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(1) The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man.因此,对于一个从事社会活动的人来讲,培养一种爱好和新的情趣方式,乃是至关重要的对策。

(2) The Red Army Men marched on bravely against the piercing wind.红军冒着刺骨的寒风英勇前进。

(3) All were unconscious that this experience was a test of character; and,when the first excitement was over,felt that they had done well,and deserved praise.大家都没有认识到这番经验却是一次个性的考验,最初的兴奋过去以后,又觉得自己已经干得不错了,理应受到赞扬。

(4) He appeared at her side,breathing audibly, a moment after she reached the stop. She gazed ahead,rigid.她到车站不一会儿,他便出现在她的身旁,听见他喘息的声音。她凝视着前方,表情严峻。

(5) Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook,of a change of atmosphere,of a diversion of effort,is essential.然而,对所有这两种类型的人来说,变换一下看法、改变一下环境和转换一下注意力都是最基本的需要。

(6) …and it was on the first stage of this journey,in Kenya,that she received the news of her father's death and her own accession to the throne. ……就在此行的第一站肯尼亚,她接到了父亲去世并由她本人继承王位的消息。


(1) The inflammation is characterized by red,swelling,fever,and pain.炎症的特点是红、肿、热、痛。

(2) The visiting guests were escorted to the Yellow Crane Tower last Sunday.上星期天,来访的客人和陪同人员一起参观了黄鹤楼。

(3) Our government shows great concern for the Chinese residents abroad.我国政府十分关心海外华侨。

(4) Formality has always characterized their relationship.他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。

(5) Most US spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth's atmosphere after completing their missions.美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计,是在完成使命后,在大气层中焚毁。


(1) He added:"I understand and respect those views,but I deeply believe in the correctness of my decision." 他还说:"我理解并尊重他们的看法,但我深信我的决定是正确的。"

(2) They came back game and glee.他们兴高采烈地回来了。



(1) You can always tell the somebodies from the nobodies at a cocktail party. The somebodies come late.在鸡尾酒会上人们常常可以看出大人物和无名小卒来。那些迟到的就是大人物。(主语转换为表语;谓语转换为主语)

(2) With the fear of largely imaginary plots against his leadership,his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him.由于害怕有人阴谋推翻他的领导,他似乎完全丧失了自信。但所谓的阴谋在很大程度上是他自己假想出来的。(主语转换为宾语,宾语转换为主语)

(3) Cheerful,efficient and warm-hearted,they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。(状语转换为谓语)

(4) Her presence of mind had not completely deserted her; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.她还没有完全失去镇静,一时却又找不出话可说。(主语转换为宾语,宾语转换为主语)




(1) Five score years ago, a great American,in whose symbolic shadow we stand,signed the Emancipation Proclamation.


(2) A dozen and a half aeroplanes poured out into the airport during that five minutes.




(1) Away ran the boy.男孩跑开了。

(2) Slowly climbs the summer moon.夏天的月亮慢慢地爬上来了。


由于思维方式的不同,英语中有些从正面表达的东西在汉语中习惯从反面来表达;而有些从反面来表达的东西在汉语中则习惯从正面来表达。因此,英译汉时常常有必要进行转换。这就是通常所说的"正说反译、反说正译"法。英语正面表达这里指的是不带否定词no,not ,never否定前缀non-,in-,im-,ir-,dis-和否定后缀-less等的句子,汉语正面表达则是指不带"不"、"没"、"非"、"未"、"否"、"无"、"莫"、"勿"、"别"等否定词语的句子;反之则是反面表达。


frost-free refrigerator无霜冰箱


Wet paint!油漆未干!

mortally ill 不治之症

(1) The proposal was carried by a very narrow margin.这项建议差点通不过。

(2)We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.我们相信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。

(3) He went to an outdoor phone booth and dialed Chicago,then New York,then San Francisco.Silence. Silence. Silence.他到一个户外公用电话亭,先给芝加哥、又给纽约、旧金山打了电话。


