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Unit 1 Section A:

Words & Phrases Study
1.budget v. plan carefully how much of sth. will be needed(为...)作出安排
She has learned how to budget her time carefully. 她已学会了怎么精心安排自己的时间。
The government has budgeted 10 million dollars for education spending.
vi. plan the spending of money carefully 制定预算
As a student, you have to learn how to budget. 作为学生,你得学会如何制定开支计划。
n. [C] the amount of money a person or organization has to spend on sth. 预算
It is important to balance one's budget. 使收支平衡十分重要。
They are preparing the company's advertising budget for 2007.
[扩展] budget for 为… …编制预算;为… …作安排
on a budget 精打细算的, 花钱不多
2. charge v. ask sb. for an amount of money for a service 向...收费,要价
We do not charge for delivery. 我们免费送货上门。
The doctor charged us 400 dollars for a five-minute examination.
3. acute a.1). quick to notice sth. 敏感的;敏锐的
Dogs have an acute sense of smell. 狗有灵敏的嗅觉。
The critical professional requires unusually acute observation.
2). very serious or severe 严重的
The president suffered acute embarrassment from this news. 这一新闻使总统十分难堪。
He felt acute pain on his back. 他感到背部很疼。
4. hourglass n. [C](计时用的)沙漏
The use of the hourglass dates back to almost two thousand years ago in China.
5. restless a. unable to keep still because one is nervous, bored, or impatient 烦躁的;不安静的
After one month in the job, he felt restless and decided to leave.
The children grew restless with the long wait.
6.restlessly ad. in a restless manner; impatiently 烦躁地;不安静地
She walked back and forth restlessly in her room. 她焦躁不安地在房间里走来走去。
He moved about restlessly, lighting a cigarette. 他焦躁不安地走来走去,点燃了一支烟。
7. elbow vt. push sb. with the elbows 用肘推(或撞)人
He elbowed me out of the way. 他用肘把我推开了。
She elbowed her way forward. 她用胳膊肘推挤着向

n. [C] the joint where the arm bends肘
He sat with
his elbows on the table. 他坐着,双肘架在桌上。
His arm was wrapped from the elbow to the fingers. 他的胳膊从肘部一直包扎到手指。
8.abrupt a. 1). (of behavior) rough; offensive粗鲁的,无礼的
The manager was offended by his abrupt reply. 经理被他的粗鲁的回答激怒了。
The head teacher is very abrupt with parents. 主任老师对家长们的态度很粗鲁。
2). sudden and unexpected 突然的,意外的
The road is full of many abrupt turns. 这条路有许多急转弯。
His abrupt departure surprised everyone. 他突然离去,使大家都很吃惊。
9. opening a. beginning; starting 开始的
He left after the opening speech of the debate. 辩论会的开场白之后他就走了。
The queen attended the opening night of the theatre. 女王观看了这家剧院的首夜演出。
n. 1). [C] an occasion when a new building, road, etc. is used for the first time, esp. one that involves a ceremony 开业典礼;落成典礼
the opening of a new highway 一条新公路的通车典礼
Many attended the opening of the new sports center. 很多人参加了新体育中心的落成典礼。
2. [C] a position that is available in a business or firm空缺职位
There are few openings in publishing for new graduates.
I'm trying to apply for an opening in an advertising firm.
10. ritual a. done regularly and in the same way 例行的;惯常的
Every day the work begins with the ritual greetings. 每天的工作以例行的问候开始。
They made ritual apology and left. 他们做了程式化的道歉,然后就离开了。
n. [C, U] sth. done regularly and in the same way 惯例
Wives make a ritual of their household duties. 家庭主妇每天都是一成不变地操持家务。
I've wound up the clock so many times that it has become a ritual.
11.interaction n.
1). [C, U] communication交流
The interaction of the two groups produced many good ideas.
If there was more interaction between the two, their problems would be solved.
2). [C, U] a process by which two or more things affect each other相互作用;相互影响
the interaction of two medicines 两种药之间的相互作用
The interaction between different police forces would improve the rate of solving crimes.
12. convention n.
1). [C, U] general, usu. unspoken agreement about how people should act or behave in certain situations习俗;惯例
By convention, the leader is always a man. 按照惯例,领导总是由男

