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Abstract:Jinshan Hill in Jiangsu Province, with its extraordinary natural bueaty and scenery, and numerous ancient stories, is a strong appeal to home and foreign tourists, and has always been a wonderful tourist spot. This passage focuses on the introduction to the following places of interest: Jiangtain Buddhist Temple, Xizhao Pavilion, Guanyin Garre, Cishou Pagoda, The Ancient Cave of Monk Fa Hai, Liuyun Pavilion, Miaogao pavilion, Seven-peak Pavilion, and White Dragon Cave.

Jinshan Hill, 44 meters above sealevel and 520 meters in girth, lies to the northwest of the city proper and is a 3-kilometer distance from the downtown area. Originally, the hill was an island on the Yangtze River, known as “the lotus flower in the Yangzte River” As time went by, the main trunk of the Yangzte River moved north and the river sand silted up, so the millenium temple began to draw close to the southern bank of the river during the Daoguang regin of the Qing Dyansty more than 100 years ago.

It is said that “Not visting Jinshan Hill means not having been to Zhenjiang”. The following are the main scenic spots in Jinshang Hill, Jiangtian Buddhist Temple, Xizhao Pavilion, Guanyin Garret, Cishou Pagoda, the Cave of Monk Fa Hai, Liuyun Pavilion, Miaogao Platform, Seven-peaak Pavilion, the White Dragon Cave and other scenic spots.

Jiangtain Buddhist Temple

There have been historical changes of Jinshang Hill. Once it was called Zexin Hill (River Center Hill), hifu Hill, Fuyu Hill (Floating Jade Hill) and Longyou Hill (Dragon Tour Hill). Jinshan Hill on the monuntain slope began its construction more than 1600 years ago in the Eastern Jin Dyansty, and was called Zexin Hill before being destoryed. And it was once bestowed with the title of “Longyou Temple” which literally means a place a dragon has toured, because Emperor SongZengzong in the Song Dyansty had a dream of touring Jinshan Hill. In the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi accompainied the empress dowager to the temple to watch the Buddhist light and offer a prayer, and bestowed his own handwriting of “Jiantian Buddhist Temple”,

which is still hanging on the gate. Since the Tang Dynasty, the millennium ancient temple has generally have been known as Jinshan Temple.

Usually the gates of temples open south, while the gate of Jinshang Hill opens west. According to an analysis of historic records, the architects at that time intended to build the gate that way. In ancient times, Jinshan Hill stood in the middle of the Yangtze River. Tourists looked ahead through the gate and saw the mighty river rolling down. The scene suited exactly the meaning of poem----“The Yangtze River flowes to the east while the hills seem to move west”. That’s where are the architects showed their ingenuity.

Go from the gate throuhgh the Hall of Heavenly King, it’s the Grand Buddha Hall. The temple has been destroyed and rebuilt 7 times. The big fire of Apr. 6th, 1948 destroyed more than 300 halls and houese including the main hall. The newly-built main hall began construction in 1990. It is square in shape, 25 meters high and covers a total area of 800 square meters. The Grand Hall enjoys the vigorous and maginficent momentum of imperial palaces in Northern China, and the delicate, elegant styles of the southern Chinese gardens as well.

Cishou Pagoda

Cishou Pagoda is also called Jinshan Pagoda. Situated on the northwest peak of the hill, the pagoda is 36 meters high, and was built during the Qi-Liang periods of the Southern Dynasties more than 1400 years ago. The present one was rebuilt during in 1980. Exquisite, beautiful, tall and straight, it stands on the top of the hill and harmonizes with the hill. Although Jinshan Hill is 44 meters high, with the 36-meter-high Cishou Pagoda rising atop it and reaching to the sky, the whole hill looks towering and magnificent. The superb architectural techniques of “the temple wraps the hill”and a pagoda rising high atop the hill to heighten it, full embodies the exqueisite garden-designing skills and architectural talents enjoyed by the workers of our country in ancient times.

The present-day seven-story octagonal pagoda is a brick-and wood structure. Having corridors and balustrades around each story, well-ventilated in four directions,

and sights in all directions, the pagoda enbles you to enjoy a different view on each story. Wang Anshi, the famous writer of Song Dynasty, once wrote a poem to describe this view----“The seven-story pagoda rests on layers of rocks, Wind comes round from all directions when the windows open;See birds flying on the flat grounds, and suddenly you realize you are standing onn half the sky.”

On the lattice outside the pagoda are inscribed the four characters of “Tian Di Tong Geng”(Heaven and eart are of the same age), written by Li Yuanan, an eight-year-old boy of Hunan Province during the Guangxu Reign of the Qing Dyansty. Then why did the boy write these characters and why did they appear under the pagoda?Among the people circulates such a story:

When Empress dowager Ci Xi celebrated her sixtieth birthday, the officials all over the country came to the capital to congratulate her with gengerous gifts. Liu Kunyi, governor of tow Jiangs----Jiansu and Zhenjiang Provinces, got the news that Master of Law Yin Ru, the Buddhist Abbot of Jinshan Hill, had just rebuilt Cishou Pagoda. So he thought: “Why can’t I make full use of it?” After making up his mind, he came to the capital. Seeing Liu Kunyi brought nothing, the empress dowager pulled a long facd, The governor hastened to kneel down and say: “Queen mother, in order to celebrate your birthday, I specially built a pagoda called Cishou in Jinshan Hill, Zhenjiang, a famous scenic spot in the south of the Yangtze River, to wish you longevity.” Hearing this, Ci Xi was wild with joy. suddenly she asked Liu: “Since you wish me a longer life, noe can yo u tell me how long I will live?” The governor was stumped and trembled with fear. While he was in a dilemma, his eight-year-old boy, called Li Yuanan, quietly handed him a piece of paper. Liu cast a glance at it and as if he’d found a priceless treasure, he quickly submitted it with his two hands. Ci Xi was all smiles when she read it, for the note had these four characters”Tian Di Tong Geng”. So the empress dowager genterously rewarded the governor. Afterwards these four characters were inscribed on Cishou Pagoda.

White Dragon Cave

On the foot of the northwest side of the hill, there is an ancient cave, with the four seal characters of “Ancient White Dragon Cave”inscribed on the wall. According to the records by “Biographies of Eminent Monks” of the Song Dynasty, a white boa used to hide in the cave. It would send out fog-like poisonous gas. No one dared to enter the cave. In the Tang Dynasty, an eminent monk called Ling Tan came to Jinshan and sat in the mediation inside the cave. Because he had superior attainments, the white boa fled hurriedly.

However, in the folk myth legend, the cave is related to the story of “White Lady Snake Drives Floods to Submer ge Jinshan Temple”. It’s said that once Scholar Xu Xian was tricked to Jinshan by Fa Hai. His wife, White Lady Snake, together with Xiao Qing, her servant girl, came here by boat, asking Fa Hai to free her husband for a family reunion. The monk turned a deaf ear to her. So Lady Snake was forced to exercise magic powers against him. She asked the dragon kings of the four seas and their crab general and shrimp soldiers for help. The dragon kings brought water to sumberge the temple on the hill. Monk Fa Hai took off his kasaya, throwing it outside the gate. A golden light flashed and the kasaya turned into a long dyke, keeping off the surging waters. Lady Sanke failed in the fight and had to retreat to the West Lake, Hangzhou, awaiting opportunities for revenge.

While Jinshan Hill was being submerged by floods, Xu Xian, who was locked inside the pagoda, was dying to see his wife. His pregnant wife was at that time fighting against Fa Hai. A little monk guarding the pagoda sympathized with him very much. He guided Xu Xian away from the White Dradon Cave. After leaving the cave, Xu walked a long, long distance and finally reached the end----the Broken Bridge of Hangzhou, where his wife and the servant had been expecting him a long time. This is the story of Meeting on the Broken Bridge acted on stage.


导游词作文500字左右 导读:导游词作为一种跨文化交际,是运用于景点的翻译,目的是让国外游客理解景点的文化内涵。以下是为你介绍的导游词作文500字左右,欢迎阅读以及浏览! 导游词作文500字左右一: 亲爱的游客们,我是你们的导游,你们可以叫我刘导,我们今天所要参观的就是以前皇帝祭天的地方——天坛。 明朝永乐皇帝在北京南城仿照南京的大祀殿建立了这作用于祭 天的圣坛,主建筑是大祀殿,也就是今天祈年殿的位置上。天坛有外坛墙和内坛墙,北面是圆形,南面是方形,取意天圆地方。 现在我们正沿着天坛建筑的中轴线向南行进,将要看到的就是古代皇帝祭天的圜丘坛。圜丘有两道围护墙,使外方内圆,符合天圆地方的说法。需要特别提到的是皇帝恭读祝文所站立的地方,就是刚才所说的台面中心天心石。他是天坛三大声学现象之一。在这里朗读的时候声音特别洪亮,而且现在这里也是一样的,各位游客不妨体会一下这奇特的效果,也像当年的皇帝一样,向上天诉说自己美好的愿望。 也许您刚才就已经注意到了,天坛有非常多的柏树,不错,它就好像北京一个天然的氧吧。而在这许多古柏当中,有一株500余岁的桧柏,就是回音壁西墙外的这棵九龙柏。它的树干纹理非常的奇特,布满了沟壑,而且旋转扭曲,好像9条蟠龙缠绕嬉戏,所以叫它九龙柏真是一点也不过分。请大家不要攀爬树木,注意自己的言行,这是

一个神圣的地方,我们要保持宁静的心态, 解放以后天坛不仅成了着名的旅游景点,而且还是北京城市绿地的组成部分,来这里的不光是旅游者,还不乏一些专门为了强身健体的老人们。 今天的游览结束了,希望这次游览能让大家记住、在大家的心里留下深刻的回忆。 希望大家下次再来哦。 导游词作文500字左右二: 女士们、先生们: 我叫王溦嘉,大家叫我小王就行了。今天有幸陪同大家一道参观,我感到很高兴。这里就是闻名世界的故宫博物馆,简称为故宫,就是昔日的皇家宫殿。 北京故宫位于北京市中心,是明清两代的皇宫,又称为“紫禁城”(历代宫殿都象“象天立宫”,以表示君权“受命于天”)。由于君为天子,天子的宫殿如同天帝居住的“紫宫”禁地,故名“紫禁城”。故宫始建于明永乐四年(1406年),永乐十八年(1420年)建成。历经有清两个朝代24个皇帝。故宫规模宏大,西宽750米,南北长960米,占地72万平方米,建筑面积15万多平方米,有房屋9999间,是世界上最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。为了突出帝王至高无上的权威,故宫有一条贯穿宫城南北的中轴线,在这条中轴线上,按照“前朝后寝”的古制,布置着帝王发施令,象征政权中心的三大殿(太和


