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1、Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.- _____________________

A:That's right.

B:Thanks a lot.


D:It's a pleasure.

答案: C

2、Did you use to play the piano?- _____________________ A:Yes, I do.

B:No, I didn't.

C:Yes, I play it every day.

D:No, I do.

答案: B

3、-- How do you do? Glad to meet you.-- _________

A:Fine. How are you?

B:How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.

C:How are you? Thank you!

D:Nice. How are you?

答案: B

4、- Hello, may I talk to the director now?- _________

A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment.

B:No, you can't.

C:Sorry, you can't.

D:I don't know.

答案: A

5、I'm going to Beijing next week, you know it's one of the most beautiful cities in China.- _____________________.

A:Enjoy yourself

B:It's a pleasure

C:Good luck

D:very good

答案: A


1、It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become "in". Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4:30 pm, college television lounges are filled with soap opera fans who can't wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.

Actually, soaps are more than a college favorite; they're a youth favorite. When school is out, high-school students are in front of their TV sets. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. During the 1960's, it was uncommon for young people to watch soap operas. The mood of the sixties was very different from now. It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.

Now, seriousness has been replaced by fun. Young people want to be happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people's lives. But soap opera is enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age

viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap opera gives young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.

(1)、What is soap opera?

A:Plays based on science fiction stories.

B:Plays based on non-fiction stories.

C:The daytime serial dramas on TV.

D:Popular documentary films on TV.

答案: C

(2)、What can be the best title of the passage?

A:College student viewers.

B:Favorite TV serials.

C:Soap opera fans.

D:College-age viewers.

答案: C

(3)、Which is NOT the reason why the soap opera has suddenly become "in" among American young people ?

A:Because the viewers want to be happy and to enjoy themselves.

B:Because the soap opera makes young people feel close to their people.

C:Because the viewers can find themselves in the soap opera characters.

D:Because the young people have to bear the responsibilities for their troubles.

答案: D

(4)、What can we learn from the passage? _________

A:College students like soap operas more than any other social groups.

B:Young people of sixties liked soap operas more than people today.

C:young viewers have turned themselves from the seriousness of sixties to enjoyment now.

D:The young as a whole are trying to look for happy love but in vain.

答案: C

(5)、What message does the author want to convey to us?


A:The people's favorites to drama works have been changed for a long time.

B:The people's favorites to drama works change along with the times.

C:The people's favorites to drama works is changed by the soap opera.

D:The people's favorites have changed the drama works. 答案: B

2、By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most for the benefits of others - they are people against whom we measure others. They are men and women recognized for shaping our nation's consciousness and development as well as the lives of those who admire them. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us - an artifact of the past. Some maintain, that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace, our age is essentially an unheroic one.

Furthermore, the overall crime rate is down, poverty has been eased by a strong and growing economy, and advances continue to be made in medical science.

Cultural icons are hard to define, but we know them when we see them. They are people who manage to go beyond celebrity (明星), who are legendary, who somehow mange to become mythic. But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? That's hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story to tell. For instance, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, renounced marriage and the throne, and died at the moment she found true love. Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. But nothing confirms an icon more than a tragic death - such as Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.

(1)、The passage mainly deals with ______.

A:life and death

B:heroes and heroines

C:heroes and icons

D:icons and celebrities

答案: C

(2)、Heroes and heroines are usually _________.




D:all of the above

答案: D

(3)、Which of the following statements is wrong?


A:Poverty in America has been eased with the economic growth.

B:Superstars are famous for being famous.

C:One's look can contribute to being famous.

D:Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times.

答案: D

(4)、Beautiful young Diana Spencer found her genuine


A:when she was 19

B:when she became a princess

C: just before her death

D:after she gave birth to a prince

答案: C

(5)、What is more likely to set an icon's status? ________

A:Good looks.

B:Tragic and early death.

C:Personal attraction.

D:The quality of one's story.

答案: B


1、Will you_________ me a favor, please?





答案: A

2、People at the party worried about him, because no one was

aware ____ he had gone.

A:of where

B:of the place where


D:the place

答案: A

3、You'll find this map of great _______in helping you to get around Beijing.





答案: C

4、He likes to swim _______.

A:and to play football

B:and playing football

C:but play football

D:and he also likes playing football

答案: A

5、On ________ side of the street there are some trees.





