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Unit One

1.However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not

indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation: 而动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也是称不上交谈的。

2.Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There

is no winning in conversation. 闲聊中常有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中不存在输赢胜负。

3.Perhaps it is because of my up-ringing in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a

charm of its own. 或许是由于我从小混迹于英国小酒馆的缘故吧,我觉得酒馆里的闲聊别有韵味.

4.I do not remember what made one of our companions say it – she clearly had not come into

the bar to say it, it was not something that was pressing on her mind –but her remark fell quite naturally into the talk. 我不记得一起聊天的人是在什么情况下说出那句话来的-显然她不是有备而来的,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话–但是她那句话十分自然的融进了我们的闲聊里。

5.There is always resistance in the lower classes to any attempt by an upper class to lay down

rules for ―English as it should be spoken.‖ 每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制定一些条条框框时,总会遭到来自下层人民的抵制。

6.words are not themselves a reality, but only representations of it, a nd the King’s English, like

the Anglo-French of the Normans, is a class representation of reality. 词语本身并不是现实,它不过是用以表达现实的一种形式而已。标准英语就像诺曼底人的盎格鲁法语一样,也是一个阶级用来表达现实的一种形式。

7.perhaps it is worth trying to speak it, but it should not be laid down as an edict, and made

immune to change from below. 让人们学着去讲也许不错,但既不应当把它作为法令,也不应当使它完全不接受来自下层的改变。

8.there is no worse conversationalist than the one who punctuates his works as he speaks as if

he were writing, or even who tries to use words as if he were composing a piece of prose for print. 要是有谁闲聊时像写文章那样标点分明,或像写一篇要发表的散文一样咬文嚼字的话,那他一定是一个最糟糕的聊天者。

9.when E.M. Forster writes of ―the sinister corridor of our age,‖ we sit up at the vividness of the

phrase, the force and even terror in the image.看到E·M·福斯特笔下写出“当今这个时代的阴森可怖的长廊’’时,其用语之生动及由其所产生的生动有力、甚至可怖的形象令我们拍案叫绝。

10.there would have been no conversation the other evening if we had been able to settle at once

the meaning of ―the King’s English. 那天晚上,如果我们当场弄清了“标准英语”的定义,也就不可能有那一场交谈了。

Unit Two

1.When you walk through a town like this – two hundred thousand inhabitants of whom at least

twenty thousand own literally nothing except the rags they stand up in – when you see how the people live, and still more how easily they die, it is always difficult to believe that you are walking amon g human beings. 当你穿行于这样的城镇 - 其居民20万中至少有2万是除开一身聊以蔽体的破衣烂衫之外完全一无所有 - 当你看到那些人是如何生活,又如何动辄死亡时,你永远难以相信自己是行走在人类之中.

2.When you go through the Jewish quarters you gather some idea of what the medieval ghettoes

were probably like.(8) 当你走过这儿的犹太人集聚居区时,你就会知道中世纪犹太人居住区大概是个什么样子。

3.Many of the streets are a good deal less than six feet wide, the houses are completely

windowless, and sore-eyed children everywhere in unbelievable numbers, like clouds of flies.

(8) 这儿很多街道的宽度远远不足六英尺,房屋根本没有窗户,眼睛红肿的孩子随处可


4.Even a blind man somewhere at the back of one of the booths heard a rumor of cigarettes and

came crawling out, groping in the air with his hand. (10) 甚至连一个盲人听到这讨烟的吵嚷声也从一个摊篷后面爬出来,伸手在空中乱摸。

5.Ah, that’s only for show! They’re all money lenders really.(14) 噢!那不过是做出样子来给


6.In just the same way, a couple of hundred years ago, poor old women used to be burned for

witchcraft when they could not even work enough magic to get themselves a square meal.(15)与此恰恰相似的是,几百年前,常常也有些苦命的老太婆被当成巫婆给活活烧死,然而事实上她们就连为自己变出一顿像样饭菜的巫术都没有。

7.It takes in the dried-up soil, the prickly pear, the palm tree and the distant mountain, but it

always misses the peasant hoeing at his patch. (16) 那干巴巴的土壤、仙人掌、棕榈树和远方的山岭都可尽收眼底,但那在地里耕作的农夫却往往没人看见。

8.Most of Morocco is so desolate that no wild animal bigger than a hare can live on it. (18) 摩


9.Except for a day or two after the rare rainstorms there is never enough water. (18) 除了较为


10.It seems to be generally the case in primitive communities that the women, when they get

beyond a certain age, shrink to the size of children. (19) 在原始社会里,妇女超过了一定的年纪便萎缩得如孩子般大小,这似乎是一种普遍的现象。

Unit Three

1.We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as

well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. 我们今天举行的不是一个政党的祝捷大会,而是一次自由的庆典。这是一个承先启后、继往开来的大事件。

2.Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been

passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of these human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. 此时此地我谨向我们的朋友,同时也向我们的敌人宣告:火炬已传到我们新一代美国人手中。这一代人在本世纪成长起来,经受过战火的锻炼,经历过冷峻的和平的考验,以珍视古老的传统而自豪,又决不愿坐视或容许人权逐渐遭到践踏。美国对这些人权一向负有责任,今天我们也正在本国及全世界范围内为之奋斗。

3.Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any

burden, meet any hardship, support an friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. 必须让每一个友邦和敌国都知道:为维护自由,使其长存不灭,我们将会不惜付出任何代价,肩负任何重担,迎战一切困难,援助一切朋友,反击一切敌人。

4.United, there is little we can do in a host of co-operative ventures. 只要我们团结起来,我们


5.Divided, there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and

split asunder而一旦彼此分裂,我们就会无所作为。因为我们之间起争端,彼此离异便很难与我们面临的强大的对手对抗。

6.If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. 一个


7.We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt

can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. 我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。因为只有当我们有了无可置疑的足够的武力时,我们才能有无可置疑的把握避免使用武力。

8.In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our

course. 同胞们,我们事业的成败关键不仅仅是握在我的手中,更大一部分是握在你们手中。

9.Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a

call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, ―rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,‖ a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny,poverty,disease and war itself. 如今那号角又在召唤我们了。

它不是在号召我们扛起武器——尽管我们也需要武器,不是在号召我们去参战——尽管我们也准备应战,而是在号召我们肩负起一场长期的艰苦斗争的重任,年复一年,―忍受困苦,向往未来‖,为反对人类共同的敌人- 暴政、贫困、疾病以及战争本身-而斗争。

