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1.This figure is five times the original estimate.

2.They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.

3. Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of three British hostages.

4. Translation must always be a process of approximation and compromise.

5. There's a sizzling summer of soccer ahead —we're kicking it off with a series of cracking quizzes.

6.Turning that vision into a reality is not easy.

7. I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.

8.Surely it is economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources.


1. Hallucination is common in patients who suffered damages to the brain.

2. There are two main problems which afflict people's hearing.

3. Having begun my life in a children's home, I have the great empathy with the little ones.

4. Some people need to confront a traumatic past, others find it better to leave it alone.

5. A new survey found that 50% of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment in their working lives.

6. He's large and languid, meeting each inquiry with an impassive countenance.

7. From the very first days of the reforms, the parliament kept on an incessant drumbeat of protest.

8. I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.


1.Town planning and land allocation has to be coordinated.

2. She admits that her height is intimidating for some men.

3. Most young people in the West are expected to leave what could be the life's most momentous decision —marriage —almost entirely up to luck.

4. What decided him was a cynical question: "If I fail, I'll be no worse off than I am now, will I?"

5. He was forced to romanticize the past as he became increasingly disillusioned with his present.

6. The approach fails to take into consideration intangibles such as pride of workmanship, loyalty and work habits.

7. The declaration was null and void as it was proclaimed in completely

illegal circum-stances.

8. Abortion is an issue which has produced a lot of sound and fury, but little reasoned argument.


1. The new economic plan seeks to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth.

2. A number of enlightened landowners have recently set an example by making land available at less than normal market value.

3. The consensus amongst the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.

4. It is useless trying to convince her that she doesn't need to lose any weight.

5. A great number of industries have to sack managers to reduce their huge administrative costs.

6. Sadly, the main beneficiaries of pension equality so far have been men, not women.

7. He professed a violent distaste for everything related to commerce, production, and money.

8. To make a sound diplomat is to first believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.


1. The Minister was alleged to have made disparaging remarks about the rest of the Cabinet.

2. The CEO was censured for his indecisiveness during the period of economic crisis.

3. The actual damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.

4. The Earth is thought to be around 4,600 million years old, an almost inconceivable time-span.

5. Harvard is one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.

6. It was a Puritan who tried effectively to renounce the ancient customs of his country.

7. Lloyd's results were carefully scrutinized as a guide to what to expect from the other banks.

8. We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio.


人教版三年级下册语文选词填空带答案 一、选择合适的词填空。 1.创举创造 (1)建设有中国特色的社会主义社会,是一个伟大的(_________)。(2)中国人不仅勤劳勇敢,而且富有(_________)精神。 2.节省节俭 (1)我们要把(_________)下来的钱支援灾区人民重建家园。 (2)(_________)是一种美德。 3.坚定坚强坚决 (1)赵华是个(_________)的孩子,受了委屈,从不轻易落泪。 (2)运动员们迈着(_________)的步伐,走进了赛场。 (3)我们同坏人坏事要作(_________)的斗争。 二、选择近义词填空。 A.陆续 B.连续 C.继续 1.我休息了一会儿,(______)和小伙伴们比赛游泳。 2.我(______)三年去了爷爷奶奶家过暑假。 3.电影散场了,观众(______)离开了电影院。 三、选择合适的词语填在下面的括号里。 创造创举 1.赵州桥的建筑设计在建桥史上是一个伟大的(________)。 2.中国人民用自己的双手(________)了辉煌的历史和文明。 美观美丽 3.多么(________)的花朵啊! 4.这套家具的式样(________),我很喜欢。 四、你知道括号里填哪组词最合适吗?请填一填。

