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Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a short essay entitled The Popularity of Getting Certificates on Campus. You should w rite at least 150 words follow ing the outline given below.




The Popularity of Getting Certificates on Campus

Part ⅡReading Compr ehension (Skimming and Sc anning) (15 minutes)

Directions: In this part, you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the passage quic kly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.

F or questions 1-7, choose the best answer fr om the four choices mar ked A), B), C) and D). For questi ons 8-10, c omplete the sentenc es with the infor mation given in the passage.

Main Energies for the Body

A balanced diet is one that provides an adequate intake of energy and nutrients for maintenance of the body and therefor e goo d health. A diet c an easily be adequate for normal bodily functioning, y et may not be a balanced diet.

Carbohydr ates

Carbohydr ates are a rapid source of ener gy, they are the body's fuel. The bulk of a balanc ed diet should be made from carbohy drates. If eaten in an excess of the dietar y requir ements c arbohydr ates are easily stored as fats in the cells, although carbohydrate is the first sourc e of energy in the body. An average adult r equires about 12,000kJ of energy a day, most of this is supplied by the respir ation of carbohy dr ates in the cells.

Carbohydr ates are used principally as a r espirator y substr ates, i.e. to be oxidized to release energy for ac tive transport, macromolecule synthesis, c ell division and muscle contr action. Carbohydrates ar e digested in the duodenum and ileum and absorbed as gluc ose into cells. Sources of c arbohydr ates such as starch are rice, potatoes, wheat and other c ereals. Sugars are also carbohy dr ates, sources of suga rs are r efined sugar - sucrose, which is a food sweetener and pr eser vative and fruit sugars - fructose. If the diet lac ks c arbohydrate stores of fat are mobilized and used as an energy source.


Protein is not a dir ect source of energy in the body, it is used primarily for growth and repair of body tissues while remaining an energy source as a last resort. Pr oteins fulfill a w ide variety of r oles in the body. They are broken down in the stomach and intestines to amino acids which are then absorbed. The body can onl y form 8 amino acids to build proteins from, the diet must provide Essential A mino Acids (EAAs) which are synthesized into proteins which can be structur al, i.e. collagen in bone, keratin in hair, myosin and actin in muscle; metabolic enzymes, hemoglobin, pr otective antibodies and communic ative hormones.

Sourc es of protein include meat, fish, eggs and pulses. The diet needs to provide 8 EAAs as the body is unable to sy nthesis proteins without these molecules. 2 other amino acids ar e synthesized from EAAs so if the diet lac ks the original EAAs these other two will not be present either. Phenylalanine is c onverted to tyrosine and methionine is c onverted to c ysteine. Cells draw upon a pool of amino acids for protein synthesis which either come fr om dietar y pr otein digested and absorbed in the gut and the breakdown of body protein such as muscle. How ever, unlike fats and carbohydr ates there is no stor e of amino acids for c ells to draw on, any amino acid in excess of immediate bodily r equirements is broken down into urea and excreted. It is ther efor e important to maintain the dietar y intake of protein ever yday. If the body lac ks protein, muscle wasting occurs as muscle is broken down.

If pr otein is lac ked in a diet a person develops kwashior kor w hich is caused when high levels of c arbohydr ates ar e eaten to overcome the lac k of protein in the diet. One symptom of kwashiorkor is the abnormal c ollection of fluid ar ound the abdomen due to the lac k of protein in the blood. The body c annot retain water by osmosis and fluid acc umulates in tissues causing them to become waterlogged.

Vitamin Categories

Vitamins c annot be synthesized by the body so must be supplied by diet. Vitamins have no c ommon structur e or function but are essential in small amounts for the body to be able to utilize other dietar y components efficiently.

Vitamins fall into two categories, fat soluble v itamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K which are ingested w ith fatty foods and water soluble v itamins such as the B group vitamins and vitamin C. Vitamins ar e known as micronutrients because onl y small quantities ar e required for a healthy diet, in fact fat soluble v itamins c an be toxic in high conc entrations, for example the body stores vitamin A, or r etinol, in the liver as it is toxic if kept in high conc entr ations in the blood str eam, a dose of mor e than 3300mg of vitamin A can be consider ed toxic. Wa ter soluble v itamins such as v itamin C and B groups v itamins c an be excreted in the urine if in exc ess in the diet.

Vitamins A

Vitamin A is essential to the proper functioning of the r etina in the eye and the epithelial tissues. A lack of vitamin A results in dr y, rough skin, inflammation of the eyes, a dr ying or sc arring of the cornea - xerophthalmia, which occurs when the secretion of lubric ating tears is stopped, the eyelids become swollen and stic ky w ith pus. Mucous surfac es of the eye may become eroded allow ing infection to set in, leading to ulceration and destruction of the cornea. Night blindness - an inability to see in dim light can also occur. Rod c ells in the r etina of the eye detect light of low intensity, they convert v itamin A into a pigment, rhodopsin, which is bleached when light enters the eye. Rod cells resynthesis rhodopsin, but if there is a deficienc y of the vitamin, rod c ells c an no longer function and the r esult is night blindness. E pithelial cells use retinol to make retinoic acid, an intr acellular messenger used in c ell differ entiation and grow th. Without retinoic acid epithelial cells are not maintained properly and the body bec omes susceptible to infections, particularly measles and infections of the respir ator y system and gut.

Xenophthalmia is c ommon among children who's diets consist of mainly c ereals with little meat or fresh vegetables, this is common in Indonesia, Bangladesh, India and the Philippines.