10.With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us

go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on eart h God’s work must truly our own. 良心是我们唯一可靠的报酬,历史是我们所作所为的最后裁判。让我们迈步向前,去领导我们所热爱的国家吧,我们祈求上帝的保佑和帮助,但我们知道,上帝在人间的工作就是我们自己的工作。

Unit Five

1.No aspect of life in the twenties has been more commented upon and sensationally

romanticized than the so-called Revolt of the Younger Generation: 二十年代社会生活的各个方面中,被人们评论得最多、渲染得最厉害的,莫过于青年一代的叛逆之行了。

2.The answers to such inquiries must of necessity be ―yes‖ and ―no‖. ―Yes‖ because the

business of growing up is always accompanied by a Younger Generation Problem. ―no‖ because what seemed so wild, irresponsible, and immoral in social behavior at the time can now be seen in perspective as being something considerably less sensational than the degeneration of our jazz mad youth.对这类问题的回答必然只能是既―对‖又―不对‖——说―对‖是因为人的成长过程中一贯就存在着所谓青年一代的问题;说―不对‖是因为在当时的社会看来似乎是那么狂野,那么不负责任,那么不讲道德的行为,若是用今天的正确眼光去看的话,却远远没有今天的一些迷恋爵士乐的狂荡青年的堕落行为那么耸人听闻。

3.War or no war, as the generations passed, it became increasingly difficult for our young

people to accept standards of behavior that bore no relationship to the bustling business medium in which they were expected to battle for success.不论是否发生战争,随着时代的变化.要我们的年轻一代接受与他们必须在其中拼搏求胜的这个喧嚣的商业化社会格格不入的行为准则已经变得越来越难了。

4.The faddishness, the world spending of money on transitory pleasures and momentary

novelties, the hectic air of gaiety, the experimentation in sensation –sex, drugs, alcohol,

perversions –were all part of the pattern of escape. An escape made possible by a general prosperity and a postwar fatigue with politics, economic restrictions, and international responsibilities. 追求时尚,为了短暂的快乐和一时的新奇而大肆挥霍,纵情地狂欢,寻求各种各样的感官刺激—性行为,吸毒,酗酒以及各种各样的堕落行为—这些都是他们逃避责任的表现形式,是一种由社会的普遍繁荣及战后人们对于政治、经济限制和国际义务所产生的厌烦情绪所造成的逃避方式。

5.Meanwhile, the true intellectuals were far from flattered. 其实,真正的知识分子对此现象远


6.Flaming diatribes poured from their pens denouncing the materialism and what they

considered to be the cultural boobery of our society. 于是,他们的笔尖下便喷射出愤怒的火花,猛烈抨击着美国社会中的唯物质主义以及他们所称的文化市侩习气。

7.It was in their defiant, but generally short-lived, European expatriation that our leading

writers of the Twenties learned to think of themselves, in the words of Gertrude Stein, as the ―lost generation‖.正是在他们那抗争性的,而总的说来又是短暂的侨居欧洲期间,二十年代我国的那些主要作家开始认识到自己- 用格特鲁德.斯坦的话说- 就是所谓―迷惘的一代‖。

8.In no sense a movement in itself, the ―lost generation‖ attitude nevertheless acted as a

common denominato r of the writing of the times.―迷惘的一代‖本身虽不是一场什么文学运动,但那些―迷惘的一代‖的作家的态度却是那个时代文学作品的共同特征。

9.It was shocked, uprooted for a time, bitter, critical, rebellious, iconoclastic, experimental,

often absurd, more often misdirected –but never ―lost‖. 在一段时间里,他们曾有过惊愕、孤独无依的感觉,因而变得痛苦、尖刻,以致于反社会、反权威、好标新立异,其行为往往有些荒唐,更常常近于胡闹——但却从来―迷惘过‖

10.The intellectuals of the Twenties, the ―sad young men,‖ as F. Scott Fitzgerald called them,

cursed their luck but didn’t die; escaped but voluntarily returned; flayed the Babbitts but lov ed their country, and in so doing gave the nation the liveliest, freshest, most stimulating writing in its literary experience.二十年代的知识分子,也就是F. Scott Fitzgerald所称的―悲哀的青年一代‖,诅咒过自己的命运,但并没有消亡;他们曾试图逃避现实,但又自动回到现实中来;他们痛责美国社会的市侩,但对自己的祖国却又充满热爱。正是在这样的过程中,他们创作出了美国文学史上最富有生气、最令人耳目一新、最激动人心的文学作品。Unit Seven

1.In the street between houses with red roofs and painted walls, between old moss-grown

gardens and under avenues of trees, past great parks and public buildings, processions moved.


2.All the processions wound towards the north side of the city, where on the great

water-meadow called the Green Fields boys and girls, naked in the bright air, with mud-stained feet and ankles and long, lithe arms, exercised their restive horses before the race.


3.Given a description such as this one tends to look next for the King, mounted on a splendid

stallion and surrounded by his noble knights, or perhaps in a golden litter borne by great-muscled slaves.听到这样的描述,人们也许就会想到那君临天下的国王,骑在一匹


4.The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of

considering happiness as something rather stupid. 我们的社会的弊病在于,由于一些卖弄学问的人和深谙世故的人的推波助澜,我们养成了一种恶习,认为欢乐是一种无聊乏味的东西.

5.But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything


6. A boundless and generous contentment, a magnanimous triumph felt not against some outer

enemy but in communion with the finest and fairest in the souls of all men everywhere and the splendor of the world’s summer: this is what swells the hearts of the people of Omelas, and the victory they celebrate is that of life.使奥米勒斯人心中充满欢乐和自豪的是一种巨大无边的满足感,是一种巨大的胜利的喜悦,但这胜利不是指击败外敌的胜利,而是指自己心灵上与一切美好的心灵以及光辉灿烂的自然世界产生共鸣的胜利。他们所庆祝的胜利是人生的胜利.