Wearing a coat and tie is an accepted convention on such an occasion.
2). [C] a meeting of members of a profession, political party, etc. 会议;大会
They hold the annual convention in July. 他们每年7月召开年度会议。
The convention decided on a new rule. 大会就一项新规定作出决议。
13. leisure n.
1). [U] time free from work or other duties; spare time 空闲,闲暇
We've been working all week without a moment's leisure.
He has some leisure from his studies. 他在学习之余有些空闲时间。
2). [U] ease 悠闲,安逸
A life of easy leisure makes a man less adventurous. 安逸的生活会使人变得不思进取。
After she retired, she lived in leisure at home. 她退休后闲居在家。
[扩展]at leisure (作表语)有空的;(作状语)从容地
at one’s leisure当有空的时候
14. leisurely a. without hurrying 从容的;不匆忙的
walk at a leisurely pace 迈着从容的步伐行进
Her walked at a more leisurely pace. 他慢悠悠地走着。
15.assess vt. judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of sb. or sth. 评价,评估
They assessed the value of the house at $600,000. 他们估算这幢房子值60万美元。
They say they can assess intelligence from these tests. 他们声称通过这些测试能对智力进行评估。
[扩展]assess sth. at…:评估某事物为……
assessable a. 可评估的,可征税的
assessment n. 估价,评价
assessor n. 估价财产的人
16.surroundings n. (pl.) all the objects, conditions, etc. that are around and may affect sb. or sth.; environment 周围的事物;环境
pleasant surroundings 令人愉快的环境
The new surroundings made the children very happy. 新的环境让孩子们很开心。
17.probe v. try to find out the truth about sth. 调查;探究
The matter must be probed to the bottom. 这件事必须彻底调查。
She tried to probe his mind to find out what he was thinking. 她试图探究他的心思,以便知道他在想些什么。
n. [C] 探针(医生检查伤口用的钝头细长工具)
The doctor lost the probe during the operation. 手术过程中,医生弄丢了探针。
18.social a.1). relating to society and people's lives in general 社会的
Governments have made efforts to improve women's social and economic status.
Not least important, marriage is a great social stabilizer of men. 很重要的是,婚姻是促使男子稳定的一大社会因素。
2). relating to meeting people and spending time with them 社交的
She often attends social gatherings. 她常出席社交聚会。
His reasons for calling were purely social. 他来访的原因纯粹是为了社交。

19. socially ad. 与社会 (或社交) 相关地
We have known each other socially for a long time. 我们相交已久。
For socially ambitious couples this is a problem. 对社交上
20.tick vi. (of a clock or watch) make a short repeated sound (钟、表等)滴答响
The old clock ticked noisily. 那口老钟的滴答声很响。
My watch doesn't tick because it's electronic. 我的表不滴嗒作响,因为它是电子表。
n. [sing.] the short repeated sound that a clock or watch makes (钟、表的)滴答声
The continual tick of the clock got on my nerves. 钟不断地作响,令我心烦。
The ticks seem to be coming from that bag over there.
21. consequently ad. as a result 因此,所以
My car broke down and consequently I was late. 我的汽车半路上出了毛病,所以来晚了。
I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to spend on food during the last few days of the holidays. 我在假期第一周就用掉了大部分钱,因此最后几天几乎没什么钱买吃的了。
[扩展]consequent a. 随之发生的,合乎逻辑的;
n. 必然的结果,推论
22. device n. 1). [C] a machine or tool for a special purpose 器械,装置
He made a device to make the door shut by itself. 他制作了一种能使门自动关闭的装置。
A computer is a device for processing information. 计算机是一种处理信息的装置。
2). [C] a way of doing sth. 方法,手段
Her illness is only a device to escape seeing him. 她所谓生病只是回避见他的一种策略。
By various devices he was able to make a huge fortune. 他通过各种手段赚了一大笔钱。
23. fax n. [C] 传真;传真机
I'll send you a fax with the details of the meeting. 我会把会议的细节用传真发给你。
I'll send you the agreement by fax. 我会把合同用传真发给你。
24. email n. [C, U] (also e-mail) 电子邮件
Nowadays people send far more emails than letters by post.
They keep in touch by email. 他们通过电子邮件保持联系。
25. given prep. taking sth. into account; considering 如果考虑到
Given the uncertainty over my husband's future I was left with little other choice.
Given the circumstances, you've done really well.
26. gathering n. [C] a meeting 集会,聚会
I met him once or twice at family gatherings. 我在家庭聚会上遇到过他一两次。
Soon afterwards, the gathering broke up and the guests took their leave.
27.impersonality n. [U] the quality of not showing or including personal feelings