答案: B


1、Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time __21__ left unchecked. There is overwhelming scientific evidence, __22__ shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四次评估报告的综合报告)of the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 政府间气

候变化专门委员会(IPCC), that climate change will threaten __23__ growth and long-term prosperity, as well as the very survival of the most vulnerable populations. IPCC projections indicate that if emissions continue to rise at their current __24__ and are allowed to double from their pre-industrial level, the world will face an average temperature__25__ of around 3°C this century. Serious impacts are associated __26__ this scenario (情景), including sea-level rise, shifts in growing seasons, and an __27__ frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods and droughts.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December in 2009 offers a __28__ opportunity to step up international action on climate change. A Copenhagen deal is __29__ the global transition into green economic growth, and, most urgently, to help the world, especially the most vulnerable, to adapt to impacts __30__ are now inevitable.






答案: A






答案: B






答案: D






答案: C






答案: B






答案: A


A:being increased B:increased



答案: D






答案: B






答案: C



B:of which



答案: A


(1)、A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.

(2)、All that glitters is not gold.

(3)、In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger.




明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the Science Museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)。具体内容如下:






要求:1. 不要逐句翻译;2. 词数80个左右。

Fellow students,

_____________________________________Thank you!


第一级别:中船重工701所;中船重工709所;中船重工710所(宜昌);武汉南瑞;中国外汇交易中心武汉分中心;华中电网有限公司。 701和709属于中船重工集团总体所,下面的几个所是系统所。总体所的待遇自然比系统所要好得多。传闻(是传闻,后面的工资部分都是传闻)博士去这两个所待遇超好,起薪10万以上,最大的优势是可以直接在武汉分房,各种福利就不多说了。硕士待遇可能差点,不过据说买房子也蛮便宜,光谷核心地带房价8k5每平,他可以直接1k到2k每平买入。不好的地方是工作累,有可能周六日都加班;再者可能出来也不太方便了,不过由于是军工所,说不定在里面待久了就不愿意出来了。709比701稍好。701所做舰船,719所太神秘不晓得做什么。据说这两个所也是做航母的,据说哈,呵呵。710所也是总体所,虽然在宜昌,但是武-宜高铁开通之后,武汉到宜昌也就1到2个小时了。 清华的一个师兄去年签了武汉南瑞,起薪可以给到9W。之所以把这个公司排在第一级别,是由于他家后台是国家电网。而且福利超好。据这儿师兄说,他签南瑞那天开始,南瑞按照实习生待遇一直给他发工资到他毕业,他不用直接去南瑞上班。不足的地方是,做销售可能会不太好。 中国外汇交易中心武汉分公司不是直接招人的,华中电网有限公司是国家电网的五大网局调度中心之一。这两个公司都很神秘,待遇自不必言。 第二级别:华为武研所;中船重工712所,717所,719所,722所; 说实话,第二级别真的不好定,个人一直以为,华为要比中兴的工作好,华为每年销售额高中兴太多。能够安心于一家中国的私企做技术,并且不用靠关系,几年之后年薪能够达到30W甚至更多,华为武研所真是给回武汉的人一个最好的借口。还是个人认为,华为武研所比后面几个中船重工所要略好。华为的工资大家都晓得,就不说了。需要注意的是,进华为武研所之后可能会去深圳先培训半年。后面几个所同样是博士待遇超好,硕士待遇稍微差些。712所,主要是电力为主,极少招计算机与通信;717所主要搞的是光电;719所貌似计算机的好进;709所主要是计算机,待遇好像是起薪8W左右。这几个所都属于中船重工体系中的系统所,719所比其他几个所稍好。把这几个所排入第二等级主要是由于它们的福利都不错,而且稳定。 第三级别:中兴武研所;光讯;长飞光缆;MTK武汉;华讯武汉;联发科技武汉;建行武汉研究所;惠普;威盛; 真的委屈中兴了,但是由于华为确实比中兴好(个人意见),故而只好把你排入第三级别了。中兴的待遇大家都知道,年终奖是0-13个月的工资,得到的消息是中兴不用加班。光讯这两年发展很快,属于烽火集团下面不错的单位,待遇第二年达到10W,其中工资:奖金== 1:1,所以看起来在光讯长期待下去真不错。长飞光缆大家可能都不太了解,据我的一个亲戚讲,这个公司的起步待遇不比华为差。MTK武汉不太了解,大家可以补充,感觉和华讯武汉一个级别。华讯武汉研究生工资是15*7k,华讯去年还来北邮宣讲过。联发科技武汉待遇是7500每月。这个公司在武汉刚刚成立,11年招第一批员工。之所以把一个银行给排进来,是因为这个银行在武汉有一个研究所,跟其他银行在武汉只有一个分公司不一样。银行体系的工资不好猜,所以就不猜了~惠普是我唯一排进来的一个外企,因为这个外企在武汉是招人做技术的,而不是一个办事处。威盛不太了解,大家补充~


