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最新冀教版小学英语六年级上册Lesson 2 Jenny's House 重点习题 一

最新冀教版小学英语六年级上册Lesson 2 Jenny's House 重点习题 一
最新冀教版小学英语六年级上册Lesson 2 Jenny's House 重点习题 一

《lesson2 Jenny’s House》习题



(1)In the evening, I read a book in my__________.

(2)My mom is cooking in the ____________.

(3)In the evening, I play with my little cat and watch TV in the ______________.

(4)At night, I go to the _______to sleep.



(1)This is a _____. There are some books in it.

(2)This is a _____. Your father is making dinner in it.

(3)This is a ______. There is a TV and two chairs in it.

(4)This is a ______. There is a bed.



(1)How many bedrooms are there in your house?


(2)Which is your bedroom, this big one or the small one?


(3)How many rooms are there is your house?







(3)living room






(3)living room




(1)There are three bedrooms in my house.

(2)The small one is my bedroom.

(3)There are eight rooms in my house.


Unit1 Lessons1—6 My Family Lesson 1 Li Ming’s Big Family 教学目标 知识目标: 1.听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, have, has, brother, sister, parent. 2.能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have …… 能力目标: (1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用. (2)帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。 情感目标: 通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中初步体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 教学重点:听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, have, has, brother, sister, parent. 教学难点:能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have …… 教法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作学习 课件使用:录音机,一张家谱图的张贴画。X k B 1 . c o m Part 1:Greeting Part 2:Warming-up (1)listen:The family in our House

播放英语歌曲调动积极性 Part 3:New words 展示李明家庭成员张贴画,熟悉他们的英文称呼:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, consion, uncle, aunt. 教师:This is Li Ming’s grandfather(指着图). This is Li Ming’s……(引导学生说家庭人员的称呼) 新 |课|标|第|一| 网 学生:This is Li Ming’s grandfather\father\mother\brother\sister \consion. 教师:(对学生甲)Li Ming’s grandfather is Li Ming’s father’s ……(引导学生回答) 学生甲:father. 教师:Your mother’s sister is your…….. 全班:Aunt. 教师:(继续问题)Your…….. is your ………. Part 4: Games 找到墙:把father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, consion, uncle, aunt的词汇卡片张贴到墙上,教师发出指令如:walk to father!. Jump to uncle! 学生根据指令做。 Part5: Homework 第二课时 Part 1:Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围] Part 2:Warming-up (1)Let’s sing:The family in our House (2)播放英语歌曲调动积极性


2011版义务教育小学英语课程标准 第一部分前言 当今世界正处在大发展和大调整的变革时期,呈现出世界多极化和经济全球化以及信息化的发展态势。作为一个和平发展的大国,中国承担着重要的历史使命和国际责任与义务。英语作为全球使用最广泛的语言之一,已经成为国际交往和科技、文化交流的重要工具。学习和使用英语对吸引人类文明成果、借签国外先进科学技术、增进中国和世界的相互理解具有重要的作用。在义务教育阶段开设英语课程能够为提高整体国民素养,培养具有创新能力和跨文化交际能力的人才,提高国家的国际竞争力和国民的国际交流能力奠定基础。 在义务教育阶段开设英语课程对青少年未来发展具有重要意义。学习英语不仅有利于他们更好地了解世界,学习先进的科学文化知识,传播中国文化,增进他们与各国青少年的相互沟通和理解,还能为青少年提供更多的接受教育的职业发展的机会。学习英语能帮助他们形成开放、包容的性格,发展跨文化交流的意识与能力,促进思维发展,形成正确的价值观和良好的人文素养。学习英语能够为学生未来参与知识创新和科技创新储备能力,也能为他们未来更好地适应世界多极化、经济全球化以及信息化奠定基础。 一、课程性质 义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。就工具性而言,英语课程承担培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知识奠定基础。就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好品格和正确的人生观与价值观,。工具性与人


