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Paper One

Part I Listening comprehension (15%)

Section A

1. [A] Nobody likes to listen to this symphony.

[B ] Many people like the symphony.

[C] She doesn't like the symphony.

[D] She'd like to have a cup of tea.


M: Don't you think this symphony is wonderful? I could listen to it all day.

W:That's interesting. You're the only one that feels that way as far as I know. I'm afraid

that's not my cup of tea.

Q: What does the woman mean?

【解析】选[C]。be one's cup of tea常用于口语中,表示"是某人喜爱或擅长的事物"。由女士所说的that's not my cup of tea可知她并不喜欢交响乐。另外,由You're the only one that feels that way也可以推出答案。

2. [A] She hasn't worn the dress for a long time.

[B] She doesn't like the dress very much.

[C] She intends to give the dress to her sister.

[D] She doesn't remember where her sister bought the dress.


M: That's a great dress, Cindy. I don't think I've ever seen you wear it before.

W: Oh, I have. It's just that it's sent back to my closet. My sister gave it to me like ages ago and I totally forgot about it.

Q: What does the woman imply?

【解析】选[A]。ages ago意为"很久以前",结合it's sent back to my closet和I totally forgot about it可推知女士已经好久没穿这件衣服了,因此选[A]。

3. [A] The situation is not Leon's fault.

[B] Neither Leon nor James is telling the truth.

[C] The right and wrongs of this issue must involve deeper investigation.

[D] Someone must be lying in this incident.


W: Who do you believe? James says Leon has been backstabbing him, but Leon claims he's innocent. It'll be hard for them to reconcile if this mess continues.

M: Well, It could be best to talk to both of them and see what lies underneath. There are two sides to every story you know.

Q: What does the man infer?

【解析】选[C]。It could be best to...表示建议。talk to both of them and see what lies underneath表明男士认为需要进一步了解情况(deeper investigation)才能弄清整件事情的是非曲直(right and wrongs of this issue)。

4. [A] Check to see if it can still be fixed for free.

[B] Check to see what the problem is.

[C] Find where they have put the warranty.

[D] See if Mike is available.


W: Mike is very good at electrical appliances. You should get him to take a look and see if he can do something about it.

M: Yeah, I will. But let me check and see if it's still under warranty.

Q: What will the man probably do?

【解析】选[A]。女士建议男士找Mike帮忙修理电器,男士说他要先看看是不是还在保修期内(if it's still under warranty)。保修期内的商品是可以免费维修的(be fixed for free),因此选项[A]正确。

5. [A] Eat a bigger breakfast.

[B] Make time for lunch in her schedule.

[C] Take only morning classes next semester.

[D] Change her schedule after she eats lunch.


W: Mike is very good at electrical appliances. You should get him to take a look and see if he can do something about it.

M: Yeah, I will. But let me check and see if it's still under warranty.

Q: What will the man probably do?

【解析】选[A]。女士建议男士找Mike帮忙修理电器,男士说他要先看看是不是还在保修期内(if it's still under warranty)。保修期内的商品是可以免费维修的(be fixed for free),因此选项[A]正确。

Section B

Passage 1

6. [A] They were born to be pale.

[B] They did not like traveling in sunny countries.

[C] They wanted to be different from the peasants.

[D] They thought light color was the color of health.

7. [A] People without exposure to sunlight.

[B] Wealthy people in Europe centuries ago.

[C] Workers during the Industrial Revolution.

[D] Wealthy people during the Industrial Revolution.

8. [A] Noblemen centuries ago did not like traveling.

[B] Heredity is not the only thing that influences our color.

[C] Exposure to sunlight is the only thing that determines skin color.

[D] Having a tan is considered a sign of wealth nowadays in North America.


Heredity is not the only thing that influences our color. Where and how we live after we are born is important too. For instance, our skin color greatly depends on how much sunshine we get.

Centuries ago, most people in Europe were peasants and had to work in the fields all day. On the other hand, noblemen did not have to work. They stayed indoors and remained pale. You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because the peasant had a tan. As a result, noblewomen did their best to keep their skins as light as possible. A skin so pale was considered a mark of great beauty and nobleness.

During the Industrial Revolution, farmers left their fields and went to work in factories, mines and mills. Working for long hours in those dark places makes their skins pale. Wealthy people, however, could afford to travel to sunny countries. They lay around on the beaches and got a tan, which became a sign of wealth. In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. The desire for a quick tan has led to the invention of pills that darken the skin without exposure to sunlight.

So there are three answers to the question "Where does our color come from?" - It comes from the genes we inherit. It comes from the conditions in which we live. And it can come from a bottle that we buy at the drugstore on the corner. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

6. Why did noblewomen in Europe do their best to keep their color as light as possible?

【解析】选[C]。文中提到,贵族妇人尽可能保持肤色洁白是因为白皙的肤色被认为是美丽和高贵的象征。a mark of...nobleness表明贵族们极力想使自己和农民区分开来。选项[C]与此相符,为答案。

7. Who were the people having a tan according to the passage?


8. What does the passage mainly tell us?


Passage 2

9. [A] They can live in meadows.

[B] They can jump high to get food.

[C] They can live off many different kinds of hosts.

[D] They can survive without eating for many months.

10. [A] A disease.

[B] A cause of fatal plague.

[C] A substance in a flea's legs.

[D] The substance that a flea lives on.

11. [A] Rat flea.

[B] Cat flea.

[C] Dog flea.

[D] Rabbit flea.

12. [A] From Europe to China.

[B] From Ethiopia to Europe.

[C] From China to Ethiopia.

[D] From Byzantium to China.


Our topic today is about fleas that plague all of us who have cats and dogs in our homes. You may be surprised to find out that there are about 1,500 species of fleas, and that each species has its own preferred host. Fleas are, in fact, quite adept at finding their hosts. In an experiment, 270 fleas from rabbits were marked and then let loose in a large meadow. After a few days, a full half of the fleas had found rabbits to live on. Fleas also have a very interesting flexible diet. They can go for many months without eating if they have to, and they will change hosts in order to get more food, even if they don't like the taste of their new host as much as the old! Their jumping ability is incredible, too. You may know this from your own experience. Some fleas can jump as high as 13 inches, which is quite a lot for such a small creature. This jumping ability comes from their relatively large muscular legs that are equipped with resilin, a kind of natural rubber. The elastic properties of this resilin have not yet been equaled in any artificial substance. Though the fleas on your cat or dog are not dangerous to you, some fleas carry diseases. It is the rat flea that is responsible for carrying some fatal plagues. These fleas have been in part responsible for the Great Plague of Europe in 500 A D that spread from Ethiopia to Byzantium to Europe. They are also part of the cause of Black Death in China and Europe.

9. According to the passage, in what way are fleas flexible in their diets?

【解析】选[D]。题干句对应文中的Fleas also have a very interesting flexible diet,其后的They can go for many months without eating...对flexible diet进行了解释说明,选项


10. According to the talk, what is resilin?

【解析】选[C]。resilin为超纲词,但结合其所在句This jumping ability comes from their relatively large muscular legs that are equipped with resilin, a kind of natural rubber推断,resilin应为跳蚤腿部中的一种物质,选项[C]正确。

11. According to the speaker, which flea has been responsible for deaths?

【解析】选[A]。fatal意为"致命的",文中提到的It is the rat flea that is responsible for carrying some fatal plagues表明rat flea可以导致死亡,选项[A]正确。

12. According to the speaker, where did the Great Plague spread in the sixth century?

【解析】选[B]。根据文中提到的the Great Plague of Europe in 500 A D that spread from Ethiopia to Byzantium to Europe很容易得知本题答案:选项[B]正确。

Passage 3

13. [A] Sort the mail.

[B] Answer the mail.

[C] Read the magazines.

[D] File important information.

14. [A] Pay the bills right away.

[B] Read the magazines very quickly.

[C] Sort the articles into categories for later reference.

[D] Stop buying magazines which you don't have time to read.

15. [A] At least once a month.

[B] At least twice a month.

[C] At least once a year.

[D] At least twice a year.


Through the years of being an advisor at the university, I've often been requested to give suggestions about how to handle "information anxiety". Now let me give you some advice. First of all, what is "information anxiety"? Well, as you know, we are bombarded daily by books, magazines, newspapers, television, and radio. We are hit with bills, letters, and reports. All of this can cause quite a lot of anxiety. It's because we are living in the "information age" that we get this bombardment of information everyday. So today let me give you some organizing tips that should make your life easier.

First of all, when you get your mail, open it and sort it right away. Get rid of all junk inserts, and then sort the mail into four categories: to do, to pay, to read, and to file.

Be realistic about your reading. Check the magazines you subscribe to on a regular basis. If you find yourself falling behind in your reading, let some of those subscriptions go. And if you are one of those people who like to clip out articles to read later, then do some screening first and be sure to clip only the most important articles for reading later.

You should have a filing system, but don't use your files as a dumping ground. Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers at least once a year, more often if possible.

Spend five or ten minutes each day cleaning up your desk and prioritizing your work for the next day. The following day will get off to a much better start if your desk is organized and you are not faced with overwhelming piles of paper. Don't use the top of your desk as a storage area. It should be a work area, with plenty of room to work.

13. According to the speaker, what should the listeners do when they first get their mail?

【解析】选[A]。根据文中的First of all, when you get your mail, open it and sort it right away可知,speaker建议listeners一收到邮件便马上进行分类整理,选项[A]正确。14. What should people do with their magazine subscriptions?

【解析】选[D]。文中提到,If you find yourself falling behind in your reading, let some of those subscriptions go。本句是说如果订的东西没有时间看,就应该放弃订阅其中的一些,选项[D]与此相符,为答案。

15. How often does the speaker suggest that the listeners clean out their files?

【解析】选[C]。根据文中的Make it a rule to clean out your files and papers at least once a year可知,本题答案为[C],即至少要一年整理一次文件。

Part II Vocabulary (10%)

Section A

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET.

