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1. 注意语言规范,注意正确用词用句,强调使用课本上学到的单词、词组和


2. 正确判断时态,语态的应用,不能交叉混杂,随意乱用。

3. 注意单词拼写、标点符号、大小写等正确性,避免不必要的失误;注意句


4. 考试时,尽量注意书写端正和卷面整洁。


记叙文按内容大致可分为“记实”和“描写”两大类型。前者在讲清事件本身,只要根据提示叙述清楚即可,无需太多的描写或表达个人的感受。后者则重在描写细节,围绕时间、地点、人物及事件的起因、经过和结果来展开,应该有个人的感受和看法。与汉语的记叙文类似,写英语记叙文时也要注意正确分段(分层次)。开头句(topic sentence)要有新意,否则变成了翻译句子。结尾句(concluding sentence)要能首尾呼应,并有升华主题之效果。在正确分层次的基础上,紧扣主题展开叙述,详略要得当,千万不能离题。



I myself cannot remember how many tests I have taken in the past ten years. But one test, which is still kept in my mind, was the first English exam on the first day right after I entered senior high school.

I clearly remembered that I entered the classroom before 8 o’clock, and didn’t come out until the bell rang. When I began to do one part after another, I found that the test paper was much more difficult than ever. In grammar, there were so many complicated sentences and in vocabulary there were so many strange words and phrases that I couldn’t be sure whether my choice for every item was correct or not. The result was, of course, that no one passed the exam. Later I knew that my school was ready to invite some foreign teachers to teach us English. Therefore, we should have a general knowledge of English.

Two months later, an Australian teacher came to teach us. I have forgot how long and what he taught us even though he was kind and generous----no one could fail in any of his tests. But the first English test in my senior grade cannot be easily forgotten for ever.


Last Sunday night, my parents would attend a party. They asked me to go with them. For me it was more a good lesson than a party. Still now I think it’s an unforgettable party that I had ever had.

After supper that night, we went to a small room in an old building. There, seven people at my parents’ age were sitting around an arm chair, chatting and smiling. When we came in, an old lady with gray hair stood from the chair and said to my father, “Again, you’re the last, little boy.” Then she brought each of us a cup of tea. They talked and talked, it looked as if everyone had become much younger, especially my father. He seemed to be quite a naughty boy.

On our way home, my father told me that the lady was their primary school teacher. She was a very good teacher, and she was kind to every student. After she was retired, some students suggested holding a dinner party for her birthday every year. She disagreed, but insisted that she hold a tea party every year. That day it was her eightieth birthday. Only at that time, did I realize the fine qualities of a teacher.




1. 引言,确立一个正确、鲜明的中心论点。





With the further development of China’s open-door policy, and its entry to the WTO, more and more Chinese students have opportunities to study abroad. However, people have different attitudes towards the fact. Some think that it is really a good chance for them to study abroad, because they can learn a lot more abroad than in China. Some, on the contrary, think that it is not worth studying abroad, because studying abroad doesn’t mean they can do well in their studies. Moreover, it needs much more money. Only a few families can afford to send their children abroad.

In my opinion, it is unnecessary to have further study abroad. In China there are many outstanding universities. If we study hard, we can still learn whatever we want to. In a word, no matter where we study, we should do our best to learn what we need in the future.


This June, I will take the university entrance examinations. But perhaps to your surprise, my first choice is to study at a university out of Shanghai. This is because, in my opinion, there are many more universities in Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou and other places out of shanghai. On the other hand, when I study in these universities, I can make more friends with the students from other parts of our country. Besides, it is of primary importance that, being far away from Shanghai, I can learn to be independent of myself, but not of my parents. I can therefore improve my abilities both in my study and life.

However, my parents show their great disagreement to my choice. They think as a boy born in Shanghai, I must study in shanghai. What if I have some troubles in my study and life? And what if I meet some occasional accidents? So it will be a long way for me to persuade them until they agree to my wish. I will try my best.

范文5 How to Keep Healthy

It is known to all that good health is the most valuable possession a person should have. Therefore, it is greatly important for us all to keep healthy. I think there are at least three things that a person can do to stay healthy.