Unit1 What are those farmers doing? What do you grow on your farm,Uncle Chen? So many things.There are fruit trees in this field.You can pick some apples or oranges from the trees if you want.They are delicious.And in that field we grow rice. What are those farmers doing? They are cutting grass to feed the animals.We give it to the cows and sheep. Do you have any other animals on the farm? Oh yes.We have a few goats and pigs.And we also have some geese. I see them on the river.They look lovely. Unit2 A country life is a healthy life Hi.My name is Li Wei.I am eleven years old and I live on a small farm with my mum,dad and grandparents.I love living in the country,but I’m usually very busy.Every day I wake up 5 a.m. and help my father milk the cows.We have more than 50 cows,so I always have plenty of fresh milk for breakfast.After breakfast I ride my bike to school.It takes about 40 minutes.My school is very small.There are 48 pupils and only one classroom.We must all learn together.When I get home after school,there is still much work to do.After I finish my homework,I feed our chickens and help my parents with other housework.I am always busy but I never feel tired,because I have plenty of exercise,clean air and fresh food every day.So I think a country life is a healthy life. Unit3 Where are you from? Children.We have a new student in our class.This is David. Hi,David.Where are you from? I’m from New Youk City in America.I was born there. Do you like living in our city? Oh,yes.It is small but quiet.The streets are very clean and the people are nice.Things here are cheap,too. What’s New York like? It’s big and modern city but it’s quite noisy.And everything is very expensive in New York. Unit4 I like the city very much Dear Lily, My holiday in the city is very interesting.It is very different to our home on the farm.In the city,there are so many cars.The traffic is very heavy and the streets are crowded and dirty.Sometimes I am afraid to go outside.And It is very noisy too.At night,I can’t go to sleep because there are too many cars.But there are many nice things here too.There are many supermarkets here and they sell lots of different things.There are also many beautiful modern buildings.There is much more to do in the city than in the countryside.At home we have only one shop and one cinema,but in this city there are many theatres and parks.I can play all day.I like the city very much but I really miss you and the farm.I can’t wait to get back home and see all my friends. Love, Li Wei Unit5 What’s the matter with you? Jiamin.You don’t look well.What’s the matter with you? I feel ill.I have a stomachache.Maybe I ate some bad food. I’m sorry to hear that.You should see a doctor.


I Hello! My name is x x. I’m a student. My birthday is January eighth. I’m 13 years ld.I’m yonger than my sister. I have short ,straight and black hair. I have big and black eyes.I’m 1.5 metres tall.I’m taller than my sister.I’m wearing sweater ,jeans and shoes. I live in a house. I go to school on foot . I like red.I like jeans.I like apple,I like fish and donut. My Good Friend My good friend is Wu Qiangqian. She is a student.She has short,straight and black hair. Her eyes are big. She is twelve years old.She is younger than me. She is 1.5 metres tall. She likes blue. She likes rice. She likes to play ping-pong. I like to play ping-pong.too.This is my friend. My family I have a happy family.In my family has three people,They are my father ,mother and me..My father is thirty two years old.My mother is thirty years old.My father is older than my mother.My mother is younger than my father.My father is 1.8 meters tall.My mother is 1.6 meters tall. My father is taller than my mother. My mother is shorter than my father. My father is a clerk.He goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher. She goes to work by bicycle.My father likes to play ping-pong. My mother likes to read a book. I’m a boy. I’m a student.I go to school on foot. I’m 12 years old. I’m 1.3 metres tall. I like to read a book.. I like blue. I like fish. I love my family. A plan of trip