It was a system of impersonality; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules. 这是一项不牵涉个人感情的制度,只要你掌握规则,你是谁都无关紧要。
28. elec
tronic a.
1). using devices such as radios, televisions, computers, etc. 使用电子设备的
This dictionary is available in electronic form. 这部词典有电子版本。
I've only now become familiar with the benefits of electronic banking. 我现在才熟悉电子银行的优点。
2). produced or operated by a flow of electrons 电子的
an electronic address book 电子地址簿
an electronic game 电子游戏
[扩展]electron 电子
electronics 电子学
29. significance n. [sing., U] the importance of an event, action, etc. 重要性;重要意义
Could you explain to me the significance of this part of the agreement? 请把合同中这部分的含义给我解释一下好吗?
Few people realized the significance of the discovery. 几乎没人意识到这一发现的重要性。
30.conduct vt. 1). carry out 进行;实施
conduct an experiment 做实验
We have been conducting a survey of the region. 我们对该地区进行了调查。
2). act as the path for electricity, heat, etc. 传导(电或热)
Copper conducts electricity well. 铜具有良好的导电性能。
He wasn't sure if rubber conducted electricity. 他不能肯定橡胶是否导电。
n. [U] the way sb. behaves 行为,举止
The prisoner was set free early because of good conduct. 那个囚犯因表现好而被提前释放。
Nobody can stand such shameless conduct. 没有人能容忍如此不知羞耻的行为。
[扩展]conduct a meeting 主持会议
conduct an experiment 做实验
31. increasingly ad. more and more 日益;愈加
Increasingly, people are realizing that our basic problems are not economic ones. 人们逐渐认识到我们的根本问题并不是经济问题。
The country became increasingly rich and successful. 这个国家日趋富足昌盛。
32. conference n. [C] a formal meeting (正式)会议
The Institute of Accountants is holding its conference in Edinburgh this year. 会计师协会正在爱丁堡举行今年的会议。
She's an organizer of the International Conference on AIDS that the university has every year. 她是大学每年召开的爱滋病国际会议的组织者。
[扩展] convention, meeting, conference
convention指很正式的专业人员或政党会议。 meeting是最常用的一个词,可泛指任何会议、 会谈。conference指就某事交换意见而进行的会议。
33. teleconference n. [C] (通过电话、电视等手段召开的)远程会议
Holding a teleconference can save time and money. 召开远程会议既省时又省钱。
The technicians were busy preparing for today's teleconference. 技术人员正忙着为今天的远程会议做准备

34.obtain vt. get sth. that one wants 获得,得到
He always manages to obtain what he wants. 他想要的他总能弄到。
Further information can be obtained from our head office. 可以从我们的总部获得更多的资料。
[扩展]obtainable a. 可获得的,可买到