7.As if that little private silence were the signal, All at once a trumpet sounds from the pavilion

near the starting line: imperious, melancholy, piercing. 笛声一停,场上紧接着出现一阵寂静,这似乎成了一个信号,片刻寂静之后,立刻便听到起跑线附近的一个亭子里响起了一阵威严、低沉、尖锐的号声。

8.They all know that it has to be there. Some of them understand why, and some do not, but

they all understand that their happiness, the beauty of their city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, the wisdom of their scholars, the skill of their makers, even the abundance of their harvest and the kindly weathers of their skies, depend wholly on this child’s abominable misery. 所有的奥米勒斯人都知道他(她)在那儿。有些人还去看过他(她),还有些人则觉得没必要亲自去看,知道他(她)在那儿就够了。大家都明白他(她)必须呆在那儿。至于他(她)为什么必须呆在那儿,这原因就只有一部分才明白,.有些人并不知晓。但所有的人都清楚一个道理:他们的幸福生活,他们城市的美景,他们之间的亲爱和睦的关系,他们的孩子的健康成长,他们的学者们的智慧,他们的工人的技艺,甚至连他们那片天地里的风调雨顺、五谷丰登的繁荣景象,这一切全都有赖于那孩子所受的苦难。

9.If the child were brought up into the sunlight out of the vile place, if it were cleaned and fed

and comforted, that would be a good thing, indeed; but if it were done, in that day and hour all the prosperity and beauty and delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed. 假若能把那孩子弄出那个悲惨的地方,让他(她)重见天日,假若能把他(她)洗得干干净净,将他(她)喂得饱饱的,并让他(她)有个舒舒服服的睡觉的地方,那无疑是一件很好的事情。但只要那样做了,奥米勒斯的一切,’包括她的繁荣气象、美丽景色和欢乐生活等都会立刻化为乌有。

10.Yet it is their tears and anger, the trying of their generosity and the acceptance of their

helplessness, which are perhaps the true source of the splendor of their lives. 然而,正因为他们在自己的仁义之心经受考验时悲伤流泪,无可奈何地接受现实时悲愤难抑,他们的生活才如此光辉灿烂。

Unit Eight

1.The English are even more different than they think they are, though not more different than

they feel they are.他们甚至比自己想象中的英国人还要不同,倒是同他们自己感觉中的


2.This is because there are fewer fanatical believers among the English, and at the same time,

below the noisy arguments, the abuse and the quarrels, there is a reservoir of instinctive fellow-feeling, not yet exhausted though it may be filling up. 这是因为在英国人当中狂热的盲从分子较少,同时,在他们那一片乱哄哄的争论、谩骂和吵闹的背后,还蕴藏着一股河海般深厚、纯真的同胞之情。这种情谊虽然还不到充溢的程度,却还没有枯竭。3.The real English, who are ―different‖, who have inherited Englishness and have not yet

thrown away their inheritance, cannot feel at home in the contemporary world, representing the accelerated development of our whole age.那些―与众不同的‖真正地道的英国人,由于继承了英国人的特性而又尚未抛弃这一祖传特性,因而对于这个代表了整个时代日新月异的发展形势的现代世界感到不很习惯。

4.Against this, at least superficially, Englishness seems a poor shadowy show – a faint pencil

sketch beside a poster in full color - belonging as it really does to the invisible inner world, merely offering states of mind in place of that rich variety of things. 相形之下,至少从表面上看,英国人特性似乎只是一场微不足道的影子戏——就像是五彩缤纷的广告画旁边贴着的一幅淡色的铅笔素描。它实际上属于不可见的内心世界,不能为人们提供那品类繁多的物质用品,而只能提供精神上的境界。

5.But it is worth noting along the way that while America has been for many years the chief

advocate of Admass, America has shown us too many desperately worried executives dropping into early graves, too many exhausted salesmen taking refuge in bars and breaking up their homes, too many workmen suffering from monotony or time-and- motion studies and wondering how the hell they got into these traps. 然而,值得顺便提一下的是,在多年来一直是商业广告推销的主要倡导者的美国,我们看到有太多太多的伤透了脑筋的经理人员过早地跌进了坟墓;有太多太多的筋疲力竭的推销员躲进酒吧借酒浇愁,弄得家庭破裂;


6.Now Englishness, with its relation to the unconscious, its dependence upon instinct and

intuition, cannot break its links with the past: it has deep long roots. 再说英国人特性,因与潜意识相关联,又依赖于本能和直觉而存在,故不能割断与过去的联系:它根深蒂固,源远流长。

7.Furthermore, while Englishness is not hostile change, it is deeply suspicious of change for

change’s sake, rejecting the idea that we are now committed to some inevitable mechanical progress. 而且,尽管英国人并不反对变革,但对于为变革而变革的做法却深怀疑虑,对那种认为我们现在必须无条件地欢迎机械化的进步的观点也拒不接受。

8.Behind the constant bickering, the sudden walk-outs and strikes, the ―bloody-mindedness‖,

which bewilder so many foreign commentators, is the conflict between Admass, offering so much, and the Englishness that instinctively recoils from Admassian values and life-style. 在无休止的争吵,突然的罢工,让许多外国评论家迷惑不解的咄咄逼人的固执背后是这样一种矛盾:一方面是商业广告推销,向你提供众多的东西;一方面是英国人特性,本能地对这种商业广告推销的价值观和生活方式感到反感。

9.Moreover, sooner or later they will have to put an end to this conflict between Admass and

what remains of their Englishness, coming down decisively on one side or the other, for they cannot enjoy both together. 他们迟早要解决这种商业广告推销和他们残存的一些英国人特性之间的矛盾,下决心站到这一边或那一边,因为他们不能同时享有二者。

10.All heavily industrialized societies are in the boredom business. 所有高度工业化的社会都


11.Dictatorships have thrived on majorities that are apathetic and then frightened, and on

minorities that are fanatically divided, brutally quarrelsome and stupid. 独裁统治就是靠这种局面成功的:多数人先是漠不关心、继而惊恐万状,少数人是四分五裂、酷爱争吵且愚昧无知。

12.A rather poorer and harder way of life will not defeat them so long as it is not harder and

poorer in spirit, so long as it still refuses to reject Englishness –for so many centuries the secret of the islanders oddity and irrationality, their many weaknesses, their creative strength.


