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股权证(开户确认)Confirmation on Opening of Account of Share B

Extra explanation:

1.This confirmation is a share account card that should be showed by the

members who has opened account to the investor and shall be used in the transaction of share B in Shanghai.

2.This confirmation showed by members who has opened account must be

affixed with seal.

3.The name of members who opens account must be in full name.

4.Code of member who has opened account is its account settlement code.

5.The investor shall contact with his designated member promptly if loses of

this confirmation.

6.Contact with its designated member promptly if the name, ID cards and

communications of investor changes.


Business License

For Enterprise’s Legal Person

Registration No.:000000000000

Date of Establishment: June 26, 1996 Registration Office: TIANJIN ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL)

December 4, 2003 Indication for yearly check: Take yearly check between January 1 and April 30 every year. The operation qualification shall be lost if not check on time. Report the yearly check materials before March 15. Otherwise the enterprise shall undertake delay penalty.

Jinqi, No. 0000000 Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in the

Development Area, Tianjin

Residence:Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, Tianjin

Legal Representative:***

Registered Capital:RMB Three Million and Eight Hundred

Thousand yuan

Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability

Scope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoration

materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.

Term of Business:From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005



Business License

For Enterprise’s Legal Perso n

(Duplicate copy)

Registration No.:00000000000 Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in the

Development Area, Tianjin

Residence: Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, Tianjin

Legal Representative:***

Registered Capital:RMB Three Million and Eight Hundred

Thousand yuan

Type of Enterprise: Company of limited liability

Scope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoration materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.

Term of Business:From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005

Date of Establishment:June 26, 1996

Jinqi, No. 0000000


1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for

enterprise to obtain legal person qualification and legal operation.

2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original copy and a

duplicate copy. Both of the two copies have the same legal forces. The

original copy of business license shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal person could apply many duplicate copies to the registration office according to need.

3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent or

transferred. Any bodies other than the registration office shall not detain, take over or cancel the license.

4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its bus iness operation within the

approved business scope.

5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to the

original registration office for a change of the registered items.

6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the en terprise’s legal

person between January 1 and April 30 every year.

7.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when canceling

the registration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registration office.

Y early check conditions of the enterprise’s legal person

Y early check for enterprise in 2003, grade 4, Special seal for yearly check of Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (seal)

February 5, 2004

Registration office: Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)

December 4, 2003


Certificate for T emporary Resident of Beijing Printed by Beijing Public Security Bureau

Points of Attention

1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the temporary

residence of personals in Beijing from other places.

2.This certificate shall be under proper keep, took with the person for

the sake of check. It shall not be fabricated, alternated or lent to others. Loss of the certificate shall be reported to public security bodies promptly and apply to re-issue in accordance with relevant regulations.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/94337312.html,e to police station to transact alternation procedures in case of

change of temporary residence address.

4.The longest valid period of this certificate is one year. It shall

become invalid when the period expires.


Issued by:

Check record

Check record


Housing Ownership Certificate of the P. R. C.

Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P. R. C. Sale residence house by cost price

Beijing Real Estate Certificate Chaosi zi No.: 000000

In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the house-owners, the Real Estate listed on this Certificate, which was applied by the house-owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate.

Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau (Seal)


Management Bureau of Chaoyang District

Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau

of Chaoyang District (seal)

Date of Issue: May 10, 2001


Beijing Real Estate Registration Form


Printed by Beijing Real Estate Surveying and Drawing Office. It shall not be copied.


Ground plan of the real estate

Drawing No.:

Points of Attention

1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the real estate ownership. The real estate

ownership is under the pro tection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

2.The real estate owner shall strictly observe the laws, regulations and rules related to real estate

of the country.

3.The obligee shall apply a registration to the property right registration office of l ocal people’s

government where the real estate locates by holding relevant certificate in the specified period of time for the following conditions: the transfer of the real estate (result from buying or selling, exchange, conferment, succession, property division, assignment, transfer, court decision etc.); alternation conditions (the change of the legal name of real estate’s obligee or the change of the street where the house locate and the house number, the change of present conditions due to partial construction, remove, collapse, burn down of the house);

establishment of other rights (right to mortgage, right to pawn of the real estate etc.); rights for the real estate terminate owning to loss of house or land, the expiration of usable period of the land and the termination of other rights etc.

4.Any other units or individuals other than the certificate-issuing office and filling-in unit shall

not make registration or stamp their seals on this certificate.

