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Unit 2

Part I Getting ready


B. Keys:

1: International Union for the Conservation of Nature,

United Nations, wildlife, policies

2: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species,

trade, animals and plants, 1975, prohibits, 8000, controls,


3: United Nations Environmental Program,

leadership, environment, quality of life

4: World Wide Fund for Nature(formerly World Wildlife Fund) ,

1961, Sahara Desert, North America & most of Europe,

top soil blowing away

C. Keys:

1: 2 2: 4 3: 5 4: 1,6 5: 3


1: They work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife

2: They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up

3: It refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected and allowed to live freely

Part II Christmas bird counts

A. Keys:

1: Jan. 3rd 2: more than 40 000 volunteers 3: 1 600 4: a 15 mile diameter

5: an American artist 6: their natural habitats 7: the late 1800s

B. Keys:

1: start 2: sponsored 3: outside counting birds 4: experienced bird watchers

5: anyone that is interested or concerned 6: scheduled 7: 10 people taking part

8: 15 mile diameter circle 9: the total bird populations 10: the number of birds

11: the longest-running bird census 12: undefined

Part III Dolphin captivity


B. Keys:

1: 1 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 2

6: Dolphins should be kept in captivity.

7: There are educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity.

C. Keys:

1: stress (family-oriented) 2: sonar bouncing off

3: average age of death; life getting better for captive dolphins

4: natural behabior patterns-altered

5: suffering from fractured skulls, ribs or jaws

6: can't learn from animals in the wild how they operate, breed, what they need, etc. Part IV More about the topic: Birds----A Source of Wealth


1:9300 2:Habitat 3:warmer climates 4:300 different species

5:colder climates 6:habitat alteration 7:esthetic value 8:Birds' population

Part V Do you know…?


1: one and one-half million 2: 20 times

3: 100 4: 40000 5: 65 million

6: 3500 7: 2 million square miles 8: 3%

9: 200 animal species 10: 1000

11: a third 12: two-thirds 13: three-quarters

英语听力教程 第三版 学生用书2 单词

Kindergarten: a school or class for young children, usually four to six years old, that prepares them for Nursery school: a school for very young children, usually 3 to 5 years of age Coo: speak gently and lovely wedding: the act or ceremony of becoming married Bride: a woman who has just been married or is about to be married relationship: Pick up: stop for and take or bring(person) along with one a romantic or sexual involvement Stability: steadiness, the state of being not likely to separate, break down or fall apart Discipline: strict control to enforce obedience; punishment / control, train, punish Lenient: merciful, not severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, ect. Spare the rod, spoil the child: a child who is not punished will become undisciplined and unruly. Harsh: unpleasant, unkind, cruel or more severe than is necessary Foldaway: that can be folded together for easy storage.Detached: not connected, separate Blind: anything that keeps out light, as a window shade or shutter. Estate: landed property; individually owned piece of land containing a residence. Sink:any of various basins, as in a kitchen or laundry, connected with a drainpipe and usually, with Appliance: a device or machine for performing a specific task, esp. one that is worked mechanically Property: a building or area of land, or both together Mortgage: an agreement that allows you to borrow money from or similar organization, Tenant: a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building Counselor: someone who is paid to listen to people’s problems and provide support and advice. Make the grade: succeed; reach the necessary standard quit: stop (doing something) and leave Goody-goody: a person who likes to appear faultless in behavior so as to please others, not because Emblazon: decorate something with a design, a symbol or words so that people will notice it easily Go to pieces: lose the ability to think or act clearly because of fear, sorrow, ect. Potter about: do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing something that Plough through: make slow progress through something difficult or boring especially a book Small hours: the early morning hours just after midnight.Regulate: make work at a certain speed Well-rounded: complete; well-planned for proper balance Abstruse:deep; hard to understand Compulsory: required; obligatory; that must be done Be cut out for: be fitted for; be suited for Burn one’s bridges: destroy all means of going back, so that one must go forward Segregation: separation; isolation; the policy or practice of compelling racial groups or people of Dispel: scatter or drive away; cause to disappear Cohort: a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behavior High-flyer: a person who has the desire and the ability to be very successful in their job or their Flunk: fail to reach the required standard in (an exam, test, or course of study) Career: the general course of a person’s working life. Client: a person who buys goods or services Personnel: the department of a company or organization that deals with its employees when they need Make a fortune: earn a great amount of money, possessions, etc. Torture: severe pain or suffering caused in the mind or body Shift: a group of workers who take turns with one or more other groups Teamwork: the ability of a group of people to work together effectively Survey: a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by Cross-section: a part or group that is typicalor representative of the whole Brainstorming: a way of making a group of people all think about sth at the same time, often in order