2.新版小学英语 <1~6年级> 3.新起点小学英语<1~6年级> 4.灵通英语(4本)<3~6年级> 剑桥小学英语 join in(5本):外语教学与研究出版社 牛津英语<1~6年级>两版本1.(全国版) 2.(上海本地版)上海教育出版社 牛津小学英语<1~6年级>:译林出版社 小学新标准英语<1~6年级> 、<3~6年级> :外研社 北师大版小学英语<1~6年级> 、<3~6年级> 冀教版(河北教育)小学英语<1~2、3~6年级> 广东版开心学英语<3~6年级>:广东人民出版社 新世纪小学英语(6本):外研社 新世纪小学英语:上海外语教育出版社 深港版小学<1~6年级> :外研社&广东教育出版社 湖北: 武汉:《剑桥小学英语》新洲,青山,2001武汉市委 钟家村小学:灵通英语<1~2年级> 外校:朗文的Welcome To English 宜昌、荆州(湖北一带)、安徽安庆、广东部分市区、浙江富阳、广州、温岭、嘉兴、杭州、四川广元剑阁、河南省少年先锋学校、宁夏、新疆喀什:PEP 广东:广州用的是广州本地版的英语课本(分1-3年级,3-6年级)。 深圳用的是深港版英语课本。 珠海和中山用的是开心英语

广州:牛津广州版 佛山禅城区:广州版 广州:1、2年纪北师大版,3~6开心英语 上海:牛津英语,有些牛津有些新世纪(上外) 南京:苏教版小学英语牛津 河北、济南:人教版 内蒙古乌海市:(科学普及出版社)新课程版 山西太原(现在有三套):外研社新标准、人教社 PEP、江苏出版社小学牛津英语 重庆:冀教版转人教版 保定:冀教版 福建南平浦城小学英语:北京市仁爱教育研究所编著,经全国中小学教材审定委员会2003年初审通过的仁爱版英语 河南郑州:一年级新起点三年级PEP 浙江临海:一年级新标准英语。三年级牛津、新标准英语、PEP 沈阳:牛津英语 长沙大同小学:外研社小学英语教材 鞍山小学英语教材:铁东用的是《新标准》,铁西是《快乐英语》,立山好象是《新课标》


小学英语冀教版六年级下册第四单元 Lesson24 Danny' s Surprise Cake 一、教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (一)能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 (二)能就故事进行提问和回答。 (三)能分角色用自己的语言表演故事。 2. 情感态度目标 善于发现身边的英语,喜欢阅读英语故事,进一步提高学习英语的积极性;朋友间互相帮助。 3. 学习策略目标 通过教师的指导与训练,培养学生看图预测、读文验证、提炼故事的梗概,简单复述故事等。二教学重、难点理解故事大意,在猜测部分提前渗透;同时在复述时,鼓励学生运用自己已有的知识,创造性地进行表达。 三、教学过程 Pre-reading(Revision and warm-up) 1. Show some pictures of a party. 2. Lead a free talk between teacher and students. T: What 's your favourite dessert? Can you make it? Is it special? 【设计意图:以师生间的问候导入新课,营造宽松氛围,复习相关的词汇、句型。】While-reading 1. 看图预测,出示Danny's cake 的图片并提问: Do you know who made it? Why Danny made it? Is it special? 2. Listen and Answer. What's the surprise in Danny's cake? 【设计意图】学生猜测故事的内容。学生通过听音回答问题,Danny's cake 将学生引入故事情境,为以下的文章学习做了铺垫。


冀教版小学英语课标解析 我教的是小学五、六年级英语,通过读教材我深切感悟到教师必须学习“英语新课标”才能适应教材改革的需要,才能适应新教材新教法的需要。新课程改革,是一次深刻的改革,新课改倡导全人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康的发展,培养学生良好的终身学习的能力,新课改倡导建设性学习,注重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习,通过对新课程的学习,我认为作为教师的我必须做好充分的准备。反复学习新课程标准理念,深刻领会英语课程的要求。把学到的新课程标准的理念运用到自己的教学实践中。下面简单地谈一下我对小学英语新课标学习的几点体会。 一、英语教学要以学生的发展为基本出发点。 《英语课程标准》明确指出:英语课程要面向全体学生,在小学英语教学的整体目标上不仅仅是关注小学生知识有所得。能力有所提高,更重要的是要使小学生能够认识自我,建立自信,拥有学习英语的兴趣。同时要让小学生在学习英语的过程中形成适合自己的学习策略。在小学英语教学中要确立以学生为中心和以学习为中心的指导思想,考虑小学生的认知水平和心理发展水平,考虑不同年龄段学生的学习要求与个体差异。不要把英语课上成知识传授课,不要以教师的教代替学生的学。小学英语课一定要让学生在活动中去学习英语,通过说说、听听、唱唱、玩玩等形式,让小学生感受到学习英语的快乐,从而培养学习英语的

兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师,,生只有对英语有浓厚的兴趣才会愿意学。让学生有兴趣,我们首先得让学生感到英语易学。其次让学生乐学。最后培养学生的自学能力,培养他们对英语学习的积极态度。课程特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的学习兴趣,帮助他们建立自信。这就要求我们的教师在备课时就要考虑学生的这些经历、情感、思想和认识。从而激活他们的这些实践经验,让他们积极主动地参与到教学活动中来,从而最大限度地发挥他们的主体作用,把旧课堂的“要我学”变为新课堂的“我要学”。适时地激发他们的学习热情,培养他们的学习兴趣。让课堂真正成为有趣、有序、有效的课堂。 二、倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式, 强调学生能用英语做事情。 以往我们关注的只是支离破碎的知识点和技能,而不是一个面的累积。要根据课标所描述的“能做某事”为主线,实现学生能用所学语言做事情,在做事的过程中发展语言、思维、交流与合作的能力。同时坚持“发展为本”的原则,在时间、空间上为学生提供充分条件,引导学生多思、多说、多练。使学生在更轻松更愉快的环境下实现更多的信息交流,真正做到快快乐乐学英语,扎扎实实打基础。语言学习要从语法讲解中和单词的死记硬背中解脱出来,要通过创设良好的语言环境和提供大量的语言实践的机会,使学生通过自己的体验、感知、实践、参与和交流。形成语感。在教师的引导下,通过观察、发现和归纳等方式,掌


专项练习(一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时、一般过去时) 一、用动词的正确形式填空 1. I ________ (do) my homework every evening. 2. We _______ (fly) kites in the park on Sundays. 3. My mother ________ (clean) our room on Sundays. 4. Tom _______ (play) the piano every Saturday. Now he______ (play). 5. She _______ (like) swimming. She _____ (swim) this weekend. 6. Usually my mother _______ (wash) the dishes after lunch. But my grandma_______ (wash) today. 7. Look at the man! He ______ (read) a magazine. 8. Look! The plane ________ (fly) over the building. 9. Listen! My aunt ________ (sing) in the room. She is a singer. She _____ (like) singing. She _______ (have) a music show. She is excited. 10. Tom and Mike always ______ (swim) in the river. They _____ (swim) in the swimming pool this Sunday. Look! They ______ (swim). 11. What ______ you usually ______ (do) in the evening? I _______ (play) computer games. 12. What _______ you _______ (do) now? I _______ (make) a paper plane. 13. What _______ he _______ (do)? He ______ (dance). 14. What _______ she ______ (do) yesterday? She ______ (visit) her grandparents. 15. ______ your mother ______ (read) newspaper in the morning? Yes, She ________. 16. _______ you _______ (like) fishing? No, I ______ . I like ______ (swim),but my brother ______ (like). 17. How ______ your father _______ (go) to work every day? He ______ (go) by bike. But it’s cold today. He ______ (take) the No.21 bus, and he _______ (go) to work by taxi yesterday. 18. _______ the monkey _______ (like) climbing trees? Yes, it _______ . 19. What _______ your father ______ (do) after lunch? He _______ (read) a comic book. What _____ he _______ (do) today? He _______ (clean) the kitchen for my grandma. Look! He (clean). 20. ________ you ______ (collect) stamps? Yes. I _______ . ________ your brother ______ (collect), too? No, he ________ . 二、选择题 1. _____ he _____ to the park at 6:30 in the morning? No, he _____ . A. Does; goes; does B. Does; go; doesn’t C. Does; go; does 2. What colour _____ you _____ this bookcase? I _____ it pink. A. are; going to paint; am going to paint B. do; paint; paint