不是……而是……无论……总是……尽管……还是…… (1)听说蜜蜂有辨别方向的能力,(________)飞到哪里,它(________)可以飞回到原处。 (2)蜜蜂靠的(________)超长的记忆力,(________)一种无法解释的本能。 (3)(________)小红不喜欢登山,她(________)和同学们一起来了。 五、选择合适的词语填空。 惊讶惊喜惊慌 (1)明天是妈妈的生日,我准备给她一个(______)。 (2)我非常(______),赶忙贴到墙根,注视着它的一举一动。 (3)遇到危险情况要沉着应对,不能(______)。 因为……所以……不仅……也…… (4)(______)父亲很善于观察,(______)他对鸟的习性十分了解。 (5)这(______)是树林和鸟最快活的时刻,(______)是父亲最快活的时刻。 六、选择合适的词语填空。(答案只填序号) A.机灵 B.灵活 1.小明是个(_______)的孩子,遇到困难总会想办法克服。 2.对于数学概念,我们不仅要认真理解,更要(______)运用。 A.凶猛 B.勇猛 C.猛烈 3.伴随着冲锋号声,战士们(_____)地冲向敌人,向(_____)的敌军发起了(_____)进攻。 七、选择合适的词语填空。 (1)努力费力 ①种子一边想,一边________生长。 ②手推车一边这么想着,一边________地跑来跑去。


小学六年级英语——选词填空专项练习 1.Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。) don’t didn’t went go going was take took sang with by ate I am John. I like on a big trip. I usually a trip on my summer holiday. I often go to Beijing my parents. But last summer holiday, I go to Beijing. I to Xinjiang. I went there ______train. I good food, pictures, and danced. I very happy. 2. Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。)(very, comes, warm, rains, rained, rainy ,didn’t ,don’t, wasn’t ,went ,weren’t, were,took, take,too) Spring .The weather is______.It a lot .It is https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9a2295492.html,st spring, it a little. It warm,it was hot. We plant trees. The trees green. When you out, you should an umbralla,because it was suddenly. 3.Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。) (left, reading, go, comes, goes, take, going, usually, an, doesn’t, with, next) John is my friend. He _______ from Australia. He _______ to school on foot. He _______ like sports. He likes ________ story-books. On Sundays he and I __________ to a bookstore. We often _______ the No. 6 bus there. The bookstore is _______ to a bus stop. His father is _______ accountant. He works in a bank. John is ________ to Hong Kong _________ his father this Friday. 4. Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。)(clean cleaner fresher is are warmer hotter raining rains wetter come comes better about and much more) Spring _____coming. The weather gets_______.The trees are green and the flowers______out.It is _______beautiful in spring than in winter.It ________a lot ,so it is ______.After the rain the air is_____and _______.I think spring is______than winter.What______you?Do you like spring. 5. Choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整。)( have, on , with, took, visited, and go, dancing, having, take, went, danced ) It’s sunny today. I am ______ a picnic in the park with my friend. Look! Chen Jie is catching butterflies. Tom and Sarah are singing and ______ under a big tree. Last week we _______ to Dongguan city. We _______ Center Square, climbed Huangqi mountain and________ many pictures. Summer holiday is coming. We don’t _______ to school. I am going to _______ a trip ______ my parents. We are going to Shanghai . We are going there by plane ____ July 12th. We will ________ a good time there.