First of all, proper nutrition is important for good health. However, if you like sugar and meat, try not to eat too much, because they are full of high protein, and may cause you overweight. It is better to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Getting proper amount of sleep is another way of keeping healthy. Without enough sleep, you will feel tired and uncomfortable in your study and work. According to scientific research, at least seven or eight hours of sleep each day is necessary.

The most important thing is that we should get exercise every day. Whenever you run, swim, ride a bike or play ball games, you exercise your body and muscle, which is sure to provide you with fresh air, and to improve your heart and lungs as well.

If you want to keep healthy, try to do as I have mentioned above.





In the past ten years, the world has seen China’s rapid development in economy. It is known to all, however, that there remain unbalanced features between the east part and west part. To some extent, such an issue hinds China from her further development.

Due to the unfavourable natural conditions and geographic characteristics, the west part lacks satisfying climate or sufficient water needed in social and economic development. What’s worse, transportati on has kept unimproved even for a century. However, this part is rich in various resources, and people there are quite diligent and hardworking. In 2002, our government decided to take immediate action to develop the west part, which will guarantee the nation-wide sustainable economic growth. This is truly a remarkable decision, and I think that our country will become stronger and more powerful, with the balanced development between the east and the west.

范文7 My Hobby

Nearly everyone has his or her own hobby. So have I. But my hobby, to our surprise, is traveling. Perhaps you may think how a student like me can travel since he is not likely to have much money. However, I really enjoy my travel not only in China but also throughout the world.

On the one hand, whenever I save enough money given by my parents on holidays, I would like to visit some beauty spots nearby. For example, I have visited Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Wuxi. On the other hand, whenever I watch TV, read books, magazines, or newspapers, I am interested in those lakes, rivers, mountains and other beautiful places shown on these media. Thoug it is not a real travel, it seems to me that I myself have once been there. From travel, I have learned a lot; and from travel, I have known better about the nature of our motherland. I hope that I can travel around the world one day.

范文8 四合院不仅是老北京的重要住宅形式,它还体现了中国的传统文化和建筑理念。

For hundreds of years, people in Beijing have been living in siheyuan. These traditional siheyuan still house man y of the city’s residents within the second ring road, which marks the limits of old Beijing.

A basic siheyuan or “four-sided enclosed courtyard”, consists of four rooms around a center yard. They not only protect residents from the cold winter winds and the dust storms of spring, but are also a typical form of ancient Chinese architecture, especially in North China.

The design of siheyuan reflects the Chinese traditions, following the rules of fengshui. The four rooms are positioned along the north-south, east-west axes.

The room facing south is the main room. The head of the family lives in this room. The rooms connecting the main houses are called “side houses”. They are for the younger generations or less important members of the family. The room that faces north is known as the “opposite house” and would generally be where the servants lived or where the family would gather to relax, eat or study. All the rooms around the courtyard have large windows facing onto the yard and small windows high up on the back wall facing out onto the street. Some don’t have even have back windows.

There are, however, still some siheyuan in Beijing have been kept. Mainly built for nobles and high officials before, many have been turned into museums now.






a) 简述图片。针对每幅图片写一至两句句子,也就是我们口试中常用的


b) 发表感想。就每幅图片或整体主题发表自己的一些看法。

c) 简短结论。最后用一至两句简短话进行小结,起到画龙点睛的作用。3.在看图提示写作过程中,无论哪一部分都要蜻蜓点水似的点到,切忌顾此失彼,写得出的地方使劲写,写不出的地方避开它,最终导致遗漏内容而失分。简述图片,发表感想,简短结论,各个部分既要有自己独立的内容,又要自然联成一体,结合起来表达一个完整的主题。




We can see from the picture that the father obliged his little daughter to bury herself in studying. In our highly commercialized age, parents make their children concentrated on passive exam—oriented education to get better employment opportunities.

It’s the tough competition that has aroused the phenomenon. As far as the most parents are concerned, the higher degree their children get, the more beautiful their future blue print will be. But it leads to the absence of quality—oriented educational system.

Someday they will find that the result is far from satisfactory. Too much focus on traditional education covering endless subjects prevents students from developing into overall-qualified talent. Imagination is lost, and cre ativity can’t be found everywhere. Students will become similar individuals without distinguished personality.

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