文言文主题复习译文及答案 《中考指南》P170—P174 ·《后汉书.班超列传》 ①.原文翻译 班超字仲升,扶风平陵县人,是徐县县令班彪的小儿子。他为人有大志,不拘小节。可是他孝顺恭谨,居家操持勤苦,不以劳苦受辱为耻。他广阅书传,很有口才。 永平五年(63),他的哥哥班固被征召任校书郎,班超和他的母亲一同到洛阳。他家里很贫困,常为官家雇用抄书,以其所得来供养母亲。因此长时间工作劳苦,曾放下工作投笔叹道:“大丈夫没有其他壮志大略,还应该效法傅介子、张骞,立功于异域来取得封侯,怎么能长久从事笔砚的工作呢?”同事们都取笑他。班超说:“小子们怎么知道壮士的志气呢?”后来,他到看相的那里去看相,看相的说“:先生,您不过是布衣之士罢了,可是将来必定封侯于万里之外。”班超询问他的形状,看相的说:“你额头如燕,颈脖如虎,飞翔食肉,这是万里侯的相貌啊。”过了很久,显宗问班固:“你的弟弟在哪儿?”班固对显宗说:“他在给官府抄书,得点钱来供养老母。”显宗就任命班超为兰台令史。 永平十六年,便派遣他随幕僚郭恂一起出使西域。 班超到了鄯善国,国王广接待他们礼节非常恭敬周到,但不久突然变得疏忽怠慢起来。班超对他的随从人员说:“你们难道没觉察鄯善王广的态度变得淡漠了么?这一定是北匈奴有使者来到这里,使他犹豫不决,不知道该服从谁好的缘故。头脑清醒的人能够预见到还未发生的事情,何况现在已明摆著呢?!”于是班超找来一个服侍汉使的鄯善人,诳骗他说:“我知道北匈奴的使者来了好些天了,现在住在哪里?”侍者吓不过,就吐露了全部情况。班超便把侍者关起来,把他的部属三十六人都召集起来一同喝酒。喝得高兴的时候,班超便用语言激怒他们说“:你们和我都处在极偏远的地方,想立大功以求富贵。现在匈奴使者来了才几天,而鄯善王广便取消礼敬,如果他把我们抓起来送给匈奴,那我们的骸骨就会永远喂豺狼了。你们看怎么办呢?”部属都说“:现在处在危急存亡的地方,死活都听从司马的吩咐。”班超说“:不到老虎洞里,就抓不到小老虎。现在的上策,只有趁夜晚天黑,用火攻击匈奴人,他们不知道我们有多少人,一定会大为惊恐,我们便可全部消灭他们。消灭了匈奴人,鄯善王会因此吓破了胆,我们便大功告成,事情办好。”部属们说:“应当跟从事商量一下。”班超怒曰:“是吉是凶,决定在于今日。从事是庸俗的文官,听了我们的计划必定会因害怕而泄露机密。死了不为人所称道,不是一个豪壮而勇敢的人。”大家说:“好!”初更时分,班超便率领部属奔向匈奴使者营地。这时,正刮着大风。班超叫十个人拿着鼓躲在匈奴使者驻地后边,约定说:“你们看到火攻起来了,就都击鼓大声呐喊。”其余的人都拿着弓箭武器,埋伏在匈奴使者驻地的门前两


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北京导游词英语加翻译 北京导游词英语加翻译1 Beijing is the capital of the peoples Republic of China, a municipality directly under the central government, a national central city of China, and a center for political, cultural, educational and international exchanges. It is also the decision-making center and management center of Chinas economy and finance. Beijing is located in the north end of the North China Plain, connected with Tianjin in the southeast, and the rest is surrounded by Hebei Province. With a history of more than 3000 years and a history of more than 850 years, Beijing is one of the "four ancient capitals of China" and has a certain international influence. Its earliest name in literature is "Ji". Beijing is a city with the largest number of world cultural heritages in the world. Beijing is also one of the areas with the most rainfall in North China. Peking University and Tsinghua University are also located in Beijing. Beijing has the largest number of world heritage sites (6) in the world, and is the first capital city with world geoparks in the world. Beijing is rich in tourism resources. There are more than 200 tourist attractions open to the outside world, including the worlds largest


