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Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an (1) should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (2) , most people make several job choices during their working lives, (3) because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their position. The "one perfect job" does not (4) . Y oung people should (5) enters into a broad flexible training program that will (6) them for a field of work rather than for a single (7) .

Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans (8) benefit of help from a(n) (9) vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing (10) about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss basis. Some (11) from job to job. Others (12) to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.

One common mistake is choosing an occupation for (13) real or imagined prestige. Too many high school students--or their parents for them--choose the professional field, (14) both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal (15) .The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is no good (16) for choosing it as life's work. (17) , these occupations are not always well paid, since a large (18) of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the (19) of young people should give serious (20) to these fields.

1. [ A] identification [B] entertainment

[C] accommodation[D] occupation

2. [A] however [B] therefore

[C] though [D] thereby

3. [A] entirely [B] mainly

[C] partly [D] possibly

4. [A] fade [B] vanish

[C] survive [D] exist

5. [A] since [B] therefore

[C] furthermore [D] moreover

6. [A] make [B] fit

[C] take [D] leave

7. [A] job [B] way

[C] means [D] company

8. [A] with [B] for

[C] without [D] to

9. [A] competent [B] competitive

[C] aggressive [D] effective

10. [A] little [B] few

[C] much [D] more

11. [A] turn [B] drift

[C] leave [D] float

12. [A] apply [B] appeal

[C] stick [D] turn

13. [A] our [B] its

[C] your [D] their

14. [A] concerning [B] following

[C] considering [D] disregarding

15. [A] preferences [B] requirements

[C] tendencies [D] ambitions

16. [A] resource [B] background

[C] reason [D] basis

17. [A] Therefore [B] Nevertheless

[C] However [D] Moreover

18. [A] rate [B] thickness

[C] proportion [D] density

19. [A] majority [B] mass

[C] minority [D] multitude

20. [A] proposal [B] suggestion

[C] consideration [D] appraisal




3.C副词辨析。空格所在的句子讲人们多次择业的原因,由because of...and partly to…可知and前后是两个并列关系的原因,因此前半部分也应填入partly,与后半部分出现的partly相呼应,以保证语义和结构的完整。

4.D动词辨析。前句讲到人一生要换很多份工作,由此可以推断出完美的工作并不存在,因此应在not 后填入表示“存在”的词,故选exist。fade意为“凋谢,消失”;vanish意为“消失”;survive意为“幸存”。5.B副词辨析。前面讲完美的工作并不存在,本句说人们应该参加一些灵活的培训项目,故此处应选表示因果关系的副词,答案选therefore(因此)。since意为“由于”,后接原因;furthermore意为“此外,而且”,表递进;more-over意为“些外,而且”。

6.B动词辨析。that引导的从句修饰training program,根据常识,这种培训应该使人符合某种行业的要求,符合结构与句意的只有fit(适合),fit sb.for sth,意为“使某人适合某事”。

7.A名词辨析。本句的rather than表明前后为并列关系,句意为:年轻人应该参加一些广泛而灵活的培训,使他们能胜任某一领域的工作,而不是一项单一的工作。此处Job是句中work的近义复现。

8. C介词辨析。本句讲年轻人的职业规划,根据本句第一个单词unfortunately可判断应填表示否定的单词,故选without,本句意为:他们的职业规划没有得到职业顾问或心理专家的帮助。

9.A形容词辨析。此处填入的应是vocational counselor or psychologist(职业顾问或心理专家)的定语。对于寻求帮助的年轻人而言,最重要的是专家有无水平,故选competent(有能力的,胜任的)。competitive意为“有竞争力的”;aggressive意为“有进取心的”;effective意为“有效率的”。

10.A形容词辨析。此处应填know的宾语。根据句尾的hit-or-miss(无计划的,无目的的)可以推断,很多年轻人对occupational world知之甚少,而且occupational world是不可数名词,故选little。

11.B动词辨析。本句意为:有些人不停地换工作,此处填入的词应与from构成固定搭配,所以只能选drift。drift from work to work意为“不停换工作”。

