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free talk
free talk

1.H ow I learn to love?

Well,love is a powerful word.I aways think I never learn to love,but love is full of our life.Love is around us,the love of parents ,the love of friends,even the love of lover.It’s so much.

Usually,we are able to feel parents’love deeply.They will never give up us.For instance,my mommy aways went toward me to cover my quilt in the late night.In that moment .It aways move me so much.

Oh,yeah.I was focus on lover’s love,my boy friend.One simple sentence from him can aways touch my bottle heart.His love made me happy.

All in all, three ordinary word, I love you.It’s very powerfull.I learn it from my parents friends and ex-boy friend.In fact ,I really wanna say thank you to them.

2.W hat friendship means to me?

As I grow older, I have realised that I am lucky to have a wonderful circle of friends ,one different and our relationships are all different .

My rule of making friends is that we, as friends, should cherish the same ideal and follow the same path. Friendship should be based on the great similarity of two people’s heart and soul. This kind of friendship may be firm and will last long.

So friends means sunshine and warmth to me.It’s a necessary part for me ,as air we breathing all the time.

3.My favorite works in English literature?

I remember the first English literatural work is Wuthering Heights.I’m touched by their forver love.The man’s nane is Heathcliff.And they call the girl Cathy.

4.An ideal family in my eyes

It is said that home is a safe haven. What a happy if have a family dinner after a day of toil.

In my mind, a family should include: parents, lover and children.

Parents, they are my favorite people. They gave me before the rest of their lives to create happiness; I must also do them a healthy and happy old age.

Lover, is a company with me to the old, maybe my time with him much longer than with my parents. Lover, also my friend, we have a common topic, we can for a trivial squabble, these are the spices of life.

Children ,are I and my lover's crystallization. It is our hope that we will love each other lies in the children themselves. I think, have children, the family center, may transfer to the children themselves.

Family,need to tolerance, sharing, understanding, faith. Some say: "It's not a people do not enter a door," When parents nagging, should issued, to be considerate. Because they are good for us.When the lover felt uneasy, we should know how to understand, because it is life and work pressure. When creating a family, we should have shared awareness, share the joy, sadness, stress, difficulties, and even housework Buddha: Past 1000 times looking back, in exchange for a pass by present and future. Previous life pass by a thousand times in exchange for a present encounter. Previous life, knowing each other a thousand times in exchange for present and future ... What's more, present and future We came together as a family.

I think in everyone's heart, there is an ideal family.I hope that everyone can find that ideal


5.My success strategies

Everyone gets the itch to succeed, but only part of them can make their dreams come true. You maybe wonder: what is the key to success? The answer is “To keep the desire to learn”.

Keep the desire to learn, and you will never be satisfied with what you have known. Always keep a curious mind to all the mysterious parts of the world. Keep the desire to learn, and whatever difficulties you face, the strong belief will support you in solving the problems. Keep the desire to learn, just as Ms Curie puts it: “Nothing in the world is to be feared, it is only to be understand.” So everything is possible if we try our best and never give up.

One who does not have the desire to learn will never reach their goals. They are always shortsighted and are easily be satisfied with the very little thing they have known. In fact, knowledge, just like the ocean, never has a rim. Whenever and wherever you are, you should remember: what you are learning is only the surface.

In a word, always keep the desire to learn, and the door of success will open to you one day.

What friendship means to me?

Now we are living in a very complicated society. We need to be understood. We need to be treated honestly. We need help from others. We need friendship from the people around us. In one word, we need friends.

When making friends, we first have to make sure what "friend" means to you. Some people think friends should hold the same opinion all the time. Some think friends should have the same hobbies during their spare time. Some believe they can only find friends at the dinning table. Some insist friends should totally love, support and trust different each other forever. Different understanding of the word means different ways to make friends.

My rule of making friends is that we, as friends, should cherish the same ideal and follow the same path. Friendship should be based on the great similarity of two people’s heart and soul. This kind of friendship may be firm and will last long.