大学英语自学教程下 大学英语自学教程是由北大、清华、人大等名校百名命题专家,严格按照最新自考大纲及最新教材精心编写而成的。下面是给大家整理的大学英语自学教程下,供大家参阅! 大学英语自学教程内容简介 1. 本系列试卷由北大、清华、人大等名校百名命题专家,严格按照最新自考大纲及最新教材精心编写而成,并辅以部分阅卷教师的指点和参与,从而有着极强的标准性、权威性、预测性; 2. 本系列试卷注重考前模拟循序渐进、阶次提高,从而逐步进入最佳临战状态;本套试卷共十份,建议每周做一份,切忌一曝十寒; 3. 最好按正式考试时间(上午或下午,150分钟)不间断地独自完成所有试题,尽量不要超过时间,不要急于看答案,以达到真正的模拟考核; 4. 做完一套试题后,请对照试卷后的答案及评分标准给自己评定一个分数,最后认真研究试题解析,弄懂每一道题的解题思路,不要背题目、背答案,题目做错了,要深究做错的原因,同样的错误只允许犯一次,最好找到教材或同步辅导的相关章节进行有针对地复习,以达到举一反三、融会贯通效果; 5. 本系列试卷为完全标准预测,分值权重、题型题量、题的难易度、时间安排等均与最新真题一致,所以考生在进行自测时,最好有意识地调整做题心态,以逐步养成良好的考场状态; 6. 考生应及时总结每套试卷在模拟考核中的得与失,力争做一套就有收获,每做一套就有提高,日积月累,就会有质的突破; 7. 本系列试卷后附有最新真题及答案,考生可在做完预测试卷后,试着做真题,逐步掌握考试命题规律,以便在考场上能做到驾轻就熟,成竹在胸。 大学英语自学教程下册 A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them. Thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management. Almost everything a manager does involves decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. Although managers cannot predict the future, many of their decisions require that they consider possible


目录 1 引言 (2) 1.1 研究背景 (3) 1.2 研究对象与方法 (3) 1.2.1 研究对象 (3) 1.2.2 研究方法 (3) 2 中国银行广州分行个人理财产品营销现状 (4) 2.1 中国银行广州分行简介 (4) 2.2 中国银行广州分行个人理财销售概况 (5) 2.3 中国银行广州分行个人理财产品的现有营销策略 (5) 2.3.1 中国银行广州分行个人理财销售的产品策略 (6) 2.3.2 中国银行广州分行个人理财销售的渠道策略 (6) 2.3.3 中国银行广州市分行促销策略 (9) 3 中国银行广州分行个人理财产品营销策略存在的主要问题 (10) 3.1高学历营销人才缺乏 (10) 3.2 理财产品自身局限 (10) 3.3 营销渠道建设不完善 (11) 3.4 理财产品营销手段单一 (11) 4 促进中国银行广州分行个人理财产品营销的对策 (12) 4.1 提高中国银行广州分行个人理财产品服务人员水平 (12)

4.2 重视客户群体,做到无差别对待 (12) 4.3 解决个人理财产品同质化问题 (12) 5 结论 (13) 参考文献 (13) 摘要 本文使用文献资料法、调查法、定性分析法和逻辑分析法作为主要研究方法,对中国银行广州市分行的个人理财产品营销现状进行调查研究,发现其营销策略现状,探究其市场营销环境,并利用相关的市场营销理论进行分析。进而探究中国银行广州市分行的个人理财产品的营销现状以及发现其在营销过程中存在的不足,为中国银行广州市分行促进个人理财产品的销售提供一定的参考。 关键词:中国银行;个人理财;调查研究 Abstract This paper uses literature, survey, qualitative analysis and logic analysis as the main research methods to investigate the current situation of personal wealth management products marketing of Bank of China Guangzhou Branch, and discover the current status of its marketing strategy and explore its marketing environment. And use relevant marketing theories for analysis. Furthermore, it explores the marketing status of personal wealth management products of Bank of China Guangzhou Branch and discovers its shortcomings in the marketing process, which provides a reference for the Bank of China Guangzhou Branch to promote the sales of personal wealth management products. Key words:Bank of China; personal finance; investigation and research 1引言