Vitamins D

Vitamin D, or c alciferol, is another fat soluble steroid v itamin which functions to sti mulate calcium uptake from the gut and its deposition in bone. v itamin D acts as a hormone w hen c onverted by enzymes in the gut and liver into an active form of "active vitamin D", which stimul ates epithelial cells in the intestine to absorb c alcium. vitamin D is therefore essential in gr ow ing childr en's diets to enable the gr ow th of strong bones. Without adequate amounts of vitamin D childr en c an develop rickets, w hich is the defor mation of the legs c aused when they lack calcium to strengthen the bones. In adults a lac k of v itamin D in the diet c an lead to osteomalacia, a progressive softening of the bones w hich c an make them hi ghly susc eptible to fractur e.

Vitamin D is made by the body when exposed to sunlight and is stor ed in the muscles, however, if the skin is r arely exposed to the sunlight or is dark little v itamin D is produced. Foods such as eggs and oily fish ar e all rich in vitamin D.

Vitamins K

Vitamin K, phylloquinone, is found in dark gr een leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. It is a fat soluble vitamin which is involved in the clotting process of blood. In the intestines bacteria sy nthesize a number of important clotting factors which need v itamin K. Without vitamin K cuts can fail to heal and internal bleeding can occur.

Vitamins C

Vitamin C is a water soluble v itamin, know n chemic ally as ascorbic acid. It is found in citrus fruits such as oranges and lem ons, and also in potatoes and tomatoes. The main function of vitamin C is the for mation of connective tissues suc h as collagen. It is also known to be an antioxidant which helps to remove toxins and aids the immune system. A lack of v itamin C leads to Scur vy, a c ondition experie nc ed by sailors on long journeys when they did not have frui t in their diets. Scur vy causes painful, bleeding gums. As v itamin C is water soluble, it is not toxic in high doses as it can be excreted in the urine, ver y high doses c an however cause diarrhea.

Vitamins B

B group vitamins have a wide range of roles ac ting as co-enzymes in metabolic pathways. They are found in most plant and animal tissues involved in metabolism, therefore foods such as liver, yeast and dair y products are all rich in B gr oup vitamins. Def icienc y of B group vitamins include dermatitis, fatigue and malfor mation of red blood c ells.

1. An adult needs about 12,000kJ of energy a day from ________.

A. the c ell

B. the r espiring process of carbohydrates

C. fats in the cell

D. a balanc ed diet

2. Carbohydr ates are ultimately absorbed into cells in the proc ess of _______.

A. digestion

B. respir ation

C. oxidization

D. mobilization

3. The Essential Amino A cids which build part of proteins c an be obtained from______.

A. stomach

B. body tissues

C. the body

D. the diet

4. The ultimate cause of kwashior kor is lac k of ________.

A. protein

B. c arbohydrates

C. vitamins

D. diet

5. V itamins are c alled “micronutrients” in that _________.

A. excessive fat soluble vitamins can be excreted in the urine

B. the body onl y requires small amount of vitamins

C. a dose of 3300mg of vitamins can be considered toxic

D. the high conc entrations of water soluble vitamins ar e toxic

6. Night blindness is a disease nor mally c aused by lac k of __________.

A. fat soluble v itamins

B. water soluble vitamins

C. vitamin A

D. innate disability

7. The main function of vitamin D is to pr event adults from ________.

A. the growth of strong bones

B. fractur e

C. a progr essive softening of the bones

D. calcium uptake from the gut

8. A lthough the human body produc es vitamin D nor mally, it fails to do so if there is not enough ______________.

9. The r eason why v itamin C is seen as an antioxidant is that it drives __________ out of the body.

10. If you are in lack of B group v itamins, you should tur n to _______________.

Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

Section A

11.[A] The man is out of shape.

[B] The man doesn’t need a new rac ket.

[C] The man also needs new tennis shoes.

[D] The man spent too muc h on his tennis shoes.

12.[A] She prefers chemistr y.

[B] She hasn’t got a partner yet.

[C] She is too tired of chemistr y.

[D] She is too busy to wor k on her chemistr y.

13.[A] Customer and waitr ess.

[B] Teac her and student.

[C] Boss and secretar y.

[D] Lawyer and client.

14.[A] He was satisfied w ith the ser vice on the ship.

[B] It was the first time he had been abroad.

[C] He had never been on a warship.

[D] He has been on the warship before.

15.[A] He is confident.

[B] He is worried.

[C] He is bor ed.

[D] He is angr y.

16. [A] The woman offered to help the man find his box.

[B] The man doesn’t know where to go.

[C] The woman w ill buy the man’s lunch for him.

[D] The w oman will give the man a treatment.

17. [A] It’s enjoyable.

[B] It’s terrific.

[C] It’s too modern.

[D] It’s old-fashioned.

18.[A] Near the stairs.

[B] On the platfomp3.

[C] At the ticket office.

[D] At the infomp3ation desk.

Questions 19 to 21 ar e based on the c onversation you have just heard.

19.[A] In a c ollege bookstore.

[B] In a lectur e hall.

[C] In a librar y.

[D] In a domp3itor y.

20.[A] English.

[B] Biology.

[C] Intr oduction to English Literature.

[D] A required c ourse.

21. [A] He lives on the 10th floor of Butler Hall.

[B] He never wants to listen to students.

[C] He used to teach biology.

[D] He is an exc ellent professor.

Questions 22 to 25 ar e based on the c onversation you have just heard.

22.[A] When to move.

[B] Wher e to live the follow ing year.

[C] How much time to spend at home.

[D] Whose house to visit.

23. [A] Take some money to the housing office.

[B] Infomp3 the director of student housing in a letter.

[C] Fill out a fomp3 in the librar y.

[D] Maintain a high grade aver age.

24. [A] Both live on campus.

[B] Both live off campus.

[C] The man lives on c ampus; the woman lives off c ampus.

[D] The w oman lives on c ampus; the man lives off campus.

25. [A] Grades.

[B] Privac y.

[C] Sports.

[D] Money.