(1) You can't be too careful.你要特别小心。

(2) The significance of these incidents wasn't lost on us.这些事件引起了我们的重视。

(3) Such flights couldn't long escape notice.这类飞行迟早会被人发觉的。

(4) The human system can hold out for a while against the gas from a leaking,damped-down coal stove,but soon after unconsciousness comes death.煤气若是从封上火的煤炉漏出,人体可以忍受一些时候,但人昏迷之后,不用很久就会死亡。


北外翻硕考研各科复习经验整理 1.基础外语: 基础英语选择题考的特别细致,没有专门的教材,还是重在平时积累,凯程老师对于考生基础知识的积累也很重视。阅读理解也是偏政治,偏“文”,当然答题技巧也很重要,多做阅读是有好处的,可以提高阅读速度,锻炼对长句子的理解能力,培养阅读答题技巧,凯程老师会对考生的阅读理解进行系统的训练。作文可以拿类似的GRE题目多练练手,和中文的作文类似,也要有中心思想,再分几段展开,最后总结一下,可以多积累类似于套路的句子和词汇,相信GRE范文上应该有挺多的,针对作文这方面,凯程老师也会对考生进行一系列的训练。 2.翻译英语: 翻译硕士基础这门课是需要下功夫的,英汉词条互译的部分完全需要你的积累,主要是词汇量和分析抓取能力。凯程老师会对学生的这两个方面进行很完善的训练。 北外的题型是第一部分是短语翻译,汉译英英译汉各15个,1分一个第二部分是英译汉,60分,共两篇,每篇200字左右;第三部分是汉译英,60分,共两篇,每篇200-300字。 先说说短语翻译吧,短语翻译一共30分,北外出题很喜欢时事,政经类的词汇,还有一些很热的词汇,比如土豪,小产权房等等,所以短语翻译大家一定要在平常下功夫,推荐《最新汉英特色词汇词典》,上面有最新的短语翻译。好好关注当年新出炉的政府工作报告,把其中的英文翻译当学习材料,还要把专业术语啊词汇啊什么的记下来,按时复习。 然后是段落翻译,北外虽然注重时事政经,但也经常会有很文学的考题,第二部分的篇章翻译就要看平时的积累了,热爱翻译,多做翻译,才能做好翻译。凯程老师会对学生这方面的能力进行很系统的训练。 凯程老师也很重视答题技巧,在此凯程名师友情提示大家,最好在开头就能让老师看到你的亮点,不管怎样至少留下个好印象。不管风格怎么变,翻译功底扎实,成绩都不会太差。所以还是提高自己翻译水平,才能以不变应万变。 3.百科: 先说说名词解释。这道题考得知识面很全,可能涉及到天文、地理、历史、法律、政治、中外文学、中外文化、音乐、翻译专有名词等,准备起来比较棘手,但是凯程老师会给学生准备好知识库,方便学生复习。百科的准备,一要广泛,二要抓重点,尤其要重视学校的参考书目,同时凯程也会提供凯程自己的教材及讲义来帮助大家。 接下来是应用文写作。其实这个根本不用担心,常出的无非是那几个:倡议书、广告、感谢信、求职信、计划书、说明书等,到12月份再看也不晚。但要注意一点,防止眼高手低,貌似很简单,真到写的时候却写不出来,所以还是需要练习的,凯程老师会在学生复习过程中对应用文的写作进行系统的训练。另外,考试的时候也要注意格式、合理性,如果再加上点文采,无异于锦上添花。 最后说说大作文。这个让很多同学担心,害怕到考场上无素材可写,或者语言生硬,拼凑一篇,毕竟大学四年,写作文的机会很少,早没有手感了。所以,凯程老师会针对这种情况,让考生从复习开始时,就进行写作训练,同时也会为考生准备好素材。 最后,注意考场上字体工整,不要乱涂乱画,最好打上横线,因为答题纸一般是白纸。