武汉,简称“汉”,湖北省省会,副省级市,是中国国家区域中心城市。武汉位于中国腹地中心、长江与汉江交汇处、江汉平原东部,是中部六省唯一的副省级城市,也是国务院批准的中部地区中心城市。武汉也是世界各大城市中人均拥有水量最多的城市。武汉是中国重要的科研教育基地、中国高等教育最发达的城市之一,仅次于北京、上海的中国第三大科教中心城市,武汉高等院校众多,在校大学生118.33万人,是全世界在校大学生人数最多的城市。 武汉由武昌、汉口和汉阳三镇组成全市总面积8494平方公里,常住人口1002万人(2011年),华中地区最大的城市。武汉是长江中游的咽喉,南北交通的枢纽,素有“九省通衢”之称。武汉既是一个历史悠久的古城,又是一个富有光荣革命传统的名城。 武昌的历史最悠久,迄今她有一千七百多年的沧桑历程。据考,武昌最早有城,始于三国时期东吴黄武二年(公元223年)。是年吴主孙权在江夏山(今蛇山)东北筑土石城,取名夏口城。汉代设有沙羡(音夷)县,治涂口(今江夏区金口)。至晋武帝以后,沙羡县治移至夏口城,故武昌一度称为沙羡县。后来因辖区扩大又改称汝南县。南朝宋孝建元年(公元454年),孝武帝在夏口设置郢州,并在夏口城的基础上进行城垣的修葺和扩建,这就是古郢州城,至今遗址尚存。武昌在那时又称为郢城。齐梁时期,梁将曹景宗(后任郢州剌史)攻打郢城,在紫金山与小龟山北筑土石城堡,此堡北临沙湖,南距郢城约二里,后世称为“曹公城”。隋开皇九年(公元589年),隋文帝改郢州称鄂州,改汝南县为江夏县。州、县治所均设于城内。自此武昌又有鄂州、江夏县之称。唐敬宗宝历元年(公元825年),牛僧孺为武昌军节度使,改建鄂州城。1937年改称武昌市。中华人民共和国成立后,与汉阳、汉口合为武汉市。 武昌城也是一座具有革命意义的名城。是一部中国近现代史、中共党史的缩写。公元1911年10月10日,武昌历史上最为使人振聋发聩的一场大变革辛亥革命爆发。从武昌红楼到全国,从中国到世界,都为之振奋了辛亥革命的反清枪声划破长空,武昌首义一举成功。武昌记下了中国近代史中最光辉的一笔!千年睡狮,发出惊天动地的怒吼。1920年,武昌城又用重笔书写了光辉千秋的另一章。董必武、陈潭秋等早期共产党人在武昌建立了湖北第一个共产主义小组。 汉口以前并不叫汉口,叫江夏。江夏这地方在汉水、长江交汇之处,水上交通极为方便,大约在清朝康熙年间,各地的生意人纷纷来到江夏做买卖,这里就渐渐繁荣起来。由于交通条件,来江夏做生意的大部分是本省的商人;外来客商中,要算陕西来的商人最多。因为,江夏是汉水流入长江的出口处,而汉水的发源地又正好在陕西,因此,陕西的商人来江夏比较方便。当时在他们中间流传这样一首歌谣:“要做生意你莫愁,拿好本钱备小舟,顺着汉水往下走,生意兴隆算汉口。”陕西人就开始把江夏叫汉口。久而久之,这种叫法渐渐成了习惯,都觉得比叫江夏更为合适,最后江夏这个称呼晓得的人倒不多了。 汉阳和武昌筑城起始于同一时期,约有1800年历史。历史上,汉口,汉阳有相当长的一段时间是同步发展的。直至明代成化十年(公元1474年)汉水改道从龟山北麓入江以后,汉口才独立发展,仅有500多年的历史。汉阳、汉口很早就筑有城墙,分别被当作过县治之所在。汉阳一名的来历与汉水密切相关,古语“水北为阳,山南为阳”,古时汉阳在汉水之北,龟山之南,又因得日照多的地方也称阳,故名汉阳。公元606年,隋朝大业二年,改汉津县为汉阳县,汉阳名称自此开始。唐代将县治移至汉阳市区后,才迅速发展起来。 汉阳,特别是鹦鹉洲一带,历来是长江中游商船集散的地方。唐宋元明各朝代,商业手工业很是繁华。同时,汉阳还是游览胜地,位于汉阳的归元寺是武汉市佛教丛林保护得最好的一处,为湖北省重点文物保护单位。 东湖是武汉的一个大型综合风景区,位于武昌之东。它虽不如杭州西湖那么著名,但面积比西湖大,湖水比西湖清澈,有着十分美好的发展前景。东湖湖岸曲折绵长,向有九十九