Unit Ten

1.America’s history, her aspirations, her peculiar triumphs, her even more peculiar

defeats, and her position in the world – yesterday and today – are all so profoundly and stubbornly unique that they very word “America”remains a new, almost completely undefined and extremely controversial proper noun. 美国的历史,其远大志向,其不同凡响的辉煌成就,还有她那更加不同凡响的挫折失败。以及她在世界上的地位——不论是过去还是现在…都是那么深不可测而又无可更改地独一无二,以至于―美国‖这个词至今仍是一个陌生的、几乎可以说是完全没有明确定义的、且具有极大争议性的专有名词。

2.in my necessity to fin the terms on which my experience could be related to that of others,

Negroes and whites, writers and non-writers, I prove, to my astonishment, to be as American as any Texas G.I. 在我认为有必要去寻求一种能把我的生活经历同别的人一一黑人和白人,作家和非作家——的生活经历联系起来的途径的过程中,我惊奇地发现:自己原来也同任何得克萨斯州士兵一样,是非常爱国的美国人。

3.The fact that I was the son of a slave and they were the sons of free men meant less, by

the time we confronted each other on European soil, than the fact that we were both searching for our separate identities.我是奴隶的后代,而他们是自由人的子孙,这种差异则无关紧要。因为我们在欧洲大地上相遇时,都在努力探求着各自的自我价值。

4.Once I was able to accept my role – as distinguished, I must say, from my “place”– in

the extraordinary drama which is America, I was released from the illusion that I hated America. 一旦我能够接受自己在美国这出不同寻常的戏剧中所扮演的角色——应该指出,这里说的角色是就我的―地位‖而言——我便从仇恨美国的幻觉中清醒过来了。

5.It is not until he is released from the habit of flexing his muscles and proving that he is

just a “regular guy” that he realized how crippling this habit has been.只有等到他摆脱了要靠屈伸肌肉亮出本领来证明自己是个―正常人‖的习惯之后,他才会认识到这一习惯是多么的有害。

6. a European writer considers himself to be part of an old and honorable tradition – of

intellectual activity, of letters –and his choice of a vocation does not cause him any uneasy wonder as to whether or not it will cost him all his friends.欧洲作家把自己看作一种古老而光荣的传统——文化活动或文学创作传统——的一部分。在选择这一职业时,他不用去顾虑自己是否会因此而失去所有的朋友。

7.We must, however, consider a rather serious paradox; though American society is more

mobile than Europe’s, it is easier to cut across social and occupational lines there than it is here. 不过,我们还必须考虑一个相当严重的矛盾现象:尽管美国社会提供给人们的改变社会地位的机会比欧洲多,但在欧洲人们却比在美国更容易跨越社会和职业界线。

8. A man can be as proud of being a good waiter as of being a good actor, and in neither

case feel threatened.一个人不论是当个好跑堂还是好演员,都会同样为自己的地位感到自豪,而且彼此之间也不会感到任何威胁。

9.this perpetual dealing with people very different from myself caused a shattering in me

of preconceptions I scarcely knew I held.与这些跟我自己大不相同的人的不断交往,破除了我思想上原先并没有意识到的一些偏见。

10.It is the day he realizes that there are no untroubled countries in this fearfully troubled

world; that if he has been preparing himself for anything in Europe, he had been preparing himself – for America. 就是在这一天,他终于认识到,在这个多灾多难的世界上并不存在什么太平乐土;如果说他一直在欧洲训练自己准备承担什么重任的话,他实际是在为美国而训练自己。

Unit Eleven

1.These links are bewildering in their variety and marvelous in their intricate detail. 这些联系


2.For the environment is, so to speak, the house created on the earth by living things for living

things. 因为环境是由生命物体在地球上为生命物体所创建的家。

3.We owe the basic concept, and the word itself, to the inventive mind of the late Norbert

Wiener. 我们把这个基本概念以及这个词本身,都归功于已故的诺伯特·维纳的创造性的思想。

4.In such an oscillating system, there is always the danger that the whole system will collapse

when an oscillation swings so wide of the balance point that the system can no longer compensate for it.在这种摆动系统中总存在着一种危险,即整个系统在这种摆动中的辐度超出于平衡点,以致这个系统不能再恢复它的正常水准时,整个系统就将崩溃。5.In the ship system, the compass needle swings in fractions of a second; the helmsman’s

reaction takes some seconds; the ship responds over a time of minutes. 在船的体系中,罗盘针是在一秒钟的范围内摆动的,舵手则要花费几秒钟来做出反应,船则要在数分钟的时间内才能做出相应的摆动。

6.In the aquatic ecosystem, each biological step also has a characteristic reaction time, which

depends on the metabolic and reproductive rates of the organisms involved.在水生生态系统中,生物上的每一个步骤也都有一个特有的反应时间,这取决于参与循环的有机物的新陈代谢和繁殖速度。

7.if the metabolic rate of a fish is 1, the algal rate is about 100, and the bacterial rate about

10,000. 如果鱼类的新陈代谢的速度是1,那么藻类的代谢速度是100,而细菌的代谢速度则是1万。

8.The more complex the ecosystem the more successfully it can resist a stress. 生态系统越复


9.Most ecosystems are so complex that the cycles are not simple circular paths, but are

crisscrossed with branches to form a network or a fabric of interconnections.大部分生态系统都是非常复杂的,它们的循环都不是在简单的圆圈内进行的,而是由许多分支交叉起来形成了一个网络,或者是内部相互联系的结构。

10.Applied to ecology, the law emphasizes that in nature there is no such thing as “waste”.


11.One of the chief reasons for the present environmental crisis is that great amounts of materials

have been extracted from the earth, converted into new forms, and discharged into the environment without taking into account that “everything has to go somewhere.‖现今环境危机的主要原因之一就是,大量的物质成为地球上的多余物,它们被转化成新形式,并且被允许进入到尚未考虑到―一切事物都必然有其去向‖的法则的环境之中。

Unit Thirteen

1.That shouldn’t have been a selling point; it should have been a warning. I should have asked

price. Instead, I asked the address. 那本来不应该是卖点,而应该是种警告。我本应该问房租,却问了地址。

2.There were two of everything that the rest of the world has one of: two dinning rooms, tow

full kitchens, two half kitchens. 一般的房子通常只有一个餐厅,一个设备齐全的厨房,和一个小厨房,而在这所房子里,每样都是双份的。

3.Middle-class people help their children with their homework so they’ll have a chance of

getting into Princeton; upper-class people buy Princeton a new building. 中产阶级指导孩子的功课以便将来他们能有机会进入普林斯顿大学,而上层阶级的人士则赠给普林斯顿大学一幢新楼。