2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析 考研历年真题一定要用好,研究好。结合大纲和真题来选择辅导用书是最明智的。本文带大家回顾2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析: Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was. I came to recognise various signs of a bad paper: the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia. (46) There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms. Why is so much bad science published? A recent paper, titled “The Natural Selection of Bad Science”, published on the Royal Society’s open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question. It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it. What is important is not truth, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself. There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: (47) nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. Never mind the quality, then, count the number. (48) Attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity int o the assessment of an applicant’s papers. This is the famed citation index, that is to say the number of times a paper has been quoted elsewhere in the scientific literature, the assumption being that an important paper will be cited more often than one of small account. (49) This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favours. Boiling down an individual’s o utput to simple metrics, such as number of publications or journal impacts, entails considerable savings in time, energy and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great. (50) If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions encourage that kind of science. 46-50参考答案及解析:


2019翻硕考研:成功逆袭天大不是梦 凯程教育提供的这篇帖子应该很适合那些基础不算太好的小伙伴们。 1、自己的情况 私认为,兴趣是最好的老师,喜爱是最应该决定你选择的首要因素吧。当然还有其他很多因素啊,顺从父母的意愿啊,或是为了就业啊,为了学历啊,都可以。总得有一个原因支撑你走下去。 决定考研后,一定就要端正自己的态度,你要知道,考研这条路,如果你懒散或是抱有侥幸心理,是很难成功的。努力才是王道。 我承认,我考上有运气相伴,但更多的是自己的努力。暑假在家每天坐板凳上十几个小时,感觉都长痱子了~~冬天时,我们学校没有可供读书的室内场所,每天在图书馆外面的小广场上背书,冻到整个身体都没有知觉。所以你要相信,努力不一定有百分百的回报,但不努力,应该是没有什么回报的。 2、关于初试各科经验和书目推荐 ?政治 我用的都是肖秀荣老师的书,但也不是每一本都买了。按照自己的实际情况选择。我是从八月开始看政治的,到考前一共看了两遍大纲解析两遍风中劲草背了一遍风中劲草,中间写了两遍1000题,后来就是背肖八肖四。按照步骤来,所以我觉得不能开始的太迟,否则会来不及。但每个人基础不同,这也不能一概而论。我其实自认为复习的不错,而且高中学的也是文科,但考试的时候还是被选择题气晕了,最后分数也很一般。还是怪自己基础不够牢吧。 ?翻译基础: 我从3月左右开始练翻译,开始写的就是专八翻译,比较短,但是想要翻译好还是挺难的。一边练一边订正,积累优秀的句子用法。进度很慢,一直到暑假前才把专八那本书写的差不多。然后暑假一直练的是三笔练习,9月开学以后写的是翻硕黄皮书,没有全部写完,大概选了三分之二,翻了两遍。想说,翻译练习是一个比较枯燥的过程,可能很多时候,碰到很难得题型,翻得很不顺心的时候,也千万不要自暴自弃。一直对自己有信心,有干劲,才能更好的坚持下去~ 我用的书:


19考研-翻硕百科知识 1.佳人胆 随着时代发展,市井细民的婚姻观念中“父母之命,媒妁之言”已不再是绝对恪守的。那些私定终身的爱情故事又往往突出了女子的大胆、主动,即所谓佳人胆。 2.四大南戏 由元末明初南方书会才人编撰成的《荆钗记》《刘知远白兔记》《杀狗记》《拜月亭记》等所谓四大南戏。 3.临川派 明代中后期戏剧发展后期的一个重要派别。以临川人汤显祖为代表,其代表作是以海盐腔写就的《临川四梦》(又叫《玉茗唐四梦》),包括《紫钗记》《牡丹亭》《邯郸记》《南柯记》。 4.四大奇书 《三国演义》《水浒传》《西游记》《金瓶梅》并称四大奇书,题材内容上分属历史演义、英雄传奇、神魔小说和世情小说。 5.戏曲中的“虚拟” 中国戏曲以虚拟作为反映生活的基本手法。所谓虚拟,即利用舞台的假定性,通过夸张的变形来保证生活,在舞台表演的有限时间和空间里,创造出一种独特的意境,以对生活作出广泛而形象的概括。 6.程式 程式是一种运用歌舞手段表现生活的独特表演艺术格式,是中国戏曲的一个突出特点。各种程式动作,实际上就是生活动作的规范化,是在生活形态基础上又经过一番选择、加工和美化功夫所形成的舞台动作。 7.八音 指八种制作乐器的材料:金、石、土、革、丝、木、匏、竹。 8.七声音阶