大学英语自学教程下 大学英语自学

大学英语自学教程下大学英语自学 大学英语自学教程是由北大、清华、人大等名校百名命题专家,严格按照最新自考大纲及最新教材精心编写而成的。下面是给大家的大学英语自学教程下,供大家参阅! 1. 本系列试卷由北大、清华、人大等名校百名命题专家,严格按照最新自考大纲及最新教材精心编写而成,并辅以部分阅卷教师的指点和参与,从而有着极强的标准性、权威性、预测性; 2. 本系列试卷注重考前模拟循序渐进、阶次提高,从而逐步进入最佳临战状态;本套试卷共十份,建议每周做一份,切忌一曝十寒; 3. 最好按正式考试时间(上午或下午,150分钟)不间断地独自完成所有试题,尽量不要超过时间,不要急于看答案,以达到真正的模拟考核; 4. 做完一套试题后,请对照试卷后的答案及评分标准给自己评定一个分数,最后认真研究试题解析,弄懂每一道题的解题思路,不要背题目、背答案,题目做错了,要深究做错的原因,同样的错误只允许犯一次,最好找到教材或同步辅导的相关章节进行有针对地复习,以达到“举一反三、融会贯通”效果;

5. 本系列试卷为完全标准预测,分值权重、题型题量、题的难易度、时间安排等均与最新真题一致,所以考生在进行自测时,最好有意识地调整做题心态,以逐步养成良好的考场状态; 6. 考生应及时总结每套试卷在模拟考核中的得与失,力争做一套就有收获,每做一套就有提高,日积月累,就会有质的突破; 7. 本系列试卷后附有最新真题及答案,考生可在做完预测试卷后,试着做真题,逐步掌握考试命题规律,以便在考场上能做到驾轻就熟,成竹在胸。 A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achieve organizational goals and objectives. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of aomplishing them. Thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management. Almost everything a manager does involves decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. Although managers cannot predict the future,


第一套 一、选择题,每题1分,共40分。 1.广州市地下铁道总公司成立于() A.1992年12月28日 B.1997年4月9日 C.1998年7月28日 D.1995年4月10日 2.广州地铁现口号是() A.地铁,为广州提速 B.新生活干线 C.全程为您 3.广州地铁是中国()城市轨道交通系统 A.第二大 B. 第三大 C.第四大 4.广州地铁现线路总长是() A.500公里 B.244公里 C.260.5公里 5.以下部门中,广州市地下铁道总公司没有的是() A.建设事业总部 B.房地产事业总部 C.工程技术研究部 D.运营事业总部 6.广州地铁的服务理念是() A.您安心,我用心 B.号码更短,服务更好 C.热烈庆祝广州地铁六号线首期开通 D.安全,快捷,准点,舒适 7.三号线列车在()之前使用三节车厢 A.2002年12月29日 B.2003年6月28日 C.2006年12月30日 D.2010年4月27日 8.广州地铁第一个换乘站是() A.昌岗 B.客村 C.公园前 D.海珠广场 9.二号线首列车于()运抵广州 A.1999年6月28日 B.2002年12月1日 C.1997年7月2日 D.2002年11月29日 10.一号线()全线开通 A.1992年12月28日 B.1997年4月9日 C.1999年6月28日 D.1997年7月2日 11.六号线首期不可换乘以下哪条线路?() A.1号线 B.2号线 C.3号线 D.7号线

12.四号线的车辆段是() A.西朗车辆段 B.大洲车辆段 C.新造车辆段 D.鱼珠车辆段 13.大学城北站有多少个出入口? A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 14.五号线杨箕站使用()换乘一号线 A.站厅换乘 B.同站台换乘 C.通道换乘 15.公园前站有多少个出入口? A.10个 B.12个 C.13个 D.15个 16.二十一号线线路为() A.朝阳—象颈岭 B.广州北站—广汽基地 C.天河公园—增城广场 D.飞鹅岭—高增 17.以下车站中,不属于三号线的是() A.厦滘 B.沥滘 C.滘口 D.珠江新城 18.以下车站中,不属于一号线的是() A.农讲所 B.西门口 C.海珠广场 D.西朗 19.二号线江夏站的开门方向是() A.左侧 B.右侧 C.左右两侧 20.以下四号线高架站中,未开通的是() A.海傍站 B.庆盛站 C.东涌站 D.金隆站 21.三号线白云大道北站不可去往() A.广东省工伤康复医院 B.新广从路 C.尖彭路 D.永泰村 22.五号线珠江新城站的开门方向是() A.左侧 B.右侧 C.左右两侧 23.广佛线现全长() A.15公里 B.20.5公里 C.20.73公里 24.以下APM线车站中,仅设置有一个出口的是() A.花城大道站 B.黄埔大道站 C.体育中心南站 D.妇儿中心站 25.广州地铁工程最早的代号为() A.广州市轨道交通一号线工程 B.八六三工程 C.一号目标 D.九号工程 26.五号线西村站换乘八号线的预留位于站台的()