4.it didn’t occur to them that not only would they have their own bathrooms, the y’d need to

decide before dinner which of the two dining rooms to eat in – and afterward, which of the three dishwashers to not put their dishes in. 他们没想到,他们不仅可以有自己的浴室,而且吃饭前还需要决定用哪一个餐厅,饭后用哪一台洗碗机。

5.Americans feel a deep urge to live in houses that are bigger than they can afford. 美国人常常


6.It’s no good pretending that Americans didn’t know they couldn’t afford such properties, or

that they were seduced into believing they could afford them by mendacious mortgage brokers or Wall Street traders.没有必要假装认为每个热不知道他们根本买不起这样的房产,或者说他们是受了狡猾的掮客或华尔街商人的诱惑才相信自己有能力的。

7.If they hadn’t lusted after the bigger house, they never would have net the mortgage brokers in

the first place.如果不是因为他们有住上更大房子的欲望,他们根本就不会遇上那些掮客。

8.When you move into a house you cannot afford, the first thing you notice is everything that

you suddenly need – things that, before you arrived, you didn’t even want. 当你搬进一所超出你的经济能力的房子时,第一件事就是你注意到你突然设个,什么都需要,在你搬进去之前你根本想都没想过它们。

9.We are Cuban peasants in late 1959 who have just moved into a Havana mansion on the heels

of the rich owner, who has fled in terror from the revolution.我们好像是1959年末古巴农民,刚刚搬进一所位于哈瓦那的大宅,它富有的前主人由于惧怕革命而仓皇逃走了。10.You are left feeling ashamed of whatever cowboy pretense you had to begin with. 你为自己



目的论视角下的中国高校英文网页翻译 翻译活动一直伴随着人类文明的发展史。而翻译的目的和策 略则是人们自古至今所争论的话题。翻译是一种跨文化的信息交 流活动。①著名的翻译学家奈达说过“译者所针对的读者几乎从 来就是决定翻译程序和翻译中使用语言层次的主要因素”②,因此高校网页的翻译要考虑的其所要面对的对象和影响翻译策略的各种因素,本文将以目的论为理论指导,结合我国几所高校的网页英文翻译的实际情况,分析其中所存在的问题并提出改进意见。 、目的论概述一)目的论的核心理论 德国功能翻译理论的创始人弗米尔( Hans J.Vermeer )于 20世界70 年代提出“决定翻译过程的最主要因素是整体翻译行为的目的。他把翻译行为分为三类:( 1)翻译过程中的基本目的;(2)目标语环境中译者的基本目的;( 3)以及使用特定翻译策略或翻译程序的目的。③根据目的论,无论何种翻译,其最高准则都是“目的准则”,一种翻译行为由行为的目的决定,即 目的决定手段”。弗米尔这样解释目的准则: 任何形式的翻译行为包括翻译本身,都可以看作一种行 为,每个文本由既定的目的产生,又必须为此目的服务”。就翻译这一特殊的行为而言,在整体行为的“目的”层面下,翻译的

策略受多种因素的影响,这其中有原作者的写作目的, 译者的译 图,文本类型,语言功能,文化外部因素等等。从翻译的过程来 因素以合力方式作用于译者, 而占主导地位的因素最终决定翻译 策略的选择,从而最终影响翻译效果。 (二)目的论对应用翻译文本的指导 应用翻译体裁大多注重信息的传递的效果和读者的反映, 文 本的“信息”和“呼唤”功能突出,实用性强、规范性强。从文 本特征来看,信息性、诱导性和匿名性是这类文本的主要特点; 从审美价值来看,应用翻译讲究“客观真实”而不是“艺术创 造”,注重表达“言之有物”而不是“华而不实”, 行为用字提 倡“准确地道”和 “通俗流程”。从翻译策略来看,应用翻译 大多数文本的策略导向基本译“归化”为主流, 以目标语读者为 中心。④目的论的研究者来斯以布勒的二种语言功能为基础, 出了三种文本类型,即“信息型”,“表情性”和“感染性”。 “信息型”文本的主要功能在于告诉读者真实世界的客观物体 和现象;在“表情性”文本中,美学功能对信息内容的作用是补 充甚至是支配;而在“感染性”文本中,内容和形式应以获得文 本预期的超语言效果为准则。 从高校外宣的翻译从其所要实现的 目的来看,此类文本应在更大程度上属于“信息性”文本, 时它还具有“表情性”和“感染性”文本的特点。 目的论学者还 提出了翻译过程中要遵循三大法则, 即“目的法则”,“连贯法 看,任何一种翻译策略都要受这些动机和因素的影响, 各种动机 但同


Microcomputer Systems Electronic systems are used for handing information in the most general sense; this information may be telephone conversation, instrument read or a company’s accounts, but in each case the same main type of operation are involved: the processing, storage and transmission of information. in conventional electronic design these operations are combined at the function level; for example a counter, whether electronic or mechanical, stores the current and increments it by one as required. A system such as an electronic clock which employs counters has its storage and processing capabilities spread throughout the system because each counter is able to store and process numbers. Present day microprocessor based systems depart from this conventional approach by separating the three functions of processing, storage, and transmission into different section of the system. This partitioning into three main functions was devised by Von Neumann during the 1940s, and was not conceived especially for microcomputers. Almost every computer ever made has been designed with this structure, and despite the enormous range in their physical forms, they have all been of essentially the same basic design. In a microprocessor based system the processing will be performed in the microprocessor itself. The storage will be by means of memory circuits and the communication of information into and out of the system will be by means of special input/output(I/O) circuits. It would be impossible to identify a particular piece of hardware which performed the counting in a microprocessor based clock because the time would be stored in the memory and incremented at regular intervals but the microprocessor. However, the software which defined the system’s behavior would contain sections that performed as counters. The apparently rather abstract approach to the architecture of the microprocessor and its associated circuits allows it to be very flexible in use, since the system is defined almost entirely software. The design process is largely one of software engineering, and the similar problems of construction and maintenance which occur in conventional engineering are encountered when producing software. The figure1.1 illustrates how these three sections within a microcomputer are connected in terms of the communication of information within the machine. The system is controlled by the microprocessor which supervises the transfer of information between itself and the memory and input/output sections. The external connections relate to the rest (that is, the non-computer part) of