obtainment n.取得,获得
35.superb a. extremely good 极好的
The sports center is superb. 这个体育中心是一流的。
The view from my window is superb. 从窗外看去,景色壮丽。
36.whereas conj. in contrast; while 然而;但是
He earns $8,000 whereas she gets at least $20,000 every year. 他一年只挣八千美元;而她却至少挣两万美元。
She is hard-working, whereas he is lazy. 她很勤快,而他却懒惰。
37.postal a. relating to post; sent by post 邮政的;邮寄的
Domestic postal services will be reviewed this year. 今年将对国内邮政系统进行评估。
38.efficient a. working well and without wasting time, money, or energy 效率高的
a very efficient secretary 办事效率高的秘书
Lighting is now more energy efficient. 现在的照明更节能。
39. impolite a. not polite 无礼的,失礼的
It would be impolite to leave in the middle of the meeting. 在会议中途离开会是失礼的。
She had no wish to appear impolite but there was something about the man that made her so. 她并不想表现出有失礼仪,但那个男子的举止使她不得不如此。
40.elapse vi. (of time) pass(时间)过去,逝去
Three years have elapsed since we last met. 自我们上次见面以来,已经过去三年了。
Four years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadn't found a job. 他大学毕业已四年了,却仍未找到工作。
41.skillful a. (BrE skilful) having or showing ability to do sth. well 熟练的;有技巧的
He is skillful at inventing excuses. 他善于编造借口。
Soon they became very skillful in answering such questions. 他们很快变得善于回答这类问题。
42. skillfulness n. [U] ( BrE skilfulness) 熟练;技巧
He was admired by all for his skillfulness. 他技术精湛,赢得众人交口称赞。
His performance tonight speaks volumes for his skillfulness. 他今晚的表现充分说明他技巧之熟练。
https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9810204692.html,petent a. having the necessary ability, skill, knowledge, etc. 有能力的;能干的;胜任的
He's not competent to look after young children. 他不太会照管孩子。
My secretary is perfectly competent, but she doesn't have much patience. 我的秘书完全能够胜任工作,只是耐心不够。
[扩展]competence n. 能力,胜任
competently ad.胜任地,适合地
44.fulfill (BrE fulfil)
vt.1). do what one must do 履行;执行
fulfill an obligation 履行义务
A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick. 护士在护理病人时要履行许多职责。
2). achieve sth. one wanted to d

o 实现;完成
I have fulfilled many of my youthful aims. 我已实现了我年轻时的许多目标。
Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream. 游玩迪斯尼实现了他儿时的梦想。
[扩展]fulfilled a. 满足的
fulfillment n.履行,执行,完成;满足
45.capital n. [sing., U] money used to produce more we
alth or for starting a business 资本;资金
Our return on capital has more than doubled since 2000. 2000年以来, 我们的投资收益翻了一番还多。
Since the stock market crash, companies have been trying to raise capital by selling new stock. 股市崩溃以来,不少公司一直在设法通过销售新股筹集资金。

Phrases and Expressions

46. fall behind: move more slowly than other people so that one is behind them 落在...后面
She hurt her ankle and fell behind the others. 她的脚踝受伤了,所以落在了其他人后面。
His mother was chatting and didn't notice that he had fallen behind. 他妈妈一直在和别人聊天,都没发现他落在了后面。
47. result in make sth. happen; cause 导致;造成...的结果
Our efforts resulted in success. 我们的努力取得了成功。
If left untreated, the condition will eventually result in blindness. 这种情况如果不治疗,最终会导致失明。
48. run out
1). (of food, money, etc.) there is none left 用完;耗尽
Their supplies soon ran out. 他们的供给很快就用完了。
We must act quickly because time is running out. 时间所剩无几,我们得赶快行动。
2). use all of sth. and not have any left 用完;耗尽
We can see that the manager is running out of his patience. 我们可以看出,经理快没耐心了。
The printer has run out of paper. 打印机的纸用完了。
49. in a rush in a hurry 匆忙地
I'm in such a rush that I can't stop. 我忙得手脚不闲,停不下来。
Everybody is always in a rush to get ready in the mornings. 早上,每个人的准备工作都总是很匆忙的。
50. go with exist or take place at the same time with sth. else 同时发生;伴随
Money does not always go with happiness. 有钱并不一定就幸福。
Responsibility goes with becoming a father. 做父亲就得有责任。
51. work at put effort into sth. or doing sth. 致力于;从事
I've been working at my essay all day. 我整天都在不停地写文章。
You will have to work at the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination. 你如果想通过考试,就得在你英语薄弱的环节上下功夫。
52. in person doing sth. by oneself 亲身;亲自
The winner will be there in person to collect the prize. 获胜者将亲自去那里领奖。
I had seen her before on TV, but she looked very different when I met her in person. 我以前在电视上见过她,但当面相见,她却看上去很不一样。
53. due to because of sth. 由于
His lat

eness was due to the very heavy traffic on the way. 他迟到是因为路上车辆太多。
His hunger was due to not eating for the entire day. 他整天没吃东西,因此感到饿。
54. pour into give a lot of effort, money, etc. to sth. 大量投入(精力或金钱等)
They've poured thousands of dollars into developing the business. 他们已投入数千美元开展业务。
A lot of his t
ime was poured into his research. 他的很多时间用在

Unit 1 Section B:

Words and Phrases Study
1. spite n. (in~ of) despite; regardless of
I'm sure he took my parking space just out of spite. 我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。
Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much. 尽管凯丽的丈夫饮酒过度,她仍然很爱他。
[扩展] in spite of: regardless of; despite
I went shopping in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨,我还是出去买东西了。
He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions. 他虽竭尽全力,但仍然 未能将那石头搬起来。
2. clash
vi. 1) (with) disagree about something
The color of the curtains clashed with the color of the carpet. 窗帘的颜色和地毯的颜色不协调。
It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them. 真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。
2) come to a fight
The enemy armies clashed near the border. 敌军在边境附近发生冲突。
Police have clashed with demonstrators again today.今天警察与示威者又发生冲突。
n. 1) [C] a serous disagreement
A border clash between the two armies started the war. 双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战争。
The plans put oil companies in a head-on clash with environmentalists.这些计划使得石油公司与环保主义者发声了正面的冲突。
2) [C] a short fight
There were violent clashes between police and demonstrators.警察与示威者发生了激烈的冲突。
Armed clashes along the border.沿着边境的武装冲突。
3.tradition n. [U] (handing down from generation to generation of)opinions, beliefs, customs, etc.; [C] opinion, belief, custom, etc handed down 传统;因袭;意见、信仰、风俗等的世代相传;传统的意见、信仰、风俗等;惯例;传说
The stories of Robin Hood are based mainly on traditions.罗宾汉的故事主要是根据传说而来的。
It is a tradition in that family for the eldest son to enter the army and for the second son to become a lawyer. 那个家庭的传统是长子从军,次子当律师。
[扩展] traditional adj. 传统的
traditionally adv. 传统地
traditionalism n. 传统主义;过分墨守传统
traditionalist n. 传统主义者;守旧分子
4. adjustment n. [C,U] the act of adjusting 调整
Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
I’ve made a few a

djustments to the seating plan. 我对座次表做了小小的调整。
[扩展] adjust vt. ~ oneself/ sth. (to) set right; put in order; regulate; make suitable or convenient for use; 调整;调节;使适用;使便于使用
The body adjusts itself to changes in temperature.身体能自行调节以适应气温变化。
You can’t see well through a tele
scope unless it is adjusted correctly to your sight.除非你把望远镜准确地调节到适合你的视力,否则你就看不清楚。
5. honeymoon n. [C] a holiday taken by a couple who have just got married; (fig.) a period of good feeling or good relations 蜜月期;(喻)短暂的和谐期
They will spend their honeymoon in Paris.他们将在巴黎度蜜月。
The honeymoon is over for the new President.新总统上台后的“蜜月时期”已结束。
6. marvelous a. (BrE marvelous) extremely good; wonderful 非常好的;绝妙的
Their performance was marvelous. 他们的演出太精彩了。
The science fiction film had some marvelous special effects. 这部科幻电影有些特殊效果美妙绝伦。
The students did some marvelous impressions of the teachers at the end-of-term party.在期末联欢会上,学生模仿教师惟妙惟肖令人捧腹。
7. amusement
n. 1) [U] the feeling of being amused 愉快,快乐
She couldn’t hide her amusement at his foolish mistake.她看到他的愚笨的错误,隐藏不住想笑的心情。
To the great amusement of everybody, the actor’s beard fell off.使每个人都感到机器好笑的是那演员的胡须掉下来了。
2) [C] sth. that makes time pass pleasantly 娱乐(消遣)活动
There are plenty of amusements here --- cinemas, theatres, concerts, football, matches, and so on.这里有很多娱乐--- 电影院,戏院,音乐会,足球比赛等等。
[扩展] amusement arcade:room or hall containing pin-tables, gambling machines, etc, esp in large towns, seaside resorts, etc.游乐室;游乐厅(内设弹球台,宾果机,赌博机等,尤指在大城镇,海滨胜地等中者)。
amusement park/ grounds:place with swings, roundabouts, shooting galleries, and other means of amusing oneself.儿童乐园;游乐场(设有秋千,旋转木马,打靶场及其他游乐设备)。
place of amusement:cinemas, theatres, etc.娱乐场所(如电影院,戏院等)。
do sth for amusement:do it as a means of passing time pleasantly, not for a serous purpose.为消遣而做某事
amuse vt. 1) make time pass pleasantly for: 娱乐;使快乐:
The boys amused themselves drawing caricatures of their teacher.男孩子们画他们老师的漫画像以取乐。
Keep the baby amused with these toys.用这些玩具使婴儿高兴。
2) make (sb) laugh of smile:使(某人)笑:
His foolish mistakes amused all of us.他的愚笨的错误使我们都发笑。
The children were amused at/ by the storyteller

