、平时成绩(含作业、出勤)、的方法对学生学习做出评价。 2.考试方法:笔试、平时作业、出勤。 3.期末总成绩(百分制)=平时作业*20%+期末笔试*60%+出勤*20% (二)教师教学效果考核 1.由分院组织教研室成员采用随机抽查的手段,检查平时的教学过程(平时作业布置 与批改和出勤的登记); 2.由分院其他教师出题,对随机抽选所任课程班级的30%的学生进行考核。 3.考核结果评选:》90分的为优秀;》80分的为良;》60分为中合格;〈60分为不合格


中考英语阅读理解专项训练 【知识点睛】 一、中考阅读理解命题特点 题型上来看:着重考察学生对整篇文章的把握,侧重考查学生根据语境进行语篇分析和综合利用有效信息解决实际问题的能力 体裁上来看:涉及记叙文、夹叙夹议文、议论文、说明文和应用文;题材内容涉及英语国家文化的多个领域,并逐步增加广告、海报、图画、表格等实用文体 阅读量上看:逐年增加 难度上来看:增加了难度,超过了大纲规定的3%的生词率 二、中考阅读课标要求 义务教育英语课程标准指出:阅读是搜集处理信息、认识世界、发展思维、获得审美体验的重要途径。因此,阅读理解在中考中所占的比例、分值越来越大,主要考查考生通过文字获取信息的能力,阅读速度要求达到每分钟60—80词。选材范围越来越广,除故事、人物轶事外,科普性文章和社会热点话题也多了起来;体裁也趋于多样化,有记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文等,有时还考查考生理解及解释图表所提供的简单信息的能力;阅读材料丰富多彩,融知识性、趣味性、科学性于一体,既对学生阅读理解能力起着评价作用,又能增长知识、开阔视野。 国家英语课程要求从3年级起开设英语课程,课程标准中的第五级为9年级,也就是初中毕业参加中考时应达到的基本要求。其中对学生“读”的能力做了如下要求: 1. 能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。 2. 能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系。 3. 能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。 4. 能读懂相应水平的常见体裁的读物。 5. 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。 6. 能利用词典等工具书进行阅读。 7. 课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。 三、解题步骤 第一步:读题,把握出题动向 第二步:带着问题速读文章,简单标记题目______________ 第三步:________文中信息,对相关信息进行划线标注 第四步:检查核对 四、阅读题型和做题方法 1、细节理解题 做题方法:利用题目的______________,寻找文中______________,在对应词周围找答案或直接在文中搜索答案,对号入座。它一般是由特殊疑问词what, when, where, how, why, who, which等提问出现,可以直接找到答案。(答案往往不是文中原句) 2、猜测词义题


初三英语阅读组合训练(六) On a Saturday morning, my left arm went numb(麻木的), and I felt dizzy. I was taken to hospital. After a quick 41 , the doctor said I had a stroke. As waves of paralysis(瘫痪) came over me, I slowly lost 42 of my body. I was just 50 and I c ouldn’t believe it. After two operations, I was transferred to the Recovery Center(恢复中心). Though I had lost the use of my 43 arm and leg and couldn’t see out of my left eye, the only thought on my mind was to return to my job. But in fact I needed to relearn how to 44 and see first and this just made me feel like it was 45 to become well again. A few days after my first discouraging physical therapy(治疗) session, my mother came into my room with a neatly-typed 46 written by a nine-year-old boy named Jackson. He told me about the stroke he’d had only a year earlier. He, too, had been paralyzed on his left side. But, beyond telling me what he had lost, Jackson shared what I would 47 . “Do not give up on yourself. All the hard work is worth it.” he wrote. And the advice kept on coming. He told me to 48 the therapy on the hospital’s “grown-up” floor, where “they make you work hard and you get lots of things back fast.” Here I was, a grown man and a senator(参议员) of Illinois, getting 49 from a young boy I had 50 met. After a few weeks of writing letters to each other, I arranged for us to meet. He seemed 51 at first, but the embarrassing situation quickly melted away. Jackson showed me how he could run, and I immediately felt encouraged. One thing I particularly 52 was the energy and dignity radiating from him. As for my recovery, it 53 just as Jackson said it would. After a year of intense physical therapy, I climbed to the top of the Capitol and returned to work. With every step I took, I thought of Jackson and his courage and confidence. Whenever I was tired or 54 , I thought of him, the world’s 55 boy. 41. A. decision B. examination C. description D. discussion 42. A. hope B. sight C. memory D. control 43. A. right B. left C. single D. only 44. A. speak B. run C. stand D. climb 45. A. important B. helpful C. impossible D. cruel 46. A. book B. letter C. novel D. present 47. A. experience B. discover C. lose D. get 48. A. attend B. refuse C. end D. overcome 49. A. information B. knowledge C. advice D. success 50. A. sometimes B. seldom C. ever D. never 51. A. confident B. nervous C. upset D. serious 52. A. expected B. admired C. recalled D. believed 53. A. came B. fell C. stayed D. disappeared 54. A. discouraged B. encouraged C. lazy D. patient 55. A. kindest B. oldest C. strongest D. earliest