16. A luxury express train jumped the tracks on a bridge in eastern India, killing at least 50 on the spot. According to the Northern Railway spokesman, the death ______ is expected to rise. A.figure B.toll C.span D.yield


【解析】本题意为“在东印度的一座桥上一辆豪华特快列车脱轨,造成现场至少50人死亡。据Northern Railway发言人透露,预计死亡人数还将上升”。toll的意思是“(事故等的)伤亡人数”,如:Automobile accidents take a heavy toll of human lives.车祸使许多人丧生。figure 在作“数字”讲时,指数字0~9或统计数字;span的意思是“范围,跨度”;yield的意思是“产量,收益”。只有B项符合题意。

17. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ______ plan.

A.inherent B.ingenious C.infectious D.indulgent


【解析】本题空格处是说提出这样一个有独创性的计划。B项ingenious“机灵的,有独创性的”符合题意,如:An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.他在和他夫人散步时突然想到了一个绝妙的主意。其他三项inherent“固有的,内在的,与生俱来的”;infectious“有传染性的,易传染的,有感染力的”;indulgent“纵容的”都不正确。

18.Smuggling is a ______ activity which might bring destruction to our economy; therefore, it must be banned.

A.pertinent B.fruitful C.detrimental D.casual



19.After walking for hours without finding the village, we began to have ______ about our map.

A.troubles B.fears C.limitations D.misgivings


【解析】本题空格处是说我们开始对地图心存疑虑。D项misgiving“疑惧,疑惑”符合题意,如:full of misgiving(s)(满心疑惑,十分不安)。其他三项troubles“问题,难题”;fears “恐惧,对……担心”;limitations“局限性”都不正确。

20.The primordial fireball would have been a dense roiling stew of radiation and elementary particles condensing out of the ______ energy, annihilating each other, recondensing, then colliding and disappearing all over again.

A.colossal B.audacious C.ambient D.autonomous


【解析】本题中,A项的colossal“巨大的,庞大的”符合题意,如:a colossal monument (巨大的纪念碑)。其他三项audacious“大胆的,鲁莽的”;ambient“周围的”;autonomous “自治的”都不正确。

Section B

Directions: In each item, identify one of the four choices A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence if it substitutes the underlined word or phrase.

21.On this barren place on Aikhanom Hill, overlooking fields peppered with land mines, soldiers come to lay a stone or say a prayer for friends lost in years of war.

A.infertile B.disastrous C.plausible D.impeccable



22.The incidence of this disease has been greatly reduced thanks to our health care program.

A.seriousness B.frequency of occurrence

C.mortality D.cure rate


【解析】本题中,incidence的意思是“发生(率),影响;影响的方式[范围,程度]”。四个选项中,frequency of occurrence的意思是“发生频率”;seriousness的意思是“严肃,认真”;mortality的意思是“死亡率”;cure rate的意思是“治愈率”。只有B项符合题意。

23.From 1965 to 1978 American consumer prices increased at an average annual rate of

5.7percent. This ominous shift was followed by consumer price gains of 13.3 percent in 1979.

A.promising B.overwhelming C.threatening D.astonishing




24.A corps of so-called barefoot doctors are trained in hygiene, preventive medicine, acupuncture, and routine treatment of common diseases.

A.nutrition B.sanitation C.nursery D.welfare




25.The chief functions of direct-mail advertising are to familiarize prospective buyers with a product, its name, its maker, and its merits and with the product's local distributors. A.potential B.responsive C.inquisitive D.perceptive


【解析】本题中,prospective的意思是“预期的”。A项的potential“预期的”符合题意,如:Every seed is a potential plant.每粒种子都可能长成植物。其他三项responsive“响应的”;inquisitive“好奇的”;perceptive“有理解的”都不正确。

Part III Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side of the paper Y ou should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Like many other aspects of the computer age, Yahoo began as an idea, 26 into

a hobby and lately has 27 into a full-time passion. The two developers of Yahoo, David Filo and Jerry Yang, Ph. D candidates 28 Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, started their guide in April 1994 as a way to keep 29 of their personal interest on the Internet. Before long they 30 that their homebrewed lists were becoming too long and 31 . Gradually they began to spend more and more time on Yahoo.

During 1994, they 32 yahoo into a customized database designed to 33 the needs of the thousands of users 34 began to use the service through the closely 35 Internet community. They developed customized software to help them 36 locate, identify and edit material 37 on the Internet. The name Yahoo is 38 t o stand for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”, but Filo and Yang insist they selected the 39 because they considered themselves yahoos. Yahoo itself first 40 on Yang's workstation, “akebono”, while the search engine was

41 on Filo's c omputer, “Konishiki”.

In early 1995 Marc Andersen, co-founder of Netscape Communication in Mountain View, California, invited Filo and Yang to move their files 42 to larger computers 43 at Netscape. As a result Stanford's computer network returned to 44 , and both parties benefited. Today, Yahoo 45 organized information on tens of thousands of computers linked to the web.

26.A.became B.grew C.turn D.intend 27.A.made B.saw C.looked D.turned

28.A.in B.on C.about D.for 29.A.touch B.contact C.track D.record 30.A.founded B.found C.argued D.reported 31.A.unwieldy B.tough C.tamable D.invaluable 32.A.exchanged B.shank C.sold D.converted 33.A.explain B.serve C.discover D.evaluate 34.A.which B.that C.actually D.eagerly 35.A.relative B.interactive C.bound D.contacted 36.A.fluently B.efficiently C.exactly D.actually 37.A.transmitted B.purchased C.sold D.stored 38.A.about B.bound C.going D.supposed 39.A.fable B.model C.name D.brand 40.A.supported B.resided C.lived D.launched 41.A.connected B.lodged C.introduced D.linked 42.A.over B.away C.inside D.beneath 43.A.housed B.caught C.hosed D.hidden 44.A.average B.normal C.ordinary D.equal 45.A.attains B.detains C.maintains D.contains 26.【答案】B

【解析】grow into something的意思是“发展成……”,符合题意。其他三项became something“成为……”;turn into something“转变成……(此处时态不对)”;intend something “想要,意指……”都与题意不符。


【解析】四个选项中,turn into something的意思是“变成……”;make something into something的意思是“把……变成……”;see into something的意思是“调查,领会,了解”;look into something的意思是“朝……里面看,调查,浏览”。根据题意应选D项。28.【答案】A

【解析】此处考查的是固定搭配in(the department of)Electrical Engineering,意思是“电气工程系的”。因此A项正确。


【解析】四个选项中,keep track of的意思是“记录”;keep in touch/contact with

的意思是“保持联系”;keep a record of的意思是“记录”,根据题意应选C项。30.【答案】B







【解析】四个选项中,convert A into B的意思是“把A转变成B”;exchange A for B 的意思是“把A换成B”;shank的意思是“(花等)从病梗上枯萎脱落”;sell something for some money 的意思是“把……卖钱”。根据题意应选D项。


【解析】短语serve the needs“满足需要”符合题意。其他三项explain“解释”;discover “发现”;evaluate“评价”都不正确。


【解析】此处是一个定语从句。当定语从句中先行词是人时,引导词只能用that或who/whom;先行词为事物时,引导词可用that或which。因此应选B项。其他两项actually “实际上”,eagerly“热心地”都不正确。


【解析】此处意为“联系紧密、关系密切的互联网社区”,据此应选C项,即“closely bound Intern et community”。relative的意思是“有关系的、相关的”,一般前面不加其他修饰词;interactive的意思是“交互式的”;contact的意思是“与……接触、建立联系”,contacted一般不作定语。






【解析】be supposed to do的意思是“认为应该”;be about/going to do的意思是“即将”;be bound to do的意思是“必定做……”。根据题意应选D项。




【解析】根据下文应选B项reside“居住,位于”。其余各项support“支持”;live“生活”;live on something“以……为生”;launch“投入,开始”都不正确。


【解析】lodge的意思是“临时住宿,寄宿”,符合题意。其他三项connect“连接”;introduce “介绍”;link“连接”都不正确。


【解析】move over to的意思是“搬到……”,此处over表示经过一段距离。move away 的意思是“搬离”;move inside的意思是“搬进”,后面不用再加介词to;move beneath 的意思是“搬到……下面”。根据题意应选A项。





【解析】短语return to normal的意思是“恢复正常,固定搭配”;normal的意思是“正常的”;average的意思是“平均的”;ordinary的意思是“平常的”;equal的意思是“平等的”。根据题意应选B项。



Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Y ou should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

46.In Paragraph 1 the author introduces his topic by relating ______.

A.the idea of humanoid robots

B.Karl Capek's creation of robots

C.Hollywood's production of robot films

D.the origin of and popular movies about robots

47.According to the author's description, Asimo ______.

A.is a four-legged robot

B.seems more like a human being than a machine in action

C.seems more like a machine than a human being in action

D.is in a sort of animal form

48.Sony's QRIO could perform all the following tasks EXCEPT ______.

A.walking everywhere freely

B.understanding some words uttered by people

C.finding its way

D.continuing walking after it stumbles

49.From the passage we may infer that Toyota's Partner ______.

A.is much better than any other robots B.is no more than a mechanic device

C.may be put into mass production D.may speak like man

50.Judging from the context, this passage is probably written ______.