5.Holder of the real estate ownership certificate shall bring forth this certificate when the

administration department of real estate needs to check the property right due to the need of work.

6.This certificate shall be under proper keep. The loss and destroy of the certificate shall made a

report and apply for re-issue promptly.


Guotai Junan Securities Beijing Zhichunlu Business Department Check


Account No.: 00000000 Shareholder code: C000000000 Name: ** Check date: 20030101 to 20040404

Check list for balance of share Expiration date: April 5, 2004

Shareholder’s account Share code Share name Present








Share’s market


0000000000 900937 Longdian

share B

0000 0000 0.00 0.00 000.00

AMD Present total capital: 000.00capital balance: 0.00 share’s market value:


HKD Present total capital: 0.00 capital balance: 0.00share’s market value:



Household Register

Under Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C

Points for Attention

1.The Household Register has a legal force to identify the status of a citizen and the relationship

of family members. It’s a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the household registration office makes residence investigation and check, the householder or anyone of the family members shall bring forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register.

2.The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the householder. No alter, transfer and

lease is allowed. The loss of the Household Register must be reported to the household registration office promptly.

3.Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household

Register. No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it.

4.Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the

registration items shall be registered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office.

5.If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional area of the residence, the Household

Register shall be submitted to the household registration office for cancellation.

Household No. 00000000

Registration of changed items and record of change

Registration Card for Resident Population

Seal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998

Registration of changed items and record of change

Registration Card for Resident Population

Seal of undertaker: Date of registration: July 1, 1998


Translation出生證明英文譯文範例 CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH File Series No. Relationship Father Mother Name : Date of Birth : Native Place : Address of Household Registration: Occupation : Location of Job : Job Description and Title : Infant's Sex : Number of live births to this mother(included this one) : Duration of Pregnancy(No.of weeks) : Weight at birth : Single or multiple births : Date of Birth : Address&Place of Birth : Delivered by : Hospital/Clinic/Midwifery/Home

others Physician/Midwife/others Special symptom of birthgiving mother&infant before&after childbirth seen in medical diagnose This is to certify that the above-mentioned facts are true and correct Name of Physician :

Physician License No. : Name of Hospital : Medical Practice License No.: Address : Dated.

05 英文翻译模板 供参考

毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译 题目一种配电网小电流故障 选线新方法 专业电气工程及其自动化 班级 学生 指导教师 年

一种配电网小电流故障选线的新方法 I. Zamora, Member, IEEE, A. J. Mazón, Member, IEEE, K. J. Sagastabeitia, and J. J. Zamora 摘要:在配电网系统中,故障点经经高阻接地或者中性点经消弧线圈接地使得故障电流比较小。以前高的故障电阻主要由于非有效接地或者绝缘降低引起。到后来,中性点就不接地或者经消弧线圈接地,然而,由于这样使得故障电流很小,无法使传统的过流继电器动作或者熔断熔断。本文提出了一种适用于辐射状配电网的基于特定频率电压信号叠加原理的单相接地故障选线新方法,计算机仿真和实验室试验都证明这种方法对于任何形式的接地故障选线都比较准确。 关键词:配电网,故障诊断,小电流接地,信号叠加 符号说明 R fbi馈线i单相对地电阻 Iresi 馈线i残余电流 VNG中性点电压 VpG相电压 Vh参考电压 Ki 馈线i的不对称度 △Kri 馈线i对称度的相对变化率 (a) Prefault situation 故障前 (b) Superposition situation叠加信号时

1简介 配电网的维护和运行里面两个必须要考虑的关键问题是公网安全和电能质量。在最大限度内输送电能必须协调好电能质量和苛刻的安全极限之间的矛盾。所有这些实现都要以新的立法形势和把握好技术改进和经济维护为前提。 然而,设计一种完全可靠的电力系统是不可能的,所以就要发展在最短时间内找到故障点并恢复供电的各种技术,短路故障情况下,短路电流变化比较明显,所以很容易找出故障线路。但是,由于故障的特殊性,配电网中的小电流接地不能被通常的保护监测到。 小电流接地故障通常发生在于高阻接地或有中性点有补偿装置的系统中。在第一种情况下,间接接地或弧光接地使得故障电阻很大,从而限制了故障电流。在第二种情况下,独立的系统或者中性点经电抗接地的系统在发生单相接地故障时,允许系统急需运行相负荷供电一段时间。 无论如何,如果对小电流接地不进行监控,有可能使巨大的电能危及人身安全和设备安全,即使短路电路很小,对设备来说是安全的,但是故障时刻的高电压已经威胁到人身的安全。因此,研究小电流接地选线装置对公众安全是必要的。 目前,有很多人从事这方面的研究工作,期望找出最好的办法来解决这个问题。利用神经网络,小波变换和人工智能的方法已经越来越重要了。低频信号分析也已经被用来分析故障特征,在中性点经消弧线圈接地系统中,利用改变消弧线圈的档位或者在中性点向系统注入工频电流信号,通过检测其对地的流通回路,但是,大部分这种技术只是用于一些小电流接地故障或者仅仅用于特定的情况下和特定类型的配电网中。 本文提出了一种基于电压信号叠加原理来监测小电流故障的的新方法,该方法适用配电网中的任何接地故障类型。


