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根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词22文档 (3)


What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about h 67 to eat healthily.

A good breakfast is very important to children. It’s necessary to have it in the m 68 . But some children often go to school w 69 breakfast, just because they want to sleep a little longer. Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.

“My dream is that all the Chinese children can get half a kilogram(公斤) of milk a day.”The Chinese Premier(总理) Wen Jiabao said this during his v 70 to a milk farm. Milk is also very important to children’s health. It makes children grow stronger. I t’s better for you to d 71 a glass of warm milk before going to bed. That will help you have a good s 72 .

Having healthy food is the most important. That means eating lots of different k 73 of food, especially fruits and vegetables. Don’t eat too much chocolate o 74 ice-cream. Some of you p 75 eating fast food, but in fact it is not good for your health. Try to eat healthy food as much as p 76 . Have healthy eating habits, and you will have a strong body.

参考答案:67. how 68.morning 69.without 70. visit 71. drink 72.sleep 73. kinds 74.or 75.prefer 76.possible


What is the most popular snack today? Potato chips(马铃薯片;炸土豆片()? Walk i 67 almost any supermarket or corner store(住宅区附近的商店) in North America and you will see potato chips.North America has the l 68 number of people who love potato chips in the world.Do you know where this very popular snack food c 69 from?

One day, almost 150 years ago, a man in an expensive restaurant in New York State was

c 70 popular food-French fries(炸薯条).However, a customer(顾客) in the restaurant didn’t like the French fries, an

d c 71 becaus

e they were too thick.The cook cut some potatoes into thinner pieces and fried them.A w 72 brought them to the customer.The customer tasted them, and asked to see the boss because he was still not satisfied.The boss went to explain to the customer.

However, the customer said something bad a 73 about the chips again.The cook became very unhappy because the customer was so r 74 .He decided to play a trick on the customer.He cut some potatoes so thin t 75 the customer wouldn’t be able to pick them up with his fork.To the cook’s s 76 , the customer loved the new chips.Soon other customers wanted them, too.From then on, the chips became more and more popular.

参考答案:67 into 68.largest 69.came/comes 70.cooking 71Complained(抱怨) 72.waiter/waitress 73.aloud/angrily 74.rude (粗鲁的) 75.that 76.surprise


Flu, or influenza(流感), is a common illness that makes you feel very tired and weak, and makes you cough and have a fever. But recently we find a new kind flu c 72 H1N1 influenza A. We find ourselves in the dark about the terrible flu virus(病毒). Is it quite d 73 from a common flu? The answer is no, because it seems s 74 to regular(平常的) human flu with a fever, cough and a headache. The answer is y 75 , because it has caused at least 64 d 76 around the world. And the World Health Organization has confirmed(确诊)about 6,500 cases.

The flu virus first appeared in pigs or swines(猪). WHO says the virus is being spread from human-to-human(人对人的), not from contact with infected(感染的)pigs. Scientists try to know clearly how it jumped to humans. The steps are aimed at(目的是,旨在,针对) stopping further spread of t he virus.Pork imports aren’t a 77 from the areas which have swine flu. Though experts said swine flu is not connected with pigs and not spread by e 78 pork.

So far groups of illnesses seem related to Mexican travel. For example, some students in New York fell i 79 from an spring outing in Mexico. Flu viruses can be spread by touching(触摸) your mouth or nose w 80 unwashed hands. Swine flu can be treated, but so many confirmed cases s 81 that we had better take early notice(注意;留意;观察), in case(免得; 以防) it would be too late.

参考答案:72. called 73. different 74. similar 75. yes 76. deaths (表示具体的死亡人数等,则为可数名词) 77. allowed 78. eating 79. ill 80. with 81. show / suggest


The earth is our home; we must take care of it. This means that k 67 the land, air and water clean is necessary and important. However, pollution is beginning to threaten(威胁)our health, or happiness and our life--we see it, smell it, taste it and d 68 it.

Men began to p 69 the earth a long time ago. When land was used up or water became dirty, men had to m 70 to another place. At first, there weren’t so m 71 people then and their wants were fewer. All the dirty things could be absorbed(吸收) by nature. But now this is no l 72 true. The increase of population and the development of industry have changed that. Men are s 73 polluting his environment.

L 74 , millions of people have realized the danger of pollution. Large n 75 of people are now working hard to protect our environment. Everyone should do their b 76 to make our environment better and better.