Li Bai and Du Fu were two great poets at the same time. When they first saw each other in Luoyang they regretted they hadn’t met sooner. Then they traveled around together. They admired and learned from each other, but they also pointed out the weak points to each other. And this helped them to get a deeper understanding and strengthen their friendship.

Now many people build their so-called friendship on the economic interest. They do not know this kind of friendship will disappear if there is not any interest between them. They can only share comforts but not hardships together.

The other day I heard a business companion of my father’s say, “There are no real friends in the world now. All the so-called friendship is built on the economic interest. The temperature of the earth is getting higher and higher but the feeling of the people in the world is becoming colder and colder.”

I've heard a story about Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They met in 1776. Could it have been any other year? They worked together starting then to further American Revolution and later to shape the new scheme of government. From the work sprang a friendship perhaps incomparable in intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration. It lasted 50 years. It included pleasure and utility but over and above them, there were shared purpose, a common end and an enduring goodness on both sides. Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend. His words and Madison's reply remind us that friends are friends until death. They also remind us that sometimes a friendship has a bearing on things larger than the friendship itself.

I would never forget Madison’s reply a week later:

"You cannot look back to the long period of our private friendship and political harmony with more affecting recollections than I do. If they are a source of pleasure to you, what aren’t they not to be to me? We cannot be deprived of the happy consciousness of the pure devotion to the public good with Which we discharge the trust committed to us and I indulge a confidence that sufficient evidence will find in its way to another generation to ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may be withheld whilst we are here. "

As we oft en say, "The friendship between gentlemen is pure like water." There shouldn’t be any selfish element in the true friendship. There is also some area that the most advanced technical means cannot reach. But the sincerity of friendship shows its tremendous power there. I wish

that in our heart there is enough space for the sincerity of friendship because it is the most precious and purest feeling in the world and the sunshine of soul which is so brilliant and radiant. Friendship is a delicate plant that needs your caring with your heart.

Here, I want to end with a poem “Friendship” written by Helen Foster Snow.

Friendship is no common weed

That grows along the way.

It's highly cultivated

And watered day by day.

You've always known what Friendship is,

Gnosis and praxis too.

You stand at every crossroads

So good and strong and true.

Free talk汇总-题目

1.Why do we have PE lessons in school? 2Why do you study English so hard? 3. How to make friends? 4.Who is your favorite athlete? 5.Describe your mother/father./favorite teacher. 6.Tell me your favorite pets. 7. Do you like to play football? Why or why not? 8.Do you like music? Why? 9. Do you like to travel? Why or why not? 10.What would you do if you get lost? 11.What’s your plan for the summer vacation? 12.Introduce Shanghai to a foreigner 13Tell me differences between Chinese and western cultures 14.How do people celebrate Spring Festival in China? 15.What’s your plan for you r pocket money? 16 What can we do to make our city more beautiful and cleaner? 17 Why do we have to save water? 18 What do you want to be in the future? 19 What would you like to do if you have a million dollars? 20.. Which homework helps you most, why? 21. Who is your closed friend? 22.. Do you prefer being alone or being with friend? 23. Do you like to eat in KFC? Why? or Why not? 24. Do you like to go to the zoo? Why or why not? 25.Do you like rainy day? Why or why not? 26. Do you usually do some housework? 27. Do you like to play first or do your homework first after school?