冀教版小学英语总复习资料 冀教版教材中所学名词分类汇总记忆表 学习用品类:pen(钢笔), pencil(铅笔), book(书), eraser(橡皮), ruler(尺子), pencil-case(铅笔盒), marker(彩笔), bag(书包), glue(胶水), scissors(剪刀), paper(纸), sharpener(卷笔刀). 教室内物品类:door(门), window(窗户), blackboard(黑板), desk(课桌), chair(椅子), map(地图), picture(图画), light(灯), chalk(粉笔), floor(地板), wall(墙). 房间名称类:house(房子), apartment(公寓), room(房间), bedroom(卧室), living room(客厅), kitchen(厨房), bathroom(卫生间). 家用物品类:bed(床), television=TV(电视), table(桌子), telephone(电话), computer(电脑), refrigerator=fridge(电冰箱), closet(衣橱), dresser(床头柜), lamp(台灯), sofa(沙发), couch(长沙发), camera(照相机), cup(茶杯), glass(玻璃杯), bowl(碗), dish(盘子), chopsticks(筷子), spoon(勺子), fork(叉子), towel(毛 巾), sink(水槽), stove(炉子), toilet(马桶), shower(淋浴器), bathtub(浴盆), brush(刷子), toothbrush(牙刷), umbrella(雨伞). 交通工具类:bus(公共汽车), car(小汽车), truck(大卡车), bicycle=bike(自行车), train(火车), airplane=plane(飞机), ship(轮船), boat(小船), taxi(出租车), cab(出租小 汽车). 人体部位类:body(身体),head(头), hair(头发), eye(眼睛), ear(耳朵), nose(鼻子), mouth(嘴), face(脸), neck(脖子), shoulder(肩膀), arm(胳膊), elbow(胳膊肘), hand(手), finger(手指), stomach (肚子), leg(腿), knee(膝盖), foot(脚)→复数 feet, toe(脚趾). 动物名称类:cat(猫), dog(狗), pig(猪), duck(鸭子), goose(鹅)→复数geese, bird(鸟), chicken(母鸡), chick(小鸡), cock(公鸡), bee(蜜蜂), butterfly(蝴蝶), cow(奶 牛), horse(马), rabbit(兔子), monkey(猴子), panda(熊猫), tiger(老虎),


冀教版小学五年级英语单词表 (上册) 第一单元 father 父亲,爸爸 mother 母亲,妈妈 grandfather (外)祖父 grandmother (外)祖母 have 有,吃,进行 brother 哥哥,弟弟 sister 姐姐,妹妹 parent 父亲,母亲 white 白色,白色的 hair 头发 black 黑色,黑色的 uncle 伯父,叔父,舅父,姑父,姨父aunt 姑母,姨母,伯母,婶母,舅母cousin 堂兄,表兄 thin 瘦的 work 工作 doctor 医生 hospital 医院 nurse 护士

worker 工人 walk 散步,步行,走go for a walk 去散步 plant 种植 flower 花,花朵 cook 烹饪,厨师 we 我们 family 家,家庭,家属film 电影,影片watch a film 看电影 第二单元China 中国 map 地图 speak 说,讲,谈话,交谈know 知道,了解 about 关于,大约 city 城市 of ………….的star 星 here 这里,在这儿beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的

love 爱,喜欢 travel 旅行 interesting 有趣的,有吸引力的 place 地方,场所 may 可以 young 年轻的,巨大的 call 打电话,通话,电话 slow 慢的,缓慢的 plane 飞机 fast 快的,迅速的 train 火车 from……….to……….. 从………..到……. Sunday 星期日 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六