指由“宫商角徴羽”五个正音加上随形式而变化位置的“二变”构成额音阶系统。所用“二变”不同,形成三种七声音阶:古音阶、新音阶、清商音阶。 9.洋务运动 19世纪下半叶由清政府发起的一场发展近代工业的社会改革,目的是维护其封建统治。主要内容包括在沿海城市扩充和发展近代工业,尤其是军事工业。10.新儒学 产生在新文化运动对儒家日甚一日的抨击背景下。博大精神的孔孟董朱体系,根深蒂固的文化集体意识,借以安身立命的中华道德伦理,使一群知识分子采取了与激进主义者完全不同的对待民族文化传统的态度,他们坚信儒学不是中国走向现代化的障碍,应当也必须重新评价儒家思想,发掘其中固有的积极精神,以促进儒学的新发展,再次复兴和光大儒家文化。主要代表人物有:梁漱溟、熊十力等。 11.摹古派 同指16世纪前后七子领导的文学复古运动,其复古理论主要有:1)在文学发展观上,主张“文比秦汉,诗必盛唐”,以后的诗文一代不如一代;2)在创作观上,主张一切为古人是尚,文学愈古愈好。他们的创造就是把古诗文当作范本临摹。因此得名。 12.公安派 晚明反复古运动的文学革新派,以三袁为代表,主张:1)在发展观上,文学是随时代而发展的,不应厚古薄今;2)创作观上,反对摹古抄袭,文学应充分表现个性;3)进一步认识到人的个性的多样性。 13.西体中用 由学者李泽厚提出的观点。他认为,要进行现代化,首先要改变社会本体,即小生产的经济基础、生产方式和生活方式。具体地说,要用现代化的西体—从科技、生产力、经营管理制度到本体意识来努力改造中学,转换中国传统的文化心里结构。“中用”既包括西体运用于中国,又包括中国传统文化和中学应作为实现西体(现代化)的方式。 14.主流意识形态文化


2019年考研英语一翻译 Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals,and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end,that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was.I came to recognise various signs of a bad paper:the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were1.17times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia.(46)There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which,when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press,generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms. 我是在开始撰写有关医学期刊的每周专栏评论文章,并因此而从头到尾阅读相关科学论文之后,才意识到医学文献常常是多么糟糕。我逐渐摸索出了识别拙劣论文的种种方法:这类文章宣称,一周吃一公斤花椰菜的人晚年患恶性贫血的概率要增加1.17倍。(46)这种无稽之谈充斥各类医学期刊,某些广播公司和非专业出版物一宣传,便制造出健康恐慌,掀起短暂的所谓健康饮食狂澜。 Why is so much bad science published?A recent paper,titled“The Natural Selection of Bad Science”,published on the Royal Society’s open science website,attempts to answer this intriguing and important question.It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science,but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it.What is important is not truth,but publication,which has become almost an end in itself.There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: (47)nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only10years ago.Never mind the quality,then,count the number. 为何如此多的劣质文章能得以发表呢?英国皇家学会的官方网站最近刊载了一篇题为《劣质科研论文的自然选择》的文章,试图回答这一让人百思不得其解的重要问题。文章称,问题不在于人们要写这种质量低下的文章,而是我们现今的职称晋升评价体系鼓励人们这样做。重要的不是文章是否探讨真理,而是文章能否发表,发表文章本身成了写文章的目的。一股文章高产之风业已形成:(47)现如今,要想申请一个研究岗位,就必须发表两倍于十年前申请同一岗位的文章。文章质量就不用操心了,数量才是重要的。 (48)Attempts have been made to curb this tendency,for example,by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity into the assessment of an applicant’s papers.This is the famed citation index,that is to say,the number of


