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ALWAYS incredible, Pakistan’s governing coalition sundered on Monday August 25th when its second biggest component, the Pakistan Muslim League (N) walked out.

2.fold: to close because it is not successful 倒闭,结束

With its other smaller allies, the PPP-led government will not fold.

3.best: vt. 打败,剩过

If so, Mr Zardari might be seen to have bested both Pervez Musharraf.

4.discredited: 名誉扫地

He is among Pakistan’s most discredited politicians.

5. amnesty: 大赦

He received a controversial amnesty from these charges last year.

6. swollen powers:膨胀的权力

He assumes the swollen powers Mr Musharraf grabbed for the post.

7. on a whim: 一时冲动,心血来潮

...,which would allow him to dissolve parliament on a whim.

8. divest sth. of sth.:摆脱,丢弃

Mr Zardari has promised to divest the presidency of its dictatorial powers after he is elected.

9. shore up:支撑,稳住

To shore up his strength, Mr Sharif will try to woo the support of Mr Musharraf’s erstwhile allies, the Pakistan Muslim League (Q),.

10. woo the support: 争取支持

11. alternate in power:轮流当权

In the 1990s, Mr Sharif and Ms Bhutto alternated in power.

12. draw a line: 划界线,区分

Obama seems to many, by reason of his race, his calm intelligence, his youthful good looks and his powerful oratorical skills, to be well suited to draw a line beneath the bitter Bush years and to repair America’s torn relationship with the outside world.

13. pundit: 权威

One prominent pundit was much derided earlier this year for describing the tingle he got from listening to the candidate—but everyone knew exactly what he meant.

14. deride: 取笑

15. tingle: an exciting or uncomfortable feeling of emotion 震颤

16. an army of....:大批

But Mr Obama ran a brilliant campaign, using the internet to harness the energy and the donations of an army of volunteers, and deploying them with tactical skill in almost every state.

17. touch off: 引起,触发

He managed the firestorm touched off by his intemperate pastor, Jeremiah Wright, with dignity and, eventually, ruthlessness.

18. gain ground:占据优势

In the battleground states which will determine the result, Mr McCain has steadily been gaining ground.

19. bear sb./sth. out: 证实

If the polls are borne out, the result, as in 2000 and 2004, will be nerve-janglingly close.

20. nerve-janglingly: 神经焦躁不安地

She was suddenly wide awake, her nerves jangling.

21. aloof:冷漠,冷淡

Others find him unattractively self-regarding and aloof.

22. flip-flopping: 出尔反尔,改变观点

Many resent his apparent flip-flopping on important issues, like gun-control and whether or not to talk to Iran and Syria, as well as less important ones, like whether to wear a flag pin.

23. allay:减轻(情绪)

From the moment of his coronation in Denver, Mr Obama will have 68 days to allay these doubts.

24. mitigate:减轻,缓和/alleviate

There is not much he can do about his thin r閟um?or his lack of foreign-policy and security expertise, though he can mitigate the latter somewhat with an astute choice of running mate.

25. tone down:(讲话,意见)缓和,温和

Mr Obama could certainly tone down the triumphalism: opting to make his acceptance speech not in the convention hall but in a 75,000-seater sports stadium seems like another mistake, akin to his hubristic rock-star’s tour of Europe.

26. waffle:拿不定主意,三心二意

He needs to be a lot clearer and firmer about how he will deal with America’s f oes and rivals: his first instinct when Russia invaded Georgia was to waffle.

27. bogus:假的,伪造的

A bad deal may well be worse than no deal, if it lets Mr Mugabe stay in power, with Mr Tsvangirai’s lot as supplicant(恳求者)partners in a government of bogus unity.

28. blandishments: 因有所求而说的好话

Mr Tsvangirai should resist the blandishments of Thabo Mbeki, the South African president, who has been trying to mediate an agreement that would in effect leave Mr Mugabe and his thugs in charge.

29. ceremonial president: 礼节性的总统

Mr Tsvangirai and his Movement for Democratic Change have suggested that Mr Mugabe should become a ceremonial president and Mr Tsvangirai an executive prime minister in a transitional period before fresh elections are held.

30. destitution:贫穷,赤贫(destitute of sth.: lacking sth.)

He will become an unwitting agent for perpetuating the cruel and venal(贪赃枉法的)order that has turned Zimbabwe from an African bread basket into a husk of destitution.

31. bow out: 退出,告别

But Mr Mugabe and his security men, who could end up in the International Criminal Court at The Hague if he bowed out, do not see it that way at all.

32. doggedly:顽强地,坚持不懈地

But why should Mr Mugabe co-operate in his own demise? Other dictators, such as North Korea’s Kim Jong-il, remain doggedly(顽强地)in power, sealed off from their pauperised people.

33. pauperised:穷人,贫民

34. flagging: 变弱,热情衰减

He must revitalize a flagging economy.

35. turn the corner:脱离困境,度过难关

He must reduce energy dependence and turn the corner on the truly existential issue of climate


36. unwieldy: 难控制的,尾大不掉的

To make progress on this daunting agenda, the president must master and control a sprawling, unwieldy federal bureaucracy that is always resistant to change and sometimes dysfunctional.

37. lay out: 清晰谨慎地提出,策划(计划、论点等)

A successful president must identify meaningful yet achievable goals, lay them out clearly before the nation and the world, and then achieve them through leadership skills that will be tested by pressures unimaginable to anyone who has not held the job.