’s jokes.小孩子们听了讲故事者的笑话,觉得很好笑。
amusing adj. causing laughter or smiles好笑的;有趣的;引人发笑的
an amusing story/ storyteller.好笑的故事(引人发笑的讲
8. hostility n. [U] unfriendly behavior or feeling toward sb.敌意;敌对
feelings of hostility敌视的情绪;敌意
feel no hostility towards anyone 对任何人无敌意
show hostility to somebody对某人表示敌意
Humor was his only weapon against their hostility. 他有幽默感,这是他对付他们的敌对行动的唯一手段。
I feel no hostility towards anyone. 我对任何人均为敌意。
9. moreover adv. further; besides; in addition 再者;此外;而且
I don’t like sunbathing; moreover, it is too hot outside here.我不喜欢日光浴,再说外面也太热了。
The rent is too high, and, moreover, the house is a bit too far from the city center.房租太高了,而且房子离市中心有点远。
10. anymore adv. (used in negatives) (not) any longer再也(不)
I don’t believe you anymore.我再也不相信你了。
I’ll never smoke anymore.我再也不抽烟了。
11. distress vt. make somebody feel upset使痛苦;使苦恼
I am much distressed to hear the news of your wife’s death.听到你妻子去世的消息我很难过。
What are you looking so distressed about? 什么事情使你看来如此苦恼?
n. [U] a feeling of extreme unhappiness 痛苦;苦恼
At the end of the Marathon race several runners showed signs of distress. 当马拉松赛跑结束时,几位参加赛跑的人显示出痛苦的迹象。
His wild behavior was a great distress to his mother.他的放荡行为使他的母 亲极为苦恼。
12. devise vt. create or invent a new way of doing something 设计;发明
He devised a plan for winning the game.他想出了一种赢得比赛的办法。
They devised a scheme for making money.他们想出了赚钱的办法。
13. mechanism n. [C] a way of behaving that helps somebody deal with a problem行为方式;机制
The mechanism of the body 身体结构
The mechanism of government 政府之机构
You operate the mechanism by winding this handle. 操纵这台机器要转动这个把手。
The watch has delicate mechanism. 这块表有精细的机械装置。
14. cope vi. be able to deal with something difficult 应付;处理
Can you cope with all this work? 你应付得了所有这些工作吗?
She has so many problems, it’s no wonder she can’t cope. 她有这么多的难题,难怪她应付不了。
15. repression n.[U] control of strong feelings (对情感或欲望的)压抑;抑制
It’s hard to hide the repression of her emotions. 她难以抑制自己的情绪。
His repression broke out. 他的压抑终于爆发了。
The government's repression of the strike failed. 政府对这次罢工的镇压失败了。
16. acceptable adj.