12. C动词辨析。本句要结合上句进行判断。这两句使用了“Some…Others…”句型,句意应该相反。前一句是有些人频繁换工作,后一句应是有些人不换工作,故选stick(to)(坚持)。


14. D动词辨析。后面提到很多高中生或者其家长帮他们选择工作领域,空格后说这类职业从业者较少或对个人要求很高,由此可知他们的选择是盲目的,没有从客观实际出发,故选disregarding(忽视,漠视)。15.B名词辨析。此处应填可以被high修饰的词,表示专业工作的实际情况,故选requirements(要求),指


16.C名词辨析。此句表示工作的声望好并不能成为选择作为终身职业的好理由,故选rcason。resource 意为“来源”;background意为“背景”;basis意为“基础”。


19.A名词辨析。此处提醒年轻人要认真考虑这类工作,当然提醒的是大多数人,而非少数人,故选majority。20.C名词辨析。根据上题,作者提醒年轻人认真考虑此事,故选consideration (考虑,顾虑)。proposal 意为“提议,建议”;suggestion意为“建议”;appraisal意为“评价,评估”。


Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage, Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

The horse and carriage is a thing of past, but love and marriage axe still with us and still closely interrelated. Most American marriages, (1) first marriage uniting young people, are the result of mutual attraction and affection (2) than practical considerations.

In the United States, parents do not (3) marriages for their children. Teenagers begin (4) in high school and usually find mates through their own academic and social (5) .

Though young people feel free to choose their friends from (6) groups, most choose a mate of similar (7) . This is due in part to parental guidance. Parents cannot (8) spouses (配偶) for their children, but they can usually (9) choices by voicing disapproval of someone they consider unsuitable.

(10) , marriages between members of different groups (interclass, interfaith, and interracial marriages) are (11) , probably because of the greater mobility of today's youth and the fact that they are (12) by fewer prejudices than their parents. Many young people leave their hometowns to attend college, serve in the armed forces, (13) pursue a career in a bigger city. Once away from home and family, they are more (14) to date and many outside their own social group.

In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither (15) nor astonishing. Interfaith marriages are (16) the rise, especially between Protestants(基督教徒) and Catholics(天主教徒). On the other hand, interracial marriages are still very (17) . It can be difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain friendships, and (18) a family. Marriages between people of different national (19) (but the same race and religion) have been commonplace here (20) . colonial times.

1. [A] specially [B] naturally

[C] particularly[D] fortunately

2. [A] more [B] rather

[C] less [D] better

3. [A] arrange [B] engage

[C] manage [D] propose

4. [A] appointing [B] dating

[C] marrying [D] playing

5. [A] positions [B] associations

[C] contracts [D] contacts

6. [A] separate [B] identical

[C] independent [D] different

7. [A] background [B] situation

[C] circumstance [D] condition

8. [A] object [B] reject

[C] select [D] approve

9. [A] influence [B]make

[C] afford [D] provide

10. [A] Therefore [B] However

[C] Moreover [D] Likewise

11. [A] declining [B] prohibiting

[C] increasing [D] reducing

12. [A]respected [B]retained

[C] reserved [D] restricted

13. [A] but [B] or

[C] so [D] unless

14. [A] likely [B] possible

[C] reluctant [D] eager

15. [A] scarce [B] risky

[C] rare [D] rigid

16. [A] in [B] at

[C] for [D] on

17. [A] normal [B] uncommon

[C] ordinary [D] usual

18. [A] raise [B] settle

[C] grow [D] unite

19. [A] source [B] convention

[C] origin [D] immigrant

20. [A] since [B] with

[C] by [D] during


1.C副词辨析。first marriage uniting young people是most American marriage中的一部分,由此可以作者在这里是以前者为例,particularly(尤其)多用于举例。specially意为“特别地”,多用于表示不普通、不寻常的特点。naturally(自然地)和fortunately(幸运地)与文意相差太远,可以首先排除。

2.B 固定搭配。空格所在的句子讲的是美国人结婚的原因,practical consideration(现实的考虑)与mutual attraction and affection(互相吸引和爱慕)在广义上是一种对比关系,所以应该选rather,rather than是固定搭配,表示“而不是”,相当于instead of。

3.A动词辨析。本句的意思是:在美国,父母不______子女的婚姻,根据常识应该选arrange,arrange marriage 意为“包办婚姻”。engage(订婚)和propose(求婚)不能与marriage搭配;manage(经营)与原文不符。