Section A

Directions: In this section, ther e is a passage with ten blanks. You ar e r equired to selec t one word for each blank from a list of choic es giv en in a word bank follow ing the passage. Read the passage through c arefully before making your c hoices. Each choice in the bank is identified

by a letter. Please mar k the corr esponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line thr ough the c entre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questi ons 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

Dreams are a way for the subconscious to communicate with the __47__ mind. Dreaming of something you’re worried about, researchers say, is the brain’s way of helping you rehearse for a disaster in c ase it occurs. Dreaming of a challenge, like giving a pr esentation at work or playing sports, can enhance your __48__. And cognitive neuroscientists have disc overed that dr eams and the rapid eye movement (REM) that happens while you’re dreaming ar e __49__ to our ability to learn and remember. Dr eaming is a “mood regulator y sy stem,” says Rosalind Cartwright, PhD, chairman of the psychology __50__ at Rush U ni ver sity Medical Center in Chicago. She’s found that dreams help people w or k through the day’s emotional quandaries. “It’s like hav ing a built-in th er apist,” says Cartwright. While we sleep, dr eams __51__ new emotional experienc e to old memories, cr eating plaid-like patterns of old images laid on top of new ones. As she puts it, “You may wake up and think, What was U ncle Harr y doing in my dream? I hav en’t seen him for 50 years. But the old and new images ar e __52__ related.” It’s the job of the conscious mind to figur e out the relationship. In fact, dream emotions can help r eal ther apists treat patients __53__ traumatic (创伤的) life events. In a new study of 30 r ecently __54__ adults, Cartwright tr acked their dr eams over a five-month period, measuring their feelings toward their ex-spouses. She disc overed that those who wer e angriest at the spouse while dreaming had the best c hanc e of successfully coping with divorce. “If their dreams were bland,” Cartwright says, “they hadn’t started to wor k thr ough their emotions and __55__ w ith the divorce.” F or th er apists, this finding will help __56__ whether divorc ed men or women need c ounseling or have already dr eam ed their troubles away.

A. deal

B. phy sic ally

C. wake

D. perfor mance

E. making

F. undergoing

G. experience

H. divorced

I. deter mine

J. compar e

K. department

L. conscious

M. presentation

N. linked

O. emotionally

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choic e and mark the c orresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line thr ough the c entre.

Passage One

Questi ons 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

A few years ago a young mother watched her husband diaper (给…换尿布) their firstborn son. “You do not have to be unhappy about it,” she protested. “You c an talk to him and smile a little.” The father, who happened to be a psy chologist, answered firmly, “He has nothing to say to me, and I have nothing to say to hi m.”

Psychologist now know how wrong that father was. F r om the moment of birth, a baby has a gr eat deal to say to his par ents, and they to hi m. But a decade or so ago, these experts wer e describing the newborn as a primitive creatur e who reacted onl y by reflex, a helpless victim of its env ironment w ithout capacity to influenc e it. And mothers acc epted the truth. Most thought (and some still do) that a new infant coul d see only blurr y (模糊的) shadows, that his other senses were undeveloped, and that all he requir ed was nourishment, clean diapers, and a war m bassinet.

Today university laboratories across the countr y are studying newborns in their first month of life. As a r esult, psychologists now describe the new baby as perc eptive, w ith remar kable learning abilities and an even more r emarkable capacity to shape his or her env ir onment including the attitudes and actions of his par ents. Some researc hers believe that the neonatal period may even be the most signific ant four weeks in an entire lifetime.

Far from being helpless, the new born knows w hat he likes and rejects w hat he doe sn’t. He shut out unpleasant sensations by closing his eyes or aver ting hi s face. He is a glutton for novelty. He prefers animate things over inani mate and likes people more than anything.

When a more nine minutes out, an infant pr efers a human fac e to a head-shaped outline. He makes the choice despite the fact that, with deliver y room attendants masked and gowned, he has never seen a human face before. By the time he’s twelve hours old, hi s entir e body moves in precise synchrony (同时发生) to the sound of a human voic e, as if he wer e dancing. A non-human sound, such as a tapping noise, brings no such r esponse.

57. The author points out that the father diapering his first-born son was w rong because________.

A) he believed the baby was not able to hear him

B) he thought the baby didn’t have the power of speech

C) he was a psychologist unworthy of his profession

D) he thought the baby was not c apable of any response

58. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A) A new infant c an see only blurr y shadows.

B) A new infant’s senses are undeveloped

C) All a new infant requires is nourishment, clean diapers, and a war m bassinet.

D) A new infant is actually able to influence his or her env ir onment

59. What does the sentence “He is a glutton for novelty” probably mean?

A) The newborn is greedy for new food.

B) The newborn tends to overeat.

C) The newborn always loves things that ar e new to him.

D) The newborn’s appetite is a c onstant topic in novels.

60. According to the pa ssage, it’s groundless to think that newborns pr efer________.

A) a human face to a head-shaped outline

B) ani mate things to inanimate ones

C) human voic e to non-human sounds

D) nourishment to a warm bassinet

61. What is the passage mainl y disc ussing about?

A) What people know about new borns.

B) How w r ong parents ar e when they handle their babies.

C) How much new borns have pr ogressed in about a decade’s time.

D) Why the first month of life is the most significant four weeks in a lifetime.

Passage Two

Questi ons 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

Mobile office is the mutual product of ec onomic,scientific,and social progress.Mobile office has bec ome a solution that provides users with convenient, pr ompt, safe, r eliable, and r easonably priced communications and office fac ulty anywhere anytime v ia the support of mobile interconnection platfor m(MIP)and its applic ations systems. Using mobile offic e and W AP technology, people can do their work a nywher e any time, can send and r eceive data via terminals such as mobile phone, and palm computer, and c an surf the Internet.

