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Magnetic Separation of Cesium Ion Using Prussian Blue Modified Magnetite

Magnetic Separation of Cesium Ion Using Prussian Blue Modified Magnetite
Magnetic Separation of Cesium Ion Using Prussian Blue Modified Magnetite

Magnet i c Separat i on o f Ces i um Ion Us i ng Pruss i an B l ue Mod i?ed Magnet i te

Takah i ro Sasak i and Shun i tz Tanaka*

D i v i s i on o f Env i ronmenta l Mater i a l Sc i ence,Graduate Schoo l o f Env i ronmenta l Sc i ence,

Hokka i do Un i vers i ty,Sapporo,Hokka i do060-0810

(Rece i ved August9,2011;CL-110662;E-ma il:ch i cken9@ees.hokuda i.ac.jp,shun i tz@ees.hokuda i.ac.jp) Pruss i an-b l ue-mod i?ed magnet i te(PB-Fe3O4)was prepared

by a s i mp l e method.The Cs+sorpt i on ab ili ty o f PB-Fe3O4

was eva l uated by batch magnet i c separat i on.As a resu l t,

the max i mum sorpt i on amount o f Cs+w i th PB-Fe3O4was

16.2mg g11,and the sorpt i on ab ili ty was not great l y changed i n

the presence o f h i gh concentrat i on o f NaC l.The recovery

o f PB-Fe3O4f rom water by magnet pred i cted that i t was

su?c i ent l y app li cab l e to treatment o f water contam i nated w i th

rad i oact i ve Cs+.

Today,Japan i s f aced w i th a cr i t i ca l po ll ut i on prob l em w i th

rad i oact i ve spec i es such as ces i um(Cs),stront i um(Sr),and

i od i ne(I)sp ill ed f rom the Fukush i ma nuc l ear power p l ant (NPP).There f ore,easy and sa f e methods to treat and ana l yze rad i oact i ve mater i a l s i n env i ronments o f so il and water are requ i red.Pruss i an b l ue(PB)i s known as a l ow-cost adsorbent, wh i ch has a h i gh se l ect i v i ty f or ces i um(Cs)and a h i gh stab ili ty f or decompos i t i on.1,2There f ore,PB has been used as an sorbent f or the remova l o f Cs+uptaken i nto an organ i sm.3 The bas i c structure o f PB i s a three-d i mens i ona l po l ymer i c network w i th a f ace-centered cub i c ce ll cons i st i ng o f a l ternat i ng i ron(III)(coord i nated to n i trogen)and i ron(II)(coord i nated to carbon atom)i ons li nked v i a the br i dg i ng o f cyan i de li gands.4,5 Most o f sorbed Cs+i s i ntroduced i n the l att i ce o f PB.However, PB crysta l i s sma ll,and thus the m i crocrysta lli ne nature o f PB i s not adequate to co l umn l oad i ng,?l trat i on,and centr if ugat i on a f ter Cs+sorpt i on.A magnet i c separat i on us i ng magnet i c mater i a l s such as hemat i te(Fe2O3)and magnet i te(Fe3O4)i s an easy and qu i ck method to co ll ect and separate target compounds f rom water,and recent l y i t has been app li ed to var i ous?e l ds such as ana l yt i ca l b i ochem i stry,med i ca l sc i ence,and b i otech-no l ogy.6-8The magnet i c separat i on has an advantage i n the recovery o f adsorbent w i th harm f u l matter w i thout?l trat i on and centr if ugat i on a f ter adsorpt i on.Severa l stud i es on magnet i c separat i on have been reported about the treatment methods f or heavy meta l i ons and organ i c po ll utants by us i ng mod i?ed Fe3O4.9-12