good enough; satisfactory 可接受的;合意的
If this proposal is acceptable to you, please sign the contract.如果你觉得这个建议可以接受
的话,请在 这份合同上签字。
[扩展] accept vt. vi.
1) receive (something offered) 接受;答应(别人所提供的事物)
Accept a gift/ an invitation 接受礼物(邀请)
He asked her to marry him and she accepted his proposal. 他请求她嫁给他,她答应了他的求婚。
2) agree; recognize; regard with favor or approval: 同意;认可;赞同
I accept that the change may take some time. 我同意改变颇费时日。
It is an accepted truth/ fact, something that everyone believes. 这是大家所公认的真理(事实)。
3) take responsibility for: (商)承受…的责任;承兑:
Accept a bill of exchange 承兑汇票
Accept delivery of goods 负责送货
acceptance n. accepting or being accepted 接受;答应;同意;认可
17. regression n. [U] a return to an earlier stage of development 回归;倒退
Leaning a language requires regression to childlike simplicity. 学习一门语言要求回归到孩子般的简 单。
18. irresponsible a. not responsible 不负责任的
Irresponsible teenagers 无责任感的青少年
Irresponsible behavior 不可靠的行为
His behavior was very irresponsible; he might have hurt somebody. 他的所作所为很不负责,他可能已经得罪了一些人。
Some people felt that the Prime Minister should have been impeached for his irresponsible actions. 有些人认为,首相早就应该为其不负责任的行为而受到弹劾。
19. isolate
vt. 1) separate, put or keep apart from others: 使隔离;使孤立;使隔绝
Feel isolated from one’s fellows. 在同伴中感到孤立。
When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually isolated. 当一人患传染病时,他通常是被隔离起来。
Several villages in the north have been isolated by heavy snowfalls. 北部有几个村庄因大雪而与外界隔绝了。
2) (chem.) separate a substance, germ, etc from its combinations. (化学)分解(物质等);使游离;使(细菌)分离。
Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的病毒。
[扩展] isolation n. (from) isolating or being isolated 隔离;孤立;隔绝;分解;游离;分离
in isolation, alone; separated 单独的;隔离的
consider facts in isolation from others 单独考虑某些事实。
isolation hospital/ ward 隔离医院/ 病房。
20. reject
vt. 1) put aside, throw away, as not good enough to be kept 抛弃;丢弃
Reject fruit that is over-ripe. 抛弃过熟的水果。
2) refuse to accept 拒绝;不接受
reject an offer of help 拒绝别人提供的帮助
reject a heart transplant 排斥新移植的心脏
[扩展] rejection n. [U] rejecting or being rejected; [C] instance of this;

something rejected 抛弃;被弃;拒绝;被
rejection slip 退稿附条。
同义辨析refuse, decline, reject, turn down
refuse 是普通用词,常强调态度坚决,有时甚至是粗暴无礼的拒绝。它是用来表示不肯接受的合适字眼,使用中,它的宾语用名词或动词不定式,不能跟动名词或that引导的从句。He resolutely refused their bribe. 他坚决拒绝(不肯接受)贿赂。[注] 该词尚有不肯给的意思,如: He refused money to a beggar. 他不给乞丐钱。
reject 词义与用法和refuse大体相同,指不肯接受或答应,并含有抛弃无用的、无价值的或不合适的东西的意思。 He asked her to marry him, but she rejected him. 他求她嫁给他,但她拒绝了。The idea that the earth is flat was rejected centuries ago. 地球是平坦的这一看法几个世纪前被否定了。
decline 指比较客气,有礼貌的拒绝,所以在比较正式的场合常可代替refuse。它多用于指回绝参加社交活动的邀请或谢绝人家的帮助等。
We declined his offer of a lift as we wanted to walk. 我们谢绝了他提出的顺道搭载我们的提议,因为我们想步行。
turn down 是表示拒绝的通俗用语。They turned down the plan.他们拒绝考虑这项计划。
21. utilize vt. use; make use of 使用
You should utilize your abilities in a suitable job.
You may be able to utilize their assistance.
22. deal vi. (dealt, dealt) (with) take action, esp. to solve a problem 应付;处理
They should deal properly and fairly with any complaint.
Not all problems can be dealt with so easily.
23. hostile
a. 1) angry and very unfairly toward sb. 怀有敌意的,敌对的
The crowd outside is hostile. 外面的人群充满了敌意。
She give him a hostile look. 她怀有敌意的看了他一眼。
2) of an enemy 敌方的
a hostile army/ hostile forces 敌军/敌方力量
The town was surrounded by hostile troops. 镇子已被敌军包围。
[引申](同)unfriendly, inhospitable, unsympathetic
(反)friendly, sympathetic, welcoming
24. recognition n. the act of realizing and accepting that sth. is true 承认;认可
There is a growing recognition of the need for more preventive treatment.
Recognition of the new State is unlikely.
25. temporary a. lasting only for a short time 暂时的
This arrangement is only temporary. 这只是个临时性的安排。
France has agreed to a temporary suspension of military activities.
26. recovery