参考答案:67. keeping 68. drink 69. pollute 70. move 71. many 72. longer 73. slowly 74. Luckily 75. numbers 76. best


短文填空1 阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。(注意:①每个单词只能用一次。②其中有两个多余项。) we,take,fast, help,come, difficult , also , get, it, make, they, work, Robots have a long history, The first one was made by a Greek inventor.(希腊发明家)You may see robots in some movies. The robots in these movies are stronger, __1__and cleverer than people .In real life, most robots are used in factories. They do many dangerous, __2__or boring jobs. Some people can’t look after __3__and robots are used to help them. For example, some people can’t see, so they use a dog __4__themselves move around. This dog is called a guide dog, Scientists are __5__a robot to help them. In the future, robots might take the place of (代替) these dogs. Robots are __6__used in hospitals, In one hospital ,a robot __7__meals from kitchen to the sick people’s rooms, It never loses __8__way because it has a map of the hospital in its computer systems(系统). In the future, robots __9__in space, But robots will never take the place of human, they can, however, help __10__ in a lot of different ways. 短文填空2 for ,I ,always, different , read, same , clever ,much , well , quiet, not, like My family __1__ spend the summer vacation by the we go to Qingdao, but this year we’re going somewhere __2__ ,We’re going to Hainan. My dad says Hainan is __3__ than Qingdao, and he says the beaches are __4__ beautiful. My friend Zhao Fei went to Hainan last year, and he said it was a great place Fei is really __6__ at swimming, but I`m __7__ . I`m __8__ than him. I __9__sitting on the beach and ___10__a book 短文填空3 show, at ,read,English, invite,think, answer,in ,ask, sure, for, begin My little sister is in Grade Seven this year, her favorite subject is math, and she is very good __1__it. One day, a friend of my father’s from America __2__us some pictures about America and __3__us to his home. My sister wanted to go there very much, but my


教师: 王烨 学生: 时间: ______年 月 日 第 1 课时 一、教学目标与考点分析: 1.学生会熟练地读26个英文字母。 2.学生在度的基础上会写英文字母,并会区分书写上形状相似的字母。 3.学生能读写全部英文字母。 4.学生能初步拼读单词。 5.使学生在游戏与操作过程中对学习英文字母产生浓厚的学习兴趣,为今后学习单词打下坚实的基础。 二、授课内容与重点难点 授课内容:26个英文字母。 重点:读写英文字母,区分形状相似的字母。 难点:默写字母和拼读单词。 三、教学流程与授课详案: 1.出示26个英文字母的示范读音。 2.打乱顺序指读。根据老师的指向读出字母。 3.读单词。 4.给字母排队。拿出字母卡片给字母排队。 5.写出相应字母的大小写形式,比较认读。 6.26个字母的书写要求 7.①斜度:每个字母都要稍向右斜约10°左右,斜度要一致。 杭翔教育个性化辅导教案提纲

8.②大写字母的书写规格是:上不顶天下立地。即笔画的上端稍离第一线,笔画的下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 9.③占中间格的小写字母有a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z 13个,它们笔画的上端必须紧贴第二线,下端必须紧贴第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 10.④占一格、二格的小写字母有b,d,h,k,l 共5个,它们笔画的上端必须顶第一线,下端必须顶第三线,不许离线也不许出格。 11.⑤小写字母i和t也占一格、二格。但t的上端在第一格中间,短横重合第二线;i的小圆点在第一格中间稍偏下处。 12.⑥占二格、三格的小写字母有g,q,y 3个,它们的笔画的顶端要紧贴第二线,下端要紧贴第四线,不可离线也不可出格。 13.⑦占一格、二格、三格的小写字母有f, j, p 3个。其中f的上端稍离第一线(和大写字母一样),下端紧贴第四线,短横重合第二线;j的小圆点与i的小圆点位置相同,下面一笔的上端顶第二线,下端紧贴第四线;p的上端略高于第二线,约占第一格的三分之一,下端紧贴第四线。 14.⑧要注意书写的规范,字母a,d,g,o,q等上端必须封闭,不可开口。 15.⑨字母l, k的收笔处是圆钩,不可写成尖钩或竖弯钩。 16.⑩字母r的收笔处不可多加一个弯,字母g,j,y收笔的弯钩要自然弯曲,不可太长,也不可太钩。 7.书写的规格 (1)应按照字母的笔顺和字母在三格中应占的位置书写。