2016翻硕笔译备考技巧 Why mixing alcohol and caffeine is so deadly Americans love their caffeine — in coffee, colas and now in their alcohol. But mixed, particularly in high volumes, the combination of caffeine and alcohol can be deadly. Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn't fully understood, but the combination appears to impair a drinker's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone. That has led to what some researchers call "toxic-jock syndrome." As a stimulant, caffeine jazzes up your whole body, increasing blood pressure, heart rate and, in some cases, causing heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. Caffeine also leads to headaches, jitteriness, agitation, stomach problems and abnormal breathing. It's the equivalent of an adrenaline rush. Alcohol, on the other hand, is a depressant that slows the brain's functioning and impairs one's ability to walk, talk and think clearly. Mixed, the stimulant and the depressant do not cancel each other out. 译文: 咖啡因配酒精是找死? Americans love their caffeine — in coffee, colas and now in their alcohol. 美国人爱他们的咖啡因——在咖啡里,在可乐里。现在在酒精里。 But mixed, particularly in high volumes, the combination of caffeine and alcohol can be deadly. 但是将咖啡因和酒精加在一起,尤其是高容量混合时,将产生致命后果。 Why caffeine and alcohol are so toxic together isn't fully understood, but the combination appears to impair a drinker's judgment more than drinking alcohol alone. That has led to what some researchers call "toxic-jock syndrome.


考研翻译硕士考研百科知识汇总 一、古希腊文学: 1、古希腊“荷马史诗”:《伊利昂纪》《奥德修纪》 2、悲剧诗人: 埃斯库罗斯:《被缚的普罗米修斯》 索福克勒斯:《奥狄浦斯王》 欧里庇得斯:《美狄亚》 3、喜剧诗人阿里斯托芬:《阿卡奈人》 4、伊索和《伊索语言》:狐狸与葡萄,农夫和蛇 二、古印度文学: 1、“吠陀”诗集:好几千首诗,既有神话传说,又有描写现实生活的作品。 2、史诗:《摩诃婆罗多》《罗摩衍那》 三、古代日本文学: 1、大和民族最古老的和歌总集:《万叶集》,有四万五千多首歌,多为抒情短歌。日本的诗圣柿本人麻吕擅长写抒情长歌,作品也收集其中。(相当于唐代) 2、世界文明的物语文学的代表:《源氏物语》 四、阿拉伯文学的珍宝:《一千零一夜》 五、欧洲文艺复兴时期的文学: (一)意大利文学 1、画坛三杰: 达?芬奇——永恒微笑的《蒙娜丽莎》 米开朗琪罗——雕像《大卫》人的尊严和力量 拉斐尔——人间母亲“圣母” 2、文坛三杰:

但丁——长诗《神曲》 彼特拉克——抒情诗集《歌集》 薄伽丘——短篇小说集《十日谈》 (二)法国文学 拉伯雷——长篇小说《巨人传》 (三)西班牙文学 塞万提斯——长篇小说《堂吉诃德》 西班牙戏剧之父维加——历史剧《羊泉村》 (四)英国文学 1、英国诗歌之父乔叟——诗体故事集《坎特伯雷故事集》 2、“诗人的诗人”斯宾塞——长诗《仙后》(讲究格律和技巧) 3、莎士比亚: 喜剧——《威尼斯商人》《仲夏夜之梦》《皆大欢喜》等 早期悲剧——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 四大悲剧——《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《麦克白》《李尔王》 传奇剧——《暴风雨》《辛白林》《冬天的故事》 5、弥尔顿——《论国王和官吏的职权》,说“君权民授”;万行史诗《失乐园》、《复乐园》以及诗剧《力士参孙》 六、法国古典主义文学 (一)法国古典主义戏剧三大师 1、莫里哀(让—巴蒂斯特?波克兰)——《伪君子》《吝啬鬼》《可笑的女才子》 2、高乃依——《熙德》 3、拉辛——《昂多马格》《菲德拉》 注:古典主义的特点——维护王权,崇尚理性,模仿古人。讲求“三一律”——一个剧本只能有一个情节;剧情只能发生在同一地点;时间不能超出一昼夜。