When you leave your offic e to attend meetings or travel on business,what would happen to your business routine?Of c ourse, faxes and e-mails would be still sent to your fax machine or e-mail box, but you c annot read them and make prompt reaction timely. When your clients

need you to make some urgent modifications on your wor k and you are neither in the offic e nor carr ying r elevant documents, w hat c an you do?Maybe yo u have to say “sorr y” to the clients. But, your business w ill be affected,the clients w ill be unhappy and disappointed because of your delay,and you w ill lose a lot of business opportunities.

In fact, ver y frequently, you need to check, reply, distribute, modify, or read some materials w hen you are not in your offic e. You must get out of this dilemma. The best solution to nor mally handle your business anywher e anytime and not to disappoint your clients is to let your office “move” with you. With the devel opment of c ommunications technology, mobile office has become simpler and smaller, and even c an be realized via one mobile phone with data communications function. Thus, mobile office has already been put into your poc ket, a nd office mobility has been realized.

Mobile offic e has pr ov ided people with c onveni ent, c asual working env ir onment, but at the same time it still has some unsatisfactor y aspects such as mismatc hing equipment interfac e and inadequate batter y. Nevertheless, we believe that with technic al progress, people can certainl y overcome all kinds of difficulties. Mobile office w ill realize the dr eam of completely fr ee communication. U sers will enjoy more color ful life and better w or king environment, and users’ liv ing standard, wor king efficienc y, and even enterprises’ produc tion efficienc y w ill certainl y be immensely raised.


62. According to the passage, mobile office help you with the following except ________ .

A) keeping update w ith the latest news

B) chec king e-mails any time one wants

C) c onducting internet surfing

D) finding one’s true love in life

63. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?

A) You would lose a lot of business opportunities if you alway s delay your work.

B) You should read and reply faxes and e-mail timely.

C) When you leave your offic e your business routine might be damaged.

D) When you c annot meet the need of your clients you should immediately say sorr y.

64. When you let your offic e “move” w ith you, you __________ .

A) will never let your clients down

B) y ou don’t have to stay at offic e anymore

C) you then find the best way to handle your business anywhere anytime

D) you no longer face the dilemma between wor k and life

65. It can be inferred from the passage that __________ .

A) mobile offic e communication is ver y cost-consuming

B) w ith the development of scienc e, mobile offic e has eventually c ome to our life

C) people had no convenient and reliable communications and offic e faculty before

D) economic factors are essential in the operation of mobile office

66. According to the author, mobile office _________ .

A) woul d help achieve complete communic ation mobility

B) is too expensive to afford by small compani es

C) has some fatal defects impossible to modify

D) is too complic ated to operate in ever y day business

Part V Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the follow ing passage. For each blank there are four choic es mar ked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mar k the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the c entre.

For many people today, reading is no longer relax ation. To keep up their work, they have to r ead all kinds of materials. In _67_a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and c omprehend _68_c an mean the differ ence between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fac t is that most of us ar e _69_readers.

Most of us develop poor reading _70_at an early age, and never get over them.

The main deficienc y _71_in the actual component of language itself-words. Take individually, w or ds have _72_meani ng until they are put together into phrases, sentenc es and paragr aphs.

_73_, however, the untr ained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously r eads one word at a time, often turning bac k to _74_words or passages. Regression, the tendenc y to look bac k over _75_you have just r ead, is a common bad habit in r eading. A nother

habit which _76_down the speed of reading is vocalization-sounding each word w ither or ally or mentally when a _77_r eads.

To overc ome these bad habits some reading clinics use a device called an _78_, which moves a bar (or a curtain) down the page at a predeter m ined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate _79_the r eader finds comfortable, in order to “stretc h” him. The acc eler ator forces the reader to r ead fast, _80_word-by-word reading, regr ession and vocalization, pr actically impossible.

At first _81_is sacrific ed for speed. But w hen you learn to read ideas and concepts, y ou will not onl y read faster, _82_your compr ehension will improve.

Many people, business managers, executives and engineers, have found _83_reading skill improved dramatic ally after some training. _84_John Muir, a business manager, for instanc e, his r eading rate was a reasonably good 182 words a minute _85_the training, now it is an excellent 1, 378 words a minute. He is delighted that now he can _86_a lot mor e reading.

67. A) applying B) doing

C) offering D) getting

68. A) quic kly B) easily

C) roughl y D) decidedly

69. A) good B) curious

C) poor D) urgent

70. A) training B) habits

C) situations D) custom

71. A) lies B) c ombines

C) touches D) involves

72. A) some B) a lot

C) little D) dull

73. A) Fortunately B) In fac t

C) U nfortunately D) Logic ally

74. A) reuse B) rer ead

C) rewrite D) r ecite

75. A) what B) which

C) that D) if

76. A) sc ales B) cuts

C) slows D) measures

77. A) someone B) one

C) he D) r eader

78. A) acc eler ator B) ac tor

C) amplifier D) obser ver

79. A) then B) as

C) beyond D) than

80. A) enabling B) leading

C) making D) indicating

81. A) comprehension B) meaning

C) gift D) c ontent

82. A) but B) nor

C) or D) for

83. A) our B) your

C) their D) such a

84. A) Look at B) Take

C) Make D) Consider

85. A) for B) in

C) after D) before

86. A) master B) go over

C) present D) get through


Part 1 作文

Part 2 快速阅读

1. B

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. the challenges of married life 9. a formal suit 10. marriage promise

Part 3 听力Section A

(11-15) CACBD (16-20) ACD AC (21-25) BBBCA

Section B

(26-30) BDCAD (31-35) BCADC

Section C

(36) damage (37) underdeveloped (38) intelligence (39) nourished

(40) cause (41) breast (42) disease (43) lack

(44) can cost developing nations up to three percent of their yearly earnings

(45) poor countries could possibly double their ec onomic gr ow th if they improved nutrition