小学生作文写作常用字词句 一、描写人的品质:平易近人宽宏大度冰清玉洁持之以恒锲而不舍废寝忘食大义凛然临危不俱光明磊落不屈不挠鞠躬尽瘁死而后已二、描写人的智慧:料事如神足智多谋融会贯通学贯中西博古通今才华横溢出类拔萃博大精深集思广益举一反三 三、描写人物仪态、风貌:憨态可掬文质彬彬风度翩翩相貌堂堂落落大方斗志昂扬意气风发威风凛凛容光焕发神采奕奕 四、描写人物神情、情绪:悠然自得眉飞色舞喜笑颜开神采奕奕欣喜若狂呆若木鸡喜出望外垂头丧气无动于衷勃然大怒 五、描写人的口才:能说会道巧舌如簧能言善辩滔滔不绝伶牙俐齿出口成章语惊四座娓娓而谈妙语连珠口若悬河 六、来自历史故事的成语:三顾茅庐铁杵成针望梅止渴完璧归赵四面楚歌负荆请罪精忠报国手不释卷悬梁刺股凿壁偷光 七、描写人物动作:走马观花欢呼雀跃扶老携幼手舞足蹈促膝谈心前俯后仰奔走相告跋山涉水前赴后继张牙舞爪 八、描写人间情谊:恩重如山深情厚谊手足情深形影不离血浓于水志同道合风雨同舟赤诚相待肝胆相照生死相依 九、说明知事晓理方面:循序渐进日积月累温故知新勤能补拙笨鸟先飞学无止境学海无涯滴水穿石发奋图强开卷有益 十、来自寓言故事的成语:自相矛盾滥竽充数画龙点睛刻舟求剑守株待兔叶公好龙亡羊补牢画蛇添足掩耳盗铃买椟还珠 十一、描写事物的气势、气氛:无懈可击锐不可当雷厉风行震耳欲聋惊心动魄 铺天盖地势如破竹气贯长虹万马奔腾如履平地 十二、形容四季特点:春寒料峭春意盎然春暖花开满园春色春华秋实 春风化雨骄阳似火暑气蒸人烈日炎炎秋风送爽 秋高气爽秋色宜人冰天雪地寒气袭人寒冬腊月十三、形容繁荣兴盛景象:济济一堂热火朝天门庭若市万人空巷座无虚席 高朋满座如火如荼蒸蒸日上欣欣向荣川流不息十四、描写美的景和物: 美不胜收蔚为壮观富丽堂皇金碧辉煌玉宇琼楼 美妙绝伦巧夺天工锦上添花粉妆玉砌别有洞天 十五、描写山水美景: 锦绣河山高耸入云水天一色波光粼粼湖光山色 重峦叠嶂山明水秀高山流水白练腾空烟波浩渺 十六、描写花草树木: 繁花似锦绿草如茵郁郁葱葱古树参天万木争荣 百花齐放花团锦簇万紫千红桃红柳绿绿树成荫 十七、描写日月风云: 大雨如注滂沱大雨银装素裹皓月千里晨光熹微 云雾迷蒙风清月朗春风化雨暴风骤雨风驰电掣 十八、带有近义词的成语: 兴国安邦翻山越岭百依百顺背井离乡长吁短叹


短文填空: A Sports are good for our health. Sports can make our bodies _____. To make more students know their importance, a sports meeting for middle school students is held in China. This year is ______ 11th birthday. It was _____ from July 16th to 21st in Baotoe, a big city in Inner Mongolia. It is the National Middile School Games. The Games have nine events. _____ are track and field, swimming, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, Wushu, aerobics, shuttlecock and soccer. The National Middle School Games are held ______ three years. Eleven Games have been held successfully until now and many middle school students have taken _____ in the Games. ______ is reported that 34 teams with nearly 5,000 athletes have taken part in the Games in 2011. All the athletes came _____ from different parts of the country including Hong Kong and Macau. Some of them did a good job in the games and others didn’t. They are training hard now and will come to Shanghai for the next games. We hope they will _____ the beautiful city and that their dreams will come _______. B We can remember some important times in our lives. Some things have become good memories. The memories are always in the corner of our mind. When I was in a kindergarten(幼儿园), I had many toys and friends. They made ____ laugh and cry. The teachers _____ us many songs and games. We played all day. Although we did not know what learning was at that time, we were learning every day. When I was in a primary school, I _____ excited to learn school subjects. Nearly every subject was science. My ______ subject was science. I remembered _____ the first day our science teacher told us the sun was like a big ball. We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open. We began to wonder at the secret of nature. Later many other things came to our ears. We began to learn carefully. When I was ten _____ old, I began to read newspaper, _____ a diary, visit museums and _____ many friends. Every day was something new, interesting and exciting. Now I am in the middle school. Each day is new to me. Happily, I am still learning. It is like a journey to me. I have learned a lot, _____ there’s still a long way for me to go. I hope to ______ a learned person some day. 完形填空: A Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we 36 the national flag(国旗) go up. Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was 37 and excited ! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too. Can I really do it Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher 38 me, "I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down. 39 for it, I'm sure you'll do well." "Thank you ," I answered, It was such a great 40 for me ! When I got home , I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents 41 . I wanted to make my teacher happy. Monday morning came. I began to feel 42 . When did I last give a talk to 43 many people Never! This was my first time. Could I really 44 it Maybe I couldn't finish the talk.