25.★和尚敬茶 【原文】 灵隐寺僧某,以茶得名,铛臼皆精。然所蓄茶有数等,恒视客之贵贱以为烹献;其最上者,非贵客及知味者,不一奉也。一日,有贵官至,僧伏谒甚恭,出佳茶,手自烹进,冀得称誉。贵官默然。僧惑甚,又以最上一等烹而进之。饮已将尽,并无赞语。僧急不能待,鞠躬曰:“茶何如”贵官执盏一拱曰:“甚热。” (选自清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·卷六·鸽异》) 【参考译文】 灵隐寺的某个和尚,凭借烹煮茶而得名,对烹茶的工具都精通。这样以后他储蓄的茶有几种,经常看客人的贵贱来烹茶进献给他;那些最上等的茶叶不是高贵的客人以及知心朋友,不会全部拿出来。一天,有高官到来,那个和尚恭敬地拜见,拿出好茶,和尚亲自动手烹煮进献给高官希望得到他的称攒,高官默不作声的样子。和尚感到很困惑,又用最上等的茶叶烹煮进献给他。高官已经喝完了,并没有称攒。和尚着急的不能在等待,鞠躬问道:“茶怎么样”高官拿着茶杯手一抬说:“茶太热。” 【阅读训练】 1.解释: (1)以:凭借,因为;(2)及:以及;(3)进:进献;(4)待:等待 2.对下列句子中的加点词理解正确的一项是() A.然所蓄茶有数等蓄:含蓄 B.一日,有贵官至,僧伏谒甚恭恭:通“躬” C.僧惑甚,又以最上一等烹而进之惑:迷惑不解 D.贵官执盏一拱曰:“甚热。”热:热情

答案:C (A储蓄;B恭敬;D水的温度高,与“冷”相对。) 3.翻译: (1)其最上者,非贵客及知味者,不一奉也。 那些最上等的茶叶,不是高贵的客人以及知心朋友,(僧人)不会全部拿出来。 (2)手自烹进,冀得称誉。 僧人亲自动手烹煮进献给(贵官),希望得到(他的)称赞。 3.概括文中僧人的性格: 趋炎附势,攀附权贵,奉承拍马。 4.文末僧人听了贵官的话后的心情应是() A.愉快、满意B.厌恶、不满 C.失望、沮丧D.仇恨、恼怒 答:C 31.炳烛而学 晋平公问于师旷曰:“吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。”师旷曰:“何不炳烛乎”平公曰:“安有为人臣而戏其君乎”师旷曰:“盲臣安敢戏其君臣闻之:少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明,孰与昧行乎”平公曰:“善哉!” 【注释】 (1)晋平公:春秋时晋国的国君。 (2)欲:想要。 (3)暮:晚。 (4)何:为什么。炳烛:点燃蜡烛照明。炳,<动词>点燃。乎:呢。 (5)安有:哪有。为人臣:做臣子的。戏:戏弄。 (6)盲臣:师旷是盲人,故自称是“盲臣”。安敢:怎敢。 (7)好:喜欢,喜好。 (8)阳:阳光。 (9)壮:壮年,古人三十岁以上为壮年。 (10)炳烛之明:点燃蜡烛照明。 (11)孰与昧行乎:比摸黑走路哪个好呢昧行:在黑暗中行走。


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《苏武传译文》 1.武帝嘉其义,乃遣武以中郎将使持节送匈奴使留在汉者, 武帝赞许他这种合乎情理的做法,于是派遣苏武凭借中郎将的身份出使,持旄节护送扣留在汉的匈奴使者回国, 因厚赂单于,答其善意。武与副中郎将张胜及假吏常惠等 趁机送给单于很丰厚的礼物,以报答他的好意。 2.会武等至匈奴,虞常在汉时, 恰逢苏武等人到匈奴。虞常在汉的时候, 素与副张胜相知,私候胜曰:“闻汉天子甚怨卫律,常能为汉伏弩射杀之, 一向与副使张胜有交往,私下拜访张胜,说:“听说汉天子很怨恨卫律,我虞常能为汉廷埋伏弩弓将他射死。 吾母与弟在汉,幸蒙其赏赐。”张胜许之,以货物与常。 我的母亲与弟弟都在汉,希望受到汉廷的照顾。”张胜许诺了他,把财物送给了虞常。 3.张胜闻之,恐前语发, 张胜听到这个消息,担心他和虞常私下所说的那些话被揭发, 以状语(yù)武。武曰:“事如此,此必及我,见犯乃死,重负国。” 便把事情经过告诉了苏武。苏武说:“事情到了如此地步,这样一定会牵连到我们。受到(被)侮辱才去死,更对不起国家!”

4.单于壮其节,朝夕遣人候问武,而收系张胜。 单于钦佩苏武的节操,早晚派人探望、询问苏武,而把张胜逮捕监禁起来。 5.武益愈,单于使使晓武,会论虞常,欲因此时降武。 苏武的伤势逐渐好了。单于派使者通知苏武,一起来判处虞常(的罪),想借这个机会使苏武投降。 6.苏君今日降,明日复然。空以身膏草野,谁复知之!” 苏君你今日投降,明日也是这样。白白地用身体给草地做肥料,又有谁知道你呢!” 7.若知我不降明,欲令两国相攻,匈奴之祸,从我始矣。” 你明知道我决不会投降,想要使汉和匈奴互相攻打。匈奴的灾祸,将从我开始了!” 8.律知武终不可胁,白单于。单于愈益欲降之,乃幽武置大窖中,绝不饮食。卫律知道苏武终究不可胁迫投降,报告了单于。单于越发想要使他投降,就把苏武囚禁起来,放在 大地穴里面,不给他喝的吃的。 天雨雪,武卧啮雪与旃毛并咽之,数日不死。 天下雪,苏武卧着嚼雪,同毡毛一起吞下充饥,几日不死。 9.终不得归汉,空自苦亡人之地,信义安所见乎? 你终究不能回归本朝了,白白地在荒无人烟的地方受苦,你对汉廷的信义又怎能有所表现呢? 《师说》译文: 1.师者,所以传道受业解惑也。