2019年考研英语真题:《英语二》翻译 My dream My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!


2019年翻译硕士考研汉语写作与百科知识中名词解释 的答题技巧 名词解释是翻硕448汉语写作与百科知识中非常重要的一部分,名词解释回答是否准确,很大程度上关系到百科一门、乃至总成绩的高低。名词解释的答题技巧有两条原则: (一)依据背景材料,紧扣材料说话,别说废话。 (二)适当的加进自己了解的东西。 01地名解释 中国地名和外国地名的答题内容会有不同。中国地名:要写出它的地理位置,历史地位,历史沿革,现今发展状况等。比如说长安,但是给的背景资料是一段丝绸之路的材料。也许很多人对长安的印象只知道他是唐朝的都城,现在叫西安,还有看过大明宫词的还知道大明宫在那里。这都可以算是有用的信息,但是怎么组织语言长安:汉朝和唐朝的都城,是古代陆上丝绸之路的起点,是当时世界上繁华的大都市之一。丝绸之路从这里出发,远达中西亚地区,为中华文明的传播和与外国文明的交流做出了重大的贡献。现名西安,位于今陕西境内。这样把它的前世今生历史地位都说到了,点到即止。外国地名,要说出它的位置,地位等。比如说唐宁街10号,可以这样解释:英国首相官邸与办公室。位于英国伦敦威斯敏斯特特区唐宁街,历史上曾是第一财政大臣的官邸。唐宁街10号是英国权利中枢,代表英国国家权利的中心所在。这样基本上也就可以了。 02人名解释 一般不会出现在活着的人了。历史人物,要知道他姓甚名谁(中国人最好知道他的字),什么朝代,干什么的,有什么历史贡献,作家的话有什么著作,思想家的话有什么观点,点到这些就可以了。比如说朱熹:宋朝人,南宋著名的理学家,哲学家,思想家,诗人。世称朱子,是既孔子、孟子以来最杰出的弘扬儒学的大师。程朱学派的创始人,其主要思想是“存天理,灭人欲”,其思想倾向于客观唯心主义,是宋代理学的集大成者。 03历史运动解释


19翻硕考研:笔译词句分类盘点教育(3) transmission of civilization 传播文明 valedictory address/speech 毕业献辞 virtual university 虚拟大学 working graduate 在职研究生 work-study program 勤工助学 be companion to sb in study 陪读 attend a class or lecture 听课 We must adjust the division of disciplines to adapt to new circumstances. 我们要调整学科结构,以适应新形势。 Corporal punishment is strictly banned. 体罚是严格禁止的。 Students find opportunities for hands-on experience to complement their book-learning. 学生有机会进行社会实践,以弥补课堂教学的不足。 Study areas have become more responsive to today’s students and to labor market needs. 现在学到的知识和技能更能适应市场和学生自己的需要发。 “Active” learning is a phrase that is widely accepted. “主动”学习这一概念正在被广泛接受。 Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. 教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。 Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. 教育即是要教人知其所不知。 Learn to say before you sing. 学习要循序渐进。 We should tribute to all teachers of young children. 我们要向所有培养孩子的老师致敬。 We should provide education for children with special needs and developmental challenges. 我们应该为有特殊需要和有发育障碍的儿童提供教育。 Entry to the universities is competitive. 入学的竞争非常激烈。 Education is not an end, but a means to an end. 教育不是目的,而是达到目的的手段。 Our purpose of educating children is to fit them for life. 我们教育孩子的目的是使他们适应生活。 There is no end to learning. 学无止境! Learning is a process in which we adapt ourselves to our surroundings. 学习是一个不断适应环境的过程。 Higher education systems in many countries have become more flexible