(46) Instead of directly pr ov iding food, the study suggests educational progr ams in health and nutrition for mothers with young babies

Part 4 阅读(Reading in Depth)

Section A

47. conscious 48. per formanc e 49. linked 50. department 51. compar e

52. emotionally 53. undergoing 54. divorced55. deal 56. determine

Section B

(57-61) DDCD A (62-66) DACBA

Part 5 完型

(67-76) DACB A CCB AC; (77-86) DAD CA ACBDD

Part 6 翻译

87. Needless to say, in order to speak English well

88. aware of/conscious of how the infection happens

89. c an we tr ul y adapt to college life

90. the authority took appropriate measur es to solve the transportation problem

91. The idea that a c omputer c an identify the voic e of people


As is displayed in the tw o charts above, there is a sharp change in (变化)the students’ use of libr ar y and Internet(事件)from 2002 to 2008 (时间)in one university of Nanjing(地点)(第一句话通常进行总述). Specific ally,(具体描述)The aver age hours for use of librar y for study per week(注1)in 2002 was about twenty hours while it declines to about 12 hours per week in 2008. By contr ast, there is a fast incr ease in the average hours for students’ use of Internet for study(注2)at the same period; the aver age hours increase fr om about seven hours to about eighteen hours.

Certainl y, the large use of c omputers and Internet has contributed in a large part to the change. The w ide spread of Internet has dr aw n a large number of students from libraries to computers for their study. With the aid of computers and Internet, students can now easily get access to a variety of study materials. (评论:advantages)

While the use of Internet has brought great convenienc e to students it also highlights the problem of study efficienc y. Many students, when searching infor mation and materials on Internet, c an not truly c oncentr ate on their study. They use Internet to conduct on-line-chat, play computer games, or even w orse, to visit those unfriendly websites full of sex and v iolenc e. Befor e all these problems ar e solved, I believe, librar y would still be the best place for study. (评论:disadvantages)

范文二:Cheating in Ex ams




Tr ying to eliminate cheating has become a c ommon part of people’s life. Cheating in exams on campus has especially aroused gr eat conc ern. What amaze us most are the various reasons for cheating. Among them, to get higher scores or scholarships plays an important part. As to some students w ho ar e under gr eat pressure fr om their parents or fear to fall behind others, they are eager to get high scores in exams. As to others, they devote all the time playing and intend to pass the exams w ithout paying efforts.

When talking about how to deal w ith cheating in exams, I think both educ ation and punishment system might work. On the one hand, we should explain the harm of cheating to students. On the other hand, punishment should be given to those who are found cheating. In brief, cheating is harmful to both students and the society and we should tr y our utter most to put an end to cheating.


Section A

11. M: Before we play again, I’m going to buy a good tenn is rac ket.

W: Your shoes aren’t in ver y good shape, either.

Q: What does the w oman imply?


12. M: Have you found a partner to wor k with on biology? The lab class is tomorr ow.

W: To tell you the truth, I’ve been tied up w ith my chemistr y course this week.

Q: What c an be inferred about the woman?

【解析】选[B]。女士回答说事实上她这周一直忙着化学呢,即她还没有找到合作对象。[A]和[C]项误解了be tied up w ith的含义,分别将该短语理解为“喜欢”和“厌恶”;[D]项是说太忙而没有时间学习化学,这与女士所说的“一直忙着学习化学”相矛盾,注意too...to的表达方式。

13. M: Make thirty copies for me and twenty copies for Mr. Brown.

W: Certainl y, Sir. As soon as I finish typing the letter.

Q: What is the probable relationshi p between the tw o speakers?

【解析】选[C]。对话中的c opies和typing都是在办公室场景中出现频率非常高的词语。另外,男士的祈使语气和女士对男士的称呼(Sir)有助于判断他们的上下级关系。

14. W: It must be the first time for you to be aboar d a warship.

M: Don’t you know that I’ve been in militar y ser vice in the Navy for years?

Q: What c an we say about the man?


15. W: How did your inter v iew go?

M: I couldn’t feel worse about it. The questions were ver y fair but I seemed to find no answers for all of them.

Q: How does the man feel about the inter view?

【解析】选[B]。I c ouldn’t feel worse about it指I feel the worst,这说明男士的面视并不理想,[B]是对他心情的正确描述。比较级用于否定结构可表示“最…不过”。如Nothing better(那最好不过了)。

16. M: I can’t find my lunch box anywher e.

W: Never mind. I’ll tr eat you today.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation?


17. M: Wasn’t it terrific?

W: Well, the music was enjoyable, but the stor y didn’t make much sense to me. I still pr efer traditional dmp3a w ith st rong characters and an exciting plot.

Q: What does the w oman think of the play?


18. W: Wher e have you been all this time? The train is about to leave!

M: Sorr y I’m late, but I was waiting for you at the infomp3ation desk upstairs. It’s lucky I thought to look for you here on the platfomp3.

Q: Where did the man think they were supposed to meet?


Conversation One

W: Excuse me, are you going to buy that book?

M: Well, I need it for a class but it’s awfully expensive.

W: O h, we must be in the same class. Introduction to British Liter ature?

M: Yes, that’s the one. Wer e you there yester day for the first class?

W: I sure was. Pr ofessor Robert really seems to know his subjec t.

M: Yes, I took his Shakespear e course last semester and it was ver y good. He likes listeni ng to his students.

W: That’s a r elief. I’m a biology major and I was a little uncertain about taking an English c ourse.

M: I’m an English major and this is a requir ed course. But now I’m in trouble because I’m not sure I c an afford this book.

W: Hey, I’ve got an idea. W hy don’t we split the cost and share the b ook?