The purpose o f th i s study i s to deve l op an easy and sa f e method f or treatment o f Cs+i n water us i ng PB-mod i?ed Fe3O4 (PB-Fe3O4).The co l umn method i s used w i de l y f or water treatment,and the treatment o f coo l ant conta i n i ng rad i oact i ve spec i es at Fukush i ma NPP i s a l so per f ormed by the co l umn method.However,use o f co l umns requ i res the cons i derat i on o f c l ogg i ng and water l eaks,and somet i mes generates back pressure.Furthermore,co l umns constructed w i th severa l p i eces o f equ i pment are o f ten comp li cated systems,and so there i s a h i gh probab ili ty o f mechan i ca l f a il ure.Our proposed method i s very s i mp l e and has f ew o f the prob l ems descr i bed above. Moreover,th i s method can be app li ed to turb i d so l ut i ons conta i n i ng many k i nds o f suspended matter.S i nce on l y magnet i c sorbents are recovered by the magnet eas il y,the sorbent can be used aga i n f or treatment.So th i s method can be app li ed to not on l y coo l ant so l ut i on but a l so wastewater i n var i ous cond i t i ons.Thus,we prepared PB-Fe3O4as f o ll ows and eva l uated the magnet i c method us i ng PB-Fe3O4.The i mage o f PB-Fe3O4i s shown i n F i gure1.

At?rst,Fe3O4was prepared i n the f o ll ow i ng manner.135.2g o f FeC l3¢6H2O and2.0g o f FeC l2¢4H2O were d i sso l ved i n 25mL o f de i on i zed water(DW),and then0.85mL o f12M HC l was added i n the so l ut i on.The so l ut i on was added to250mL o f 1.5M NaOH so l ut i on w i th v i gorous st i rr i ng at80°C.A f ter 60m i n w i th st i rr i ng,the m i xed so l ut i on was coo l ed by water, and then the Fe3O4co ll ected by magnet was washed w i th DW unt il the pH o f supernatant was around7.DW f or preparat i on o f so l ut i on was used a f ter purg i ng w i th N2.The sur f ace area o f Fe3O4was measured by Autosorb6(YUASA),and the resu l t was 7.82m2g11.The mod i?cat i on o f PB on Fe3O4was carr i ed out w i th f ormat i on o f PB on the Fe3O4sur f ace us i ng potass i um hexacyan i do f errate(II)(K4[Fe(CN)6]).14

100mg o f Fe3O4was added i nto100mL o f 2.0mM K4[Fe(CN)6]so l ut i on(pH2w i th HC l),and then the m i xture was st i rred f or3h.The PB-Fe3O4co ll ected by magnet was washed w i th water three t i mes and then dr i ed i n an oven at40°C f or24h.A ll reagents were prov i ded by Wako,Japan.Scann i ng e l ectron m i croscopy(SEM,JSM-7400F JEOL)and transm i ss i on e l ectron m i croscopy(TEM,JEM-2100F JEOL)i mages o f PB-Fe3O4are shown i n F i gure2.Core-she ll structure o f PB-Fe3O4 and crysta l o f PB on Fe3O4can be observed i n F i gures2b and 2c,respect i ve l y.The s i ze o f PB crysta l gra i n on Fe3O4was about100nm,and the th i ckness o f PB l ayer on Fe3O4was200-400nm f rom TEM i mages.The presence o f PB mod i?ed on Fe3O4was con?rmed by powder X-ray d i?ract i on(XRD)and Four i er trans f orm i n f rared spectroscopy(FT-IR).The XRD pattern measurements were per f ormed by M i n i?ex(R i gaku) w i th N i?l tered Cu K?rad i at i on(-=0.154nm)at35kV, 15mA.As shown i n F i gure3a,the peaks o f(220),(311),(222), (400),(422),(511),and(440)were detected as the character i st i c

Fe3+Fe2+C N



F i gure1.Schemat i c representat i on o f PB-Fe3O4and l att i ce structure o f PB.