冀教版小学英语课标解析 1 2 我教的是小学五、六年级英语,通过读教材我深切感悟到教师必须学习“英3 语新课标”才能适应教材改革的需要,才能适应新教材新教法的需要。新课程4 改革,是一次深刻的改革,新课改倡导全人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生身5 心健康的发展,培养学生良好的终身学习的能力,新课改倡导建设性学习,注6 重科学探究的学习,关注体验性学习,提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习,通过7 对新课程的学习,我认为作为教师的我必须做好充分的准备。反复学习新课程8 标准理念,深刻领会英语课程的要求。把学到的新课程标准的理念运用到自己9 的教学实践中。下面简单地谈一下我对小学英语新课标学习的几点体会。 一、英语教学要以学生的发展为基本出发点。 10 11 《英语课程标准》明确指出:英语课程要面向全体学生,在小学英语教学的12 整体目标上不仅仅是关注小学生知识有所得。能力有所提高,更重要的是要使13 小学生能够认识自我,建立自信,拥有学习英语的兴趣。同时要让小学生在学14 习英语的过程中形成适合自己的学习策略。在小学英语教学中要确立以学生15 为中心和以学习为中心的指导思想,考虑小学生的认知水平和心理发展水平,16 考虑不同年龄段学生的学习要求与个体差异。不要把英语课上成知识传授课,17 不要以教师的教代替学生的学。小学英语课一定要让学生在活动中去学习英语,18 通过说说、听听、唱唱、玩玩等形式,让小学生感受到学习英语的快乐,从而培19 养学习英语的兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师,,生只有对英语有浓厚的兴趣才会愿意20 学。让学生有兴趣,我们首先得让学生感到英语易学。其次让学生乐学。最后培21 养学生的自学能力,培养他们对英语学习的积极态度。课程特别强调要关注每22 个学生的情感,激发他们的学习兴趣,帮助他们建立自信。这就要求我们的教23 师在备课时就要考虑学生的这些经历、情感、思想和认识。从而激活他们的这24 些实践经验,让他们积极主动地参与到教学活动中来,从而最大限度地发挥他


一:学生易错词汇 1. a, an的选择: 元音字母开头的单词用an,辅音字母开头的单词用a. 2. am , is , are的选择: 单数用is , 复数用are. I 用 am , you 用 are. 3. have , has 的选择: 表示某人有某物.单数用has , 复数用have. I ,you 用 have . 4. there is, there are 的选择:表示某地有某物,某人.单数用there is , 复数用there are. 5. some, any 的选择:肯定句用some, 疑问句和否定句用any. 6. 疑问词的选择:what (什么) who (谁) where (哪里) whose (谁的) why(为什么)when(什么时候)which(哪一个)how old (多大) how many (多少)how much(多少钱) 二:形容词比较级详解 当我们需要对事物作出比较时,需要用到比较级.比较级的句子结构通常是: 什么 + 动词be (am , is , are ) + 形容词比较级 + than(比)+ 什么 ,如: I'm taller and heavier than you. (我比你更高和更重.) An elephant is bigger than a tiger. (一只大象比一只老虎更大.) 形容词的比较级是在形容词的基础上变化而来的,它的变化规则是: ①一般的直接在词尾加er ,如 tall - taller , strong - stronger , ②以e结尾的,直接加r ,如 fine – finer , ③以辅音字母加y结尾的,先改y为i再加er,如funny - funnier ④双写最后的字母再加er,如big – bigger, thin – thinner ,hot – hotter ☆注意☆比较的两者应该是互相对应的可比较的东西. 典型错误:My hair is longer than you.(我的头发比你更长.) 比较的两者是我的头发,你(整个人),那么比较的对象就没有可比性. 应该改为:My hair is longer than yours. 或My hair is longer than your hair. 比较级专项练习: 一,从方框中选出合适的单词完成句子 heavy tall long big (1) How is the Yellow River (2) How is Mr Green He's 175cm. (3) How are your feet I wear size 18. (4)How is the fish It's 2kg. 三:动词过去式详解 动词的过去式的构成规则有: A,规则动词 ①一般直接在动词的后面加ed:如 worked , learned , cleaned , visited ②以e结尾的动词直接加d:如 lived , danced , used ③以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要改y为i再加ed(此类动词较少)如 study – studied carry –carried worry – worried (注意play,stay不是辅音字母加y,所以不属于此类) ④双写最后一个字母(此类动词较少)如 stopped B,不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:sing – sang , eat – ate , see – saw , have – had , do – did , go - went , take - took , buy - bought ,