七年级上册英语课文翻译 P4 My name’s Daming and I’m in Class One. I’m from China and I’m Chinese. I’m from Beijing. Beijing is a big city. Lingling’s in my clas s. She’s my friend. My name’s Lingling. I’m not from England and I’m not English. I’m Chinese. I’m in Class One. Daming is my friend. We’re twelve years old. He’s from Beijing and he’s in my class. We’re good friends. My name’s Wang Hui and I’m Chinese. I’m from Shanghai. I’m thirt een years old. I’m in Class One with Daming and Lingling. They ar e my friends. 我的名字叫大明,和我在一班。我来自中国,和我是中国人。我来自北京。北京是个大城市。玲玲在我的班。她是我的朋友。我的名字叫玲玲。我不是来自英国,和我也不是英国人。我是中国人。我在一班。大明是我的朋友。我们12岁了。他来自北京,和他在我的班。我们是好朋友。 我的名字叫王辉,和我是中国人。我不是来自北京。我来自上海。我13岁了。我在一班和大明、玲玲。他们是我的朋友。

P8 Miss Li: Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. They are fro m Beijing International School. This is Betty. Betty: Hello. My name’s Betty. I’m from America. I’m 13 years old and I’m a student. I can play football and I can play basketball. I can speak English but I can’t speak Chinese. This is Tony. He’s my friend. Tony: Hello. My name’s Tony. I’m 11 years old. I’m from England and I can speak English. I can play football and table tennis, and I can ride a bike. Lingling: Can you swim? Tony: No, I can’t. And I can’t speak Chinese! 李小姐:请欢迎贝蒂和托尼来我们学校。他们来自北京国际学校。这是贝蒂。贝蒂:你好。我的名字叫贝蒂。我来自美国。我十三岁,和我是一个学生。我能踢足球,和我能打篮球。我能说英语但是我不能说汉语。这是托尼。他是我的朋友 托尼:你好。我的名字叫托尼。我十一岁了。我来自英国,和我能说英语。我能踢足球和打乒乓球,和我能骑一辆车。 玲玲:你能游泳吗? 托尼:不,我不能。而且我不能说汉语。


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外文文献资料 Distributed Temperature Sensor 1.Sensor introduction 1.1 Temperature sensor background In the human living environment, temperature playing an extremely important role。No matter where you live, engaged in any work, ever-present dealt with temperature under. Since the 18th century, industry since the industrial revolution to whether can master send exhibition has the absolute temperature touch. In metallurgy, steel, petrochemical, cement, glass, medicine industry and so on, can say almost eighty percent of industrial departments have to consider the factors with temperature. Temperature for industrial so important, thus promoting the development of the temperature sensor. 1.2 Temperature sensor development Major general through three sensor development phase: analog integrated temperature sensor. The sensor is taken with silicon semiconductor integrated workmanship, therefore also called silicon sensor or monolithic integrated temperature sensor. Such sensing instruments have single function (only measuring temperature), temperature measurement error is smaller, price low, fast response, the transmission distance, small volume, micro-consumption electronic etc, suitable for long distance measurement temperature, temperature control, do not need to undertake nonlinear calibration, peripheral circuit is simple. It is currently the most common application at home and abroad, an integrated sensor。Typical products have AD590 AD592, TMP17, LM135, etc.jAnalog integrated temperature controller. Analog integrated temperature controller mainly include temperature control switch, programmable temperature controller, a typical product have LM56, AD22105 and MAX6509. Some increase strength type integrated temperature controller (for example TC652/653) also contains the A/D converter and cure good sequence, this process with the intelligent temperature sensor some similarities. But it is not its system, work by micro processing device control, this is the main difference between. Intelligent temperature sensor. intelligent temperature sensor (also called digital temperature degrees sensor) is in the mid 1990s launch. It is microelectronics technology, computer technology and the dynamic testing technology (ATE) crystallization. Intelligent temperature sensor internal contain temperature sensor, A/D converter, signal processor,


当前常用政治术语的英文翻译 作者:夜孔守望| 来源:沪江博客 新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution 民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people 经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure 社会主义制度socialist system 社会变革social transformation 建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 中华民族的伟大复兴the gre at rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in the primary stage of socialism 改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside

中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 马克思主义政党Marxist political Party 党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second\third)generation 人民民主专政the people's democratic dictatorship 国民经济体系national economic system 综合国力aggregate national strength 国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP) 独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China 加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality. “三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。


M1U1 李老师:您好,我的名字叫李芳。、我就是您们的老师您们就是我的学生。、我就是中国人。我来自武汉。您叫什么名字? 玲玲:我的名字叫王玲玲 李老师:、见到您很高兴。玲玲,您来自哪里? 玲玲:我来自北京。我就是中国人。 李老师:您多大了? 玲玲:我十三岁。 李老师:好的。您好,您那? 大明:您好,李老师。我的名字就是李大明我也来自北京。我十二岁。 李老师:谢谢。您好,您来自美国不? 托尼:不,我不就是。我来自英格兰。我的名字叫托尼?史密斯。 李老师:见到您很高兴。托尼。嗨,您也就是英国人不? 贝蒂:不,我不就是。我就是美国人。我的名字叫贝蒂?金。 玲玲:托尼与贝蒂就是我们的朋友。 李老师:好的。欢迎来到七年级四班。 M1U2 大家好。我叫李大明,我的英文名字叫戴维。我12岁,我来自北京。北京就是中国的首都。这就是玲玲,她的英文名字叫露西。她就是我的朋友。她也来自北京。 您们好。我叫王玲玲,我13岁。很高兴见到您。王辉就是我的朋友,但她不在我们班。她的英文名字叫亨利。她来自上海。上海就是个很大的城市。 您们好,我的名字叫托尼?史密斯。我来自剑桥。她在英国就是个小城市。托尼就是我的 名字,史密斯就是我的姓。我13岁。很高兴见到您们所有的人。 M2U1 玲玲:这就是您的家庭不? 托尼:就是的,它就是。 玲玲:好大的一个家庭啊!这就是您的妹妹不? 托尼:就是的,这就是她。她叫琳达。 玲玲:这些人就是您的祖父母与外祖父母不? 托尼:就是的,她们就是。我妈妈的父母在左边,我爸爸的父母在右边。 玲玲:我明白了。这就是谁? 托尼:那就是我爸爸。 玲玲:这就是您的妈妈不? 托尼:就是的。在她旁边的妇女就是我爸爸的姐姐,我的姑姑利兹。