act v. 行动,做事;(on)起作用;表演n. 行为,动作;(一)幕;法令,条例 add v.(to)加,增加;补充说,又说 age n. 年龄;时期,时代v. 变老,老化 ago ad. 以前,……前 aid v. 援助,救护;助手,辅助物,辅助设备 aim v.(at)目的在于,旨在;瞄准,针对n. 目标,目的 air n. 空气,大气,天空;神气,架子v. 使通风 all a. 所有的,全部的pron. 一切,全部ad. 完全,都,十分 ? and conj. 和,与,而且;那么;接连,又 ant n. 蚂蚁 any a. [否定、疑问、条件句中]什么,一些,任何的pron. 无论哪个,一些ad. 稍,丝毫apt a. 恰当的,适宜的;(习性)易于……的,有……倾向的 arm n.(手)臂,臂状物;扶手,衣袖;[pl.][总称]武器,武装v. 武装,装备 art n. 艺术,美术;技术,技艺;[pl.]文科,人文学科 ash n. 灰(烬) ask v.(询)问;请求,要求;(邀)请,约请 》 awe n.敬畏vt.敬畏 bad a. 坏的,恶的,错的;低劣的,拙劣的;不舒服的,病的;腐败的;严重的 bag n. 袋,包 ban v. 取缔,查禁;(from)禁止n. 禁止,禁令 bar n. 条,杆,棒,棍,闩;酒吧,餐柜;栅,栏,障碍(物) v. 闩上,阻拦,拦住,妨碍 bat n. 球拍,球棒,短棒;蝙蝠 bay n. 海湾,(港)湾 bed n. 床(位);苗床,圃,花坛;河床,矿床,海底 ; bee n.(蜜)蜂 beg v. 乞求,乞讨;请求,恳求 bet v. 赌,打赌n. 打赌,赌注 bid v. 祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n. 出价,投标 big a. 大的,巨大的;重大的,重要的 bin n.箱柜 bit n. 一点,一片,一些 bow v./n. 鞠躬,点头n. 弓(形);蝴蝶结 * box n. 箱(子),盒(子);包厢v. 拳击,打耳光 boy n. 男孩;男服务员,男仆 bud n. 芽,花苞v. 发芽,含苞欲放 bug n. 臭虫;小毛病;窃听器v. 窃听 bus n. 公共汽车 but conj. 可是,但是,而;除……外prep. 除……外ad. 只,仅仅,不过 buy v.(购)买n. 购买,买卖 cab n.出租车,计程车


有五个四字词语的作文有题目 【篇一:五年级作文题目大全】 五年级作文题目大全 1. 我我家15 每个人都有一个家,而且每个人都会很爱他自己的家,因此,我也 不例外。 家,能给人一种温暖的感觉,能让人充满自信,从失败中振作起来。然而家在任何一个地方都是人们最重要的支柱。 我爱我家有许多的原因,最主要的原因在于我的父母和家庭的环境。“日久生情”这句话说得一点都没错,无论是人还是一样死物,只要 你面对的时间一长,就会产生深厚的感情。不知不觉地,我在我家 已经生活了十三年了,那里有我最敬爱的父母,最熟悉的环境,还 储存了我多年的故事。 在家中,父母亲犹如我的好朋友,每天都说说笑笑地过日子,哪怕 是在回家的路上多么的不高兴,只要一踏进家门,我的心就像被松 绑一样的轻松、自如。 在我成长的环境中,有令我快乐的一面,也有令我悲伤的一面。在 整间屋子里,我最喜爱的就是我的房间,房间里有一张书桌、一张 大床、一个书柜,一张梳妆台和一台电脑……我每天在书桌上写作业,在大床上睡觉,有时候累了,就坐在电脑前轻松轻松,让工作 多时的大脑松懈下来,有空的时候就翻翻书柜的书。房间里的每一 物都是陪伴着我的喜、怒、哀、乐。另一个我熟悉的地方就是我家 的小花园。花园里有翠绿的小草,争芬斗艳的鲜花。我还时常在花 园里玩耍。我爱我家,爱家里的每一个成员,更爱我家的每一个故事。 2.我爱我家16 每个人都有一个家,而且每个人都会很爱他自己的家,因此,我也 不例外。 家,能给人一种温暖的感觉,能让人充满自信,从失败中振作起来。然而家在任何一个地方都是人们最重要的支柱。 我爱我家有许多的原因,最主要的原因在于我的父母和家庭的环境。“日久生情”这句话说得一点都没错,无论是人还是一样死物,只要 你面对的时间一长,就会产生深厚的感情。不知不觉地,我在我家


八年级下册短文填空专练 一 John was a poor boy .He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革)1 for others in the street. John was also a 2 boy. One day, a rich man 3 Miser appeared in front of John. He watched his own dirty shoes for a 4 and then looked at John. John knew this kind of people well. They loved money but hated to spend it. John said,“ Let me clean your shoes,sir. Only two pence(便士),sir.” Mr .Miser shook his head and walked 5 . John thought for a second and then called out, “I'd like to clean it for nothing. " This time Mr. Miser agreed. And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool( 凳子), John said he wouldn't clean it for him unless he was 6 two pence for his work. Mr. Miser was very 7 .He refused to pay anything and went away. But to his 8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier. Mr. Miser looked around. People in the street were 9 at him. Finally, the rich man10 and gave John two pence. In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.


