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纺织工业一直是中国经济的支柱,得益于其在要素禀赋和市场规模的优势。纺织部门的贸易额在过去25年(从改革开放)增长了27.11倍。 2005年,纺织品出口占了中国出口总额的15.4%,占了世界总出口的纺织品24.4%,而中国纺织品的生产和出口都位居世界前列。






1Mauricio Gigli,中国纺织







































尽管配额从2005年1月1日取消,中国仍然面临着一些特殊的物品和条款,其中两个普遍采用的限制。一个是对中国纺织产品特别保障措施。截至2008年12月31日中国进口伙伴授予中国纺织品的产品,其中配额是最初被取消数量限制,存在或市场扰乱威胁“的条件和原产于中国的产品在被破坏“,在工作组对中国加入WTO( 241-242 )的报告指出。像美国,欧盟,韩国,日本,加拿大和印度等国根据这一条款相继制定法规。其他条款是特殊的安全防范措施。根据第16条,对特定产品过渡性保障机制对中国人民共和国的入世议定书,进口商被授予采取针对中国产品的限制,如果是后者引起市场扰乱“,直到2013年。除了以上提到的因缘,值得注意的是,不仅有出口商和他们的进口商之间,也有出口商之间的矛盾和冲突。中国在出口快速增长,从其他纺织品出口商产生怨恨。在这些国家的一些商业协会已经征求欧洲国家和美国对中国纺织品的配额延长。同时,一些发达国家正在寻求在保护最不发达国家的经济利益的借口下针对中国的贸易保护。

China’s Textile Indust ry International Competitive Advantage12 Abstract

The share of China’s textile industry in global textile market has kept expanding for more than 20 years by full utilization of its advantage in factor endowment since the Reform and Opening Policy. This paper argues that current competitive advantage of China’s textile industry is still based on traditional factor comparative advantage, which may be weakened since the technology of international textile industry is upgrading continually and the international competition is more intensely than before. After China’s entrance to WTO there are some difficulties such as indisposition of industry and trade structure, trade barriers to Chinese textile industry. How to accelerate industry structure upgrading and enhance international competitive advantage of China’s textile industry is the primary issue for the development of China’s textile industry.

Textile industry has long been a pillar to China’s economy thanks to its advantage in factor endowment and market scale. Trade volume of textile sector has increased by 27.11 times during the past 25 years (from the Reform and Opening). In 2005, textile export took up 15.4% of China’s total export and 24.4% of the world’s total export in textile, and the production and export of Chinese textile products are both the largest in the world.

Nonetheless, China’s textile industry is facing various difficulties, such as excessive resource reliance, low technology and value added, indisposition in trade structure and highly concentrated export markets, etc. More and more trade sanctions against China’s textile products are particularly noteworthy as they cast tight restrictions on China’s competitive advantage in this industry. This paper aims at an in-depth investigation to competitive advantage of China’s textile industry and brings corresponding suggestions.

I. International Competitive advantage Of China’s Textile Industry

In view of the relation of factor and international competitive advantage, the development of textile industry is still determined by labor cost and technology. In comparison, garment industry is labor intensity, while in textile industry, particularly in

1 Mauricio Gigli,China Textile

the chemical fiber sector, capital and technology is becoming more and more important. China’s textile industry shows apparent scale economy and cost effects in material supply, labor cost, product qualities, compatibility between up and down stream, which contribute to its vigorous export competitive advantage. But as developed countries are persistently investing new technologies into their textile industry, advantage of cheap labor in developing countries is tend to be weakened by continuously improving productivity in developed countries. Textile industry in developed countries thus can maintain higher profit while at the same time reduce production. In this section, competitive advantage of China’s textile industry will be analyzed, and comparisons to its counterparts in both developed and developing economies will be made.

1.Foundation of competitive advantage of China’s textile industry

The competitive advantage of present China’s textile industry is in a large part depends on its solid industrial foundation and cheap cost. In comparison with its overseas counterparts, China’s textile industry shows competitive advantage in the following aspects, which are expected to still exist in the near future.

(1) Advantage in factor endowment

The abundant supply of primary factors such as labor and related materials is essential to China’s t extile industry.

Among them, the most important advantage is human capital. There are two main features in Chinese labor resource, the first of which is its low price as well as superior quality. Average education period of Chinese workers is ten years, which is the medium level of developing countries and around four years’lag compared with those in developed economies, yet wage of Chinese worker is well below those of other countries. China has gained much economic benefits in textile industry without loss of the comparative advantage in labor supply, and such an advantage is a driving force for textile industry’s further development.