A.in 2004 B.in 2005

C.between 2003~2004 D.between 2004~2005


【解析】为了引出“Humanoid robots”,作者在第一段介绍了捷克作家Karl Capek首先构想了“robot”,后面又介绍说好莱坞的电影上随即出现了大量的机器人,并举例说明。由此可知,正确答案为D。


【解析】原文的第二段第三行有“Asimo,a four-foot robot”,因此A项错误;又有“it walked so fluidly that its white,articulated exterior seemed to conceal a human”,可知Asimo在行为上更像是人,因此B项符合题意,C、D两项不符合题意。本题正确答案为B。


【解析】本文第三段介绍了索尼的产品QRIO,根据这款机器人的详细描述“It walks,understands a small number of voice commands...what its camera eyes can see”可知,QRIO能够听懂少量的语言指挥,能走路,可以靠自己控制方向,如果跌倒了还会爬起来继续走,还能够无线联系到网络和广播。在选项中,B、C、D三项均与此相符,只有A项文中没有提及。因此正确答案为A。


【解析】关于丰田公司的Partner的内容在原文倒数第二段。段尾指出“Toyota hopes to offer a commercial version of the robot by 2010”,意为“Toyota希望到2010年能够使这个机器人商业化”。由此可以推出丰田公司可能会大量生产这种名为“Partner”的机器人。因此正确答案是C。


【解析】本文第四段有标志性时间“This month,50 Partner robots will act as guides at Expo 2005 in Aichi,Japan”,意为“本月,50个Partner机器人将在2005届日本爱知会社的展览上做向导”。由此可知,这篇文章写于2005年。因此正确答案为B。

Passage 2

hese is a new type of advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified

columns.It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”, although it doesn't offer anyone job, and sometimes it appears “situations wanted”, although it is not placed by someone looking for a job either. What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.

“Contact us before writing your application”, or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history”, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment, is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae, with the suggestion that is may now qualify as an art form in its own right.

There was a time when job seeker simply wrote letters of application.“Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams”, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school.The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, and everything else could and should be saved for the interview.And in those days of full employment the technique worked.The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Y our eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.

Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter, which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach.“Y our search is over.I am the person you are looking for,” was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded.Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job in view.

There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.

51.The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns ______.

A.informs job hunters of the opportunities available

B.promises useful advice to those looking for employment

C.divides available jobs into various types

D.informs employer that people are available for work

52.Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because ______.

A.there is a lack of jobs available for artistic people

B.there are so many top-level jobs available

C.there are so many people out of work

D.the job history is considered to be a work of art

53.In the past it was expected that first-job hunters would ______.

A.write an initial letter giving their life history

B.pass some exams before applying for a job

C.have no qualifications other than being able to read and write

D.keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview

54.Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in the letter ______.

A.something that would attract attention to one's application

B.a personal opinion about the organization one was trying to join

C.something that would offend the person reading it

D.a lie that one could easily get away with telling

55.T he job history has become such an important document because ______.

A.there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertised

B.there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degrees

C.jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadays

D.the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated




【解析】从文章第二段第二句话“The growth and…of unemployment.”可知,C项为正确答案。


【解析】本题可参照第三段中间的“everything else could and should be saved for the interview”,从中可知D项为正确答案。


【解析】从文章第四段第一、二句话“Later,as you…from the rest.”可知,A项为正确答案。


【解析】从文中最后一段的“There is no doubt,…of the curriculum v itae”可知,因为有大学学历的求职者太多了,竞争激烈,所以要在简历上下更多功夫,因此B项为正确答案。

Passage 3

Almost since the beginning of mankind, governments have been recording the numbers of their populace.The first known census report took place in 3800 B. C. in Babylonia for the purpose of deciding who should pay taxes.As time went by, governments found other, more creative uses for knowing their numbers.Egyptian King Ramses Ⅱused the census not only to determine who should pay taxes, but also to figure out how to divide land for farming and to decide who could provide manpower for various government projects. These new ideas came about in the mid-1200s-B. C.

William the Conqueror brought the concept of census taking to England in 1085. All landowners were required to name their holdings for the purpose of taxation.By the fifteenth century, Tudor kings found a new twist to the Egyptians' use of the census.They too used the population count as a means of getting ready manpower for important government project' namely, replenishing troops in the ongoing battles in western Europe.

A rebellious tide swept over England, however, in the mid-1700s.A bill to authorize a regular census was defeated in Parliament on the grounds that it would give valuable information to England's enemies.But the tide of rebellion soon turned, and in 1800 England established its first regular census.

Meanwhile the United States had already had an ongoing census for ten years.It was authorized in the Constitution for the purpose of deciding how many members of Congress would be needed for a fair representation of the American people.The constitutional article also established that the census would be taken in 1790 and every ten years thereafter. And so it has.

Since its beginning, the American census has gone through many changes. Today the census provides more than a count of the people who live here. It takes polls on transportation, economic planning, and agriculture. The census also provides data for most government agency statistics, such as the unemployment rate.

Counting costs have risen since 1790.The government spent about a penny per person to count post-Revolutionary Americans. Today the census costs $ 250 million—more than a dollar per person. That's a long way since 3800 B.C..

56.The first known census report took place in Babylonia in ______.

A.1085 B.1200 B.C.3800 B.C.D.1790

57.The first census was created for the sole purpose of ______.

A.counting available troops B.dividing farmland

C.providing manpower D.taxing the populace

58.T he American census today costs the government approximately ______.

A.$0.01/person B.$0.10/person C.$1.00/person D.$10.00/person 59.Parliament defeated a bill authorizing a regular census because it ______.

A.might give valuable news to England

B.would give England's enemies cause for rebellion

C.would be too expensive

D.might disclose information to England's enemies

60.The author implies the American census is ______.

A.relatively inexpensive to conduct

B.important to various government branches

C.an exact count of the citizenry

D.fairly expensive before 1790


【解析】很明显,本题答案在第一段第二句:The first known census report took place in 3800 B. C. in Babylonia...因此正确答案是C。


【解析】本题问的是第一份调查报告的唯一目的。原文第一段第二句后面指出了人口普查的目的:for the purpose of deciding who should pay taxes,因此正确答案是D。


【解析】关于美国当今人口调查的成本,可在最后一段找到:Today the census costs $250 million—more than a dollar per person,因此正确答案是C。


【解析】本题问的是国会驳回一项规范的人口普查议案的原因。根据第三段第二句“A bill to authorize a regular census was defeated in Parliament on the grounds that it would give valuable information to England's enemies”可知其原因是人口普查可能会给英国的仇敌提供有用情报。因此正确答案是D。


【解析】作者在第五段指出“Today the census provides more than a count of the people who live here.It takes polls on...also provides data...such as the unemployment rate”,现在的美国人口普查不只是对居住的人口进行统计,还对交通运输、经济政策、农业等各个方面进行统计调查,另外为政府各部门统计数据提供数据参考。由此可知,美国的人口普查对于各政府部门都十分重要,正确答案为B。

Passage 4

Whenever two or more unusual traits or situations are found in the same place, it is tempting to look for more than a coincidental relationship between them.The high Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau certainly have extraordinary physical characteristics and the cultures which are found there are also unusual, though not unique.However there is no intention of adopting Montesquieu's view of climate and soil as cultural determinants. The ecology of a region merely poses some of the problems faced by the inhabitants of the region, and while the problems facing a culture are important to its development, they do not determine it.

The appearance of the Himalayas during the late Tertiary Period and the accompanying further raising of the previously established rages had a marked effect on the climate of the region. Primarily, of course, it blocked the Indian monsoon (季风) from reaching Central Asia.at all. Secondarily, air and moisture from other directions were also reduced.

Prior to the raising of the Himalayas, the land now forming the Tibetan uplands had a dry, continental climate with vegetation and animal life similar to that of much of the rest of the region on the same parallel, but somewhat different than that of the areas farther north, which were already drier.With the coming of the Himalayas and the relatively sudden drying out of the region, there was a severe thinning out of the animal and plant population.The ensuing incomplete Pleistocene glaciations (冰蚀) had a further thinning effect, but significantly did not wipe out life in the area. Thus after the end of the glaciation there were only a few varieties of life extant from the original continental species. Isolated by the Kunlun range from the Tarim basin and Turfan depression, species which had already adapted to the dry steppe climate, and would otherwise have been expected to flourish in Tibetan, the remaining native fauna and flora (动植物) multiplied.Armand describes the Tibetan fauna as not having great variety, but being “striking” in the abundance of the particular species that are present.The plant life is similarly limited in variety, with some observers finding no more than seventy varieties of plants in even the relatively

fertile Eastern Tibetan valleys, with fewer than ten food crops.Tibetan “tea” is a major staple, perhaps replacing the unavailable vegetables.

The difficulties of living in an environment at once dry and cold, and populated with species more usually found in more hospitable climates, are great.These difficulties may well have influenced the unusual polyandrous ( 一妻多夫制)societies typical of the region. Lattimore sees the maintenance of multiple-husband households as being preserved from earlier forms by the harsh conditions of the Tibetan uplands, which permitted no experimentation and “froze” the cultures which came there.Kawakita, on the other hand, sees the polyandry as a way of easily permitting the best householder to become the head husband regardless of age.His detailed studies of the Bhotea village of Tsumje do seem to support this idea of polyandry as a method of talent mobility is a situation where even the best talent is barely enough for survival.

In sum, though arguments can be made that a pre-existing polyandrous system was strengthened and preserved (insofar as it has been) by the rigors of the land, it would certainly be an overstatement to lay causative factors of any stronger nature to the ecological influences in this case.

61.What are the “unusual traits or situations” referred to in the first sentence?

A.Patterns of animal and plant growth.

B.Food and food preparation patterns of the upland Tibetans.

C.Social and familial organization of typical Tibetan society.

D.All of the above.

62.The purpose of the passage is to ______.

A.analyze the possible causal links between Tibetan ecology and society

B.describe the social organization of typical Tibetan villages

C.describe Tibetan fauna and flora

D.analyze the mysteries of the sudden appearance of the Himalayas

63.The author's knowledge of Tibet is probably ______.

A.based on firsthand experience B.the result of lifelong studies

C.derived from books only D.limited to geological history 64.According to the passage, which of the following would probably be the most agreeable to Montesquieu?

A.All regions have different soils and thus, different cultures.

B.Some regions with similar climates will have similar cultures.

C.Cultures in the same area, sharing soil and climate, will be essentially identical.

D.The plants of a country, by being the food of its people, cause the people to have similar views to one another.