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/94337312.html, 美国纽约市出生证明翻译模板 纽约市人口记录证明 出生登记证明 申请日期:纽约市健康与心理卫生局 出生证明 ****年**月**日编号:***-**-****** 上午12:21 1. 婴儿姓名:** 2. 性别:男/女 3a. 本次怀孕分娩婴儿数量: 1个 3b. 若数量大于1,该婴儿的分娩顺序:**** 4a. 出生日期:****年**月**日 4b. 出生时间:上午09:50 5. 出生地: 5a. 美国纽约市皇后区 5b. 医院或其他场所名称(若非场所,请提供街道地址):纽约长老会皇后医院 5c. 场所类别:医院 6a. 母亲姓名:** 6b. 母亲出生日期: ****年**月**日 6c. 母亲出生地:中国 7.母亲常住地地址:美国纽约州皇后区**大道**号**公寓邮编:**** 8a. 父亲姓名:** 8b. 父亲出生日期: ****年**月**日 8c. 父亲出生地:中国 9a. 助产士姓名:** **** 9b. 本人证明该婴儿在上述地点、日期和时间出生并存活。 院务主任证明人签字:****(自动生成的电子签名) 地址:纽约皇后区****号邮编:**** 签署日期:****年**月**日 母亲当前法定姓名:** 住址:美国纽约州皇后区**大道**号**公寓邮编: **** 无修改记录: 仅限官方使用 上述证书为您孩子的出生登记证明,不收取任何快递费用。本健康与心理卫生局不证明上述证件内容的真实性。关于更改出生记录的更多信息请见背面。 ****年**月**日 纽约市健康与心理卫生局登记管(签名)本出生证明翻译模板由成都译信翻译有限公司制作,版权所有,不得复制!


学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板 附录:今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学士学位证书英语翻译与毕业证英文翻译模板,为爱大学本科生及研究生提供英文毕业证翻译样本。首先请看《办理中英文成绩单、英文毕业证学位证书的须知》。涉及中文或英文成绩单翻译,含英文毕业证书学位证书的证明。学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law. xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888 本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required


中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明 Certificate of Individual Income Tax Payment People’s Republic of China (2009)京地税个征05688310 No. (2009)BLTI-05688310 填发日期: 译法说明: 一、关于“完税”:译为tax payment或tax clearance均可。 二、关于完税证明编号的翻译:此处“(2009)京地税个征05688310”译为“No. (2009)BLTI-05688310”,其中BLT表示“北京地方税务”、I表示“个人所得税”,仅供参考。怎么译都可以,只要像那么回事。 三、关于“税款所属时期”:这里按其涵义译为“charging period of tax”。此外,译者还见过描述性译法,如“which period of time the taxation belongs to”,也是可以的,只不过生硬了一些,belong to不如charge专业和贴切一些。 四、关于“工资薪金所得”:不建议单独用salary或wage。在英语里,salary指公职人员或公司白领工人按星期、月度等固定时段所领的固定报酬;wage指工厂蓝领工人的计件、计时工资。除此之外,加班工资、补贴、津贴等也属于劳动报酬性收入。这些都统称labor compensation。国外很多大公司的工资单、工资条,上面用的就是compensation。 五、关于“实缴税金”:译为paid-in tax / cleared tax等均可。此处译为amount of tax payment。