4.B 动词辨析。由and usually find mates可知,空格处应该填入与“交友”有关的词,故选dating(约会,特指异性间)。appointing指用权力或共同约定来决定或安排,不合题意。

5.D名词辨析。through their own academic and social______是美国中学生交友的途径.故选contact(接触,交往)。positions意为“地位”,associations意为“联系”,contracts意为“合同”,均不符合文意。

6. D形容词辨析。空格所在分句的句首出现转折连词though,所以前后分句为转折关系。根据后一句中出现的similar可以推断空格处应该填入一个与之意义相反的词汇,故选different。separate意为“分开的”,identical意为“相同的,同一的|”,independent意为“独立的”。


8.C 固定搭配。由上文可知,美国年轻人选择和自己背景相似的人,部分的原因是父母的引导。本句说




11.C 动词辨析。由空格后的the greater mobility of today's youth(如今年轻人更大的流动性)和_______by fewer prejudices than their parents(比他们的父母更少受到歧视的______)可知,不同groups之间的婚姻应该是逐渐增加的,故选increasing。declining意为“下降”;prohibiting意为“禁止”;reducing“减少”,都不符合文意。

12.D动词辨析。此句意为:年轻人比他们的父母受到更少歧视的,结合上文应选restricted(限制)。respected 意为“尊敬”;retain意为“保持”;reserve意为“预订”。

13.B 逻辑关系。根据上下文逻辑关系,前文的求学(attend college)、参军(serve in the armed forces)与空格后的创业(pursue a career)应是并列关系,故选or。

14.A形容词辨析。根据上下文逻辑关系,离开家乡和家庭(home and family)之后,年轻人与其他社会群体的人约会及结婚的可能性应该是增加了,故选likely,be likely to意为“可能”。possible也意为“可能”,但不用这个结构,且表示的可能性较小;be reluctant to意为“勉强”;be eager to意为“渴望”。

15.C 形容同辨析。此句意为:在美国,不同阶级之间的婚姻既不_________,也不奇怪,or连接的是并列结构,故空格处应该填入astonishing的近义词rare (稀少的)。scarce意为“不足的”;risky意为“冒险的”;rigid意为“严格的”。

16.D 固定搭配。on the rise意为“不断上升”,表上升趋势。

17.B 形容词辨析。由句首的on the other hand(另一方面)可知,此处应是转折关系,故处应该填入与on the rise相反或相对的词.答案是uncommon(不寻常的)。

18.A固定搭配。raise a family意为“养家”。


20.A介词辨析。空格所在句子为完成时态,而colonial times表示的是一个时间起点,故选since(自从)。强化训练三

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Mars is not, it seems, the dry old planet we once believed it to be. Astronauts who are (1) to go there in the next decade may find plenty (2) water to slake(消除) their thirst.

And with water present the (3) of finding some sort of life on Mars are (4) brighter.

This is the view of 40 (5) all over the world who have been analyzing (6) of pictures and other scientific (7) obtained by robot explorers in the sixties and seventies.

To begin with, scientists thought the Red Planet was as (8) as the Moon with dust storms swirling over vast sandy (9) . But now the picture is very different with mountains and valleys carved by (10) glaciers and torrential rivers rushing and rumbling deep underground.

In a report on the (11) of the Martian pictures Dr. Michael Car of the U.S. Geological Survey comments, "I am (12) there's lots of water on Mars." Any surface water will be in the (13) of ice. But it could (14) explorers having to take so much fresh (15) with them.

The report says (16) Mars probably had a warmer climate in ages (17) due to its axis having

been more steeply tilted towards the Sun.

(18) convincing signs of plant or animal life have been (19) by instruments soft. landed on Mars, (20) only the immediate vicinity of landing vehicles could be examined.