物流术语中英文对照 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注册(容积)总吨 Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注册(容积)净吨 Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T) 总载重吨位(量) Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 总载重吨位 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 净载重吨 Light Displacement 轻排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement 满载排水量 Actual Displacement 实际排水量 Over weight surcharge 超重附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 燃油附加费 Port Surcharge 港口附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge 港口拥挤附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 货币贬值附加费Deviation surcharge 绕航附加费 Direct Additional 直航附加费 Additional for Optional Destination 选卸港附加费 Additional for Alteration of Destination 变更卸货港附加费Fumigation Charge 熏蒸费 Bill of Lading 提单 On Board (Shipped) B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L 备运(收妥待运)提单 Named B/L 记名提单 Bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 Blank Endorsement 空白备书 Clean B/L 清洁提单 In apparent good order and condition 外表状况良好 Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直航提单 Transshipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单 Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式联运提单 Long Form B/L 全式提单 Short Form B/L 简式提单 Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单 Advanced B/L 预借提单 Stale B/L 过期提单 On Deck B/L 甲板货提单 Charter Party B/L 租约项下提单 House B/L 运输代理行提单 Seaworthiness 船舶适航 Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同(租约) Voyage charter party 航次租船合同Time Charter Party 定期租船合同 Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 光船租船合同 Common carrier 公共承运人 Private carrier 私人承运人 Single trip C/P 单航次租船合同 Consecutive single trip C/P 连续单航次租船合同 Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同 Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包运合同 Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis 航次期租合同 Fixture Note 租船确认书 Free In (FI) 船方不负责装费 Free Out (FO) 船方不负责卸费 Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不负责装卸费 Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费 Declaration of ship′s Deadweight Tonnag e o f Cargo 宣载通知书 Dunnage and separations 垫舱和隔舱物料 Lump-sum freight 整船包价运费 Weather working days (W.W.D) 良好天气工作日 Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准备就绪通知书 Idle formality 例行手续 Laytime statement 装卸时间计算表 Damage for Detention 延期损失 Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 习惯快速装运International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规) Booking Note 托运单(定舱委托书) Shipping Order (S/O) 装货单(下货纸) Mate′s Receipt 收货单 Loading List 装货清单 Cargo Manifest 载货清单(货物舱单) Stowage Plan 货物积载计划 Dangerous Cargo List 危险品清单 Stowage Factor 积载因素(系数) Inward cargo 进港货 Outward cargo 出港货 Container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场 Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集装箱货运站 Container Load Plan 集装箱装箱单 Conventional Container Ship 集装箱两用船 Semi-container Ship 半集装箱船 Full Container Ship 全集装箱船 Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱货 Less Container Load (LCL) 拼箱货 Delivery Order (D/O) 提货单(小提单) Dock receipt 场站收据


导游词翻译技巧 【篇一:导游词的翻译方法与技巧】 导游词的翻译方法与技巧 论文字数:3000论文编号:org200904071216091440语种:中文论文 chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文 收藏:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8616346524.html,google书签雅虎搜藏百度搜藏 关键词:导游词英译功能翻译理论translation of tour commentariesthe functional theories of translation 摘要本文以广东名胜陈家祠导游词英译为例,从德国功能派翻译理论角度探讨导游词翻译的问题。通过理论探讨和实践分析,作者论证了导游词的两大英译原则即“以游客为出发点”和“以传播中国文化为取向”,只有在该原则指导下的导游词译本方能使涉外导游真正成为“友谊的使节,文化的传播者”。 abstract:the p resent paper attemp ts to app ly the functional theories of translation in the analysis of translations of tour commentaries, referring to the english translations of the tour commentaries of the chen clan temp le as a case of examp le. two major p rincip les are then proposed for c2e translation of tour commentaries: the p rincip le of being tourist2oriented and that of p romoting chinese culture. it is then argued that these p rinciples can serve as important guidelines for interp reters as“envoys of friendship and disseminators of culture”. 随着经济全球化的进一步发展,国际经济文化交流日益频繁。作为一种典型的跨文化交际活动,全球旅游业迅猛发展,在中国尤为如此。据世界贸易组织(wto)预测,中国在未来几十年中将成为全世界最大的旅游目的地之一。这无疑给传播中国文化创造了良好的契机,同时也对涉外旅游服务提出了更高的要求。 1 导游词涉外导游人员作为“民间大使”,在向外国游客提供服务时起到关键作用,他们的一言一行都将影响游客对中国的认识和态度。导游词是导游员在途中或景点等地向游客提供口头讲解服务所使用的,其主要功能是使游客更好地了解旅游地的自然风光和民俗风情。本 文所探讨的主要是导游词预制文本的翻译,即事先译好供导游员从事涉外导游服务的文本。优秀的导游词译文配以声情并茂的讲解能使“祖国大好河山的?静态?变为动态,使沉睡了千百年的文物古迹复活,使优雅的传统工艺品栩栩如生,从而使旅游者感到妙趣横生,留下经久


