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(中国社会科学院 语言研究所 北京 100732)

提 要本文从《当代语言学》的角度讨论中国语言学的立场,认为中国语言学的立场必须是中国的立场,也必须是科学的立场。中国的立场涉及我们的出发点、哲学思想、学术传承、国家实际、本土材料、独具特色的思路和方法,具有主观性和独特性。科学的立场代表科学研究发展的方向,具有客观性和普遍性。


中图分类号H002 文献标识码A 文章编号2096-1014(2018)01-0032-05

The Way of Thought in Chinese Linguistics:

From the Evolvement of the Journal Contemporary Linguistics

Hu Jianhua

Abstract China has intellectual foundations different from those of western countries. However, they have hitherto played no signi? cant role in the development of modern linguistics in China. This is so because modern linguistics in China has its origin in western linguistics, and its development has been guided by different schools of thoughts of western linguistics at its very begin-ning. In this paper, it is argued that, although it is necessary to use western linguistic theories in studies on Chinese linguistics, the development of an independent way of thought in Chinese linguistics can only result from the theorizing practice that combines general linguistic theories with the intellectual thought of China in an optimal way.

Key words Chinese linguistics; the way of thought; western linguistic theories; intellectual foundations of China

一、引 言



* 本文根据笔者在商务印书馆2017年7月22日召开的“2017海内外中国语言学者联谊会——第八届学术论坛”上的主题发言整理而成。