1. [A] expected [B] hoped

[C] required [D] eager

2. [A] to [B] of

[C] more [D] in

3. [A] chances [B] openings

[C] occasions [D] opportunities

4. [A] quite [B] very

[C] much [D] more

5. [A] biologists [B] geologists

[C] sociologists [D] psychologists

6. [A] lots [B] quantifies

[C] thousand [D] thousands

7. [A] tidings [B] news

[C] intelligence [D] information

8. [A] peaceful [B] quiet

[C] lifeless [D] dead

9. [A] deserts [B] mountains

[C] seas [D] rivers

10. [A] energetic [B] great

[C] massive [D] mighty

11. [A] diagnosis [B] syntheses

[C] analysis [D] analyses

12. [A] convinced [B] guaranteed

[C] believed [D] proved

13. [A] appearance [B] mould

[C] form [D] shape

14. [A] help [B] save

[C] carry [D] prevent

15. [A] water [B] ice

[C] food [D] vegetable

16. [A] what [B] if

[C] how [D] that

17. [A] pass [B] past

[C] ago [D] before

18. [A] Not [B] No

[C] Nor [D] Never

19. [A] detected [B] touched

[C] seen [D] felt

20. [A] probably [B] perhaps

[C] supposed [D] although


1.A词义辨析。expect sb.to do sth.意为“期望某人做某事”,常用于被动语态。hope意为“希望”,不能用于“宾语+宾语补足语”的结构;require意为“命令”,其用法为require sb.to do sth.;eager意为,

“渴望的”,是形容词,be eager to do sth.意为“渴望做某事”,不符合题意。

2.B 固定搭配。plenty of(许多)是固定搭配,其后可接不可数名词或可数名词复数。


4.C 语法结构。四个选项中,只有much可以修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示比较的程度。

5.B 名同辨析。根据常识,研究火星的应是geologist(地质学家)。biologist意为“生物学家”;sociologist 意为“社会学家”;psychologist意为“心理学家”。

6.D 固定搭配。“______ of pictures”和“other scientific______”是并列结构,由表被动语态的过去分词短语obtained by robot explorers....修饰,根据常识,机器人探测器在六七十年代获取的照片应该非常多,所以第一个空格处应该填入thousands of(许多的,成千上万的),来表达“极多”的含义。

7.D名词辨析。由于and连接的是并列结构,所以此处应该填入一个与picture对应的能够用scientific修饰的词,所以答案是information,scientific information表示“科技信息”。intelligence多指市场信息和军事情报。


9.A名词辨析。根据空格前的dust storms swirling vast sandy…可以推断描述的是沙漠的景象,故选deserts。10.D形容词辨析。由选项可知,空格处要填入一个形容词来修饰glaciers(冰川)。energetic意为“精力旺盛的,充沛的”;great侧重指数量、尺寸或程度上的“大”;massive侧重指尺寸或数量上的巨大。mighty 指力量上的强大。结合文意,正确答案应该是D。

11.C 名词辨析,结合选项和句意分析,空格处应该填入一个名词,并且该名词的动词形式能够与the Martian pictures搭配,故而可以首先排除diagnosis (诊断)。systheses(综合)是指将不同的事物或观点合在一起,使之成为一个新的整体,与文意不符,故也可以排除。此处只能选analysis(分析)。

12.A动词辨析,I am convinced…意为“我被说服相信……”。guarantee意为“保证”,believe意为“相信”,一般不用于被动语态;proved不合题意,不能说“我被证明……”。

13.C 名词辨析。根据常识,冰是水的一种存在形式,所以选form。appearance意为“外表,外观”;mould 意为“铸模,模子”;shape意为“外形,形状”。

14.B 动词辨析。由转折连词but可知,此句是对上文的转折。上文说火星上任何的地表水都是以冰的形式存在的。结合“______explorers having to take so much fresh ________ with them”可以推断,but后说的应该是“探测者们不必带太多新鲜的水”,故此处应选save(节省),save sb.(from) doing sth.意为“省去(某人的)劳力”。


16.D 连词辨析。通过分析句子结构可知,say后接宾语从句,故选that。what不是从属连词;if引导宾语从句时,前面的动词一般是ask,doubt,don't know,不用say;how一般引导主语从句。

17.B 形容词辨析。固定搭配in ages/time past(很久以前,在过去)。

18.B 词义辨析。此空格处应填no,no可以放在单数及复数名词前,也可放在句首。not放在可数名词前;nor是连词,常与neither连用,不能作定语修饰名词;never作副词放在句首时,句子应倒装。19.A动词辨析。空格所在的分句是被动语态,意为:在火星上,软着陆的仪器没有______令人信服的生命存在的迹象,故选detect(发现,察觉)。



Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

The Internet has become a commonplace for us. While (1) the Internet, we should not (2) the alarm bells sounding in our ears, reminding us of keeping (3) for on-line crimes. Last year, the Melissa and Explore Zip virus caused chaos (4) the Internet. Last week the "I love you" bug played havoc (5) the world. What will be the next? No one knows.