38. overarching:非常重要的,概莫能外的

Still, there is a need to define a broad overarching concept of the United States' national interests.

39. strengthen his hand: 加强他的作用

The president should address both issues as early as possible in order to strengthen his hand as he tackles pressing strategic issues, including the five neighboring countries at the center of the arc of crisis that directly threatens the United States' national security -- Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

40. condone:宽容,纵容

Presidential directives making clear that the U.S. government does not tolerate or condone torture are necessary in order to separate the new administration from that costly legacy.

41. albatross:信天翁,惹麻烦的事

Guant醤amo must not become the next president's albatross, too; closing it, no matter how difficult, is not just desirable but imperative.

42. immutable: 永恒不变,一尘不变(unchangeable)

History is not immutable.

43. inexorably: 不可阻挡的,无法改变的

Rome, imperial China, Venice, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom -- all had their day, and their international decline followed inexorably from their economic decline.

44. wean sb. off/from sth. 使逐渐戒除恶习(或避免依赖)

Suppose high oil prices continue for, say, another decade -- a gloomy but not unreasonable scenario given the long lead-time required to wean the consuming nations off their expensive habit.

45. ostensibly: 表面上的

There is a well-known example of this, although the West seems not to have learned any lessons from it: Saudi Arabia, which, although it has long worked with Washington to bolster world oil output and keep prices within an acceptable range, has simultaneously allowed billions of

(ostensibly nongovernmental) dollars to go toward building extremist madrasahs and funding terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda.

46. arrears:欠款,未付清的款项

Obama would improve and reform the organization in ways that would serve the United States' interests, starting by asking Congress to pay the arrears that have grown once again, under Bush, to over $1 billion.

47. the jaws of victory: 胜利的果实(usually "the jaws of death, defeat etc." meaning "鬼门关,失败的险境")

McCain charges that his opponent's position (which he and his supporters often misrepresent as "precipitous withdrawal") would snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, encourage the United States' enemies, and weaken the nation.

48. armistice agreement: 停战协议

Using as his model South Korea, where 28,500 American forces remain 55 years after the armistice agreement, McCain said that he was ready to station U.S. troops in Iraq for at least that long, if not longer, even a hundred years.

49. xenophobic: 仇外的

Such a multidecade commitment, even under peaceful conditions, is inconceivable in the xenophobic and violent atmosphere of the Middle East.

50. stand/turn sth. on its head: 使人完全改变思路,使人从反面思考

Obama stands McCain's core argument on its head.

51. a phased withdrawal: 分阶段撤军

And the only effective way to apply this pressure is to begin a phased withdrawal of U.S. forces.

52. rebuff:粗暴拒绝

If Tehran rebuffs an opportunity to have meaningful talks with Washington, it will increase its own isolation and put itself under greater international pressure, while the United States will improve its own standing.

53. take the helm:掌管,担任领导人

It can still take the helm in addressing the world's most pressing problems.

54. take precedence over: 优先于

National interest must take precedence over statements made in the heat of a campaign.

55. China's twin priorities: 中国的两个重点

China's twin priorities: territorial integrity and economic growth.

56. inextricable: 密不可分的

But the inextricable interdependence of China's growth and that of the global economy requires a policy of engagement.

57. through an economic lens: 从经济的角度

Washington understands, for example, that robust and sustained economic growth is a social imperative for China and that Beijing views its international interactions primarily through an economic lens.

58. an umbrella of support: 保护伞

Reform progresses best when an umbrella of support at the top facilitates change at lower levels.

59. thin social safety net: 薄弱的社会保障网

On the other hand, household savings are high, as individual Chinese try to compensate for the country's thin social safety net, limited options to finance major expenditures such as education, and few investment options other than bank deposits.

60. grapple with...: 争执不休

Meanwhile, even as the United States and other countries grapple with multilateral treaty negotiations on climate change, the SED has focused its bilateral discussions on the costs of climate change to the United States and China.

61. ramification: 后果

The ramifications of China's energy policies have been a consistent topic of discussion at the SED, and I have encouraged the Chinese government to move toward a market-determined price for energy.

62. tenet: 原则

The China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC, has been paying more and more attention to social responsibility and is making it one of the tenets of the company's oil-exploration activities around the world.

63. forestall: 预先阻止

It has alleviated a complex set of concerns in the U.S. Congress in a way that has led to a significant appreciation of the renminbi and forestalled dangerous protectionist legislation.

64. square: 与...一致

The right approach, in other words, can partly square Obama's goal of redeploying large numbers of U.S. forces sooner rather than later with McCain's goal of ensuring stability in Iraq.

65. prognosis: 未来预测

If the prognosis in Iraq were hopelessly grim, it might make sense for the United States to threaten withdrawal, hold its breath, and hope for the best.

66. pin the blame on...: 使承担过失

The police in Xinjiang have not pinned the blame for the recent violence on any terrorist group, nor has any claimed responsibility. But the official press has been less restrained.

67. heavy-handed: 高压的,冷酷的

China’s heavy-handed repression angers many Uighurs.