65.The species of fauna and flora remaining in Tibet after the Pleistocene glaciation can properly be called continental because they ______.

A.are originally found in continental climates

B.are the only life forms in Tibet, which is as big as a continent

C.have been found in other parts of the Asian continent

D.are found in land mass that used to be a separate continent


【解析】A项可由第三段中的“the Tibetan uplands had a dry, continental climate with vegetation and animal life similar to…”证实;B项可由“with fewer than ten food crops,Tibe tan …tea? is a major staple,perhaps replacing the unavailable vegetables.”证实;C项可由第四段中“the unusual polyandrous(一妻多夫制)societies”证实。因此正确答案为D项。


【解析】本题中,B、C、D三项只在文中部分被提及。从文中第四段的“The difficulties of living in an environment…are great.These difficulties may well have influenced the unusual polyandrous(一妻多夫制)societies typical of the region.”可知,整篇文章均围绕这个话题展开,因此正确答案为A。


【解析】本文中并没有涉及作者自己的研究和经历,文中第一段涉及了“Montesquieu's view”;第三段中引用了Armand的描述;第四段中讲到了Lattimore和Kawakita的看法。所以作者对西藏的知识应该是从书本中获得的,因此正确答案为C。




【解析】本题可参照第三段的“Thus after the end of the glaciation there were only a few varieties of life extant from the original continental species.”,据此可知A项是正确答案。

Part V translation (10%)

66. Direction: Put the passage into Chinese.

The recovery of the U.S. economy during the first quarter of this year has been so spectacular that it is creating a new set of risks for financial markets. The great new risks now facing the U.S. economy center on monetary policy and the oil market. The current federal funds interest rate of only 1.75 percent has clearly become unsustainable in view of

the economy's resilience. The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates by at least 0.25 percentage points during the second quarter and could increase short-term interest rates to at least 3 percent before the autumn-the level they were at before September 11.



67. Direction: Put the passage into English.



One opinion in Linguistics is called the time-space theory. It focuses on the theology phenomenon of language by studying the time and space differences, because theology of language appears as a result of the difference on the intensity and nature as time and space extending. It seeks to describe and reveal the basic conception, inherent relation and theology mechanism of the language in an objective and accurate way, and chase the realistic knowledge about language. It observes the principles and rules of theology, not to prove that language carries on theology according to a certain principle and rule, but to have a better understanding of the truth of language.

Part VI Sentence Correction (10%)

68. The lecturer made too a long (A)speech, so every listener felt tired of (B)him, and some even went (C )out of the lecture hall without getting( D) the permission from the speaker.

【答案】A应改为too long a。

69. More and more (A) old people whose grown - up children( B )pay little attention to them gathered( C) together and organize interesting activities( D) for themselves.


70.The view which (A) elements of a culture are to be understood and judged in terms of (B) their relationship to the culture as a whole (C) led to the conclusion


2019年重庆市普通高中学业水平合格性模拟考试 通用技术试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷共30题,共100分,共6页。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 3.答题时请按要求用笔。 4.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。 5.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、挂纸刀。 一、单项选择题(共 20 小题,每小题 3分,共60分) 从每个小题的四个备选项中,选出一个最符合题目要求的答案,并将答题卡对应位置上的答案标号涂黑。 1.如图所示是深圳市某科技有限公司开发的人形机器人--阿 尔法二代,关于该机器人的相关技术,下列说法不正确的是 () A.既能做各种复杂的动作,还能辅助治疗自闭症患者,体现 了技术的综合性。 B.与第一代只能模仿人类做出各种动作相比,阿尔法二代更加智能,能听懂人话,能与人互动,体现了技术的创新性。 C.该公司在舵机伺服系统方面,拥有自主知识产权,体现了技术的专利性。 D.未来的阿尔法机器人将涉足家庭陪护、机器人教育等更多智能化的工作领域,势必对社会劳动力结构产生深刻影响,人们需要不断学习新的技能,从而适应劳动力市场变化。 2.如图所示是一款机械式体重秤图甲及其评价坐标图(图乙),以下对坐标图分析中不恰当的是() A.大表盘方便观察,操作性好 B.仿瓢虫外观,造型新颖 C.测量误差小,读数精度高 D.机械结构,经久耐用

3.下列活动是科学活动的是() A.蒸汽机的发明 B.B超的技术 C.万有引力的发现 D.摄像技术的发明 4.手工将一块钢板加工成如图所示的连接片,以下加工流程中合理的是() A.划线→折弯→锯割→锉削→钻孔→孔口倒角 B.划线→折弯→钻孔→孔口倒角→锯割→锉削 C.划线→钻孔→孔口倒角→折弯→锉削→锯割 D.划线→锯割→钻孔→孔口倒角→锉削→折弯 5.流水线又称为装配线,一种工业上的生产方式,指每个一个生产单位只专注处理某一个片段的工作,以提高工作效率及产量.福特汽车公司开发出了世界上第一条流水线,从此流水线技术进入了全世界的各行各业.流水线技术的应用最直接的体现是() A.促进了社会生产的发展 B.改变了社会生活方式 C.丰富了社会文化内容 D.推动社会文明进步 6.如图所示是一款便携式蓝牙遥控器,可以用作手机、平 板电脑自拍器,TV电视盒、PC电脑遥控器等。关于该遥控 器,以下说法正确的是 ( ) A.支持苹果、安卓、PC等系统,体现了技术的综合性 B.兼容99%的安卓手机,但部分非品牌机器无法适配,体 现了技术的两面性 C.该遥控器深受消费者欢迎,不需授权即可自动获得专利 D.该遥控器是第一款同时支持苹果和安卓系统的蓝牙遥控器,体现了技术的创新性 7.如图所示是一款恒温调奶器,省去了为婴儿泡奶时烧水、等水 的时间,深受广大家庭的喜爱。关于该调奶器,以下说法不正确 的是 ( ) A.加厚防爆高硼硅玻璃,体现了人机关系的安全目标 B.优选食品级不锈钢,体现了人机关系的健康目标 C.壶身有多种颜色可选,体现了信息交互 D.三重断电保护,3C国家认证,体现了设计的技术规范原则 8.一款伸缩自拍杆,能够牢固扣住手机、平板、相机等数码设备.以下关于该自拍杆的分析中,不是从人机关系角度考虑的是() A.握把采用硅胶质地,持握舒服 B.整体圆角处理,无锋利切面 C.蓝牙遥控拍摄,操作方便 D.可适配多种形状的数码设备 9.如图所示的木制台灯,杆1和杆2间用螺栓和元宝螺帽进行紧固,以下说法不正确的是( )


高中学业水平考试通用技术模拟卷(必考题)(一) (时间:30分钟满分:35分) 一、选择题(共10题,每题2分) 1.近日,科技巨头谷歌向世界智能财产权组织(WIPO)提交了一项新的专利成果,如图所示未来的智能手环可以发出能量脉冲,消灭佩戴者血液中的癌细胞。利用智能手环底部接触人手臂上的浅静脉额的自发荧光来传输数据。这样一来,你佩戴的智能穿戴设备可能会比你自己先知道你生了病。关于该产品以下说法错误的是( ) A.具有专利号,体现了技术的专利性 B.结合了生物、电子、信息等技术,体现了技术的综合性 C.能消灭佩戴者血液中的癌细胞,体现了技术的目的性 D.只能通过无线传输方式连接智能穿戴设备,体现了技术的两面性 2.如图所示的背包,在户外活动的时候,若是晴天,可产生电能,可通过USB数据线为手机等设备充电,关于该产品以下说法正确的是( ) A.该设计体现出可持续发展原则

B.该设计极大地改变了人们的生活方式 C.该产品适合所有场合的使用 D.该产品可以满足所有人的需求 3.一般而言穿鞋子系鞋带,需要双手操作。如图所示的新型球鞋,采用柔性钢丝代替传统鞋带,2秒内“一按一扭”可单手轻松完成鞋带松紧,打破了传统系鞋带模式,为运动爱好者带来新的穿着体验,可以单手快速地操作,真是很方便。从人机关系的目标分析,该设计主要考虑的是( ) A.高效 B.健康 C.安全 D.舒适 4.如图所示的工具盒,使用时可以打开盖子,取出相应的螺丝刀即可,不用时,放入盒,携带方便。以下关于该产品的描述,不是从人机关系来考虑的是( ) A.适用多种形状的螺丝 B.体积较小,便于携带 C.表面光滑、手感舒适 D.大小适宜,握持方便 5.如图所示是某零件的尺寸标注,其中正确的有( )


2014年普通高中学业水平考试通用技术试题 一、选择题(本大题有20小题,每小题3分,共60分) 1.一款已经获得专利的扳手如图所示,它可以用来拆装不同规格的六角螺母。下列说法中错误的是 A.获得专利,体现了技术的专利性 B.可以拆装不同规格的螺母,体现了技术的综合性.改变扳手结构,体现技术的创新性C .可

以拆装螺母,体现了技术的目的性D .如图所示是一款超市购物车,采用万向轮,前轮间距较小,车筐前2主要从人机关系安全角度考虑的购物车的下列设计中,窄后宽呈梯形。是B.合理的把手高度A.车筐前面装有弧形护角D C.采用万向轮.表面镀铬处理 .如图所示的电线夹可以方便地夹在电源线上,电线夹的两面分别有盲文、图案和文字,3 可以方便快捷地区分出不同电器的电源线。从人机关系角度分析,该设计 A.未考虑特殊人群的需要符合人的心理需求B. 符合高效的目标C. D. 符合人体动态尺寸 4.如图所示的多孔插座,两面均设有插孔,带有夹子,通电后蓝色环状灯会亮起。以下评价中不恰当的是 A.夹子式设计便于插座固定 B.插孔符合技术规范蓝色环状灯起指示作用 C. D.双面插孔能实现节约用电 5.如图所示是刘祥设计的折叠式木质小凳。该设计方案中设计合理的是 A.合页安装在凳面上 B.凳脚与凳板之间采用铰连接 D. 木质凳脚开长槽凳脚间采用自攻螺丝连接C. 6.图甲和图乙是孙丽设计的木质笔筒的两个方案。通过比较,方案乙的主要优点是 B.A.降低

加工难度减少板材的使用量提高结构稳定性C. 增大笔筒容量D.