初中英语短文填空20篇解读 1、第一遍通读全文,对文章有一个整体认识,了解故事的时间、地点、人物等之间的关系,为下一步填空打下坚实的基础,切忌看一空填一空。 2、第二遍逐句阅读并填空,根据句子的语法以及上下文的整体逻辑关系用恰当的词填入空白,特别是有时根据意思可能有多种用法时,应填入恰当的单词并符合英美人的习惯表达,不要受汉语的影响。例如:“我看一看你的信”,关于“看”的就有六个,这就需要进行筛选,只能用read ,不能用watch, see, look, have a look at, look at 等。 3、第三遍复查答案。将填空的短文再完整地阅读一次,以检查全文是否通顺,所填答案是否最为合理 (一)难度:★★★☆☆ Have you ever tried shopping online? What about talking with strangers through the Internet? Of (1________, yes、(2________ the development of society, the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life; more and more people, especially teenagers show great (3________ in the Internet、If we teenagers are crazy about (4________ games or chatting online, it will definitely have (5________ influence on our study and health、 Things is


am 是 an 一个 as像…一样,随着 at 在 ax 斧头 by 通过,乘坐do 做 go 去 he 他 hi 嗨 if 如果 in 在...里 is 是 it 它 me我 my 我的 no 不 of 关于,属于on 在....之上,关于 or 或者 so 因此,所以to 到,向 up 向上 us 我们 we 我们 TV 电视 ox 阉割的公牛ha 哈 ho 引起人注意er 急诊室 ma 妈,同 mom,mother uh 嗯啊 um 嗯 act v. 行动,做事;表演 add v.(to)加,增加 age n. 年龄;时 期 ago ad. 以 前,……前 aid v. 援助,救 护;助手 aim v.(at)目的 在于 air n. 空气,大 气,天空 all a. 所有的, 全部的 and conj. 和,与, 而且 ant n. 蚂蚁 any a. [否定、 疑问 apt a. 恰当的, 适宜的 arm n.(手)臂,臂 状物 art n. 艺术,美 术;技术 ash n. 灰(烬) ask v.(询)问;请 求,要求 awe n.敬畏 vt. 敬畏 bad a. 坏的,恶 的,错的 bag n. 袋,包 ban v. 取缔,查 禁 bar n. 条,杆,棒, 棍, bat n. 球拍,球 棒,短棒 bay n. 海湾,(港) 湾 bed n. 床(位); 苗床, bee n.(蜜)蜂 beg v. 乞求,乞 讨; bet v. 赌,打赌 bid v. 祝愿;命 令, big a. 大的,巨 大的 bin n.箱柜 bit n. 一点,一 片,一些 bow v./n. 鞠躬, 点头 box n. 箱(子), 盒(子) boy n. 男孩;男 服务员 bud n. 芽,花苞 bug n. 臭虫;小 毛病 bus n. 公共汽车 but conj. 可是, 但是, buy v.(购)买 cab n.出租车 can aux. v. 能, 会;可以 cap n. 便帽,军 帽 car n. 车(辆), 汽车; cat n. 猫 cop n.警官,巡 警 cow n. 母牛,奶 牛 cry v. 哭(泣), 流泪;叫 cue n. 提示;暗 示 cup n. 杯子;奖 杯, cut n./v. 切,割, 剪,砍 dam n. 水坝,水 闸 day n. 白昼,白 天;(一)天 die v. 死亡 eye n. 眼睛,眼 光, ebb n./vi.退潮, 衰落 dog n. 狗 egg n. 蛋,卵 dry a. 干的,干 旱的; end n. 端,梢;末 端,结束 dip v./n. 浸,蘸 dim a. 暗淡的, 模糊的 dew n. 露水 dye n. 染料 v. 染色 era n. 时代,年 代,阶段 eat v. 吃,喝 (汤) due a.(to)应支 付的 ego n.自我,利 已主 dig v. 挖,掘 dot n. 点,圆点 v. ear n. 耳朵;听 力;穗 eve n.(节日等的) 前夜 fan n. 扇子;(影) 迷 far a./ad. 远的 (地) fat n. 肥肉 a. 肥胖的 fax n./v. 传真 (机、件) fee n. 费(学费 等); few a. 很少,几 乎没有 fit v. 使适合, 使配合, fix v. 使固定, 安装 flu n. 流行性感 冒 fly v. 飞,飞行; 飞逝; fog n. 雾 for prep. 往,向; 对于 fox n. 狐狸 fry v. 油煎,油 炸 fun n. 玩笑,娱 乐; fur n. 毛,毛皮 gap n. 间隙,缺 口 gas n. 气体,煤 气;汽油 gay a. 快乐的, 愉快的 get v. 获得,得 到;使 god n. 神;[G-]上帝 gum n. 树胶;口 香糖 gun n. 枪,炮