邹忌讽齐王纳谏 《战国策》 ①邹忌修八尺有余,而形貌昳丽。朝服.衣冠,窥镜,谓其妻曰:“我孰与城北徐公关”其妻曰:“君美甚,徐公何能及君也”城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。忌不自信,而复问其妾曰:“吾孰与徐公美”妾曰:“徐公何能及君也”旦日,客从外来,与坐谈,问之:“吾与徐公孰美”客曰:“徐公不若君之美也。”明日,徐公来,孰.视之,自以为不如;窥镜而自视,又弗如远甚。暮寝而思之,曰:“吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也。” ②于是入朝见威王,曰:“臣诚知不如徐公关。臣之妻私臣,臣之妾畏臣,臣之客欲有求于臣,皆以.美于徐公。今齐地方千里,百二十城,宫妇左右莫不私王,朝廷之臣莫不畏王,四境之内莫不有求于王:由此观之,王之蔽甚矣。” ③王曰:“善。”乃下令:“群臣吏民能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏;上书谏寡人者,受中赏;能谤讥于市朝,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏。”令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市;数月之后,时时而间进;期年 ..之后,虽欲言,无可进者。 ④燕、赵、韩、魏闻之,皆朝于齐。此所谓战胜于朝廷。 ⒌解释文中加点词语。(4分) ①朝服.衣冠:②孰.视之: ③皆以.美于徐公:④期年 ..之后: ⒍把下列句子翻译成现代汉语。(4分) ①由此观之,王之蔽甚矣。 译文:。 ②能谤讥于市朝。 译文:。 ⒎邹忌见了徐公后,又“窥镜而1刍视”“暮寝而思之”的行为反映了邹忌怎样的性格特点(4分) 答:。 ⒏阅读全文,说说齐国为什么能在朝廷上战胜别国(4分) 答:。 【参考答案】 5.①朝服.衣冠:穿戴②孰.视之:通“熟”。缜密,仔细,周详 ③皆以.美于徐公:认为④期年 ..之后:一年 ⒍(4分) ①译文:从这件事看来,大王您受蒙蔽太厉害了 ②译文:能在公共场所指责议论(我的过失)。 ⒎(4分)头脑清醒、善于思考、精明能干、深谋远虑。 ⒏(4分)是因为邹忌以自己的实际例子,来告诫威王要虚心纳谏,对臣下友好,要赏罚分明,要亲近向自己提建议的人,远离光奉承自己的人,所以数月来提建议的人,宫中像集市一样。一年之后想提也提不出了。威王的虚心纳谏,是齐国战胜于朝廷的关键。 (一)(12分) 伍子胥父诛于楚,子胥挟弓,身.干阖闾。阖闾曰:“士之甚,勇之甚。”将为之报仇。子胥曰:“不可,诸侯不为匹夫报仇。臣闻事君犹事父也,亏君之行,报父之仇,不可。”于是止。 蔡昭公南朝楚,被.羔裘,囊瓦求之,昭公不与。即拘昭公南郢(yǐng),三年然后归之。昭公去至河,用事,曰:“天下谁能伐.楚乎寡人愿为前列!”楚闻之.,使囊瓦兴师伐蔡。昭公闻子胥在吴,请救蔡。子胥于是报阖闾曰:“蔡公南朝,被羔裘,囊瓦求之,蔡公不与,拘蔡公三牟,然后归之。蔡公至河,曰:‘天下谁能伐楚者乎寡人愿为前列。’楚闻之,使囊瓦兴师伐蔡。蔡非有罪,楚为无道。君若有忧中国之事意者,时可矣。”阖闾于是使子胥兴师,救蔡而伐楚。楚王已死,子胥将卒六千人,操鞭笞.平王之坟。曰:“昔者吾先君无罪,而子杀之,今此以报子也!” 囊瓦者何楚之相也。郢者何楚王治处也。 ⒎下列句中的“之”与“楚闻之”中的“之”的意义和用法相同的一项是(2分) A.属予作文以记之. B.至之.市 C.亲戚畔之. D.怅恨久之. ⒏下列对人物的分析评价有错误的一项是(2分) A.伍子胥父亲被楚王杀掉,但他在气愤之余仍能克制,不贸然报仇,显得异常冷静。 B.“诸侯不为匹夫报仇”的话,反映了伍子胥是胸有大志的人。 C.伍子胥攻打楚国,既为吴国灭了楚国,又报了杀父之仇,称得上是忠孝两全。


长城英文导游词带翻译 长城的修筑与所在区域的自然地理环境具有不可分割性,各个地区的长城都体现了当地的自然地理环境特征。下面是学识网为大家带来的长城英文导游词带翻译,希望可以帮助大家。 1:长城英文导游词带翻译 The tourists everybody is good, today I'll guide you to visit the Great Wall. Look, far see the Great Wall it is like a long dragon, in between the mountains winding. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand. Now we have come to the Great Wall. This section of the Great Wall built in badaling, tall and strong, it is built against the huge stone and ChengZhuan. With square brick on the top of the wall, very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi mark in parallel. Outside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, buttress on the square? At the mouth and a nozzle for? With hope and shot. On the top of the wall, every three hundred meters there is a square ChengTai, station troops fortress, war, between the ChengTai can mutual echo. Now we are standing on the Great Wall, stepping at the foot of the square brick, holding the stone on the wall, you will naturally think of the ancient working people to build the Great Wall. Single the countless