科技英语阅读答案Unit 4

Unit 4 Electronic Information (Robots) Part I EST Reading Reading 1 Section A Pre-reading Task Warm-up Questions: Work in pairs and discuss the following questions. 1.How does a QB work? QB has a speaker, microphone, camera, and video screen. It connects to the internet over Wi-Fi. You control it from your computer in a web browser, using a headset and screen. If you have a camera you can show live video of yourself, or you can show a still picture on bad hair days. 2.Is driving a QB difficult? Is there a hand-held control device I can use with my computer to control the Anybot? It's pretty easy. You use the 4 arrow keys to make it turn, go forward or back. Its built-in guidance system takes care of the rest by avoiding furniture and people, and gliding straight through doorways. All the time you’re seeing real-time video from the robot’s head, so you know where you are. Most people get used to it in a few minutes. Not necessary, all you need is your keyboard. 3.Is a Wi-Fi network in the home or business needed? Yes. You should have 802.11g access points for best results. You should use encryption –WPA2 is easiest. We find Meraki business-class access points work well and are affordable and easy to set up. They have long-range and outdoor models too. 4.What kind of sensors does the Anybot have, and what is the resolution on the Anybot camera? Two cameras, 3 microphones, lidar, a 3-axis gyroscope and encoders on the wheels. The main camera is 5 megapixels. 5.How do you control or drive the Anybot? You should control or drive it through a web browser. You don't need any special equipment, but you’ll sound better with a headset. Section C Post-reading Task Reading Comprehension 1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with the main idea.


最新中考英语阅读理解专项练习经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 C Grace, usually known as the Home of Microsoft, is inside an office building in Redmond, Washington. Once you come into the building, you will feel that you're in a modern and future home. When you enter the building, Grace's voice, coming from a hidden speaker, tells you your messages. In the kitchen, you set a bag of flour(面粉) on a flat stone table. Grace sees what you're doing and makes a menu of flour-based foods on the table. Once you choose one, Grace gives you ingredients(配料). There's also a notice board in the kitchen made of “intelligent(智能的)cloth” that works like a touch screen computer. You can deal with postcards and invitations and surf the net with the touch of a finger. The invitations could be encoded(编码). You can deal with them on the computer. It's part of Microsoft's Smart Personal Objects Technology, whose aim is to make every object more efficient(有效率的). “The day when your house becomes a member of your family is not far,” says Pam Heath, a manager of Microsoft. At the Andersen Windows Company, Jay Libby imagines that windows made of intelligent glass can be changed into TVs. “Nobody wants a television set,” says Libby. “What you want is the service it provides.” If the TV isn't improved, it will disappear in the future. Home entertainment is one consideration for the future. At the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, scientists are designing systems that will allow old people to live better on their own. So Grandma's home can be cleverly designed to recognize(识别)her ways of waking, sleeping and movement. Family members will be told any change by their computers.(1)We can know from the passage that Grace _________. A. is an idea known as the Microsoft Home B. is a machine that works like a TV C. can understand what its master does D. can cook meals for its master (2)According to the passage, all the following are true EXCEPT________. A. Grace can help you in the kitchen B. you can use the computer with a touch screen C. windows will take the place of TV sets in the near future D. TV technology needs improving (3)It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that ________. A. the building in the future will be intelligent B. your windows will be changed into TVs