最新教学资料·部编版初中语文 专项提分卷(二) 词语的理解与运用 (满分:45分考试时间:40分钟) 一、选词填空 1.选出依次填在横线上最恰当的一组词语(B)(3分) 时候既然是深冬;渐近故乡时,天气又________了,冷风吹进船舱中,呜呜的响,从篷隙向外一望,苍黄的天底下,远近横着几个________的荒村,没有一些活气。我的心禁不住________起来了。 A.阴暗萧索荒凉 B.阴晦萧索悲凉 C.阴暗萧瑟悲凉 D.阴晦萧瑟荒凉 2.选出依次填在横线上最恰当的一组词语(A)(3分) 人为什么要读书呢?书,可以________沉睡的心灵,可以引领迷茫的灵魂。一本好书,就是一个崭新的世界。读艾青的诗歌,我坚定了不断前行的信念;读史铁生的散文,我鼓起了直面人生的________;读托尔斯泰的小说,我充满了对精神家园的憧憬……读书,就像用麦管吮吸甘露,________让人欣喜,________让人着迷。 A.唤醒勇气不仅还 B.震撼勇气虽然但是 C.震撼喜悦因为所以 D.唤醒喜悦即使也 3.选出依次填在横线上最恰当的一组词语(D)(3分) 央视《汉字听写大会》________。正是这样一个“素面朝天”的节目________了荧屏的生态结构,吸引了社会对汉字的关注,________了关于汉字的深层思考。总之,它传递了文化的________。 A.可圈可点更换激发生命力 B.叹为观止改变促进正能量 C.叹为观止更换促进生命力 D.可圈可点改变激发正能量 二、成语运用 4.下列句子中加点成语使用不恰当的一项是(C)(3分) A.聪明的资质、内在的干劲和敬业乐群 ....的态度,都是科学研究的必备条件。 B.在这个瞬息万变的时代,阅读,特别是深度阅读,是人们保持判断力和思想定力的 不二法门 ....。 C.小军在辩论会上引经据典,断章取义 ....,博得了观众的阵阵掌声。 D.随着“国学热”的升温,文言文阅读品类增多,但图书水平参差不齐,有的译作更 是言不及义 ....。 (解析:C.“断章取义”指不顾全篇文章或谈话的内容,孤立地截取其中的一段或一句的意思,用在此处不合语境。) 5.下列句子中加点成语使用不恰当的一项是(B)(3分) A.几经周折,老人终于回到了阔别三十年的故乡,常年漂泊在外的愁绪荡然无 ...存.了。


Good communication is the key to success when learning online. You should take the opportunity to get to know your teacher and classmates through email and by participating in Internet discussions. It?s true that learning the technology needed to take part in a class you may need to ask how to your assignment on the Web. But , don? t worry ! If you have a problem ,ask for help. There?s no such thing as a stupid question , so answers freely is what makes the Internet such a great medium for learning. Online classroom teacher Mike Roberts was asked about what he “As a teacher , I need the students to ask questions so that I know what areas of my lessons ?s what is great about teaching and learning over the Internet. In an ordinary classroom , time is limited , so students classroom , students are always asking questions. They really seem to feel asking me for the information that they need. They also share a lot of valuable ideas with each other in a way that you don?t usually see in a regular classroom.”


选词填空专题训练 (一)剧烈激烈热烈 1、他的讲话刚刚结束,会场上立即爆发出()的掌声。 2、那摞碗又()得晃动起来。 3、他好像在和什么人进行()的争吵。 (二)幻想理想梦想 1、傣家竹楼是傣族人最()的居住房屋。 2、有些人总想不劳而获,这简直是()。 3、卖火柴的小女孩()着跟着奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。 (三)阻止阻挡阻挠 1、客家民居的特殊点在于它还可以()兵匪、野兽及土著的袭击。 2、虽然帝国主义百般(),京张铁路还是提前竣工了。 3、小弟弟想摘公园里的花,被他的姐姐()了。 (四)愿望希望渴望 许多房屋大门上刻着这样的正楷对联:“承前祖德勤和俭,启后子孙读与耕”,表现了先辈()子孙和睦相处,勤俭持家的()。 (五)含糊模糊 1、爸爸的话说得很(),我没有听懂。 2、以前的事,我记不清了,有些()。 (六)僻静寂静 1、那是一个()的小院,平时很少有人去。 2、也深了,树林里一片()。