2019考研备考:英语翻译练习【五篇】 【篇一:外挂】 * plug-in 请看例句: Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing announced on Thursday it has removed a plug-in that used to double the cost of a ride. 国内叫车巨头滴滴出行16日宣布,已将一款"让车费翻倍"的*打掉。 此前有媒体报道称,有滴滴快车司机使用"*(plug-in)",增加实际费用,可使乘客定位的费用翻倍甚至更多。通过使用*,司机可以改变车辆在滴滴出行应用上的正常导航和行驶路线(change the vehicles' normal orientations and driving courses)。报道称,这款*还能让滴滴司机通过设定具体的出发或目的地对订单进行筛选(filter orders by specific departures or destinations),获得长途行程的订单,使司机有更多针对大额车费加倍获利的机会。 据了解,目前安装这款作弊器(cheating program)的司机已无法使用,作弊司机悉数被封。滴滴出行相关负责人表示,目前网约车行业作弊器有数十种,滴滴上线了反作弊策略来识别作弊应用(launch a counter-measure system for detecting the cheating app),一旦确认立即封号处理(block any accounts identified to be using the plug-in),并依据作弊订单金额进行罚款。滴滴表示,*作弊行为损害了诚信经营司机和广大乘客的利益,平台对作弊行为绝不姑息(zero tolerance),将继续联合警方一起打击网络黑产(black industry),共同保护出行平台的健康生态。 [相关词汇] 网约车 online car-hailing 叫车软件 car-hailing app 拼车 carpooling 抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in 宰客 overcharge 【篇二:七夕节】 七夕节 Qixi Festival 请看例句: Qixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, which falls this Friday, will be a money-spinner for the hospitality and tourism sector in the country. According to data from major online travel agencies, those born after 1995 were driving festival consumption. 今年的七夕节恰逢周五(17日),国内酒店和旅游业纷纷借这一节日吸金。主要在线旅行社的数据显示,95后群体主导了此次的节日消费。 随着近年来传统文化(traditional culture)、传统节日越来越被人们所关注,被称为"中国情人节(Chinese Valentine's Day)"的七夕节(Qixi Festival)受欢迎程度持续走高,人气不亚于2月14日的西方情人节。由于今年七夕恰逢周五,情侣可以选择连同周末假期出行,七夕节酒店和旅游产品(tourism product)预订情况均表现火爆。根据携程、途牛等在线旅行


2019考研英语翻译练习【五篇】 导读:本文2019考研英语翻译练习【五篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一:世界杯】 日历翻到六月,四年一届的世界杯终于来了。 如果你是球迷,不管是凌晨从床上一跃而起,独自面对电视为心爱的球队加油助威;还是约上三五好友,备上饮料啤酒,看着新军豪门在球场上快意恩仇,都是莫大的享受。 如果你不是球迷,绿茵场上也同样帅哥云集,总有一款是你的菜。 下面就给大家科普一下八个小组中备受关注的豪门新贵及其当家球星,还有32支球队的巴士标语。 各位“伪球迷”赶快来学习一下吧! A组 埃及丨Egypt 世界杯看球(脸)指南:能不能愉快度过这个夏天就靠它了! ?标语 When you say Pharaohs, the world must get up and listen 法老发声,世界静听 ★ 核心球员:“法老王”