Many on-line crimes are not so different to (6) seen in real world, the spreading of fake data, cheating and blackmail, (7) property rights infringements and privacy violations. But computer hackers also create new forms of crime (8) the Internet changes the world into a "global village".

With the (9) of e-business, on-line crimes could not only cause great damage to (10) , but could also threaten the (11) of national political, economic and cultural orders. The (12) legal system in most countries (13) weak when dealing with on-line crimes, (14) to the sophisticated technology involved. For this reason, many countries are considering (15) Internet laws to curb on-line crimes.

In China, (16) there are millions of Internet surfers, it is more important to formulate new laws and rules on network security than to (17) the existing ones. When drafting and (18) new laws, China should also (19) the relations between protecting network security (20) the sound development of Internet.

1. [A] surfing [B] operating

[C] reaching [D] exploring

2. [A] neglect [B] overlook

[C] omit [D] ignore

3. [A] guard [B] careful

[C] alert [D] aware

4. [A] in [B] on

[C] inside [D] with

5. [A] over [B]on

[C] across [D] through

6. [A] which [B] that

[C] them [D] those

7. [A] intellectual [B] intelligence

[C] knowledge [D] cultural

8. [A] until [B] before

[C] as [D] alter

9. [A] blossom [B] gloom

[C] blooming [D] booming

10. [A] persons [B] individuals

[C] country [D] society

11. [A] equality [B] peace

[C] security [D] safety

12. [A] current [B] today's

[C] nowadays [D] contemporary

13. [A] proving [B] proves

[C] prove [D] proven

14. [A] owe [B] as

[C] thanks [D] due

15. [A] shaping [B] founding

[C] formulating [D] setting

16. [A] that [B] which

[C] where [D] when

17. [A] date [B] accelerate

[C] upgrade [D] update

18. [A] implying [B] implementing

[C] importing [D] imposing

19. [A] manage [B] establish

[C] process [D] arrange

20. [A] with [B] or

[C] and [D] besides


1.A固定搭配。surf the Internet意为“上网,网上冲浪”。

2.D 近义辨析。由选项可以推断,本句意为:我们不应置耳畔一再响起的警钟于不顾,故选ignore(不顾,忽视).强调主观上的不听或不注意。neglect意为“忽略,疏忽”,强调忘了做,overlook意为“未注意,未考虑”,A和B都不强调主观上的故意;omit意为“省略,遗漏”。

3.C固定搭配。reminding us of keeping _____ for on-line crimes是alarm bells的具体内容,故应选alert,be alert for意为“对……保持警觉”。guard的用法为be on guard against(警惕,提防);be careful意为“小心,谨慎”;aware的用法为be aware of(意识到)。

4.B介词搭配。on the Internet意为“在网上”。

5.C介词搭配。across the world意为“在世界范围内”。



7.A习惯用法。intellectual property rights意为“知识产权”。


9.D形近词辨析。booming意为“迅速发展,繁荣”。blossom意为“花”;gloom意为“昏暗,忧郁”;blooming 意为“开花的”。

10.B词汇复现。由not only…but also…可知,前后两个分句是递进关系,后半句讲网上犯罪危及“国家的政治、经济、文化秩序的______”,因此前半句指对“个人”的危害,故选individuals。


12.A形容词辨析。根据句意,应选current(现时的,当前的)。today's为所有格,前面不应加冠词;nowadays 是副词,不作定语;contemporary意为“当代的,同时代的”,不合句意。


14.D短语搭配。due to 意为“由于,因为”。owe形式错误,应为owing;as引导原因或让步状语从句;thanks是强干扰选项,thanks to一般接好的原因,表示“多亏”。

15. C词汇重现。根据下文formulate new laws and rules,故选formulating。



18. B形近词辨析。根据下文,与the laws搭配应选implement(使生效,履行)。imply意为“暗示”;import 意为“进口,输入”;impose意为“强加,征税”。




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