.林伟同学发现,多数同学仅靠课桌放不下那么多书。后来,他从7 汽车驾驶室两座椅间设有贮物箱得到启发,设计出如图所示的课桌间贮物箱。在制定贮物箱方案过程中,下列设计分析,不合理的是A.为方便移动可以考虑装万向轮B.抽屉大小应考虑书的尺寸C.贮物箱高度应考虑使用者的身高 D.为了方便抽屉开合可以采用导轨 .8如图所示的尺寸标注中,错误的标注是


小学生常见问题解析 一、怎样让孩子主动学习? 学习,其中有三个要素:学什么,怎么学,学得如何。作为一个小学生,他如何确定自己应该学什么?他又如何确定自己怎么学?并且,他怎么能够知道自己学得怎么样?这三个学习的要素,都需要在老师和家长的组织引导下,才能得以实现,并不是小学生们自己就能够完成的,也并不是随着家长的期望就会自然提高的。孩子如何才能自觉自愿自发地学习呢?首先孩子的内心要充满自信、愉快、积极的情绪和处于主动的状态中,这是最佳的学习状态。如果家长、老师不考虑到孩子的现状,不去分析现状,只一味地强迫孩子学,逼迫孩子学,孩子不仅学不好,反而厌倦学习,不愿学习。作为家长应把孩子引入到有自信、有成就、有满足的状态中去。因为不管什么人都具有自我肯定、自我张扬、自我发展的倾向,不管做什么事都想做好,想取得成功和愿望能得到实现,这就要靠我们去引导了。不要给孩子太多的压力,不要过多的责备,从精神上放松,从孩子的兴趣入手,从了解孩子个性和优势、短处入手,摸索出有效的方法,孩子的学习动力和自觉性就会产生效应。 1、孩子每天上学前,告诉他放学回家后要把一天学到的东西跟全家人分享一下; 2、每天让孩子在书桌前坐10分钟; 3、在孩子喜欢看的电视节目开始前的半小时或1小时定为孩子的学习时间;

4、给孩子制定的学习目标放在“量”而不是“时间”上; 5、让孩子彻底放松地玩; 6、当孩子的注意力不在学习上时,最好不要强迫孩子学习; 7、开始学习前,让孩子整理一下书桌; 8、孩子学习过程中休息时,时间不要超过10分钟,而且最好让孩子离开书桌。 二、孩子为什么厌学? 厌学心理是对学习产生厌倦乃至厌恶,从而萌发逃避的一种心态。调查表明,大多数孩子的厌学与他们是否聪明没多大关系。厌学心理产生与发展将直接影响学生的学习和成绩,甚至会危害他们的身心健康。改变学生的厌学心态,首先应该了解产生这种心态的直接和间接原因。 1.因厌其师而倦其道现实中,有不多学生的总体素质较好,但由于心理的问题,而导致厌学,成绩下滑。为何成绩下滑?因厌其师,才逆其道,这是事实。由于教师在急于求成、恨铁不成钢的心理支配下,对学生说了些过头的话,做出了某些过激的行为,从而引起学生的反感。学生因为对老师的反感而讨厌上老师的课,极力回避与老师的接触,最终发展到对某一科目的厌学 2.缺乏良好的学习习惯和学习方法学习自觉性低,基础差,学习上缺乏自信心;不能持之以恒;缺乏良好的学习习惯和学习方法,不知道该怎样去学习,都是导致学生学习成绩跟不上的原因。好的学习方法会给学生带来事半功倍的效果。而不好的学习方法则会给学生在学


通用技术部分 一、选择题部分(1~4 每题 2 分,其他 3 分) 1.如图所示为某汽车集团公开展示的空气动力概念车。该汽车利用压缩气缸储存并释 放能量,能单独利用汽油或压缩空气行驶,可使普通汽车拥有者的费用降低45%以上。下列关于该车的说法不恰当的是() A.技术的发展为空气动力车的应用提供了条件 B.空气动力的应用符合可持续发展原则 C.空气动力发动机消除了发动机技术的负面影响 D.空气动力汽车体现了设计者的创新思维 2.如图所示是一款红外线电子体温计及其评价坐标图,该体温计不只是测体温,还可以测水温和室温,大液晶显示屏可根据测得不同温度,呈现三种不同的背景色,具有发烧报 警功能。以下对坐标图的分析中恰当的() A.坐标图评价的依据是设计的一般原则 B.该产品的成本比较高 C.该产品实用性好,而且有一定的创新 D.该产品非常美观 3.如图吊车中所示构件的主要受力形式是() A.构件 1受拉、构件 2受弯曲、构件 3 受压 B.构件 1受压、构件2受弯曲、构件 3 受拉 C.构件 1受拉、构件2受压、构件 3 受弯曲 D.构件 1受弯曲、构件 2 受拉、构件 3 受压 4.在通用技术实践课上,小明准备用外形已加工的矩形钢制作如图所示的零件,设计 了下列工艺流程,其中合理的是(?)

A.划线→ 钻大孔→ 锯割槽→ 钻小孔→ 锉削 B.划线→ 钻大孔→ 钻小孔→ 锯割槽→ 锉削 C.划线→ 钻小孔→ 锯割槽→ 钻大孔→ 锉削 D.划线→ 锯割槽→ 钻大孔→ 钻小孔→ 锉削 5.如图为简易土壤湿度控制自动灌溉系统示意图,系统会根据设定好的干/ 湿门限实现自动灌溉。当土壤湿度低于设定的湿门限时,电子控制的处理单元会发出指令给阀门让其开 启放水,当达到湿门限后,处理单元会发出指令,关闭阀门结束灌溉,从而达到灌溉的自动化。要实现上述的控制系统,正确选择阀门和传感器就非常重要了,下列选项中符合要求的是( ?) A.气用电磁阀和压力传感器 B.蒸汽电磁阀和水位传感器 C.液用电磁阀和湿度传感器 D.真空电磁阀和温度传感器 6.如图所示的这款智能窗帘由若干独立六边形单元构成,每个单元内都配置了光感应 器、微处理器和传动机构,光感应器监测外界光照强度与入射角度,通过微处理器和传动机构控制花瓣形扇叶的开与合,为室内提供适宜的光照与温度。窗帘上变化多样的花式图案也 为家居环境增添了些许视觉上的趣味。下列分析中不正确的是(?) 微处理器 光感应器 传动机构 A.被控对象是智能窗帘 B.控制器是光感应器 C.输入量是设定的外界光照强度与入射角度 D.外界风、灰尘是系统的干扰因素之一


学生常见问题及解决方案 1、孩子主动性差,回家以后不肯复习。 老师应及时与家长沟通:孩子回家喜欢玩是正常的,了解孩子是不懂不会还是不想复习,与家长意见达成一致:家长在家里要担当其监督者的角色,老师一般会开通热线电话,如果是因为孩子不懂不会复习,应及时通过家长或者老师获得帮助。如果是特别调皮不想复习,家长要抽出时间陪同孩子复习,了解孩子平时喜欢做什么,在孩子做自己喜欢的事情之前听CD碟片至少20分钟,或者采取老师布置复习任务,家长签名,要是孩子做不到家长就要做出相应的惩罚(前提是要和家长事先沟通好),如果家长没做好,就批评家长。 2、孩子没学到什么东西或者学习效果不理想,家长对孩子学英语操之过急,急于在短期内看到效果。 孩子们在雅思每个星期只是过来上一次或者两次课程,如果仅仅单纯借助课程学习,回家不做任何复习就想让成绩获得很大的飞跃是很难的。老师首先要反省自己的教学是否出现了一些问题,哪里有需要改进的地方。如果不是老师的问题,那就要及时和家长沟通:说明所学的内容有哪些以及学习安排,孩子在哪些地方有所进步(家长的标准和老师的标准),同时给家长解释理论依据:学习阶段(母语阶段-沉默/观望-机械式的模仿-电报式语言),家长操之过急反而给孩子无形的压力。遗忘是正常的,了解孩子在家是否坚持复习,如果没有的话,就一定要强调复习的重要性,要和家长说明利害关系,让家长回家监督孩子坚持复习。 3、孩子会哭,家长要求陪同。 a、观察家长的性格,孩子的性格都是家庭教育养成的,之后再与家长沟通,务必要求家长配合。让家长明白培养孩子的独立性和适应能力对他的孩子的重要性。等孩子慢慢进入课堂状态后,表扬孩子并悄悄离开。 b、课堂上,老师要根据孩子的表现给予积极的鼓励,耐心引导,分散孩子的注意力,尽快让孩子融入课堂。


通用技术高考模拟试题(含有答案) (本试卷分卷1和卷2,卷1为客观题(15分),卷2为主观题(35分)卷面总分50分,考试时间45分钟) 卷1:客观题(15分) 一、填空题:(每空0.2分,共计5分) 1、旧石器时代,人类在煮食动物时发现动物油脂___,于是学会将动物油脂盛在空心石头或海螺里点燃,这样就有了最原始的___。 2、技术的未来既充满___,也隐含___。___地看待技术的未来,才不至于迷失在技术的世界里。 3、在设计中,我们所设计的产品都是从人的___出发,为人服务的。因此,___关系也就成为设计活动中必须考虑的核心问题之一。 4、技术试验的实施包括制定试验___、抽取___、进行试验、分析___、得出___等几个步骤。