Pub li shed on the web December24,2011



peaks o f Fe 3O 4.15A f ter PB mod i?cat i on,some new peaks,marked peaks o f F i gure 3b,co i nc i ded w i th the character i st i c peaks o f PB.16The FT-IR measurements were curr i ed out w i th FT /IR-4100(JASCO)i n KBr pe ll ets.In F i gure S2,20peaks at around 1610cm 11observed i n curve (a)and (b)were re l ated to the -OH de f ormed v i brat i on,and the peaks around 3400cm 11i n curve (a)and (b)were ass i gned to the -OH stretch i ng v i brat i on on the sur f ace o f Fe 3O 4.17,18The peak o f 2082cm 11i n curve (b)was ass i gned to the CN stretch i ng i n the f ormed [Fe II -CN -Fe III ]structure.19The s i ze and |potent i a l o f Fe 3O 4and PB-Fe 3O 4were measured by us i ng photon corre l at i on spectroscopy (PCS)and e l ectrophoret i c li ght scatter i ng (ELS),respect i ve l y (De l sa ·nano HC,Beckman Cou l ter).As a resu l t,the average part i c l e s i zes o f Fe 3O 4and PB-Fe 3O 4were 6.4and 6.7ˉm,respect i ve l y.The |potent i a l s o f Fe 3O 4and PB-Fe 3O 4were 20and 179mV at pH 5.5(F i gure S1).20The amount o f mod i?ed PB est i mated by grav i metry was 0.29mmo l g 11(F i gure S2and Tab l e S1).20The sorpt i on ab ili ty o f PB-Fe 3O 4f or Cs +was eva l uated by sorpt i on exper i ments.The batch exper i ments were carr i ed out us i ng 10mL o f Cs +so l ut i on and 10mg o f PB-Fe 3O 4at pH 5.5(uncontro ll ed)and 25°C,and then PB-Fe 3O 4was co ll ected by Nd -Fe -B magnet (0.4T,25?10?5mm 3)a f ter sorpt i on.Cs +concentrat i on i n supernatant was measured by ICP-MS (SPQ 6500,SEIKO).F i gure 4showed the resu l ts o f sorpt i on i n var i ous concentrat i ons o f Cs +(0.01-0.5mM).The resu l ts i nd i cated that the sorpt i on amount o f Cs +onto PB-Fe 3O 4was i ncreased w i th i ncrease i n the concentrat i on o f Cs +i n the so l ut i on.The sorpt i on resu l ts were ?tted to a Langmu i r mode l and Freund li ch mode l to obta i n the max i mum sorpt i on amount o f Cs +onto PB-Fe 3O 4.Both ?tt i ng resu l ts were f avorab l e to these mode l s,but the resu l t o f Freund li ch was s li ght l y better than that o f the Langmu i r (the corre l at i on coe ?c i ent w i th Freund li ch mode l :0.977and w i th Langmu i r mode l :0.975accord i ng to Tab l e S2).20The max i mum sorpt i on amount f rom the ?tt i ng data o f Langmu i r mode l was 16.2mg g 11.Freund li ch mode l i s genera ll y sa i d to we ll ?t the sorpt i on on porous mater i a l such as act i vated carbon.On the other hand,the Langmu i r mode l i s we ll ?tted to mono l ayer adsorpt i on.S i nce the l ayer o f the l att i ce structure o f PB f ormed on Fe 3O 4was re l at i ve l y th i n,the property o f PB-Fe 3O 4as porous mater i a l was not s i gn i?cant l y pronounced.As a resu l t,the sorpt i on behav i or m i ght a l so ?t we ll f or the Langmu i r mode l .F i gure 5i nd i cated the resu l ts o f sorpt i on rate o f Cs +onto PB-Fe 3O 4and i n ?uence o f coex i st i ng sa l t on sorpt i on o f Cs +,where concentrat i ons


F i gure 2.SEM (a)and TEM (b,c)i mages o f PB-Fe 3O 4.

