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当前位置:文档库 › 2011年河北省中考英语试题及答案2




26.John bought ________ for himself yesterday.

A.two pairs of shoes B.two pair of shoe C.two pair of shoes D.two pairs shoes

27.—Excuse me,I want to buy some milk.Where can I find a supermarket?

—Oh,I know ________ not far from my home.

A.it B.that C.one D.its

28.—The books are so nice,which one can I take?

—Oh,you can take ________ of them.I’ll keep none.

A.both B.all C.neither D.either

29.Now the air in our city is ________ than it used to be.Something must be done to stop it.A.very good B.much better C.rather bad D.even worse 30.Each of us has to write a ________ report every two weeks.

A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-word

C.two-hundreds-words D.two-hundred-words

31.Look,Tina is waiting ________ the bus stop.

A.for B.at C.in D.to

32.His hobby is ________ watching TV ________ playing the piano.It’s reading books.A.either;or B.both;and C.neither;nor D.not only;but also 33.—Is Mrs.Smith in?

—I’m afraid she isn’t.Would you like to ________ a message?

A.take B.send C.keep D.leave

34.—Mary,here’s a dictionary.I hope it will help you.

—Thanks a lot.It’s ________ what I need.

A.just B.nearly C.even D.almost

35.—Are you going to help John with his Chinese this evening?

—No,He ________ to England.He will be back next month.

A.returned B.has returned C.returns D.will return 36.Usually John ________ to school in his father’s beautiful car.

A.has taken B.is taking C.is taken D.has been taken 37.—May I listen to the music here,Mr.White?

—Sorry,you’d better ________ it like that.

A.not to do B.not do C.don’t do D.not do to 38.—Could you please come to the museum with me this afternoon?

—Sorry,I ________.I have to take a piano lesson at 2 pm.

A.couldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.needn’t

39.—Has your father finished his report?

—Sorry,I don’t know.He ________ it this morning.

A.was writing B.wrote C.has written D.had written 40.People often go skating in ________ winter.

A./B.a C.an D.the 41.If I find his phone number,I ________ you.

A.tell B.told C.will tell D.have told 42.I don’t know the teacher ________ is talking with Mis s Wang.

A.what B.whom C.which D.who 43.—Sandy,can you tell me ________?

—Sorry,I’ve no idea.

A.how many guests have been here B.when is the party

C.why did they come D.where will they leave 44.He’s given an important report on the work of the government,________?

A.isn’t he B.is he C.hasn’t he D.has he

45.________ nice flowers ! Where did you buy them?

A.How B.What C.What a D.What an



Building a house is an operation which costs qu ite a lot of money.Suppose you plan to

46 a house,your first step is to find a suitable piece of 47 ,Y ou will probably try to find a sunny place,in a 48 situation,near stores and bus stops,not too far from your friends and the place where you work.

Next you will find an 49 builder.And together with the builder you will make a

50 ,The builder will draw it.The builder will also 51 the cost of your house.He will estimate(估计)the cost of the wood,the glass,and everything else that he must use in building the house.Later on,w he n he st art s t o b u ild,t h is es t imat e mu st 52,b ec a use t he p r ic es ma y

53 ,and many other thing may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.

54 the bu ilder gives you his estimate,you may wish to change your plan.Y ou may find that some of the things you wanted at first cost too much,or that you can 55 a little more and add something to your original plan.

46.A.buy B.decorate C.build D.find

47.A.floor B.place C.land D.playground

48.A.mysterious B.surprised C.pleased D.pleasant

49.A.excited B.experienced C.interesting D.extra

50.A.map B.plan C.decision D.discussion

51.A.find out B.carry on C.work out D.work on

52.A.be corrected B.be copied C.be read D.be written

53.A.swap B.change C.exist D.influence

54.A.When B.While C.Until D.Since

55.A.cost B.spend C.take D.pay for




When I was at university,I studied very hard.But a lot of my friends did very little work.Some did just enough to pass exams.Others didn’t do quite enough.Fred Baines was one of them.He spent more time drinking in the Students’ Union than workin g in the library.