综合教程二Unit2 课后题答案 Active reading(1) Dealing with unfamiliar words 4 Match the words for actions in the box with their definitions. 1 to gently move your hand over skin, hair or fur (stroke) 2 to move along the ground on your hands and knees (crawl) 3 to copy someone’s actions, words or behaviour (imitate) 4 to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them. (pat) Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the words. (a) My father patted me on the head to show he was pleased with me. (b) Children learn a lot by imitating their parents. (c) Babies start learning to crawl at about six months old. (d) She was sitting quietly in the corner, stroking the cat. 5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 (distinct) 2 (Infants) 3 (sympathetic) 4 (stem from) 5 (trace; discipline) 6 (an overall; distress) 改写:A lot of my childhood memories have faded now, but I have an overall impression that I often felt a vague sense of distress. 6 Answer the questions about the words and phrases. 1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.a 9.b Active reading 2 3 Choose the best way to complete the sentences. 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.c 7.b 8.c 4 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 (honorable) 2 (drama) 3 (beam) 4 (catalog) 5 (volume) 6 (knot) 7 (couch) 8 (clip) 9 (mostly)

张民伦版英语听力教程 答案

Unit 1 Under the Same Roof PartⅠ B. 1.picture two 2.picture one 3.picture four 4.picture three C. 1.He’s a cook 2.There are six people in my family 3.She turned twenty in August 4.They live in Tokyo 5.I have two brothers and one sister 6.His name is David 7.She works in a hospital 8.Since 1994 9.Yes,two daughters and one son 10.We met at my best friend’s bi rthday party PartⅡ A. 1.The parents 2.The children 3.Different but equal 4.Women’s 5.You know that you have to work at it to create love 6.Helping people learn to work at their relationships to make their relationship work B. lauthoritarian model:children have no rights permissive era:children are the bosses;they are allowed to do whatever they want to;parents run around behind them third position:parents and children are different but equal women’s movement:women demand a freer choice about who they are and how they can be appreciation for men: (1) being bread-winner and providers for families (2) being more involved with their childre arranged marriage:you have to work at it to create the love marriage out of love:you don’t know how to work at it when it gets tricky,and you are more easily to opt out PartⅢ A. 1.separate 2.Smoking,drinking 3.collecting 4.On the railway


Unit 4 Section One Tactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics Stress, Intonation and Accent Script Listen to some short conversations. Has the second speaker finished talking? Tick the right box. 1. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the secretary’s off ice is, please? B: Yes. It’s up the stairs, then turn left, …↗ 2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the toilets are? B: Yes, they’re at the top of the stairs. ↘ 3. A: What did you do after work yesterday? B: Ah, well, I went for a drink in the pub opposite the carpark. ↘ 4. A: What did you do after work yesterday? B: Oh, I ran into Jane and Tom, …↗ 5. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works? B: Certainly. Erm, first of all you adjust the height of the stool, and then put four 10-pence pieces there, ... ↗ 6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how the machine works? B: Yes. You put 30 pence in the slot and take the ticket out here. ↘Key Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking Frog Legs Script A. Listen to some sentences and fill in the blanks with the missing words. 1. Many Asian cultures have included frog legs in their diets for centuries. 2. By 1977 the French government banned commercial hunting of its own amphibians. 3. Indian scientists have describ ed as “disastrous” the rate at which frogs are disappearing from the rice fields and wetlands. 4. The United States imported more than 6.5 million pounds of frozen frog meat each year between 1981 and 1984.


Unit 13 One of These Days Part 1 Communicative Activities Aims: 1. Learning about the background information of the Latin American writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez 2. Learning to talk about the personalities and personal sketches 3. Practicing using language through role-play and drama activities 1. Interactive listening and speaking Learning suggestions: 1. Listen to the recording for several times until get enough details. 2. Complete Task A (Answers: 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-c 5-a 6-c ) 3. Read Task B for personal sketches and listen to the recording again. Work with your friends discussing your notes and descriptions. … Notes: 1. Notes about the author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a well known Latin American novelist, short story writer, screen writer and journalist. His most famous novels are Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) (1982 Nobel prize laureate) and Love in the Time of Cholera (1985). 2. Notes about the country Colombia. Official Name: Republic of Colombia. It is the fourth-largest country in South America. (哥伦比亚). Don’t confuse it with Columbia as derived from Christopher Columbus who discovered Americas in the 15th century.) Scripts: Early life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a well known Latin American writer. He was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in literature for his famous novel Hundred Years of Solitude. Today we are going to talk about his early life, and show how this part of his life influenced his works. Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born on March 6, 1928 in a town called Aracataca in Northern Colombia. At first, he was raised by his maternal grandparents as it was quite common at that time if one’s parents were poor and struggling. This part of life