全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3习题答案(1-4) Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Text A Content Questions ( P10 ) 1. Write and live on a farm. 2. Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs, honey and wood. They are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can go skiing and skating in winter. 3. No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough. 4. They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. 5. When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the good harvest in the growing season. 6. He decided to quit his job and start to freelance. 7. He has to crawl into black bear dens for “Sports Illustrated”, hitch up dogsled racing teams for “Smithsonian” magazine, check out the Lake Champlain “monster” for “Science Digest”, and canoe through the Boundary Waters Wilderness area of Minnesota for “Destinations”. 8. As for insurance, they have only bought a poor man’s major-medical policy and the policy on their two cars. 9. They cut back their expenses without appreciably lowering their standard of living. For example, they patronize local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. They still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. They eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies. 10. A tolerance for solitude and lots of energy. 11. They will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they have been able to accomplish. 12. They chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. Yes, they have finally realized their dreams. Text Organization ( P11 ) Part One (paragraphs 1—3) The writer views his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one. Part Two (paragraphs 4—7 ) Life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard. Part Three (paragraphs 8—11) After quitting his job, the writer’s income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Part Four (paragraphs 12—15 ) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country. Happy Moments and Events 1) growing nearly all their fruits and vegetables 2) canoeing, picnicking, long bicycle rides, etc. 3) keeping warm inside the house in winter 4) writing freelance articles 5) earning enough money while maintaining a happy family life Hardships

[自学考试] 《大学英语自学教程》(上册)课后习题答案

《大学英语自学教程》(上册)课后习题答案 Unit 1 Text A Exercises for the Text I. 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.d II. 1.task 2.intelligent 3.research 4.clue 5.conclusion 6.repeat https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f13839205.html,municate 8.purpose 9.probably 10.outline III. 1.Instead of 2.therefore 3.more...than 4.even 5.First of all 6.because 7.on the other hand 8.finally 9.looking for 10.Conversely IV. 1.Research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f13839205.html,nguage learning is active learning.Therefore,successful learners should look for e very chance to use the language. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f13839205.html,nguage learning should be active,independent and purposeful. 4.Learning a language is different from learning maths. 5.The teacher often imparts successfull language learning experiences to us. Vocabulary Exercises I. 1.a.success b.successful c.successfully 2.a.indepence b.depend c.dependent 3.a.covered b.uncover c.discovered 4.a.purposeful b .purposefully c.purpose II. 1.inexact 2.technique 3.outlined https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f13839205.html,municate 5.regularly


中铁七局西铁工程公司广州地铁承建项目工程汇报材料 中铁七局集团西铁工程有限公司 二〇一四年十二月

目录 1.工程概况............................................................ - 1 - 1.1广州地铁21号线15标........................................... - 1 - 1.2广州地铁14号线支线1标........................................ - 2 - 2.目前工程进展........................................................ - 3 - 2.1广州地铁21号线15标........................................... - 3 - 2.2广州地铁14号线支线1标........................................ - 4 - 3.停工原因............................................................ - 5 - 4.业主对项目部的要求.................................................. - 5 - 5.围蔽整改方案........................................................ - 6 - 5.1存车线......................................................... - 6 - 5.2镇龙车站....................................................... - 6 - 5.场地文明施工方案.................................................... - 6 - 5.1存车线......................................................... - 6 - 5.2镇龙车站....................................................... - 7 - 6.项目部安全文明管理.................................................. - 7 - 6.1项目部安全文明管理及责任划分................................... - 7 - 6.2分包单位的管理................................................. - 8 -