(七)粗暴残暴 1、教育孩子不能简单(),要有耐心。 2、()的匪徒把父亲绑起来,拖走了。 (八)激烈剧烈 1、我的心()地跳动起来,用恐怖的眼光瞅了瞅父亲。 2、()的战斗打响了,山冈上响起了战士们豪迈的喊杀声。 (九)聪明聪慧 1、书是阳光,能照亮人生之路;书是钥匙,能开启()之门。 2、小李是个()的孩子,挺讨人喜欢的。 (十)侃侃而谈夸夸其谈 1、做事要脚踏实地,不要() 2、语文老师在课堂上(),同学们听得津津有味。 (十一)敏感敏锐 1、警察叔叔的目光十分(),一下子就能看到案子的症结所在。 2、有些动物对气味很(),比如猫对腥味、狗对臭味等等。 (十二)绚烂绚丽 1、在九寨沟众多的湖泊中,五彩池素以小巧秀美,色彩()而著称。 2、生命是盛开的花朵,()多姿,灿烂芬芳。 (十三)疲倦疲惫 1、因为我昨晚没有休息好,所以今天感觉很()。 2、小明读书手不释卷,有时甚至会读到半夜直到()不堪为止。(十四)凶悍凶猛


六年级上册选词填空练习(附答案) 一、清爽凉爽 1、房间经过一番打扫,()多了。 2、()的海风迎面吹来,让我顿时清醒了许多。 二、倾吐倾诉 1、他把这种苦痛深深地埋在心里,从不向任何人()。 2、这对老朋友激动地拥抱在一起,互相()内心的思念之情。 三、优雅幽雅 1、这么()的景致真让人流连忘返。 2、舞会在()宽敞的大厅里举行。 四、茂密茂盛繁茂 1、房前是一棵树叶()的大树。 2、小鹿穿过()的树林,来到了小河边。 3、眺望绚烂()的百花谷,他不禁浮想联翩。 五、磅礴澎湃 1、长江用()的力量,推动新的时代。 2、钱塘江大潮漫天卷地的壮观景象令人心潮(),激动不已。 六、讥笑嘲笑耻笑 1、面对(),他面不改色,这份淡定让人赞叹不已。 2、我们不能因为取得了一点成绩就沾沾自喜,那样只会被人()。 3、老师经常告诉我们,不要()别人。 七、爱慕仰慕

1、我对他的()之心犹如星星闪烁着光芒。 2、科学家霍金不屈不挠、向命运挑战的顽强精神实在令人()。 八、朦胧蒙眬 1、()中,我感觉妈妈正在给我擦汗。 2、在()的月色中,他回到家里。 九、长风破浪披荆斩棘 1、让我们扬起理想的风帆,(),驶向成功的彼岸。 2、他白手起家,多年来在商场上(),终于有了今天的成就。 十、埋怨抱怨 1、只有从不浪费时间的人,才没有工夫()时间不够。 2、同学之间不要因为一点儿小事就互相(),要学会理解与尊重。十一、叮嘱嘱咐吩咐 1、听着窗外的雨声,他又想起了临行前母亲的()。 2、老人那亲切的()让他的心里感到温暖。 3、您有什么事,请尽管()。 十二、羞愧惭愧 1、他为自己的自私行为深感(),一下子变得面红耳赤。 2、虽说读了很多书,但是写作水平还是不见起色,这让李明十分()十三、兴致勃勃兴高采烈 1、同学们()地谈论着这次郊游的行程和具体地点。 2、星期天上午,我和爸爸()地去自然博物馆参观。 十四、慷慨大方