1、描写自然景色的: 山清水秀风景秀丽万物争春青山绿水春意盎然春暖花开绿草茸茸湖光山影香飘蝶舞 郁郁葱葱水平如镜万紫千红芳草如茵婀娜多姿银装素裹绿树成荫风景如画五彩缤纷 桃红柳绿春色满园五光十色桃李芬芳碧波荡漾千姿百态百花齐放含苞待放五颜六色 繁花似锦色彩斑斓绚丽多姿鸟语花香翠色欲流诗情画意 2、描写天象气象的: 晴空万里一轮圆月倾盆大雨红日高照明月当空暴风骤雨阳光明媚碧空如洗和风细雨万里长空月光皎洁电闪雷鸣霞光万道满天繁星乌云密布红霞满天繁星灿烂秋雨绵绵晚霞残照月光如水雪花纷飞万里无云白云缭绕北风呼呼阳光充足秋高气爽寒风凛冽骄阳似火一弯新月千里冰封旭日东升满天星斗万里雪飘风和日丽繁星点点寒风呼啸 3、描写欢乐场面的: 人潮如海彩旗招展轰轰烈烈人群济济鞭炮齐鸣热闹非凡人颜欢笑歌声四起灯火辉煌人山人海心花怒放红灯高挂人声鼎沸此起彼伏轻歌曼舞人欢马叫鲜花似海锣鼓喧天掌声雷动万象更新光彩夺目欢声笑语载歌载舞五彩缤纷喜气洋洋响彻云霄欢腾跳跃引吭高歌欢聚一堂五光十色欢天喜地翩翩起舞春色满园 4、描写劳动热情的: 斗志昂扬汗流浃背日夜奋战争先恐后大汗淋漓巧夺天工摩拳擦掌披星戴月千军万马你追我赶急起直追人声鼎沸力争上游龙争虎斗热气腾腾各显神通高歌猛进浩浩荡荡埋头苦干突飞猛进热火朝天马不停蹄快马加鞭此起彼伏一马当先大刀阔斧移山造海大显身手气吞山河万马奔腾 5、描写愉快心情的: 笑容满面喜上眉梢神采飞扬喜笑颜开喜出望外放声歌唱眉开眼笑欣喜若狂兴高采烈笑容可掬欢欣鼓舞容光焕发满脸笑容神采奕奕谈笑风生笑逐颜开满面春风眉飞色舞人颜欢笑红光满面和颜悦色捧腹大笑心花怒放喜气洋洋纵情欢笑欢呼跳跃心旷神怡 6、描写人物外貌的: 英俊潇洒红光满面睡眼蒙眬身材魁梧满脸笑容泪眼通红个子高高皮肤黝黑双眉紧锁身材矮小黑里透红眼睛深陷肩膀宽宽面容慈祥炯炯有神眉清目秀皱纹舒展浓眉大眼樱桃小口无精打采身体瘦弱白嫩肌肤面容憔悴愣头愣脑神采奕奕满脸放光须发苍苍亭亭玉立鹤发童颜面如土色 7、描写工作学习态度的: 全心全意专心致志废寝忘食一心一意全神贯注如饥似渴专心专意夜以继日勤勤恳恳聚精会神再接再厉仔细琢磨孜孜不倦始终如一深思熟虑始终不渝精益求精有始有终持之以恒不遗余力水滴石穿坚韧不拔兢兢业业精雕细刻勤勤恳恳愚公移山埋头苦干一丝不苟不甘示弱日夜奋战 8、写眼睛“看”的动作的词 看瞧望见观盯瞪瞄顾瞥看见观看察看细看观察探望仰望眺望张望观望斜视凝视巡视怒视窥视俯视鸟瞰瞻仰打量测览 9、表示“想”的心理活动的词: 想念沉思心想考虑怀念寻思幻想思索惦念心思联想惦记思念冥思妄想回想 10、写“手”的动作的词: 拉拿抱扶推摸打擦揍拧捧端捉扒抓捶抬拎扔捡丢掂挑举按捏拍画写掏抢弹