5、技术试验报告是技术试验工作完成后应当形成的___,其项目包括试验目的、试验___、试验___、试验___、试验___等。试验报告的文字应力求___扼要。 6、一般地,模型制作包括两个阶段,即___图样和___模型或原型。 7、___书是指导用户选择产品、使用产品的“路标”和“向导”,它可以帮助用户了解产品___,确保用户正确、___地使用产品。 8、方案的构思是技术设计过程中重要的环节。方案的构思方法主要有___法、___法、___法、___构思法等四种类型。 二、选择题(每题1分,共8题8分) 1、技术的发展,尤其是能源技术的发展,应以()为目标。 A、可持续发展; B、快速发展; C、稳步发展; D、缓慢发展。 2、李美兰同学动手制作了一个小板凳,他通过试验来检

验小板凳承重力和稳定性,他的试验方法是( ) A、优选试验法 B、模拟试验法 C、虚拟试验法 D、强化试验法 3、阅读以下例子,并进行分析、讨论,这项设计违反了() A、道德原则; B、技术规范原则; C、可持续发展原则; D、安全原则。 (例子:A市电热水器生产厂发明了一项高温预热式电热水器,在室内气温太低时,启用时可以先喷出高温水蒸气(达150℃)将浴室内温度提高,当室内温度达到一定温度(如20℃)后则停止喷射高温水蒸气,自动转入正常供热水洗澡状态。该产品开始很受北方寒冷地区用户的欢迎,但由于外壳受潮后会带220V交流电,而且喷出高温水蒸气的控制技术不够可靠,在洗澡时,间或喷出高温水蒸气,造成伤人事故,后来被迫停产。) 4、仿生技术、微型照相机、人造卫星拍摄系统、摄像机自动调焦的针孔摄像头用()进行方案的构思。 A.草图法; B.联想法; C.奇特性构思法; D. 模仿法。

2017年11月浙江省普通高校招生学考科目考试技术(通用技术)模拟试题 C卷Word版含解析

2017年11月浙江省普通高校招生学考科目考试技术(通用技术)仿真模拟试题 C卷解析版 通用技术(50分) 一、选择题(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目 要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.如图所示为一款可食用塑料袋,该塑料袋由 12 种可食用原料做成,就连印刷字的油墨都是可以吃的。 它的韧性和耐用性一点也不输给普通塑料袋,但价格要比一般塑料袋高35%。从技术的性质角度分析,以下说法中正确的是() A.该塑料袋可以食用,体现了技术解放人的作用 B.该塑料袋运用多种可食用原料制作,体现了技术的综合性 C.该塑料袋价格比普通塑料袋价格高,体现了技术的两面性 D.该塑料袋可以有效保护环境,体现了技术的目的性 【答案】D 【解析】可以食用谈不上是对人类某方面的活动能力的解放,A错;综合性是指到多方面的知识与技木,而不是多种材料,B错。价格商并不能成为一项技术产品的负面效果,C错。故选D。 2.如图所示是一款可以折叠自拍杆。手柄采用皮料制作,从设计中的人机关系角度分析,以下说法中不正确的是() A.一杆在手,能随时随地给自己拍照,实现了高效目标

B.手柄采用纹皮革材料,握持感好,实现了舒适目标 C.优质防滑手机夹口,牢固锁定手机,实现了安全目标 D.该自拍杆上装有一面镜子,便于观察拍照情况,考虑了信息的交互 【答案】C 【解析】安全目标是指对人生理上的伤害而非财产损失。 3.如图所示是一款墙角爬梯。下列对该爬梯的评价中个是从功能角度进行评价的是() A.采用优质铝合金,重量轻、强度好 B.顶部“L”形梯架,可以卡在两面墙壁之间用在墙角 C.底部有扁平状的抓手,不打滑,爬梯稳定、牢固 D.可当挂架使用,用来放置雨伞、衣服、书包等物品 【答案】A 是功能,所以选择A。 4.如图所示是可折叠滑板车,车头下方的斜方管两侧有腰形孔,滑板下方有限位锁(由于固定滑板与车头),滑板车的车头与踏板之间通过连接件连接。要求车头与踏板之间可折叠,并且使用滑板车时车头与踏板的连接处牢固可靠。合理的连接件是()


论文题目:浅析大多数中学生常见的心理问题及其解决策略作者:四川省凉山州德昌县巴洞九年制学校蒋雪珍 论问提要: 关键词: 一、厌学问题 主要表现在:学生学习动机不足,学习目的不明确。很多学生极力推崇“读书无用论”,他们认为读书是浪费时间,不读书,去打工照样可以挣钱,而很多大学生还找不到工作,挣不了钱。部分学生则认为“我不想读书,都是父母的命令”,他们只是来完成父母交给的任务的,当然就对学习无法产生兴趣,更不会努力学习了。 其次就是学习压力大,又有畏难情绪和懒惰情绪。遇到一点困难时,不喜欢想办法克服,更不喜欢花时间去解决,而是选择放弃。遇到的困难越多,放弃的就越多,久而久之到处都是困难,更无法克服了,只能放弃。 第三种情况就是学习困难,部分学生基础差、底子薄,很多基础知识没有掌握好,学习方法又欠佳,所以学习起来困难重重,进入初中后,科目增多,学习容量增大,就更困难了。时间一长就没了学习兴趣了干脆放弃。 解决方法:针对以上情况我做出如下对策 加强学习目的和学习动机的教育,充分挖掘出学生潜在的想要学好的动机,并给他们提供相关的学习经验和学习方法,同

时不断的激励他们、激发他们的成就感和成就动 改进教育教学的方式和手段,最大限度的激发学生的学习兴趣。 经常鼓励学生,鞭策学生,让他们学会克服学习惰性,学会迎难而上。 对于基础差的学生更要特别关爱,让他们及时补上知识,及时赶上大部队,对他们不放弃、不歧视,多鼓励,少批评。 多做社会调查,积累读书有益,不读书吃亏的列子,给学生做现实教育,纠正他们错误的观念。 二、逆反心理:中学生都处于青春期,心理和思想都处在朦朦胧胧的时期,对很多事情都似懂非懂,对事情的理解不够透彻,不能正确理解父母、老师的良苦用心。加之现在的学生绝大多数都是独生子女,大多是父母的掌上明珠,是家中的小皇帝、小太阳,所以普遍都任性、固执、为我独尊,这就不容易服从长辈的要求,爱唱反调,爱和老师、父母对着干。 解决方法: 给他们做青春期的思想和心理教育,让他们认清自己。 多花时间和学生交流和沟通,试着站在学生的角度去理解学生。对他们多一点耐心和爱心,及时给他们提供帮助,处理学生不粗暴、不武断。 多进行感恩教育、思想的教育、人际关系教育…… 三、人际关系紧张


1.如图所示是一款落地式衣架,方便人们就寝时,取放衣服等物品,很好地满足了人的需求,该技术产品对人的作用主要表现在() A.发展人 B.保护人 C.解放人 D.限制人 2.如图所示是一款学生制作的斜拉桥模型,茅以升正是因为在桥梁设计方面的成就而被大家铭记,这体现了技术对人的作用是() A.发展人B.保护人 C.解放人D.限制人 3.达芬奇虽然当年设计处直升机,但是却无法成功实现,这说明技术和设计的关系是()A.技术是设计的基础 B.设计促进技术发展 C.设计是技术的基础 D.技术促进设计发展

3.如图所示是一款为公共休息区设计的室外休闲长椅,,除了具有椅子的功能,它还结合了可以健身锻炼的自行车,车内置发电装置,与旁边的路灯相连,从而提供照明。针对该设计,以下说法正确的是() A.利用健身给路灯供电,符合可持续发展理念 B.该技术产品既具有椅子功能,又能锻炼及给路灯供电,体现了技术的综合性 C.该产品既健身,又休闲,体现了技术的两面性 D.接受锻炼的人锻炼时产生的电能却没有支付报酬,说明该产品没有专利性 4.如图所示是一款外围视觉眼镜概念设计,使用了菲涅尔透镜,可为赛车手提供超出普通人180°的视野,这样使赛车手更加迅速的观察周围的危机状况,从而减少头部转动。从人机关系角度分析,以下说法中正确的是() A.超出普通人180°的视野,考虑了人的动态尺寸 B.增加的视野范围,实现了信息的交互 C.减少头部转动,实现安全目标 D.采用菲涅尔透镜,考虑了生理的需求 5.如图所示是一款电动独轮车,非对称设计、流线型轮廓,使其更具动感,首创便携式拉杆设计,骑行更安全,携带更方便,,置顶式控制系统,有效提升感应灵敏度。从人机关系角度分析,以下说法中不合理 ...的是()


宁波四中2017学年第一学期高三模拟测试 通用技术试题 一.选择题(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分。每小题列出的四个备选项目只有 一个符合要求,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 血管显像仪是一种能够显示出静脉的粗细.走形和布局的显示设备,用于医护人员寻找静脉,提高了血管穿刺的成功率,减少了儿童.肥胖人群由于穿刺带来的痛苦以及医患纠纷。请根据提示及描述,完成1-2题。 1.下列关于显像技术在血管穿刺中的具体应用,不正确的说法是( ) A.血管显像仪能把皮下血管投影显示在血管表面,实现了技术创新 B.屏幕能清晰的显示出静脉的结构,获得了更好的人际关系 C.解决了医护人员用眼睛不易寻找血管的难题,说明技术具有解放人的作用 D.血管显像仪既适合穿刺,还能应用于其他场合,体现了技术的综合性 2.血管显像仪是根据血红蛋白对红外光吸收能力强的原理设计而成。图像传感器感知探查对象反射的红外光强弱,经过图像信息的处理,可在显示屏上显示血管的图像。用方框图表示上述过程,正确的是()