Translation Unit 5 Translation 1: 1.我的直觉是亨利会设法参加这次探险,因为他有一点冒险家的气 质。(something of , instinct ) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition , because he is something of an adventurer. 2.既使置身于一个吵杂的环境中,他也能坚持做手头上的工作 (capable ,stick to ) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises. 3.这个商标是依据迄今有效的法律注册的(hitherto, in accordance with )The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force. 4.奇怪的是,许多人自愿帮助组织会议,但是只有少数几人到场 (oddly enough, turn up ) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organized the meeting , but only a few turned up. 5.老师那充满关爱的话语,以及坦诚的评价改变了麦克对于社会和 自己的看法(affectionate, candid ) The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and himself. Translation 2: For my own part. I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel . He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone. Unit 4 Translation 1: 1.因为约翰不看好欧洲经济,所以把资产转移到欧洲以外的其他地 方(asset, elsewhere, outlook) Due to his pessimistic outlook on the European economy, John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere. 2.我喜欢雇佣年轻人,他们愿意学习,而且忠于职守(be committed


视频互动讲义四 课次: 英语二第4次视频互动教学 时间: 月日周三19:30-21:00 主题: 第七、八单元重点回顾,语法讲解,实战演练 主讲: 高伟老师 同学们,大家好!经过前三次的洗礼,你们对英语二教材中的重点知识点的回顾应该有一种感觉:在学习完精讲课件、背过教材中的单词和词组后,应该通过我的讲义对教材有一个更为深层的认识,似乎考点到处密布,要求我们掌握的东西越来越多。请大家冷静,不要烦躁----想通过英语二并非易事,但也绝非不可能。我们只要有信心,有毅力,我想任何考试都不是不可战胜的。 解惑: turn down:关小,拒绝 turn in:上缴,交出 turn into:变成 turn off/on:关掉/接通,打开 turn out:制造,生产,结果是 turn over:移交,翻过来 turn to:变成,借助于 turn up:出现,发生。 near与nearly:前者更多使用的是介词,表示“在附近,近”,后者更多为副词用法,表示“几乎,差不多”。另外,关注一下nearby。 devise与device:前者是动词,表示“想出,设计出”,后者名词,表示“办法,装置”。 drop与fall:两个都是动词,前者表示“失手落下”,后者表示“跌到,落下”。 decline表示“婉拒”,refuse表示“拒绝”,口气更为强烈。 一、第七单元重点内容的回顾

Text A 1.find----finding(s):注意词性转换。 2.★be concerned with/about(As far as I’m concerned):注意词组的固定用法。 3.★attach importance(oneself)to:注意词组的固定用法。 4.generally speaking:注意固定用法。 5.★in terms of:注意与by means of区别。 6.★carry out:注意词组搭配,同时注意与carry有关的所有词组。 7.★desire----★desirable----desired:注意词性转换并注意虚拟语气的使用。 8. ★take to:注意词组搭配,有关与take搭配的词组。 9.enjoy----enjoyment:注意词性转换。 10.★in a (great)variety of:注意词组固定搭配。 11.★It is...belief that:注意belief(fact, suggestion, doubt…)后面从句的连接词that。 12.put to good use:注意词组搭配。 13. impart… to:注意词组搭配。 14. it can be argued that…:注意句型,翻译常考。 15.relevant to:注意词组搭配。 16.leader----leadership:注意词性的转换。 17. set… as objective:注意词组搭配。 18.the attainment of a balanced development of the person:注意中文翻译的准确性。 Text B 1.★get through:注意有关get词组应记牢。 2.look ahead to:注意词组搭配。 3.★run out(of):注意词组含义及搭配。 4.allocate for(to):注意词组含义。 5.★adjust(to)----adjustment(to):注意词性的转换。


附件 银行卡收单业务管理办法广东省实施细则(暂行) 第一章总则 第一条为规范广东省内(不含深圳,下同)银行卡收单业务,保障各参与方合法权益,防范支付风险,促进广东省银行卡业务健康有序发展,根据《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》、《银行卡收单业务管理办法》等有关规定,结合广东辖内银行卡受理市场发展实际,制定本实施细则(暂行)。 第二条收单机构应按照安全高效、公平竞争、防范风险的基本原则,开展收单业务。 第三条收单机构在广东省内开展银行卡收单业务适用本实施细则(暂行)有关要求。 第四条中国人民银行广州分行依法对在广东省内开展银行卡收单业务的银行业金融机构和非金融支付机构进行监督和管理。 第二章业务管理 第一节收单机构管理 第五条收单机构是银行卡收单业务的责任主体,与特约商