M: Sounds great. Do you live on campus?

W: Yeah, I live on the 10th floor of Butler Hall.

M: Perfect. I live on the 3rd floor of Butler. We should have no tr ouble sharing the book. I c an bring it up to your room right after I wrap up the assignment.

W: It’s a deal.

Questions 19 to 21 ar e based on the passage you have just hear d.

19. W here is the conver sation most probably taking plac e?

【解析】选[A]。分析选项发现四个选项均是由表示方位的介宾短语“in+名词”构成,表明本题考查的是对地点的判断,我们可以根据行为活动和代表性的词语来判断地点。对话一开始女士的buy that book即表明对话发生在书店内。而图书馆一般与借书、还书有关。

20. W hich class ar e the man and the woman taking together?

【解析】选[C]。四个选项的内容在录音中都有提及,关键是听清题目问的是男士和女士一起讨论的是什么课。回忆女士所说的in the same class 和Introduction to English Literature以及男士的肯定回答Yes可以得出答案。

21. W hat does the man think about Pr ofessor Robert?

【解析】选[D]。根据[B]、[C]、[D]可以推断He指的是一个老师或者教授。录音中提到了Professor Robert,女士说Pr ofessor Robert really seems to know his subject,男士肯定了女士的说法,说Pr ofessor Robert的课ver y good并且喜欢listening to his students,由此可以判断Pr ofessor Robert 是一个优秀的教授。

Conversation Tw o

M: You should have seen the line at the housing offic e. It took me an hour to make my domp3itor y deposit for next year. Have you made yours yet? W: No, I’m not sure I’m going to.

M: There’s not much time left. The deadline’s May 1. That is just two weeks from now. A r e you short of c ash?

W: No, I’m Okay.

M: You’d better hurr y up if you want a domp3 room next September. There aren’t enough rooms for ever y one, and first year stu dents have priority.

W: Well, I’ve been thinking about living of f c ampus.

M: Have you any idea of how much that w ould cost? Ther e is the r ent, utilities, and you’d pr obably need a car.

W: I know it would be mor e expensive. I think I can handle it though. The domp3 is just so noisy that I c an’t get anything do ne. Maybe my grades would be better if I had some peace and quiet in a place of my own.

M: You should study in the librar y the way I do. Think of the money you’d save.

W: I’ve got to think it over some more. There’s still two weeks left in April.

Questions 22 to 25 ar e based on the c onversation you have just heard.

22. W hat are the speakers disc ussing?


23. W hat must a person do in or der to live in a university house?

【解析】选[A]。对话中男士说You’d better hurr y up if you want a room next September,而从前面的对话内容(make my domp3itor y deposit for next year)可知男士说的hurr y up指的是赶紧去交domp3itor y deposit,由此可知如果要住学校的房子,就要付一些钱给housing office,故选[A]。

24. W here do the two speakers live now?


25. W hat does the man seem to be conc erned about?

【解析】选[D]。从男士的话Think of the money you’d save可以判断他关心的是money,因此答案选[D]。[A] Gr ades是女士关心的问题。[B]和[C]两项对话中未谈及。


英语专业四级考试真题及答案(完整版) TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2013) —GRADE FOUR— TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.


大学英语四级专项训练——选词填空 (一) Americans are proud of their variety and individualty, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform. Why are uniforms so __1__ in the United States Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more __2__ than civilian(百姓的)clothes. People have become conditioned to __3__ superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to __4__ more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the __5__ of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What an easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to __6__ professional identity(身份)than to step out of uniform Uniforms also have many __7__ benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes. Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of __8__ experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without __9__, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act __10__, on the job at least. [A]skill [B]popular [C]get [D]change [E]similarly 、[F]professional [G]character [H]individuality [I] inspire [J] differently [K]expect [L]practical [M] recall [N] lose [O] ordinary (二) 、 Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can __1__ performance at work and school. Cognitive( 认识派的) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on __2__ and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, __3__ among educators. But the careful use of small __4__ rewards speaks creativity in grade school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements( 刺激) indeed __5__inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. “If kids know they’re working f or a reward and can focus on a relatively __6__ task, they show the most creativity,” says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But it’s easy to __7__ creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.


英语四级作文万能模板及范文(多种版)Argumentation型 1) some, others, I 型 (1)模版一 There is no consensus among the people as to the view of ______ ___ (主题). Some people hold the idea that _______________________ (观点A). A case in point is that _____________________________ (支持观点A的例子). On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. Acco rding to them, ______________ (观点B). The most typical example is that __________ (支持观点B的例子). Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is more convinc ing. (2)模版二 ___________ (主题) is a common occurrence in our lives. The att itudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people te nd to ______________ when they are asked _________________ (观点A) because _______________________ (支持观点A的原因). The most typical example is that ____________________________ (支持观点A的例子).

专业英语四级 227

专业英语四级-227 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、(总题数:40,分数:100.00) 1.More and more advanced farm machines ______, the agricultural production increased tremendously. (分数: 2.50) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8113689350.html,ing B.having used C.having been used √ D.to have been used 解析:[考点] 考查独立主格结构。 2.She never laughed, ______ lose her temper. (分数:2.50) A.nor she ever did B.or she ever did C.or did she ever D.nor did she ever √ 解析:[考点] 考查倒装句。 3.______ with the developed areas, peoples living standard of this province is not high at all. (分数:2.50) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8113689350.html,pare B.While comparing C.When compared √ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8113689350.html,paring 解析:[考点] 考查省略句。 4.Which sentence of the following is correct? (分数:2.50) A.A group of soldiers marched forward, with guns holding in hand. B.A group of soldiers marched forward, guns holding in hand. C.A group of soldiers marched forward, with guns to be held in hand. D.A group of soldiers marched forward, guns held in hand. √ 解析:[考点] 考查伴随状语。 5.If the earth suddenly ______ spinning, we would all fly off it. (分数:2.50) A.had stopped B.stopped √ C.has stopped D.would stop 解析:[考点] 考查虚拟语气。 6.Look at these clouds. (分数:2.50) A.It will rain