The second feature is its sustainability. Expansion of urbanization and improving higher education in China will provide more and more superior but low price human resource for textile industry, so the rising human capital stock will guarantee the supply of worker and technological support for future development of China’s textile industry.

(2) Superiority in market scale

Although domestic market absorbs over 70% of aggregative textile output,

consumption per capita in China is far below the world’s average. China is the largest and fastest growing developing country; whose vigorous economic development and improving living standard bring expanding demand both in quantity and quality for textile products. This indicates a tremendous potential domestic market, so there are excellent development opportunity and competition environment for textile industry of China. Such an advantage does not exist in other developed or developing countries. On the other hand, entrance to WTO will expose China’s textile industry to various protections in the short run, yet it does not hamper China’s irreversible integration into the world market. Moreover, abolishment of textile quota in 2005 undoubtedly is helpful for China’s textile industry to win greater foreign market access, and helpful to construct a precious opportunity for scale expansion and industry upgrade.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9810866143.html,parison between competitive advantage of textile industry of China and developed countries

In comparison with developed countries’textile industry, present competitive advantage of China’s textile industry largely stems from comparative advantage in labor supply and natural resource endowment. Textile products are China’s most competitive and staple exports, thanks to cheaper labor cost and comparatively integrated industrial chain. Advantage of developed countries’textile industry lies in abundant capital, R&D, brand and matured marketing channel. Textile products from China therefore largely take up just low or medium quality market while those produced in Europe or U.S. mainly occupy the world’s top market. As China is both a major producer and a major consumer of textile products, her great potential in production and consumption opens an immense market of medium and top apparel and textile, rudimental textile material and textile machinery from developed countries, which in turn enhance interdependence between textile industries of both sides.

3. Comparison between competitive advantage of textile industry of China and other developing countries

China’s textile industry also shows both specific superiority and inferiority in contrast to its counterparts of other developing c ountries. The advantage of China’s textile industry is embodied in industrial and market scale, FDI attraction and other fields. In this part we will first cast a brief introduction to competitive advantage of textile industry in some other developing economies.

(1)General status of major developing countries

India is a powerful competitor to China’s textile industry. It owns a huge and highly competitive textile industry and has become the world’s third largest cotton textile supplier. Indian textile ind ustry’s share in total manufacturer output is up to 20%, and it occupies 25% of India’s aggregative export.India is also the third largest exporter in European market and the fourth largest textile supplier to U.S.. India possesses well equipped sectors such as spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing. One report from WTO indicates that textile products from India to u.S. will rise from 4% up to 15% during the ‘post quota era’. Pakistan is another major cotton supplier, who is the No. 4 in the world and shows powerful strength.

(2)Particular advantage of China

China is well ahead of the above developing countries in textile export in terms of aggregative export, export growth, and world market share. We can therefore conclude that besides low factor cost and market scale, China enjoys particular competitive advantage in industrial agglomeration and FDI attraction.

As pointed out by modern theory of industrial organization, agglomeration is an inherent law in industrial development as well as an effective measure for resource allocation and factor utilization. For the time being, economy of scale effect in China’s textile industry from economy of scope, which is further brought by industrial agglomeration, is becoming increasingly prominent. China’s success i n scale expansion, optimization of resource allocation, production specialization and productivity enhancement gained by industrial agglomeration is the key to her competitive strength in textile industry. These effects are most notable in China’s east off shore industry zones, especially in Yangtze River, Tai Lake rim and the Zhujiang delta.

(3) Gap between China and other developing countries in textile industry

China falls behind other developing countries mostly in following aspects. The first fl aw is China’s export partners are pooled in some particular developed countries, as China’s biggest four exporting markets are Hong Kong, Japan, EU and U.S., which take up more than 50% of Chinese aggregative textile export. Such a heavy market concentration is easy to incur rigorous surveillance or trade disputes from target markets. Secondly, policy support to China’s textile industry needs to be strengthened. For instance, India is implementing particular policies on rudimental textile material

production, which is not currently available to Chinese firms yet. Chinese government and firms ought to carry out persistent effort and cooperation.

II. International Trade Barriers to Chinese Textile Industry

Textiles and apparel products suffer the heavies t trade barriers in China’s export, which badly inhibits its exertion on competitive advantage. Deficiencies in China’s textile industry are certainly responsible for such heavy barriers, yet trade protectionism is also liable. On account of economic or political interests, many head textile importing countries are willing and able to cast restriction against China’s textile products to meet their targets at small costs.