网站建设中常用英文,网站导航栏目英文翻译。 公司简介PROFILE 或者COMPANY Profile 或者Company 或者about us 公司设备Equipment 公司荣誉Glories 企业文化Culture 产品展示Product 资质认证quality certification 企业规模Scale 营销网络Sales Network 组织机构organization 合作加盟Join in Cooperation 技术力量Technology 经理致辞Manager`s oration 发展历程Development history 工程案例Engineering Projects 业务范围Business Scope 分支机构Branches 供求信息Supply & Demand 经营理念Operation Principle 产品销售Sales 联系我们Contact Us 信息发布Information 返回首页Homepage Home 产品定购order 分类浏览Browse by category 电子商务E-Business 公司实力Strength 版权所有Copy right 友情连结Hot link 应用领域Application Fields 人力资源Human Resource HR 领导致辞Leader`s oration 企业资质Enterprise qualification 行业新闻Trade news 行业动态Trends 客户留言Customer Message 客户服务Customer Service 新闻动态News & Trends 公司名称Company Name 销售热线Sales Hot-line 联系人Contact Person 您的要求Your requirements 建设中In construction


第16卷第5期 辽宁工业大学学报(社会科学版) Vol.16,No.5 2014年10月 Journal of Liaoning University of Technology (Social Science Edition) O c t.2014 收稿日期:2014-04-06 基金项目:辽宁省高等教育学会“十二五”高等教育研究2013-2014年度立项课题(GHYB13199) 基于变译理论的高校英文网页翻译 成昭伟1 刘 华2 (1. 辽宁工业大学 外国语学院,辽宁 锦州 121001; 2. 国防工业出版社,北京 100048) 摘 要:高校英文网页翻译属于应用翻译范畴,有其特定的功能和目的,因此必须充分考虑到译文的可接受性问题。黄忠廉教授的变译理论给高校英文网页翻译带来许多重要的启示,有助于我们解决翻译过程中存在的一些突出问题。 关键词:网页翻译;变译理论;启示 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-327X (2014)05-0054-03 一、引言 随着网络媒体的迅猛发展,高校网站日益成为 展示学校形象的重要窗口和平台。为加强对外宣传工作,促进国际交流与合作,国内高校纷纷推出英文网页。然而,目前高校英文网页的翻译问题尚未引起足够的重视,翻译质量参差不齐,不尽如人意。许多英文网页不但未能实现其应有的功能,而且严重影响了自身的形象。本文拟从高校英文网页的文本功能入手,结合黄忠廉[1]教授的变译理论和李红霞[2]、范勇[3]等学者的相关研究成果,对网页翻译过程中存在的一些突出问题予以探讨,以期引起高校有关部门对网页翻译问题的重视,更好地发挥其重要窗口作用。 二、高校网页的文本功能 基于篇章语言学与赖斯(Reiss)的文本类型理 论,诺德(Nord)提出“翻译导向的文本分析”的概念及相应模式,强调语篇的制作情景、传意功能和接受过程,而非传统意义上的语篇内部结构。其中,最为重要的是译文能否发挥预期的功能,包括指称功能(referential function)、表情功能(expressive function)、诉求功能(appellative function)等[4]。 就高校网页中的“学校简介”或“学校概况”而言,文本内容均由各校行政管理部门制定并发布,其主要目的在于向文本接受者传递学校的相关信息,因此指称功能最为明显;通过对学校各方面的介绍,文本发出者更想让文本接受者产生报考该 校或与该校进行合作的意愿,诉求功能亦很突出。当然,文本字里行间大都洋溢着文本作者对自己学校的深厚情感,因此还带有一定的表达功能。这三种功能结合在一起构成了此类文本的交际动机和实用价值,其译文的功能显然应与原文的指称功能和诉求功能一致,至于表达功能则显得没那么重要。这就要求译者在翻译过程中,注意将译文读者可能感兴趣的有价值的信息传递出去,以达到宣传学校、引发关注的目的。 三、变译策略在高校英文网页翻译中的应用 高校英文网页翻译属于应用翻译范畴,“有现实 的、甚至功利的目的,要求译文达到预期的功能” [5]。要达到理想的翻译效果,黄忠廉教授提出的变译理论可资借鉴。 所谓变译,依据黄忠廉教授在《翻译变体研究》一书中的定义,指译者,尤其在笔译时,根据译文特定读者的特殊需求“采用扩充、取舍、浓缩、阐释、补充、合并、改造等变通手段摄取原作中心内容或部分内容的翻译活动”[6]。该理论的核心内容在于“变”或“变通”,力主变通原文的语言形式,注重传递原文的有效信息,以达到译文预期的目的和功能,求得信息传播的最佳效果。这一理论跳出了传统译论中的“直译”、“意译”,“忠实”、“自由”之争,给包括高校网页翻译在内的诸多应用文本的翻译带来许多有益的启示。因篇幅所限,讨论内容仅限于网页中的“学校简介”或“学校概况”。


外文原文: Design of the Temperature Control System Based on AT89C51 ABSTRACT The principle and functions of the temperature control system based on micro contro ller AT89C51 are studied, and the temperature measurement unit consists of the 1-Wir e bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20. The system can be expected to detect the p reset temperature, display time and save monitoring data. An alarm will be given by s ystem if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature w hich can be set discretionarily and then automatic control is achieved, thus the temper ature is achieved monitoring intelligently within a certain range. Basing on principle o f the system, it is easy to make a variety of other non-linear control systems so long as the software design is reasonably changed. The system has been proved to be accurat e, reliable and satisfied through field practice. KEYWORDS: AT89C51; micro controller; DS18B20; temperature 1 IN TRODUCTION Temperature is a very important parameter in human life. In the modern society, tem perature control (TC) is not only used in industrial production, but also widely used in other fields. With the improvement of the life quality, we can find the TC appliance i n hotels, factories and home as well. And the trend that TC will better serve the whole society, so it is of great significance to measure and control the temperature. Based o n the AT89C51 and temperature sensor DS18B20, this system controls the condition t emperature intelligently. The temperature can be set discretionarily within a certain ra nge. The system can show the time on LCD, and save monitoring data; and automatic ally control the temperature when the condition temperature exceeds the upper and lo wer limit value. By doing so it is to keep the temperature unchanged. The system is of high anti-jamming, high control precision and flexible design; it also fits the rugged e nvironment. It is mainly used in people's life to improve the quality of the work and li fe. It is also versatile, so that it can be convenient to extend the use of the system. So t he design is of profound importance. The general design, hardware design and softwar e design o f the system are covered. 1.1 Introduction The 8-bit AT89C51 CHMOS microcontrollers are designed to handle high-speed calc ulations and fast input/output operations. MCS 51 microcontrollers are typically used for high-speed event control systems. Commercial applications include modems, mot or-control systems, printers, photocopiers, air conditioner control systems, disk drives, and medical instruments. The automotive industry use MCS 51 microcontrollers in e ngine-control systems, airbags, suspension systems, and antilock braking systems (AB S). The AT89C51 is especially well suited to applications that benefit from its processi