2011年6月大学英语四级真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday. While elderly people __47__ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) __48__ effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research. Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping __49__ straight through the night. More sleep in old age, however, is __50__ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more __51__ if they slept for longer periods, he said. “The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to __52__ well does not change,” Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego. “It's __53__ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were __54__. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from __55__ to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's __56__ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.” 答案Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) 47 N tend 48 L negative 49 H efficiently 50 B associated 51 A alert 52 J function/ 53 F definitely 54 O younger 55 E continuing56 G different 文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间? 2010年12月英语四级考试真题 Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage. What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology


写作模板1——现象描述 Nowadays, family of only child is very popular among China. Many parents and grandparents do very thing for their children. Such deeds make their children dependent. Thus, how to help the children become independent has become an important problem. Nowadays, English learning is very popular among Chinese students. Many students do not pay enough attention to spelling. Such deeds make them unable to study English well. PS: Nowadays →in the past decades, in recent years, popular→popularity is very popular →has gained great/wide popularity Many →the vast majority of make their children dependent →deprive children of opportunities to grow independence help the children become independent → cultivate children’s independence an important problem →a matter of concern In the past decades, family of only child has gained great/wide popularity among Chinese society. The vast majority of parents, grandparents spoil their children by making every effort to help them: from doing laundry to job hunting. Such deeds deprive children of opportunities to grow independence. Thus how to cultivate children’s independence has become a matter of concern. In recent years, English learning has gained great/wide popularity among Chinese students. The vast majority of students neglect spelling during their English learning. Such deeds deprive students of opportunities to study English well. 写作模板2——危害分析 There are several bad efforts of free admission to museums. Firstly, free admission to museum attracts many visitors. Workers should work harder; secondly, free admission may influence the income of the museum; finally, it may hurt the protection the cultural heritage. PS: bad efforts →negative effects which we can not turn a blind eye to firstly, secondly, finally →To start with, in addition, moreover influence →exercise a profound influence upon hurt →lead to irreversible harm in protection →preservation There are several negative effects of free admission to museums which we can not turn a blind eye to. To start with, free admission attracts a large number of visitors, which incurs much heavier workload of workers there; in addition, free admission may exercise a profound influence upon finance of the museums; moreover, the free admission may lead to irreversible harm in the preservation of cultural heritage. There are several negative effects of the use of plastic bags which we can not


解码英语专业四级和专业八级考试 作者:唐静文章来源:北京新东方学校点击数:1629 更新时间:2006-6-29 11:28:05 【字体:小大】 英语专业学生的考试(TEM, Test for English Majors),它是由国家教育部下属的英语专业教学指导委员会组织实施,主要针对我国英语专业学生的考试,考试证书由教育部颁发,所以具有很高的权威性。 由于其指向性几乎是只对英语专业的学生开放,只有少数非英语专业的学生能够在自己学校许可的情况下参加,专四和专八证书在目前各种英语水平测试中就显得更加神秘。在2004年公布的修订后的高校英语专业四级和八级考试大纲中,考试难度的增加,让专四和专八考试更显得高深莫测。 本文的主要目的是对英语专业考试进行一个简单的介绍,并且试图对专四和专八本身的变化进行对比,同时还试图比较英语专业考试和大学英语考试,让大家对英语专业学生的考试有一个初步了解,从而揭开英语专业考试的神秘面纱。 一、解码 1.专四考试的题型介绍 专四考试主要检测英语专业基础阶段(即英语专业大二下期)学生的水平,主要考查学生英语听、说、读、写等英语基本功。 根据2004年最新修订后的《高校英语专业四级考试大纲》,专四整个考试所需要的时间是130分钟,试卷总分140分,评分时采用记权分式,把得分折算为百分制,以60分为及格标准。考试共分听写、听力理解、完形填空、语法和词汇、阅读理解、写作六个部分。试卷上题型、题数、计分和做题时间如下表:

2.专八考试的题型介绍 专八考试主要针对英语专业高年级阶段(即英语专业大四下期)学生的水平,不但考查学生语言基本功,还要考查学生“学习英语专业知识和相关专业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增加对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的能力”。也就是说,不但要考查学生英语的“听、说、读、写”的基本功,还要考查学生对“英汉互译,英语国家概况,语言学,文学”等各个方面的知识。 根据2004年最新修订后的《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》,专四整个考试所需要的时间是185分钟,试卷总分100分,评分时采用记权分式,把得分折算为百分制,以60分为及格标准。考试共分听力理解、阅读理解、人文知识、改错、翻译和写作六个部分。试卷上题型、题数、计分和做题时间如下表:


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8113689350.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转)around the earth. An 71 7% did not know which revolved around 72. I have no doubt that 73 all of these people were 74 in school that the earth revolves around the sun; 75 may even have written it 76 at test. But they never 77 their incorrect mental models of planetary (行星的) 78 because their every day observations didn’t support 79 their teachers told them: People see the sun moving 80 the sky as morning turns to night,and the earth seems stationary (静止的) 81 that is happening. Students can learn the right answers 82 heart in class,and yet never combined them 83 their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the 84 personal understanding of the world can 85 side by side,each unaffected by the other. Outside of class,the student continues to use the 86 model because it has always worked well 87 that circumstance. Unless professors address 88 errors in students’personal models of the world,students are not 89 to replace them with the 90 one. 71.A.excessive B. extraC. additionalD. added 72.A.what B. whichC. thatD. other 73.A.virtually B. remarkablyC. ideallyD. preferably 74.A.learned B. suggestedC. taughtD. advised 75.A.those B. theseC. whoD. they 76.A.on B. withC. underD. for 77.A.formed B. alteredC. believedD. thought 78.A.operation B. positionC. motionD. location 79.A.how B. whichC. thatD. what 80.A.around B. acrossC. onD. above 81.A.since B. soC. whileD. for 82.A.to B. byC. inD. with 83.A.with B. intoC. toD. along 84.A.adult’s B. teacher’sC. scientist’sD. student’s 85.A.exist B. occurC. surviveD. maintain 86.A.private B. individualC. personalD. own 87.A.in B. withC. onD. for 88.A.general B. naturalC. similarD. specific 89.A.obliged B. likelyC. probableD. partial 90.A.perfectB. betterC. reasonableD. correct 【答案】: 71.C72.B73.A74.C75.D76.A77.B78.C79.D80.B 81.C82.B 83.A84.D85.A86.C87.A88.D89.B90.D 【答案解析】: 71.C四个答案都有“额外”的意思,但各有偏重。A重在表达“过量、超过正常的部分”;B是“在一类事物之外的额外部分”;D是“外加的”。因此只有C答案符合本题要求:“另外有7%的人不知道是谁绕着谁转。”


英语四级作文万能模板 英语四级作文万能模板:解决方法题型 1.问题现状; 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点)。 In recent days, we have to face I problem—A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, …(说明A的现状). Second, …(举例进一步说明现状). Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, …(解决方法一). For another, …(解决方法二). Finally, …(解决方法三). Personally, I believe that …(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because …(带来的好处). 英语四级作文万能模板:对比选择型 When it comes to …, different people hold different views. Some contend that …. For one thing, …. For another, …. In spite of all these claims, others maintain that …, They point out that …. Another instance often cited is that …. It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, there’s some truth to both arguments. It’s advisable to …. 英语四级作文万能模板:说明利弊题型 说明利弊这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测)。 1.说明事物现状; 2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面); 3.你对现状(或前景)的看法。 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First, …(A的优点之一). Besides, …(A的优点之二). But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that …(A的第一个缺点). To make matters worse, …(A的第二个缺点). Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to …(我的看法). 〖From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, …(对前景的预测)〗 英语四级作文万能模板:现象解释型 Recently, …. What amazes us most is …. It is true that …. There are many reasons explaining …. The main reason is …, What is more, …, Thirdly, …. As a result, …. Considering all these, …. For one thing, …. For another, …. In conclusion, ….


英语专业四级考试真题 PART III CLOZE 【15 MIN】 Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks.Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. The earthquake of 26th December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory.It was a (31) _____ underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean.It (32) ____ coastlines,communities and brought death to many people. Why do earthquakes happen? The surface of the earth has not always looked as it does today;it is moving(33)____ (although very slowly)and has done so for billions of years.This is one(34)____ of earthquakes,when one section of the earth (tectonic plate)(35)____ another.Scientists can predict where but not(36)____ this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line.On one fault line in Kobe,Japan in 1923 over 200,000 people were killed.(37)____,earthquakes do not always happen on fault lines,(38)____ is why they are so dangerous and (39)____. Where do volcanoes happen? Volcanoes happen where the earth's(40)____ is thin:lava,dust and gases(41)____ from beneath the earth.They can rise into a huge cone shape like a mountain and erupt,(42)____ they can be so violent(43)____ they just explode directly from the earth with no warning.There are 1511(44)'____' volcanoes in the world.This means that they may(45)____ be dangerous.In 1985 the Colombian volcano Nevado del Ruiz erupted.The lava melted a glacier and sent tones of mud(46)____ the town below.Twenty thousand people died.Natural disasters like volcanic eruptions are often unpredictable.We regularly do not know when they(47)____ pen,or (48)____ where they will happen.In the future,scientists may be able to watch and predict(49)____ before they happen.This could(50)____ many lives. 31.A.massive B.significant C.great D.grand 32.A.changed B.converted C.destroyed D.transformed 33.A.frequently B.continuously C.regularly D.periodically 34.A.source B.reason C.movement D.cause 35.A.collides with B.confronts with C.meets with D.faces with 36.A.how B.why C.when D.what


Cannes Film Festival, the most prestigious motion picture festival in the world, held each May in 1. ______ the resort city of Cannes, in southeast France. The Cannes Film Festival was conceived at the end of 1938 as a reaction of reports that the Venice Film 2. ______ Festival became a platform for fascist propaganda. 3. ______ Due to World War II (1939 1945) however, the first Cannes Film Festival was not held till 1946. 4. ______ Internationalism and postwar optimism characterized the first festival, although organizers placed less emphasis on 5. ______ competition as on mutual creative stimulation between 6. ______ national productions. In later years the selection, by juries, of entries for prizes was reflected more commercial 7. ______ interests and the festival soon acquired its current reputation as a fashionable professional event, more concerning with advancing the film industry than 8. ______ the art of film . French director Francois Truffaut addressed these issues in 1956 which he exposed the 9. ______ festival’s political intrigues and promotional deals, and predicted its commercial demise. The festival survived, however and in 1959, Truffaut himself was awarded the prize for best screenplay for Les Quatre Cents Coups (The Four Hundred Blows, 1959). In spite its ever present financial interests and political 10. ______ overtones, the Cannes Film Festival remains an essential showcase for international cinema. 答案部分 1. 【参考答案】将held改为is held。 【参考译文】戛纳电影节是世界上最有声望的电影节。每年5月在法国南部的旅游胜地戛纳举行。 【详细解答】英语中动词不定式,现在分词与过去分词都属非谓语动词,不能单独构成谓语,但都可以用作状语。所以,在改错时应特别当心,注意判断其与主句的关系,到底是主

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