选词填空练习 1、依次填入下面一段文字横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() 野草是这个世界上最为平凡和普通的植物,但却具有最顽强的生命力.野草是有灵性的,有春的绚丽,有夏的,有秋的,更有冬的 . A.泼辣蕴蓄丰硕 B。丰硕蕴蓄泼辣C。蕴蓄丰硕泼辣 D。泼辣丰硕蕴蓄 2、依次填入下面句子横线处的词语最恰当的一项是( ) “神舟七号”航天团队的团结精神,是“嫦娥”成功奔月的强大动力;他们求真务实的工作作风,让“嫦娥”的舞姿完美;他们“一切为了祖国,一切为了成功”的航天精神,永恒地在浩瀚无垠的太空。 A.众志成城清脆飘浮 B.同舟共济精准镌刻 C.众目睽睽典雅刻画 D.同心协力准确堆砌 3、结合语境选择词语填空,表述恰当的一项是:( ) 这里有一座高塔,攀登本身没有任何困难,而在每一级上,从塔上的嘹望孔望见的景致都足够。每一件事物都是新的。近处或远处的事物都会使你,但越往上走,攀登越 ,所以我们要学会坚持. A.扣人心弦只要依恋流连快乐 B.扣人心弦既然望而生畏困难 C.赏心悦目无论依恋流连困难 D.赏心悦目如果望而生畏快乐 4、依次填入下面横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是() 在我们赖以生存的绿色星球上,着几块色彩斑斓的陆地,那是地球上的五大洲,在陆地中间着辽阔的蓝色水域,那是地球的四大洋。这里有生命存在,生物活跃在多彩的生态系统中,它们这个星球以绿色的情调和生命的意义。 A.嵌入布满呈献 B.勾勒填充馈赠 c.镶嵌充盈赋予D.勾画覆盖给予 5、依次填入下面文字横线上的词语,最恰当的一项是( ) 周国平说,我不认为读书可以成为时尚,并且对一切成为时尚的读书持态度。读书属于个人的精神生活,必定是非常个人化的.可以成为时尚的不是读书,而是买书和谈书。譬如说,在媒体的下,某一时期有某一本书特别畅销,谈论它显得特时髦,插不上嘴显得特。A.怀疑影响落伍 B。疑惑影响落后 C。怀疑指导落伍 D.疑惑指导落后 6、依次填入下面横线上的词语,恰当的一项是() (1)香港今日的_ ___归根到底是香港同胞创造的,也是同祖国内地的发展和支持分不开的。 (2)秋天像一个穿着金色裙的仙女,她用轻飘的衣袖__ _去了太阳的焦热,将明亮和清爽___ 给大地。 A、繁荣扫抛 B、繁荣拂撒 C、繁华拂抛 D、繁华扫撒 7、依次填入下面这段文字横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是( ) 关爱,让人的心灵变得高尚。关爱了生命原野的厚度, 了灵魂海拔的高度,了幸福人生的广度。 ①扩展②增加③提升 8、依次填人下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( ) (1)我珍惜阳光,因为它给我温暖;我珍惜绿叶,因为它给我生机;我珍惜星空,因为它给我。


一、(2013 上海卷) Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. restore B. recall C. processing D. previously E. necessary F. locating G. instead H. fascinating I. elsewhere J. As infants, we can recognize our mot hers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the 41 of our mother ' s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It ' s 42 how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don' t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old. By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to 43 such a simple thing as a phone number? The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes 44 for facial recognition. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in 45 a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA), which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from 46 in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been 47 thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but 48 involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person ' s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us. And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex 49 is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations. 该说明文由话题“人类几乎天生就能够辨认人脸”展开去,详细阐述了人类大脑是如何一步步进行人脸识别的。 41. 【答案】【J】composition 【解析】名词,意为“结构,组成”,这里表示“认出母亲的脸部构成”。


最新人教版三年级下册语文选词填空带答案 一、先比一比,再选择正确的词语填空,我能行! 浩瀚浩渺 1.我趴在窗台上,看着(______)的星空。 气喘吁吁大汗淋漓 2.当我(______)爬楼梯的时候,他是不是正在下楼去。 思绪思考 3.正当我的(______)在茫茫宇宙中穿梭时,突然,耳边响起了语文老师的声音。 拜见拜访 4.我要飞到那个很远很远的地方,再去(______)宇宙另一边的那个“我”。 二、选择合适的词语填空。 普及普遍 (1)男同学(_______)喜欢篮球这项运动。 (2)用帛造纸,价钱太贵,只有少数人能用,不能(_______)。 因为……所以……不但……而且……虽然……但是…… (3)赵州桥(_______)坚固,(________)美观。 (4)(_______)《清明上河图》上画的人都挺小,(_________)每个人在干什么,都能看得清清楚楚。 三、选词填空。 倒影倒映 1.蓝天白云(______)在湖水中,美丽极了。 2.小桥的桥洞和水中的(______)正好合成一个圆圈。 欣赏观赏 3.梅园里,(______)梅花的游人穿梭在花海中。 4.周末,我和妈妈一起去音乐厅(______)了一场音乐会。