中华人民共和国税收通用完税证 Universal Certificate for Tax Paying of the People’s Republic of China (20071) 深地完电: 00496405 (20071) SDWD: 00762405 注册类型: Registration type (港澳台商)独资经营企业 Solely invested corporation (by Hong 填发日期: Issuing date: 征收机关: Tax collecting authority: 专用发票的基本联次统一规定为四联, 各联次必须按以下规定用途使用: Special invoices are basically in quaduplicate, as stipulated on a unified basis, and each copy shall be used in accordance with the following provisions

(一) 第一联为存根联, 由销货方留存备查。 (1) The first copy is the "stub copy", which is kept by the seller for reference; (二) 第二联为发票联, 购货方作付款的记帐凭证。 (2) The second copy is the "invoice copy", which is used by the purchaser as payment record for bookkeeping; (三) 第三联为税款抵扣联, 购货方作扣税凭证。 (3) The third copy is the "credit copy", which is used by the purchaser as a certificate for claiming input tax credit; and (四) 第四联为记帐联, 销货方作销售的记帐凭证。 (4) The fourth copy is the "bookkeeping copy ", which is used by the seller as sales record for bookkeeping. 国家税务总局 State Administration of Taxation 票证监制章Seal for supervising manufacture of the certificates

2019-国税完税证明-范文word版 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理所得,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即予以删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑修改文字! == 国税完税证明 国税完税证明 个人独资企业注销后想更名为注册公司,手续怎么办啊 首先,你向国、地两个主管税务机关(如果你公司涉及的所有税在一个局的话,另论)申请开具一个完税证明。先咨询一下税务机关需要哪些税、哪几个纳税年度的完税证明。然后找你的专管员商量一下,以税务机关的名义写一个完税证明。现实中本人遇过这种情况,本来是税务机关写的,他们太懒,叫我自己写得了。写好后,找你的专管员审查一下,看措词行不行,之后再找你专管员把你完税证明上所属纳税年度缴纳税款的台账打印出来。 接着,嘴甜一点,麻烦你专管员带着你去加盖一个税务局的公章(我这里说的是局里的章,不是什么所、什么征收分局之类的章,因为局章才有说服力),可以的话,把你完税的台账按年装订,也盖上税务局的公章。如果税务局另有要求的话,你还有需要把各年度的缴款书逐一复印下来,以作你公司的原始完税证明。 这样子就可以对外发生证明效力了。 为了优化纳税服务,增强社会公众纳税意识,进一步提升个人所得税征收管理质量,根据纳税人的普遍要求,经研究,决定从201X年1月1日起,试行由税务机关按年向扣缴义务人实行了明细申报后的个人所得税纳税人开具《中华人民共和国个人所得税完税证明》(以下简称完税证明)。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、统一思想,充分认识加强开具完税证明工作的意义

由税务机关统一向个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明,是“聚财为国,执法 为民”宗旨的具体体现,符合国际惯例和我国个人所得税完税凭证管理工作的 发展方向。它不仅是税法的要求,也是衡量税务部门税收管理水平的标志,更 是保障纳税人合法权利的需要,其意义重大:一是可以将“聚财为国,执法为民”的宗旨落实到具体工作中,优化纳税服务、树立税务机关良好形象;二是可以贴近纳税人,满足纳税人实际需求,促进税法知识的普及,同时可以增强公 众纳税意识,培养公民依法纳税的责任感和自豪感;三是可以推动全员全额管理工作,加强对扣缴义务人扣缴情况和纳税人纳税情况的交叉稽核和监管,从而 提升个人所得税征收管理水平;四是可以为下一步深化税制改革,向综合与分类相结合的税制过渡奠定基础;五是可以为建立和完善全国征信体系打下基矗因此,各级税务机关务必对此项工作高度重视,加强领导,明确责任,积极创造条件,确保税务机关试行为纳税人开具个人所得税完税证明工作的顺利进行。 二、关于试行开具完税证明的范围 鉴于目前给所有个人所得税纳税人开具完税证明的条件尚不成熟,从 201X年1月1日起,税务机关应区别以下情况,给纳税人分别开具完税证明: (一)对实行了扣缴义务人明细申报、信息化程度较好的地区,以及纳入重 点管理的纳税人,无论扣缴义务人是否给纳税人开具代扣代收税款凭证,以及 纳税人是否提出要求,税务机关均应根据系统内掌握的扣缴义务人明细申报信 息和其他涉税信息,汇总纳税人全年个人所得税纳税情况,经核实后,于年度 终了3个月内,为每一个纳税人按其上年实际缴纳的个人所得税额开具一张完 税证明。? 纳税人在年度中间因出国、向境外转移财产、对外投资等原因需要完税证 明并向税务机关提出要求的,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个 人所得税款的完税证明。? (二)虽实行了扣缴义务人明细申报,但信息化条件暂不具备的地区,纳税 人向税务机关提出开具完税证明要求的,须提供合法身份证明和有关已扣(缴) 税款凭证,经税务机关核实后,开具其相应期间实际缴纳个人所得税款的完税 证明。 三、关于完税证明的式样