第25卷 第1期 河 北 工 程 大 学 学 报 (社 会 科 学 版) V ol.25 N o.12008年3月 Jour nal of H ebei U niversity of Eng ineer ing (So cial Science Edition) M ar.2008 [收稿日期]2007-11-15 [作者简介]韩孟奇(1965-)男,河南遂平人,副教授,研究方向:英语。 论我国高校英文版网页的翻译失误 韩孟奇 (华北水利水电学院外语系,河南郑州450011) [摘 要]我国高校英文版网页还普遍存在问题,如:文化翻译失误、语言性翻译失误等,在外宣工作中影响了效果甚至自身形象,旨在分析这些翻译失误,以促使目前的状况得以改善。 [关键词]翻译失误;网页;高校 [中图分类号]H 315.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-9477(2008)01-0115-03 随着高等教育的快速发展,我国高校与国外的交流日益增多,并出现了一批在国际上有很高知名度的大学。在对外交流方面,网络的作用越来越受到人们的重视。作为对外宣传的窗口,高校网页正在发挥着重要作用。然而,部分高校的英文版网页(学校概况部分)却不尽人意,在一定程度上影响了宣传效果,甚至自身形象。本文旨在分析这些高校英文版网页中存在的翻译失误,以促使目前的网页状况得以改善,并在此求教于前辈和同行。 英文版网页的主要受者是国外学者、留学生及有意和我国高校合作的国外企业界人士等。他们浏览高校网页的目的是什么呢?网页是按照中文 忠实 地翻译过去还是按照英文习惯重新创作?这是一个需要弄清楚的问题。试想一下,我们浏览高校网页无非是想了解对方的师资力量、专业设置、基础设施、科研情况、学校文化、招生情况等。这就要求英文网页照顾到受众群体,要看对象,不能不分青红皂白地照单全译。虽然高校英文网页的产生过程各不相同,但其信息来源无疑出自中文版网页,因此,我们可以将英文版网页看作是中文版的英译本。请看清华大学中、英文版网页中的一段文字: 清华大学主体所在地--清华园,地处北京西北郊名胜风景园林区,明朝时为一私家花园,清朝康熙年间成为圆明园一部分,称熙春园,道光年间分为熙春园和近春园,咸丰年间改名为清华园。 Situated on sever al form er royal g ar dens of the Qing Dy nasty ,surrounded by a few histo rical sites in no rthw est Beijing ,is the campus o f Tsing hua Univer sity.The g ar den -like landscape,w ith the Wanquan River m eandering through,has inspired and motivated g enerations of students.(见清华大学网页) 在这段文字里, 康熙 、 道光 、 咸丰 、 圆明圆 、 熙春圆 、 近春圆 等在英文网页里都找不到。而以 sever al former r oyal g ardens of the Qing Dy nasty 巧妙地表现出来。如果 忠实 地翻译过来,不仅要加注释,而且会给国外不了解中国历史的读者带来困惑。因此,外宣英译要以目的语为归宿,使其受者在摄取信息的过程中不遇到障碍。按照英国当代翻译理论家纽马克(N ew mark)和德国翻译理论家诺伊贝特(Neubert)的观点,外宣翻译主要以或完全以目的语为重点,即译文要在表达方式、格式措词等方面符合该文体在译入语的习惯(袁晓宁,2005:75-78)。笔者仔细阅读了国内多所高校(包括国家重点大学和普通院校)的网页,发现的主要问题如下: 一、文化性翻译失误 所谓文化性翻译失误是指译文与源语文化规范和惯例相冲突之处(范勇,2005:70-72)。国内不少大学中文网站的学校简介中有政治色彩浓厚的语言,这些语言很可能和受者的信仰、价值观念相抵触,影响了译文的效果。如:H UFE aims to strengthen the party dev elo pm ent,ideolog ical and political educatio n,civilization developm ent(河南财经学院网站)。对这种意识形态极强的内容应进行改写或略去不译。否则可能会引起受者的不解甚至反感。还有些译文对原文特有的文化现象未加说明。例如:H U FE car ries out the So ul Project ,putting emphasis on the Basic Project (河南财经学院网站)。译者对 So ul Pro ject 和 Basic Project 未加任何注释,给受者造成理解困难。国际著名的语言学家Eugene A.Nida 曾指出, 跨文化交际中的一个主要难题是:在很多情况下共享信息的数量和性质存在巨大差异。 在翻译过程中,译者要用注释的方法,对译文中所缺少的共享信息和背景知识加以补充说明,否则译文受者就无法理解原文中特有的文化现象。 二、语言性翻译失误 1.词义误解选词错误在网页错误中占的比例最大,究其原因,不外乎对所选的词缺乏了解,不知道这些词应该在什么场合使用,照搬英汉词典的释义而产生误解等。例如:(1)The university has ro lling physical featur es w ith the scenic Luojia H ill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side,seem ing in picturesque disorder (武汉大学网站)。Long man Dictio nary o f Contem por ary Eng lish 对disorder 的释义为:lack o f o rder;confusion(无秩序,混乱).如:The house w as in (a state of )diso rder because of the y oung children(屋子被孩子弄得乱七八糟).由此看来,disorder 一词用于以上语境显然不合适。笔者改为:With the scenic Luo jia hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side,it is a campus of scenic contr ast.(2)T he abo ve w orks have been aw arded m any prizes and honorary titles from the Pro paganda Department(河南财经学院网站)。Lo ng man Dictionary of Contem porary English 对propag anda 的释义为:false o r partly false info rmatio n used by a g overnment o r po litical party to m ake peo ple ag ree w ith them.Propaganda.通常用于贬义,尤指(政府或政党为了影响民意而进行的虚假或