三字母单词 2009年11月01日星期日 12:59 ace [eis] n.(纸牌或骰子)幺点, 王牌飞行员(击落敌机五架以上者)adj.一流的abbr.[军] Allied Command Europe, 欧洲盟军司令部 act [Akt] n.幕, 法案, 法令, 动作, 举动, 节目, (戏剧的)幕vi.行动, 产生...的效果, 担当, 表演, 假装, 表现, 见效vt.扮演, 装作 add [Ad] vt.增加, 添加, 计算...总和, 补充说, 又说vi.加, 加起来, 增添, 做加法 ado [E5du:] n.纷扰, 忙乱abbr.[军] Advanced Development Objective, 高级发展目标 aft [B:ft] adv.在船尾 age [eidV] n.年龄, 成年, 使用年限, 同时期的人, 时代v.变老, 上年纪, 成熟 ago [E5^Eu] adv.以前的, 以往的 ah [B:] int.啊, 哈abbr.[军] Attack Helicopter, 攻击直升机 aha [E5hB:] int.啊哈 aid [eid] n.帮助, 援助, 帮助者, 有帮助的事物vt.资助, 援助, 帮助 ail [eil] vt.折磨, 使疼痛, 使烦恼 aim [eim] n.目标, 目的, 瞄准v.对...瞄准, 打算 air [ZE] n.空气, 样子, 天空, 空中, 曲调vt.晾干, 使通风, 宣扬, 夸耀, 显示 ale [eil] n.淡色啤酒(较一般啤酒含更多的酒精) all [C:l] adj.全部的, 所有的, 整个的adv.完全, 更加, 越发pron.全部 alp [Alp] n.高山 and [ End, nd] [连接并列的名词、代词或数词]同, 和, 与, 如: Father and I went to Xinhua bookstore yesterday. 父亲和我昨天到新华书店去过。 ant [Ant] n.蚂蚁 any [5eni] adj.任何的, 任何一种, 所有的pron.无论那一个, 任何 ape [eip] n.猿 apt [Apt] adj.易于...的, 有...倾向的, 灵敏的, 灵巧的, 适当的, 切题的, 敏捷, 倾向是 are [B:, E] prep.是, 在, 公亩 ark [B:k] n.方舟, 约柜, 箱子 arm [B:m] n.臂, 臂状物, 衣袖, 海湾, 武器vt.供给, 提供, 武装, 装备vi.武装起来 art [B:t] n.艺术, 艺术品, 技术, 巧妙, 美术 as [As] adv.同样地, 被看作, 象prep.当做conj.与...一样, 当...之时, 象, 因为[域] American Samoa, 东萨摩亚abbr.[军] Air to Surface, 空对地 ash [AF] n.灰, 灰烬, [植]岑树 ask [B:sk] vi.询问, 问, 要求vt.问, 要求, 需要, 邀请 asp [Asp] n.<古>[植]白杨, [动](非洲,阿拉伯和欧洲的)角蝰(一种毒蛇) ass [As] n.驴, 笨人, 臀部 at [At, Et] prep.在, 于, 向, 对准, 在...方面[域] Austria , 奥地利 awe [C:] n.敬畏vt.敬畏


o汉字笔画顺序表 o汉字笔画书写的运笔规律千万要牢记 ①横竖撇的起笔较重,点捺的起笔较轻;②转折处要略顿笔,稍重、稍慢; ③提和钩,开始要略顿笔、稍重,然后逐渐转为轻快,收笔出尖; ④所有笔画都是一笔写成,不能重描 握笔姿势

词语 带有动物的成语: 鱼目混珠叶公好龙画龙点睛狐假虎威守株待兔亡羊补牢杯弓蛇影牛头马面 狼心狗肺狼狈为奸鸡犬不宁狗急跳墙鹤立鸡群狡兔三窟鼠目寸光牛毛细雨 老马识途马到成功指鹿为马对牛弹琴羊落虎口车水马龙兔死狐悲鸡毛蒜皮 呆若木鸡杀鸡取卵人模狗样龙马精神一箭双雕胆小如鼠打草惊蛇顺手牵羊 虎背熊腰杀鸡儆猴莺歌燕舞鸦雀无声鱼龙混杂龙争虎斗初生牛犊望子成龙爱屋及乌蛛丝马迹投鼠忌器马不停蹄一马当先九牛二虎之力 象声词: 喵喵咩咩汪汪叽叽喳喳唧唧呼呼叮叮当当呱呱轰隆隆哗啦啦叮铃铃噼啪啪呼哧呼哧咕嘟咕嘟叽咕叽咕乒乒乓乓叮叮咚咚滴滴答答喀嚓扑哧哗啦咕噜 表示看: 看瞧盯望瞪瞄瞥观眺睹 注视凝视仰视鸟瞰俯视俯瞰扫视环视斜视探视仰望遥望眺望瞭望观赏浏览瞻仰观察细看探望张望观望巡视怒视窥视打量 描写春天: 春光明媚鸟语花香花木灿烂桃红柳绿百花争艳万紫千红冰雪融化 春暖花开阳春三月万物复苏春风轻拂春风送暖春光无限欣欣向荣 绿草如茵春华秋实春回大地春色满园鸟语花香莺歌燕舞 百花齐放含苞待放百花盛开万木争春万象更新风和日丽和风细雨 描写夏天: 夏日炎炎酷暑难熬暑气逼人骄阳似火烈日当空大汗淋漓 挥汗如雨乌云翻滚热不可耐烈日中天汗流浃背汗如雨下 满头大汗电闪雷鸣绿树成荫狂风暴雨滂沱大雨倾盆大雨 描写秋天: 秋风习习秋高气爽菊黄蟹肥瓜果遍地稻浪翻滚枫叶似火 五谷丰登万花凋谢天高云淡落叶沙沙中秋月圆平分秋色 秋风送爽果实累累秋雨绵绵瓜果飘香秋风萧萧天高云淡 描写冬天: 滴水成冰冰天雪地大雪纷飞寒风凛冽北风呼呼白雪凯凯 天寒地冻雪花飞舞寒冬腊月千里冰封白雪茫茫寒气袭人 漫天飞雪风雪交加北风呼啸粉妆玉砌银装素裹 描写早晨:雄鸡报晓红日东升朝霞辉映金光万道 描写中午:中午时分烈日当空艳阳高照当午日明 描写日暮:暮色苍茫夕阳西下天色模糊晚风习习华灯初上 描写夜晚:月明星稀灯火通明漫漫长夜万家灯火夜幕降临