出生证明 英文翻译 同出生证明一模一样的模版

BIRTH CERTIFICATE Full name of baby: xxx xxxxxx Sex: Male Date of birth: February 24, 2010 11:43 Place of birth: Beijing Gestation (week): 40 Health status: well Weight: 4740 g Height: 54cm Full name of mother: Wang li Age: 26 Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: 110101198200000928 Full name of mother: Yan liang Age: 27 Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: 110101198200000928 Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: Peking University People's Hospital Birth No.: J 1102077777 Date of issue: March 2, 2007 Testing organization: Beijing birth certificate MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA “The Medica l Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.


个人所得税完税证明:The People’s Republic of China Individual Income Tax Certificate 税务登记证Certificate of Taxation Registration 地税编号local tax code 国税编号national tax code 地税字号这么翻译:DSZH 成就工资(Merit Pay):绩效工资来自于英文中的Merit Pay但在中国更为贴切的说法提法应该是绩效提薪. 股权(Stock): 福利(Benefit): 津贴(allowance): 奖金(incentive pay): 成就工资(Merit Pay): 基础工资(Base Pay): 以职位为基础(Pay for Job)的基础工资和以能力为基础(Pay for Competency)的基础工资 Salary:从事管理工作和负责经营等的人员按年或月领取的固定薪金. Wages:工人按件,小时,日,周或月领取的工资. 收入差(pay ranges 1,pay structure: 2,pay grades: 3,pay ranges: 4,overlap: 重叠 年终红利(annual bonus 岗位工资post wages 岗位技能工资与岗位效益工资之优劣Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post 隐性报酬(intrinsic compensation)和显性报酬(extrinsic compensation)。 1.基础工资:Foundation wages 2.职务等级:Duty rank 3.级别工资:Rank wages 4.工资工龄:Wages job seniority 5.职务岗位津贴:Duty allowance 6.特殊岗位津贴基础津:Special allowance 7.基础津贴:Foundation allowance 8.综合补贴:Synthesis subsidy 9.岗位补贴:Post subsidy 10.目标奖:Goal prize 基础工资: Basic Wage (or Salary) 职务等级: Occupation Classification 级别工资: Classification Allowance 工资工龄: Long Service Allowance 职务岗位津贴: Occupation Benefit


Rural Commercial Bank (Whole)Deposit Certificate No.: 1400XXXXXX ACCOUNT No.: 0265000XXXXXXXXXX DEPOSITOR: XXX Currency: RMB (C Notes) Amount (capital): RMB Fifty Thousand Yuan Only (small): RMB 50,000.00 yuan (signed by bank) (China Construction Bank Co., LTD 2012.06.14 Sub-branch of XXXX Business Format (10) DEPOSIT DATE DEPOSIT PERIOD DEPOSIT INTEREST RATE V ALUE DATE DUE DATE INTEREST DUE WITHDRAWAL WAY AGREED REDEPOSIT TERM 14th JUNE 2012 HALF YEAR 3.30000% 14th JUNE 2012 14th DECEMBER 2012 825.00 PASSWORD WITHDRAWAL DAY ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT OF PRINCIPAL PAID INTERET SERIAL NUMBER CIRCULATE OR EXCHANGE UNIVERSAL CASH SA VING AND WITHDRAWING Audit: Recheck of Withdraw: Operator: Recheck of Deposit: Operator: XXX


Chengdu Elite Translation Co., Ltd. Room 620, Block A, Tianyi International Mansion, No.2 West 1st Section of 2nd Ring Road, Chengdu City Tel: 86-28—85095809 Email: elite_123@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/94337312.html, BIRTH CERTIFICATE Full name of baby: XXXXXXX Sex: Female Date of birth: XXXXXXX Place of birth: Chengdu City Gestation (week): XXXXXXX Health status: well Weight: XXXXXXX Height: XXXXXX Full name of mother: XXXXX Age: XX Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: XXXXXXXXXX Full name of mother: XXXXXX Age: XX Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: XXXXXXXXXX Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: General Hospital of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Company Birth No.: XXXXXXXX Date of issue: XXXXXXXXX Testing organization: Special Seal for Chengdu Medical Birth Certificate of the General Hospital of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Company (seal) Note: This Medical Certificate of Birth is formulated according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care. It is a legal certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the newly born baby’s father and mother or guardian. Cannot be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.