Once at the end of the term,we had to take an important test in chemistry.The test had a hundred questions. In my room the night before the test,Fred was watching TV.Fred usually worried a lot the night before a test.But on that night he looked perfectly calm.Then he told me of his plan.“It’s very simple.There are a hundred questions and I have to get fifty correct to pass the test.I’ll take a coin into the examination room.I haven’t studied a chemistry book for months,so I’ll just toss the coin.That way,I’m sure I’ll get h alf the questions right.”

The next day,Fred came happily into the exam room.As he sat tossing a coin for half an hour he marked down his answers.Then he left,half an hour before the rest of us.

The next day,he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor.“Oh,good,”he said,“Have you got the result of the test?”The professor looked at him and smiled,“Ah,it’s you,Baines.Just a minute.”Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin.He threw it into the air,caught it in his hand and looked at it.

“I’m terribly sorry,Baines,”he said,“Y ou failed!”

56.This story mainly wants to tell us ________.

A.chemistry is really hard to learn

B.there were too many questions for students to prepare for

C.good exam results needs hard study

D.tossing a coin can not always decide the result

57.Fred Baines was one of those who ________.

A.did just enough to pass the exam

B.didn’t work hard enough for their studies

C.had too much other work for the Students’ Union

D.were quite good at passing exams

58.Fred came happily into the exam room because ________.

A.he had got ready for the exam

B.he knew the answers already

C.the other students would be behind h im

D.he had his way to finish the exam

59.The chemistry exam in fact ________.

A.was not very hard

B.took the other students an hour to finish

C.had more than one hundred questions

D.needed to be done by tossing a coin

60.The professor tossed the coin to tell Baines that ________.

A.he was satisfied with his way for the exam

B.he wanted to make friends with him

C.his way for the exam would never work

D.the exam result depended on the coin


Harry’s father bought a magazine which gave its readers information about all kinds of products and helped them make the best choice while buying.

Harry borrowed his father’s magazine when he needed a n ew computer.“I’ll read it and choose the best one.” He said.

975XF: AT $3

Harry chose the BNK 975XF.“I know it’s expensive,” he said,“but it will be with me for a long time and do everything I want it to do.”

61.Harry wants to buy a computer,so he borrowed ________ from his father.

A.a computer magazine B.a magazine about all kinds of products

C.a shopping book D.a book about all kinds of computers 62.________ doesn’t have much memory and is rather slow.

A.The DGT PC450 B.The BNK 975XF

C.The CGP 8PT D.Harry’s computer

63.The CGP 8PT is ________ among the three kinds of computers.

A.the fastest B.the most expensive

C.the cheapest D.the slowest

64.Harry chose the BNK 975XF because ________.

A.it is the most expensive B.it has lots of good software

C.it has much memory D.it would work for him for a long time 65.________ helped Harry to choose the computer.

A.His father B.His friend C.The shopkeeper D.The magazine


Everybody can suffer from stress.No matter what your age is,you can feel stressed out by things that are happening in your life.Teenagers,however,have many more opportunities to get stressed than people in any other age group.Being a teenager is hard.Y ou are not a child any more,but you are not an adult,even though you have to deal with some very grown-up problems and decisions.Families can be one of the biggest causes of stress,such as problems with parents arguing at home.or problems with brothers and sisters.Teenagers also have a lot of stress from school,either from their teachers or from their friends.Some teenagers also feel stressed about choosing their education after high school.Getting a place at university can be very difficult and some cannot afford to go to university.The stress about getting a job when finishing school is hard for some teenagers.There are so many young people finishing school and not enough jobs for them.Sadly,there is nothing we can do to remove these causes of stress

from the 1ives of teenagers,but you can learn the best way to deal with it.Talking to people is one of the best ways to deal with stress.It may sound simple,but it is true.A problem shared is a problem halved.66.Why is being a teenager often difficult?

A.Because even though you are not an adult,you must deal with adult problems.

B.Because even though you are an adult,you must deal with children’s problems.

C.Because even though you are a teenager,you must do a lot of homework.

D.Because adults often make them feel stressed.

67.Families can add to the stress a teenager might experience ________.

A.by asking them to go to university

B.by helping them with their homework

C.as teenagers quarrel with their parents,and their brothers or sisters

D.as families never support their children enough

68.Why can leaving school be a stressful time for teenagers?

A.Because they will be leaving their favourite teachers.

B.Because many people’s favourite memories are at school.