课前5分钟,Free talk自由谈

《课前5分钟,Free talk自由谈》 Free talk,是指课前3-5分钟的自由谈话,是学生用英语自由交谈的时间。上学期毕业复习期间,感觉上课时间比较紧张内容比较多比较杂,课前就没有用free talk,我发现在上课过程中学生反应很平淡,总感觉他们动不起来,课堂氛围很沉闷。后来我又尝试着用,通过与学生简单的交流,让每个学生都有发言的机会,他们在这短短的五分钟内就或多或少地有所收获。他们有学下去的欲望和信心,所以接下来三十多分钟的课堂气氛非常好,学生显得轻松又活泼。老师也感觉心情舒畅。 教师用好Free talk,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力。在这个环节中,教师的角色是引导者,引导着各种语言活动,引导着说话情景,引导着语言的组织,启发学生的思维,然后逐步放手让学生自由地说话。长期坚持下来不仅可以起到不断复习的作用还能使学生的基础越来越扎实。 Free talk的目的是交际。交际是双向性的,是说者和听者双向交流思想的过程。所以,单纯的教师问、学生答的Free talk已经不能满足这一要求。教师在准备Free talk时不仅要考虑教学内容、教学方法、学生的水平,还要考虑结合新授内容的材料的运用。好的材料应该是能够满足学生的需求、爱好、兴趣,能激发学生发言的欲望。教师可以根据内容设计小情景,如In a Park(逛公园)、Shopping (购物)等,让学生在这些小情景里自由表演。或者通过用简笔画、

实物、图片、互联网等手段给学生加以提示,让学生进行小组讨论和汇报等,都可以达到丰富Free talk形式和内容的目的。 一、复习旧知 古人云:举一反三,温故而知新。复习是英语教学中必不可少的部分,但如果是为了用上free talk 这一环节而简单、随便地说上几句,就算复习旧知。就让该环节失去它该有的价值了。因此,如何用好free talk 进行复习呢? 1、教师课前布置好free talk的话题,学生去讨论,待课上发言。这样free talk环节学生们就会在和谐的气氛中用朋友式的口吻对话,当然,他们所运用的对话内容大部分是自己所学习过的日常交际用语。因此,通过它不仅复习了旧知识还渲染了学习英语的良好气氛,同时也在潜移默化中训练了学生运用语言进行交际的能力,使学生真正能把学到的语言学以致用。例如:四年级 Unit1已经学过给老师送卡片,教师课前即可给命题你的同桌生日,早上你给他送礼物。 2、教师直接引导,师生对话交流。教师运用已学的知识,联系实际对学生发问,在大家都思考之后找学生作答。为了扩大学生的参与率,教师不要局限于找举手的学生来回答,要让他们人人参与,个个动脑,而不是坐享其成。例如:T:Look,here’s a pen.Whose pen is this? S1:It’s XXX’s.T:XXX,is this your pen? S2:Yes,it is.T:Here you are.S2:Thank you. 二、导入新课 在英语教学中,教师习惯以free talk导入新课。然而 free talk

英语口语课话题(free talk)

Some people said that Beijing is not a city suitable for living. Do you think so ? Give some reasons to support your view point. Yes 1 more job opportunities 2 better education for children 3 convenient for shopping 4 lots of hospitals medical treatment in time Well, I think living in a big city, such as Beijing , has both advantages and disadvantages. As for the advantage, firstly ,you will have more job opportunities in big city, that`s why most graduates choose to hunt a job in Beijing after their graduation. Secondly, parents living in Beijing believe that : children can receive better education in big city. teachers are commonly have good education background and they are experienced in teaching. Besides working, we need to relax in spear time. Living in big city, we can go shopping , go to bars very conveniently. Parks , go to the cinema Health service –health check No 1. house price higher and higher 2. working pressure 3. competition fierce 4. (heavy ) air pollution good environment 5. traffic jam