高考文言文翻译专项训练1.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 陈子车死于卫,其妻与其家大夫谋以殉葬,定而后陈子亢至,以告曰:“夫子疾,莫养于下,请以殉葬。”子亢曰:“以殉葬,非礼也;虽然,则彼疾当养者,孰若妻与宰?得已,则吾欲已;不得已,则吾欲以二子者之为之也。”于是弗果用。(《礼记·檀弓下第四》)【注】陈子亢:陈子车的弟弟,孔子的弟子。 ⑴夫子疾,莫养于下,请以殉葬。 译文: ⑵虽然,则彼疾当养者,孰若妻与宰? 译文: 2.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。宋人或得玉,献诸子罕。子罕弗受。献玉者曰:“以示玉人,玉人以为宝也,故敢献之。”子罕曰:“我以不贪为宝,尔以玉为宝,若以与我,皆丧宝也。不若人有其宝。”(《左传·襄公十五年》) ⑴宋人或得玉,献诸子罕。 译文:_________________________ ⑵我以不贪为宝,尔以玉为宝,若以与我,皆丧宝也。 译文:__________________________ 3.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 季文子相宣、成,无衣帛之妾,无食粟之马。仲孙它谏曰:“子为鲁上卿,相二君矣,妾不衣帛,马不食粟,人其以子为爱,且不华国乎!”文子曰:“吾亦愿之。然吾观国人,其父兄之食粗而衣恶者犹多矣,吾是以不敢。人之父兄食粗衣恶,而我美妾与马,无乃非相人者乎!且吾闻以德荣为国华,不闻以妾与马。”文子以告孟献子,献子囚之七日。自是,子服之妾衣不过七升之布,马饩不过稂莠。 ⑴子为鲁上卿,相二君矣,妾不衣帛,马不食粟,人其以子为爱,且不华国乎! 译文:_______________________ ⑵人之父兄食粗衣恶,而我美妾与马,无乃非相人者乎! 译文:_______________________ 4.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 阳子之宋,宿于逆旅,逆旅人有妾二人,其一人美,其一人恶。恶者贵而美者贱。阳子问其故,逆旅小子对曰:“其美者自美,吾不知其美也;其恶者自恶,吾不知其恶也。”阳子曰:“弟子记之:行贤而去自贤之行,安往而不爱哉?”(《庄子·外篇·山木第二十》) ⑴其美者自美,吾不知其美也;其恶者自恶,吾不知其恶也。 译文:_____________________________ ⑵行贤而去自贤之行,安往而不爱哉? 译文:______________________________ 5.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 魏惠王谓卜皮曰:“子闻寡人之声闻亦何如焉?”对曰:“臣闻王之慈惠也。”王欣然喜曰:


高考文言文翻译专项训练 1.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 陈子车死于卫,其妻与其家大夫谋以殉葬,定而后陈子亢至,以告曰:“夫子疾,莫养于下,请以殉葬。”子亢曰:“以殉葬,非礼也;虽然,则彼疾当养者,孰若妻与宰?得已,则吾欲已;不得已,则吾欲以二子者之为之也。”于是弗果用。(《礼记·檀弓下第四》)【注】陈子亢:陈子车的弟弟,孔子的弟子。 ⑴夫子疾,莫养于下,请以殉葬。 译文: ⑵虽然,则彼疾当养者,孰若妻与宰? 译文: 2.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 宋人或得玉,献诸子罕。子罕弗受。献玉者曰:“以示玉人,玉人以为宝也,故敢献之。”子罕曰:“我以不贪为宝,尔以玉为宝,若以与我,皆丧宝也。不若人有其宝。”(《左传·襄公十五年》) ⑴宋人或得玉,献诸子罕。 译文:_________________________ ⑵我以不贪为宝,尔以玉为宝,若以与我,皆丧宝也。 译文:__________________________ 3.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 季文子相宣、成,无衣帛之妾,无食粟之马。仲孙它谏曰:“子为鲁上卿,相二君矣,妾不衣帛,马不食粟,人其以子为爱,且不华国乎!”文子曰:“吾亦愿之。然吾观国人,其父兄之食粗而衣恶者犹多矣,吾是以不敢。人之父兄食粗衣恶,而我美妾与马,无乃非相人者乎!且吾闻以德荣为国华,不闻以妾与马。”文子以告孟献子,献子囚之七日。自是,子服之妾衣不过七升之布,马饩不过稂莠。 ⑴子为鲁上卿,相二君矣,妾不衣帛,马不食粟,人其以子为爱,且不华国乎! 译文:_______________________ ⑵人之父兄食粗衣恶,而我美妾与马,无乃非相人者乎! 译文:_______________________ 4.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 阳子之宋,宿于逆旅,逆旅人有妾二人,其一人美,其一人恶。恶者贵而美者贱。阳子问其故,逆旅小子对曰:“其美者自美,吾不知其美也;其恶者自恶,吾不知其恶也。”阳子曰:“弟子记之:行贤而去自贤之行,安往而不爱哉?”(《庄子·外篇·山木第二十》) ⑴其美者自美,吾不知其美也;其恶者自恶,吾不知其恶也。 译文:_____________________________ ⑵行贤而去自贤之行,安往而不爱哉? 译文:______________________________ 5.将文言文阅读材料中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 魏惠王谓卜皮曰:“子闻寡人之声闻亦何如焉?”对曰:“臣闻王之慈惠也。”王欣然喜曰:“然则功且安至?” 对曰:“王之功至于亡。”王曰:“慈惠,行善也。行之而亡,何也?”卜皮对曰:


常用导游词的翻译,英语 篇一:导游词的翻译方法与技巧 导游词的翻译方法与技巧 论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文essay登出时间:20XX-04-07编辑:刘宝玲点击率:1693 论文字数:3000论文编号:org20XX04071216091440语种:中文论文chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文 收藏:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8616346524.html,google书签雅虎搜藏百度搜藏 关键词:导游词英译功能翻译理论translationoftourcommentariestheFunctionalTheoriesofTranslation 摘要本文以广东名胜陈家祠导游词英译为例,从德国功能派翻译理论角度探讨导游词翻译的问题。通过理论探讨和实践分析,作者论证了导游词的两大英译原则即“以游客为出发点”和“以传播中国文化为取向”,只有在该原则指导下的导游词译本方能使涉外导游真正成为“友谊的使节,文化的传播者”。abstract:ThepresentpaperattemptstoapplytheFunctionalTheoriesofTranslat ionintheanalysisoftranslationsoftourcommentaries,referringtotheEnglishtr anslationsofthetourcommentariesofthechenclanTempleasacaseofexample. Twomajorprinciplesarethenproposedforc2Etranslationoftourcommentaries :theprincipleofbeingtourist2orientedandthatofpromotingchineseculture.itis


十一.王冕苦学 王冕者,诸暨(jì)人。七八岁时,父命牧牛垄(lǒng)上,窃入学舍,听诸生诵书;听已,则默记。暮归,忘其牛。或牵牛来责踏田者,父怒,挞(tà)之,已而复如初。母曰:“儿痴如此,何不听其所为!”冕因去依僧寺而居。夜潜出,坐佛膝上,执策映长明灯读之,琅琅达旦。佛像多土偶,狞(níng)恶可怖;冕小儿,恬若不见。安阳韩性闻而异之,录为弟子,学遂为通儒。(《王冕传》) 【译文】 王冕,诸暨人。七八岁的时候,他的父亲让他到地里放牛,(他)却偷偷的到私塾去,听学生念书,听过之后,就默默的背诵。黄昏回去的时候,却忘了(带)他的牛(回来)。一个人牵着牛问是谁家的(牛)踩坏了庄稼,王冕的父亲非常生气,打了他,事后还是这样。王冕母亲说:“儿子喜欢读书,为什么不任凭他做自己(想做)的事情呢”王冕因此离开,去寺院居住。晚上偷偷出来,坐在佛像膝上,手执简策映着长明灯读书,书声朗朗直到天亮。佛像大多是土烧制的,狰狞(使人感到)害怕,可怕。王冕当时年幼,平静得好像不知道。安阳韩性听说王冕后对他感到惊异,就收他为弟子。王冕努力学习于是成为当时的大儒。 【答案】 1.①田埂、田畔高地②早晨 2.(1)王冕听完后,就默默地记住了。 (2)安阳的韩性听说他苦读的事,认为他与众不同。 3.学舍偷听读书;寺庙借长明灯读书。围绕“学习成才”这一中心言之成理即

可,如:学习必须勤奋刻苦;学习条件差,只要努力,照样能成才;逆境出人才等。 十二、文征明习字 文征明临写《千字文》,日以十本为率,书遂大进。平生于书,未尝苟且,或答人简札(zhá),少不当意,必再三易之不厌,故愈老而愈益精妙。 【译文】 明朝书法家文徴明临摹《千字文》,每天以十本为标准,书法于是就迅速进步起来。他平生对于写字,从不马虎,有时回复别人的书信,稍微有一点不满意,一定要再次更改,不怕麻烦。因此,他的年纪越大,书法就更加精致巧妙。【答案】 1.终于对于有时书信 2.稍微有些不满意,一定再三修改,不怕麻烦。 3.文征明勤奋习字,获得很大的进步。 十三、薛谭学讴 薛谭学讴(ōu)于秦青,未穷青之技,自谓尽之,遂辞归。秦青弗止,饯行于郊衢(qú),抚节悲歌,声振林木,响遏行云。薛谭乃谢求反,终身不敢言归。【注解】①讴:这里是歌唱。②饯行于郊衢:饯,设宴送行。郊衢,郊外的大道边。③抚节悲歌:抚节,打着节拍。④薛谭乃谢求反:谢,道歉。 【译文】 薛谭向秦青学习唱歌,还没有学完秦青的技艺,自己就以为学完了,于是便告辞离开。秦青没有劝阻他,在城外大道旁给他送行,秦青打着节拍,高唱悲歌。那歌声使树木振动了,使空中的飞云停住了。薛谭(听了后)便(向秦青)道