冀教版小学英语五年级下单词表 unit 1 run 跑 sorry 对不起,不好意思(道歉时用)jump 跳;跳跃 sing 唱;演唱 dance跳舞 sit坐 down向下;朝下;沿着 stand站立;直立 up向上;在上面 see看见;明白;会见(过去式为saw)look看;瞧 boy男孩 girl女孩 now现在 draw画 picture图画;照片 woman女人 baby婴儿 cry哭;哭泣;喊叫 talk交谈;讨论

man男人 sleep睡觉;入睡 who谁 hungry饥饿的 water水 tea茶 candy糖果 unit2 people人们 many许多的;许多 child孩子(复数形式为children)women女人(woman的复数形式) men男人(man的复数形式) say说 help救命;帮助 worry担心;担忧 sad悲伤的 take乘坐;买下;拍照 take a piture拍照 be是;存在(am,is,are等的原形动词)feel觉得;感到 tired疲劳的;累的

stop停下,停止;(公共汽车、火车)站 wait等待 afraid害怕,畏惧 for为......;给...... busy忙碌的 unit 3 much(与how连用以询问数量)多少;很;非常write写 mum妈妈(非正式用语) dad爸爸(非正式用语) dear亲爱的 fine健康的;晴朗的 left左边的;左边 right右边的;右边 turn转向;转弯 wrong错误的 email电子邮件 idea想法;主意 computer电脑 use使用;利用 kind友好的;体贴的 us我们(we的宾格形式)

冀教版小学英语单词汇总 3--6年级

三年级上册: 打招呼:hello hi 人称: boy girl 学校: school book chair desk pencil pen ruler crayon pencil box window friend 数字: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 颜色: red yellow blue green orange brown white black 形容词: cold hot tired happy sad cool warm tall short young old 身体: body hand head arm foot(feet) hair eye mouth ear nose face 家庭: family father mother brother sister 职业: doctor(Dr.) policeman bus driver worker teacher 其它: right left China party cake 三年级下册: 动物: pig cow sheep cat dog duck fish bird animal horse panda monkey elephant tiger bear 方位: in on under 形容词: big small long short good 食物: banana food juice soup noodle rice chicken vegetable fruit milk egg bread apple orange ice cream 数字: eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 其它: farm farmer a(an) yes no zoo river tree box grass eat drink I please thanks like welcome


Lesson 1 Li Ming’s big family 导学案第课1时 学校年级姓名 【学习目标】 能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用. 【学法指导】填空 自主学习lesson1,借助录音机学习新单词,并阅读课文。 【自学导航】 听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:gray glasses aunt uncle cousin 【合作探究】 找出词组,句型,并说话 【当堂训练】 能够听、说、读、写一般用语I have …… 【课后作业】 1英译汉 爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶叔叔婶婶堂妹 2填空 I have two and two . My have one child :me. I don’t have and . 自我评价小组评价教师评价

Lesson 1 Li Ming’s big family导学案第课2时 学校年级姓名 【学习目标】 (1)能把所学单词运用到日常口语交际中,在适当的情境中能够灵活运用. (2)帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,拓展视野。 【学法指导】 情景教学法 【自学导航】 通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语课堂中初步体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 【合作探究】 拓展:介绍自己的家人,并请一名小翻译进行翻译。教师适时评议。 【当堂训练】 展示李明家庭成员张贴画,熟悉他们的英文称呼:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, consion, uncle, aunt. 教师:This is Li Ming’s 。 (引导学生说家庭人员的称呼) 【课后作业 一、选择最佳答案(20分) ( ) 1. This is a picture______my family. A. in B. from C. of ( ) 2. I have one _____and two____. A. brothers sisters B. brother; sisters C. brother;sister ( ) 3. Aunt Mei Ping is my mother’s_____. A.daughter B. brother C. sister ()4 Liming has long hair ,but I have hair. A long B short C black

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