1.Current trade barriers against China’s textile industry

(1) Retrospect to recent tra de barrier to China’s textile products

On April 8th, 2004, Nigerian government decided to forbid import of 41 products, the majority of which were textiles and apparel products. On June 3rd, 2004, Columbian custom imposed price restriction on importing socks except for those from the Andes Group countries. Turkey decided to launch safeguard against part of textiles and apparel products from China on December 23rd, 2004 and began to impose quotas on 42 categories of Chinese textiles and apparel products on February 1st, 2005.

(2)Features of the trade barriers to China’s textile products

Firstly, trade barriers to China’s textile products are large in quantity and variety, and wide in scope. From April, 2004 to May, 2005, 19 remarkable trade disputes were launc hed against China’s textiles and apparel products, the forms of which ranged from export prohibition, custom price fixing, safeguard, tariff to quota, special protection and surveillance, etc., while the category coverage almost included China’s whole textile industry. Secondly, apparent rising trend is shown in the frequency of Chinese textile trade dispute. The important disputes of China’s textile industry during 2004 were three, which scrambled to quite astonishing level of 16 in the first five months in 2005. Thirdly, dispute initiators involve not only developed countries such as U.S., but also quite a number of developing countries, such as Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.

2.Bottlenecks of China’s textile industry

(1)Heavily based on factor endowment advantage

The majority of China’s export in textiles and apparel products concentrates in low or medium quality ones, which shows in world market China’s great price advantage due to cheap labor but less competitive advantage in quality and variety.

On the first hand, Chinese textile products are similar in structure, lack of variety and low in technology, which make Chinese textile products easy to be imitated. China’s textiles and apparel products are highly substitutable to products fro mother developing countries, thus are weak in competitive advantage and vulnerable to trade barriers. On the second hand, increasingly intensified rivalry in world’s low-tech and low value added textile market tends to force exporters to compromise, while importers hope to obtain else political or economic benefits, so some developed countries tend to impose discriminating policies on some products for some political or economic reason within framework of international trade rules.

(2)Cutthroat competition among Chinese domestic firms

The ‘small profits but quick turnover’tradition in Chinese enterprises along with government’s long term export subsidy for foreign exchange accumulation forces many export firms in China cut price in order to reach their export target, and therefore incur anti-dumping measures. Some firms even sell products at zero profit prices in order to gain export subsidy or drawbacks. Mess in pricing activities is most likely to incur trade restrictions from U.S. and other countries. Additionally, China is still on the way of economic transition, and policy transparency needs to be strengthened.

(3)High export concentration

China’s four most weighty textile export markets are Hong Kong (China), Japan, EU and U.S., which absorb 70% of China’s textile product export in total. China’s textile export to Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and other more than 100 countries is increasing, yet the aggregative share accounts only for 12%, which is even smaller than that of Japan. High geographic concentration of export is rather likely to induce trade protectionism in target countries/regions and enhance the likelihood of trade disputes, which are harmful to long run development of China’s textile industry.

3.Protectionism in developed countries

(1)Pressures from domestic industries of import countries

China has become one of the world’s largest exporters and trade surplus earner in textiles and apparel products by virtue of her rapid progress in textile industry, which is marked by expanding scale and increasing output. Developed countries thereby tend to seek excuses for import restriction against China’s textiles and apparel products on account of their political elections or protection to domestic industries. Trade protection is therefore necessarily employe d as their long term strategy. China, as the world’s largest textile exporter, consequentially bears the brunt of their trade restriction.

Moreover, China is the world’s largest socialistic country and operates under different political system and ideologies from other developed countries, and this is likely to be another excuse for discrimination or obstacle. On the other hand, China’s stay in WTO is not long enough for either her government or firms to win sufficient experience in protecting domestic industries under international trade rule framework. This is a more bait for trade disputes.

(2) Protection transition in developed countries

Moreover, technical trade barriers and other non-tariff protection measures, including environmental standards, technical standards, rules in package & label and labor wage, etc., are additionally available to developed countries for their protection towards textile industry. For instance, many developed countries enact standards on environment protection (such as technical standards for dye, standards for textile fiber and fiber processing environment, security standards for textile products and standards on producing circumstances), wage standard, labor rights and so on. These complex standards are likely to be employed by developed countries to restrict import from other countries.