英语角free talk话题

Topics of the free talk Leisure (free / spare) time闲暇时间 1. How do you think about arranging (安排)spare time You may talk about : importance(重要性) 2. What do you usually do in your spare time Do sports: play basketball/ football/badminton/ volleyball(排球) / tennis(网球) Listening to musics(even favourite songs/ singers/ style ) Style: pop music 流行乐Jazz 爵士乐 Country music 乡村音乐symphony 交响乐 Classical music 古典音乐rock 摇滚乐 Folk music 民间音乐ethnic music 民族音乐Read books Have a date(约会)with someone Go shopping逛街…… Play Mobile phone to…… Play computer games Watching movies 3. To make your leisure time meaningful(有意义的), what will you do You may talk about:make a plan(schedule)and what is your plan Your major 1.what is your major words listed: department 学部major 专业 e.g. Foreign Language Department 外语学部 Material and Chemical Department 材料化工部 Engineering Education Department 工程教育部 Civil Engineering Department 土木工程部 Information Science and Technology Department 信息科学与技术部 Business and Humanity Department 商学与人文部 Design Department 设计学部 2.why you choose this major 3.how do you think of your major now 4.what will you do for your major 5.the ideal(理想的) job in the future

基础口译 freetalk 范文参考

How to reduce pressure As everyone knows, no one can escape from the fierce competition, especially for today. Competition is a double-edged sword, for it does not only bring chance and challenge, but bring much pressure as well. According to a survey, 45% of people under high pressure said they couldn’t work effectively or efficiently but felt nervous all the time. Are you one of the people with the same feeling? If so, let me tell you some ways to reduce pressure. In the first place, you can take up a variety of sports when faced with pressure. Many people say when they immerse themselves in sports, they can forget all the pressure miraculously. Sports can make the brain feel relaxed because it can help the brain to produce a certain matter, according to the scientists. Then try to go jogging when you don’t know how to handle the pressure next time. In the second place, soft music is another good choice. However, please pay attention to the kind of music you choose, for some music like rock songs, on the contrary, make the brain even more tired. You’d better choose gentle light music instead. The two ways mentioned above are easy but effective. Of course,there are a great many ways to reduce pressure. As long as you face pressure correctly, it will have a positive impact on your life.

英语口语free talk

长春师范学院 攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题答案 (第套试题答案) Free Talk: 1.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself? Name; age; hometown; personality; hobby/interest…… 2.Is it good or bad for university students to get part-time jobs? Good: working experience; earn money; less financial burden; improve abilities…… Bad: waste of time; no time to study; poetical dangers…… 3.Does Internet have more good effects or bad effects on students nowadays? Good aspects: search information and knowledge; a way of relaxation; keep touch with families and friends…… Bad aspects: waste of time and energy; bad for health; influenced by bad thoughts…… 4.Should PE classes be made compulsory in universities? Yes. Sports-good for mental and physical health; improve other skills or abilities besides study; one part of quality education (素质教育)…… 5.Should universities abolish the rule of cutting off electricity at dormitory at night? Yes. Some students like studying at night; as adults, they have right to choose their own life style…. No. staying up late at night is bad for health; influence others’ sleep…… 6.What troubles you most at the moment? Maybe this interview or oral English test. 7.Why do you think more and more people in China begin to learn English? A useful subject; communicate with foreigners; read foreign literatures; learn foreign culture…… 8.Share with us your impression of this university. Environment-clean; buildings in good order; teachers-friendly and warm-hearted; students-work hard; library filled with students who are busy reading……. 9.Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If

英语口语考试Free talk

Free talk 1.how to build confidence Bounce back from your mistakes. Remember that no one is perfect. Even the most confident people have insecurities. At some point in any of our lives, we may feel we lack something. That is reality. Learn that life is full of bumps down the road. And that often these insecure feelings come and go, depending on where we are, who we are with, the mood we're in, how we are feeling. In other words, they are not constant. Identify your successes. Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Express yourself, whether it's through art, music, writing, etc. Be thankful for what you have. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it's emotional validation, good luck, money, etc. By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and unsatisfied. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence. Then you can Look in the mirror and smile.Studies surrounding what's called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run. 2.What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? For most people, emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than one’s intelligence (IQ) in attaining success in their lives and careers. As individuals our success and the success of the profession today depend on our ability to read other people’s signals and react appropriately to them. Therefore, each one of us must develop the mature emotional intelligence skills required to better understand, empathize and negotiate with other people — particularly as the economy has become more global. Otherwise, success will elude us in our lives and careers. “Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively with them,” Understanding the Five Categories of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) EQ is