《英语听力教程3》答案与听力材料 UNIT 1 Part I Getting ready A. B. Keys: 1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests 2: global warming/greenhouse effect/emissions of CO2 Part II The Earth at risk (I) A. Keys: 1. a. More people--------→more firewood----→fewer trees b. More domestic animals------→more plants-----→fewer available plants a, b--→More desert----→move south-----→desrtt expanding south----→no grass 2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow. 3. People try to grow food to support themselves or to create ranches where cattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export, or to make way for an iron ore mine B. Keys: 1: Sahara Desert 2: North America & most of Europe 3: top soil blowing away 4: tropical forests destruction 5: animal/plant species becoming extinct 6: climate change for the whole world Part III The Earth at risk (II) A. Keys: 1: Trees would hold rainfall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-river have been destroyed, all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river and starts the flooding. 2: He implies that some national governments just consider the results of their policies in the near future, or just think as far ahead as the next election. B. Keys: 1: flooding in Bangladesh 2: Action to be taken 3: population control Part IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming Keys: 1: Warming up of the world 2: Effects of global


英语听力教程第三版(张民伦主编)Unit-8-The-Sound-of-Musi c听力原文

Listen this way听力教程第三册-8 Unit 8 The Sound of Music Part I Getting ready A quiz game show is a type of radio or television programming genre in which contestants, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes. A The following words will appear in this unit. Listen carefully and study the definitions. 1. panel:a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something 2. contender:a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win something 3. nomination:the act of suggesting or choosing somebody as a candidate in an election, or for a job or an award 4. cinematography:the art or process of making films 5. score:the music written for a film/movie or play


大学英语综合练习册(一) 答案厦门大学出版社陈 青松 Unit 2 PART ONE: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE Section A Ⅰ. 1. grown-ups 2. classes, room numbers 3. father-in-laws 4. jury 5. furniture, equipment 6. men doctors Ⅱ. 1. C John’s winning 2. D furniture 3. D a day and night’s rest 4. A a piece of mail 5. C has become 6. C was 7. C Mary 8. D difficulties 9. A crisis 10. C foot Section B I. 1.As it grew darker it became darker. 2.As he became more competent he was given more interesting work. 3.As I left the house I remember the key. 4.As the teacher entered the classroom all the students stopped talking. 5.Jim saw his brother as he was getting on the bus. II. 1.while talking to his parents. 2.while eating her supper 3.while walking down the street 4.while studying abroad 5.while asking me to hand her the sweater Section C 1-5 DBBAB 6-10 CBBBB PART TWO: VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION


张民伦版英语听力教程 答案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

Unit 1 Under the Same Roof PartⅠ B. 1.picture two 2.picture one 3.picture four 4.picture three C. 1.He’s a cook 2.There are six people in my family 3.She turned twenty in August 4.They live in Tokyo 5.I have two brothers and one sister 6.His name is David 7.She works in a hospital 8.Since 1994 9.Yes,two daughters and one son 10.We met at my best friend’s birthday party PartⅡ A. 1.The parents 2.The children 3.Different but equal 4.Women’s 5.You know that you h ave to work at it to create love 6.Helping people learn to work at their relationships to make their relationship work B. lauthoritarian model:children have no rights permissive era:children are the bosses;they are allowed to do whatever they want to;parents run around behind them third position:parents and children are different but equal women’s movement:women demand a freer choice about who they are and how they can be appreciation for men: (1) being bread-winner and providers for families (2) being more involved with their childre arranged marriage:you have to work at it to create the love marriag e out of love:you don’t know how to work at it when it gets tricky,and you are more easily to opt out PartⅢ A. 1.separate 2.Smoking,drinking 3.collecting 4.On the railway