(3)Utilization of special articles and clauses in the Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China

Despite the fact that quota are canceled from Jan 1st, 2005, China is still facing restrictions from some special articles and clauses, two of which are commonly adopted. One is the special safeguard measure to Chinese textile products. Till December 31st, 2008 China’s import partners are granted to turn back to quantitative restriction against Chinese textile products, to which quota have been originally canceled, on condition thereof existence or threat of market disruption”and ethe role of products of Chinese origin in that disruption”, as stated in the Report of the Work ing Party on the Accession of China (241-242). Countries like U.S., EU, Korea, Japan,

Canada and India handmade legislations in succession according to this clause. The other clause is the special safeguard measure.According to Article 16, on transitional product-specific safeguard mechanism, of the Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China to the WTO, importers are granted to take restrictions against Chinese products if the latter micromarketing disruption”till 2013.

Besides the above mentioned causations, it is noteworthy that there are contradictions and conflicts not only between exporters and their importers but also between exporters. China’s rapid growth in export has incurred resentment from other textile exporters. Some commercial associations in these countries have already solicited European countries and U.S. for prolonged quota against textile products from China. Simultaneously, some developed countries are seeking excuses for trade protection against China under veil of interest of the least developed economies.









2 Movius, Lisa ,中国化工报道



The Policy Suggestions of China’s Textile24


Quota in textiles and clothing products comes to end on January 1st, 2005, according to Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), and global textile trade should turn to free trade administration system. An enlarged global market is thereby accessible to China’s textile pr oducts, yet rivalry in this sector is increasingly intensified. Hence, how to correctly comprehend the international competition pattern during the ‘post quota era’, program developing path through realized and latent comparative and competitive advantage, explore strategies to foster future production and export, so as to reach continuable development in this pillar industry, is a critical issue to China.We argue that keys for China’s future development of textile industry lie in effective implementation of three strategies.

1.Turn from simple scale expansion to expansion of high value-added products and promote kernel competitive advantage

Optimization of industry structure, enhancement in human capital stock and technology are preconditions to continuable development, competitive advantage, technology innovation as well as to industrial upgrade in China’s textile industry. For the time being, products with materials supplied by clients and with low added value are the majority of China’s textile products. It is therefore imperative for China’s textile industry to abandon traditional pursuit in quantity and scale, and to place greater emphasis on enhancing added value and upgrading kernel competitive advantage.

2.Diversification of China’s export markets and internationalization strategy of China’s firms

China’s textile export markets are concentrated in Hong Kong, Japan, EU and Korea. High concentration in export markets makes China’s textile products rely heavily on several major markets, and thus vulnerable to suddenly kindled trade disputes. Textile firms of China ought to hold opportunities to exploit newly emerging markets in Africa, Latin America and East Europe etc. China’s textile industry should keep on its market diversification strategy, and exploit new export markets as well as

2 Movius, Lisa,China Chemical Reporter

strengthen traditional markets in the ‘post quota era’, in order to maintain smooth export development. The internationalization strategy refers to that textile firms in China can purchase or construct producing or sales textile corporations in their export markets, in order to jump the trade barriers to Chinese textile products and reduce the frequency of trade disputes between China and textile import countries. ‘Internationalization’is not only a developing strategy during the opening process, but also firms’important competing instrument in international competition.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9810866143.html,ernment’s effective regulation and establishment of industrial early-warning system

Cancellation of quota in the ‘post quota era reduces export cost and inspires exporters’enthusiasm, which leads to three ‘sharp increases’of China’s textile industry, namely, sharp increases in production, export and employment. These increases may impair China’s holistic export if the government fails to keep export ing order and therefore incur trade disputes with major importing countries.While official interferences were widely employed in Chinese Planning Era to control over export, market method, which includes exchange rate, drawbacks and exporting tariff, should mainly be adopted by the government in current market economy to regulate market order and textile export.

In addition, the government and industry associations ought to analyze Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) to find out good means for Chin a’s textile export, improve policy cooperation with other countries, investigate trade policies of textile importing countries, introduce flexible measures to stimulate exports, and settle trade disputes through negotiation within WTO framework with other WTO members. Chinese government and industrial associations should make active effort to establish a government-guided industrial early-warning system which involves government, industrial associations and firms. Government and industrial associations should also construct industrial information centers and databases. In order to overcome technical trade barriers, government and enterprises should provide textile enterprises with assistance, especially in information collection toward technology statutes, technique standards and assessing procedures.

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