I n t e n s i t y (a r b u n i t )


F i gure 3.XRD

patterns o f Fe 3O 4(a)and PB-Fe 3O 4(b).05101520Equilibrium Concn/mg L ?1

S o r b e d a m o u n t o f C s +/m g g ?1

F i gure 4.Adsorpt i on i sotherm o f Cs +onto PB-Fe 3O 4.


S o r p t i o n r a t i o o f C s +/%

F i gure 5.K i net i cs o f Cs +sorpt i on onto PB-Fe 3O 4on 0.001(c l osed c i rc l e),0.01(c l osed tr i ang l e),and 0.1mM (c l osed square)o f Cs +w i th NaC l and w i thout NaC l (open square).33

0.001,0.01,and0.1mM.The concentrat i on o f coex i st i ng NaC l

was3wt%,the same as that o f seawater.Accord i ng to these

resu l ts,most o f Cs+sorbed onto PB-Fe3O4w i th i n the?rst

60m i n i n a ll cases.In0.01and0.1mM Cs+so l ut i on,Cs+

sorbed s l ow l y a f ter60m i n.The presence o f two d i?erent

sorpt i on rates o f Cs+suggests that the sorpt i on s i te o f Cs+i n the sorbent i s not on l y the sur f ace o f PB l ayer but a l so

the i ns i de o f PB l att i ce.Moreover,the i n?uence o f coex i st i ng

sa l t on the sorpt i on o f Cs+by PB-Fe3O4was eva l uated by

compar i son between sorpt i on behav i ors o f Cs+i n0.1mM Cs+ so l ut i on w i th and w i thout NaC l.The amount o f sorbed Cs+f rom water conta i n i ng NaC l was91%o f that w i thout NaC l.It was f ound that the ab ili ty o f Cs+sorpt i on w i th PB-Fe3O4was present even w i th l ow concentrat i on Cs+under the h i gh matr i x cond i t i ons.

The recovery o f PB-Fe3O4f rom water by a magnet was eva l uated by measur i ng we i ght o f co ll ected PB-Fe3O4.The recovery test was per f ormed i n the f o ll ow i ng way.F i rst,100mg o f PB-Fe3O4was d i spersed i n1L o f water.Then,the PB-Fe3O4 was recovered by magnet at var i ous t i mes w i th st i rr i ng.The recovered PB-Fe3O4was dr i ed at40°C f or24h i n an oven and then the we i ght measured.Accord i ng to the resu l ts,the recovery rat i o o f PB-Fe3O4was a l most100%at6m i n(F i gure S3).20 Thus,the good recover i ng ab ili ty o f PB-Fe3O4was use f u l i n the water treatment process.I f the part i c l e s i ze o f PB-Fe3O4i s sma ll er than the case i n our study,the sorpt i on amount o f Cs+w ill be i ncreased because o f i ncreas i ng sur f ace area and mod i?ed amount o f PB.However,the decrease i n the part i c l e s i ze o f PB-Fe3O4may l ead to the reduct i on o f recovery because o f weaker magnet i c strength.

Based on our study,a f u ll automat i on system f or treatment

o f contam i nated water may be f eas i b l e if a hanged e l ectr i ca l

magnet i s used f or co ll ect i on o f PB-Fe3O4a f ter sorpt i on o f Cs+.

It w ill make poss i b l e to treat the contam i nated water w i th

rad i oact i ve Cs+w i th f ew exposure.

We thank Pro f essor F.Matsuda(Hokka i do Un i vers i ty)f or

the IR measurement,Assoc i ate Pro f essor Y.Kam i ya(Hokka i do

Un i vers i ty)f or the XRD measurement and Dr.H.W.Yu

(Hokka i do Un i vers i ty)f or the TEM.The ana l ys i s o f sur f ace

area,part i c l e s i ze d i str i but i on,and|potent i a l were carr i ed out

w i th Autosorb6and De l sa·nano HC at the OPEN FACILITY,

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