3.今年7月18日,由“复兴号”CR400AF列车担纲,进行了列车时速350公里不载客试跑,从北京南站开出,耗时约4小时10分钟抵达上海虹桥站。以下关于列车提速的说法中正确的是() A.因为是不载客试跑,所以提速试验不属于模拟实验 B.提速试验是发现问题的方法,也是保证列车运行安全的重要手段 C.提速试验主要验证轨道,车辆,信号等系统的性能,是重要的科学活动 D.时速提高到350公里,动车组的运行成本会有提高,体现了技术的两面性 4.如图所示为一款“折纸”台灯,其特点是关节位置能弯曲,并像纸一样折叠。为了弯曲和折叠时人与台灯之间有良好的人机关系,在设计中需要考虑的是() A.造型时尚,极简风格 B.折叠后不损坏内部器件 C.操作时人的动态尺寸 D.弯曲和折叠时的施力大小 5.牙膏盖的设计主要应考虑方便性和密封性。分析图中4种牙膏盖的设计特点,不确切的是() A.掀开式盖子连体设计,使用方便 B.挤压开启式只要轻轻挤一下牙膏盖,盖子就能打开 C.传统螺旋式盖子比膏管细,密封性好 D.大径螺纹式盖子盖子的直径大,密封性比传统螺纹式好 6.如图所示的结构,与构件1连接的结构正确的是()


拼音教学中常见问题的解决办法 前川五小陈秋 汉语拼音是小学语文教学的重要组成部分,是帮助学生识字、阅读、学习普通话的工具。尽管一年级学生具备一定的拼音基础,但在学习拼音的过程中经常会出现一些问题。这些问题也困扰着老师们,逐渐成为汉语拼音教学中难以攻克的难点。面对这些问题,我进行了一些尝试,总结了一些策略,取得了一定的效果。 问题一:拼音音节从第一声调开始。 学生们在幼儿园大班学习拼读音节时,老师可能就是按顺序从一声拼到四声,很少打乱顺序抽读。抽读时即使学生不会,老师也没作过高要求。所谓“先入为主”,这样导致很多学生拼读音节已形成了一定的思维定势,从第一声开始拼读起,而且很难纠正。如b?这个音节,他们不是按“前音轻短后音重,两音相连猛一碰”的方法直接拼读“b—?→b?”。而是先从一声开始“b—ā→bā”,然后二声“b—á→bá”,直到“b—?→b?”。这样拼读,严重影响了拼读音节的速度,导致学生难以正确地拼读音节词、短语和句子。 学生们拼读音节时为什么非要从韵母的第一声开始,而不能直接拼读呢?我发现主要原因是学生们对带调的韵母掌握得不够熟,不能准确熟练地认读带调的韵母,所以他们不能直接拼读音节,而非得从一声开始拼读。 所以要纠正学生拼读音节的这种不良习惯,必须从单韵母四声的

教学入手,把单韵母的四声教扎实,让学生能准确、熟练认读带调的单韵母。教学中,我们打破了惯用的从一声教到四声的模式,将教学内容进行重组。把单韵母的四声按声调分为四组:ā、ō、ē、ī、ū、ǖ,á、ó、é、í、ú、ǘ,?、?、?、ǐ、ǔ、ǚ,à、ò、è、ì、ù、ǜ,一组一组地引导学生认读,在反复认读中体会四种声调的发音方法:“一声平,二声扬,三声转弯又向上,四声降”。并开展多种形式的游戏,如“摘苹果”“我读你猜”等,让学生在大量的练习中掌握单韵母的四声,正确、熟练地读出带调的单韵母,而不用从一声数到四声。学生熟练掌握了单韵母的四声,自然就可以直接正确地拼读出音节了。 问题二:声母b和d,p和q区分不清。 声母b和d,p和q都是由竖和半圆组成的,它们是两组形近字母,学生感到难以区分,以致在认读和书写时经常出现错误。这也是拼音教学中老师感到很棘手的问题。为此,老师们想过许多区分的办法,最常用的办法是编儿歌,如从字形上编儿歌:“右下半圆b,b,b”“左下半圆d,d,d”,“右上半圆p,p,p”“左上半圆q,q,q”。这四句儿歌让一年级的小学生“一头雾水”,不仅记不住歌词,他们还把这四句儿歌弄混淆了。为什么会这样?因为他们只是六岁左右的孩子,对“左,右”都不是很清楚,更何况什么“右下”“左下”、“右上”“右下”,难怪学生们越记这些儿歌越“糊涂”。 难道不该编儿歌?当然不是。儿歌是低年级小学生喜闻乐见的形式,朗朗上口,便于记忆。应该说,编儿歌这种方法是可取的,关键是儿歌的内容,以上四句儿歌对一年级的小学生来说,内容抽象,而


高中学业水平考试通用技术模拟卷(必考题)(七) (时间:30分钟满分:35分) 一、选择题(共10题,每题2分) 1.如图所示为某公司生产的疏散指示灯,平常使用外接电源供电,当危险发生而停电时,其自带的蓄电池依然能保持供电。以下对该指示灯的说法中不恰当的是( ) 第1题图 A.该指示灯使用220 V交流电源,体现技术规范原则 B.该指示灯在外部电源断电时,依然能保证正常使用,这充分考虑到了它的使用环境 C.该指示灯使用了中文、英文、图形等多种方式,达到信息交互的作用 D.该指示灯可以避免危险事故的发生,体现了高效的目标 2.如图所示的吸管,下部有一圈由特殊材料构成的结构,当杯内液体温度50℃以上时,它会向内膨胀,堵住管口,防止烫伤。温度合适时,它又会恢复原状打开吸管通路,从人机关系的角度分析,以下说法合理的是( )

第2题图 A.特殊结构可以开闭,考虑了人的动态尺寸 B.根据杯内液体温度开闭,考虑了人机关系安全目标 C.吸管的粗细长短适中,考虑了人的心理需求 D.该设计主要考虑了盲人的需求 3.如图所示婴儿床,要求护栏能竖起和放下,竖起时能固定可靠。合理的连接件是( ) 第3题图 4.小通同学用家里装修剩余的水管、弯头、三通等材料设计制作了一盏如图所示的创意台灯,使用220伏照明电路供电。在设计的过程中,对需要考虑的因素进行了分析,合理的是( ) 第4题图 A.从节约材料考虑,金属管支架代替通电导线 B.从安全角度考虑,用一个变压器将电压降为36伏 C.从节约用电考虑,可采用额定电压为110伏的灯泡 D.从技术指标考虑,灯泡亮度应符合一定标准

5.如图所示,在3 mm厚的长方形钢板上制作两个腰形孔,该腰形孔使用M8的螺栓,下列工具中不需要用到的是( ) 第5题图 6.如图所示的尺寸标注,其中错误的是( ) 第6题图 A.4×Φ5的标注 B.R7的标注 C.4×R3的标注 D.54的标注 7.如图所示的椅子,为防止其翻倒,以下措施中最有效的是( ) 第7题图 A.采用强度更大的合金材料制作 B.提高坐垫的高度 C.增加底部椅脚的长度 D.增加靠背的长度


贵州省普通高中学业水平模拟考试 通用技术试卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷共6页,分为选择题和非选择题两部分,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。将条形码横贴在答题卡“考生条形码区”。 3.选择题每题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案; 选择题 一、选择题(本卷共35小题,每小题3分,满分105分。下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目 要求的,请把所选答案用2B铅笔涂填在答题卡相应的位置上) 1.贵州省受自然条件的限制,在农业生产过程中,大型机械设备使用程度不高。为了适应 我省农业生产的需要。有人设计出如图听示的一款小巧、价格适中的微耕机,这是() A.技术发明的结果 B.技术革新的结果 C.科学研究的结果 D.科学实验的结果 2.如图所示是安装在火车车厢底部的螺旋弹簧。当车辆运行时,利用弹簧形变产生缓冲作用,能够减少车身震动,这是弹力的典型应用之一,下列说法不正确的是() A.任何技术必须符合自然科学规律 B.技术与科学知识之间是各自独立的 C.技术是人类知识、经验、技巧、手段的总和 D.技术与科学知识相互联系、相互促进、相互制约 3.如图是一款车载GPS导航仪,除具有导航功能外,还增加了超速提示、危险路段语音提示功能,这些增加的功能主要考虑的是() A.安全行车的需求 B.舒适行车的需求 C.驾驶员的动态需求 D.道路交通安全法的需求 4.页岩气是一种从页岩层中开采出来的非常规天然气资源,成分以甲烷为主,随着社会对能源需求的不断扩大,再加上开采技术的不断进步,人类对页岩气的勘探开发正在形成热潮。下列说法错误的是() A.人类在利用自然的同时应注意保护自然 B.自然资源是有限的,不能无休止的开发利用 C.人类应充分利用技术将所有的页岩气开发出来 D.人类在利用技术开发和改造自然时应把握合理的尺度 5.居民生活用水管道常用PPR管,从结构类型来看,水管的结构属于() A.框架结构 B.壳体结构 C.实心结构 D.实体结构6.如图所示是由浙江大学学生设计出来的“急救毯”,此设计在2014年德国红点设计大赛中获奖, 急救毯可以扮演“老师”的角色,现场救援者可以根据急救毯的图示进行急救。此设计不能解 决的问题是() A.可以自救 B.找准急救部位 C.学会正确的急救知识 D.争取到最佳的急救时机 7.如图所示是一款方便面外包装实物图,该方便面包装的侵权属于() A.专利侵权 B.著作侵权 C.仿造侵权 D.商标侵权 8.利用大数据可以使电脑公司预测出将会流失的客户,从而为这些客户重新制定服务方案来挽留住可能流失的客户。发现该问题的途径与方法是() A.搜集和分析信息 B.技术研究 C.技术试验 D.观察日常生活 9.用ATM自动柜员机取款的主要环节有:①输密码②取出现金③退卡④插卡⑤输入取款金额。合理的取款流程是() A.⑤④①③② B.④①⑤②③ C.⑤④①②③ D.④①⑤③② 10.如图所示是一款铜制框架藤吊椅,吊椅不易翻倒的根本原因是() A.重心落在支撑面内 B.铜制框架采用焊接 C.座椅部分采用优质藤材 D.底座和支撑杆采用高强度的铜材 11.如图所示,椅子左侧一根横梁断了,要更换该横梁,合理的构件是() 12.电磁弹射技术是一种新兴的直线推进技术,其核心是直线弹射发动机。直线发动机是交流电动机的一个特例,直线电动机采用的是把定子一线铺开的设计,转子不在转动,而是沿着定子随电磁场的递进移动而移动,在军事、民间和工业领域具有广泛应用前景。直线电动机的产生属于() A.技术发明 B.技术革新 C.技术创造 D.科学实验 13.如图是一款创意眼药水瓶,它的瓶盖上带有一个两脚支架,可撑开上下眼皮, 将药水准确送入眼中,它既能避免手上的细菌和眼部接触,也可以防止瓶口触到 眼球。以下设计分析不合理的是() A.瓶盖支架应采用软硬适中的材料 B.设计该产品时,不考虑每次挤出药水的量 C.撑开眼皮应考虑瓶口与眼睛的距离,保护眼睛 D.设计该产品时,应考虑支撑脚的长度和距离 14.如图所示是利用计算机辅助设计的上海世博会中国馆效果图,计算机辅助设计正 在促进建筑设计开始向新的领域发展,利用计算机能帮助设计者省时省力地正确解 决极为复杂的问题,并替代人完成设计工作中繁重的计算工作和绘图工作。该案例 说明()