Book Three UNIT 1 Section One Part 1 Spot Dictation Houses in the Future Well, I think houses in the future will probably be (1) quite small but I should think they'll be (2) well-insulated so that you don't need so much (3) heating and (4) cooling as you do now, so perhaps very economical (5) to run. Perhaps they will use (6) solar heating, although I don't know, in this country, perhaps we (7) won't be able to do that so much. Yes, I think they'll be full of (8) electronic gadgets: things like very advanced televisions, videos, perhaps videos which take up ... the screen (9) takes up the whole wall. I should think. Yes, you'll have things like (10) garage doors which open automatically when you (11) drive up, perhaps electronic (12) sensors which will (13) recognize you when you, when you come to the front door even. Perhaps (14) architects and designers will be a bit more (15) imaginative about how houses are designed and perhaps with the (16) shortage of space people will think of putting gardens (17) on the roof and, and maybe rooms can be (18) expanded and, and (19) contracted* depending on what you use them for, so perhaps there'll be a bit more (20) flexibility about that.


全新版大学进阶英语第 二册第二单元答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

U n i t2T a l e s o f T r u e L o v e Key to Exercises Opener Suggested answers for reference 1. Qian Zhongshu was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, best known for his wit and great academic knowledge. One of his most famous novels is Fortress Besieged (《围城》). Yang Jiang was a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir We Three (《我们仨》) recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhongshu, and her daughter, Qian Yuan, who died before her father. David Beckham is an English former professional footballer, and the first English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United States and France. David is married to Victoria Beckham, an English businesswoman, fashion designer, model, and singer. They have four children. 2. Qian and Yang’s romance began when they met at Tsinghua Universi ty after Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935. David started dating Victoria in 1997, after she attended a charity football match. The couple announced their engagement in 1998 and married in 1999. 3. During the Cultural Revolution, like many other prominent intellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were “sent down”, doing “reform through labor” in a “cadre school” in Henan from 1969 to 1972. The challenge David and Victoria have come across is media attention. They are both famous, so their relationship has attracted a great deal of media attention from its very beginning.


Listen this way 听力教程第三册-4 Unit 4 Have a Nice Trip Part I Getting ready Audioscript: ★ Australia is the world's largest island and its smallest continent. Its total area of 3 000 000 square miles is about the same as that of the continental United States (excluding Alaska). ★ The area of Nepal is about 54 000 square miles. Within its borders are five of the world's highest peaks. ★ Switzerland is a small, landlocked country, 15 944 square miles in area. It's bordered by France, Austria, and Italy. ★ More than 20 000 000 people live in Argentine. About 97 percent are of European stock. Most Argentines live on the eastern plains. Fewer than 19% live in the dry western and northwestern provinces. ★ Austria is 32 376 square miles in area. This makes it twice the size of neighboring Switzerland. There are about 7 150 000 people living in Austria. More than one third of the people live in or near Vienna, the capital city. ★ Colombia is the only country in South America with a coastline on both sides of the continent. It is a big country with an area of 439 828 square miles and about 16 300 000 persons live in Colombia. ★ Saudi Arabia's area is estimated to be about 830 000 square miles.


Unit 2课后答案 Vocabulary I.1. have finished reading 2. by looking from behind his shoulder 3. is capable of providing 4. sent a message asking for the assistance of 5. disassembled the machine/ computer teacher 6. didn’t like / what to Ⅱ 1 in no time 2 crinkly 3 scornful 4 neighborhood 5 awfully 6 adjusting 7 tuck 8 nonchalantly 9 punched 10 fit (1. have a new church built; 2. thinning red hair / thin hair; 3. make a remark on; in a dishonest way 4. construction site 5. get the best effect; playback 9. raise the fists skyward; punch the air ; in delight 10. kitchen unit ⅢDABBACCB

(4. code of conduct 6. by a score of 1-2 8. a way out of this trouble) Ⅳ 1 funny, interesting, interesting, funny (funny is a very formal word, focusing mainly on whatever results in laughter because of oddness, abnormality, or inappropriateness. Interesting refers to something that attracts people’s attention, usually and deserves their observation and study.) 2 silent, silent, still, still (Still suggests a tranquil state, and often refers to a moment of calm between periods of noise and movement, and during this moment there is no sign of activity. Silent simply means “becoming speechless or being without noise”; it does not necessarily suggest serenity or motionlessness.) 3 dispute, arguing, disputing, arguing (Dispute is often used as a transitive verb及物动词,meaning “say that something is incorrect or untrue; fight passionately for 激烈争夺control or ownership of something.” Argue usually refers to a reasoned presentation of views or to a heated exchange of opinion; very often, when used intransitively不及物动词时, it is followed by prepositions 介词like “with”, “for/ against”, “about” , etc.)

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