小学生爱看的英语故事精选【三篇】 "I had another bad dream," she told her fianc e . "It was about you again. You and your ex-girlfriend were kissing. I yelled at you to stop it. You looked right at me, and then you laughed at me! She laughed, too. Then you both went back to kissing. I tried not to watch, but when I covered my eyes, something pulled my hands away. I tried to leave, but my feet were glued to the ground. Finally, I woke up. Of course, it was very difficult to get back to sleep. "I had to drive home from Las Vegas this morning. It's a wonder I didn't crash 50 times. Instead of seeing traffic in front of me, all I saw was you and her. I can't take any more dreams like this. We're going to have to break up. We can be friends, but just friends. That way, I won't be jealous anymore, and I won't have these bad dreams anymore." "Why didn't you call me up and tell me about your dream?" he asked. "They say that the more you talk about bad dreams, the sooner you'll stop having them." She disagreed. She thought that the only solution was to break up and be just friends. She loved him, but these dreams had become so frequent that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. She was losing weight and having stomachaches from the stress. He didn't know what to do. He wanted her to have pleasant dreams. He wanted her to have a life without


新东方高中3500 核心词汇速记班笔记整理 字母: A牛,尖锐 B孕妇,房子 C拿,喊叫,运输 D门,向外引导,挖 E向外,由内而外发散的,窗,眼睛 F标记(大部分表示的是不好的标记),飞 G搬运,土地 H梯子,高,篱笆,手,拥抱 I自己(eg:im-否定) J跳跃(这个字母出现在莎士比亚后期) K嘴,口 L长度,拉伸,手臂,腿 M山,水 N标准,门 O嘴,圆形的东西 P手掌 Q女性(女性的背面),敏捷、迅速(猴子) R芽,草,直立,旋转,路 S曲线,牙齿,切分 T连接,舌头,标记(正向的标记) U(由V 演变而来) V水,胜利,路,看 W水,女性(两个V 连起来是W) X未知,愈 Z曲线 字母互变规律: 1.元音字母互变规律eg: do-de ad-ac 2.辅音字母互变规律eg: f-v b-p r-l-n(南方人老奶奶热牛奶—lao lai lai le liu lai) 3.字母同化规律eg: a+相同的两个字母,则a+第一个字母=ad 4.字母省略规律eg: already的al 实际上是all,“全部”的意思 5.字母错位规律 词根: acu:尖端acute 尖锐的 ag:做,行动agency代理处;agenda 议程 agri:田地,农业agriculture 农业 ann: 年annual 每年的 astro,aster :(star) 星星,天体disaster灾难;astronomy 天文学 audi, audit 听:audible 可听见的;audience 观众,听众 bi,bio:生命:biology 生物学biography 传记 brillil :发光:brilliant 闪耀的


管理学词汇中英文对照 Accountability 责任感 Achievement-oriented leadership 成就取向型领导 Activity ratio 活动比率 Adaptive organization (horizontal corporation) 自适应组织 Administrative management 行政管理Affiliation needs 归属的需要 Aggregate planning 综合计划 Alternative courses of action 可供选择的行动 Artifacts 人工环境 Assessment center 评价中心 Assets 资产 Attitudes 态度 Authority 职权 Autonomy 自治 Balance sheet 资产负债表 BCG matrix 波士顿咨询集团矩阵Behavior modification 行为修正Behavioral approach 行为法 Behavioral decision model 行为决策模型Boundary-spanning roles 跨界角色Bounded rationality 有限理性Brainstorming 头脑风暴法 Breakeven analysis 头脑风暴法 Budgets 预算 Bureaucratic control 官僚控制Bureaucratic management 官僚管理Business ethics 商业道德 Business portfolio matrix 商业资产组合矩阵Business strategy 商业策略 Cash cows 金钱牛 Chain of command 指挥链 Changing 变革 Charismatic authority 魅力权威模式Classical perspective 古典管理理论 Closed system 封闭系统 Code of ethics 伦理规范 Coercive power 强制力 Cohesiveness 凝聚力 Communication 沟通Communication network 沟通网Compensation 报酬 Competitive advantage 竞争优势Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) 计算机辅助设计 Conceptual skill 概念能力 Concurrent control 并行控制 Constraints 强制,约束 Contingency approaches 随即制宜法Contingency perspective 权变观Contingency planning 随即计划Continuous schedule of reinforcement 连续性奖励 Continuous-flow production system 连续生产系统 controlling 控制职能 Controls 控制 Corporate social responsibility 公司社会责任 Corporate strategy 公司战略 Cost leadership strategy 成本领先战略Current assets 流动资产 Current liabilities 流动负债 Customer divisional structure 消费者多样化结构 Data 数据 Debt ratios 负债比率 Decision making 决策 Decision support system (DSS) 决策制定系统 Decision tree 决策树(体系) Decision varialbes 决策变量 decisional roles 决策角色 Decoding 解码 Delegation 授权 Delphi technique 魔鬼提倡法 Devil's advocacy 唱反调的人 Dialectical inquiry 辩证探求法Differention strategy 差异化战略 Directive leadership 指示领导 Diversity 多样化 Divisional structure 部门是结构


看故事学英语单词:班门弄斧 【成语来源】 show off before an expert/teach a fish how to swim班门弄斧 Lu Ban (鲁班) was supposed to be a consummate carpenter in ancient times. 古代有一个建筑和雕刻技术非常高超的人,名叫鲁班。 It is said that he once carved a wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days. 传说他曾用木头制作了一只五彩斑斓的凤凰,能够在空中飞翔三天不掉下来。 Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off one's skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban. 谁敢在鲁班门前卖弄使用斧子的技术,也就是说,想在大行家面前显示自的本领,这种太不谦虚的可笑行为,就叫做“班门弄斧”( 这句成语有时也用作自谦之词,表示自己不敢在行家面前卖弄自己的小本领)。 【成语活用】 I'm making a fool of myself trying to show off before an expert like you. 在你面前班门弄斧,太不好意思了。 【文化链接】 “班门弄斧”的英文表达,常用“to teach a fish how to swim”,也就是说“去教一条鱼怎么游泳”,鱼本来就会游泳,怎么还用人来教呢?所以英语中要表示一个人“班门弄斧”做无用的行为的时候,就会用“to teach a fish how to swim”。举例来说:


一:头发 老者:白发如霜、白发如银、粗硬、鹤发童颜、两鬓苍苍、两鬓染霜、满头银发、银发、白发苍苍、少年白发、两鬓斑白、银丝、满鬓微霜、鬓发皓然、皤然、鹤发 女子:蝴蝶髻、披肩发、披肩长发(长长的黑色卷发,如瀑布般披在胸前,性感妩媚。)、齐眉的刘海、长辫垂胸、羊角辫、鬓角卷发 发质:柔软的头发、头发乌润、乌发如云、乌黑油亮、乌亮、油亮光洁、头发乌润、发辫乌黑、滑腻柔软 一般:凌乱、刘海、蓬松 男子:丑角:蓬头垢面、披头散发、头发稀疏、秃头、稀疏、微秃、光秃、秃亮、头顶秃(地中海秃/O形秃/圆形秃)、前额秃(M形秃、U形秃/马蹄形秃)、乱蓬蓬、蓬头垢面、分岔断裂 白发斑斑、白发苍苍、辫子、刺猬头、鹤发、剪着平头、刘海儿、留着背头、满头青丝、蓬蓬松松、、蓬松的短发、披肩发、蓄着分头学生发、整齐、自然卷发 二:眉毛 动作:挑、扬、轩皱、蹙、颦、揪、锁、拢、攒舒展、松横、竖 样式:剑眉(倒八字,正义)、英眉、卧蚕眉(英武男,关羽)、罗汉眉(卷曲眉)、柳叶眉、扫帚眉、一字眉、秀眉、金色眉、柳叶眉(化妆后的)、新月眉(曲眉)、蛾眉(蛾眉凤眼,杏脸桃腮)、竖眉

粗眉、细眉、浓眉、疏眉、弯眉、烟眉、、ㄟ字眉、三角眉、鬼眉、尖刀眉、枯眉、狮眉、龙眉、八字眉、吊丧眉、 两眉入鬓、柳眉淡描、眉如新月、眉耸春山、眉同翠羽、眉宇修长、眉清目秀、眉清目朗、眉如春山、眉如卧蚕、青眉如黛、浓眉如炭、细眉长睫、纤眉如画、蛾眉淡扫、柳眉弯弯、剑眉入鬓 形容:粗黑、粗长、墨黑、浓黑、浓重、细长、修长美丽、又粗又浓、长眉似雪、黛眉 情感:愁眉不展、慈眉善目、柳眉倒竖、剑眉倒竖、贼眉鼠眼、双眉高挑、 三:鼻子 美鼻:鼻孔饱满、鼻梁挺直、鼻子端正、又尖尖的鼻子、挺鼻如峰、高鼻梁、又高又直的鼻子、高鼻梁尖尖的鼻子、细巧挺秀、小巧、秀美、端正阔大、端庄秀丽、微翘、 丑角:鼻尖扁平、鼻青脸肿、鼻似弯钩、鼻头微勾、鼻歪脸肿、鼻子扁阔、鼻子粗短、朝天鼻、拱梁大鼻、酒糟鼻、宽鼻阔嘴、狮子鼻、蒜头鼻、塌鼻梁、鹰钩鼻、又遍又平的鼻子、 动作:鼻孔朝天、咽气、舒气、断气、喘气、喘息、窒息、气急、喷嚏、奄奄、咻咻、哼哧、呼哧、气吁吁、气呼呼、气咻咻、喘嘘嘘。 四:嘴、牙 美角:白而发亮的牙齿、齿白唇红、唇方口正、唇红如血、唇如胭脂、红唇、红润、棱角分明、满口银牙、抿着小嘴、樱桃小嘴、朱唇、朱唇皓齿、樱桃


背单词我不再头疼!!!新东方的付费秘籍哦!【很好,很受用】来源:崔琳的日志 新东方10天背5500词汇经典讲座(还没背住单词者急入!!)已详细解释记忆表用法! 鉴于很多同学反映看不懂这两张记忆表,我做一下解释: 1.将需要记忆的所有单词按数量等分成10份(对应10天表)或20份(对应20天表) 2.表中的字母A至J依次对应于在一步骤中分成的10份单词集团(20天表中字母A至T依次对应于20份单词集团) 3.表中的数字表示天数,其中10天表中的前10天是记忆单词阶段,后30天是巩固强化阶段(20天表前20天是记忆单词阶段,后30天是巩固强化阶段) 4.表中“上”表示这一天中的上午,“晚”表示这一天中的晚上 10天背诵表(适用于记忆力好的同学)