Mohamed Salah, the Premier League's top player this season. The former Roma star went from a pretty well-known player to a household name with his amazing performances for Liverpool this season, scoring over 40 goals and guiding the team to the Champions League final. 穆罕默德·萨拉赫是本赛季英超联赛的球员。这位前罗马队球员在本赛季转会到利物浦后,凭借其出色的发挥,打进了40余粒联赛进球,从一名知名球员蜕变为家喻户晓的球星。在他的帮助下,利物浦也进入了本赛季的欧冠决赛。 足球是十一名球员的运动,然而作为埃及现象性的球星,“法老王”萨拉赫的发挥状况会很大程度上决定埃及会在世界杯上走多远,毕竟本赛季他进攻端的表现足以在今年的金球奖评选中与梅西、C罗一较高下。而埃及防守端的表现也十分出色,15年3月至今,在34场比赛中仅有4场丢球数超过一个。 此外值得一提的是45岁的门将哈达里,如果在世界杯中出场,将成为世界杯历最年长的出场记录保持者,作为常规首发球员的他打破这项记录指日可待。 ?同组球队 俄罗斯 Play with an open heart. 以豁达的心胸比赛。 沙特阿拉伯


凯程陈老师给大家带来一篇第七届“北京外国语大学-《英语世界》杯翻译大赛汉译英一等奖译文,也为备考MTI的同学提供一些翻译的技巧和经验。 Knowledge and Wisdom By Wei Lin 译/李小撒 知识与智慧 文/林巍 【1】知识与智慧的关系,是人们历来愿意谈论而又似乎谈不清的问题;然而,它的确与人们的学习、教育、生活、科技等方面有关。 The relationship between knowledge and wisdom is something that we have long been trying to pin down, but to no avail. Notwithstanding its elusive nature, this issue merits further discussion, for it undoubtedly has much to do with our learning, education, life, science, technology, and so on. 【2】“知识”可以理解为“人类至今对于物质世界里客观事实系统化的认知”,而“智慧”则很难定义。查阅了各种工具书,其解释都难以令人满意,因为所谓智慧常与能力或聪明相混淆。 While “knowledge” could be regarded as “human beings’ systematic perception of the objective facts in the physical world to this day”, “wisdom” is very difficult, if not impossible, to define. Explanations offered in various reference books are far from satisfactory, as the so-called wisdom is often confused with competence or cleverness. 【3】不同于许多人的观点,我以为,知识是智慧的基础,因为不可想象,一个有智慧的人是无知的。作为智慧化身的诸葛亮所以使出“借东风”的计谋,是因他有着丰富的天文地理知识;“塞翁失马”所以复得,是因他熟知马的习性。故而,亚里士多德说,在某种意义上,智慧是一种知识。 Contrary to what many people might think, my opinion is that knowledge constitutes the basis of wisdom, because it seems inconceivable that a man of wisdom could be ignorant. For example, it would not have dawned upon Zhuge Liang [1], the epitome of wisdom, that sufficient arrows could be “borrowed” from the opponent army with the aid of an “east wind” [2], but for his rich knowledge in astronomy and geography. Similarly, had the “old man at the frontier” known little about horses, he could not have regained his lost possession. No wonder Aristotle came to the conclusion that wisdom is, in a certain sense, some kind of knowledge. 【4】但是,有知识绝不等于有智慧。一个大字不识的人,可能把某个复杂的问题看得很透,而一个哲学教授却可能在某些简单事情上做出蠢事。 Nevertheless, it should be noted that knowledge can by no means be equated with wisdom, because an illiterate man might be able to keep a very complicated issue in perspective whereas a philosophy professor could do something quite stupid in his dealing with simple matters. 【5】孔子说,“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”;这里的“学”可理解为获得知识,“思”则是对于知识的运用,形成智慧。 Confucius [3] once remarked, “Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous.” In this context, “learning” can be taken as acquiring knowledge while “thinking” might be seen as the application of knowledge to arrive at wisdom. 【6】知识可以占有,智慧只能发挥;知识向外求得,智慧于内感悟;知识越获越丰富,智慧越凝越升华。老子说,“为学日益,为道日损”。

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