巧用“Free Talk”活化初中英语课堂 【摘要】农场学校学生由于英语基础差,英语口语相对薄弱。在每堂课前进行5分钟的“free talk”,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 【关键词】“free talk”;英语课堂 长期以来,农场初中的学生由于英语基础差,性格内向等原因,导致他们总是羞于开口。语言学习的成功在于将学生放在一个需要交际的环境之中,因此英语课前给学生5分钟,让学生自己找话题进行“free talk”,不但可以为学生创设交际环境还可以激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的语言表达能力。 一、“free talk”的形式 1.话题报告的形式 包括自我介绍,问好、值日、谈论天气、日期等等。例如:good morning! i’m helen. today is monday. it’s fine today……让每个学生都会轮流表达,为了能在课堂上很好表现自己,他们往往会非常认真地去准备。一轮下来,每个学生就已经完成了一篇英语小作文,其他学生也做了好多理解听力题,慢慢地,班级就初步形成了一种交际的氛围。 2.情景对话的形式 让学生自己确定主题,在课前表演一个对话如买东西,学生提前准备一些东西拿到教室里,三四个学生一组,表演购买东西的情景:

a: can i help you? b: yes, i would like a pair of shoes. a: what color do you want? b: red. a: is this one ok? it’s a pair of sports shoes made of leather. b: let me try them on... emm ...do you have larger ones? a: yes. here you are. b: well, good. i’ll take them. how much? a: 200. b: here’s the money. thank you. a: thank you. bye b: goodbye. 3.小游戏形式 english in one minute.即每天一对同学用学过的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句等进行问答比赛,时间为一分钟,说得既多又准确者为优胜组。很多同学可以连珠炮地问近二十个问题,这时同学们的学习情绪高涨,注意力集中,不知不觉地在听与说中复习巩固了各种问句的问与答,达到事半功倍的作用。 4.围绕话题讨论的形式 老师选定一个话题,让学生们围绕这个话题讨论,比如说以“某

浅谈Free talk

2.小谈Free talk Free talk,是指课前3-5分钟的自由谈话,是学生用英语自由交谈的时间。教师用好Free talk,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力。在这个环节中,教师的角色是引导者,引导着各种语言活动,引导着说话情景,引导着语言的组织,启发学生的思维,然后逐步放手让学生自由地说话。 一、认识 Free talk 现行的SEFC教材是按照典型的交际情景设置,淡化了语法教学,具有内容 新、语言活,以语言交际为中心的特点,以培养学生的交际能力为最终目的。所以,英语课上的Free talk要突出“talk”这一功能。教师要巧妙利用教材所提供的各类话题,如中外文化习俗,娱乐,传统节日,饮食等,并加以延伸和拓展,鼓励学生用现有的语言材料随时进行对话、叙述和表演。这样,便于学生边讲边练,边学边用,使所学的语言材料经常不断地在运用中得到巩固和提高。 Free talk只是整个英语教学过程中的一个环节,不可能也不可以代替英语教学的其他环节。教师应该根据教材特点、学生现有的水平和教学目标确定Fre e talk的内容和形式,而不应单纯为了“talk” 而talk。 二、准备Free talk 1.素质准备 素质准备包括两个方面:英语素质和非英语素质。英语素质即英语基本功,如良好的听力、流利的口语,准确的表达等。非英语素质即材料的搜集和运用、绘画、创造力和灵活性等方面。