签证相关各类证件翻译汇总 1、身份证Name: xxxx Sex :Female Nationality: Han D.O.B:12 Jan 1983 Adress: Room XXX No.167 XXX District XX City XXX Province Date Issue : 31 Mar 2001 Expiry: 10 Years Serial No: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX Branch Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau 2、行驶证 THE LICENSE OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF P.R.C. Register Code: 粤B XXXXX Type: Sedan Owner: XXXX Address: XXX, Huaqiang Road North, Futian District, Shenzhen, GD Province, P.R.CHINA Engine Code: XXXXX VIN: LXXX Model: Volks Wagon Passat SXXXX Total Weight: 18XX kg Carry Weight: 14XX kg Passengers: 5 persons Register Date: June XX, 200X Issued Date: July XX, 200X Size: 1234x5678x9100mm Issued By: Vehicle Management Office Shenzhen Traffic Management Bureau (Seal) 3、企业营业执照 BUSINESS LICENSE OF THE ENTERPRISE JURIDICAL PERSON( DUPLICATE ) No.11xxxx2 Register Number: QIHEJINGZONGFUZI No.00xxxx0 The Enterprise Name: Shenzhen xxxxxxx Co., Ltd. Address: Unit xxxx Building, No. xxxxxx Road, xxxxx District, Shenzhen Legal Representative: xxxxxx Register Capital: USDxxxxxx.00 (Real Capital USDxxxxxx.00) Enterprise Type: Joint Venture (Hong Kong joint) Scope of Business: Manufacture of xxxxxx and parts, peripheral and service.


福州翻译公司——福州快译典翻译推荐https://www.wendangku.net/doc/94337312.html, BIRTH CERTIFICATE 出生证明 “The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration. MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (seal) Full name of baby: 新生儿姓名Sex性别: Date of birth出生日期: Place of birth出生地点: Gestation (week)孕周: Health Condition: Weight: Height: Full name of mother母亲姓名: Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Full name of father父亲姓名: Age: Nationality: Nationality: ID Card No: Type of place: Name of facility出生机构名称: Fujian Provincial MCH Hospital 福建省妇幼医院 Birth No.: Date of issue发证日期: Issuing Organization (seal): The Official Seal for Fujian Birth Certificate, Fujian Provincial MCH Hospital 福建省 妇幼医院,福建省出生证明专用章


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 题目Knowledge management component in managing human resources for enterprises 在知识管理组件型企业的人力资源管理 作者姓名 专业名称信息管理与信息系统 学科门类管理学 指导老师刘小豫 提交翻译日期二〇一四年十二月

Knowledge management component in managing human resources for enterprises 在知识管理组件型企业的人力资源管理 Abstract Both human resources and knowledge are valuable assets for enterprises; therefore, effective management of these assets becomes inevitably critical for business success. While human resource management systems have been a research topic for more than two decades, knowledge management systems applied to human resource management are relatively new to both academia and industry. This study examines the use of knowledge management in a business environment such as human resource management. The evolution of information systems and information processing in the human resource management domain is presented, and a knowledge-based decision support system for human resource management is proposed. Keywords:Human resource management ;Knowledge management;Intelligent information processing ;Decision support system 1 Introduction Ever since the computer technology was 摘要人力资源和知识是企业宝贵的资产;因此,这些资产的有效管理不可避免的成为企业成功的关键。而人力资源管理系统是已经超过二十年的一个研究课题,知识管理系统被应用到人力资源管理在学术界和工业界是相对较新的。本研究探讨知识管理在商业环境如人力资源管理的使用。在人力资源管理领域的信息系统和信息处理的发展提出了一个基于知识的决策支持系统,并对人力资源管理提出了建议。 关键词:人力资源管理;知识管理;智能信息处理;决策支持系统 1引言 自从计算机技术被开发和被应用到商业业


出生公证书中英文样板 公证书 兹证明XXX(名字),男(女性别),于XXXX年XX月XX日在XX省XX市出生。XXX(名字)的父亲是XX(名字),XXX(名字)的母亲是XX(名字)。 NOTARIAL CERTICICATE This is to certify that XXXX(姓名),XXXX(性别male 男/ Female 女),was born on XX(月份),XX (日期),XXXX(年)in XXXX(城市名),XXXX(省)。His /Her(她或他)father is XXXX(名字)and His /Her(她或他)mother is XXXX。 此公正翻译仅供参考,具体以当地公证处翻译为准!