初中英语阅读组合训练每周测试内容(一) 单词 voice 声音tool工具instrument乐器, low 低的opportunity机会musician音乐家infer暗示Boring 无聊的interesting有趣的vegetables蔬菜 短语 在4岁at the age of four 一个13岁的女孩。 A 13- year- old girl 在相同的班级in the same class 谈论talk about 放风筝fly a kite /kites 给某人打电话call sb. at +号码看着图片look at the picture 两天后in two days 低声地in a low voice 减价be on sale 支付pay for 回家go home因为because of 捡起,拾起,掌握pick it up 和某人交谈talk with sb. 认为think of 擅长做某事。be good at doing something 收到某人的来信hear from 句子: 1.Here is a picture photo of my family. 2.Everyone in his team likes him. 3.He thinks it's a very interesting sport. 4.How happy he was! 5.I want to make a kite for my sister. 6.The sale is only for the girl because of her love for mom. 7.Reading English books is a good way for children to learn English. 8.Thank you very much for your letter. 9.Thanks for telling me about your family. 10.I'm good at playing chess.


《专业英语》课程标准 1 课程基本信息 2 课程定位 本课程是三年制高职电气自动化、通信、供电专业的一门专业基础课,是为培养电子专业工程技术人员及技术工人,使学生增加英语专业术语词汇量的积累,并能借助工具书阅读相关英语专业资料的能力而开设的课程。 3 课程设计思路 (1)教师明确课程及单元教学目标,在此基础上进行综合项目(课程目标)以及单项技能训练项目(单元目标)的任务设计,创建“真实教学环境设计”。 (2)教师引导学生进行任务分析。这是一个在明确的教学任务指引下,学生主动探究摸索,独立自主寻求问题、发现问题、逐渐尝试完成任务的过程。在整个过程中,按照小组讨论——各组汇报——教师总结的模式,分三个层次进行。 4 课程目标 知识目标 ①通过电子专业英语的学习,掌握一定的专业术语,提高英语的说、读、写、译的能力,从而能更好的适应信息社会对电子专业人才的要求。 ②学生学习专业英语后,能够阅读专业方面的英语文章和杂志,能够使用英语作为其工作语言。 能力目标 ①培养专业技术应用能力,符合认知和学习的规律,注意循序渐进,增强学生自学能力。 ②为学生根据所在岗位工作实际补充专业知识和进一步学习提供便利,增强学生可持续发展的能力。 素质目标 通过听、说、读、写、译等各项技能的训练,提高语言的综合运用能力。通过个性化内容的学习,获得欣赏美、鉴赏美的能力,形成开放、包容、合作、乐观、积极的性格,具有良好的人文素养和跨文化意识。 5 教学内容与学时安排

6 教学条件 (2)校内外实习实训条件 本课程主要采用多媒体教学方式在课堂内完成,在课外主要采用口语交流方式进行强化练习。 (3)教材及参考书 《电子信息类专业英语》主编冉利波高等教育出版社 《电气工程类高级科技英语》主编王建平等 其他课程资源 《中国学术期刊全文数据库》、《中文科技期刊数据库》、《超星数字图书馆》