(一)总论 对绝大多数中国同学来说,学英语就是背单词,单词是很多同学心中永远的痛。词汇是写作的基石,要想取得写作高分,必须突破词汇。但很多同学却陷入了背单词的误区。有些同学喜欢抱着厚厚的词汇书背,企图一气呵成,结果一天背几十个就晕过去了。有些同学喜欢拼写,每个单词都要写上几十遍,可往往写到第十遍的时候就已经丢了一个字母,结果变成不断强化自己的错误记忆。还有的同学喜欢边拼边读,我曾见过一位同学把某一单词刻苦拼读了四五十次。当她写了五十多次后,我问她这个词什么意思。这位同学茫然地看了我一眼,重复了两遍读音,说忘了。由此可见,机械惯性重复并不能达到真正的记忆。 科学的单词记忆方法应该分成三步:第一是快速突破,第二是详细了解,第三是实战运用。上文已提到,真正运用于写作的单词不过2000余个。绝大部分考研词汇并不需要掌握拼写和发音,只要“见其形,知其义”即可。快速突破这些写作单词后,再找一本比较详细的词汇书或字典,了解其的英文解释、同义词、反义词、用法等,但并不需要全背下来。最后就是在练习中体会单词在上下文中的具体用法。 (二)记忆秘笈 很多同学平时词汇书背得很熟,上了考场却有如下几种反应:(1)这个词我背过;(2)我知道这个词在词汇书第几页;(3)这个词上面和下面的词我都记得;(4)我忘了这个词什么意思了。笔者以前也有过这样的感觉,原因在于只按照一种顺序背单词。 背单词应该按照三种顺序:正序记忆、逆序记忆和乱序记忆。绝大部分词汇书是按正序(即字母A~Z的顺序)编排的。很多同学背A时信心百倍,背B时备受打击,背C时彻底崩溃,因此出现了很多C先生、D小姐。书的A到C部分已经翻黑、翻烂了,而Z那个部分还从来没看过。显然,这样是不行的。第一遍背单词可以正序记忆,从第一页看到第十页。第二遍背单词应该采用逆序记忆,从第十页最后一个单词倒着往前背。从第三遍开始进行乱序记忆,从第五、八页等开始,先往前背,后往后背,这样才能建立对应关系,彻底记住单词。可以找一张白纸,在左上方挖一个小洞,够露出一个英文单词即可。每次背完一页后,利用这张纸自查。看着英文单词能说出中文意思就过,说不出来则需要继续强化。 “七”是个神奇的数字。根据德国心理学家艾宾·浩斯的遗忘曲线,一个东西按照科学规律重复七遍以上,就会牢记不忘。诸葛亮七擒孟获,终于使其心服口服。如果我们能把单词“抓”七遍,想忘掉都难。 (三)词汇实战


1.管理与组织导论 管理者:(manager) 基层管理者:(first-line managers) 中层管理者:(middle managers) 高层管理者:(top managers) 管理:(management) 效率:(efficiency) 效果:(effectiveness) 计划:(planning) 组织:(organizing) 领导:(leading) 控制:(controlling) 管理角色:(management roles) 人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles) 信息传递角色:(informational roles) 决策制定角色:(descisional roles) 技术技能:(technical skills) 人际技能:(human skills) 概念技能:(conceptual skills) 管理得普遍性:(universality of management)

2.管理得历史 劳动分工:(division of labor) 工作专业化:(job specialization) 工业革命:(industrific revolution) 科学管理:(scientific management) 一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory)管理原则:(principles of management) 官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy) 定量方法:(quantitative approach) 组织行为:(organizational behavior) 霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems) 封闭系统:(closed systems) 开放系统:(open systems) 权变理论:(contingency approach) 劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity) 电子企业:(e-business) 电子商务:(e-merce) 内部网:(intranet) 学习型组织:(learning organization) 知识管理:(knowledge management)


高中英语词汇——看故事记单词(二) Mr. Bacon used to be a music CD agent. He got the job through an employment agency. By accident, he heard some African music. The music was agreeable to the ear. From then on, he was in an agony of longing. Africa was a mysterious land attracting him. His heart agitated for adventure. Mr. bacon had a friend name Jack. Jack was an alert alien. They were much alike in character. Both of them never touched alcohol. Both of them were aggressive, but Jack was stronger. In the 400-meter match , he got ahead of Mr. Bacon every time One day, Mr. Bacon received airmail from Jack. In the airmail, Jack described the beauty of Africa. Mr. Bacon affirmed that what he said was true. Three days afterward they met at the airport. According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day. They found that the lack of rain aggravated the serious shortage of food. The agricultural commodities were deficient that year. There were rumors in the air that it was punishment from God. Next, on the way to hotel, they were shocked to see a dead man on the road. They alarmed the police at once and waited for the aid from the police. It's really a bad journey! 培根先生曾是一个音乐CD的代理商。他通过一个职业代理处得到这份工作。偶然地,他听到一些非洲音乐。那音乐非常令人愉快。从此,他陷入了热望的苦恼中。非洲成了一块吸引他的神秘土地。他的心煽动着要求冒险。培根先生有一个名为杰克的朋友。杰克是一个机灵的外侨。他们在性格方面非常相像。两个人都不沾酒。两人都很好斗,而杰克更胜一筹。在400米赛跑中,每次都是他领先培根先生。一天,培根先生收到了来自杰克的航空邮件。信中,杰克描述了非洲的美丽。培根先生肯定他说的是真的。三天以后他们在机场碰头。按照议事日程,他们第二天到了非洲。他们发现干旱使食物短缺加重了。那年的农业产品不足。有谣言在流传,说是来自上帝的惩罚。接着,他们在去旅馆的半路上震惊的发现一个死人。他们立刻向警方报警并等候援助。这真是倒霉的旅行! The college admitted Steve when he was 15. The news was all over the small village.Not only he himself,but also his parent felt happy for this. They always fought alongside him. There was a bill along with the college notice, which upset them. The family was not rich at all; they had no radio, let alone a television. But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. After all, they had only one son. Fortunately, the college made allowances for Steve's situation and awarded him an allowance of five thousand dollars. When everything was all right, Steve went to college. In all, there were 30 students in his class. Steve learned a lot at class. He knew brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Besides this, he knew sometimes hemp was used to alleviate pain. Also, he could read the Latin alphabet correctly. Steve liked all the subjects but history. He had heard enough such as “Britain in alliance with France once defeated a number of smaller countries.”, “Britain was an ally of America in both World Wars. They were allied countries.”, and so on. But allowing for the graduation, he still got A in every subject. The teacher allocated duties to all the students evry Monday, and Steve always finished his part first. So the teacher alleged that Steve was the most promising student in the class. 一所学院在史蒂夫15岁时接受了他。这个消息遍及了村庄。不但他自己,而且他的父母都为此高兴。他们总是与他并肩作战。与大学通知书一起来的一张账单让他们心烦。这个家庭一点也不富裕,他们没有收音机,更不用说电视了。但他们竭尽全力为儿子提供高等教育。毕竟,他们只有一个儿子。幸运的是,学员体谅史蒂夫的处境并发给他一项5000美