四、选词填空。(填序号) ①荡漾②漂荡 1.水面的小圆晕一圈圈地(____)开去。 2.几只小船在平静的湖面上(____)。 ①偶然②偶尔 3.树林里很安静,(____)有几声鸟叫。 4.一个(____)的机会,他见到了那位作家。 五、选择合适的词语填入括号里。 嘴巴头发眉毛手指眼睛皮肤 ①她的(________)在阳光里闪闪发光,仿佛一大堆盘着的金线。 ②你顶撞了他,他也不记恨你,他的(________)就像一潭清水,一眼就看到底了。 ③他那两道浓黑的(________)好似湖上野鹅张开的翅膀。 六、先比一比,再选择正确的词语填空,我能行! 宁静平静镇静沉静 1.海风吹来,原本(_____)的海面泛起了波浪,但海底依然很(_____)。 2.火烧云令人眼花缭乱,须得(_____)一会儿再看。 3.无论遇到什么事,他总是那么(_____),从不慌乱。 七、根据语境,选择恰当的词语填空。 似乎忽然终于居然 1.他平时成绩不太好,可是这次考试(______)考了全班第一。 2.我们正在操场上踢足球,(______)下起了大雨。 3.爸爸看了一眼就走了,(______)不太喜欢这幅画。 4.你(______)来了!我们已经等了很久了。


一、选词填空 【1】Seasons cooler travelling take train 1.It’s ________ in Kunming than in Beijing now。 2.I like ________ on holidays 3.How long does it _______ to get there 4.There are four _________ in a year 5.I go to Guangzhou by ___________ 【2】Worry careful wet nose anything caught 1.I have a runny _______ 2.I _________ a cold yesterday 3.You should be _____________ next time 4.I got all _______ in the rain 5.I don’t want to eat ___________ now 6.Don’t _________。You’ll get well soon 【3】Nervous,words,gifts,first,invite,host,rehearsal The __________ will begin at four this afternoon。Yangyang will be the_______。He looks ________because this is his____________ time to be a host on stage。 Many students will come to the rehearsal。They will________ their teachers to come onto stage。And they will say some __________ of thanks to the teachers。 【4】Among,birds scared playing sunny tree It’s a _______day today。Peter and Mike go to a forest。They see some _________ singing in the branches of the __________. A squirrel is jumping __________ the trees。They also see some monkeys ___________ on the ground。They want to play with them。So they are walking towards them。The monkeys are ________ and run away。 【5】leave way do both turn off life 1.I want to ________ my homework first 2.Can you print your homework on ________ sides 3.It’s a good ___________ to save paper 4.We should live a low-carbon___________ 5.Remember to __________ the TV when you ___________the room 【6】bike many protect foot public bags Today is April 22. It’s World Earth Day。It tells people to _________ the environment。We should do_________ things for protecting the environment。We shouldn’t use plastic________. We can’t litter in _________ places。If the place is not far ,we should go on __________ or by ____________. 二、选择题 1.what’s the date today? It’s Monday It’s October 21st 2.what does your father do? He can cook meals He’s a teacher 3.how does your mother go to work every day? She takes a bus She has a bag 4.what do we need to keep the lawn clean? We can sit there We need a trashcan 5.when is World Earth Day it’s April 22 it’s May 12