一、中考英语阅读理解汇编 1.阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。 More and more people are using mobile phones now. Smart phones are used as televisions, cameras, and music players. They are also used for sending e-mails or surfing the Internet. If someone talks about mobile phones, many Chinese will think of Huawei. In China, even in the world, Huawei is a wonder (奇迹). Ren Zhengfei built up (创建)Huawei company in 1987. The company sold 58.4 million smart phones in the first season of 2019. Huawei has got the second place at the mobile market. Now, Huawei has been the leader in 5G field. It has more than 75, 000 top engineers and scientists on research. They try their best to bring digital (数码) and high technology to every person and place. It's more convenient for modern people to live in a rapid way. What a useful technology 5G is! We are looking forward to seeing a stronger Huawei. It provides a faster and better communication way for us. It also brings "Created in China" to the world. (1)You can use Huawei mobile phones to take photos. (2)Ren Zhengfei set up Huawei company in 1987. (3)Huawei has got the first place at the mobile market. (4)Few top engineers and scientists work on research in Huawei company. (5)Huawei gives us a slower communication way. 【答案】(1)1 (2)1 (3)0 (4)0 (5)0 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是华为手机和5G技术的发展情况。 (1)细节理解题。根据Smart phones are used as televisions, cameras, and music players. 智能手机被用作电视、相机和音乐播放器。可知可以照相。故答案为:正确。 (2)细节理解题。根据Ren Zhengfei built up (创建) Huawei company in 1987。任正非于1987年创建华为公司。故答案为:正确。 (3)细节理解题。根据Huawei has got the second place at the mobile market. 华为在移动市场排名第二。故华为在移动市场上占据第一。故答案为:错误。 (4)细节理解题。根据It has more than 75, 000 top engineers and scientists on research. 它


Main Content :UNIT 1 MA THEMA TICS I.Text Organization Parts Part One Paragraphs Paras. 1-3 Main Ideas Game theory can be defined as the science of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms. Part Two Paras. 4-11 There are two distinct types interdependence: sequential-move simultaneous-move game.of strategic game and Part Three Paras.The typical examples of game theory are given as the 12-19basic principles such as prisoners’dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information. Part Four Para. 20 The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.


《初中英语新课程标准》读书心得 乌敦套海中学张健作为一名初中英语教师,我深深感受到自己需要学习的知识和经验还很多很多。教学的期刊,书籍有很多,而且众说纷纭。但是,所有的实践和经验都要在课程标准的指导之下。凑巧这次全旗组织了新入职教师培训,我有机会好好的学习了一下新课程标准,并有以下几点体会: 一、更加面向全体学生 面向全体学生,注重素质教育是国家义务教育阶段的基本要求,教师面对的不仅是一个个学生的个体,而是群体。每个学生的智力水平和情感因素又各不相同,教师的教学理念、教学目标和教学内容的设计和实施都必须面向全体学生。不能跟着学习最快的学生的节奏,而是综合考虑到全班学生的学习水平。 二、要创设自主、合作、探究的学习方式 《英语课程标准》提出:“让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作等方式,实现教学目标,感受胜利。”它所强调的教学过程是师生交往、共同发展的互动过程。教师在教授学生英语知识的同时,更加需要培养的是学生自主学习的能力,要让学生能够学会独立学习。教学,教的不是知识,而是教学生会学习,并使其过程更多地成为学生发现问题、提出问题、分析问题和解决问题的过程。 三、更加以学生为主体的情境教学方式 在初中英语教学中,兴趣、情境、活动是三个非常严重的因素。 兴趣是学习英语的动力,活动是提高中学生英语运用能力的主要途径。 教师要保持学生学习的兴趣,就必须精心设计教学活动,并使活动情境化。设计和组织教学活动是一项创造性的劳动,有了情境,各种活动就有了依托,活动就会生活化、趣味化和真实化。四、培养学生的综合能力,三维要求为一体

教师传授英语的过程,是学生增长知识、掌握技能、学习文化、提高语言运用能力的过程,也是他们丰盛情感、陶冶情操、展开联想、进行创造性思维的过程。因此在课堂上要培养学生的创新精神和实践能力;抓好语言技能训练,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展;培养学生的观察、思维及想象力;注重营造生动的理念,开朗的课堂。 五、要有多样化的教学评价方式 教学评价是教学活动不可或缺的一个组成部分。评价主要是为了了解学生的学习发展,检查英语教学是否达到教学目标,揭示英语教学过程的价值和效果,进一步调整和改进教学方法,促进每一个学生的发展,提高教学质量。在倡导发展性评价的同时,我们要充分体现在教学评价中的人文性、过程性、开放性、激励性和多元性。 新课标对教师提出了新的要求,既有知识结构、教育方式等方面的更新,又有对教学目的和对学生评价方式的调整,其核心便是教育对“学生主体”的尊崇,正是这些话语,让我又一次开始深思和探索,关注每位学生的身心健康发展,争取给每位学生的英语学习带来新鲜的色彩!

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