高考小说人物形象概括常用四字词语包括 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

高考小说人物形象概括常用四字词语包括: 百折不挠威武不屈坚强不屈坚贞不屈宁死不屈不屈不挠意志坚定坚忍不拔锲而不舍坚定不移成熟稳重善解人意风趣幽默积极进取正义正直处事洒脱淡泊名利循规蹈矩热心助人豪放不羁勇敢正义 聪明好学实事求是精明强干足智多谋大智若愚嫉恶如仇 愤世嫉俗心直口快不拘小节心灵手巧谨小慎微表里如一刚正不阿光明磊落一视同仁大公无私义无反顾正气凛然正直无私执法如山刚正不阿严于律己两袖清风忍辱负重谦虚谨慎廉洁奉公豁达大度鞠躬尽瘁舍己为人舍生忘死舍生取义一丝不苟发愤图强自强不息安贫乐道大义凛然见义勇为超然物外特立独行废寝忘食持之以恒奋不顾身身先士卒与世无争不屈不挠百折不挠明辨是非爱憎分明安分守己随遇而安温柔敦厚和蔼可亲平易近人忍辱负重委曲求全知书达礼智勇双全神机妙算神通广大文韬武略运筹帷幄足智多谋明察秋毫随机应变博学多才见多识广高瞻远瞩深思远虑独树一帜持之以恒雷厉风行心胸宽广平易近人和蔼可亲沉着冷静与人为善助人为乐 百伶百俐冰雪聪明聪明伶俐聪明正直聪明智慧大巧若拙精明强干冥顽不灵足智多谋夜郎自大大智若愚桀骜不驯刚肠嫉恶落拓不羁心直口快心浮气躁傲骨嶙嶙不劣方头沉静寡言动心忍性刚中柔外乖僻邪谬蕙心兰质姜桂之性文如其人习与性成严气正性外强中干元龙豪气外圆内方秀外慧中直内方外色厉内荏奴颜媚骨不拘小节老成持重跋扈自恣刚愎自用高傲自大孤芳自赏固步自封骄傲自满妄自菲薄两面三刀自高自大自命不凡自轻自贱自以为是斤斤计较优柔寡断虚怀若谷心口如一好为人师矜才使气目空一切目中无人天真烂漫老奸巨滑刁滑奸诈刁钻古怪刁钻刻薄口蜜腹剑赤胆忠心胆大心细心灵手巧心直口快谨小慎微豪放不羁表里如一刚正不阿光明磊落口是心非朴素憨厚大方诚实忠诚诚恳谦虚虚心果断天真幼稚活泼聪明圆滑狡猾虚伪自私任性骄傲贪婪愚蠢奸诈刚愎自用,桀傲不驯道貌岸然心胸狭


第一章管理总论 Manager 管理者 First-line managers 基层管理者Middle managers 中层管理者 Top managers 高层管理者Management 管理 Efficiency 效率 Effectiveness 效果 Planning 计划 Organizing 组织 Leading 领导 Controlling 控制 Management process 管理过程Management roles 管理角色Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色Informational roles 信息传递角色Decisional roles 决策制定角色Technical skills 技术技能Human skills 人事技能Conceptual skills 概念技能System 系统 Closed systems 封闭系统 Open systems 开放系统Environment 环境 Special environment 具体环境General environment 一般环境Contingency perspective 权变观Organization 组织

Universality of management 管理的普遍性Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者 第二章管理的历史 Division of labor 劳动分工 Industrial revolution 产业革命 Scientific management 科学管理 Therbligs 基本动作元素 General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家Principles of management 管理原则 Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织 Quantitative approach 定量方法 Organizational behavior (OB) 组织行为 Hawthorne Studies 霍桑研究 Workforce diversity 员工多样化 Entrepreneurship 企业家 e-business (electronic business) 电子商务 e-commerce (electronic commerce) 电子贸易、电子商务Intranet 内部互联网 Total quality management (TQM) 全面质量管理Learning organization 学习型组织 Knowledge management 知识管理 Workplace spirituality 团队精神 第三章计划 Decision 决策 Decision-making process 决策过程 Problem 问题 Decision criteria 决策标准 Implementation 实施