一、选词填空 热切热烈 1.教室里响起了()的掌声。 2.我们()地跟朋友打招呼。 吟诵背诵 3.哥哥在低声()一首小诗。 4.老师让我们()课文。 轻盈轻捷 5.跟着一缕缕()的云雾,雨悄悄地来了。 6.猴子()地爬上了树。 神奇惊奇 7.弟弟()地看着我。 8.这个音乐盒很()。 阻挠要挟轻蔑藐视 9.帝国主义的()更加坚定了詹天佑修好铁路的决心。 10.他们认为这样一(),铁路就没法子动工。 11.这件事给了()中国的帝国主义一个有力的回击。 12.有一家外国报纸()地说:“能在南口以北的中国工程师还没出世呢。” 亲切亲爱亲近亲热 13.你永远在我心中,我()的祖国。 14.老王()地握着我的手,一个劲地道谢。 15.这只狗整天陪伴着奶奶,它成了奶奶最()的朋友。 16.老师()地对我说:“没关系,还有下次呢。” 强悍强壮 17.那些在战场上杀敌的士兵们个个英勇()。 18.参加体育锻炼,可以让我们拥有()的体魄。 水落石出真相大白 19.事情结束后,一切自然会()。 20.()后我们松了口气。

庄重严重隆重着重尊重慎重 21.老师常常教导我们:“()他人,就是善待自己。 22.哥哥伤得很()。 23.学校的开学典礼开得()而热烈。 24.小姑娘的举止很()。 25.批评别人时要(),不要伤害其自尊心。 26.这次班会,老师()强掉了个人卫生问题。 浓密茂密 27.越过前面的那座山,就是一片()的森林。 28.()的薄雾中隐约可见一座小山丘。 反映反应 29.一件小事能()出一个人的内心世界。 30.我拍了他的肩膀,他却一点()也没有。 解除排除 31.班长的话()了同学们的顾虑。 32.老师帮我()了心理障碍。 果然偶然突然 33.有些()遇到的事,竟会难以忘怀。 34.世博会()在中国举行,真是件值得庆贺的事。 35.他()转身,让所有的人感到震惊。 严峻严肃严格严厉 36.不管怎么说,()要求自己总是有好处的。 37.他一再违反纪律,今天终于被老师()地批评了。 38.形式非常(),伤员必须马上转移。 39.升旗时要()认真。 偶尔偶然必然赫然 40.今天能遇见他,非常()。 41.我们家()会吃一顿野菜,回味一下过去的苦难日子。 42.有信心不一定成功,但没有信心()失败。 43.伟大的祖国()屹立于世界民族之林。



Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Beyond two or three days, the world’s best weather forecasts are based on guesswork, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather — and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and snowstorms—any ___41___ fails rapidly. Errors and uncertainties ___42___, gathering upward through a chain of unstable features, from dust devils (尘旋风) and windstorms up to continent-size eddies (旋风) ___43___ satellites can see. The modern weather models work with a network of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some ___44___ data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot ___45___ all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly ___46___ readings of temperature, pressure, dampness, and any other quantity a meteorologist (气象工作者) would want. Exactly at noon a(n) ___47___ powerful computer takes all the data and ___48___ what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03 … The computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton, New Jersey, will have sun or rain on a day one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will ___49___ alterations that the computer will not know about, tiny variations from the ___50___. By 12.01, those alterations will already have


小学三年级上册语文选词填空带答案 一、选一选,填一填。 继续连续陆续持续 ①九点钟,参加会议的代表________进了会场。 ②那哀痛的日子________了很久,他们不知如何安慰我。 ③胡萝卜先生常常为胡子发愁,因为他长着浓密的胡子,必须每天刮。可就是这让他发愁的胡子________帮助了很多有困难的人。 ④胡萝卜先生还在________走,长胡子被风吹到了身体后面,他完全不知道。 二、读句子,选择恰当的词语填空。 松软柔软 (1)小红家新买的沙发坐上去感觉非常(__________)舒适。 (2)冬天,地上的雪厚厚的,走上去非常(__________)。 珍贵名贵 (3)妈妈的日记本里夹着一张非常(__________)的照片。 (4)人参是非常(__________)的药材。 盛开茂盛 (5)草地上(__________)着各种各样的野花,红的、白的、黄的、紫的,真像个美丽的大花坛。 (6)夏天,树木长得葱葱茏茏,非常(__________),密密层层的枝叶把森林封得严严实实的。 三、选词填空。 美丽艳丽华丽 (1)妈妈的衣服都很素净,几乎没有色彩(_______)的。 (2)小王子的花园里有一棵(_______)的玫瑰花。 (3)灰姑娘没有(_______)的衣裳,不能去参加舞会。 正确的确明确