2010–2011浙江省通用技术高考模拟试卷1 说明:1.本试卷分为试卷I(选择题)和试卷II(非选择题),全卷共27小题,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。 2.请将正确的答案和解题过程写在答题卷相应的方框内,考试结束只交答题卷。 试卷I 一、选择题(本大题20小题,每题2分,共40分。在给出的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。) 1.现在,许多技术先进的船只上都装备了全球定位系统,但用指南针和观星的方法导航仍然是船员必须掌握的基本技能。以下说法错误的是( D )A.这说明技术是在不断发展的 B.这说明技术不是简单的替代 C.为了满足时代的发展,更先进的技术得到了广泛的使用 D.这说明技术具有两面性 2.运动服装既能显露出蓬勃的朝气,又能张扬好动的青春活力(如图所示),深受许多学生们的喜受,运动服装选择的布料往往比一般衣服的材料具有更大的伸展性(弹性),这主要为了考虑( B ) A.普通人群与特殊人群 B.静态的人与动态的人 C.人的生理需求与人的心理需求 D.信息的交互 3.卡拉OK此项发明改变了全世界无数人的娱乐生活,在当今社会非常盛行(如图所示)。但它的发明者日本人井上大佑先生并没有因此而富起来,因为他推出自己作品前,事先没有做以下哪件事( C ) A.明确问题 B.设计的交流 C.申请并获取专利 D.技术更新 4.随着半导体材料技术的出现,推动了现代电子、通讯、网络技术的迅速发展,各种款式新颖、经济实用、功能强大的电子产品被设计出来。这主要反映了技术与设计的什么关系( A ) A.技术发展对设计产生重要影响 B.设计是技术发展的重要驱动力 C.技术无需设计,可以任意发展 D.技术的发展需要设计 5.如图所示是各种剪刀,这些剪刀的设计主要体现了设计的( C ) A.综合原则 B.经济原则 C.实用原则 D.美观原则 发剪解剖剪家用剪刀枝剪 6.在设计如图“中学生使用的台灯”过程中,有如下环节: ①进行稳定性、绝缘性能等方面试验 ②通过设计分析,制定并筛选出最佳设计方案 ③制作台灯原型 ④对各班进行问卷调查,包括同学们喜欢的造型、色彩、附加功能等 以下先后顺序正确的是( A ) A.④②③① B.②④③① C.④③①② D.②④①③ 7.某设计师设计出一图纸后,并标注其比例是10:1,某边长的实际长度是200mm,他需要在图形中标注此边长,应标注为( B )A.20 B.200 C.2000 D.200cm 8.下列产品不可能是标准件的是( D ) 第3题图 第6题图 第2题图


解决学生常见问题对策 来源:网络编辑:admin 日期:2010-2-7 21:55:29 点击:102 教育是一种非常复杂的、科技含量非常高的工作。从事教育工作的老师是具有一定业务水平、理论水平和教育能力的专业技术人员。 “谁不会当老师?”之所以有人这样说,一是反映了说话人对教育的无知,另一方面也说明我们老师的专业水平亟待提高。 这话听起来可能不太舒服,但这是实在话。 我本身就是一个一线教师。我知道一线教师的辛苦。看着老师们费神费力、整日忙忙碌碌;看到老师们被学生气得浑身发抖;看到老师们对问题学生束手无策……我就更加感觉汇集“学生常见问题及应对策略”是多么重要和迫切。 我希望老师们的头脑里能储存尽可能多的教育案例和预案。这样在面对突发事件时,老师们就能够从容面对;对待问题学生,老师们就会有更多的办法。我们不但要做到能够妥善处理各种事件,更要预防各种事件。 我希望我能起到抛砖引玉的作用,希望老师们都参与进来,群策群力,一起把这件事情办好。 我所提供的分析和方法纯属个人愚见,并不是科学的结论,也未必有效。老师们还是应该因人而异、因时而异、因事而异、因地而异,根据不同的情况采取不同的方法。 【不写作业】 不写作业是学生最为常见的问题,也是老师们最为疼痛的问题。据我观察,对待不写作业的学生,老师们采取的方法虽然各不相同,但不外乎两种方法:一种是“硬”功,包括罚作业,请家长,甚至有的还搞点体罚。一种是“软”功,主要是感情投资,以期学生能够“立地成佛”。 我以为,这两种方法可能有一定的效果,甚至还可能“效果明显”,但是潜藏的危险还是挺大的。我们不怕问题暴露出来,就怕问题查不出来。我主张具体问题具体对待。 1、不会做。有的学生不写作业是因为他不会做。对待这样的学生首先要解决“会做”的问题,而不是罚他作业。罚作业只能逼着他们加入“抄作业”的行列。 2、忘记了。有的学生的确是经常丢三落四,这是习惯不好的缘故。对于这一类的学生,我


通用技术模拟考试题(一) 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 第1卷 一、选择题: 1.下列叙述说明技术具有社会属性的是 A.一项技术要符合客观规律B.技术与工具、机器使用方法关系紧密 c.技术的应用要受社会条件的制约D.技术是以科学为基础的 2.下列说法中错误的是 A.某厂今年生产出了微型摄像机,是一项重大的发明 B.技术发明是推动人类社会进步的动力 c.人类的技术发展史实际上就是一部创新史 D.技术革新是在别人现有成熟技术的基础上进行的某些改进 3.下列属技术活动的是 A.克隆B.万有引力定律的发现 c.爱因斯坦发表相对论D.二项式定理的证明

4.时问xxxx年9月25日12时lo分04秒,神舟七号载人宇宙飞船在中国酒 泉卫星发射中心用长征二号F型运载火箭发射成功。太空飞船的发射需要运用到物理 学、数学、空气动力学、材料力学、伦理学等多个学科知识。这说明了技术具有 A.目的性B.创新性c.综合性D.两面性 5_进行专利权申请的步骤是:1.写好专利文件,2.专利局审查文件,3.批准专利,4.递 交专利文件并交纳申请费,5.领取专利证书并交纳年费及证书费。顺序正确的是: A.1——2一一3——4—5B.1——_4——_2——3——5 c.2——3———4_一一l——5D.1——叫卜一2——5——3 6.某公司设计了一款新型手机,机身百分之七十五由植物性材质制造,所以即使放弃 置,它也能和触为一体,最终被分解成水和二氧化碳。该技术设计主要体现了 A.道德原则B。经济原则 c.安全原则D.可持续发展原则 7.设计的一般过程中,第一个环节为


高中学业水平考试通用技术模拟卷(必考题)(一) (时间:30 分钟满分:35 分) 一、选择题(共10 题,每题2分) 1. 近日,科技巨头谷歌向世界智能财产权组织(WIPO)提交了一项新的专利成果,如图所示未来的智能手环可以发出能量脉冲,消灭佩戴者血液中的癌细胞。利用智能手环底部接触人手臂上的浅静脉额的自发荧光来传输数据。这样一来,你佩戴的智能穿戴设备可能会比你自己先知道你生了病。关于该产品以下说法错误的是() A. 具有专利号,体现了技术的专利性 B. 结合了生物、电子、信息等技术,体现了技术的综合性 C. 能消灭佩戴者血液中的癌细胞,体现了技术的目的性 D. 只能通过无线传输方式连接智能穿戴设备,体现了技术的两面性 2. 如图所示的背包,在户外活动的时候,若是晴天,可产生电能,可通过USB 数据线为手机等设备充电,关于该产品以下说法正确的是()

A. 该设计体现出可持续发展原则 B. 该设计极大地改变了人们的生活方式

C. 该产品适合所有场合的使用 D. 该产品可以满足所有人的需求 3. 一般而言穿鞋子系鞋带 ,需要双手操作。如图所示的新型球鞋 ,采用 柔性钢丝代替传统鞋带 ,2 秒内“一按一扭”可单手轻松完成鞋带松紧 打破了传统系鞋带模式 ,为运动爱好者带来新的穿着体验 ,可以单手快 速地操作 ,真是很方便。从人机关系的目标分析 ,该设计主要考虑的是 () A. 高效 B.健康 C.安全 D.舒适 4. 如图所示的工具盒 ,使用时可以打开盖子 ,取出相应的螺丝刀即可 ,不 用时,放入盒 ,携带方便。以下关于该产品的描述 ,不是从人机关系来考 虑的是 ( ) 5. 如图所示是某零 件的尺寸标注 ,其中正确的有 ( )A. 适用多种形状的螺丝 B. 体积较小 ,便于携带 C. 表面光滑、手感舒适 D. 大小适宜 ,握持方便

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