高中英语词汇——看故事记单词(十二) The digest of the novel included the most exciting scenes. Several witnesses saw a UFO! It looked like a huge disc. The dimension of the UFO was 6 feet high, 15 feet in diameter. It gave off diffused light. The light was too dim for them to see it clearly. So they touched it, and it diminished! Suddenly the stones on the ground flew about in every direction. One of the witnesses was disabled in this disaster. The UFO took off and soon disappeared in the sky. The police was diplomatic; they found Professor Huggins with the help of the directory. Professor Huggins was diligent enough to obtain a diploma in space research. Now, he was the director of a famous scientific group. On the day they visited him, Professor Huggins was dining. He was dipping the chicken in the butter. The rich food didn't digest easily. The police asked him what differentiated the UFO from the airplane. He answered humorously, "The UFO has diplomatic immunity."The police said his help would certainly make a difference in this affair. Professor Huggins cut off their diffuse speech and agreed to help them. The news diffused rapidly around the country. The bad thing was newspaper accounts of the affair disagreed. This place Professor Huggins in something of a dilemma. To maintain his dignity, he had to do his work under disadvantage. So he kept on working with a digital computer day and night. 这部小说的摘要包含了最精彩的场面。几个目击者看见了UFO!它看起来像一个巨大的圆盘。UFO的尺寸是高6英尺,直径15英尺。它发出四散的光。光线很暗淡,他们看不清楚。于是他们去触摸它,然而它竟缩小了!突然地上的石头朝各个方向乱飞。一个目击者在这场灾难中残废了。UFO起飞并很快消失在空中。警方很有策略,他们通过人名地址簿找到了哈金斯教授。哈金斯教授很勤奋,他获得了太空研究方面的一个文凭。现在,他是一个著名的科学团体的主任。警方拜访哈金斯教授的那天,他正在进餐。只见他拿鸡块蘸黄油吃。这种油腻的食物可不好消化。警方问他如何区分UFO和飞机。他幽默地回答说:“UFO 有外交豁免权。”警方说他的帮助对这事很重要。哈金斯教授打断他们冗长的演讲,答应帮助他们。很快消息在全国传播开来。不好的事情是新闻报道不一致。这使哈金斯教授陷于窘境。为了维护自己的尊严,他不得不在不利条件下工作。于是他夜以继日地用一台数字计算机工作着。 The war field was in dreadful disorder. Several big chimneys discharged smoke. But the soldiers displayed perfect discipline under the fire of the enemy. A soldiers Howard, was asked to send a dispatch to the front line. But he said he lostit. His expression disclosed the truth. The captain saw through his disguise. He discerned that Howard was lying. The captain dismissed the other soldiers then cried at Howard, "Can you discriminate good conduct from bad? Nothing displeased memore than your lie. Your behavior disgusted everybody. You are a dishonor to our regiment. Our regiment was disgraced by your conduct. I have known how to dispose of you. You are dismissed by way of punishment. Bob will displace you. Don't dispute with me. " The captain's words discouraged Howard. And the news of being dismissed dismayed him. He felt the army had discarded him. Though Howard thought he should not be discriminated against, he knew he was deserving. Someother soldiers surrounded to watch. The captain dispersed them. Howard had to go home and then worked at a store selling merchandise of a 20% discount. He was disposed for discharging the cargo. 战场上一片混乱。几个大烟囱在排出浓烟。但是士兵在敌人的炮火之下显示了他们的


概括人物内在形象(性格、品质)的常用词语 【高考高频词汇】 性情谦卑、胆小怕事、狡黠圆滑、固执守旧、大方热情、善意真诚、机智幽默、乐观向上、理性克制、有责任感、待人真诚、刚正自尊、顾全大局、不慕权贵、豪放洒脱、意志坚定、勇于创新、一丝不苟、严肃认真、勤劳朴实、憨厚老实、做事踏实、勇敢担当、率真坦荡、赤胆忠心、志向高远、幽默诙谐、磊落坦荡、热爱生活、敢于直言、颐指气使、目中无人、斤斤计较、不拘小节、能说会道、忍辱负重、自私自利、待人刻薄、从容沉稳、不拘小节、鲁莽草率、求真务实、聪明伶俐、吃苦耐劳、善解人意、心直口快、求真务实、助人为乐、不慕权贵、趋炎附势、见风使舵、伪善自大、天真烂漫、忍辱负重、善解人意、顽强不屈、待人礼貌、懦弱胆小、温和善良、友善大方、呆板迂腐 【分类汇总】 1. 性格类: 正面—— 善解人意、心细如发、体贴、富有爱心、温柔沉静、心灵手巧、富有情趣、通情达理、纯真质朴、聪明伶俐、天真可爱、顽皮淘气、富有活力、朝气蓬勃、懂事能干、有主见、有骨气、人穷志不短、自尊自爱、倔强、沉稳果断、开朗自信、真诚善良、友好谦恭、宽容忍让、勤劳朴实、节俭、慈爱宽厚、和蔼可亲、平易近人、彬彬有礼、不拘小节、睿智大气、聪慧通达、幽默风趣、善于变通、隐忍内敛、个性张扬、心直口快、耿直偏激、严厉苛刻、严慈相济向往自由、追求平等、热爱生活、热爱自然、珍爱自己、乐于挑战、永不服输、富有智慧、精明强干、大智若愚、足智多谋、沉着冷静、从容镇定、勇敢、目光敏锐、狂放不羁、特立独行、 反面—— 胆小怯懦、逆来顺受、妥协退让、敏感自闭、固步自封、妄自菲薄、固执、吝啬、冷漠自私、粗鲁莽撞、粗俗不雅、饶舌多事、骄横火爆、横行霸道、狂妄自大、目中无人、孤傲自负、刚愎自用、奸诈多疑、老气横秋、消极悲观、自卑、圆滑世故、尖酸刻薄、利欲熏心、唯利是图、争强好胜


