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(1.甘肃省科学院生物研究所,兰州 730000;2.甘肃省科学院,兰州 730000;

3.甘肃农业大学研究测试中心,兰州 730000)



中图分类号:TS264.22文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9973.2018.01.037文章编号:1000-9973(2018)01-0160-04

Anal y sis of Aroma Com p onents in Pite g uo Vine g ar

LIU Cai-y un1,ZHAO Jun-xia2?,WEI Jin-mei3

(1.Institute of Biolo gy,Gansu Academ y of Sciences,Lanzhou730000,China;2.Gansu

Academ y of Sciences,Lanzhou730000,China;3.Research and Anal y sis Center,

Gansu A g ricultural Universit y,Lanzhou730000,China) Abstract:In order to establish a method for determinin g the aroma com p onents of p ite g uo vine g ar,the effects of SPME fiber t yp es,extraction time and extraction tem p erature on the kinds and amount of aroma com p ounds of p ite g uo vine g ar are evaluated.The o p timum adsor p tion effect is achieved usin g CAR/PDMS fiber for extraction at40?for40min.A total of30aroma com p onents are found in p ite g uo vine g ar,includin g15esters,8alcohols,2acids,2aldeh y des,1ketone,1p henol and1other com p onent.The main aroma con p onents of p ite g uo vine g ar are acetic acid,eth y l acetate,ethanol,but y l acetate,eth y l ca p roate,eth y l but y rate,isoam y l acetate,isoam y l alcohol,which are j ointl y res p onsible for the uni q ue aroma characteristics of p ite g uo vine g ar.

Ke y words:g as chromato g ra p h y-mass s p ectrometr y;heads p ace solid-p hase microextraction;p ite g uo vine g ar;aroma com p onents



收稿日期:2017-07-25 ?通讯作者


061 分析检测

第43卷第1期2018年1月中国调味品China Condiment