(1)今天吃过晚饭后,爸爸(_______)地告诉我,每天放学后必须先完成作业,然后才能看电视。 (2)经过同学间的讨论,最终认定我的答案是(_______)的。 (3)因为家里很穷,小明的爸爸(_______)拿不出太好的东西招待客人。 四、选择恰当的词语填空。 融化溶化 1.冬天过去了,春天到了,冰雪也慢慢(_______)了。 2.糖块放进水里,慢慢地(_______),最终变得无影无踪了。 轻飘飘颤巍巍 3.上了年纪的老奶奶走起路来(_______)的。 4.一阵柔和的春风吹来,软绵绵的柳条(_______)地在河面上划来划去。 五、你知道括号里填哪组词最合适吗?请填一填。 继续陆续 (1)我今天得(_____)做昨天没有完成的工作。 (2)下课了,同学们(_____)走出了教室。 一边……一边不但……而且 (3)老师(_____)讲课(_____)在黑板上写字。 (4)小明(_____)勤奋好学,(_____)热爱劳动。 六、选择合适的词语填空。 惊讶惊喜惊慌 (1)明天是妈妈的生日,我准备给她一个(______)。 (2)我非常(______),赶忙贴到墙根,注视着它的一举一动。 (3)遇到危险情况要沉着应对,不能(______)。 因为……所以……不仅……也…… (4)(______)父亲很善于观察,(______)他对鸟的习性十分了解。(5)这(______)是树林和鸟最快活的时刻,(______)是父亲最快活的时


六年级英语总复习:选词填空 (1)( older, younger, friend, friends, playing, old, climbing, reading, one, two, longer, shorter ) John is 12.He has three friends.They are Sarah,Amy and Mike.Sarah is 12 years_____.She has long hairs.Sarah likes ____the piano very much.Amy is 13.She is ____years____ than John.Her hair is not long ,it is ____than Sarah’s hair.Amy likes_______books.Mike is 10 .He is ____years ____than John.Mike and John like ______mountains.They are good _______. ( 2 )( happy, today, see, feels, can’t, can, take, stay, read, listening, drinking, cold ) ______is Friday. Jack is very_____,he has a _____.He_____go to school,he go to _____a doctor.Doctor asks him to ______at home for one day,and _____the medicine.He ______better soon.Now,Jack is ____to the music and ______the hot water. ( 3 )( bad, fine, stayed, yesterday, played, went, sad, happy, sang, took, had, park ) I’m Jane.It was Sunday_____.The weather was______.I_____with my friends.In the morning,the boys _____basketball.Tom was _____.He won the game.The girls______songs.In the afternoon,we _____to a park,there were some big mountains in the _____.We_____many pictures there.We ____a good time. ( 4 )( did, went, last, happy, visited, tired, washed, cleaned, played, cooked, read, bought ) My name is Jack.I was busy ____weekend.On Saturday morning,I ____morning exercises in a park.Then I ____fishing with my classmates in the afternoon.In the afternoon,Mom____went shopping and ____ a pair of for me .I was very ____.I _____grandparents Sunday morning.In the evening ,my family did housework together.Dad _____the room.Mom____the dinner,and I____the clothes.I was _____,Iwent to sleep after dinner. ( 5 )( summer, winter, hot, season, cold, swimming, climbing, skiing,visit, eat, play, do ) Summer is my favourite ______.It is very hot in _____.So I can go _____.But my friend Jack doesn’t like it,he likes _____.So he likes _____very much .He plans to go to Harbin on the winter holiday.I want to go there,too.Because I want to _____with snow.But Jack tells me it will be very ____ in Harbin.So I plan to go to Beijing on my summer holiday.I can _____ the Great Wall and _____ Beijing duck .Before that ,I have to _____ my

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