Free talk是学生为所学、将学有所铺垫,是为了活跃课堂气氛,使学生能精神饱满地投入到课堂中去。教师是这一过程的主导,学生是这一活动的主体。教师良好的表达能力和明确的语言指示起着无可替代的榜样作用,从而不断地刺激学生去听、去模仿、去练习、去创造。教师对现有材料的发挥和组织以及绘画、媒体手段的运用则可大大地提高学生说的质量和数量,为随后的教学环节做好铺垫和赢得更多宝贵的时间。同时,Free talk也要求学生准备好自己将要表达的内容,根据对方的内容进行即席发言,主动吸收和理解对方的思想,尽快组织新的语言并表达出来。因此,教师控制课堂的能力和学生良好的自控能力有助于提高Free talk的效率。 2.情感准备 Free talk的目的是“说”。和谐、融洽的师生关系有助于学生在课堂上说得更自然、更放松、更投入。所以,教师在课堂内外要注意培养良好的师生关系,课堂上要善于调动学生的情绪和热情,努力创造一种轻松愉快的谈话气氛。教师切不可因为学生说错就加以批评和训斥。只要学生能开口说,就对学生加以鼓励和表扬,这有助于培养学生学习英语的兴趣和良好的语言习惯。 3.材料准备 交际是双向性的,是说者和听者双向交流思想的过程。所以,单纯的教师问、学生答的Free talk已经不能满足这一要求。教师在准备Free talk时不仅要考虑教学内容、教学方法、学生的水平,还要考虑材料的运用。好的材料应该是能够满足学生的需求、爱好、兴趣,能激发学生发言的欲望。教师可以根据内容设计小情景,如In a Park(逛公园)、Shopping(购物)等,让学生在这些小情景里自由表演。或者通过用简笔画、实物、图片、互联网等手段

free talk参考例文

Reference to the “free talk” part of star-4 What is your favorite color My favorite color is green. The reasons why I like green best are: First, green represents the nature, and I like nature very much. Second, I like green plants very much because they can make us healthy. My father and I always put some green plants in our house. They make us feel comfortable. Last but not least, Green vegetables also make our body healthy and stronger. I like green vegetables very much and always eat a lot. In short, these are the reasons why I consider green as my favorite color. (备注:以上粗体字很关键,很实用,请考生作为参考,也可以将其作为free talk答题时的基本结构。) What do you do on M other’s Day On M other’s Day we can always show our love to our mother. There are several things I do on mother’s day. First, I will help mother do some housework on that day such as clean the room, make the bed, do some cooking and so on. Second, I will buy some presents to my mother such as flowers and cards. My mother will be very happy when she gets my presents. Last but not least, I can take her to the cinema and watch a movie with her. In short, these are the major things I do on mother’s day. We all can say: I love you to our mother on that day. (备注:粗体字是一些很实用的词组,要牢记并掌握,在很多题目中都可以用到。) Which homework helps you most, why or why not In my opinion, English homework helps me the most. The reason why I think English homework helps me the most is as follows; English becomes more and more important and helpful in our daily life. So we must try our best to learn English very well. A basic way to learn English well is to do its homework carefully and well. Doing homework can help us understand and master (掌握) the knowledge from the teacher. So it can help us improve our English. If you want to improve your


TOPIC OF FREETALK ·今日话题: Secret love Were you a secret admirer for someone? How was your feeling? How do you think about secret love? What is real love in your opinion? ·今日话题: 写博客 Do you have your own blog? How do you think about writing the blog? What kind of content would you like to write in your blog? Do you think people should write private things in the blog? ·今日话题:减压 Do you have pressure for life and work? Do you often feel upset or disappointed? How will you release your pressure? What is the best way to release our pressure? ·今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日 Do you often celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate your birthday? Have you ever received some special birthday present? Did you have a unforgettable birthday celebration? ·今日话题: Go dutch d?t?AA制 When friends go out together, should they go dutch? How do you think about a couple go dutch for everything? Do you think ladies should be independent in finance? ·今日话题: 抽烟喝酒 Do you like smoking? Do you like drinking? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them? Why do so many people like it so much? ·今日话题: Education How do you think about Chinese education? What are the advantages of Chinese education? What are the disadvantages of Chinese education? What are the differences between Chinese education and foreign education? ·今日话题:Housework Do you often do housework at home? Do you think all the housework should be done by ladies? Should the man do some housework? ·今日话题:The love between student and teacher How do you think about the love between student and teacher? Have you heard of this kind of affair? Is it right for a teacher to fall in love with a student?