1、短文填空(共10小题没,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读短文并用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。必要时,可加助动词或情态动词等,把答案写短文后61----70小题的空白处。 If you travel around China you 61 (notice) a very popular activity everywhere you 62 (go)——basketball. This much-loved sport 63 (enjoy) by many, for fun and exercise. It 64 (believe) that on December 21st,1891,the first basketball game in history was played .Then in 1936 in Berlin ,it became an Olympic event .A team from China 65 (take) part ,and although they 66 (win) they 67 (use) the experience to help develop the game at home .Since then the popularity of basketball 68 (rise) worldwide ,and the number of foreign players in America’s NBA69 (increase) .Basketball has become a more popular sport for people to watch ,and many young people dream of 70 (become) famous basketball player. 61________ 62_______ 63_______ 64__________65_________ 66________ 67_________ 68________ 69________ 70________ 答案:61.will notice 62. go 63.is enjoyed 64.is believed . 65.took 66.didn’t win https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9f13309376.html,ed 68.has risen 69.has increased 70.becoming 61、will notice 【解析】 62、go 【解析】 63、is enjoyed 【解析】:考查被动语态:主语篮球运动是“喜欢、享受”的承受着,应该用被动,或直接把by many作为信号词即:by sb. 是被动语态的标志。 64、is believed . 【解析】:考查固定句型:“ It’s believed that…”是“据说”“被认为”的意思,属于固定结构。 65、took【解析】:考查动词的过去式in 1936即:in 加年代是一般过去式的标志。 66、didn’t win【解析】:考查连and 的运用:and连接前后两动词的时态,词形和词性应该是相同的。 67、used【解析】:考查动词的时态:表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在或即将持续下去的动作或状态,应用现在完成时。 68、has risen 【解析】:Since then 即:Since 加成分是现在完成时的标志。 69、has increased 【解析】考查the number of 的运用,the number of 短语做主语谓语动词用三单;此处and连接前后句子的时态,应该是相同的。 70、becoming 【解析】:考查介词后的动词:of 是信号词,即:介词后的动词要用动名词。 2、阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。 Tom worked in the office of Mr Bates. One day, when Tom got to the office, a letter (56)__________(wait) for him. He opened it.. “Dear Tom,” the letter said, “I (57)________(write) to thank you for your help. You(58)_________(help) me so much when I came to your office. Here’s a ticket for the big football match.”


3个字母的英文单词都有哪些 来看看,有哪些只有3个英文字母的单词吧。下面是给大家整理的3个字母的英文单词,供大家参阅! 3个字母的英文单词1. ice 2. and 3. bee 4. sad 5. zoo 6. bad 7. mad 8. are 9. ear 10. wow 11. tip 12. sex 13. god 14. hit 15. dad 16. mum 17. cat

18. dog 19. air 20. all 3个字母的英文单词ice的英语例句1. His mother's voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly. 母亲的声音是他很熟悉的:冰冷、无情。 2. The deal was put on ice for three months. 该交易被搁置了3个月。 3. The only sound was the crackle of breaking ice. 唯一的声响是冰层噼噼啪啪碎裂的声音。 4. The $40 million-a-month aid payments will remain on ice. 每月4,000万美元的援助款项将继续搁置下去。 5. The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord. 这次出行是为了能驶入冰雪覆盖的峡湾。 6. A moment or two later champagne in an ice-bucket materialized beside them. 片刻之后,他们身边出现了一只装着香槟的冰桶。 7. He smiles and swirls the ice ruminatively around his almost empty glass. 他微笑着,一边沉思,一边搅动着几乎空了的杯子里的冰块。

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