(委托)声明书中英文样板 声明书 声明人:XXXX,性别(男/女),XXXX年XX月XX日出生,身份证号码:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,现住XX省XX市。 我是XXX(XXXX年XX月XX日出生,身份证号码:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)的父亲(母亲),本人现郑重声明:本人同意我的妻子(丈夫)XXX(XXXX年XX月XX日出生,身份证号码:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)携带我们的儿子(女儿)XXX前往欧洲旅游。 我保证以上陈述是本人真实的意思表示,如违反上述承诺,愿承担由此产生的一切经济和法律责任。 声明人: XXXX年XX月XX日 STATEMENT I,the undersigned XXX ,XXXX(性别male 男/ Female 女),was born on XX (月份)XX(日期),XXXX(年),ID card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, now residing in XXXX (城市), XX (省). I am the father(父亲/mother母亲) of XXXX(名字) (born on XXX月份XX日期, XXXX年, ID card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX), and now I hereby solemnly declare that I give my consent to my wife/husband(妻/夫) XXXX(名) ( born on XX月XX 日, XXXX年, ID Card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) taking our son/daughter (儿子或女儿) XXXX (名字) to Europe for you. I ensure that the above statement is the presentation of my true meaning. I shall bear any economic and legal responsibility arising from any violation of the statement. XXXX(签字) XXXX 年月日期 此公正翻译仅供参考,具体以当地公证处翻译为准!


毕业论文外文文献翻译 院 年级专业: 2009级XXXXXXXXXXX 姓 名:学 号:附 件: 备注:(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可)

1.从所引用的与毕业设计(论文)内容相近的外文文献中选择一篇或一部分进行翻译(不少于3000实词); 2.外文文献翻译的装订分两部分,第一部分为外文文献;第二部分为该外文文献的中文翻译,两部分之间用分页符隔开。也就是说,第一外文文献部分结束后,使用分页符,另起一页开始翻译。 3.格式方面,外文文献的格式,除了字体统一使用Times new roman 之外,其他所有都跟中文论文的格式一样。中文翻译的格式,跟中文论文的格式一样。 (注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可,定稿后,请删除本页.) 范文如下:注意,下面内容每一部份均已用分页符分开了,如果用本模板,请将每一模块单独删除,直接套用到每一模板里面,不要将全部内容一次性删除. 【Abstract】This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on

the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.,Times New Roman. 【Key Words】Brand positioning; Marketing mix; Positioning Strategy; enlightenment, lessons;ABC (本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一起单独一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距)


Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password No. 109639581 BANK OF CHINA RENMINBI TIME DEPOSIT RECEIPT Teller: JHOK Seal: Certificate of Deposit was offered on May 19 2009 Date: 2009/05/03 Name: LI YAN Account No. 3826830011100060691 Amount: CNY 50,000.00 Period: 03 Interest Rate: 1.710000% Maturity: 2009/08/03 Accountant: ZHANG TAO Double Check: Transactor: No. 109639581 Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password No. 109661994 BANK OF CHINA RENMINBI TIME DEPOSIT RECEIPT Teller: J16Z Seal: Certificate of Deposit on was offered on May 19 2009 Date: 2009/05/06 Name: LI YAN Account No. 4101900011100072379 Amount: CNY 50,000.00 Period: 03 Interest Rate: 1.710000% Maturity: 2009/08/06 Accountant: YU JING Double Check: Transactor: No. 109661994 姓名:李宏 翻译 Name: Li Hong Translator 证书名称:翻译等级证书 Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE 证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692 公司名称: 北京美英爱翻译有限公司 Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD 公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室 Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City BANK SIGNATURE: JINAN HUAIYIN SUB-BRANCH HUAIYUAN OFFICE BANK OF CHINA LIMITED BANK SIGNATURE: JINAN SHIZHONG SUB-BRANCH YINGXIONGSHAN OFFICE BANK OF CHINA LIMITED

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