C.Because they may worry about getting a place at university.

D.Because they may worry about becoming an adult.

69.Why can finding a job after finishing school be difficult?

A.Because there is a lot of competition for jobs.

B.Because there are no jobs.

C.Because a job is more difficult than school work.

D.Because there is a lot of competition for places at university.

70.We can deal with the stress in our life ________.

A.by not trying to find a job

B.by forgetting about our problems

C.by getting a place at university

D.by sharing our problems with our friends




















阅读短文,并按要求完成下列句子。 We know that many animals do not stay in one place .Birds ,fish and other animals

move from one place to another place at a certain time .They move for different reasons: most of them move to find food more easily ,but others move to get away from places that are too crowded .

When cold weather comes ,many birds move to warmer places to find food .Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed .The most famous migration is probably the migration of fish ,which is called “salmon”(鲑鱼).This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water .There it spends its life .When it is old ,it returns to its birthplace in fresh water .Then it gives birth and dies .In northern Europe ,there is a kind of mouse .They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded .They move down to the low land .Sometimes they move all the way to the seaside ,and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea .

Recently ,scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster(龙虾).Every year ,when the season of the bad weather arrives ,the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean .Nobody knows why they do this ,and nobody knows where they go .So ,sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another place ,but at other times we don’t .Maybe living things just like to travel .

76.The reason for most of the animals to move is __________________.

77.Find the word in the passage which means “ the movement from one place to another of a large

group of animals” and write it down here: __________________.

78.The underlined w ord “There ” in the second paragraph refers to (指的是) ____________.

79.The salmon comes back to its birthplace in order to __________________.

80.The lobsters begin to move to another place when __________________.

词语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

81.Please call me if you have any problems ____________ (work) out .

82.Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize ____________ (two) during her life time .

83.I think it is ____________ (danger) for children to be close to wild animals .

84.The old man has been ____________ (die) since three years ago .

85.I know only one of the ____________ (visit)

,how about you?

XI .基础写作(包括A 、B 两部分,A 部分5分,B 部分10分,共计15分)

A)连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)

86.England ,you ,or ,from ,America ,are


87.look ,does ,your ,what ,sister ,like


88.now ,library ,I ,go ,him ,saw ,into ,the ,just


89.is ,it ,well ,not ,for ,me ,swim ,easy ,to


90.don’t ,drive ,can ,think ,I ,I ,a ,car


B)书面表达 (计10分) 91.日常生活中你主动帮助你的父母做家务活吗?请你根据提示用英语写一篇短文,描述你平时所作家务以及你对家务的看法。

提示:1.What do you do to help your parents?

2.How do you think what you do for them?




Help My Parents As we all know, It’s important to help parents do housework during our daily life.






1—5 CBBCA 6—10 ACBBC 11—15 BACBC 16—20 ACBCC 21—25 ABBCA


26—30 ACBDA 31—35 BCDAB 36—40 CBCBA 41—45 CDACB


46—50 CCDBB 51—55 CABAB


56—60 CBDBC 61—65 BACDD 66—70 ACCAD


71.No.14 Middle School 72.as lovely as 73.strong 74.watches 75.reporter


76.to find food more easily


78.(in) salt water

79.give birth and die

80.the season of the bad weather arrives / the bad weather arrives


81.working 82.twice 83.dangerous 84.dead 85.visitors


A) 连词成句

86.Are you from England or America?/Are you from America or England?

87.What does your sister look like?

88.I saw him go into the library just now.

89.It is not easy for me to swim well.

90.I don’t think I can drive a car.

B) 书面表达

One possible version:

AS we all know, It’s importan t to help parents do housework during our daily life.I often help them do housework.I throw the rubbish away and clean the floor in the morning.I help my mother cook the lunch.I always wash clothes for my family.My parents are very happy.Besides, Watering the flowers is also my duty.I like them very much and take good care of them.After supper, I always wash dishes.I think it can make my parents feel more enjoyable after work.In a word, the more housework I do, the happier my parents will be.







M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to the cinema?

W: Which cinema?

M: The Capital Cinema.

W: Oh, it’s a long way from here. You’d better take a bus.

M: Which bus shall I take then?

W: I think you need to take No.9.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: You’re welcome.