户签订银行卡受理协议和承诺付款,取得收单收益并承担收单风险。 第六条收单机构负责特约商户的日常管理和维护,督促商户履行受理承诺,并对商户进行风险监督,承担商户发展、管理和维护不善造成的风险损失。 第七条收单机构应严格遵守相关国家和金融行业关于商户类别码和计费标识使用的有关规定,严禁违规设臵或在交易报文中违规传输与真实商户类型不相符的商户类别码和特殊计费标识,损害其他参与方的合法权益,扰乱受理市场正常秩序。 第八条收单机构应建立特约商户风险等级分类管理制度,并根据相关银行卡受理情况和交易记录,完善特约商户风险等级信息。 第九条收单机构应建立特约商户信息管理系统,包含但不限于以下信息: (一)特约商户工商注册名称、对外营业名称、经营地址; (二)工商营业执照号(或事业单位法人证书号等有效证照号)及有效期; (三)税务登记证号(无税务登记证的小型或个体商户除外); (四)商户类别、结算手续费标准; (五)收单银行结算账户信息(开户银行行名、行号,收单结算账户名、账号);


武汉在中部崛起中的地位及发展建议 区域经济学2004级 200440239 洪媛 促进中部地区崛起,是继东部开放、西部开发和振兴东北之后国家提出的又一重大战略。实施这一战略无疑具有十分重大的意义。在2004年全国两会上温家宝总理明确提出“促进中部崛起”战略之后,在湖北省要求武汉做中部崛起的“领头羊”,武汉表示“中部崛起,武汉先行”的同时,其它中部5省及省会城市也纷纷提出了各自率先崛起的目标。看来中部崛起“领头羊”之争势在难免。从现实来看,武汉在中部最具实力也最具发展潜力,最有希望成为中部崛起的“龙头”。但武汉要成为中部崛起的龙头,必须要发挥更大的作用,要加快发展脚步。 一.武汉的竞争优势分析 中部各省会城市的竞争不难发现,伴随着区域经济一体化进程和“促进中部崛起”战略的实施将进一步加剧,并且主要反映在中原城市群、长株潭城市群与武汉城市圈之间的竞争上。但武汉崛起将是中部崛起的重头戏,不论郑州,还是长沙,或其它中部城市,都不可能在短期内取代大武汉的崛起地位。与中部其它省会城市比较,武汉不但现实经济实力居首,而且也是中部甚至全国最有发展潜力的地区之一。 (一).区域因素状况。区域因素状况可分为初级要素和高级要素。初级要素指自然资源、气候、地理位置、人口统计特征等。高级要素指交通、通讯科研等基础设施。熟练掌握劳动技能的劳动力及专门技术知识等。从因素状况综合评价来看,武汉是国内和国际投资进军中西部的优区位。突出表现在: 1.武汉地处中国居中区位,交通通讯等基础设施发达。武汉承东启四,贯通南北,是我国经济发达地区的几何中心和中国经济地理的心脏,引东进西的优区位。长江、京广线、京九铁路以及即将兴建的沿江铁路、京汉粤同轴电缆系统和宁汉渝、京珠、沪蓉高速铁路在此交叉。天河国际机场连接国内外。武汉网站通过互联网联结世界,“武汉热线”被访问次数排在全国第五位。临长江和葛洲坝和三峡水电站水、电等设施完备,供应充足。因此,它是国内人、物、价值流、信息流集散的主要网络节点之一。无论是在T型、H型、菱形、十字型中国经济增长极模式中,居中的武汉都是各区域间实现梯度转移、辐射扩散、协调发展的重要枢纽和战略支撑点,独特的区位优势和中心辐射优势是武汉成为区域增长极核心的天然条件。新世纪,武汉处在国家信息“高速公路”纵横大十字的交汇点上,是形成水、铁、公、空主体交通网络的全国四大交通枢纽之一,可能重造“东方芝加哥”辉煌,成为国际性信息、金融、商贸中心。 淡水资源是武汉市一个无可比拟的优势。武汉市坐拥中国第一大河流――长江和长江最大支流――汉水,还有世界第一大市内湖――33平方公里的东湖,地表水和地下水都非常丰富,人均淡水资源居世界城市第一。在水资源日益宝贵的时代,武汉充足的淡水资源将为武汉的持续发展提供有力的支持。现在上海、北京等城市人口增长,淡水资源已经严重不足,过度抽取地下水造成地下水水位下降,房屋下陷的情况屡屡出现。淡水资源已经成为城市发展的重要因素。武汉市被联合国评为“可持续发展城市”,其中一个重要的因素就是武汉丰富的淡水资源。武汉的水资源可以承受的人口规模达到2000万人的城市需要,而且可以保证2000万人的现代化高质量生活,这也为武汉今后的城市规模扩大,建成世界级超大城市,武汉城市圈的进一步发展提供良好的条件。 2.高等生产要素优势不可取代。哈佛商学院波特教授把生产要素分为基本生产要素和高

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