我们都知道,“映雪读书” 讲的是晋代孙康因为家贫没钱买灯油,晚上看不到书, 就利用夜里白雪反射的光,继续勤奋读书,最终成为饱学之士。 在中文,我们有很多像这样的“有故事”的字词,其实每种语言都有这样的现 象哦~~ 今天要讲的是关于”hot”的一些短语和故事!Hot是一个很简单很常用的单词, 由它组成的词组也是非常常用的哦~ 我们先看看这个词-- ”hot potato” 哇哇,学过这两个单词的小朋友肯定会举手说:“我知道!我知道!是热土豆 的意思!”Good try! 很好的猜测! 没错,在字面上”hot potato”是热土豆或者烤土豆的意思,但是呢,在英语 中,hot potato还另有玄机哦! 那么hot potato究竟是什么意思呢?哈哈,老师来告诉你背后的故事吧! “The potato is a popular vegetable in the United States.” 原来啊,土豆在美国是一种很常见的蔬菜。他们很喜欢把土豆放在烤炉(oven) 上去烤(bake)。 等土豆变得香喷喷的时候,大家都迫不期待地用手去拿了。 滚热的土豆烫得手好痛啊! It’s difficult and painful to take a hot potato! 所以hot potato是什么意思呢?大家肯定知道了,没错, 就是things that is difficult and painful to do,即“棘手的问题”的意 思啦! 【学以致用】我们来实操一下吧! 对于操心于孩子学习的爸爸妈妈来说,抢到学而思乐加乐英语的学习名额真是 一件棘手的事,我们就可以说: 1. To study in Xuersi is really a hot potato. 2. Children are apples in parents' eye, but somtimes, they are also hot potatoes! 那对于孩子来说,什么又是你们的hot potato呢?大家踊跃造句吧! 期待下期的”hot”故事吧 英语单词背后的小故事(2)


一、【头发】 老者:白发如霜、白发如银、粗硬、鹤发童颜、两鬓苍苍、两鬓染霜、满头银发、银发、白发苍苍、少年白发、两鬓斑白、银丝、满鬓微霜、鬓发皓然、皤然、鹤发 女子:蝴蝶髻、披肩发、披肩长发(长长的黑色卷发,如瀑布般披在胸前,性感妩媚。)、齐眉的刘海、长辫垂胸、羊角辫、鬓角卷发 发质:柔软的头发、头发乌润、乌发如云、乌黑油亮、乌亮、油亮光洁、头发乌润、发辫乌黑、滑腻柔软 一般:凌乱、刘海、蓬松 男子: 丑角:蓬头垢面、披头散发、头发稀疏、秃头、稀疏、微秃、光秃、秃亮、头顶秃(地中海秃/O形秃/圆形秃)、前额秃(M形秃、U形秃/马蹄形秃)、乱蓬蓬、蓬头垢面、分岔断裂 白发斑斑、白发苍苍、辫子、刺猬头、鹤发、剪着平头、刘海儿、留着背头、满头青丝、蓬蓬松松、、蓬松的短发、披肩发、蓄着分头学生发、整齐、自然卷发 二、【眼睛】 样式:丹凤眼、单眼皮、双眼皮、杏儿眼、凤眼、俊目、秀目、柳眉杏眼、龙眉凤眼、美目、杏眼、明眸皓齿、浓眉大眼、丹凤眼、桃花眼、媚眼、单眉细眼、 眸子、瞳眸、双眸、眼眸、眸采、灵眸、秀眸、美眸、俏眸、明眸、亮眸、黑眸、乌眸、俊眸、英眸、 三角眼、细眯眼、斜白眼、斜视眼、斜眼、斗鸡眼、金鱼眼、眯缝眼、肿泡眼、大小眼 形容:黑亮亮的、眉青目秀、明亮、秋波、水晶晶的、水灵灵的、水汪汪、乌溜溜的、圆溜溜、眼睛布满血丝、老花眼、睡眼惺忪、眼泡浮肿、深邃、明亮、清澈、明亮、剔透、水汪汪、水灵灵、浮肿、血丝、浓眉大眼、 眼神:慈眉笑眼、慈祥、慈祥的目光、关切、赞许、会说话的眼睛、慧眼、炯炯有神、敏锐、目光锐利、温柔、乌黑有神、凶狠的目光、眼睛贼亮、呆滞、狡诈、老眼昏花、目光迟钝、专注、蒙眬、迷离、昏眩、灵动、有神、无神、迷蒙、犀利、直勾勾、直愣愣、木然、流光焕采、流光四溢、眸光、眼若点漆、眼若流星、目光炯炯、炯炯有神、炯然、灼灼、盈盈秋水、秋水剪瞳、双瞳翦水、明眸善睐、瞳如星辰

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