1. I paid 113 yuan for the skirt. It’s really cheap

2.These backpacks are theirs.

3. My father usually walks to his office.

4. Tom came here four months ago.

5. Miss. Green enjoyed herself at the party.




6.Thanks a lot for your nice suggestions, Mr. Green.

7.What’s the weather like in Changchun in winter?

8.Could you tell me where I can get some film tickets?

9.Bob, have you packed your lunch yet?

10.Don’t worry. I will tell you some customs in Japan.



11. W:Thanks for the wonderful dinner you’ve cooked for us, Mr King.

M:I’m glad you came, Miss White.

Q:Where did they have their dinner?

12. M: What day is it today?

W: It’s March 22nd.

M: Oh, my god. Y esterday was my father’s birthday. I forgot it.

Q: When is the father’s birthday?

13. M: I’d like to get my sister a nice gift for her birthday.

W: Well, she’s learning English. What about an English dictionary?

M: Y eah,that’s a good idea.

Q: What are they talking about?

14. W: Is Mary here, Stefan?

M: Y es, she is there, t alking to the man in shorts.

W: Who is that with her?

M: Her brother, I think.

Q: Which one of the following is the right picture?

15. W: Bob, Let’s go somewhere to visit.

M: OK. What about my hometown? It’s so beautiful now.

W: OK. Mmm,But I wonder what kind of clothes we’re going to need for our visit. How’s the weather in July in your hometown?

M: Oh. There are more rainy days in July than in any other month

Question: How is the weather in July in Bob’s hometown?






OK, now listen to me, dear students. In a few minutes we’ll arrive at the national park. When we get off the bus, we will divide into four groups of ten, and there’ll be a teacher with each g roup. Y ou must stay in your group for the whole morning, and at about half past one, we’ll meet for lunch at the Picnic centre.

Question: 16. How do they get to the park?

Question: 17. Where will they have lunch?




Now it’s advertisement time. Do you want to join the 2010 Summer camp? It opens between9:00am and 11:30am from August 9th to August 18th. All kids aged 7-15 are welcome here. Each kid can take part in 2 of the activities and needs to pay 150RMB for them.

Question: 18.What camp can the kids join?

Question: 19.How many activities can each kid take part in?




At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last week we went to an old people’s home and sang songs. The old people were very happy. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should visit primary schools and help teach young students. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. So it would be a great experience for me. My friend Peter wants to write for a magzine,he should be allowed to volunteer at the magzine office once a week. Question: No.20.What did they do in the old peoples’s home?

Question: No.21.What does Peter want to write for?



M: Hello, Mike Black here.

W: Hello, Mike. It’s Lily. What are you doing?

M: I’m working in my office. I often work late on Thursday. I’m so busy.

W: Would you come and have dinner with us on Friday?

M: Tomorrow? No, I’m afraid I won’t be able to. I’m going on business to London.

W: What about Saturday?

M: Sorry, I never go out on Saturday evening. I always watch football on Saturday evening.

W: Will you come round next Tuesday?

M: Next Tuesday? Just a moment! It’ll be March the 8th. Oh, dear. I promis ed Jane I would be at her birthday party. What about next Wednesday

W: OK. Let’s make it next Wednesday.

Question: 22.Where is Mike at the moment?

Question: 23.What does Lily invite Mike to do?

Question: 24.What will Mike do on Friday?

Question: 25.Why doe sn’t Mike go out next Tuesday?






Hello! My name is Lin Yu.I co me fro m No.14Midd le S cho o l in S hanghai.Yo u can call me Angie.My mo ther cho se this English name for me, because she tho ug ht that I was as lo vely as an angel.

I’m a little gir l. I do n’t lo ok stro ng at all. But I am mo re o utgo ing th an mo st k id s. And spo rts is my favo urite a ctiv ity. Every day, I watch the sp orts news.I k no w ab o ut many sp ro ting events. If yo u ask me q uestio ns ab o ut them,I can tell yo u a lo t very easily. I also like do in g spo rts in my free time.Yo u may ask me why I lo ve spo rts so much. It’s because the sp irit o f spo rt mo ves me. I have wanted to b e a sp orts rep orter since I was nine years o ld. S o yo u mig ht b e ab le to see me o n CC TV-5 in ten years’ time.



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