Unit 1【How Can Teenagers Improve Relationships with Others】 ◎解析 1. Be nice (example: an easygoing person is popular among his friends) 2. Be ready to help others (be a helpful person when your friend meet any difficulties) 3. Be honest (No one likes to stay with a liar. Honesty is the best policy.) 4. Take part in some extracurricular activities and share common interests with others. ◎范文 Relationships between people are very important, whether it is the relationship at home or at work, in families or at schools. Good relationships with others help people feel better, while people with bad relationships have problems. Today I’d like to share with you my opinion on how teenagers improve relationship wit h others. First, in order to improve relationships with others, we have to learn to be nice to others for everybody knows that an easygoing person is much more popular among friends. Second, teenagers should be ready to help others at any time. For example, if a friend meet difficulties, they should never stand by, instead, they should give him or her a hand so that he or she will know that they really care and they are friends indeed. Third, we should know that no one likes to make friends with a liar, so more importantly, teenagers must be honest with their friends. As a saying goes, honesty is the best policy. Last but not least, no matter how busy or tired teenagers are, they should spare some time to take part in some extracurricular activities so that they can meet more people and make more friends. So, they are more likely to fine people who they can share common interest with. To sum up, there is a lot that teenagers can do to improve relationships with others. However, the most important thing is: Do it right now. ◎举一反三 1. How can teenagers improve relationships with their parents 2. How can teenagers improve the environment 3. Is it necessary for teenagers to have mobile phones

英语课上的free talk

英语课上的free talk Free talk,是指课前3-5分钟的自由谈话,是学生用英语自由交谈的时间。 教师用好Free talk,可以有效地加强学生英语口语的训练和培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 在这个环节中,教师的角色是引导者,引导着各种语言活动,引导着说话情景,引导着语言的组织,启发学生的思维,然后逐步放手让学生自由地说话。 在实践的过程中,教师可以根据实际灵活巧妙地把Free talk用到英语课堂上来。 个人脱口秀。 教师可以鼓励学生充当值日生的角色,进行Daily Report,报告日期、星期、天气、班内情况等。 还可以鼓励学生不断充实报告的内容,如汇报校内新鲜事和时事新闻报告等。 形式可以从刚开始的个人汇报变为两人合作汇报,从个人表演变为答记者问,即班上同学的轮番发问、互问互答等。 交流的空间。 这是指学生在学完单元的新内容后,在Free talk这一环节里交流有关的主题。 如学生在学完school 或my favourite teacher等有关内容后,根据

自己的实际在小组里互相交流有关school或my favourite teacher的情况,可以达到复习巩固和运用所学的语言材料的目的。 竞赛加游戏。 教师可以鼓励学生根据所学内容自己设计英语知识竞赛,充分利用Free talk让学生展示自己,活跃课堂气氛,为新授进行热身。 如在学习了Animals at the zoo后,让学生就Animals进行问答竞赛。 例如What animals have long nose and big ears?等。 创编新对话。 这是要求学生根据所学的单词、语法、句型和课文内容编写新的对话;或由教师命题,学生进行编写操练;也可结合学过的知识改写故事或课文,创造性地进行表演。 这一训练可以让学生更好地运用所学的语言来表达自己的思想,发展学生的发散性思维。 教师可以根据教材内容进行适当的拓展。 课外让学生通过查找资料,搜集与话题有关的素材,利用Free talk 的时间进行成果汇报,并进行评比,如讲food and drink时,要求学生搜集有关Western food and Chinese food 的有关资料,在free talk时进行交流,学生的学习兴趣非常浓厚。 另外,教师还可利用free talk给学生进行文化讲座。 例如, 我告诉学生doggy bag是指饭馆里把客人吃剩的菜放在盒子