n. 1) return to a nor
mal state 恢复;痊愈
He is now well on the way to recovery. 他在顺利的康复。
He’s past recovery. 他已毫无康复的希望。
2) the act of getting sth. back that is lost 重获;复得
the recovery of a lost article 寻回丢失的物件
the recovery of a fallen city 收复失陷城市
27. favorable
a. 1) giving sb. or sth. an advantage 有利的
favorable winds 顺风
The position of his shop is favorable to business.
2) giving or showing agreement 赞成的
Is he favorable to the proposal? 他赞成这建议吗?
We found that most people were favorable to the idea.
28. symptom
n. 1) a sign of a bad condition or problem 迹象;征兆
The lower production levels are a symptom of dissatisfaction among the workers. 生产水平下降表明了 工人们的不满情绪。
The government must not ignore these symptoms of present economic problems. 政府不应忽视这些能反应目前经济状况的问题。
2) a sign that shows an illness 症状
The symptoms didn’t appear until too late for the doctor to do something to save the patient’s life. 症状出现的太迟,以至于医生无法采取措施挽救病人的生命。
All the symptoms point to a cold. 所有的症状都表明是感冒。
29. distinction
n. 1) a special or unique quality 特点;特征
Our company has the distinction of being the only travel agent located in this area. 我们公司是这个地区唯一的一家旅行社。
Do you know the chief distinction of Chinese poetry?
2) a difference between two things 区别;差别
It’s difficult to make exact distinctions between all the meanings of a word.
There is a distinction between what he says and what he does.
3) the quality of being excellent 卓越;杰出
a writer/novel of distinction 卓越的作家/小说
30. appreciate
vt. 1) understand and enjoy 欣赏;赏识
My boss does not appreciate my abilities.
You can not fully appreciate Shakespeare in translation.
2) be grateful for sth. 对… 表示感谢
I’d appreciate it if you lend me some money.
I don’t need any help, but I do appreciate your offer.
31. acquisition n. the act of gaining sth. 获得,得到
He spent hundreds of hours in the acquisition of skill at playing the piano.
He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.
32. alleviate vt. ma

ke sth. less serious 减轻,缓和
The pill will alleviate your pain. 这些药片会减轻你的痛苦。
We want to help alleviate their lack of food.
33. interact
vi. 1) (with) communicate with sb. 交流
Students find they cannot interact with the teacher properly in large classes.
Linda has a problem of interacting with others students in her class.
2) have an effect on each other 互相作用;互相影响
The two chemicals interact to form a new gas.
We learned about how people and their environment interact.
34. considerable a. fairly large or great 相当大的;相当多的
He is a man of considerable influence in the academic community.
Attracting tourists to the area is going to take considerable effort.
35. furthermore ad. in addition to what has been said; moreover 此外;而且
Roy wants to leave for home; furthermore, he wants to go right now.
The house is too small, and, furthermore, it’s too far from the city.

Phrases and Expressions

1. adjust to: get used to a new situation 适应
She must learn to adjust (herself) to English life.
It took him months to adjust to his new responsibilities as a husband.
2. familiar to: well known to 为…所熟悉
These folk tunes are familiar to the local people. 当地人对这些民歌很熟悉。
The facts are familiar to every schoolboy. 这些事实是每个中小学男生都熟知的。
同义辨析be familiar to, be familiar with
be familiar to 的主语是物,而be familiar with的主语是人,如:Your name is very familiar to me. 你的名字我非常熟悉。She was familiar with the atmosphere. 她对这种气氛很熟悉。
3. culture shock: confusion caused by contact with a culture other than one’s own 文化冲击;文化震撼
I get culture shock every time I come back to this country.
For seasoned travelers, culture shock is only a short-term problem.
4. tired of (doing) sth.: no longer wanting sth. or wanting to do sth. 厌烦(做)某事
She is tired of living abroad. 她讨厌在国外生活。
I’m tired of your never-ending complaints. 他不停的抱怨
5. separate from: keep people or things apart from each other

把… 分开;分离
He separated the truth from the lies when listening to the story.
This patient should be separated from the others.
6. prevent from: stop sb. or sth. from doing sth. 阻止,防止
They were prevented from achieving their dreams. 他们没能实现自己的梦想。
The rain prevented me from coming. 下雨使我没有来。
7. recover from: return to a normal state from an illness, accident, shock, ect. 从(疾病、事故、震惊等)中恢复
He is now fully recovered from the shock.
I haven’t yet recovered form my astonishment.
8. go through: experience a particular process 经历;经受
Have you thought about the difficulties you would go through?
Has the new law gone through all its stages yet?

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